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Murdoch Books The Joy of Better Cooking: Life-changing skills & thrills for enthusiastic eaters
'Generous, empowering and original - like having your own cheerleader in the kitchen.' Anna Jones'This is the very book you need to teach you how to be inspired, confident and happy in the kitchen. Like its author, it's a rambunctious delight!' Nigella Lawson'Deliciously fun, informative and simply makes me smile. Joyful indeed!' Yotam OttolenghiIf you already enjoy the eating part, you have everything it takes to find joy in cooking too. There's no pressure to be a great cook, but everyone can aspire to be a better cook, and therein lies the fun.Let Alice Zaslavsky, bestselling author of In Praise of Veg, lead you on a journey to confident, intuitive cooking. This vibrant kitchen manual contains stacks of veg-forward recipes that you'll want to cook on a weekly basis, but the real gold lies in the handy kitchen skills and know-how that will help build the foundations for a lifetime of better cooking. Start with Slapdash (really outstanding stuff simply thrown together) then move to On Autopilot (great go-tos for weeknights on the fly) and Making the Most of It (gluts and leftover makeovers). Soon you'll be ready to Loosen Your Shoulders (weekend pottering and entertaining), just in time for some Seriously Good Sweeties (like, *seriously* good).Whether you're already a dab hand, you're a battler who finds cooking a bit meh, or you're starting from 'which way do I hold the knife?', The Joy of Better Cooking has all the inspiration, hand-holding and cheerleading you need to relax into the rhythm and truly enjoy cooking for your family and friends.
Peeters Publishers A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22-42
A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22-42 contains the established text of all the preserved readings of Origen’s Hexapla in Greek, Syriac, Latin, and Armenian for Job 22-42 with variant author attributions and variant readings presented in a series of apparatuses. In most entries, the editor has supplied Notes in the form of brief commentary on the readings. This edition of hexaplaric fragments surpasses previous editions (e.g. Frederick Field’s work) in two ways: (1) the edition contains more readings of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion and (2) the critical text of each reading is based on the most up-to-date manuscript evidence for the hexaplaric readings of Job. The new edition will have immediate relevance for textual criticism of the TaNaK/Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, the Greek lexicon of the late second temple period, and early Jewish and Christian interpretation of the Hebrew scriptures in Greek.
Skyhorse Publishing The Autism Job Club: The Neurodiverse Workforce in the New Normal of Employment
The Autism Job Club is a groundbreaking book for bringing adults with autism and other neuro-diverse conditions into the work world.The book has its basis in the autism job club that the authors have been part of in the San Francisco Bay Area, the job-creation and job-placement efforts the club has undertaken, and similar efforts throughout the United States. The authors review the high unemployment rates among adults with autism and other neuro- diverse conditions more than two decades after the ADA. National data on autism employment and unemployment with the individual employment searches of job club members.Bernick and Holden also outline and explain six strategies that, taken together, will reshape employment for adults with autism: *The art of the autism job coach. *The autism advantage in technology employment. *Autism employment and the internet economy. *Autism employment and the practical/craft economy. *Autism and extra-governmental job networks. *Autism and public service employment.The Autism Job Club will be a vital resource for adults with autism, their families, and advocates who are committed to neuro-diverse employment, not unemployment. But it will also speak to a far broader audience interested in how to carve out a place for themselves or others in an increasingly competitive job world.
