Search results for ""world scientific publishing""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine (2011-2015)
Physiology or medicine was the third prize category Alfred Nobel mentioned in his will. Nobel had an active interest in medical research. He came into contact with Swedish physiologist Jöns Johansson through Karolinska Institutet around 1890. Johansson worked for a brief period in Nobel's laboratory in Sevran, France during the same year. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded by the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet. This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the Nobel laureates, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches for the period 2011-2015.List of laureates and their award citations:(2011) 'for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria'.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry (2011-2015)
Mentioned as the second prize category in his will, Chemistry was the most important science for Alfred Nobel's own work. The development of Nobel's inventions as well as the industrial processes he employed were based upon chemical knowledge. This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the Nobel laureates, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches for the period 2011-2015. Each Nobel lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the Nobel Prize.List of Nobel laureates and their award citations:(2011) 'for mechanistic studies of DNA repair'.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Resilience, Dynamism, Trust: 50 Landmark Statements By Mas Leaders
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is Singapore's central bank and integrated financial regulator. As a central bank, MAS promotes sustained, non-inflationary economic growth through the conduct of monetary policy and close macroeconomic surveillance and analysis. It manages Singapore's exchange rate, official foreign reserves, and liquidity in the banking sector. As an integrated financial supervisor, MAS fosters a sound financial services sector through its prudential oversight of all financial institutions in Singapore — banks, insurers, capital market intermediaries, financial advisors and financial market infrastructures. It is also responsible for well-functioning financial markets, sound conduct, and investor education. MAS also works with the financial industry to promote Singapore as a dynamic international financial centre. It facilitates the development of infrastructures, adoption of technology, and upgrading of skills in the financial industry.This 50th anniversary compilation provides convenient access to the thinking behind MAS' policies and strategies as they have evolved, through 50 landmark statements by its leaders.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Discovery Level C Set 2
The is a specially curated selection of children's books that focus on discovering Asia and discovering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Under the guidance of Dr Ruth Y L Wong, these books aim to promote reading for pleasure, while exciting kids through discovery. With 51 books in this inaugural batch, and with more to come, the books are divided into three levels depending on the child's reading ability: A (Achieving), B (Blooming) and C (Confident). Level C Set 2 features seven titles, exploring themes of science, imagination, nature and global stories.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Little Women
Join the lively March sisters as they go through highs and lows in life. It is cold in winter and their father is away at war. Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy have little to eat, yet they care for the poor. The talented sisters have big dreams about their future, but things aren't always easy. A new friendship with the boy next door somehow changes things.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Discovery Complete Set
The is a specially curated selection of children's books that focus on discovering Asia and discovering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Under the guidance of Dr Ruth Y L Wong, these books aim to promote reading for pleasure, while exciting kids through discovery. With 51 books in this inaugural batch, and with more to come, the books are divided into three levels depending on the child's reading ability: A (Achieving), B (Blooming) and C (Confident). Each book includes a story-based activity at the end of the books to help parents and educators get children to engage with the story.Includes these 51 titles:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Encyclopedia Of Business Sustainability, Ethics And Entrepreneurship (In 3 Volumes)
