Search results for ""Nova Science Publishers Inc""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Key Congressional Reports for June 2019: Part II
Nova Science Publishers Inc Key Congressional Reports for June 2019 -- International Relations
This book is a comprehensive compilation of all reports, testimony, correspondence and other publications issued by the Congressional Research Service on International Relations during the month of June.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Brain Mitochondria: Distribution and Function
"Brain mitochondria: Distribution and Function" offers an overview of significant findings regarding physiological, toxicological and pathological aspects of brain mitochondria properties and their relevant role in cellular bioenergetics. Essential physiological processes such as cell respiration and ATP synthesis, the maintenance of calcium homeostasis, reactive oxygen species generation and apoptotic cell signaling performed by mitochondria are described in the different chapters of this volume. In particular, the importance of specific calcium signaling at synaptic level and its relationship with mitochondrial bioenergetics are extensively described. Being that high energy demands are required at synaptic level for neurotransmission, mitochondrial distribution becomes relevant for essential neuronal processes. Differential bioenergetic characteristics of neuronal, astrocytic and glial mitochondria are discussed. Interestingly, new insights on the interaction between neurotensinergic and nitrergic systems are detailed, based on experimental evidences of the effect of neurotensin receptors blockade on nitric oxide production and mitochondrial function. The chapters describing metal neurotoxicity provide a comprehensive view of the effects of different metals on brain mitochondrial function and their consequences for human health. The impact of iron and copper overload on brain oxidative redox balance and mitochondrial function is fully detailed, focusing on the role of metal-induced neuronal damage on the incidence and progression of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, a complete revision of the mechanisms underlying heavy metal-mediated damage to brain mitochondria is presented. Neurotoxic effects of arsenic, thallium, lead, cadmium and mercury have been associated with cell bioenergetics impairment, exacerbated production of oxygen free radicals, and induction of intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Mitochondrial function can also be impaired by treatment with different drugs acting at CNS level. The understanding of the effects of pharmacological agents, abuse drugs, herbicides and insecticides at mitochondrial level can contribute to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in neurodegeneration. In this context, the neuroprotective effect of different compounds targeting mitochondrial integrity and function is discussed. Furthermore, mitochondrial alterations, oxygen radicals generation and nitric oxide production are characterized in relation to CNS pathology and hypoxia conditions. Mitochondrial complex I inactivation, oxidative stress and impairment of mitochondrial nitric oxide synthesis are characteristic features of the mitochondrial dysfunction observed in Parkinson's disease and other CNS pathologies. In addition, exposure to hypoxic conditions can affect nitric oxide generation and mitochondrial physiology, with different responses depending on the brain area. As a whole, the understanding of the alterations in mitochondrial distribution and function in the brain associated with neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration may contribute to the knowledge of the role of mitochondria in maintaining the balance between health and disease.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Relativizing Newton
This is a first step towards a simple and beautiful theory of everything. The theory, termed "Information Relativity" (IR) takes a novel approach to physics that overlooks all post-Newtonian physics. It stands on the shoulders of Newtonian dynamics, but modifies it by accounting for the time-travel of information from one reference-frame to another, a fact which somehow was ignored by Galileo Galilee and Isaac Newton, and which remained ill-treated by all post-Newtonian theories, including Einstein's relativity and quantum theories. Except for the aforementioned correction of classical physics, IR has no axiomatic presumptions, nor arbitrary free parameters. Astonishingly, accounting for the aforementioned delays in information results in a set of simple and beautiful transformations, which explain and predict a great deal of physical phenomena. Most importantly, IR's transformations reveal the mysteries of dark matter, dark energy, and gravity. They also provide a unifying platform for the physics of the too-big (astrophysics and cosmology), and the too-small (small particles dynamics and quantum mechanics). The phenomena explained and predicted successfully by IR include the "time-dilation" of decaying muons, the neutrino velocities measured by OPERA and other collaborations, particle diffraction in the double-slit experiment, Sagnac Effects, the quantization of orbits in Bohr's hydrogen atom, entanglement, quantum criticality, confinement, asymptotic freedom, solar light bending, gravitational redshift, the Pioneer anomaly, dark matter in galaxies, and the Schwarzschild's black hole.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Colitis: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
Nova Science Publishers Inc North Korea and South Korea
