Search results for ""author george"
Alfred Music What a Wonderful World: Conductor Score
History Press The NAACP in Washington, DC: From Jim Crow to Home Rule
Rowman & Littlefield The Quest for Community and Identity: Critical Essays in Africana Social Philosophy
This collection of essays engages two of the most fundamental social and political issues of our time: community and identity. Wrestling with the perplexities of these two issues within the Africana world, the contributors delve into the influences of a postmodern world of globalization with outdated, crumbling forms of identity and sociality. In the wake of such an order, new forms of identity and community must be established. Birt has collected an informed group of contributors here, who lay the foundation for a new approach to finding community and identity in the Africana world.
Hal Leonard Europe Limited 4 Coronation Anthems
Penguin Books Ltd Major Barbara
Andrew Undershaft, a millionaire armaments manufacturer, loves money and despises poverty. His estranged daughter Barbara, on the other hand, shows her love for the poor by throwing her energies into her work as a Major in the Salvation Army, and sees her father as another soul to be saved. But when the Army needs funds to keep going, it is Undershaft who saves the day with a large cheque - forcing Barbara to examine her moral assumptions. Are they right to accept money that has been obtained by 'Death and Destruction'? Full of lively comedy and sparkling debate, Major Barbara is one of Shaw's most forward-looking plays, brilliantly testing the tensions between religion, wealth and power, benevolence and equality, and metaphors and realities of war.
Editions Voilier Rouge Napoléon sur la route de Sainte-Hélène: Par les officiers britanniques qui l'accompagnèrent
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Chaplains as Partners in Medical Decision-Making: Case Studies in Healthcare Chaplaincy
Healthcare chaplains working as part of interdisciplinary teams are frequently involved in contributing to discussions on all aspects of patients' wellbeing. This insightful collection of case studies shows how chaplains can effectively support patients and their families in making decisions regarding medical care, as well as for their spiritual needs.Reflecting the reality of medical decision-making, each case study follows a format where a chaplain and a non-chaplain (e.g. a doctor or a social worker) gives their response to the example considered, helping the reader to understand the chaplain's role in the decision making and how they can contribute constructively to the process. Adding another layer to the multifaceted role of the chaplain, this is essential reading for any chaplain in healthcare.
Grolier Club of New York Illustrated by Lynd Ward
Taylor & Francis Inc Modeling and Simulation for Material Selection and Mechanical Design
This reference describes advanced computer modeling and simulation procedures to predict material properties and component design including mechanical properties, microstructural evolution, and materials behavior and performance. The book illustrates the most effective modeling and simulation technologies relating to surface-engineered compounds, fastener design, quenching and tempering during heat treatment, and residual stresses and distortion during forging, casting, and heat treatment. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, it enables researchers to enhance engineering processes and reduce production costs in materials and component development.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Mechanical Alloy Design
Offering one of the field's most thorough treatments of material design principles, including a concise overview of fastener design, the Handbook of Mechanical Alloy Design provides an extensive overview of the effects of alloy compositional design on expected mechanical properties. This reference highlights the design elements that must be considered in risk-based metallurgical design and covers alloy design for a broad range of materials, including the increasingly important powder metal and metal matrix alloys. It discusses the design issues associated with carbon, alloy, and tool steels, microalloyed steels, and more. The Handbook of Mechanical Alloy Design is a must-have reference.
The History Press Ltd Report into the Loss of the SS Titanic: A Centennial Reappraisal
Report into the Loss of the SS Titanic is a complete re-evaluation of the loss of Titanic based on evidence that has come to light since the discovery of the wreck in 1985. This collective undertaking is compiled by eleven of the world’s foremost Titanic researchers – experts who have spent many years examining the wealth of information that has arisen since 1912. Following the basic layout of the 1912 Wreck Commission Report, this modern report provides fascinating insights into the ship itself, the American and British inquiries, the passengers and crew, the fateful journey and ice warnings received, the damage and sinking, rescue of survivors, the circumstances in connection with the SS Californian and SS Mount Temple, and the aftermath and ramifications that followed the disaster.The book seeks to answer controversial questions, such as whether steerage passengers were detained behind gates, and also reveals the names and aliases of all passengers and crew who sailed on Titanic’s maiden voyage. Containing the most extensively referenced chronology of the voyage ever assembled and featuring a wealth of explanatory charts and diagrams, as well as archive photographs, this comprehensive volume is the definitive ‘go-to’ reference book for this ill-fated ship.