Volume 1: This volume is the culmination of many discussions among the editors over the years, especially at the Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference, related to the growth and institutionalization of environmental and social entrepreneurship. Research on these two forms of entrepreneurial action has tried to keep pace with what is occurring in the field. While the research is diverse, attracting scholars across many disciplines and from all parts of the world, it is still in the formative stages. This volume seeks to take stock of the literature and report the state of the art in environmental and social entrepreneurship. In particular, it seeks to explore new theoretical directions that blend traditional notions of economic efficiency and social welfare and new ways of measuring and empirically testing these phenomena. The chapters in this volume demonstrate the diverse philosophical, methodological, and theoretical techniques to studying these forms of entrepreneurship. We expect this volume will contribute to this burgeoning research and that researchers will engage in theory development for the foreseeable future, as new business models are developed, tested, abandoned, and evolved.Volume 2: This volume spotlights cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and provocative thinking by organizational scholars and leaders committed to advancing the global sustainability agenda. Each chapter focuses on advancing one or more United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The chapter sequence follows a general logic of SDG numerical order and breadth. Overall, this compendium provides critical insights, practical strategies and tools, and timely inspiration to motivate individual and collective engagement with and achievement of the SDGs. With a decade remaining to achieve the 2030 Agenda, this volume supports sustainable development globally, through: identification of key challenges; theoretical, empirical, and practical exploration of potential solutions; and sharing of actionable findings. Each chapter makes an impactful contribution by spotlighting opportunities for advancing best-in-class efforts toward the achievement of the SDGs. Chapters represent diverse scholarly perspectives and include a representative range of focal SDGs, organizational contexts, applications, and initiatives from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, and spanning national borders.Volume 3: Historically religious institutions have been at the forefront of social change, yet religion and spirituality are rarely discussed in contemporary entrepreneurship research. We challenge this oversight and argue that by ignoring the fundamental principles that define an overwhelming majority of people all over the world, our scholarship risks being partial, incomplete and thus misleading. This volume presents a selection of entrepreneurship perspectives — studies, essays and analyses — that integrate religion and spirituality with social change. We have deliberately sought chapters that are edgy and novel, to give different nuances on this integration of religion and spirituality with entrepreneurship for social change.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures With Land Animals
Adventures with Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats on — and below! — the ground. Why should you appreciate the earthworm? What's the ring-tailed lemur trying to say? What makes the Serengeti wildebeest cross crocodile-infested waters? Roam Christmas Island with the red crab. Stay clear of the kangaroo's powerful kick. And swing in the treetops with the white-handed gibbon! From icy mountains to arid deserts, and from dense forests to open grasslands, experience the spectacular world of land animals as never before!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd I'm A Biomedical Informatics Expert Now!
What is a biomedical informatics expert? What does he or she do?Meet Kevin, a kid like you and me, who grew up to become a biomedical informatics expert! Kevin grew up loving science and caring for animals, and this passion, combined with his engineering aptitude, turned him into a pediatrician specializing in biomedical informatics — using computers and data science to improve health care.The Who Me? series features inspirational biographies of scientists who young readers will be able to identify with as people like themselves. Written by the scientists themselves and co-authors from Vanderbilt University, the books are designed to help young readers understand that scientists are regular people like themselves who are excited about learning and discovering new things and who decided to work hard in school in order to create for themselves the opportunity to become scientists. As they learn the stories of these scientists, readers will also learn some basic science ideas, that are well-explained and easily understood, and be introduced to the cutting-edge science these scientists are working on today.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd I'm An Astronomer Now!
What is an astronomer? What does he or she do? Meet Keivan, a kid like you and me, who grew up and became an astronomer! As a child, Keivan was always interested in learning about planets orbiting other stars and this interest has taken him to the stars! Learn more about how he became involved in a space mission, as part of his research about exoplanets.The Who Me? series features inspirational biographies of scientists who young readers will be able to identify with as people like themselves. Written by the scientists themselves and co-authors from Vanderbilt University, the books are designed to help young readers understand that scientists are regular people like themselves who are excited about learning and discovering new things and who decided to work hard in school in order to create for themselves the opportunity to become scientists. As they learn the stories of these scientists, readers will also learn some basic science ideas, that are well-explained and easily understood, and be introduced to the cutting-edge science these scientists are working on today.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Soul Of Ink: Lim Tze Peng At 100
