Search results for ""author george"
Verlag Herder Sehnsucht: Gott: Fur Walter Kardinal Kasper
Thurston Howl Publications Arcana: A Tarot Anthology
Rudolf Steiner Press Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies: 4
At the end of his life, Rudolf Steiner took up the task that was his special destiny: to bring to the West a knowledge of reincarnation and karma. To do this, he gave over eighty lectures in 1924 in which he explicitly and concretely revealed the destinies of various individuals from one life to the next in order to show how the general laws of karma operate in individual cases. He also revealed many details of the karmic streams of the members of the Anthroposophical Society. These volumes constitute an immeasurable contribution to the understanding of reincarnation and karma, and the tasks of the Anthroposophical Society in connection with the Archangel Michael. This new edition also includes Steiner's last address along with; the karmic groups of souls connected to Aristotelianism and Platonism, the karma of the anthroposophical movement, as well as the individual incarnations of Ernst Haeckel, Vladimir Solovioff and others.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Inclusive Innovation: The Role of Organizations, Markets and Communities in Social Innovation
Offering a comprehensive review of contemporary research on inclusive innovation, chapters address the systemic, structural issues that present the 'grand challenges' of our time. With 27 contributions from 57 expert scholars, this Handbook highlights both emerging practices and scalable solutions. Acting as a call to action, the chapters place social impact at the heart of theory and practice, providing fresh insight into global issues and practical solutions. Organized into five distinct sections to reflect current theoretical approaches and frameworks, contributions cover social innovation as practice; community and place; systems, institution and infrastructure; individual, organizations and organizing, and networks and social change. This Handbook emphasises the fundamental shift needed in management scholarship to address global problems and achieve social impact through sustainable development goals. This will be an invaluable resource for those championing social inclusion in both research and practice, including innovation researchers and management scholars more broadly.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Case Studies in Spiritual Care: Healthcare Chaplaincy Assessments, Interventions and Outcomes
Through a rich variety of case studies, this book provides insight into the patient's needs and the chaplain's perspective, as well as discussions of spiritual assessments and spiritual care interventions. Case studies such as a request to baptise a child complicated due to his admission for 'psychiatric reasons', as well as work with military veterans, such as a female transgender veteran who has been alienated from her faith, show the breadth and complexity of work that chaplains undertake daily. Each section also includes critical responses to the case studies presented from a chaplain and related healthcare professional. This book will enable chaplains to critically reflect on the spiritual care they provide, and provide an informed perspective for healthcare professionals and others involved in chaplaincy services.
Titan Books Ltd Dark Souls Vol. 3: Legends of the Flame
In a realm where hollowed champions rise and fall with the ages, where brave knights quest for absolution and bonfires blaze against the everdark, myth and legend will forever prevail...From the desolate worlds of Namco-Bandai's critically-lauded videgame series comes this unsettling collection of all-new Dark Souls tales, written and drawn by some of the comic industry's finest. Building upon the extensive lore of the franchise, this action-packed anthology is essential for all fans of the game.
Titan Books Ltd Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Vol. 5: The Twist
The Doctor visits planet Twist, the colony with 'the best punk scene this side of the 40th century!' But something is amiss when a murder mystery occurs, leading the Doctor and the planet's inhabitants to question their very origins!A haunted house also causes problems for the Doctor, having strange ramfications a house should never have...and this one feels decidely Time Lord!
