Search results for ""For Dummies""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies: Book + Chapter Quizzes Online
The easy way to understand and retain all the concepts taught in pre-calculus classes Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is a great resource if you want to do you best in Pre-Calculus. Packed with lessons, examples, and practice problems in the book, plus extra chapter quizzes online, it gives you absolutely everything you need to succeed in pre-calc. Unlike your textbook, this book presents the essential topics clearly and concisely, so you can really understand the stuff you learn in class, score high on your tests (including the AP Pre-Calculus exam!), and get ready to confidently move ahead to upper-level math courses. And if you need a refresher before launching into calculus, look no further—this book has your back. Review what you learned in algebra and geometry, then dig into pre-calculus Master logarithms, exponentials, conic sections, linear equations, and beyond Get easy-to-understand explanations that match the methods your teacher uses Learn clever shortcuts, test-taking tips, and other hacks to make your life easier Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is the must-have resource for students who need to review for exams or just want a little (or a lot of!) extra help understanding what’s happening in class.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Series 7 Exam 2024-2025 For Dummies: Book + 6 Practice Tests Online
Pass the Series 7 on your first try, thanks to this Dummies study guide Series 7 Exam 2024-2025 For Dummies gives you the tips, tricks, and practice you need to pass this notorious securities exam and obtain your General Securities Representative license. This updated edition helps you prep for the current exam, and it includes coverage of the latest tax law changes. You'll also find study plans that will help you budget your time, whether you have 8, 4, or 2 weeks to study or are down to crunch time and have just days to prepare for the exam.. And when test day finally rolls around, you’ll be ready, thanks to six online practice tests and tons of tips and strategies for success. Your career in finance starts here. Learn about the Series 7 exam and review the content you’ll need to know Prepare with 6 online practice tests and with complete answer explanations and walk-throughs Study wisely with detailed plans showing you how to best manage your time Pass the dreaded Series 7 and launch your career in finance Anyone looking to become a licensed securities broker needs to pass the Series 7—and can pass the Series 7, Dummies-style.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Guitar Rhythm and Techniques For Dummies, Book + Online Video and Audio Instruction
Improve your guitar-playing rhythm, feel, and timing If you want to improve your timing, sharpen your technique, or get inspired by new ideas, Guitar Rhythm & Technique For Dummies breaks down the basics of reading, counting, strumming, and picking rhythms on guitar to make you an ace on the axe in no time. With the help of this friendly guide, you'll learn to play examples of eighth and sixteenth note rhythms—including common strum patterns heard in popular music—to improve your guitar rhythm, feel, and timing. Plus, access to audio downloads and online video lessons complement the coverage presented in the book, giving you the option of supplementing your reading with additional visual and audio learning. There's no denying that guitar is one of the coolest musical instruments on the planet. Okay, perhaps undeniably the coolest. Whether you bow at the feet of Chuck Berry, Keith Richards, the Edge, or Eddie Van Halen, they all have one thing in common: they make it look incredibly, naturally easy! However, anyone who's actually picked up a guitar knows that mastering rhythm and technique is something that takes a lot of practice—not to mention good coaching. Luckily, Guitar Rhythm & Technique For Dummies makes your aspirations to play guitar like the pros attainable with loads of helpful step-by-step instruction on everything from mastering hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides to perfecting your picking—and beyond. Covers strum patterns, articulations, picking techniques, and more Showcases musical styles such as pop, rock, blues, folk, and funk Includes techniques for playing with both your right and left hand Provides access to online audio tracks and video instruction so you can master the concepts and techniques presented in the book Whether you're new to guitar or an advanced player looking to improve your musical timing and skills, Guitar Rhythm & Technique For Dummies quickly gets you in the groove before the rhythm gets you.