Soul of Ink: Lim Tze Peng at 100 pays tribute to the remarkable achievement of artistic renaissance at 100. It traces the lean beginnings of Lim Tze Peng's early years, relives the times of controversy over the artist's innovations in Chinese calligraphy, and celebrates his breakthroughs. Throughout the book, attention is paid to Lim Tze Peng the man, the foundation of everything that is admirable about Lim Tze Peng the artist. It looks at the man behind the art, and how art has given life to him and his family.Farmer, teacher, principal, and artist, Lim Tze Peng counts Lee Man Fong, Cheong Soo Pieng, and Liu Kang as his mentors. These men, like the others from the pioneering generation of Nanyang artists, are no longer around. Lim Tze Peng remains standing, a witness to and player in Singapore's art history since the 1940s.His life started late; everything got going only after the ripe old age of 80. A Cultural Medallion winner at 82 and a Meritorious Service recipient at 95, Lim Tze Peng is used to the twists and turns of life and has been trained by experience to endure the vagaries of fate. You could describe his art as the art of perseverance. The works he produces these days need to be seen to be believed. Bigger, bolder, and boasting far more colour than ever before, his art is as invigorating as that of a young man, whilst embodying the soul of a sage.At the heart of this book is the word 'soul'. What pushes a man at the age of 100 to continue breaking new ground in his life's work? How has he been able to surprise not just the art community but himself?This is Woon Tai Ho's second book on a Singaporean artist. His first, To Paint a Smile, is about the artist Tan Swie Hian.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Soul Of Ink: Lim Tze Peng At 100
Soul of Ink: Lim Tze Peng at 100 pays tribute to the remarkable achievement of artistic renaissance at 100. It traces the lean beginnings of Lim Tze Peng's early years, relives the times of controversy over the artist's innovations in Chinese calligraphy, and celebrates his breakthroughs. Throughout the book, attention is paid to Lim Tze Peng the man, the foundation of everything that is admirable about Lim Tze Peng the artist. It looks at the man behind the art, and how art has given life to him and his family.Farmer, teacher, principal, and artist, Lim Tze Peng counts Lee Man Fong, Cheong Soo Pieng, and Liu Kang as his mentors. These men, like the others from the pioneering generation of Nanyang artists, are no longer around. Lim Tze Peng remains standing, a witness to and player in Singapore's art history since the 1940s.His life started late; everything got going only after the ripe old age of 80. A Cultural Medallion winner at 82 and a Meritorious Service recipient at 95, Lim Tze Peng is used to the twists and turns of life and has been trained by experience to endure the vagaries of fate. You could describe his art as the art of perseverance. The works he produces these days need to be seen to be believed. Bigger, bolder, and boasting far more colour than ever before, his art is as invigorating as that of a young man, whilst embodying the soul of a sage.At the heart of this book is the word 'soul'. What pushes a man at the age of 100 to continue breaking new ground in his life's work? How has he been able to surprise not just the art community but himself?This is Woon Tai Ho's second book on a Singaporean artist. His first, To Paint a Smile, is about the artist Tan Swie Hian.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Your Adventures At Cern: Play The Hero Among Particles And A Particular Dinosaur!
As soon as you open this book, YOU become the protagonist!You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world — a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.You can choose to play the role of a researcher, a student or a tourist, but keep your eyes open for a threatening dinosaur... Is it coming from the nearby Jura Mountains, the same place that gave Jurassic its name?Prepare yourself for a rather bizarre adventure filled with loads of brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders. Unfold the story, explore the unsolved mysteries of the Universe, and most importantly, have fun with the games and quizzes!Are you ready to face the huge prehistoric beast and discover the secrets of tiny particles?
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Your Adventures At Cern: Play The Hero Among Particles And A Particular Dinosaur!
As soon as you open this book, YOU become the protagonist!You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world — a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.You can choose to play the role of a researcher, a student or a tourist, but keep your eyes open for a threatening dinosaur... Is it coming from the nearby Jura Mountains, the same place that gave Jurassic its name?Prepare yourself for a rather bizarre adventure filled with loads of brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders. Unfold the story, explore the unsolved mysteries of the Universe, and most importantly, have fun with the games and quizzes!Are you ready to face the huge prehistoric beast and discover the secrets of tiny particles?