Hopes for denuclearization in North Korea were raised with the holding of three inter-Korean summits and the first ever North Korea-United States summit in 2018, and many discussions have taken place on building a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. However, no practical progress on denuclearization has been made so far. Denuclearization, the signing of a peace agreement and the establishment of a peace regime all depend on progress in North Korea-US relations. Accordingly, in a situation where the respective stances of North Korea and the United States regarding denuclearization remain unchanged, the South Korean Moon Jae-in administration can only play a limited role as a mediator. As such, this collection first focuses on the essence of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula as an issue between the US and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea since the Trump administration assumed office. It makes the case for rethinking the negotiations and the historical background of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The authors also provide background information on how ethnic minorities have been formed in the process of social development in Korea. In particular, the main social issues and affairs that have influenced the development of ethnic minority groups such as the government policy, economic development, labour shortage in dangerous industries, a serious shortage of marriageable partners for men in Korean rural areas and globalization since the establishment of Korea are considered. The main goal of the concluding study is to determine how Spain is perceived by South Koreans and their travel motivations, and whether Spain may be a suitable destination for Korean tourists. The information was gathered by means of a questionnaire administered to university students residing in South Korea.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Key Government Reports. Volume 27: Homeland Security - June 2019
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Advances in Ecological Restoration
In Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, there are hundreds of Eucalyptus forest farms for pulp production distributed in several municipalities. In these pulpwood production farms, a major forestry restoration project is underway for Permanent Preservation Areas, which have peculiarities that may favor or hinder restoration. In this compilation, in order to search for alternatives for the restoration of these Permanent Preservation Areas, the planting of seedlings of native species in nuclei is implemented and evaluated as an alternative technique to traditional reforestation with total area plantation. Suitable techniques for forest restoration in mined areas are also explored, with the goal of attaining environmental sustainability for the bauxite mining in the region. Thus, by monitoring of mined and restored areas, 146 native species of the Atlantic Forest were found, 61 in the planting of seedlings, 97 in the inventories for evaluation of these plantings and 92 in natural regeneration. The authors set out to elucidate the underlying processes modeled by diversity and community composition with respect to aboveground biomass during succession in an Amazon forest in order to devise better passive restoration plans. 45 20m x 50m (1000 m2) plots were sampled across three sites in secondary forests, having different stand ages after shifting cultivation, and an old-growth forest located in the Northern Amazon forest, Venezuela. One study discusses how, due to the environmental heterogeneity conditions, active restoration measures are fundamental in degraded areas where natural regeneration is limited, mainly due to the absence of fragments in the landscape. Finally, it is emphasized that passive restoration is playing an important role in the ecosystem services recovery at local-scale. In the penultimate study, the authors compare the floristic composition and structure of the natural regeneration stratum of a 23-year-old restored forest with an adjacent dense ombrophilous forest. For this purpose, 60 plots with dimensions of 3x3 m (9m²) were equally and systematically distributed in these two areas. All shrub-tree individuals with height <30 cm and circumference at breast height <15 cm in these plots were included and their heights and diameter at ground level were measured. Lastly, the dynamics of soil use and coverage in a region under the influence of mining activities are explored. This region is located in Minas Gerais state, more specifically in the municipalities of São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre e Miraí -- both located in Zona da Mata Mineira.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Advancement in Electronic Devices, Circuit and Materials
This book deals with some emerging semiconductor devices and their applications in terms of electronic circuits. The basic concept plays a key role in development of any new electronic devices and circuits. The implementation of complex integrated circuits becomes easier with understanding of basic concepts of solid state devices and its circuit behavior. The book covers the latest trends in development of advanced electronic devices and applications for undergraduate, graduate and post graduate level courses. It combines the right blend of theory and practice to present a simplified and methodical way to develop researchers' understanding of the clarity between theoretical, practical and simulated results in the analysis of solid state devices, circuit characteristics and other important issues based on their applications. The book also covers the broad applications of electronic devices in biomedical and low power portable smart IOT systems. This book is well organized into 13 chapters. Chapters 1 to 4 cover design of low power FET devices compatible to technology scaling trends meeting required performance enhancement in terms of power, delay and speed. Chapter 5 and 6 are focused on analog application of CMOS technology. Chapter 7 describes power MOSFET design with advance materials for lowest possible on-resistance resulting into enhance performance. Chapter 8 deals with biomedical application of advance electronic devices introducing new materials and structure. Chapter 9 introduces a neuromorphic model and real-time simulation for the study of biological neuron model in the human body on circuit level. Chapter 10 and 11 presents the applications of sensors growing over a wide range of sensing targets along with advance sensing technology for human-computer interaction. Chapter 12 and 13 describe optoelectronic devices like photodetectors, optical sensors and solar cells etc.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sustainable City Logistics Planning: Methods and Applications -- Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hortense. Makers of History Series: Makers of History Series
The purpose of this book is to give, not only a portrait and a description of the birds, but a summing up of the beneficial and injurious habits of each, gained from the highest authorities obtainable. The book is intended for those who long to know birds intimately and intelligently, and wish to belong to the great army of bird-students who are "doing their bit" to preserve the bird-life of our country.