Templeton Foundation Press,U.S. Make Your Job a Calling: How the Psychology of Vocation Can Change Your Life at Work
Do you ever feel sick of your job? Do you ever envy those people who seem to positively love what they do? While those people head off to work with a sense of joy and purpose, for the rest of us trudging back to the office on Monday morning or to the factory for the graveyard shift or to the job site on a hundred-degree day can be an exercise in soul crushing desperation. “If only we could change jobs,” we tell ourselves, “that would make it better.” But we don’t have the right education . . . or we don’t have enough experience . . . or the economy isn’t right . . . or we can’t afford the risk right now. So we keep going back to the same old unsatisfying jobs.The wonderful truth, though, is that almost any kind of occupation can offer any one of us a sense of calling. Regardless of where we are in our careers, we can all find joy and meaning in the work we do, from the construction zone flagger who keeps his crew safe to the corporate executive who believes that her company’s products will change the world. In Make Your Job a Calling authors Bryan J. Dik and Ryan D. Duffy explore this powerful idea and help the reader navigate the many challenges—both internal and external—that may arise along the pathway to a sense of calling at work.Over the course of four sections, the authors define the idea of calling, review cutting-edge research on the subject, provide practical guidelines for discerning a calling at all stages of work and life, and explore what calling will look like as workplace norms continue to evolve. They also take pains to present a realistic view of the subject by unpacking the perils and challenges of pursuing one’s higher purpose, especially in an uncertain economy.The lessons presented will resound with anyone in any line of work and will show how the power of calling can beneficially shape individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.
John Murray Press Sarah's Key: From Paris to Auschwitz, one girl's journey to find her brother
The Multi-Million Copy International BestsellerReleased in 2010 as a major motion picture starring Kristin Scott Thomas, Sarah's Key is perfect for fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and All the Light We Cannot See. 'A remarkable novel. Like Sophie's Choice, it's a book that impresses itself upon one's heart and soul forever' Naomi Ragen, author of The Saturday WifeParis, July 1942. Sarah, a ten-year-old Jewish girl, is arrested by the French police in the middle of the night, along with her mother and father. Desperate to protect her younger brother, she locks him in a cupboard and promises to come back for him as soon as she can. Paris, May 2002. Julia Jarmond, an American journalist, is asked to write about the 60th anniversary of the Vel' d'Hiv' roundup - the infamous day in 1942 when French police rounded up thousands of Jewish men, women and children, in order to send them to concentration camps. Sarah's Key is the poignant story of two families, forever linked and haunted by one of the darkest days in France's past. In this emotionally intense, page-turning novel, Tatiana de Rosnay reveals the guilt brought on by long-buried secrets and the damage that the truth can inflict when they finally come unravelled.
PVG Joy at Work: Bible Study Companion
Back in the Garden, work was fun. Yet, in today's fallen world, joy and work are rarely used in the same sentence. But God really does intend for us to find joy in our work. Join Raymond Bakke, Brad Smith, and Bill Hendricks as they explore what the Bible says about the purpose of business and our right to a joyful workplace. No matter where you spend those 50 or 60 hours during the week--whether it's in business, government, or the nonprofit sector; in church, at home, or anywhere else--God intends for you to find joy in your work. This 10-week study accompanies Joy at Work, a book by Dennis W. Bakke, co-founder and CEO of AES, a worldwide energy giant with 40,000 employees in 31 countries. Shaped by his faith, Bakke recounts his quest to create the most fun workplace ever--using principles established in the Garden. This study provides the biblical map that he used as he charted and led that journey. Starting with the Genesis record of creation and moving through Revelation, this Bible study supplements Joy at Work with: Biblical readings that unveil the principles behind each chapter in Joy at Work A synthesis of theological principles Reflective questions to prepare readers for small-group discussion Questions for small-group discussion Guidelines for immediate and long-term application for business and nonprofit leaders at all levels of corporations and organizations. The Joy at Work experience has the power to profoundly change your workplace and your life.