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Timmy Understands Refraction
A family fishing trip turns out to be full of learning fun for Timmy. Watch how he discovers facts about refraction, and becomes an expert that advises others too!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach young readers. Every book in the series is centred around a science phenomenon, ranging from the water cycle to light refraction to static electricity. Through engaging narratives and whimsical illustrations, 'I'm a Little Scientist' introduces young children to the exciting and ever-changing world of science. Go beyond the story with fun activities and simple experiments to encourage interactive learning! Each book features two pages of scientific experiments for children to put what they've learnt into action.Everyone can be a little scientist!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, The
Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Follow the world's most famous detective as he solves three of his greatest mysteries: The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, and A Scandal in Bohemia. In their efforts to uncover the truth, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson encounter all kinds of mystery, murder, and impossible crimes.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Total Innovation Management: Theory And Practice
This book is the research report of the 'Construction of Theory and Formation Mechanism of Total Innovation Management (TIM)' (Program No. 70372018), a program funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. This program aims to discuss and analyze, under the general trend of indigenous innovation, how enterprises construct indigenous innovation capability through total innovation management and to offer enterprises theoretical foundations and practical guidance to develop themselves towards indigenous innovation.The research results are not only the results of a three-year long research but also the reflection of the accumulated experiences of our research center in the field of technology innovation for nearly 40 years. In the field of technology innovation, we have experienced three distinct phases, namely: secondary innovation, portfolio innovation and total innovation.Total innovation is the main characteristic of an innovation-based enterprise. Creating an innovation-oriented enterprise by constructing a total innovation system is the approach that successful foreign enterprises use to move towards excellence and also the only way that Chinese enterprises have to take to become innovation-oriented enterprises that leapfrog in development.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures With Insects
Often overlooked or trampled underfoot as pests, insects in fact dominate the animal kingdom by sheer number — more than half of all animal species on the planet are insect species. Do you know which insect babies look nothing like their parents? Or why ants cultivate special relationships with aphids and treehoppers? Get ready for the buzz about bees and marvel at master aviator the monarch butterfly. From the creepy cockroach to the fascinating orchid mantis, our insect representatives will wow you with their winged or leggy exploits!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Scientific Writing 3.0: A Reader And Writer's Guide
The third edition of this book aims to equip both young and experienced researchers with all the tools and strategy they will need for their papers to not just be accepted, but stand out in the crowded field of academic publishing. It seeks to question and deconstruct the legacy of existing science writing, replacing or supporting historically existing practices with principle- and evidence-driven styles of effective writing. It encourages a reader-centric approach to writing, satisfying reader-scientists at large, but also the paper's most powerful readers, the reviewer and editor. Going beyond the baseline of well-structured scientific writing, this book leverages an understanding of human physiological limitations (memory, attention, time) to help the author craft a document that is optimized for readability.Through real and fictional examples, hands-on exercises, and entertaining stories, this book breaks down the critical parts of a typical scientific paper (Title, Abstract, Introduction, Visuals, Structure, and Conclusions). It shows at great depth how to achieve the essential qualities required in scientific writing, namely being clear, concise, convincing, fluid, interesting, and organized. To enable the writer to assess whether these parts are well written from a reader's perspective, the book also offers practical metrics in the form of six checklists, and even an original Java application to assist in the evaluation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Happy Learning Book For Siblings, The: 50 Awesome Activities For Siblings To Learn And Play Together At Home
Your home is the perfect place for learning, fun, and sibling bonding!The Happy Learning Book for Siblings features 50 hands-on activities you can conduct in the comfort of your home. They are divided into five learning areas (Literacy, Numeracy, Discovery of the World, Motor Skills and Sensory Play, Arts and Crafts), and are scaled for children of different ages to experience together. Spark hours of joyful learning and playful moments for your children, from toddlers to preschoolers and school-aged kids!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali: The Accidental Doctor
Meet Siti Hasmah, a little girl, who wants to be a journalist, in a period when not every girl was sent to school. Watch what happens to her, her family, and country when World War II strikes. Walk in her footsteps as she graduates from university and goes on to save the lives of many Malaysian women and children. See what she finally ends up becoming.The Woman Who Shaped Asia series aim not just to educate but also to motivate. These stories celebrate the amazing accomplishments of women from the region. Their remarkable strength in the face of adversity and sheer determination make it possible for their dreams to be fulfilled, no matter how big! They remind our young readers that great things are accomplished by people who were once little, just like them.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Prizes 2018, The
