Search results for ""Nova Science Publishers Inc""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Aspergillus niger: Pathogenicity, Cultivation and Uses
Nova Science Publishers Inc Crises in the History of the Papacy
Probably no religious institution in the world has had so remarkable a history, and assuredly none has attracted so large and varied a literature, as the Papacy. This book contains a study of twenty famous popes whose careers and whose influence were important in the development of the church and in the history of the world. It provides a view of the Papacy from the early 3rd to the early 20th century.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Coir (Cocos nucifera): A Sustainable Industrial Fibre
This monograph is intended to present an overview- most of which is based on ideas and conclusions presented in published literature, the rest representing our own concepts developed through extensive research. Here, the reader will discover the rational relationships between basic mechanisms, and experimental data, and theoretical expressions which were developed over several years by scientists for coir fibre characterisation and utilisation in particular. It will help to those who deal with coir fibre in both industry and academia specially to teachers, students and technologists. It contains the perspective of coir, its textile related structure and properties with a comparison between few other allied lingo-cellulosic fibres. Coir fibre are coarser for textile applications and possesses highly variable properties. So segregation of fibres from the bulk considering properties may give suitable fibre for spinning, composite making and other applications. The optimum value addition of coir can be realized, when a fully systematic supply chain of quality fibre with proper gradation system can be developed. The fibre shows high flexural rigidity and lower inter-fibre frictional resistance for which it is difficult to spin finer yarn and indicates its suitability for coarse textile applications. Coir fibre is circular and multi-fibrillar. Moisture regain is moderate. Thermal and component analyses reveal the presence of similar amount of lignin and celluloses in the fibre. SEM image reveals that surface of the fibre is waxy, irregular, and having micro-imperfections. Microbial resistance makes the coir suitable for using it in different engineering and geotechnical applications in conjunction with soil and water. The property-based advantages of coir are resistant to fungi and rot, excellent insulation against temperature, not easily combustible, flame-retardant, resistant to moisture and dampness, tough and durable, highly resilient, totally static free, easy to clean etc. It is not suitable for technical uses due to low strength, high extensibility and very low modulus. Sometimes high bulk and low coefficient of friction act as the disadvantages. The age old manual spinning technology should be replaced by mechanised system. The fibres can be highly suitable to form compressed mat for various products of geotextile, agro-textiles, and sound and heat insulators with improved softness and fineness property. Being an ecofriendly, natural product from renewable sources, coir products serve mankind in several ways as a substitute for many synthetic products which are extensively used but are harmful to nature. Coir wood substitute will help to protect valuable forests.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels: Volume VII
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels by Robert Kerr is an 18 volume set that contains the complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land. In determining upon an era for the commencement of this work, Kerr was led, from a consideration of the accidental discovery of Iceland by the Norwegians in the ninth century, to adopt that period as the beginning of the series, both because the commencement of modern maritime discovery took place during the reign of a British sovereign, and because we derive the earliest written accounts of any of these discoveries from the pen of that excellent prince. It is true that the first accidental discovery of Iceland appears to have been made in 861, eleven years before the accession of Alfred to the throne; yet, as the actual colonization of that island did not take place till the year 878, the seventh of his glorious reign, we have been induced to distinguish the actual commencement of maritime discovery by the modern European nations as coinciding with his era.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Exploring Cross-Cultural Issues and Challenges: Methodological and Conceptual Approaches
The mission of this book is the advancing of scholarly inquiry in the wide frame of different disciplines. Its objectives are threefold. First, according to a multidisciplinary perspective, it collects high-quality researches that could be of interest to experts and novices. In particular, progress in Education, Language Learning, Content Analytics, Marketing, Mathematics and Art, Archaeology, Elearning, Social Behaviors in Cognitive Cities Environments, and Urban Planning is investigated. Second, it delineates the challenges in the areas, specifying the difficulties and opportunities for future research. Third, it provides reliable resources regarding current methodological of leading-edge research, useful to a wide audience including not only researchers but also policy-makers, teachers and students. The book consists of four sections, each comprising a different number of chapters. Starting with the field of education, one of the topic on the top of priority list of many countries in the world, the first section constitutes a significant contribution to the on-going discussion about learning. The second section focuses on Content Analytics and Social Behaviors, while the third one deals with the relationship between Marketing Competitiveness and Culture Use Value. Finally, fourth section examines the problem of new models of urban planning and design in relation to the engagement of citizens.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels: Volume VIII
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels by Robert Kerr is an 18 volume set that contains the complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land. In determining upon an era for the commencement of this work, Kerr was led, from a consideration of the accidental discovery of Iceland by the Norwegians in the ninth century, to adopt that period as the beginning of the series, both because the commencement of modern maritime discovery took place during the reign of a British sovereign, and because we derive the earliest written accounts of any of these discoveries from the pen of that excellent prince. It is true that the first accidental discovery of Iceland appears to have been made in 861, eleven years before the accession of Alfred to the throne; yet, as the actual colonization of that island did not take place till the year 878, the seventh of his glorious reign, we have been induced to distinguish the actual commencement of maritime discovery by the modern European nations as coinciding with his era.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Gaucher's Disease: From Diagnosis to Treatment