John Wiley & Sons ACT Math Prep For Dummies 2nd Edition 3 Practi ce Tests Online
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital SAT Math Prep For Dummies, 3rd Edition: Book + 4 Practice Tests Online, Updated for the NEW Digital Format
Hone your math skills to score well on the SAT Digital SAT Math Prep For Dummies is a jam-packed study guide to the section of the SAT students struggle with most. This update covers major changes to the test as the SAT goes fully digital in spring 2024. With this book, you can improve your score with proven test-taking strategies and four practice exams. Drill down on the concepts you need help with the most, and prepare to breeze through all 44 questions on test day. Learn exactly what will be on the new, all-digital SAT math section Get tips for solving problems quicker and making good guesses when you need to Practice, practice, practice, with 4 tests Maximize your score—and your chances of getting into your top-choice colleges If you’re a high school student preparing to take the SAT and you need to designate extra study time to developing your math skills, this book is for you.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Years 9 - 10 Maths For Students
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Years 6 - 8 Maths For Students
Quince & Company Knit: first stitch / first scarf
The art of making your own hand knits begins with a few simple steps: casting on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, and binding off. These are the keys that open up an entire world of possibilities in creating your own sweaters, accessories, gifts, and more. Pam Allen, author of the best-selling book “Knitting for Dummies”, breaks down the very first few steps of knitting for the beginner. Many knitting books, like “Knitting for Dummies”, provide a complete guide to everything a knitter needs to become accomplished in the craft. For those who are not sure they want to commit, this is the perfect start. Complete with stunning hand-drawn illustrations, this introduction to knitting is as beautiful as it is useful.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Chemie für Dummies
Chemie for dummies Wenn es knallt, zischt und stinkt, dann ist meist Chemie im Spiel. Doch wie kommen die verschiedenen Reaktionen zu Stande? Dieses Buch zeigt, was dahinter steckt und macht deutlich, dass Chemie nicht nur aus Formeln besteht. Erfahren Sie alles über die unzähligen spannenden Stoffe, Versuche und Reaktionen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Chemie kennen und erfahren, wo sich chemische Phänomene im Alltag bemerkbar machen. John T. Moore macht Ihnen Begriffe wie Mol, Atom, Base oder Molekül begreiflich und zeigt, wie man mit dem Periodensystem umgeht. Mit Übungsaufgaben am Ende eines jeden Kapitels können Sie Ihr Wissen überprüfen.Sie erfahren Was es mit Materie und Energie auf sich hat, Welche Bindungen es gibt: Ionenbindungen, kovalente Bindung, Metallbindung und Co. Wo Chemie im Alltag auftaucht: Haushalt, Wasserverschmutzung, Treibhauseffekt
John Murray Press Speaking of India: Bridging the Communication Gap When Working with Indians
Westerners and Indians are working more closely together and in greater numbers than ever before. The opportunities are vast, but so is the cultural divide. Misunderstandings and frustration due to cultural differences wreak havoc on success. In this revised edition of Speaking of India, author and intercultural communications expert Craig Storti attempts to ease the frustration, and bring cultural understanding in business and life. With a new foreword by Ranjini Manian, author of Doing Business in India for Dummies, the book also features new content on managing remotely, and the results of a five-year cultural survey. With more than a dozen years of experience working between the two cultures, Storti has identified key cultural flashpoints and the result is a powerful series of Best Practices, which is the basis of Speaking of India.
WW Norton & Co Socrates Cafe: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy
Christopher Phillips is a man on a mission: to revive the love of questions that Socrates inspired long ago in ancient Athens. "Like a Johnny Appleseed with a master's degree, Phillips has gallivanted back and forth across America, to cafés and coffee shops, senior centers, assisted-living complexes, prisons, libraries, day-care centers, elementary and high schools, and churches, forming lasting communities of inquiry" (Utne Reader). Phillips not only presents the fundamentals of philosophical thought in this "charming, Philosophy for Dummies-type guide" (USA Today); he also recalls what led him to start his itinerant program and re-creates some of the most invigorating sessions, which come to reveal sometimes surprising, often profound reflections on the meaning of love, friendship, work, growing old, and others among Life's Big Questions. "How to Start Your Own Socrates Café" guide included.