University of California Press Confessions of a Radical Chicano Doo-Wop Singer
A pioneer of Chicano rock, Rubén Funkahuatl Guevara performed with Frank Zappa, Johnny Otis, Bo Diddley, Tina Turner, and Celia Cruz, though he is best known as the front man of the 1970s experimental rock band Ruben And The Jets. Here he recounts how his youthful experiences in the barrio La Veinte of Santa Monica in the 1940s prepared him for early success in music and how his triumphs and seductive brushes with stardom were met with tragedy and crushing disappointments. Brutally honest and open, Confessions of a Radical Chicano Doo-Wop Singer is an often hilarious and self-critical look inside the struggle of becoming an artist and a man. Recognizing racial identity as composite, contested, and complex, Guevara—an American artist of Mexican descent—embraces a Chicano identity of his own design, calling himself a Chicano “culture sculptor” who has worked to transform the aspirations, alienations, and indignities of the Mexican American people into an aesthetic experience that could point the way to liberation.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) An = Anum and Related Lists: God Lists of Ancient Mesopotamia, Volume I
This volume is the first in a planned edition of the complete corpus of ancient Mesopotamian god lists. It contains the lists "An = Anum" (including its forerunners) and "An = Anu ša amēli" along with several similar, more-or-less fragmentary lists. The god list An = Anum was, with its ca. 2000 entries, the most comprehensive list of its kind. It is systematically organized and contains explanations both of individual deities and of certain groups of deities. The textual witnesses also provide, to a varying degree, pronunciation and translation glosses. In this edition each list is presented as a composite reconstructed text with translation, critical apparatus, and synoptic table of the textual witnesses, followed in each case by a philological commentary. In addition, the textual witnesses are transliterated individually. Names, words, and glosses are made accessible through detailed indexes. Hand copies and photographs of previously unpublished sources conclude the volume.
Haymarket Books Trotskyism In The United States: Historical Essays and Reconsiderations
In the new edition of this definitive work on the history of the revolutionary socialist current in the United States that came to be identified as 'American Trotskyism', Paul Le Blanc offers fresh reflections on this history for scholars and activists in the twenty-first century. Includes a preface written especially for the new edition of this distinctive work.
University of Alberta Press Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary/alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan
Cree is the most widespread native language in Canada. The Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary/alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan is a highly usable and effective dictionary that serves students, business, governments, and media. This remarkable dictionary includes extensive Cree-English and English-Cree sections based upon both Northern Cree (the "TH" dialect) and Plains Cree (the "Y" dialect). It also includes: parts of speech, a "New Terms" supplement to the English-Cree section, appendices on kinship terms, months and numbers, and terms commonly used in government, courts and other institutions. Work on the dictionary began in the mid 1970s through the initiative of Nancy LeClaire, a Cree nun from Maskwacis (then Hobbema). The dictionary has had many other generous and dedicated contributors from among Alberta's Cree speakers. The dictionary is designed for speakers, students, and teachers of Cree. [See online dictionary at or download the app from iTunes.] Foreword by Thelma J. Chalifoux.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Minerals of the Grenville Province: New York, Ontario, and Québec
The Grenville Province, covering much of upstate New York, southeastern Ontario, and southern Québec, has been the source of many amazing mineral specimens. Its crystalline rocks are more than a billion years old, and unlike most mineralogical heritage sites, new discoveries are the rule rather than the exception.The province also contains deposits of commercially important minerals such as iron, zinc, talc, garnet, apatite, and mica. More than 400 photographs highlight specimens from the world-renowned collections of the Canadian Museum of Nature, the New York State Museum, and selected private collections. This pleasurable journey includes sections devoted to colorful gemstones and fluorescent minerals, and explains the mineralogical, geological, and historical significance of these minerals.
Oxford University School of Archaeology Archaeology of the Wallingford Bypass, 1986-92: Late Bronze Age Ritual and Habitation on a Thames Eyot at Whitecross Farm, Wallingford
The site at Whitecross Farm, including timber structures located on the edge of the eyot, and a substantial midden and occupation deposit has been securely radiocarbon-dated to the late Bronze Age. The late Bronze Age artefact assemblages are suggestive of a high-status site, with a range of domestic and ritual activities represented. The bank of the Grim's Ditch earthwork was found to have preserved evidence of earlier settlement, dating to the Neolithic and Bronze Age, and a sequence of cultivation, including ard marks and 'cord-rig' cultivation ridges. Pottery and radiocarbon analysis dated the earthwork to the end of the late Iron Age or the early Roman period. A multi-period settlement, consisting of pits, a waterhole, postholes, gullies and field systems, was identified at Bradford's Brook, Cholsey. The main periods represented are late Bronze Age and Romano-British, while a small quantity of Saxon pottery indicates limited Saxon activity. A large pit containing late Bronze Age pottery, a cattle skull, waterlogged wood and plant remains, a complete loomweight and flint flakes has been interpreted as a waterhole. A series of radiocarbon dates were obtained for deposits within this feature. All three sites are discussed individually as well as within their local, regional and national contexts. Chapter 7 provides an overall discussion of later Bronze Age themes that have arisen through the excavation and analysis of these sites.