ChYTARIYM Santa Gets a Second Job: 2021
Times are tough for Santa. He's tightened his belt, made the reindeer redundant and now it's time to get a second job. But finding work is not easy at all, even if you're Santa. He finally finds the perfect job to be useful to the community - the bin man! Hilarious and heartwarming, this book is the perfect present for Santa fans of all ages.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Christologie und Eschatologie: Joh 5,17-30 als Schlüsseltext johanneischer Theologie
Hans-Christian Kammler fragt anhand einer eingehenden Untersuchung des gleichermaßen gewichtigen wie exegetisch umstrittenen Textes Joh 5,17-30 nach der Christologie und der Eschatologie des Johannesevangeliums sowie nach dem Verhältnis beider Themenkomplexe zueinander. Hinsichtlich der Christologie wird aufgezeigt: Der Evangelist sieht sich dem Vorwurf der zeitgenössischen Synagoge konfrontiert, daß das Christuszeugnis der johanneischen Gemeinde im Widerspruch zum alttestamentlich-frühjüdischen Monotheismus steht und deshalb eine Gotteslästerung darstellt. Er begegnet diesem Vorwurf keineswegs - wie in der Forschung nicht selten erklärt wird - damit, daß er die wesenhafte Unterschiedenheit Jesu von Gott behauptet, sondern im Gegenteil so, daß er die vollkommene Einheit beider argumentativ herausstellt. Im Blick auf die Eschatologie ergibt sich: Der Evangelist vertritt eine streng präsentische Eschatologie, wobei er traditionelle futurisch-eschatologische Erwartungen im Horizont seiner Konzeption radikal uminterpretiert. Es kann somit - entgegen dem in der gegenwärtigen Johannesauslegung vorherrschenden Trend - keine Rede davon sein, daß für die Sicht des Evangelisten ein 'dialektisches' Nebeneinander von präsentischer und futurischer Eschatologie kennzeichnend sei.Da die Christologie und die Eschatologie das Zentrum der johanneischen Theologie bilden und Hans-Christian Kammler neben Joh 5,17-30 zahlreiche weitere Texte des Evangeliums in die Betrachtung mit einbezieht und sorgfältig analysiert, geht seine Untersuchung über eine Auslegung des genannten Textes weit hinaus. Sie bietet eine eigenständige und in sich konsistente Interpretation wesentlicher Grundlinien der johanneischen Theologie.
Oni Press,US Oh Joy Sex Toy Volume 4
Erika & Matthew think the world of sex is fantastic.Using comedy, real-life experiences, and research, they create some the best educational, informative, sex-positive comics around. (The puns are an added bonus!) In this fourth volume, they tackle a variety of interesting topics, including sex toys, what to expect at a gynecologist visit, the question of “what even IS sex?”, and STI testing. In addition, an entire third of the book is dedicated to showcasing guest cartoonists with their unique experiences and perspectives about sex, covering topics from body image to fursuiting to pegging, to name a few!Every volume of Oh Joy Sex Toy is a stand-alone adventure into the world of sex, so whether you've collected the other volumes or not, this book is a great fit on any shelf!
Crossway Books Job: The Wisdom of the Cross
This meditative commentary on the book of Job engages head on with suffering, exploring God’s purposes in pain while directing us to our ultimate hope: Jesus Christ.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Amazing Creativity
The final instalment in a new series offering straightforward, practical wisdom from a top business guru John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Amazing Creativity is the second title in a new series of titles from the noted business expert. Focused on concise, practical, and straightforward business wisdom, the series offers the kind of real-world insight that business leaders thrive on. Short, punchy, and packed with real solutions, this book provides 100 proven and effective ideas for businesspeople in need of fresh new ideas, whether they work for a small firm or a Fortune 100 giant. Proven, practical business wisdom for anyone who must create to succeed The second book in a new series from renowned business authority John Adair Quick bites of business wisdom for everyday business success For effective tips on creative thinking from a proven expert, John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Amazing Creativity offers everything you need to invent your own success in business.
John Donald Publishers Ltd Kinship, Church and Culture: Collected Essays and Studies by John W. M. Bannerman
John Bannerman (1932-2008) saw the history of Scotland from a Gaelic perspective, and his outstanding scholarship made that perspective impossible to ignore. As a historian, his natural home was the era between the Romans and the twelfth century when the Scottish kingdom first began to take shape, but he also wrote extensively on the MacDonald Lordship of the Isles in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, while his work on the Beatons, the notable Gaelic medical kindred, reached into the early eighteenth century. Across this long millennium, Bannerman ranged and wrote with authority and insight on what he termed the 'kin-based society', with special emphasis upon its church and culture, and its relationship with Ireland. This collection opens with Bannerman's ground-breaking and hugely influential edition and discussion of Senchus fer nAlban ('The History of the Men of Scotland'), which featured in his Studies in the History of Dalriada (1974), now long out of print. To this have been added all of his published essays, plus an essay-length study of the Lordship of the Isles which first featured as an appendix in Late Medieval Monumental Sculpture in the West Highlands (1977). The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about the Gaelic dimension to Scotland's past and present.