Nova Science Publishers Inc What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile
John Hanning Speke writes about the history of his first two explorations in Africa that led to the discovery of the source of the Nile. The manner in which he traced the Nile down from the Victoria N'yanza, which is the great source or reservoir of the Nile, to Egypt is explained in this book.
Nova Science Publishers Inc History of the Conquest of Mexico. Volume 3: Volume 3
William Hickling Prescott's History of the Conquest of Mexico presents the conquest of Mexico between 1519 and 1521 in four volumes. Although blind and having never traveled to the Americas, Prescott's account of the conquest of the Aztecs is as highly respected by historians today as it was in the 19th century.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Race and Ethnicity: International Perspectives, Challenges and Issues of the 21st Century
This book first builds off the existing multicultural attachment literature to explore the concept of contextual and developmental adaptations of attachment bonds as it intersects with therapists' expectations for immigrant families living in the United States. Next, the authors use pooled data from the 2004-2007 National Election Survey to assess how race, class, and ethclass perspectives account for middle-class Mexican Americans' support for a fundamental dimension of crime control ideology, namely, whether crime should be eradicated along a continuum from conservative-punitive to liberal-preventive measures. The association of in-school bullying with suicidal behavior in school-aged youth, with a specific interest in African American adolescents is examined, in addition to protective factors against suicidal behavior in adolescents. The cross-racial interaction of learners in a former "whites only" high school in South Africa is explored in an effort to understand their day-to-day life over a period of six months. Data were obtained from several sources including interviews with students, teachers, and administrators, focus group discussions, and observations.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ototoxicity: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
This compilation focuses on Ototoxicity, the adverse pharmacological reaction affecting the inner ear or auditory nerve, characterised by cochlear or vestibular dysfunction. Although ototoxic medications play an essential role in modern medicine, they can cause harm and lead to significant morbidity. The authors discuss aminoglycoside antibiotics, loop diuretics, platinum-based chemotherapeutic agents, macrolide antibiotics and antimalarial medications which are among the 600 frequently used ototoxic drugs. Next, an overview of cisplatin-associated ototoxicity, namely its clinical features, incidence rates, molecular and cellular mechanisms and risk factors is provided for health care practitioners managing patients with cancer. Ototoxicity and neurotoxicity are defined from the perspective of chemical agents, nicotine and cotinine, that individuals experience through cigarette smoking and environmental tobacco smoke exposure. Mechanisms for toxicity are described by review of animal and human studies revealing changes in peripheral and central auditory structures after exposure to nicotine. The mechanisms of ototoxicity induced by aminoglycoside are also discussed, as well as the usage of these drugs for treatment of several disorders such as Meniere disease, and possible protective agents. In closing, the authors highlight the serious issue of aminoglycoside mediated hearing loss in cystic fibrosis patients, and also discuss alternative approaches for avoiding aminoglycoside-induced cochleotoxicity.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Key Congressional Reports for May 2019. Part III: Part III
This book is a comprehensive compilation of all reports, testimony, correspondence and other publications issued by the Congressional Research Service during the month of May, grouped according to topics. This book is focused on the following topics: Health Social Policy
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 14: Volume 14
Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 14 opens with a chapter on Zika Virus, a ribonucleic acid virus of the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus, Spondweni group, Zika species, isolated for the first time in 1947 from a primate in the Zika Forest in Uganda, a natural reserve near Entebbe. Next, the authors discuss multiple myeloma, which is characterized by the expansion of monoclonal plasma cells in the bone marrow. In about 95% of cases, the aberrant plasma cells produce a monoclonal immunoglobulin called monoclonal component that can be considered a marker of the disease. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is explored in the context of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, where it has been used as a treatment since 1979. This exposes a patient to 100% oxygen at a pressure level higher than 1 atmosphere absolute in a specially designed sealed chamber. This facilitates a delivery of increased partial pressure of oxygen to the tissues. The authors discuss off-label uses of ruxolitinib, particularly in the treatment of myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera, as drugs can sometimes have uses beyond the official approved indication. Following this, summaries of the current scientific knowledge and understanding of the clinical findings and health consequences of benzene exposure among children are presented. Children at various developmental stages have unique physical risk factors when exposed to toxic chemicals such as benzene due to their levels of mobility, oxygen consumption, hormonal production, and overall growth. Lastly, a hybrid quantitative structure-activity relationship model was developed for the prediction of aqueous toxicity. The data concerning 92 substituted benzenes was separated into two disjoined subsets, respectively 74 elements for calculating and testing of the model, and 18 elements for its external validation.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Wastewater Treatment: Processes, Uses and Importance