Saqi Books And Then God Created The Middle East And Said 'Let There Be Breaking News'
`You may wonder why the Middle East gets so much airtime. Well, regions of the world were competing to host the apocalypse and the Middle East won.' Online sensation Karl reMarks disagreed with the idea that reality had become too strange to satirise. Then he read that bin Laden was radicalised by Shakespeare. Since then, Karl has been bringing the best of the Middle East news and views to his followers around the world. Now Karl's wildly wry observations and sketches are available in one handy collection. With sections on `Geography for Dummies', `Democracy for Realists' and `Extremism: A Study', alongside the best of Karl reMarks's infamous `Bar Jokes', this hilarious book proudly presents views you're guaranteed not to hear on the news ... We're actually very proud of God in the Middle East. He's the local guy who went on to acquire international fame. Wahahahahabism: A fundamentalist Middle Eastern comedy movement. Twelve people just started to follow me. Jesus.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd How to be a Time Master: Control Your Time...Control Your Life
If you could save just 24 minutes a day you'd gain an extra 6 days a year. Some say the world was created in 6 days. What could you achieve? You don't have to work harder or spend hours defining your life goals in order to manage your time. The Time Master approach is full of quick painkilling solutions and long-term 'know-how'. This is more than time management, this is time mastery. Forget about complicated planning techniques and endless charts - with over 400 practical tips and tricks at your fingertips, you'll be able to tackle your main problem areas and take back control of your time and your life, quickly. As a Time Master, you will learn how to slow down and enjoy doing the things you really want to do. Master ways to: Work out what really needs to be done and when Manage emails, your screen time and the telephone Run brilliant meetings Deal with interruptions Stop others stealing your time Say no when necessary and manage our boss Make time for your health And many more ... 'A common sense approach to time management ... in an easy to read format.' --Clare Evans, Time Management Coach and author of Time Management For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Starting Your Own Business: Become an Entrepreneur!
The easy way to help your kid start a business Do you have a budding entrepreneur on your hands who's anxious to bring the next great business idea to life? Make their dream come true with the accessible, expert help in Starting Your Own Business. Written with young learners in mind, this book walks your child through the steps that turn a bright idea into a profitable business. An extension of the trusted For Dummies brand, Starting Your Own Business speaks to juniors in a language they can understand, offering guidance and actionable plans to turn their business idea into a reality. From setting goals to putting together a plan that encourages others to help them get their idea off the ground, it offers everything kids need to get their business started and make it grow. The book features a design that is heavy on eye-popping graphics that hold children's attention The content focuses on the steps to completing a project A small, full-color, non-intimidating package instills confidence in the reader Basic projects set the reader on the road to further exploration Children are notorious for their huge imaginations. Now, their ideas can live in the real world—and translate to real profit—with the help of Starting Your Own Business.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Getting Started with Electronics: Build Electronic Circuits!
Fun and engaging electronics projects just for kids! Do you have a cunning kid who's curious about what goes on inside computers, phones, TVs, and other electronic devices? You may just have a budding Edison on your hands—and what better way to encourage their fascination with electronics than a book filled with projects they can complete on their own? In Getting Started with Electronics, your child will follow simple steps to safely create cool electronics projects using basic materials that can easily be found at online retailers or hobby shops. Just imagine your child's delight as they use clips, switches, resistors, capacitors, and more to create circuits that control light and sound! From building a nifty LED flashlight to tuning in to a local radio station using a homemade tuner—and more—your little electronic wiz's world is about to get a whole lot brighter! Features vivid designs and a short page count Focuses on your child experiencing a sense of accomplishment Projects introduce core concepts while keeping tasks simple Teaches electronics in a safe environment Built for the youngest of learners from the makers of the trusted For Dummies brand, you can feel good about giving your child a book that will spark their creativity.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Getting Started with Engineering: Think Like an Engineer!