The Nobel Prizes is the official yearbook of the Nobel Foundation. This edition provides extensive information about the 2018 laureates: their Nobel Prize lectures and their autobiographies, as well as presentation speeches and background about the Nobel festivities.Published on behalf of the Nobel Foundation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Infrastructure Financing In Asia
First, the book documents the evolution of Asia's infrastructure over the past half-century and reviews existing literature on the role of infrastructure investment in supporting growth and social development. It highlights the positive impact of mass transit investments on land and property values, and the possibility of taxing the increase in values to finance these investments. It then examines Asia's current practices and new solutions that can help meet the infrastructure gap. It discusses the role of institutions, how innovation can foster energy infrastructure investments, and the role of bond markets in infrastructure investments. The book explores ASEAN+3 efforts in developing local currency bond markets to provide long-term local financing for infrastructure investment while providing financial resilience. It also examines the use of green bonds to finance sustainable growth in Asia.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mastery In General Surgery Short Cases
The clinical examination of common surgical conditions has been paramount in accurate diagnosis and management. This book provides a framework for candidates preparing for the short case clinical component of the surgical examination. It can be used as a companion to other surgical textbooks and a guide for medical students and surgical residents in preparation for clinical work.It includes detailed description of clinical examination steps and techniques, proper presentation of cases, as well as tips and lessons gained from past surgical examinations. The questions and answers in this book are designed according to the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) format. They are divided into simple and advanced questions according to difficulty intended at the undergraduate, post-graduate and exit level.The book will be helpful in developing a structure to prepare for the surgical clinical examinations, viva and the OSCE. The illustrations and algorithms included will help the reader grasp concepts of the surgical topic easily and aid the candidate in passing the surgical examinations with confidence.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Meme The Monkey: Wins In Life
We all like to win. But what exactly does it mean to win in life and how can we win ... and win with Honour?The purpose of this book is to invite you and your child to think about what 'winning in life' actually means. What is success? How do you define success? What makes for a successful life?This is particularly important in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). In a fast-changing world, there are no 'maps' because no one has gone that way before. When there are no 'maps', we need a good inner 'compass' to guide us in life - this 'compass' comprises the values that make us better human beings.The right values will also prepare your child for the world of big data and digitalization. To survive and thrive in this world, your child must not only excel at technology, but also at humanity because after total efficiency is achieved via technology, the value of any business or organisation will be contingent on human and other non-digitalisable elements such as purpose and empathy.May you and your child win in life with Honour!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Panjang: The Tall Boy Who Became Prime Minister
Panjang is the tallest kid around. He hates standing out, but little does he know, he's on his way to greater heights...This book tells the childhood story of Singapore's second prime minister, Goh Chok Tong, and how he conquered his self-consciousness to become a leader. This 'tall' tale inspires children to embrace the things that make them different.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Random Walk To Nowhere, A: How The Professors Caused A Real "Fraud-on-the-market"
This book is about an intellectual fraud, one that has become part of legal doctrine that has greatly influenced decisions all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. The 'efficient market hypothesis' (EMH), born from the Random Walk theory, started out as an honest attempt to improve insights into how financial markets work, but eventually became almost a religion that every financial economist had to buy into, or risk professional crucifixion. The EMH began over a half century ago. It posits that share prices reflect all available market information, and that it is impossible to consistently outperform the market. This theory dominated research in the academic financial community from the outset, and has continued to do so for decades. Meanwhile, the evidence for above-average profit-making opportunities in the markets has been unfairly suppressed.Written for practitioners in the business, finance and legal industries, this book outlines the major issues that gave rise to the fraud, focusing on the role of statistics in the rise of what the authors call the 'New Finance.' It details the developments and results of the exclusion of other theories from efficient markets research and highlights the problems arising from a dogmatic adherence to EMH.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Solving Problems In Our Spatial World
'The reference list is excellent. This is a worthwhile (though 'niche') book that will be attractive to a particular sector of the general reading public interested in mathematical riddles and puzzles. Professional educators might well employ it in integrated learning settings. Summing Up: Recommended. All readers.'CHOICEImmerse yourself in the fascinating world of geometry and spatial ability — either individually or in small groups, either as challenges or play problems! Here are four reasons why you should work with this book:This book offers a very unique opportunity to enhance your spatial ability, your mathematical competence, and your logical thinking. The authors arranged 45 problems — including more than 120 tasks — in a well-balanced order, which have been tested with a variety of populations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sri Lanka At Crossroads: Geopolitical Challenges And National Interests