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Zoological Guide to Crustacea
The Zoological Guide to Crustacea opens by providing an update on the cave crustacean decapods from Mexico, because in the last thirty years several species have been described. Mexico has diverse cave environments according to cave origin, such as: karstic caves, volcano caves with freshwater habitats and anchialine caves with marine and brackish habitats. The following study focuses on a total of 2,700 Artemia franciscana collected at the Al Wathba Reserve between December 2017 and May 2018, which were examined for the presence of larval helminths by direct microscopy of glycerin mounted specimens. Of these, 341 (= 12.6%) specimens contained different species of the Hymenopepididae and Progynotaeniidae families. The penultimate study investigates whether the non-marine ostracod Heterocypris incongruens can detect and react to chemical compounds derived from a predator and from injured conspecifics. The closing study demonstrates the diversity of larval phases and their importance to lobster populations and fisheries, and provides a summary of larval developmental patterns and behaviors and their potential impacts on larval dispersal and lobster demographic connectivity.
Nova Science Publishers Inc History of the Conquest of Mexico. Volume 1: Volume 1
William Hickling Prescott's History of the Conquest of Mexico presents the conquest of Mexico between 1519 and 1521 in four volumes. Although blind and having never traveled to the Americas, Prescott's account of the conquest of the Aztecs is as highly respected by historians today as it was in the 19th century.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicinal Chemistry Research
Advances in Medicinal Chemistry Research is a book addressed to undergraduate and postgraduate students, where recent advances in the discovery and development of effective agents against the most remarkable wide-reaching diseases are presented, divided into seven chapters. This first edition of Advances in Medicinal Chemistry Research offers insights into medicinal chemistry that arguably have the most significant impact on our lives than any other. It draws together research on therapeutic agents from natural, synthetic, and virtual screening sources as starting points for the design of drugs against obesity, multidrug-resistant bacteria, neglected tropical diseases, Alzheimer, and cancer. From the prediction of promising hits and identification of active compounds to the extraction of more complex molecules, this book explores a range of essential topics to support the development of novel, economical, and efficacious therapeutics for these diseases, which currently affect a billion people worldwide. Beginning with an overview of obesity, showing the current research landscape, the books shows the importance of natural and synthetic products as promising anti-obesity agents. Subsequently, the medicinal chemistry of modulation of bacterial resistance is presented, focusing on the MFS, RND, ABC, and MATE superfamilies. The book goes on to discuss such topics as antituberculosis, antileishmanial, and anti-hepatitis thiophene-containing compounds, under the medicinal chemistry point of view. Also, potent human glutaminyl cyclase inhibitors are deeply discussed and displayed as hopeful anti-Alzheimer's agents. The last three chapters are focused on the development of researches involving new anticancer agents, initializing with LBDD, SBDD, QSAR, and QM/MM methods applied to the identification of novel promising anticancer compounds. Moreover, IDO1 inhibitors are exhaustively explored and analyzed as a new promise for the immunotherapy of cancer. Finally, a great update on Eg5 kinesin inhibitors is provided, exploring different chemical classes of synthetic and natural compounds, including miscellanea as a new approach for Eg5 inhibition. Combining the expertise of researchers from around the world, this volume aims to support and encourage researches for the development of novel, safe, and active agents against lipase enzyme, bacteria, neglected tropical diseases, Alzheimer, and cancer. The clear narrative truly engages the reader, holding their attention right from the opening of a chapter, and maintaining interest and understanding as a chapter leads into more complex material. Advances in Medicinal Chemistry Research is a book that reviews ongoing developments and recent cutting-edge advances in medicinal chemistry of the most relevant diseases found nowadays, underlining how medicinal chemistry research continues to make significant contributions to the discovery and development of new therapeutic entities. Key Features Chapters written by active specialists and leading experts deeply engaged in the research field of most deadly and limiting diseases for drug discovery. Draws together cutting-edge research advances in medicinal chemistry focused at the obesity, multidrug-resistant microorganisms, Alzheimer, and cancer in a single volume. Highlights the future potential of researches for the medicinal chemistry of most impactful diseases today. Contents addressed to medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, biology, and pharmacy students, professors, and researchers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cacti: Ecology, Conservation, Uses and Significance