Fun engineering projects for kids Does your kid's love of 'tinkering' resemble that of a budding Thomas Edison? Then Getting Started with Engineering is guaranteed to spark their fascination! The focused, easy-to-complete projects offered inside are designed to broaden their understanding of basic engineering principles, challenge their problem-solving skills, and sharpen their creativity—all while having fun along the way. Engineers are experts on how things work—and this book is your youngster's best first step to developing the skills they need to think, design, and build things like the pros. The projects they'll complete feature a fun twist that appeal to their age group—from a tiny model roller coaster to a wearable toy that includes an electronic circuit—and the instructions are written in an easy-to-follow manner, making it possible for them to experience the pride and accomplishment of working independently. Appropriate for children aged 7-11 Simple explanations guide children to complete three projects using household items The full-color design, short page count, and easy-to-follow instructions are designed to appeal to kids Brought to you by the trusted For Dummies brand If you have a little engineer that could, Getting Started with Engineering is a great way to encourage their fascination of figuring out how things work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building a Minecraft City: Build Like a Pro!
The coolest kid-friendly Minecraft projects If you have a Minecraft fanatic on your hands, you're about to be the most popular adult on the "block." Offering young Minecraft enthusiasts the ultimate sandbox experience, Building a Minecraft City gives kids aged 7 – 11 an outlet to enhance their love of the game and take their creative play to new heights. Brought to you by the trusted For Dummies brand, this kid-focused book offers step-by-step instructions and simple explanations for completing projects that will teach your child invaluable new skills—all while having a ton of fun! They'll gain confidence as they design and build truly impressive Minecraft structures, and you'll delight in watching them develop and refine their problem-solving skills as they work on their own. It's a win-win! Features a kid-friendly design that is heavy on eye-popping graphics Focuses on three basic projects that set young readers on the road to further exploration Boasts a small, full-color, accessible package that instills confidence in the reader Introduces basic engineering concepts to kids in a way they can understand Screen time can be as educational as it is fun, and this book shows your child how to approach their favorite game from a new angle to think—and do—outside the box.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 90 World-Class Activities by 90 World-Class Trainers
90 World-Class Activities by 90 World-Class Trainers gathers classic activities from ninety master trainers in one convenient place. The stellar list of trainers includes Bellman, Blanchard, Booher, Crum, de Bono, Kouzes, Masie, Pike, Robinson, Scannell, Silberman, Thiagi, Zenger, and 77 other names you'll know. Elaine Biech (editor of the Pfeiffer Annuals and author of Training for Dummies) has gathered a powerful and exciting collection of activities from around the globe. The sixteen topics include change management, coaching, diversity, leadership, and teamwork. This invaluable resource presents the favorite activities of some of the most talented trainers in the world—all seven continents are represented. All of these activities have stood the test of time and are presented here for your use to engage teams and groups in collaborative learning. The contributors provide helpful suggestions for adapting the activities to a particular setting or audience and present ideas for adding zest to their favorite activities to ensure that you are as successful with them as they have been. The book is filled with experience and expertise. Combined, the contributors have written and edited almost 800 books and over 3,700 articles and have received hundreds of awards. Many are members of the HRD Hall of Fame and they advise some of the largest organizations in the world. Draw on their expertise and implement several of the activities. Your success is guaranteed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Your Own Robots: Design and Build Your First Robot!
Fun robotics projects that teach kids to make, hack, and learn! There's no better way for kids to learn about the world around them than to test how things work. Building Your Own Robots presents fun robotics projects that children aged 7 – 11 can complete with common household items and old toys. The projects introduce core robotics concepts while keeping tasks simple and easy to follow, and the vivid, full-color graphics keep your kid's eyes on the page as they work through the projects. Brought to you by the trusted For Dummies brand, this kid-focused book offers your child a fun and easy way to start learning big topics! They'll gain confidence as they design and build a self-propelled vehicle, hack an old remote control car to create a motorized robot, and use simple commands to build and program a virtual robot—all while working on their own and enjoying a sense of accomplishment! Offers a kid-friendly design that is heavy on eye-popping graphics Focuses on basic projects that set your child on the road to further exploration Boasts a small, full-color, accessible package that instills confidence in the reader Introduces basic robotics concepts to kids in a language they can understand If your youngster loves to tinker, they'll have a whole lot of fun while developing their creative play with the help of Building Your Own Robots.