This book was designed as an educational resource for all professionals involved in the care of patients with Gaucher disease (GD). Chapter 1 is an introduction about GD. GD is the most common autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease (LSD) due to the deficiency or absence of the activity of enzyme glucosylceramidase (GCase) or also known as acidï¢- glucosidase (GBA1) or uridine phosphate glucosylceramide synthase (UDP-GLC). Defects in these enzymes cause miss-sorting or loss function of lysosomal proteins leading to accumulation of glucocerebroside (GLC) in the tissue macrophages monocyte. Accumulation of GLC cause enlargement of the spleen, destruction of bone, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and abnormalities of the lungs. GD is classified into three types: type 1 GD (GD1) is a chronic and non-neuronopathic accounting for 95% of GD cases, and types 2 and 3 (GD2, GD3) involves nerve cell destruction causing acute brainstem dysfunction or progressive neuroleptic deterioration, respectively. Chapter 1 review disease classification, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of GD. Chapter 2 discusses GD diagnosis and clinical presentations from prenatal, new-born, first year of life, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood patients suspected to have GD. Several biomarkers, tools used to detect abnormal biomarkers such as chitotriosidase, pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokines, and other inflammatory markers are discussed, in addition to methods used to detect these biomarkers. Chapter 3 highlights available enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), clinical trials, dosing, and adverse drug reaction of each ERT, pregnancy information, and effect of ERT on endocrine and metabolic profiles. Chapter 4 discusses available substrate reduction therapy (SRT), clinical trials, dosing, adverse drug reaction, pregnancy information, drug-drug interaction and patients' polymorphism profiles that influence the dosing of SRT. Chapter 5 discusses type 2 and 3 GD which are the neuronopathic variants of the GD, genotype and phenotype of the patients, role of ERT or SRT or gene therapy, chaperone therapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Chapter 6 discusses common complication of GD such as bone and hepatocellular abnormalities, increased risk of cancer and Parkinson Disease development. Chapter 7 highlights several novel therapies with their mechanisms of action, details regarding ongoing or completed clinical trials such as newer SRT lucerastat which is on clinical trials for possible use in GD3. At this time, there are no drugs available to treat GD2 or GD3. Promising novel therapy include pharmacology chaperone (PC), antioxidants, and gene therapy. There are 2 PCs currently being tested in clinical trial, ambroxol and arimoclomol. Ambroxol, an over-the-counter drugs has been used to treat various airway infections, showed promising result to cross blood brain barrier that provide promising options for GD3 treatment.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Quercus: Classification, Ecology and Uses
This book introduces a literature review of research conducted on Quercus analysed by species, country and topic, and the main biological processes related to the oak's response to global change are reviewed. An extensive review on the uses of acorn oils, flours, extracts, and beverages is presented. The nutritional composition and bioactive compounds naturally present in acorn are described, as well as the effects of their bioactivities on human health. Some research on pollination characteristics and acorn production in determined species of this taxon is examined, highlighting aerobiological data as an important aspect to be considered in reproduction studies. Additionally, deciduous species of the Quercus L. genus are studied during their introduction in the botanical garden of Southern Federal University in Russia. The ecological parameters of 17 species were evaluated, including winter hardiness, drought resistance, phenology, genetic data, and resistance to diseases and pests. The authors aim to determine whether Q. crassipes and Q. castanea can be recognized as foundation species, denoting that both species are dominant oaks of Mexican temperate forests. Next, this compilation discusses the most widely explored phytochemical group in oak leaves, polyphenols, of which condensed and hydrolysable tannins have been reported in high concentrations in different Quercus species. The authors consider the habitat and species diversity of oak forests in Bulgaria. The flora of studied oak forests, their structure and functionality, production, chemistry, intensity of biological turnover, and caloric content of phytomass fractions are presented in detail. An extensive study is conducted to access the population status of Quercus leucotrichophora seedlings in a part of Garhwal Himalaya Oak forest through the establishment of permanent plots in different altitudes.
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets
An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets provides a comparison of the quality of life in urban, intermediate and rural NUTS III regions in Portugal, with the main goal of identifying and analysing the necessary and conditions for a high quality of life in those different regions. The authors assess the necessary and sufficient conditions for higher Human Development Index levels, aiming to determine whether the same pattern could be used to explain the happiness index. In order to represent the applications of fuzzy set theory as well as neuro-fuzzy in industry, a literature review of these topics is carried out. As some researchers have efficiently utilized fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy, in-depth discussions are provided for stimulating future investigations. Following this, using the L. Zadeh theory of fuzzy sets, the authors consider all types of uncertainties in oil fields and oil production to make a decision as to what model is best in such a fuzzy environment. Additionally, several challenges are explored, such as: the fuzzy random finite difference numerical method, possibilistic uncertainty modelling, and the development of a fuzzy Wilks' theorem to model the hybrid structure of randomness and fuzziness modelling. In closing, a standard fuzzy arithmetic method is used for solving fuzzy equations, as well as for the optimization of fuzzy objectives. The fuzzy variable of the equation is fuzzified using a fuzzy set.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Essential Guide to Plant Oils
This collection opens with a review of the plant sources, extraction methods, physicochemical characterization and commercial applications of edible and non-edible vegetable oils. The authors describe the extraction of essential oil through ultrasound to increase the productivity of favourable essential oils. The operation of ultrasound-assisted extraction along is also described. In one study, the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil derived from Campomanesia aurea O. Berg leaves is evaluated, and its antibiotic modulating potential is assessed. In a subsequent study, the authors investigate the chemical composition of compounds from E. intermedium leaf essential oil, in addition to its modulatory and antibacterial action. Additionally, the biological aspects attributed to the medicinal benefits of sandalwood oil and alpha-santalol are presented along with relevant clinical evidence.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Theory for Patient Advocacy: An Islamic Nursing Model