ECW Press,Canada Mad Dog: The Maurice Vachon Story
David Zwirner Mwili, Akili Na Roho / Body, Mind, and Spirit: Ten Figurative Painters from East Africa
Mwili, Akili Na Roho: Ten Figurative Painters from East Africa features the work of ten artists from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, including Sam Ntiro, Elimo Njau, Asaph Ng’ethe Macua, Jak Katarikawe, Theresa Musoke, Sane Wadu, Peter Mulindwa, Chelenge van Rampelberg, John Njenga, and Meek Gichugu. The personal histories, thematic concerns, and formal strategies of this multigenerational group of artists present an opportunity to engage more deeply in the genealogies of artistic creation in the region, while considering the enduring influence of certain ideas and institutions in the creation, dissemination, and reception of art in and from East Africa. This catalogue is published to coincide with an expanded version of Mwili, Akili Na Roho at the Nairobi Contemporary Art Institute in 2022, following earlier iterations at Haus Der Kunst in Munich (2020) and the Royal Academy of Arts in London (2021).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Taking Control: Sovereignty and Democracy After Brexit
Taking Control argues that neither side in the Brexit debate really understood the European Union or what was involved in reclaiming Britain’s sovereignty. The EU is neither a supranational nanny state, nor an internationalist peace project. It is the means by which Europe’s elites transformed their own states in order to rule the void where representative politics used to be. Leaving the EU is a necessary but not sufficient step towards closing the chasm between rulers and ruled. This book makes the democratic case for national sovereignty, arguing for a radical, forward-looking reconstitution of the British nation-state through strengthening representative democracy. It is essential for anyone who wonders why British politics is so dysfunctional and who wants to do better.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Leveraging Lean in Medical Laboratories: Creating a Cost Effective, Standardized, High Quality, Patient-Focused Operation
This book is part of a series of titles that are a spin-off of the Shingo Prize-winning book Leveraging Lean in Healthcare: Transforming Your Enterprise into a High Quality Patient Care Delivery System. Each book in the series focuses on a specific aspect of healthcare that has demonstrated significant process and quality improvements after a Lean implementation.Lean principles can help medical laboratories drive up efficiencies and quality without increasing costs or compromising quality. Leveraging Lean in Medical Laboratories: Creating a Cost Effective, Standardized, High Quality, Patient-Focused Operation provides a functional understanding of Lean laboratory processes and quality improvement techniques.This book is an ideal guide for healthcare executives, leaders, process improvement team members, and inquisitive frontline workers who want to implement and leverage Lean in medical laboratories. Supplying detailed descriptions of Lean tools and methodologies, it identifies powerful Lean solutions specific to the needs of the medical laboratory.The first section provides an overview of Lean concepts, tools, methodologies, and applications. The second section focuses on the application of Lean in the laboratory environment. Presenting numerous examples, stories, case studies, and lessons learned, it examines the normal operation of each area in the lab environment and highlights the areas where typical problems occur.Next, it walks readers through various Lean initiatives and demonstrates how Lean tools and concepts have been used to achieve lasting improvements to processes and quality of care. It also supplies actionable blueprints that readers can duplicate or modify for use in their own institutions.Illustrating leadership’s role in achieving departmental goals, this book will provide you with a well-rounded understanding of how Lean can be applied to achieve significant improvements throughout the entire continuum of care.
Hodder Education Compute-IT: Student's Book 1 - Computing for KS3
Compute-IT will help you deliver innovative lessons for the new Key Stage 3 Computing curriculum with confidence, using resources and meaningful assessment produced by expert educators. With Compute-IT you will be able to assess and record students' attainment and monitor progression all the way through to Key Stage 4. Developed by members of Computing at School, the national subject association for Computer Science, and a team of Master Teachers who deliver CPD through the Network of Excellence project funded by the Department for Education, Compute-IT provides a cohesive and supportive learning package structured around the key strands of Computing. Creative and flexible in its approach, Compute-IT makes Computing for Key Stage 3 easy to teach, and fun and meaningful to learn, so you can:Follow well-structured and finely paced lessons along a variety of suggested routes through Key Stage 3Deliver engaging and interesting lessons using a range of files and tutorials provided for a range of different programming languages Ensure progression throughout Key Stage 3 with meaningful tasks underpinned by unparalleled teacher and student support Assess students' work with confidence, using ready-prepared formative and summative tasks that are mapped to meaningful learning outcomes and statements in the new Programme of StudyCreative and flexible in its approach, Compute-IT makes Computing for Key Stage 3 easy to teach, and fun and meaningful to learn. This is the first title in the Compute-IT course, which comprises three Student's Books, three Teacher Packs and a range of digital teaching and learning resources delivered through Dynamic Learning.