Emmaus Academic Commentary on the Book of Job
Though wielding an influence over philosophy that endures to this day, Thomas Aquinas did not consider himself a philosopher, but a Biblical scholar, whose expositions go right to the meaning of the texts. In his commentary on the Book of Job, he draws on Jewish philosophers to explain the meaning of this mystifying but seminal book of the Old Testament as a fable about divine providence. In a new translation and a Latin-English format, Aquinas's lyrical exposition of this rarely commented work will speak to anyone who desires a deeper meditation on this difficult but important work of the Bible.
National Geographic Society Daily Joy: 365 Days of Inspiration
The first in National Geographic’s 365-photo-a-day line of inspirational books, Daily Joy unites inspiring words of joy with lovely National Geographic images of the world–a perfect gift to keep on your bedside table to read just before bed or first thing in the morning. Crafted in the tradition of the successful Offerings series from Abrams/Stewart Tabori & Chang, Daily Joy’s elegant design features 365 days of gorgeous National Geographic photography, each one paired with a meaningful quotation, meditation, or thought that will help readers find joy every day of the year. Each month has a theme, and all the quotes are centered around it.
Minotaur Books Fall Guy: A Joe Gunther Novel
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Alligator Alley: A Joe DeMarco Thriller
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag Einer muss den Job ja machen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Job Matters A2 Friseure Kosmetik Arbeitsheft
ECW Press,Canada The Buffalo Job: A Wilson Mystery
University of Nebraska Press Joe Cronin: A Life in Baseball
From the sandlots of San Francisco to the power centers of baseball, this book tells the story of Joe Cronin, one of twentieth-century baseball’s major players, both on the field and off. For most of his playing career, Cronin (1906–84) was the best shortstop in baseball. Elected to the Hall of Fame in 1956, he was a manager by the age of twenty-six and a general manager at forty-one. He was the youngest player-manager ever to play in the World Series, and he managed the Red Sox longer than any other man in history. As president of the American League, he oversaw two expansions, four franchise shifts, and the revolutionary and controversial introduction of the designated-hitter rule, which he wrote himself. This book follows Cronin from his humble beginnings to his position as one of the most powerful figures in baseball. Mark Armour explores Cronin’s time as a player as well as his role in some of the game’s fiercest controversies, from the creation of the All-Star Game to the issue of integration. Bringing to life one of baseball’s definitive characters, this book supplies a crucial and fascinating chapter in the history of America’s pastime.
Prestel Art and Joy: Best Friends Forever
This is the story of two best friends—Art and Joy—and how they overcome the insidious “Art Bully” that criticizes their creative endeavors. Danielle Krysa knows that kids have an inner critic too—the kind that tells them their artworks are stupid, messy, the wrong color, or just plain wrong. Employing the same arch humor that make her books for adults so relatable and helpful, Krysa illustrates this uplifting tale with her brilliantly colored collages and witty typography. As Art and Joy learn how to tap into their imaginations and shrug off the Art Bully, they also discover some clever ways to get their creative juices flowing using color, shape, line and found objects. Kids of all ages will find enthusiastic support and valuable inspiration in this playful parable.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bobbie Gentry's Ode to Billie Joe
July, 1967: It seems the entire country stopped to listen to a husky voice steeped in the simmering secrets of the South tell a tragic tale of teenage suicide. So much for the Summer of Love. “Ode to Billie Joe” knocked the Beatles’ “All You Need is Love” off the top of the charts, and Bobbie Gentry became an international star. Almost 50 years later, Gentry is as enigmatic and captivating as her signature song. Of course, fans still want to know why Billie Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. They also wonder: Why did Bobbie Gentry, who has not performed or made a public appearance since the early 1980s, leave it all behind? Through extensive interviews and unprecedented access to career memorabilia, Murtha explores the real-life mysteries ensnarled within the much-disputed origin of Ode to Billie Joe. The result is an investigative pop history that reveals, for the first time, the full breadth of Bobbie Gentry’s groundbreaking career—and just may help explain her long silence. Foreword by musician Jill Sobule.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Retreat: The joy of conscious eating