Mango Media My Dog, My Buddha: A Spiritual and Empowering Approach to Dog Training (Animal Training Book, Puppy Training Book, for Fans of Rescued)
#1 New Release in Animal Behavior & Communication ─ 100 Ways to Be a Better Dog ParentWhat your dog wants you to know: Our furry friends reflect the love and affection we pour into them. But any pet parent who is struggling with puppy training or ongoing behavioral issues knows that it’s easy to get frustrated. My Dog, My Buddha offers one hundred life lessons that will help you build a better relationship with your pet and get the behavior you want. We get what we project: Kimberly Artley, an expert in canine psychology will teach you how to truly understand dog behavior. She knows that our dogs look to us for cues, guidance, directives, and how to feel about each and every situation they enter into. Dog care is a dialogue. My Dog, My Buddha will show you how to manage that conversation with your pet from a calm and centered place. Unlike other dog training books: My Dog, My Buddha is meant to educate, empower, and equip the human end of the leash. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Bridge the disconnect between human and canine Find personal growth through the years with your dog Build a relationship on trust, love, and respect If you liked Training the Best Dog Ever, For the Love of a Dog, Dog Training for Dummies, or Rescued, you’ll love the empathetic approach to pet care and dog training in My Dog, My Buddha.
Skyhorse Publishing Why Jews Do That: Or 30 Questions Your Rabbi Never Answered
A Fun Take on "Judaism for Dummies" that Will Answer All Questions Wondered by the Goyim and Jewish People Alike! When the subject of religion comes up, people often get very shy and are worried about offending. Now, if there was only a book that covered all the nooks and crannies of a religion, written in an easily digestible way... Well, now there is! Written by Rabbi Avram Mlotek, Why Jews Do That is a terrific look into the Jewish religion, answering all the tough questions you've been afraid to ask. But this isn't just for the Jews among us. Just because you're Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or the like, doesn't mean you cannot enjoy an inside look to find out if Jews believe in Jesus, what kosher really is, and how we keep our yarmulkes secured to our heads. So have no fear, as Jews are here to help! Some of the tough questions answered by Rabbi Mlotek include: What's with Jews and candles? Do Jews have confession like Catholics? Why are Jews obsessed with food? Is sex kosher? What about marijuana? And much more! Why Jews Do That is your one-stop shop for answers to all the questions you wanted to know, but were too shy to ask. So whether you're a devout follower, a casual observer, someone marrying into the faith, or just interested in buffing up your Bible knowledge, Rabbi Mlotek will guide you through the challah, mitzvahs, and shiksas that make Jewish life so...lively.
Jewish Lights Publishing God within: Our Spiritual Future as Told by Todays New Adults
What does it mean to be young and spiritual today-when the New Age isn't exactly new, when female rabbis and ministers are no longer unusual, and when Eastern religion's ideas and practices are no longer considered exotic? Who are the faces behind today's fresh approaches to faith, approaches that are destined to shape the future of spiritual life in America? "Religion is not a crutch for the weak-minded. It is merely spirituality in its simplest, most rudimentary form. We have witnessed the hypocrisy, the moral and spiritual mediocrity of succumbing to tradition for tradition's sake. In an age when there are books on everything for dummies, my generation has opted to find out for themselves. I am a new adult, with decisions to make about my identity and my future. I am not about to surrender this newfound privilege. I am content with discovering my spiritual self through my own avenues. I am not in need of a crossing guard." -from God Within God Within represents citizens of the twenty-first century who are faced with a dizzying array of spiritualities: believer, seeker, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Wiccan, to name just a very few. The result of a nationwide challenge extended to young adults born after 1974, in this book they share their experiences with all of these beliefs-some confident, some questioning-and introduce us to many shades in between. Sometimes irreverent-but more importantly, always relevant-this thought-provoking collection of writings, poetry, and art showcases the voices that are defining the future of religion, faith, and belief as we know it.