Center for the Study of Language and Information Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What You Need to Know about Business
Business is big. Actually, it's often small and medium-sized too. But the point is that it matters – a lot. This book is designed to answer all those confusing questions that flit through your mind when you get to the business pages of the paper, and stop you being embarrassed in job interviews. It explains the things you really need to know about business, and will tell you: What the point of business is How what happens in the economy affects real businesses What the law means for business Finance, accounting, shares, bonds etc and other big numbers How companies grow and why the merge (even though most mergers fail) What HR departments actually do all day Time management, motivation, leadership, communication skills and all the other skills you'll need if you want to know what the view's like from the CEO's office After reading it, you'll smile knowingly whenever the advantages of outsourcing, balanced scorecards or Porter's 5 Ps come up in polite conversation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Managing Resources and Information: A Competence Approach to Supervisory Management
This series is designed for supervisors and front line managers and has been re-written to support the latest Management Standards from the Management Charter Initiative who have provided the Foreword. Each book provides the knowledge and understanding required for the core and major options associated with the NVQ/SVQ3 level qualifications in Supervisory Management and is written in a manner that links learning with the supervisor/front line manager's work experience. As such it also supports non-competence programmes such as the NEBSM Introductory and Full Certificate programmes in Supervisory Management. Whilst finance at supervisory level has no dedicated management standards, it is vital that the competent supervisor/front line manager can understand the financial implications of their role. The RESOURCES section of this book provides the reader with an understanding of the language and practices of the finance function as they relate to the work situation. The INFORMATION section considers the types of information the supervisor/front line manager is likely to encounter, and looks at the ways of distributing and presenting such information.
John Wiley & Sons Inc RF Technologies for Low Power Wireless Communications
A survey of microwave technology tailored for professionals in wireless communications RF Technologies for Low Power Wireless Communications updates recent developments in wireless communications from a hardware design standpoint and offers specialized coverage of microwave technology with a focus on the low power wireless units required in modern wireless systems. It explores results of recent research that focused on a holistic, integrated approach to the topics of materials, devices, circuits, modulation, and architectures rather than the more traditional approach of research into isolated topical areas. Twelve chapters deal with various fundamental research aspects of low power wireless electronics written by world-class experts in each field. The first chapter offers an overview of wireless architecture and performance, followed by detailed coverage of: Advanced GaAs-based HBT designs InP-based devices and circuits Si/SiGe HBT technology Noise in GaN devices Power amplifier architectures and nonlinearities Planar-oriented components MEMS and micromachined components Resonators, filters, and low-noise oscillators Antennas Transceiver front-end architectures With a clear focus and expert contributors, RF Technologies for Low Power Wireless Communications will be of interest to a wide range of electrical engineering disciplines working in wireless technologies.
Elsevier Science & Technology MRI/DTI Atlas of the Human Brainstem in Transverse and Sagittal Planes
MRI/DTI Atlas of the Human Brainstem in Transverse and Sagittal Planes presents a detailed view of the human brainstem in DTI/MRI. It is the first ever MRI or histological atlas to present detailed diagrams of sagittal views of the brainstem. Presenting data of unprecedented quality, images are juxtaposed with detailed diagrams in the transverse and sagittal planes. The atlas features a 50 micron resolution for the GRE and 200 microns for the FAC and DWI, 8000 times higher than that seen in a clinical MRI and 1000 times higher than that seen in a clinical DTI scan, all based on one brain. This atlas is important for neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, pathologists, anatomists, neurophysiologists, radiologists, radiotherapists (e.g., for cyberknife guidance), and graduate students in neuroscience.
Columbia University Press A Convergence of Civilizations: The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World
We are told that Western/Christian and Muslim/Arab civilizations are heading towards inevitable conflict. The demographics of the West remain sluggish, while the population of the Muslim world explodes, widening the cultural gap and all but guaranteeing the outbreak of war. Leaving aside the media's sound and fury on this issue, measured analysis shows another reality taking shape: rapprochement between these two civilizations, benefiting from a universal movement with roots in the Enlightenment. The historical and geographical sweep of this book discredits the notion of a specific Islamic demography. The range of fertility among Muslim women, for example, is as varied as religious behavior among Muslims in general. Whether agnostics, fundamentalist Salafis, or al-Qaeda activists, Muslims are a diverse group that prove the variety and individuality of Islam. Youssef Courbage and Emmanuel Todd consider different degrees of literacy, patriarchy, and defensive reactions among minority Muslim populations, underscoring the spread of massive secularization throughout the Arab and Muslim world. In this regard, they argue, there is very little to distinguish the evolution of Islam from the history of Christianity, especially with Muslims now entering a global modernity. Sensitive to demographic variables and their reflection of personal and social truths, Courbage and Todd upend a dangerous meme: that we live in a fractured world close to crisis, struggling with an epidemic of closed cultures and minds made different by religion.
