Search results for ""author sk"
Simon & Schuster The Gateway
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Lessons in Imperial Rule: Instructions for British Infantrymen on the Indian Frontier
During the first half of the twentieth century, the mountainous North West Frontier represented one of the British Empire's most strategically important borders. For thousands of inexperienced British and Indian troops facing a local resistance the methods and lessons of their predecessors were vital for their survival. General Sir Andrew Skeen's unofficial but authoritative textbook was written with these junior officers in mind. His work provided them with pragmatic and practical information on hill warfare in an accessible fashion. Skeen's understanding of frontier fighting remains as valuable to modern troops fighting local insurgents today as it was to successive generations of Imperial soldiers who faced tribal uprisings. His work became an unofficial textbook and was widely read in Britain and India. Despite the later introduction of armoured cars, light tanks and aircraft, it retains much of its value and it was recently reissued to the Pakistan army. Britains return to Afghanistan in 2001 alongside Coalition forces, and the Pakistan Army fighting in Waziristan, conjures inescapable parallels with earlier conflicts, and the Third Afghan war in particular. Remarkably many of the ideas and principles Skeen identified still hold true. Now as then, the arena of fighting was tough and unforgiving. The Afghans and Pashtuns have proved themselves incredibly resourceful, skilled and resolute, demanding the very best expertise, tactics and dedication from the Coalition troops. This book offers an evocative insight into the period and serves as a timely reminder of Britains historic association with the North West Frontier and Afghanistan.
Cengage Learning, Inc Principles of Web Design: The Web Warrior Series
PRINCIPLES OF WEB DESIGN, Sixth Edition, guides readers through the entire web site design process, while developing and enhancing HTML, CSS, and visual design skills along the way. Now updated to include designing web content for smartphones and tablets, this Sixth Edition features all-new sections on HTML5, CSS3, and responsive design as well as technical updates and new screen shots throughout. Beginning with the web design environment and the principles of sound web design, students will continue to planning site layout and navigation, and progress to web typography, colors and images, and more. With thought-provoking hands-on activities and projects, students will gain a solid foundation of designing successful, standards-based, responsive web sites that are portable across different operating systems, browsers, smartphones and tablets.
St Martin's Press The Midnight Assassin: Panic, Scandal, and the Hunt for America's First Serial Killer
In the late 1800s, the city of Austin, Texas, was on the cusp of emerging from an isolated western outpost into a truly cosmopolitan metropolis. But beginning in December 1884, Austin was terrorised by someone equally as vicious and, in some ways, far more diabolical than London's infamous Jack the Ripper. For almost one year, the Midnight Assassin crisscrossed the entire city, striking on moonlit nights, using axes, knives, and long steel rods to rip apart women from every race and class. At the time the concept of a serial killer was unthinkable, but the murders continued, the killer became more brazen, and the citizens' panic reached a fever pitch. Before it was all over, at least a dozen men would be arrested in connection with the murders, and the crimes would expose what a newspaper described as "the most extensive and profound scandal ever known in Austin." And yes, when Jack the Ripper began his attacks in 1888, London police investigators did wonder if the killer from Austin had crossed the ocean to terrorize their own city. With vivid historical detail and novelistic flair, Texas Monthly journalist Skip Hollandsworth brings this terrifying saga to life.
Scarecrow Press Five Directors: The Golden Years of Radio
Five Directors collects the fascinating memories of some of radio's most vivid personalities: Himan Brown, Axel Gruenberg, Fletcher Markle, Arch Oboloer, and Robert Lewis Shayon. They explain in their own words their journey through radio broadcasting, how it affected their lives, and how they saw it affecting the consciousness of a country. Their histories are not just stories of success in early twentieth century America, but individual portraits of the roller coaster changes in lifestyle that swept the United States. Radio delivered not only entertainment, but up-to-date news, from Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic triumph, to Roosevelt's comforting Fireside Chats during the depths of the Depression. Five Directors is witness to the triumphs of radio, and brings its enormous impact home with clear, personable narratives and prose. It includes a selected list of credits for each director and a handy index, making the book a breezy, useful tool for anyone fascinated by or nostalgic about America's first nationwide entertainment industry.