Patient advocacy for all human beings is a fundamental ideal as it assures the patient their rights and their safety when admitted to a healthcare facility. Nursing as a healthcare profession is complicated by the fact that it is concerned with vulnerable human beings, and ethical principles which need to be considered when providing treatment, or care for the patient. The logic for this book is twofold, the first justification for authoring this text was to enlighten nurses and other healthcare professionals to reflect on a dilemma which affects patient care and safety. A quandary in the literature which has been named a "Theory-Practice-Ethics gap" (Mortell et al, 2013). Patient safety and high quality of care are fundamental facets related to all healthcare practices. When people are admitted to hospital, they just presume that they will receive safe, quality treatment from healthcare professionals who have a duty of care. Society does not expect to be put at risk or be harmed, since the principal goal of healthcare is to augment care, safety and wellbeing, and so optimize the quality of people's lives (Leape, 2015; Wilson et al, 2009). The second justification for authoring this book, was to present an important new theory and model for patient advocacy to the professional healthcare community. The generated theory, states that, if healthcare professionals incorporate their religious, cultural and family values into their humanitarian ideals, they will be effective as patient advocates. The advocacy model which was generated the following components of advocacy, "Vulnerable-acy", which was advocacy for the vulnerable, "Familial-acy", which was advocacy that a family member would provide to a loved one, "Cultural-acy" was linked to culture, such as ethnic awareness and sensitivity, "Religion-acy" was coupled with a Muslim's Islamic holy obligations, however, this concept can be adapted for any religion and religious beliefs and "Human-acy", which identified a person's humanity and must be provided by any member of the human race. The theory and model is therefore relevant for all healthcare professionals and providers, as it has a neoteric Islamic perspective that will hopefully guide nurses and health care professionals to reflect as advocates for their patients and the care that they provide.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Coronavirus and U.S. Public Health Preparedness
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China. Chapters 1-16 contain information about the science behind the virus, economic implications, global response and public safety. Chapters 17 and 18 access the readiness of the United States Public Health System in response to emerging infectious diseases, pandemics and biological attacks.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Veterinary Herbal Pharmacopoeia
Dogs eat grass, and so do cats. Every pet owner must have noticed the grass-eating behaviour of their pets. Since wild dogs and cats eat grass too, most experts believe it to be an example of evolved traits of dogs and cats to relieve their upset gastro-intestines. Based on the observation, experts go on to suggest pet owners grow in their gardens medicinal herbs, other than botanicals that could be toxic to their pets. The herbal recipes, with doses, introduced in the book are intended for the most prevalent health problems of dogs and cats; the herbs that make up the recipes are: 1) available, as dietary supplements in the U.S., in the market by cGMP-certified manufacturers; and 2) in a dosage form of granules that is easy for pets to ingest. The book therefore not only meets experts' recommendations but also fulfils veterinarians' demand of an herbal pharmacopoeia for the widest conditions of their patients. Unlike other similar titles, the book is data-driven, quantitative, collective, comprehensive and practical: Although the herbs in the book have been used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, owing to the data-driven approach of the book, no prior knowledge of Chinese or western herbal medicines is required to comprehend the book. The second feature of the book is that every indicated health condition of an herb comes with a score. The higher the score, the more frequently herbal clinicians have prescribed the herb (or herb pair) for the diagnosed condition in humans and thus the more likely that the herb (herb pair) is effective in mitigating the condition. The book is therefore quantitative, in contrast to other books which are qualitative. The third feature of the book is that the mapping from herbs and herb pairs to health conditions results from the collective experiences and expertise of the five thousand herbal clinicians in Taiwan, rather than the experience or expertise of a single doctor as in most other books. Without the deep learning/artificial intelligence techniques employed by the author on millions of (human) health insurance data, the aforementioned features are impossible. The final unique feature of the book is that recipes for the 94 most common conditions in dogs and 81 most common conditions in cats are given in later parts of the book, serving as reinforcing examples after going through the first part. The book is therefore both comprehensive and practical for not only holistic but also conventional veterinary professionals.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Trends in Computational Omics: Concepts and Methodology
The last decade has witnessed various technological advances in life sciences, especially high throughput technologies. These technologies provide a way to perform parallel scientific studies in a very short period of time with low cost. High throughput techniques, mainly, next generation sequencing, microarray and mass spectrometry, have strengthened the omics vision in the last decades (study of complete system) and now resulted in well-developed branches of omics i.e., genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, which deal with almost every level of central dogma of life. Practice of high throughput techniques throughout the world with different aims and objectives resulted in a voluminous data, which required computational applications, i.e., database, algorithm and software to store, process and get biological interpretation from primary raw data. Researchers from different fields are looking to analyze these raw data for different purposes, but lacking of proper information and knowledge in proper documented form creates different kinds of hurdles and raises the challenges. This book contains thirteen chapters that deal with different computational biology/bioinformatics resources and concepts which are already in practice by the scientific community or can be utilized to handle various aspects of different classes of omics data. It includes different computational concepts, algorithm, resources and recent trends belonging to the four major branches of omics (i.e., genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics), including integrative omics. It will help all scholars who are working in any branch of computational omics and bioinformatics field as well as those who would like to perform research at a systemic biology through computational approaches.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Famous European Artists
Famous European Artists by Sarah K. Bolton is a collection of biographical sketches of the famous artists of Europe, including Turner, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Murillo, Rubens, Leonardo, Titan, Raphael and Reynolds. Famous European Artists is a useful general introduction to the world of art.