Pathfinder Press The Spanish Revolution, 1931-39
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Chaos, Complexity And Transport: Theory And Applications - Proceedings Of The Cct '07
This book aims to provide the readers with a wide panorama of different aspects related to Chaos, Complexity and Transport. It consists of a collection of contributions ranging from applied mathematics to experiments, presented during the CCT'07 conference (Marseilles, June 4-8, 2007). The book encompasses different traditional fields of physics and mathematics while trying to keep a common language among the fields, and targets a nonspecialized audience.
Daylight Books American Psyche: The Unlit Cave
American Psyche: The Unlit Cave is a collection of images made in the United States from 2004 to 2019. The photographs are visual metaphors mirroring the artist’s reactions to America’s colonialism and its inability to live up to its ideals. Heavily influenced by Carl Jung’s concepts of synchronicity and the unconscious, it uses American symbols to create a unique record of our current moment.
Royal Society of Chemistry Lignin-based Materials: Health Care and Medical Applications
Current environmental and energy concerns have led to lignin gaining increased attention in the last decade as a renewable biomass. Due to its structural and functional properties, such as antimicrobial behaviour, biodegradability, biocompatibility and ease of surface modifications, lignin-based materials have gained popularity in the biomedical field with applications ranging from tissue engineering scaffolds and wound dressing materials to drug delivery carriers. Using this book, the reader will learn about the chemistry of lignin, and the characterization, fabrication and properties of lignin-based composites with different matrices (thermosets, thermoplastics, elastomers etc.). In addition, the book illustrates how these materials are used in medical applications, covering drug delivery, wound dressing, tissue engineering, imaging, etc. Providing a neat overview of the current research for the biomaterials science community, this book is a one-stop resource for researchers and practitioners working on lignin-based biomaterials. For those active in the broader fields of materials science and biomedical engineering, this will be a useful reference and study aid.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc White War, Black Soldiers: Two African Accounts of World War I
Strength and Goodness (Force-Bonté) by Bakary Diallo is one of the only memoirs of World War I ever written or published by an African. It remains a pioneering work of African literature as well as a unique and invaluable historical document about colonialism and Africa’s role in the Great War. Lamine Senghor’s The Rape of a Country (La Violation d’un pays) is another pioneering French work by a Senegalese veteran of World War I, but one that offers a stark contrast to Strength and Goodness. Both are made available for the first time in English in this edition, complete with a glossary of terms and a general historical introduction. The centennial of World War I is an ideal moment to present Strength and Goodness and The Rape of a Country to a wider, English-reading public. Until recently, Africa's role in the war has been neglected by historians and largely forgotten by the general public. Euro-centric versions of the war still predominate in popular culture, Many historians, however, now insist that African participation in the 1914-18 War is a large part of what made that conflict a world war.
Island Press Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation
A big, bold vision for protected areas and re-wilding the Earth, this book presents a spirited argument on the future of conservation. Protected natural areas have historically been the primary tool of conservationists to conserve land and wildlife. These parks and reserves are set apart to forever remain in contrast to those places where human activities, technologies, and developments prevail. But even as the biodiversity crisis accelerates, a growing number of voices are suggesting that protected areas are passe. Conservation, they argue, should instead focus on lands managed for human use, working landscapes, and abandon the goal of preventing human-caused extinctions in favour of maintaining ecosystem services to support people. If such arguments take hold, we risk losing support for the unique qualities and values of wild, undeveloped nature. Protecting the Wild offers a spirited argument for the robust protection of the natural world. In it, experts from five continents reaffirm that parks, wilderness areas, and other reserves are an indispensable, albeit insufficient, means to sustain species, subspecies, key habitats, ecological processes and evolutionary potential. A companion volume to Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of Earth, Protecting the Wild provides a necessary addition to the conversation about the future of conservation in the so-called Anthropocene, one that will be useful for academics, policymakers, and conservation practitioners at all levels, from local land trusts to international NGOs.