Having celebrated its 70th year of independence in 2018, Sri Lanka, a strategically-positioned island nation, now finds itself with the potential to be a super connector in fast-developing Asia. While carving out a place for itself in the international arena, Sri Lanka has simultaneously had to look inwards to recover and rebuild its potential, bruised by an era of colonial rule and nearly 30 years of a civil war, with two youth insurrections.This book examines these twin dimensions. First, how Sri Lanka is negotiating its international reach and the spheres of influence that extend from other Asian and world powers, and second, how the country is engaging in nation-building, from days of racial riots to ones of peace-building, reconciliation, more robust governance, and the development of cyber security.Written from the perspective of a Sri Lankan academic and the head of the national security think tank, this book offers insights into how the country has addressed its post-conflict as well as geopolitical challenges, navigated through domestic politics, and ramped up peace-building efforts, to now reach a junction where it can put its foot firmly on the road to prosperity in a new Asian world order.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To The Quantum World Of Atoms And Molecules
This invaluable book provides a balanced and integrated introduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules. The underlying basis of quantum mechanics is carefully developed, with respect for the historical tradition and from a molecular angle. The fundamental concepts in the theory of atomic and molecular structure are thoroughly discussed, as are the central techniques needed in quantum-chemical applications. Special attention is paid to exposing and clarifying the common ground of Hartree-Fock theory and density-functional theory. Throughout the text, the discussion is pedagogically obliging and aims at simplicity and mathematical clarity, while avoiding the use of advanced mathematics. End-of-chapter problems supplement the main text.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Strings 2000, Proceedings Of The 2000 International Superstrings Conference
Superstring theory and its successor, M-theory, hold promises of a deeper understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics, the unification of the four fundamental forces, the quantum theory of gravity, the mysteries of quantum black holes, Big Bang cosmology and, ultimately, their complete synthesis in a final theory of physics.This volume records the proceedings of the major annual international conference on the subject, “Strings 2000”, which involved 42 talks by the world's leading experts on string theory and M-theory. It will be of interest not only to researchers in the field but also to all those who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in this exciting area of theoretical physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Current State Of The Chinese Communist Party In The Countryside, The
This volume discusses the changing role of the village level Chinese Communist Party secretaries in the countryside. Rural reforms since 1978, especially the dismantling of the rural commune in the early 1980s, have reshaped the social, economic and political landscapes of rural China. Economic reforms have led to gradual erosion of the power of the party secretaries, reduced their income advantages, and at the same time increased the complexity and difficulty of their tasks. The issue of incentive has emerged for talented people to remain party secretaries. The political implications, according to the author, are a gradual transformation of the nature of the CCP and its turning from a “vanguard party” to a “rearguard party” that manages things from the sidelines and in an ad hoc fashion.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Boundary Value Problems
This book has been designed for a one-year graduate course on boundary value problems for students of mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. It deals mainly with the three fundamental equations of mathematical physics, namely the heat equation, the wave equation, and Laplace's equation.The goal of the book is to obtain a formal solution to a given problem either by the method of separation of variables or by the method of general solutions and to verify that the formal solution possesses all the required properties. To provide the mathematical justification for this approach, the theory of Sturm-Liouville problems, the Fourier series, and the Fourier transform are fully developed. The book assumes a knowledge of advanced calculus and elementary differential equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Statistics: Problems And Solution
Originally published in 1986, this book consists of 100 problems in probability and statistics, together with solutions and, most importantly, extensive notes on the solutions. The level of sophistication of the problems is similar to that encountered in many introductory courses in probability and statistics. At this level, straightforward solutions to the problems are of limited value unless they contain informed discussion of the choice of technique used, and possible alternatives. The solutions in the book are therefore elaborated with extensive notes which add value to the solutions themselves. The notes enable the reader to discover relationships between various statistical techniques, and provide the confidence needed to tackle new problems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Gauge Integrals
This book presents the Henstock/Kurzweil integral and the McShane integral. These two integrals are obtained by changing slightly the definition of the Riemann integral. These variations lead to integrals which are much more powerful than the Riemann integral. The Henstock/Kurzweil integral is an unconditional integral for which the fundamental theorem of calculus holds in full generality, while the McShane integral is equivalent to the Lebesgue integral in Euclidean spaces.A basic knowledge of introductory real analysis is required of the reader, who should be familiar with the fundamental properties of the real numbers, convergence, series, differentiation, continuity, etc.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Semiconductor Lasers And Applications To Optoelectronics (Ijhses Vol. 9 No. 4)