Nova Science Publishers Inc HIV/AIDS: Pathophysiology, Prevention and Treatment
This book first discusses how depression and anxiety occur more frequently in people living with HIV/AIDS than in the general population. Anxiety and depression increase the morbidity of HIV by causing poor adherence to treatment, increased risk for suicide, greater chance for recurrence and various other significant mechanisms. The authors present an analysis of sociological research showing the prevalence of stigma and discrimination against patients with HIV infection at the dental office. Fear of stigma is a key factor in reducing the willingness to disclose HIV status. The recommended treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus infection with HIV coinfection is reviewed, focusing on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacology of drug-drug interactions between antiretroviral therapy and direct-acting antivirals. Insight on the long road towards the eradication of HIV/AIDS is discussed in an effort to achieve sustainable development goals and targets by 2030. Studies conducted in relation to biomedical, structural, behavioural and technological interventions are cited to substantiate this discussions. The closing chapter outlines updated recommendations guiding healthcare professionals to employ treatment as prevention. A discussion of the public health measures necessary to promote the success of treatment as prevention is also included.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Original Photographs Taken on the Battlefields during the Civil War of the United States
This book contains rare reproductions of photographs taken during the American Civil War. It is believed to be the first time that the camera was used so extensively on the battle-field. It is the first known collection of its size on the Western Continent and it is the only witness of the scenes enacted during the greatest crisis in the annals of the American nation. It records a tragedy that neither the imagination of the painter nor the skill of the historian can so dramatically relate.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Disability: International Aspects
Disability research is important for the individual and the family, but certainly also for the society that has to adapt and facilitate an easier life and better service for this segment of our populations. For example, research showed significant disparities in the prevalence of disability between urban and rural residents, which can guide society to provide better service. Epidemiology and survey research can be important tools for public health focus and intervention and guide policy makers to allocate budgets and service facilities and expertise. In this book, we have gathered research on various aspects of disability from Malaysia, India, Ghana, Kenya, Portugal, Bangladesh, Thailand and Nigeria, which we hope will be of interest to the reader.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Climate Change: Ice Sheets Melt and Changes in the Arctic
Chapter 1 focuses on the science to understand the physical processes and projections of mass loss of the major ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, as well as of mountain and other land-based glaciers. The chapter reports on current projections of glacier mass loss due to anthropogenic climate change, and in turn how that will affect sea level. The diminishment of Arctic sea ice has led to increased human activities in the Arctic, and has heightened interest in, and concerns about, the region's future as reported in chapter 2. Issues such as Arctic territorial disputes; commercial shipping through the Arctic; Arctic oil, gas, and mineral exploration; endangered Arctic species; and increased military operations in the Arctic could cause the region in coming years to become an arena of international cooperation, tension, or competition.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Status of the Boeing 737 Max and Flight Control System Review
Chapters 1 and 2 explore the Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents, the resulting international grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, and actions needed to ensure the safety of the aircraft before returning them to revenue service. Because of apparent similarities in factors that may have contributed to the Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents, the FAA Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety established a Joint Authorities Technical Review (JATR) to review the type certification of the flight control system on the B737 MAX. Chapter 3 discusses the recommendations pertaining to that review.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom
Information concerning the island of Cuba was exceedingly unsatisfactory character until the search-light of American inquiry was thrown upon it from the beginning of the war for Cuban liberty early in 1895. Although our next-door neighbor to the south, with a perfect winter climate and a host of interesting and picturesque attractions for travelers, tourists had been comparatively few, measured by the numbers that might have been expected. All of the reasons for this were those which naturally followed the characteristic Spanish rule of the island. Publicity was not welcomed, inquiry was not welcomed, travelers were not welcomed. The cities and the accommodations they offered were in many ways far behind those of like age and size in the other countries of the globe. Railway construction and the making of highways had lagged disgracefully, because the exorbitant taxes collected were looted by the officers of the government as their own spoils. No other country so near to the highways of ocean commerce and so accessible from the United States was so little known.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Famous Affinities of History: The Romance of Devotion
This is a collection of biographies that profiles history's most famous romantic couples. The stories of Antony and Cleopatra; Napoleon and Marie Walewska; Honore de Balzac and Evelina Hanska and other famous couples are dealt with in an interesting manner. This book gives us an insight into the lives and lifestyles of popular figures of history.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Positive Youth Development: Digital Game-Based Learning
This book furnishes a rich description and discussion on the theory and practice of DPYD (digital positive youth development) games, in particular, design, implementation, and initial evaluation. Chapters show a concerted and creative effort in providing preventive measures on commonly found adolescent developmental issues. They also demonstrate that the newly developed and specially designed games are in general efficient and effective measures to promote youth development and prevent some common adolescent problems from deteriorating in contemporary urban societies. Initial users' qualitative feedback supports their effectiveness. Findings related to motivational variables such as self-efficacy, situational interest, goal orientation, and engagement variables are discussed. It is noteworthy that the game on interpersonal relationship has a special feature of promoting cross-cultural understanding of the values behind Chinese and Western (English-speaking only) cultures.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Disease: Volume 21
Volume 21 first addresses the negative consequences of polypharmacy in older adults, highlighting evidence-based approaches to decrease inappropriate prescribing. An overview of generic drugs in Brazil is provided based on an analysis of literature on the subject, as well as public data. The authors assess the significant role phytochemicals play in combatting coronary heart disease, chronic inflammation, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, and more. Also assessed in this compilation are the different pathways of NF-κB signaling in cell survival and pathogenesis of a variety of diseases affecting humans. Hydrocephalus, a disorder characterised by an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside the ventricles of the brain, is explored in detail. In addition, a new experimental model of non-exudative age-related macular degeneration induced by superior cervical ganglionectomy in C57BL/6J mice is presented, focusing on differences in the histology, ultrastructure, and metabolic attributes of the temporal retinal pigment epithelium. The signs, symptoms, and radiological findings regarding isolated fallopian tube torsion are examined, as well the various surgical options available. The diagnosis of post-cerebral infarction seizures, or post-stroke seizures, is studied in closing, and electroencephalography is put forward as a crucial tool for this purpose.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nonactive Current Components Compensation of Low-Voltage Power Supply Systems
The monograph has solved an actual scientific problem, improving the efficiency of electricity networks by developing methods of compensation current non-active components under harmonic distortions and unbalance of mains supply voltage. The research of the compensation system working processes in time- and frequency-domain allows to reach the positive effect for the developed method. The necessity of the analytical methods for analysis of nonlinear elements of electrical systems in the frequency-domain development have been grounded. The expediency and efficiency of the usage of small parameter method, which is realized in frequency-domain using instantaneous admittance components, have been grounded. It is shown that application of a small parameter method with its realization in frequency domain enables significant simplification of the process of the analysis of electric circuits with semiconductor converters in an analytical form and facilitation of calculation automation. Based on this, the algorithm for calculation of the passive filter parameters have been proposed. This allows to reach the desired voltage total harmonic distortion coefficient. The analysis of energy consumption and conversion in electrical systems with semiconductor converters based on the instantaneous power components analysis allowed to make important conclusions. Based on the analysis in analytical form in the frequency domain by numerical analysis and mathematical modeling of compensation, non-active components of current improvement methods were proposed as compensation non-active components under the non-sinusoidal and supply voltage unbalance and proved the effectiveness of its implementation.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pain: Perspectives on Acute and Chronic Pain
From Hippocratic medicine through modern theory, the concept and physiopathology of pain has been developed from religious and philosophical to a more scientific concept. Different cultures have developed different words to express pain and we are still far from a comprehensive understanding of pain. In clinical practice, a good understanding of history is important and multidisciplinary collaboration should be used to help the patient with both acute and chronic pain. In this book we have gathered evidence from international researchers and practitioners involved with both acute and chronic pain issues with the hope that this information will be of use to the reader.