University of California Press Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography
This seminal collection of essays critiquing ethnography as literature is augmented with a new foreword by Kim Fortun, exploring the ways in which Writing Culture has changed the face of ethnography over the last 25 years.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care
The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care Clear, practical guidance in mastering ECG interpretation in the critically ill patient The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care contains clear, practical guidance on mastering both single-lead and 12 lead ECGs, covering the full range of complexities and including a section on differential diagnosis of more common ECGs, with over 200 tracings from which to learn and self-test. The editors place an emphasis on readability and accessibility, with clearly written chapters and excellent illustrations that serve as a primary source of information for students, trainees, and practicing emergency physicians in all areas. In The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care, readers can expect to find detailed information on topics such as: Clinical applications, impact, and interpretation of the electrocardiogram, plus variants of the normal, lead misplacement, and electrocardiographic artifact encountered in clinical practice Cardiac rhythms and cardiac dysrhythmias, covering cardiac rhythms with normal rates, narrow QRS complex tachycardia, wide QRS complex tachycardia, and bradycardia Anatomic and physiologic considerations of ischemic heart disease, historical development of the prehospital electrocardiogram, and electrocardiographic findings in acute coronary syndrome Special populations, high-risk presentation scenarios, and advanced electrocardiographic techniques, covering electrocardiograms in pediatric and poisoned patients The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care is ideally suited to medical students, residents, and physicians in training, but is also a useful reference for established physicians as a review and reference text, along with all other health professionals working in this field.
Oxford University Press Twenty Years A-Growing
Maurice O'Sullivan was born on the Great Blasket in 1904, and 'Twenty Years A-Growing' tells the story of his youth and of a way of life which belonged to the Middle Ages. He wrote for his own pleasure and for the entertainment of his friends, without any thought of a wider public; his style is derived from folk-tales which he heard from his grandfather and sharpened by his own lively imagination. The Blasket Islands are three miles off Irelands Dingle Peninsula. Until their evacuation just after the Second World War, the lives of the 150 or so Blasket Islanders had remained unchanged for centuries. A rich oral tradition of story-telling, poetry, and folktales kept alive the legends and history of the islands, and has made their literature famous throughout the world. The 7 Blasket Island books published by OUP contain memoirs and reminiscences from within this literary tradition, evoking a way of life which has now vanished.
Oxford University Press What a Wonderful World
A beautiful board book featuring the lyrics from What a Wonderful World, accompanied by bright and colourful illustrations from award-winning illustrator Tim Hopgood. It encourages little ones to see the beauty of the world and to love other people - making it the perfect gift for even the youngest children.
Biggerpockets Publishing, LLC The Richest Man in Babylon: The Success Secrets of the Ancients (Original Edition)
Brookes Publishing Co Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Prevention and Intervention Strategies
This book provides educators with practical, step-by-step strategies to address students’ serious problem behaviors in school settings. With a focus on prevention strategiesand positive approaches, this proactive framework sets the stage for an assessment-based, functional approach for students with significant emotional and behavioraldisorders (EBDs) as well as those with less severe behavior problems.This book introduces readers to foundational information and describes techniques to avoid or reduce students’ behavior problems, improve social interactions, and increase academic engagement and motivation.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Martian Codex: More Reflections from Mars
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Conversations about Energy: How the Experts See America's Energy Choices
Drawn from the Hoover Institution’s Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy January 2010 conference, this book discusses critical energy issues including, energy and synthetic biology, cap and trade and carbon tax policies, energy efficiency, international energy relationships, and other key topics. The contributors present a range of ideas and recommendations that might improve the performance of the United States in responding to the energy challenge.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Decentralization in Asia and Latin America: Towards a Comparative Interdisciplinary Perspective
Although decentralization and reactions against it have become increasingly important policy trends in developing countries, the study of this nearly ubiquitous phenomenon has been largely fractured across academic disciplines, geographic regions, and the academic-practitioner divide. The contributors to this edited volume begin to cross some of these constraining, artificial boundaries. Considering decentralization from an interdisciplinary, historical, and comparative perspective, they collectively explore why it has evolved in particular ways and with varied outcomes. In addition to taking an atypically comparative perspective, the volume highlights the importance of an historical analysis of decentralization and links this to institutional and public policy outcomes. Placing decentralization in this context illustrates why it has taken dissimilar shapes and produced varying results over time in different countries. This in turn helps to clarify the types of institutions and conditions required for the development and survival of decentralization, paving the way for more creative thinking and informed policymaking. The countries covered include: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bolivia, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Brazil. Students and scholars of economics, political science and development will find the policy and theoretical discussions enlightening. The volume will also prove useful to policymakers and development institutions confronting issues of decentralization.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Cooperative Learning Through a Reflective Lens