Nova Science Publishers Inc The System of Nature. Volume 1: Volume 1
The System of Nature is a 2 volume book on philosophy written by Paul-Henri Thiry in 1770 and published in French. Most importantly, the author denies the existence of God, arguing that belief in a higher being is the product of fear, lack of understanding, and anthropomorphism. It is the most comprehensive description of Atheism in the history of philosophy.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Key Government Reports. Volume 22: Volume 22 - May 2019
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus on Oil and Gas: Management, Production and Spills
Nova Science Publishers Inc Key Congressional Reports for May 2019 - Technology
This book is a comprehensive compilation of all reports, testimony, correspondence and other publications issued by the Congressional Research Service on International Relations during the month of May.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Issues in Disaster Recovery and Assistance
Nova Science Publishers Inc History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Education. Volume 61: Volume 61
The study presented in the opening chapter of Progress in Education. Volume 61 examines Common Core State Standards teacher preparation through professional development opportunities for elementary school teachers in rural areas of the South Eastern Region of the United States. The study posits the question, "Were teachers in the rural South properly and equitably prepared to teach both the English Language Arts and Math Common Core Standards?" The following chapter focuses on the use of the computational thinking process for problem solving and, in particular, for case-based reasoning and mathematical modelling. The former is a method of solving problems based on the solutions of previously solved analogous problems, while the latter deals with the mathematical formulation and solution of problems connected to real word, science and technology applications. Next, some learning activity patterns are identified from a thorough qualitative study of students' behaviors recorded in a major Massive Open Online Courses platform. Then, two recently developed learning-based models for modeling students' learning behaviors which are motivated by such observations are described. The authors go on to study the inclusive approach to the conducting-choral training of future teachers of musical art. It considers the essence of the concept of "inclusiveness". The inclusive approach to conducting-choral training involves both the use of the traditional teaching principles and the specific principles we have developed. In academic fields, both teachers and students are likely to suffer technology anxiety. As such, one chapter focuses on the main factors behind this type of anxiety according to the currently available literature on computer anxiety: age, gender and experience. The process of choosing a university degree involves uncertainties for the students referred to their personal abilities, interests, and social and professional expectations. The main objective of the penultimate chapter is determining whether their expectations of a particular university degree differ significantly according to gender. Flipped classrooms have been considered to be a form of innovative teaching and learning in university education for a few years. The purpose of the final study is to explore how flipped classrooms with learning communities affected university students' self-regulated learning and teachers' professional development.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Improving Teaching and Learning through Self-Regulation
Using contemporary empirical research data, this book takes the stance that purposeful self-regulation actively contributes to promoting deeper learning approaches and generally improves teaching and learning. The underlying aim is to help students become strategic, motivated, and independent learners, capable of controlling themselves by themselves. Such self-control may range over a host of variables (behavioural, psychological, emotional, etc.). This book comes at a time when connectivity has exponentially improved worldwide so that more and more individuals have real time information at their fingertips. The fundamental shift in information accessibility from tedious searching through books and manuscripts to on-demand click of a mouse has had phenomenal impacts of the way we do business. Whereas previously, self-regulation may not have been a priority for many persons, increasingly it has now assumed preeminence with the proliferation of laptop computers, tablets, smart phones and numerous other handheld devices that allow easy access to the Internet. In fact, researchers continue to develop software for helping students self-regulate as well as getting the most out of their studies. Needless to say, self-regulated learning (SRL) is mandatory not only for employability but also for lifelong learning since it enables learners to construct knowledge (constructivism) by identifying their own learning goals; self-managing their learning processes; and self-evaluating their performance against goals. Additionally, SRL is very important when often times it is observed that several individuals who have noticeably lower cognitive abilities are able to better self-regulate and consequently achieve more than they should be able to according to their cognitive ranking. Improving teaching and learning through self-regulation therefore has far reaching implications for the kind of individuals