Nova Science Publishers Inc American Leaders and Heroes: A Preliminary Text-Book in United States History
Wilbur Fisk Gordy writes about the heroes and leaders of America that shaped this country prior to 1923. This book is a must for all Americans and those who are living in other parts of world but are keen to know about the real heroes and leaders who own the credit of building the United States from its beginning.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Encyclopedia of Audiology and Hearing Research (4 Volume Set)
This 4 volume set presents important research on audiology and hearing. Some of the topics discussed herein include: cochlear implantation; chronic tinnitus; the auditory brainstem response;sensorineural hearing loss; autoimmune inner ear disease; presbyastasis.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Neuroscience Research: Volume 39
Volume 39 first presents a study wherein the gravitational noise of the brain at different ages within the same family was studied by gravitational mass spectroscopy. The authors explore the resources for community integration for individuals that have acquired a traumatic brain injury, highlighting areas that need further investigation. In a subsequent study, the gravitational mass spectroscopy method was used for the fast diagnosis of human brain states at long-range order. Various routes for ischaemic stroke management are also discussed, including hyper acute management, acute management and long-term management. Continuing, the newer technologies and approaches currently being applied in the field of neurosurgery are reviewed. The authors summarize the reported cases and observational studies regarding nonconvulsive status epilepticus in neurosurgical subspecialties of emergency and perioperative care, cerebrovascular diseases, neurotrauma, brain tumor, and stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. The associations between different brain inflammatory mediators and epileptogenesis are explored in an effort to affirm the idea that targeting the inflammatory pathway may be an effective therapeutic strategy to prevent or treat epilepsy. The major issue in glycemic control in neurocritical care patients is addressed: tight glycemic control using intensive insulin therapy is associated with higher rates of hypoglycemia without an improvement in survival rate. On these bases, adequate nutrition before and during insulin infusion is recommended. This compilation goes on to discuss evoked potentials, electrical responses of the brain to light, sound, or electrical stimuli. Depending on the type of stimulus, they emerge as visual, auditory, or somatosensorial evoked potentials.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Contemporary Use of Plant Extracts in Dentistry: Scientific Evidence for Phytotherapy and Ethnopharmacology
Since ancient times, mankind has used plants as a valuable source of natural products for maintaining human health and to treat or prevent diseases. The common knowledge around plants' healing properties, known as folk medicine, has been transmitted over the centuries for generations throughout human communities. The use of natural products and herbal medicines have been documented in the past. The antibacterial activity of plant extracts has been reported since the late 1800s and some of these traditional medicines are still used, especially in the last decade, with more intensive studies for natural therapies. Active compounds produced during vegetal metabolism are responsible for the antimicrobial and biological properties interacting with specific chemical receptors in the human body and, due to these components, plants extracts are popular as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial or anti-fungal drugs. However, in the absence of scientific studies, the use of aleatory plant extracts may lead to harmful adverse effects. Previously considered empirical, current data on the antimicrobial activity and biocompatibility of numerous plants have been scientifically confirmed. Phytosciences, as ethnopharmacology or phytotherapy, are emerging multidisciplinary areas with almost unlimited sources and several aspects to be discussed. Recently, there has been a growing trend to seek natural drugs as part of dental treatment. In dentistry, the association of plant extracts with restorative dentistry, endodontics or periodontics materials have been used to reduce inflammation, as antimicrobial enhancer agent, antiseptics, antifungals, antioxidants, analgesics or even as mouth rinse to prevent or reduce dental plaque. Thus, this book will address the use of plant extracts in different fields of dentistry, highlighting its use in cariology, restorative dentistry, endodontics and periodontics, besides other uses of herbal plants in dentistry, as in dental trauma, osteointegration or hemostatic, among others. As will be shown and stated, the vast variety of different plants described in literature with medicinal properties makes it impracticable to discuss all extracts found in scientific literature. Therefore, this book will contribute with some of these extracts and different methodologies to assess, as an introduction to new research and new researchers. Also, different in vivo and in vitro tests used to evaluate biological response, such as biocompatibility and antimicrobial activity in dental treatment will be discussed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Understanding Discourse Analysis
The book first intends to analyse a selected group of US presidential speeches building from the articulation between the study of decision-making psychological traps, understood from a discursive perspective, and the meta-theoretical principles of the pragma-dialectic approach to argumentation theory. Continuing, the authors analyse extracts from Ghana's education policy reform documents to exemplify the efficacy of critical discourse analysis as an interdisciplinary analytic tool and/or method for analysing written texts in critical policy research. The work of Marie-Anne Paveau, who has further developed the ideas of Michel Pacheux, is addressed. Her notion of prediscourse is applied to show how it can productively contribute to our understanding of the creation and perpetuation of ideas. The diverse ways the connectives "wa" in Arabic and "and" in English get translated between the two languages are assessed, with focus on the discrepancies between the discourse functions of these two particles in both languages. The existing current of discursive analysis assumes that reality is involved in hegemonic and ideological processes, allowing for the analysis of cultural imbrications and dynamic processes between structure and human agency in the construction of reality. As such, the possibility of using critical discourse analysis in consumer studies is addressed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Landslides: Monitoring, Susceptibility and Management
The book opens with a presentation of the application of geographic information system -based statistical modeling in the delineation of landslide susceptible zones for Rani Khola River basin of Sikkim Himalayas, India, by combining various landslide conditioning factors, namely: geological, topographical and hydrological parameters. Inaccessible areas prone to landsliding are delineated, as increasing awareness of the human, economic, and environment effects of these natural disasters is necessary to promote the safety of human life. The authors develop a broad-based landslide susceptibility assessment considering causal factors and different triggering conditions for hillslopes bordering the Monterrey Metropolitan Area. This approach has been computed on a cell-by-cell basis in a geographic information system. The concluding study attempts to present a distribution map of major rainfall-induced landslides in March to April 2019 in Iran, as well as review the local geological characteristics of major case studies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in World Physics: Volume 303