Daniel Jardim was the resident cook at the Buddhist Retreat Centre and created the recipes for the very popular The Cake the Buddha Ate. Today Daniel teaches cookery retreats around the country with a strong emphasis on the consciousness of the food and the eater. Retreat is a collection of 80 delicious vegetarian dishes and is a glimpse of what it is like to be on a cookery retreat with Daniel. Retreat shows us how to create a greater sense of mindfulness in our everyday lives by being in closer harmony with the food that we prepare. Sue Cooper, a clinical psychologist who integrates psychotherapy and meditation in her practice and who has worked extensively with Daniel, introduces the book. The book is divided into four seasonal sections with helpful tips on selecting the best seasonal produce and appropriate cooking techniques that match the body's needs as wemove through the different phases of the year. Photographs by Sarah Shafer accompany the mouth-watering and unusual dishes to re?ect Daniel's playful interaction with a wide array of ?avours and in?uences - from Thai and Japanese, to Moroccan and Indian. The photographs also focus on some of the breath-taking and often subtle changes that occur in nature as the year progresses, inviting the reader to become more aware of the essential qualities of each season. The dishes are aimed at aspiring cooks of all levels and are a heartfelt celebration of the joyous communion that we can experience through food and eating.
HarperCollins Splat the Cat Gets a Job
Austin Macauley Publishers Why is Baby Joe Crying, Papa?
Kogan Page Ltd Ultimate Job Search: Master the Art of Finding Your Ideal Job, Getting an Interview and Networking
Finding the right job can be a job in itself - but this one-stop-shop guide will take you through every step. Covering everything from looking for jobs online to making a fantastic impression at interview, Ultimate Job Search is everything the ambitious job hunter needs. Take the stress out of job-seeking with comprehensive advice on: -Designing your job-search strategy -Building an online profile -Writing a stand-out cv/resume -Sample cover letters to help you sound both authentic and impressive -Giving a winning interview performance -Dealing with rejections and offers Now in its 6th edition, Ultimate Job Search now contains new and up-to-date advice on the changing face of technology in job seeking; avoiding scams and other traps; developing resilience; and the future of work. Let this invaluable guide help you on your way to your next dream job. About the Ultimate series... The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or resume and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and IQ tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Battling Healthcare Burnout: Learning to Love the Job You Have, While Creating the Job You Love
Time Warner Trade Publishing Empty Out the Negative: Make Room for More Joy, Greater Confidence, and New Levels of Influence
Release the negative thoughts and feelings that are weighing you down and make room for the good things you should have in your life with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen.You were created to be filled with joy, peace, confidence, and creativity. But it's easy to go through life holding on to things that weigh you down-guilt, resentment, doubt, worry. When you give space to these negative emotions, they take up space that you need for the good things that move you toward your destiny.How much room are you giving to shame, to regret, to being against yourself? Whatever it is, it's too much. Life is too short for you to live bitter and discouraged, letting your circumstances hold you back. Every morning you have to empty out anything negative from the day before and put on a fresh new attitude. Power up and get your mind going in the right direction, and you'll step into all the new things God has in store for you.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd The Happiness Journal: Creative Activities to Bring Joy to Your Day
From the publishers of the bestselling The Wellbeing Journal comes the follow-up, The Happiness Journal. Filled with empowering quotes and affirmations along with practical exercises and tips, this journal will encourage you to reflect upon the moments and experiences that bring you happiness and inspire you to harness your happiness in a meaningful way. Cultivating healthy habits can help you to boost your individual wellbeing and mindful habits like focusing on a journal will encourage you to be present, turning your focus away from negative events. Noting the things that make you happy and expressing gratitude for them has been proven in a study by Harvard Health to make you feel more ‘positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships’. Packed with beautiful illustrations, filling in this journal is an opportunity for the reader to ignore the negativity in day-to-day life and focus on what brings them joy.