we send out to society and the nature of the contributions they make. Quotations from well known persons in the public domain serve to anchor the reader in preparation for the contents of the corresponding section. Such quotations have been found to serve as an effective form of motivation and accordingly may be successfully echoed to students when appropriate. The shareware graphics interspaced in the text not only break the possible monotony usually experienced by many readers, especially in today's online age, but serve to engage and stimulate thought and, in many instances, bring comic relief. These exhibits help to capture the attention of readers and help them to focus on the contents of the various sections at hand. Reinforcing ideas is another powerful function served by the apparent preponderance of exhibits. Hence, what may well be easily misconstrued as too many exhibits, would be much better interpreted as a unique and unusual presentation, with a variation of format, that is meant to have the reader truly appreciate the common saying, 'a picture is worth a thousand words'!
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chronic Pain: Prevalence, Management and Outcomes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ebola Virus Disease (EVD): Outbreaks, Control and Prevention Strategies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Business and Management Issues in the Global and Digital Era: Indonesian Perspectives
Nova Science Publishers Inc Diabetic Foot: Prevention and Treatment
Nova Science Publishers Inc Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of International Students
Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of International Students opens with a focus on Taiwanese international students by defining the Taiwanese within historical and political context, providing an overview of the trends in studying abroad, as well as a literature review on Taiwanese international students' adjustment process. Following this, the authors present an argument for integrating psychological, social and academic perspectives, highlighting the interrelation between these domains in empirical data collected using a new, integrated measure of students' academic, social and psychological adjustment. Using a multi-university sample, the subsequent chapter presents a study of how types of emotional support play a role in how young Chinese international students' experience academic stresses. In the penultimate study, in order to investigate students' expectations and experiences when studying abroad, a group of outbound exchange students at Umeå University, Sweden, were surveyed before and after the experience of studying in a foreign country. In the concluding paper, the authors examine the challenges faced by international students in integrating into computer science programs at various institutions, identifying differences in student and faculty perceptions.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Louis Philippe: Makers of History Series
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Disease: Volume 13
Nova Science Publishers Inc Neurological Diseases: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Nova Science Publishers Inc Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Chicago Massacre of 1812
Nova Science Publishers Inc Regucalcin: Metabolic Regulation and Disease
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Comprehensive Guide to Chemiluminescence
Chemiluminescence is a fascinating and mesmerizing phenomenon, which consists on the generation of light as the result of a chemical reaction. This process has been gaining attention in the last decades, being now a standard tool in analytical, bioimaging, biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. This book provides a detailed overview of the basic mechanisms and principles of the most relevant chemiluminescent systems, as well as describing the most recent advances and applications. Written by experts, this is a reference text suitable both for researchers focused on chemiluminescence and for those wanting to start working on this field. In Chapter One, the progress and evolution of the chemiluminescent studies in imidazopyrazinone-based compounds are reviewed, with emphasis on their potential as diagnosis tools. Chapter Two addresses the spectral changes associated with firefly bioluminescence by focusing on the tautomeric equilibria of the light emitter. Chapter Three reviews, for the first time, the liquid-phase chemiluminescence of fullerene and derivatives. Chapter Four is devoted to studies of chemiluminescence with the participation of lanthanide ions. Chapter Five summarizes the mechanism behind the chemiluminescence of acridinium esters, while discussing their current applications. Chapter Six explains the potential of phenothiazine derivatives as enhancers in analytic chemiluminescent assays. Chapter Seven collects the available information of both well-known and lesser-known examples of squid bioluminescence. Chapter Eight discusses the enhancement of chemiluminescent emission by using metal-nanoparticles near a luminescent molecule, which is known as metal-enhanced chemiluminescence. In Chapter Nine it is explained how model molecules can make the study of complex bioluminescence reaction mechanisms accessible, as well as allowing for chemiluminescence on macroscopic molecular crystals. Chapter Ten describes experimental and computational approaches used for enhancing the thermostability of firefly luciferase. Chapter Eleven demonstrates the usefulness of theoretical studies for better understanding chemiluminescent reactions. Chapter Twelve describes the fundamental theoretical aspects of state-of-the-art multiconfigurational methods and shows illustrative examples of their application to the study of chemiluminescence. Finally, Chapter Thirteen discusses chemiluminescent experiments that are simple, inexpensive and can be performed by students.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stormwater: Sources, Monitoring and Management