Mango Media The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them (Cryptography, Derivatives Investments, Futures Trading, Digital Assets, NFT)
Understand Bitcoin, Blockchains, and Cryptocurrency“Antony helps us all clearly understand the mechanics of bitcoin and blockchain.” ―Rob Findlay, Founder, Next Money#1 Best Seller in Investing Derivatives and Natural Resource Extraction Industry, Futures Trading, Banks & Banking, Energy & Mining, Monetary Policy, and Computers & TechnologyThere’s a lot written on cryptocurrency and blockchains. But, for the uninitiated, most of this information can be indecipherable. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains provides a clear guide to this new currency and the revolutionary technology that powers it.Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. Gain an understanding of a broad spectrum of Bitcoin topics including the history of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin blockchain, and Bitcoin buying, selling, and mining. Learn how payments are made, and how to put a value on cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.Blockchain technology. What exactly is a blockchain, how does it work, and why is it important? The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains answers these questions and more. Learn about notable blockchain platforms, smart contracts, and other important facets of blockchains and their function in the changing cyber-economy.Things to know before buying cryptocurrencies. Find trustworthy and balanced insights into Bitcoin investing and investing in other cryptocurrency. Discover the risks and mitigations, learn how to identify scams, and understand cryptocurrency exchanges, digital wallets, and regulations.Learn about: Blockchain technology and how it works Workings of the cryptocurrency market Evolution and potential impacts of Bitcoin and blockchains on global businesses You’ve read books such as Blockchain Bubble or Revolution, Cryptoassets, Blockchain Technology Explained, Blockchain Revolution, The Bitcoin Standard, Mastering Bitcoin, or Bitcoin For Dummies, but to really understand the technology read The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Environmental Careers: The Worldwide Green Jobs Resource
Global Environmental Careers Global Environmental Careers – The Worldwide Green Jobs Resource This book is the ideal guide to equipping you with the tools and know-how to develop an environmental career. It is filled with practical advice, case studies, personal profiles and top tips across the global environment sector. An essential resource for anyone, from school students to those who are already in work but dreaming of a more meaningful career. ‘This new book comes at exactly the right moment. There has never been a more critical time for effective, international action on our common ecological crisis, and success in that work requires a new generation of 21st Century environmental professionals.’Kevin Doyle, Executive Director, Office of Career and Professional Development, Yale School of the Environment ‘As an experienced green career coach, the top questions I hear from green job seekers are, “What are the green jobs out there, which ones would be a good match, how do I get my foot in the door, and where do I find these jobs?” Taberham’s book answers all of these in a refreshingly approachable way.’Lisa Yee-Litzenberg, President, Green Career Advisor LLC ‘One of the biggest challenges environmental career seekers face is understanding and muddling through the opportunities available to them based on their experience, education, and interest. Taberham’s book is a great resource to help people navigate their options and grab some tips for the career journey.’Laura Thorne, The Environmental Career Coach ‘A fantastic book for those who are interested in pursuing a role in sustainability. Jam-packed with helpful resources, career insights, and real-life case studies this is a go-to resource for professionals who are launching their careers.’Sharmila Singh, New Lens Consulting ‘Justin Taberham provides an impressive global overview of a multifaceted, ever-changing sector that continues to evolve rapidly due to advances in technology and knowledge, changes in funding and incentives, and shifts in priorities and laws.’Carol L. McClelland, PhD, Author of Green Careers for Dummies