Kent State University Press America’s Football Factory: Western Pennsylvania’s Cradle of Quarterbacksfrom Johnny Unitas to Joe Montana
A small area of western Pennsylvania around Pittsburgh has produced almost 25 percent of the modern era quarterbacks enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. That percentage is wildly disproportionate to the number of superstar quarterbacks any one state might claim, let alone a mere sliver of a state—an area representing just one-fifth of one percent of the total country.The list of the greats starts with George Blanda, the “old man” of the game, and continues with the incomparable Johnny Unitas, followed by “Broadway” Joe Namath, Joe “the Comeback Kid” Montana, Dan Marino, and Jim Kelly.Their stories, feats, and statistics are brought to life in America’s Football Factory through riveting anecdotes, extensive research, and exclusive interviews with their coaches, friends, family, and peers. Readers will appreciate getting to know these athletes as people, not merely as football heroes. Stewart also explores the many theories as to why one part of the nation has churned out so many greats.Hall of Famers Raymond Berry and Mike Ditka lavished praise on the first edition of this book. “Any fan of my era, of my friend Johnny Unitas, or, for that matter, any fan of football in general should enjoy Wayne Stewart’s book,” said Berry. Ditka, himself a Western Pennsylvanian, wrote in the book’s introduction, “You can’t get much better than the primary six men featured in this book.” He’s correct—upon their retirement, all six of the book’s featured quarterbacks were in the top 12 for touchdown passes, and five of them were in the top 10.America’s Football Factory also features other greats from the Pittsburgh vicinity, including Johnny Lujack, Babe Parilli, and Marc Bulger, and the area’s best high school programs for producing quarterbacks are also discussed.
Temple University Press,U.S. Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations
Since 1970, women have made widely publicized gains in several customarily male occupations. Many commentators have understood this apparent integration as an important step to sexual equality in the workplace. Barbara F. Reskin and Patricia A. Roos read a different lesson in the changing gender composition of occupations that were traditionally reserved for men. With persuasive evidence, Job Queues, Gender Queues offers a controversial interpretation of women's dramatic inroads into several male occupations based on case studies of "feminizing" male occupation. The authors propose and develop a queuing theory of occupations' sex composition. This theory contends that the labor market comprises a "gender queue" with employers preferring male to female workers for most jobs. Workers also rank jobs into a "job queue." As a result, the highest-ranked workers monopolize the most desirable jobs. Reskin and Roos use this queuing perspective to explain why several male occupations opened their doors to women after 1970. The second part of the book provides evidence for this queuing analysis by presenting case studies of the feminization of specific occupations. These include book editor, pharmacist, public relations specialist, bank manager, systems analyst, insurance adjuster, insurance salesperson, real estate salesperson, bartender, baker, and typesetter/compositor. In the series Women in the Political Economy, edited by Ronnie J. Steinberg.
Workman Publishing The Lifelong Gardener: Garden with Ease and Joy at Any Age
“The secret to making the most of later life is to keep doing what you love. With practical advice and gentle inspiration, Gattone shows us how gardening can work for people of any age.” —Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slowness You can keep gardening for life, you just need to make adjustment as you age. In The Lifelong Gardener, adaptive gardening expert Toni Gattone shares her proven methods for making your favorite hobby easier on your aging body—techniques that that will help you garden smarter, not harder. This helpful guide includes dozens tried-and-true methods that help eliminate the physical strain of gardening, like buying ergonomic tools, using raised beds, and moving tools around in bins on wheels. The Lifelong Gardener celebrates the joy of gardening, and Gattone’s message of empowerment will stir you to find joy in your garden for years to come.