Foreword by Charles H TownesThis volume includes highlights of the theories underlying the essential phenomena occurring in novel semiconductor lasers as well as the principles of operation of selected heterostructure lasers. To understand scattering processes in heterostructure lasers and related optoelectronic devices, it is essential to consider the role of dimensional confinement of charge carriers as well as acoustical and optical phonons in quantum structures. Indeed, it is important to consider the confinement of both phonons and carriers in the design and modeling of novel semiconductor lasers such as the tunnel injection laser, quantum well intersubband lasers, and quantum dot lasers. The full exploitation of dimensional confinement leads to the exciting new capability of scattering time engineering in novel semiconductor lasers.As a result of continuing advances in techniques for growing quantum heterostructures, recent developments are likely to be followed in coming years by many more advances in semiconductor lasers and optoelectronics. As our understanding of these devices and the ability to fabricate them grow, so does our need for more sophisticated theories and simulation methods bridging the gap between quantum and classical transport.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Emotions, Qualia, And Consciousness
The experience of emotion is a ubiquitous component of the stream of consciousness; emotional qualia interact with other contents and processes of consciousness in complex ways. Recent research has supported the hypothesis that important functional aspects of emotion can operate outside the conscious awareness. Primary types of emotions are found in animals, while secondary, more complex types are involved in interpersonal relationships. Emotions both influence genetic repair mechanisms of individuals and are responsible for group behavior. Many scholars and scientists believe that no scientific or philosophic account of consciousness can be complete without an understanding of the role of emotion.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Trade Liberalisation And The Environment: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
This book assesses the magnitude of the effects of trade liberalisation on welfare and the environment in the context of a small open economy, and the degree to which these effects are influenced by environmental policy. It is expected that the results of this study will provide some direction for trade and environmental policies, and will help to fill part of the empirical vacuum in this field. These results will be widely applicable to open-market-based economies and to countries embarking on major liberalisation programs.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Vlsi Physical Design Automation: Theory And Practice
VLSI is an important area of electronic and computer engineering. However, there are few textbooks available for undergraduate/postgraduate study of VLSI design automation and chip layout. VLSI Physical Design Automation: Theory and Practice fills the void and is an essential introduction for senior undergraduates, postgraduates and anyone starting work in the field of CAD for VLSI. It covers all aspects of physical design, together with such related areas as automatic cell generation, silicon compilation, layout editors and compaction. A problem-solving approach is adopted and each solution is illustrated with examples. Each topic is treated in a standard format: Problem Definition, Cost Functions and Constraints, Possible Approaches and Latest Developments.Special features: The book deals with all aspects of VLSI physical design, from partitioning and floorplanning to layout generation and silicon compilation; provides a comprehensive treatment of most of the popular algorithms; covers the latest developments and gives a bibliography for further research; offers numerous fully described examples, problems and programming exercises.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd International Political Economy And Globalization
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to international political economy and to the different trade and financial issues in the contemporary international system. The modern international political economy is characterized by globalization of production and finance. This book explains the growth and consequences of globalization from a historical and evolutionary perspective. It explores not only the long-standing issues of trade protectionism and financial stability, but also the newer issues of international labor standards, liberalization of investment regulations, and environmental protection. One of the greatest challenges of financial globalization is the potential for destabilizing national economies through a rapid outflow of capital, as seen recently in East Asia. In this book, the East Asian currency and debt crises are examined in relation to earlier crises in Latin America in the early 1980s and in Mexico in the mid-1990s. It will help readers to understand how politics and economics interact to produce the rules and structures of international political economy, and also to better appreciate the contemporary issues, crises, and challenges in international political economy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Quantum Computers
Quantum computing promises to solve problems which are intractable on digital computers. Highly parallel quantum algorithms can decrease the computational time for some problems by many orders of magnitude. This important book explains how quantum computers can do these amazing things. Several algorithms are illustrated: the discrete Fourier transform, Shor's algorithm for prime factorization; algorithms for quantum logic gates; physical implementations of quantum logic gates in ion traps and in spin chains; the simplest schemes for quantum error correction; correction of errors caused by imperfect resonant pulses; correction of errors caused by the nonresonant actions of a pulse; and numerical simulations of dynamical behavior of the quantum Control-Not gate. An overview of some basic elements of computer science is presented, including the Turing machine, Boolean algebra, and logic gates. The required quantum ideas are explained.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine 1901-1921