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Neuroscience Research: Volume 37
The opening chapter of Horizons in Neuroscience Research. Volume 37 suggests a definition and temporal origin of languages that emerge naturally-without linguistic assumptions or preconceptions-from an analytic and predictive theory of mental evolution. A significant number of Alzheimer's disease patients present with low circulating plasma leptin levels. As such, studies expressed in the following chapter have shown that leptin treatment reduces amyloid and phosphorylated tau accumulation in cultured cells and animal models, with beneficial effects. A systematic review of the structure and function of the cerebellum in normal brain and surveys the distribution of the pathology in a major molecular group of neurodegenerative disease is presented, inclduing Alzheimer's disease, argyrophilic grain disease, corticobasal degeneration, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, guam parkinsonian dementia complex, primary age-related tauopathy, and progressive supranuclear palsy. The application of Fourier analysis is illustrated with reference to the spatial distribution of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of six cases of Alzheimer's disease, and it is suggested as a useful statistical method for studying the patterns of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. Additionally, the structure and function of the basal ganglia in normal brain are described, and the role that differential pathology in these regions may have in determining the clinical symptoms in neurodegenerative disease is explored. The authors describe the structure and function of the superior colliculus in the normal brain, as well as the pathological changes in the superior colliculus which may explain eye movement problems in two neurodegenerative disorders: progressive supranuclear palsy and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. The results obtained in the penultimate chapter corroborate the toxic effects at cellular and molecular levels that the administration of L-DOPA has, even in a healthy system, affirming the need to find a Parkinson disease treatment alternative. The final study investigates the relationship between the number of flow experiences in daily life and brain activation by near-infrared spectroscopy.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena in Spintronics
Although the discussion is general, this book focuses on the problem of macroscopic quantum phenomena using systems of spintronics. The spintronics considered are ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spintronics. To represent the macroscopic quantum phenomena in spintronics, transitions from one state to another of the magnetization of ferromagnetic spintronics are considered, and of the Néel vector of antiferromagnetic spintronics. The authors have studied transitions from a metastable state to a more stable one, as well as quantum coherence between two degenerate stable states. Quantum and classical rates of transitions are presented as functions of temperature, magnetic field and the spin-polarized current flowing through the spintronics. With this method, one can immediately observe the effect of the spin-polarized current on the transitions of the magnetization and the Néel vector when comparing the results to those of the earlier ones on magnetic systems that did not have spin-polarized current. Specifically, while dissipations in magnetic system are intrinsic, the book shows how the total dissipation in spintronics can be controlled and eliminated by varying the spin-polarized current appropriately that depends on the temperature. The study of transitions from a metastable state to a more stable one in ferromagnetic spintronics shows that the rate of transitions of the magnetization at low temperatures is low and vanishes at zero temperature, so that the magnetization is relatively more stable than that in ferromagnetic materials without existence of spin-polarized currents. In the case of antiferromagnetic spintronics, the behavior and characteristics of transitions of the Néel vector is in contrast to those of ferromagnetic spintronics, where the low-temperature rate of transitions in antiferromagnetic spintronics varies exponentially small in temperature, and is finite and non-vanishing at zero temperature. In addition to the theoretical aspects, the book also discusses experimental and technological aspects that one may obtain. Measurements of the rate of transitions can be used to provide an independent method to determine certain parameters being involved, such as the anisotropy parameter Kc of tetragonal crystals, which is an important parameter but usually difficult to obtain. Eliminating dissipation in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spintronics would be desired so as not to have unnecessary loss of energy. Low rate of transitions corresponds to the initial state that is relatively stable. Technologically, the stability of the states of the magnetization and Néel vector in spintronics are important, for example, for memory storage.
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Introduction to Vanadium: Chemistry, Occurrence and Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A Review and Directions for Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 30