Volume 303 begins by examining hyperacute vision experiments based on the eye of a house fly which use solid state electronics to obtain a 10 fold improvement over digital camera technology. This contradicts neuroscience models of hyperacuity based on cortical processing because the house fly does not have a cortex. Following this, the protocol of the seventh dialogue with Uranus inhabitants, including the invitation procedure, is presented and logically analyzed, along with the method for generating gravitational radiation by a neutrino graser. The authors consider the features of the formation of quasi-standing waves in resonators in the presence of factors not previously considered, including: the motion of media filling the resonators, the influence of the magnetization fields on resonators with gyrotropic media and the motion of the boundaries of resonators. Next, a general and pure wave theory of image formation for all types of stellar interferometers, including hypertelescopes, is developed in the frame of Fresnel's paraxial approximations of diffraction. Additionally, the gravitational mass spectroscopy method is used to study the long-range reaction of ovalbumin to the gravitational noise of the Sun and the center of our galaxy. Some aspects of spectrophotometry are discussed, including fast spectrophotometry with a low-resolution imaging spectrograph and the spectral variability of individual stars. Lastly, the authors present the basic elements of Chern-Simon theory and review some recent aspects of developments in Chern-Simon gauge field theory as a topological quantum field theory on a threemanifold.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Foucault and Modern Society
This books explore the relevance and application of the conceptual and theoretical works of Michel Foucault to an understanding of modern society. The book begins by providing a biographical excursion of Foucault's life and works that gives the reader hints of how this thinking of social theory was shaped. The book moves its attention to how conceptual tools he developed are relevant to modern social theory and the interpretation of people, professions and populations in western culture in particular. The book explores the impact of his work on power and the example of social work and how it reshaped such a helping profession. In doing so, Foucault raised both a challenge and impact for social theorists to take up on subjectivity in how individuals make their own histories. Despite this, the book concludes with a re-appraisal of Foucault's work on surveillance and aging prisoners that highlights the sheer analytical diversity of his social philosophy.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Pituitary Gland and Adrenal Glands: New Research
The authors first discuss pituicytomas, rare primary glial neoplasms that arise in the neurohypophysis (or posterior portion) of the pituitary gland. They typically present with signs and symptoms of a slow growing, non-hormonally active mass of the sellar and suprasellar region, compressing adjacent structures. Following this, the clinical and pathologic features of spindle cell oncocytomas are discussed. Spindle cell oncocytomas are rare tumors, accounting for less than 0.5% of sellar masses. Tumors typically present in adults and most commonly manifest with visual disturbances and pituitary hypofunction. Additionally, the authors review the clinical and pathological features of gangliocytomas, rare benign tumors of the neuroaxis. They are most commonly seen in children and young adults, and most often arise in the cerebellum as part of Cowden's disease, or in the sellar region. The clinicopathologic features of granular tumors, rare neoplasms that most commonly arise in the neurohypophysis or posterior portion of the pituitary gland, are also discussed. This compilation goes on to examine the adrenal glands, paired structures located superior to the kidneys in the retroperitoneal space. Mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens are synthesized respectively in the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculatis and zona reticularis that make up the cortex, while the inner adrenal medulla produces the catecholamines and peptides. The risk of developing adrenal insufficiency among glucocorticoid users is assessed, and risk factors are identified. Glucocorticoids are widely used for the treatment of various inflammatory conditions and malignancies, as well as after organ transplantation. The closing study explores hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation, a potent and complex response to heat stress in domestic livestock. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is activated during stress, which leads to the secretion of cortisol and aldosterone from the adrenal gland.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 34
In the opening study of Advances in Engineering Research. Volume 34, five probability distributions which are currently used by researchers, including Normal, Log-Normal II, Gumbel, Pearson type III and Log-Pearson type III, are fitted to the values of ET0 and precipitation related to 30 synoptic stations of Iran with different climates. The authors discuss an energy efficient envelope tracking solution in a power amplifier system for demanding wireless standards. In a wireless transmitter, a huge portion of power is consumed by the power amplifier, and this generates the need for a power-efficient amplifier for longer battery run-time. The authors discuss the ways that may change the way air traffic controllers and others learn and work in air navigation, as well as how they can improve their workload thanks to the implementation of holographic radars. The various methods for the detection of accidental island formation are discussed, as well as the differences between the detection methodologies. Some of the main anti-islanding algorithms are evaluated by means of a MatLab/Simulink® platform employing a single-phase voltage source inverter designed for active power injection into the low-voltage distribution network, using solar photovoltaic as an energy source. The authors survey cryptographic keys management issues related to cloud computing deployment. This provides a critical analysis of cryptographic keys management in the cloud, and explores the most valuable solutions and recommendations used in real-world applications. This compilation also explores the design, preparation, testing and applications of thin-film thermocouples, particularly the tungsten-rhenium thin-film thermocouples proposed by Xi'an Jiaotong University. Later, the best probability distribution function is combined with a suitable plotting position formula in estimating the annual reference evapotranspiration. For this purpose, using meteorological data reported in 30 synoptic stations (1960-2014), the values of reference evapotranspiration were calculated by the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method based on reference conditions. The penultimate chapter studies how to realize double station navigation under the condition that we only know the path difference and the length of baseline between two stations. A one-dimensional equidistant double-base array is directly constructed, and the azimuth angle of the target is solved using the redundant calculation. The final study proposes a technique called "Data as a Service using Data Hibernation and Service Oriented Architecture" that plays a key role in the improvement of the cloud network by enforcing a pay-as-you-go concept.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Malnutrition: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcomes
This book brings together a range of contemporary research contributions of the malnutrition field. Written by leading international experts in the field of socioeconomic, demographic, clinical, and environmental and policy related malnutrition. This book explores the theme of the prevalence, risk factors and outcomes of malnutrition lifecycle and burden of the 21st century's world.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Healthy Food: Perspectives, Availability and Consumption
Healthy Food: Perspectives, Availability and Consumption first explores the pathological form of healthy eating, orthorexia nervosa. Although orthorexia nervosa cannot be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, important findings suggest that orthorexia nervosa should receive wider scientific and public attention. Additionally, the current literature regarding the effects of healthy foods and early feeding practices in childhood is explored in the context of the primordial prevention of non-communicable diseases and their risk factors. This compilation also examines carrot bagasse flour and banana peel flour for their potential to be employed as functional ingredients to improve the texture, color, and flavor of raw meat products, as chorizo, or cooked meat products, as sausages. Candelilla wax oleogel is investigated for its potential to replace pork back fat lard in cooked sausages, specifically focusing on its textural profile, moisture, color, and sensory acceptance. Results indicate that candelilla wax oleogel can be employed as a fat replacement, improving the health profile of certain meat products.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dyslexia: Analysis and Clinical Significance
Dyslexia: Analysis and Clinical Significance is a book composed of ten chapters with scientific contributions in the fields of speech language pathology and education. This book contains chapters presenting research findings from a case study with dyslexic children, as well as literature review chapters with topics of interest to the academic life of students with this specific neurodevelopmental disorder.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Benzothiazole: Preparation, Structure and Uses
Benzothiazole is an aromatic heterocyclic compound with the chemical formula of C7H5NS. Benzothiazole: Preparation, Structure and Uses opens with a review on the synthesis of benzothiazoles for their anticancer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, analgesic, antiviral and antitubercular activities. Following this, considering the versatile nature of benzothiazole, various benzothiazole derivatives with anticonvulsant and anticancer activity are discussed in detail. A report on the design strategies, detailed photo-physical properties and applications of benzothiazoles is provided in an effort to help researchers overcome existing challenges in designing novel excited state intramolecular proton transfer benzothiazole fluorescent molecules. In closing, the authors present recent updates on the usefulness and structure-activity relationship of benzothiazole derivatives for the development of novel anticancer agents.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sleep, Cognition and Emotion: From Molecules to Social Ecology
Sleep can be viewed as a brain state, as a process and a behavior. As any of these, sleep serves several purposes, including energy restoration, immunocompetence, brain metabolic homeostasis, neural ontogenesis and, importantly, cognitive, emotional and social processing. Supported by a strong empirical backbone focused on contemporary research outlining links between these subjects, this book will offer a guide to state-of-the-art research of sleep mechanisms, its impact in many cognitive and affective features as well as brief but in-depth overview of the strong association between sleep and social interactions. The complexity behind the common mechanisms between sleep, cognition and emotion, reveal that only through an integral approach in its study at both a neuroanatomical, functional, clinical and social level can reveal how this interplay influences human and furthermore, of mammal homeostasis as whole. Also, we intend to shed a light on the complex relationships between sleep and specific psychiatric disorders, thereby informing both prevention and clinical intervention. In order to provide clear guidance for researchers, the book also outlines future directions for the continued advancement of our understanding of sleep. We aim to balance the breadth and depth of available information to provide a resource that is accessible for upper-level seminars within academic settings, while serving as a practical guide for established scholars studying and treating conditions related to the interplay between sleep, cognition and emotion.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Elements of Chemistry: In a New Systematic Order, Containing all the Modern Discoveries
Lavoisier is one of the giants of chemistry. In this book, he lays out all of the theories of early chemistry and how to conduct experiments. He ties the old chemistry (alchemy) into the new, and it is here that the kernels of modern chemical nomenclature begin. He is rightfully called "The Father of Modern Chemistry". Anyone who is serious about learning chemistry should read this book.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Frontiers in Bacteriology Research
Frontiers in Bacteriology Research opens with a summary regarding the role of plants, substrate/filter material, microbial biodiversity, chemical variation, system designs and operational parameters as they relate to the removal of toxic elements in constructed wetlands. The authors discuss oxidoreductases, a large class of enzymes that catalyze several biological oxidation/reduction reactions by transferring electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors. The increasing rate of Clostridium difficile infections and associated control methods are also discussed. Clostridium difficile is an important pathogen that causes diarrhea associated with the use of antibiotics. Recent progress in research concerning the antibacterial activities of different carbon-based nanomaterials is presented. Graphene, graphene oxide, graphene and carbon quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, and nanodiamonds are discussed. In closing, data reporting on the activity of lectins against resistant bacteria, alone or in conjunction with other drugs, is reviewed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Understanding a Cancer Diagnosis
Diagnosis can be a deep investigative process, complex by nature. The diagnostic processes have become much more multidisciplinary, demanding the use of an eclectic set of technological methodologies and tools, especially from the Fourth Revolution. Biosensors, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and 3D Printing have become common terms in health research. Cancer in all its forms has become one of the biggest public health issues of the twentieth century. Among all types of cancer, breast cancer is the most dangerous for older and middle-aged women; it is also the most common form of cancer among the female population. Breast cancer is among the five most common cancers worldwide. This disease has been proliferating in developed, underdeveloped and developing countries. Its incidence rate is increasing with the average life expectancy of the population and with the adoption of new forms of consumption. There are some preventive strategies for breast cancer, such as stimulating visual inspection and touching of the breasts. However, they are not efficient enough to impact breast cancer mortality rate because the disease is still being diagnosed late in many cases. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the disease is necessary, including its risk factors and strategies for early identification and efficient treatment. The existence of these tools in public healthcare systems is important because they may contribute to increasing the chances of cure and the treatment options, decreasing mortality rates. Herein this collection book, we present to readers a set of works from the state-of-the-art dealing with cancer diagnosis using biosensors, artificial intelligence and other approaches. We hope this collection could present some of the state of the art of innovative techniques based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support early and accurate diagnosis of cancer, especially breast cancer.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Salivary Glands: Structure, Functions and Regulation