Scarecrow Press Five Directors: The Golden Years of Radio
Five Directors collects the fascinating memories of some of radio's most vivid personalities: Himan Brown, Axel Gruenberg, Fletcher Markle, Arch Oboloer, and Robert Lewis Shayon. They explain in their own words their journey through radio broadcasting, how it affected their lives, and how they saw it affecting the consciousness of a country. Their histories are not just stories of success in early twentieth century America, but individual portraits of the roller coaster changes in lifestyle that swept the United States. Radio delivered not only entertainment, but up-to-date news, from Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic triumph, to Roosevelt's comforting Fireside Chats during the depths of the Depression. Five Directors is witness to the triumphs of radio, and brings its enormous impact home with clear, personable narratives and prose. It includes a selected list of credits for each director and a handy index, making the book a breezy, useful tool for anyone fascinated by or nostalgic about America's first nationwide entertainment industry.
Moody Publishers What if Jesus Was Serious ... About Prayer?
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fine Kitchens & Cabinetry
Today's kitchen has become recognized as the most important room in the home, and the likely congregation spot for any gathering, from family to formal. In this beautiful survey book, kitchen designers from coast to coast show off what they have accomplished in custom cabinetry design. These images will delight and inspire you as you plan your new kitchen or the renovation of an older space. A wide variety of styles is explored, from sleek contemporary kitchens to richly ornate classical styles. Each is sure to impress and awe. Also, a section on other rooms in the home, including baths, media centers, and private dens, will inspire you to give other rooms in your home a second look.
Candlewick Press,U.S. To Stay Alive: Mary Ann Graves and the Tragic Journey of the Donner Party
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc 2000 Kisses: A Novel
Orbit The Queen of Izmoroz
Orbit Bane and Shadow
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Marriages and Families Intimacy Diversity and Strengths
Kontur Forlag Eat Your Art Out: Playful Breakfasts by Idafrosk
NOVA MD Immortal Kings
Kohl Verlag Passion Auferstehung Eine kreative Unterrichtseinheit basierend auf zwei aussagekrftigen Bildern
Merlins Bookshop Kein Werwolf für eine Nacht
Merlins Bookshop Ein Tiger mit Gefhl
Merlins Bookshop Ein Werwolf mit Herz
Merlins Bookshop Wild Thing Wolfsliebe
Vermes-Verlag Ges.mbH Oma Lotti und das verschwundene Kuchenrezept
Vermes-Verlag Ges.mbH Friedas Weihnachten
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH YogaMeditation Eine Einfhrung in vier Schritten
Junius Verlag GmbH Machiavelli zur Einfhrung
Arun Verlag Im Land der Nrrin
EDEL Music & Entertainm. Brote einfach handgemacht Das NoKnead Bread ganz ohne kneten
Edition Temmen Denkmalpflege in Bremen
Baumhaus Verlag GmbH Die geheime Drachenschule Der Kampf um Sieben Feuer
Baumhaus Verlag GmbH Die geheime Drachenschule 2 Der Drache mit den silbernen Hörnern
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Kochen mit 5 Zutaten
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Das Unrecht von Inverness
Dorling Kindersley Verlag LEGO Ideen Super Natur
Schuenemann C.E. Mord im Schnoor
rotfuchs Being Young
Edition Michael Fischer Mein JGA JunggesellinnenabschiedsAlbum
Panini Verlags GmbH Strange Academy
Panini Verlags GmbH Strange Academy Bd 1 Schule der Magie
Isensee Florian GmbH Der Kassenkampf
Bremen University Press Knud Tandberg
Suedwest Verlag Zu Tisch in Venedig
Brill U Schoningh Honigsusse Briefe Und Lastende Worte: Studien Zur Ausserung Von Emotionen Durch Metaphorischen Sprachgebrauch Im Altgriechischen
Duncker & Humblot Die Befugnis Der Polizei Zum Schutz Privater Rechte: Eine Analyse Der Sog. Privatrechtsklauseln in Den Polizeigesetzen Des Bundes Und Der Lander
Duncker & Humblot Der Beschluss ALS Rechtsgeschaft
Bod Third Party Titles Die Olympischen Spiele 1936 in Deutschland
Bierke Publishing On Africa