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Group Theory: An Intuitive Approach
A thorough introduction to group theory, this (highly problem-oriented) book goes deeply into the subject to provide a fuller understanding than available anywhere else. The book aims at, not only teaching the material, but also helping to develop the skills needed by a researcher and teacher, possession of which will be highly advantageous in these very competitive times, particularly for those at the early, insecure, stages of their careers. And it is organized and written to serve as a reference to provide a quick introduction giving the essence and vocabulary useful for those who need only some slight knowledge, those just learning, as well as researchers, and especially for the latter it provides a grasp, and often material and perspective, not otherwise available.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics, Vol 4 (1963-1970)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Scientific Papers Of Sir Rudolf Peierls, With Commentary By The Author
This book is a collection of the major scientific papers of Sir Rudolf Peierls (1907-95), including the Peierls-Frisch Memoranda of 1940 on the feasibility, and the predicted human effects, of an atomic bomb made of uranium-235. His papers range widely in topic. They include much on the fundamentals of solid state physics, the thermal and electric conductivity of materials as a function of temperature T (especially T→0), the interpretation of the de Haas-van Alphen effect observed for a metal in a magnetic field, and the basics of transport theory. Many are on problems in statistical mechanics, including his constructive paper demonstrating the existence of a phase transition for Ising's model for a two-dimensional ferromagnet. In nuclear physics, they include the first calculations (with Bethe) on the photo-disintegration of the deuteron (made in response to a challenge by Chadwick), the Kapur-Peierls theory of resonance phenomena in nuclear reactions, the Bohr-Peierls-Placzek continuum model for complex nuclei (which first explained the narrow resonances observed for low energy neutrons incident on very heavy nuclei), and the Peierls-Thouless variational approach to collective phenomena in nuclei. Several of Peierls's wartime papers, now declassified, are here published for the first time.Brief commentaries on most of the papers in this book were added by Peierls, to indicate subsequent developments and their relationship with other work, or to correct errors found later on. A complete bibliography of his writings is given as an appendix.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dimension Estimation And Models
This volume is the first in the new series Nonlinear Time Series and Chaos. The general aim of the series is to provide a bridge between the two communities by inviting prominent researchers in their respective fields to give a systematic account of their chosen topics, starting at the beginning and ending with the latest state. It is hoped that researchers in both communities will find the topics relevant and thought provoking. In this volume, the first chapter, written by Professor Colleen Cutler, is a comprehensive account of the theory and estimation of fractal dimension, a topic of central importance in dynamical systems, which has recently attracted the attention of the statisticians. As it is natural to study a stochastic dynamical system within the framework of Markov chains, it is therefore relevant to study their limiting behaviour. The second chapter, written by Professor Kung-Sik Chan, reviews some limit theorems of Markov chains and illustrates their relevance to chaos. The next three chapters are concerned with specific models. Briefly, Chapter Three by Professor Peter Lewis and Dr Bonnie Ray and Chapter Four by Professor Peter Brockwell generalise the class of self-exciting threshold autoregressive models in different directions. In Chapter Three, the new and powerful methodology of multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) is adapted to time series data. Its versatility is illustrated by reference to the very interesting and complex sea surface temperature data. Chapter Four exploits the greater tractability of continuous-time Markov approach to discrete-time data. The approach is particularly relevant to irregularly sampled data. The concluding chapter, by Professor Pham Dinh Tuan, is likely to be the most definitive account of bilinear models in discrete time to date.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nonsymmetric Fields Theory And Its Applications
The book is devoted to a unification of two major principles of invariance in physics (local gauge and local coordinate invariance) and reducing both principles to the second one in a more than 4-dimensional world. The additional dimensions cannot be directly observed. Thus it is akin to a Kaluza-Klein or Jordan-Thiry point of view. The author develops these ideas using nonriemannian geometry from Einstein's Unified Field Theory. The theory uses nonsymmetric right-invariant metric defined on a principal fibre bundle (a gauge bundle). The book proceeds in three stages:“Interference effects” between gravity (described by NGT) and gauge field (including electromagnetic field) which appeared due to nonriemannian geometry in the theory and its physical consequences were discovered. Some applications have been pointed out.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Yang-baxter Equation In Integrable Systems
This volume will be the first reference book devoted specially to the Yang-Baxter equation. The subject relates to broad areas including solvable models in statistical mechanics, factorized S matrices, quantum inverse scattering method, quantum groups, knot theory and conformal field theory. The articles assembled here cover major works from the pioneering papers to classical Yang-Baxter equation, its quantization, variety of solutions, constructions and recent generalizations to higher genus solutions.