Red Wheel/Weiser The Web 2.0 Job Finder: Winning Social Media Strategies to Get the Job You Want From Fortune 500 Hiring Pros
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Journal of Research on Adolescence: Decade in Review
The book, a special issue of the Journal of Research on Adolescence, includes a number of invited contributions by international leaders in the interdisciplinary field of adolescence development. Each paper is intended to review a major subfield of study within the interdisciplinary field of adolescence studies. Each article reviews scientific and scholarly research published during the first decade of the 21st century (2000-2010). Authors were asked to consider contributions from multiple disciplines, and to review important and influential theoretical methodological innovations, and key empirical findings with attention to diversity in representations and populations of adolescents. The Decade in Review issue has the potential for becoming a signature contribution of JRA. As such, the Decade in Review will further establish JRA as the premier journal in the field, and will be an anchor for the journal's impact factor. With a diverse set of topics and contributors, the issue could attract a national and international new readership to the journal and potential membership for the Society. Established scholars and undergraduate and graduate students will cite the papers in their scholarly work in the next decade and beyond.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Always, Leathersoft, with Scripture References: Embracing Joy in His Presence (a 365-Day Devotional)
Life today is full of difficulties--loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent.If you love Jesus Calling, you'll enjoy Jesus Always. With Scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of joy--for today and every day with this 365-day devotional. The Jesus Calling® brand has impacted more than 40 million lives! This small deluxe edition of Jesus Always is: Perfect for an elegant gift or self-purchase A great size for traveling or your nightstand By taking the time to draw near to Him with Jesus Always, you will discover how to: Intimately and gently connect with Jesus--the One who meets you where you are Identify joy-filled reminders from the Word of God Process challenging situations, anxiety, and grief with a hopeful outlook Strengthen your faith and create a deeper bond with Jesus Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living--a life of joy.
Sounds True Inc Good Morning, I Love You: A Guided Journal for Calm, Clarity, and Joy
Discover the power of mindfulness and self-compassion for cultivating greater peace, connection, creativity, and health in your life. Why is it so hard to change? Is it simply a lack of desire or willpower? According to the science, the answer is no. And the missing ingredient may surprise you: it's the practice of self-compassion. Too often, we try to change our lives by pushing on, and then we beat ourselves up when we don't succeed. But research shows that shame actually shuts down the brain's learning centers?every time we judge ourselves, we rob ourselves of the very resources we need to change. The surprising alternative is self-compassion. When we treat ourselves with kindness, we turn on the learning centers of the brain and give ourselves the courage and motivation to change. With Good Morning, I Love You: A Guided Journal for Calm, Clarity, and Joy, Dr. Shauna Shapiro presents an invaluable resource for transforming your life with mindfulness and self-compassion. Here she invites you to a three-month journey that includes: Morning and evening practices to cultivate self-compassion, mindfulness, and gratitude Weekly "deep dives" to boost your health and well-being Key scientific insights to help you understand how to achieve optimal health and live your best life Learning how to integrate the three pillars of mindfulness?Intention, Attention, and Attitude?into your daily life Growing the good in yourself and the world "It is never too late to rewire your brain and transform your life," writes Dr. Shapiro. And doing so doesn't have to be "yet another chore" on your to-do list. This journal gives you an inspiring and clear road map to real change?and a welcome sanctuary for daily renewal and growth.
Skyhorse Publishing The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice
Provides step-by-step instructions and photographs on asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) for fifty sequences; lists the benefits of each sequence and include helpful information about modifications for poses; and encourages readers to create sequences on their own, using the sequences in the book as starting points.Millions of people take time out of their busy schedules every day to attend yoga classes where they learn postures and breathing techniques that make them feel more energized and balanced. Thousands of other people, however, have yet to find the time in their days to do anything but work, study, or chase after their children. In The Joy of Yoga, author and expert Emma Silverman teaches readers how to take advantage of the health benefits yoga offers even when they can’t make it to regularly scheduled classes.The Joy of Yoga offers short sequences that readers can perform while seated on airplanes, standing at the bus stop, or even while waiting for water to boil. In addition, it also includes sequences to help with daily aches, pains, and annoyances, such as tired feet, sensitive wrists, neck and shoulder tension, anxiety, and even heartbreak. Weekend gardeners, runners, musicians, and waiters/waitresses will also find exercises that will help ease the tension in their muscles after long hours of work or play.“Using this book is simple. Find the sequence that sounds just right, open up to the page, and follow the images. All of the poses have their names listed in Sanskrit and in English. The sequences are complete with warm-ups, complete yoga practices, and cool downs. If you’re a little pressed for time (who isn’t?), then move through the postures using one breath per pose, unless otherwise noted. If you’re looking for a longer practice, you can hold poses for a little longer or combine multiple sequences. Or just take a really long SAVANASA (Relaxation Pose) at the end.”
Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed 100 Side Hustles Unexpected Ideas for Making Extra Money Without Quitting Your Day Job
Best-selling author Chris Guillebeau presents a full-color ideabook featuring 100 stories of regular people launching successful side businesses that almost anyone can do. This unique guide features the startup stories of regular people launching side businesses that almost anyone can do: an urban tour guide, an artist inspired by maps, a travel site founder, an ice pop maker, a confetti photographer, a group of friends who sell hammocks to support local economies, and many more. In 100 Side Hustles, best-selling author of The $100 Startup Chris Guillebeau presents a colorful idea book filled with inspiration for your next big idea. Distilled from Guillebeau's popular Side Hustle School podcast, these case studies feature teachers, artists, coders, and even entire families who've found ways to create new sources of income. With insights, takeaways, and photography that reveals the human element behind the hustles, this playbook covers every im
Baker Publishing Group John
In this addition to the well-received Paideia series, Jo-Ann Brant examines cultural context and theological meaning in John. Paideia commentaries explore how New Testament texts form Christian readers by • attending to the ancient narrative and rhetorical strategies the text employs • showing how the text shapes theological convictions and moral habits • commenting on the final, canonical form of each New Testament book • focusing on the cultural, literary, and theological settings of the text • making judicious use of maps, photos, and sidebars in a reader-friendly format This commentary, like each in the projected eighteen-volume series, proceeds by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse.
Penguin Putnam Inc A Nation's Hope: the Story of Boxing Legend Joe Louis: The Story of Boxing Legend Joe Louis
Hal Leonard Corporation Joe Porcaro's Drumset Method: Groovin' with Rudiments
Alfred Music Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring: Part(s)
Little Bee Books Spirit Day: A Book about Spreading Joy
WW Norton & Co Joy Ride: Show People and Their Shows
Since 1992 John Lahr has written for The New Yorker, where for twenty-one years he was the senior drama critic, the longest stint in that post in the magazine's history. Joy Ride is a collection of his profiles and reviews that throws open the stage door, taking us behind the scenes both on and off Broadway to introduce such creators of contemporary drama as August Wilson, Arthur Miller, Stephen Sondheim, Tony Kushner, Wallace Shawn, and Mike Nichols. The result is a delightful, literate, and essential crash course in contemporary theater.
University of Nebraska Press A Totem Pole History: The Work of Lummi Carver Joe Hillaire
Joseph Hillaire (Lummi, 1894–1967) is recognized as one of the great Coast Salish artists, carvers, and tradition-bearers of the twentieth century. In A Totem Pole History, his daughter Pauline Hillaire, Scälla–Of the Killer Whale, who is herself a well-known cultural historian and conservator, tells the story of her father’s life and the traditional and contemporary Lummi narratives that influenced his work.A Totem Pole History contains seventy-six photographs, including Joe’s most significant totem poles, many of which Pauline watched him carve. She conveys with great insight the stories, teachings, and history expressed by her father’s totem poles. Eight contributors provide essays on Coast Salish art and carving, adding to the author’s portrayal of Joe’s philosophy of art in Salish life, particularly in the context of twentieth century intercultural relations.This engaging volume provides an historical record to encourage Native artists and brings the work of a respected Salish carver to the attention of a broader audience.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Profiles in Performance: Business Intelligence Journeys and the Roadmap for Change
Too many organizations invest in performance management and business intelligence projects, without first establishing the needed conditions to ensure success. But the organizations that lay the groundwork for effective change first reap the benefits. In Profiles in Performance: Business Intelligence Journeys and the Road Map for Change, Howard Dresner (author of The Performance Management Revolution) worked with several extraordinary organizations to understand their thriving "performance-directed culture." In doing so, he developed a unique maturity model-which served as both a filter to select candidates and as a lens to examine accomplishments. Interviews with people from all sides of the organization: business users, finance, senior management and the IT department Provides a complete picture of their progress from inception to current state The models, analyses and real world accounts from these cases will be an invaluable resource to any organization hoping to improve or initiate their own performance-directed culture.