Salivary Glands: Structure, Functions and Regulation summarizes the current understanding of the critical role that miRNAs and lncRNAs may play in salivary gland development and physiology, tumorigenesis and its progression, as well as in other pathologies. The authors also evaluate their potential as circulating biomarkers and therapeutic targets in different pathologies. Next, the authors explore the diagnostic assessment, surgical approaches, and use of radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of parotid tumors. Furthermore, the most common complications of parotid surgery and relative management are considered. The clinical presentation, etiology and diagnostic modality of juvenile recurrent parotitis is reviewed, in conjunction with the role of sialoendoscopy in the diagnosis, management and prevention of recurrent attacks.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Environmental Research: Volume 71
Volume 71 first reviews the processing and recycling of plastics all over the world. Due to the population growth and the economic progress of many nations, dependence on the production and consumption of plastic materials has increased. Following this, the authors aim to understand the current outlook of PM2.5 pollution and how the application of computer modelling can contribute to its monitoring and control. The pre-treatment of landfill leachate via ultra-sonication is explored in an effort to debilitate its inhibitory effect prior to bioremediation by microalgae. Accordingly, the by-products generated from ultrasonic pre-treatment were assimilated by microalgae for growth. Material flow accounting approaches are used to calculate crop biomass and to study differences between crop biomass production and residues utilisation for energy purposes with an environmental impact in China and Slovakia. The authors explore how the pressure of the anthropic activities (pollution, species introduction, overfishing, coastal development) on the marine ecosystem has intensified in the past decade with effects that include global warming and ocean acidification. The penultimate study demonstrates the presence of MDR E. coli isolates presenting virulence pathotypes with the ability of biofilm formation in urban rivers located at Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area, Brazil. The closing chapter provides informaiton regarding the wetland plant Phragmites, particularly its medicinal properties and related research. Phragmites a large perennial grass mainly found in wetlands throughout the temperate and tropical regions of the globe.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The New Turkey: Politics, Society and Economy
This book intends to contribute to the discussions on the "New" Turkey, which has become a noteworthy term during the third term of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and which was officially used by Erdogan, the Republic of Turkey in 2014. The "New" Turkey, although a connotation used frequently for a new beginning of politics followed by each political power, has been attributed to a symbolic value by the current political power, AKP. The "New" Turkey has a bipolar meaning in Turkish politics: One that is strongly defended and supported by the current political power to maintain the historical bond between the Ottoman heritage, a mixture of Turkish culture and Islamic identity, and the Turkish republic, therefore to reinstate the Ottoman understanding among the people through state institutions while challenging the secular and Kemalist side, which resists losing the "old" Turkey's Kemalist identity. Political, social and economic transformations are visible in daily and social life in Turkey toward Turkish-Islamic synthesis. Such a visibility is of concern for both polarized sides in Turkey. The "conservative democrat" AKP is deeply keen on bringing back the "national" and "local" philosophy of culture, production, technology and identity while protecting their "own" and "othering" those who do not agree with the AKP, securitizing the opposition who disregard the Ottoman heritage and who states the Turkish Republic was founded from a scratch. This book focuses on the political regime transformation, social problems such as aging and nation, economic problems such as import and export destinations during the third term of AKP, when they officially started to name it "New" Turkey. Although the "New" Turkey is very often used to denote a state culturally and ideologically conservative, it is also a term to utter a regional power, which centers itself in the world politics. Today, the biggest question is whether Turkey is going to manage to undo polarization of the society while maintaining development. The present work seeks answers to these questions.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Membrane Distillation: Materials and Processes
Desalination is imperative to mitigate the global water scarcity as it produces drinking water from unpotable water. Currently, reverse osmosis membrane processes are widely used and account for 60% of desalination plants globally as they have lower energy requirements than other techniques, such as thermal desalination. Another promising alternative to desalination is membrane distillation (MD), which has been highlighted as one of the most promising and cost-effective desalination technologies over the last five decades. MD is a thermally driven desalination process that uses microporous and hydrophobic membranes through which only vapor can pass. Because non-volatile ions cannot pass through the membrane, MD theoretically achieves 100% salt rejection. In addition, MD is superior to other techniques as it is conducted at relatively low temperature and pressure, and is less sensitive to the feed concentration. MD is a desalination process that uses the vapor pressure difference between the feed and permeate as the driving force through the membranes. Over 2,800 scientific publications appeared in Web of Science as of September 2019 (over 400 just in 2019) describing the current state of development and potential future applications of MD. Although these publications provide excellent knowledge regarding MD, they are rather fragmented, and it is difficult to gain a complete overview of the basic principles and functions of membranes for MD configurations and their application to real plants. In this book, we introduce MD from the invention of this technique to the recent developments in membranes and processes. The membrane materials and configurations of MD processes are systematically discussed, along with an introduction to real pilot plants that have been installed and tested in the field, and an economic analysis of MD. The objective of this book is to provide a short, but reasonably comprehensive, introduction to MD to graduate students and persons with an engineering or natural science background, to gain a basic understanding of MD, and the associated materials, configurations, and applications, without studying a large number of different reference books.