Harvard Business Review Press Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business
As seen on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday A New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller In this book, Whole Foods Market cofounder John Mackey and professor and Conscious Capitalism, Inc. cofounder Raj Sisodia argue for the inherent good of both business and capitalism. Featuring some of today's best-known companies, they illustrate how these two forces can--and do--work most powerfully to create value for all stakeholders: including customers, employees, suppliers, investors, society, and the environment. These "Conscious Capitalism" companies include Whole Foods Market, Southwest Airlines, Costco, Google, Patagonia, The Container Store, UPS, and dozens of others. We know them; we buy their products or use their services. Now it's time to better understand how these organizations use four specific tenets--higher purpose, stakeholder integration, conscious leadership, and conscious culture and management--to build strong businesses and help advance capitalism further toward realizing its highest potential. As leaders of the Conscious Capitalism movement, Mackey and Sisodia argue that aspiring leaders and business builders need to continue on this path of transformation--for the good of both business and society as a whole. At once a bold defense and reimagining of capitalism and a blueprint for a new system for doing business grounded in a more evolved ethical consciousness, this book provides a new lens for individuals and companies looking to build a more cooperative, humane, and positive future.
Cengage Learning, Inc The American System of Criminal Justice
Discover the challenge of pursuing justice in our society and learn about the role we as individuals play in the criminal justice system. This classic best seller examines criminal justice across several disciplines, presenting elements from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science. Broad coverage of the facts, an interesting writing style, and compelling examples of current events make THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, now in its 16th Edition, one of the best and most popular texts on the criminal justice system available.
Cengage Learning, Inc A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques
Featuring new experiments, a new essay, and new coverage of nanotechnology, this organic chemistry laboratory textbook offers a comprehensive treatment of laboratory techniques including small scale and some microscale methods that use standard-scale ("macroscale") glassware and equipment. The book is organized based on essays and topics of current interest and covers a large number of traditional organic reactions and syntheses, as well as experiments with a biological or health science focus. Seven introductory technique-based experiments, thirteen project-based experiments, and sections on green chemistry and biofuels spark students' interest and engage them in the learning process. Instructors may choose to offer Cengage Learning's optional Premium Website, which contains videos on basic organic laboratory techniques.
Hal Leonard Corporation Richard Thompson Teaches Traditional Guitar Instr.: Unique Arrangements of Irish, Scottish and English Tunes
Titan Books Ltd Doctor Who - The Eleventh Doctor: The Sapling Volume 2: Roots
The Doctor, Alice, and the Sapling - now growing further into adulthood - take on another selection of insane adventures! Still missing many of their most treasured memories, the TARDIS team stumble across a Memory Ark, and their reality starts to fray further at the edges... Can the Doctor and Alice stop the Sapling from growing into the genocidal creature of destruction it is doomed to be? Can they reclaim their missing memories without destroying this new being? And can they have amazing, brain-bending trips through time and space along the way? To the last question - absolutely! For everything else, you'll need to read on! - Collects Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Three #5-8
Cengage Learning EMEA Principles of Business Information Systems
The new fourth edition of Principles of Business Information Systems features new cases, new questions and assignments and the latest technologies, whilst retaining its comprehensive coverage of Information Systems issues. It also boasts a wealth of real world examples from a broad range of countries and updated coverage of IT and technological issues, making it perfect for courses that prepare students for the modern corporate world.
Evro Publishing Lola: The T70 and Can-Am Cars
In the most glittering era of sports car racing, the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Lola T70 and its descendants radiated star quality. These big racers, both brutal and beautiful, graced the Can-Am stage in North America as open spyders and the world sports car championship as closed coupes. Powered by big American V8 engines, they were massively fast and exceedingly popular, both with fans and the racers themselves. In this important new book, which has taken Lola enthusiast Gordon Jones three decades to complete, the racing history of the T70 and the Can-Am models that followed -- from T160 to T310 -- is exhaustively recorded, complete with a superb array of over 600 photographs. All sports car devotees will treasure this labour of love.
Classic Comic Store Ltd Hunchback of Notre Dame, The
Learn From Zero Hangul From Zero! Complete Guide to Master Hangul with Integrated Workbook and Download Audio: 2023
Learn From Zero Kanji from Zero! Book 1: 2016
SCM Press Christ Unabridged: Knowing and Loving the Son of Man
The title ‘the Son of Man’ evokes the different aspects of the whole Christ: the humanity and divinity of Christ, his earthly ministry, his sacramental presence, and the eschatological consummation of his work. It is also a term of relationship, suggestive of both the relations constitutive of the life of the Holy Trinity, and also of the way that our knowing and loving the Son of Man is always an invitation to communion - with the Triune God, as the Body of Christ, and for the life of the world. Contributors to this collection explore some of the many registers of the mystery of Christ, both historically and thematically. Contributors include some of today’s leading theological thinkers, including N.T. Wright, Rowan Williams, Lydia Schumacher, Kallistos Ware and Oliver O’Donovan. With poetic reflections from Malcolm Guite. Chapters include: "Son of Man and the New Creation" (N.T. Wright), "The Son of Man in the Gospel of John" (John Behr), "Sound and Silence in Augustine’s Christological Exegesis" (Carol Harrison), "According to the Flesh?: The Problem of Knowing Christ in Chalcedonian Perspective" (Ian Mcfarland), "Christ and the Moral Life" (Oliver O'Donovan), "Christ and the Poetic Imagination" (Malcolm Guite)
HarperCollins Publishers A Christmas Craving: All's Fair in Lust & War / Enemies with Benefits / A White Wedding Christmas
Just can’t get enough After a wild fling in Vegas, copywriter Becky has finally got her mojo back. Time to get back to New York and win that promotion! But things veer catastrophically off course when her new co-worker, Mark, saunters in…and he’s much too familiar. Worse, Mark and Becky will be competing for the promotion. Becky is determined to stand her ground. But if there’s going to be a war, she’s going to make sure she enjoys it!•Poppy Spencer has discovered that there's one thing worse than Christmas alone in her flat, and that's spending it with Isaac Blair – her sworn-enemy-turned-reluctant-flatmate! Especially because his sexy smile is making her all hot and flustered! Unless a casual fling is just the thing she needs? The trouble is, with their history, this is going to be anything but casual…•Wedding planner Natalie Sharpe doesn't believe in love…but the woman in her believes in lust! When a last-minute Christmas wedding reunites her with the bride's handsome brother – Natalie's teenage crush – Natalie wants a second chance. Working with him on the wedding is more temptation than she can take. Will one, hot kiss lead this reluctant bride down her own wedding aisle?
Penguin Random House Children's UK Jessie and the Star Rider
**This exclusive, limited hardback edition will be signed by Esme Higgs! Pre-order your copy now**Fans of Clare Balding and Jacqueline Wilson will love this fun and heartwarming new adventure series for animal-mad 8-12 year olds from superstar equestrian influencer Esme Higgs!After solving the mystery of the stolen pony, the Starlight Stables Gang are ready to have a relaxing summer and enjoy the Haversham Horse Trials, but things aren't as sunny as they seem. Can the Starlight Stables Gang band together and work as a team once again, or will it prove too much for one of the friends?Read the second adventure in the Starlight Stables Gang series - a brand new story told from the viewpoint of Jessie!
Oxford University Press Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective
Wild animals survive in a variety of complex environments; they are exposed to predictable and unpredictable changes in their particular environment on a daily or seasonal basis. However, we live in a time when almost all natural environments are undergoing relatively rapid change, and many of these changes, such as the pollution of air and water, removal of natural food sources, environment fragmentation, and climate change, are the result of human activity. Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective shows how an understanding of the physiology of animals in their natural habitats helps us to understand not only how and why animals evolved the way they did, but how we can act to protect at least some of them from the extreme effects of the changes affecting their environments. Part One sets the foundation for the topics covered in the remainder of the book by introducing a range of fundamental processes that are essential to life. It considers the diversity of habitats on Earth in which animals live, and examines animal groups and their evolutionary relationships. It then explores the different feeding strategies used by animals to obtain the energy they require to carry out all the essential functions of life, and how animals convert the chemical energy in food molecules into the energy they need to power all body functions. Finally, it explores the general properties of animal cells, and how animals maintain a suitable internal environment in which their cells are protected from external influences. We then examine those fundamental principles governing the main exchanges between the cells within animals, and between an animal and its environment. Parts two to four of the book explore how different organ systems - respiratory and circulatory systems, excretory organs and endocrine systems - enable animals to interact with their environment, and how environmental temperature profoundly affects the physiology of animals. Part five considers how the sensory and nervous systems provide animals with information on their internal as well as their external environment, and how they, together with the endocrine system, are involved in the control and co-ordination of muscles, reproduction, salt and water balance, and the cardio-respiratory systems. Digital formats and resources Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective is supported by online resources and is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: The book's online resources include: For students: - Original articles: a list of original articles consulted during the writing of each chapter so that you can explore the original research for yourself. - Additional case studies and experimental approach panels to augment those in the printed book. - Answers to numerical questions: full solutions to numerical questions so that you can verify your working. For registered adopters of the text: - Digital image library: Includes electronic files in JPG format of every illustration, photo, graph and table from the text
Penguin Books Ltd On the Road: The Original Scroll
Five decades after it was first published, Jack Kerouac's seminal Beat novel On the Road finally finds its way to the big screen, in a production from award-winning director Walter Salles (Motorcycle Diaries) starring Sam Riley (Control, Brighton Rock), Garret Hedlund (Friday Night Lights), Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Kirsten Dunst, Amy Adams and Viggo Mortensen.This edition is transcribed from the original manuscript: hundreds of typed pages taped together by Kerouac to form a 'scroll', published word for word as it was originally composed.Sal Paradise (Sam Riley), a young innocent, joins his hero Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund), a traveller and mystic, the living epitome of Beat, on a breathless, exuberant ride back and forth across the United States. Their hedonistic search for release or fulfilment through drink, sex, drugs and jazz becomes an exploration of personal freedom, a test of the limits of the American dream. A brilliant blend of fiction and autobiography, Jack Kerouac's exhilarating novel swings to the rhythms of 1950s underground America, racing towards the sunset with unforgettable exuberance, poignancy and autobiographical passion. One of the most influential and important novels of the 20th century, On the Road is the book that launched the Beat Generation and remains the bible of that literary movement.'The most beautifully executed, the clearest and the most important utterance yet made by the generation Kerouac himself named years ago as "beat"' The New York Times
University of Massachusetts Press Poems in Absentia & Poems from The Island and the World
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Volume 2: Metrics, Meshes and Mesh Adaptation
Triangulations, and more precisely meshes, are at the heart of many problems relating to a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in particular numerical simulations of all kinds of physical phenomena. In numerical simulations, the functional spaces of approximation used to search for solutions are defined from meshes, and in this sense these meshes play a fundamental role. This strong link between meshes and functional spaces leads us to consider advanced simulation methods in which the meshes are adapted to the behaviors of the underlying physical phenomena. This book presents the basic elements of this vision of meshing. These mesh adaptations are generally governed by a posteriori error estimators representing an increase of the error with respect to a size or metric. Independently of this metric of calculation, compliance with a geometry can also be calculated using a so-called geometric metric. The notion of mesh thus finds its meaning in the metric of its elements.
Cottage Door Press A Beast C: From Alien to Zombie
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Distributed Power in the United States: Prospects and Policies
Providing reliable and secure electric power to meet the growing demands of this century, and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, is a daunting challenge. The situation has given rise to increased interest in the potential for distributed power systems (DPS): a combination of distributed sources of power production and distributed energy storage. This study examines the economic, environmental, and energy security case for DPS.Scholars from the Brookings Institution's Energy Security Initiative and the Hoover Institution's Task Force on Energy Policy offer recommendations for ensuring the security and sustainability of our electricity system now and for future generations through the greater deployment of DPS. Their report provides a comprehensive survey of the current technology and policy landscape of DPS and offers suggestions for its most effective use in civilian and military settings, along with warnings on its possible pitfalls. They discuss the current economic, environmental, and energy security costs and benefits of DPS, the policies and regulations currently in place to promote DPS and their effectiveness, the potential benefits of increased penetration of DPS and the barriers to achieving them, and what federal and state governments can do to further encourage DPS.Contributors:John Banks, Jeremy Carl, Kevin Massy, Pedram Mokrian, Jelena Simjanovic, David Slayton, Amy Guy Wagner, Lisa Wood.
Rowman & Littlefield The Quest for Community and Identity: Critical Essays in Africana Social Philosophy
This collection of essays engages two of the most fundamental social and political issues of our time: community and identity. Wrestling with the perplexities of these two issues within the Africana world, the contributors delve into the influences of a postmodern world of globalization with outdated, crumbling forms of identity and sociality. In the wake of such an order, new forms of identity and community must be established. Birt has collected an informed group of contributors here, who lay the foundation for a new approach to finding community and identity in the Africana world.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was Daniel Boone?
Leiden University Press Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity: Reflections on History