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens explores cooperative learning through the lens of reflective language teaching, delving into a wide range of issues on which teachers will want to reflect and suggesting ways that they could do that reflection. The book begins with background on cooperative learning including its theoretical roots and the research which supports its use. Next, eight principles for using cooperative learning are explained and examples are given as to how to implement those principles. Further highlighting the book' practical focus is a chapter on nuts and bolts matters that need to be considered when teachers help their students do cooperative learning. Of course, the light of reflection shines throughout the book, including in a chapter on how to encourage reflection among students on their own learning and on the functioning of their cooperative learning groups. Another chapter offers guidance on how reflection can inform teachers' use of cooperative learning with their students, as well as teachers' cooperation with their colleagues. The book finishes with example lessons which bring to life the principles and practicalities discussed in earlier chapters of the book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing
Successful exchange relationships between organizations and their various partners in those exchanges - suppliers, customers, employees, or a wide variety of other types of exchange partners - have become critical to the overall success of organizations in an economy that is increasingly global, hypercompetitive, and evolutionary. This Handbook highlights relationship marketing as an area of growing interest and ongoing development within marketing, providing key insights that illustrate its important role in guiding customer-directed business strategies.Relationship marketing is an approach to increase long-term profitability through loyal customers. With increased customer retention, fewer resources need to be invested in acquiring new customers and marketing costs go down. The Handbook on Relationship Marketing brings together contributions from some of the leading figures in the field to analyze the role of marketing with suppliers and customers, as well as internal and lateral partners.The Handbook will appeal to scholars and students of marketing and business. It will also be a useful resource for practitioners looking to exploit relationship marketing for better customer retention.Contributors: M. Bose, T. Boyd, S. Cadwallader, G. Deitz, J.A. Garretson Folse, D.D. Gremler, T.W. Gruen, E. Gummesson, K.P. Gwinner, J.D. Hansen, B.B. Holloway, M.J. Howley Jr., R. Lacey, S. Lampo, K. Landua, K.N. Lemon, H. Majra, R.W. Palmatier, J.T. Parish, R.D. Raggio, S.A. Samaha, R. Saxena, J.N. Sheth, M. Sinha, A. Thomas, P.C. Verhoef, A.G. Walz, S. Wang
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bioceramics: Materials and Applications III
This third installment draws together research in the different aspects of bioceramics and focuses on the biomedical application of ceramics from a materials science viewpoint. This collection of papers addresses ceramics and glasses used in biomedical, dental and biological applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Radio-Frequency Heating in Food Processing: Principles and Applications
Radio-Frequency Heating in Food Processing: Principles and Applications covers the fundamentals of radio-frequency (RF) heating and the use of RF-heating technologies in modern food processing, preservation, and related industries. Focusing on industrial and lab-scale applications where RF heating has been employed successfully or reported to have potential benefits over conventional heating options, this state-of-the-art reference: Explains the similarities, differences, advantages, and limitations of RF and microwave heating as applied to agricultural products Describes fiber-optics temperature sensors and their utility in monitoring temperature during RF and microwave heating Discusses the dielectric and thermo-physical properties of agricultural products amenable to RF and microwave heating, presenting measurement techniques, mathematical concepts, and computer simulation models Provides practical perspectives on industrial RF units used in manufacturing food products, addressing free-running oscillators and 50-Ω designs for RF heaters and applicators Uses finite-element formulations to determine design parameters including resonant modes, circuit impedance, and electric field distribution in RF applicators Examines RF-heating effects on microorganisms, enzymes, and food quality attributes for products such as poultry, beef, pork, eggs, fish, milk, fruits, vegetables, and seafood Explores RF-heating applications beyond food processing, such as agricultural product deinfestation, waste treatment, counterfeit prevention, package tracking, and transportation of food from farm to table Radio-Frequency Heating in Food Processing: Principles and Applications supplies an in-depth overview of the fundamental science and engineering principles governing RF applications, as well as a solid understanding of industrial RF unit design options, challenges, and opportunities for development.
University of California Press The Sermons of John Donne, Volume VII
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1954.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Sixth Sense: Accelerating Organizational Learning with Scenarios
This book helps managers move beyond the idea that the future of business will resemble the past and allows them to use scenarios to imagine multiple perspectives. The concepts of organizational realities, experience, and beliefs are explored to encourage and embrace change in business organizations for a successful future.
University of Washington Press Heaven on the Half Shell: The Story of the Oyster in the Pacific Northwest
Heaven on the Half Shell offers a thoroughly researched and richly illustrated history of the Pacific Northwest’s beloved bivalve, the oyster. Starting with the earliest evidence of sea gardens and clam beds from 11,500 years ago, this book covers the history of oyster cultivation through contemporary aquaculture in coastal Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, northern California, and southeastern Alaska. Generations of oyster farmers, Native and non-Native, have weathered many challenges to continue the harvest. Their vivid individual accounts are braided together with significant history, such as the major contributions of Japanese immigrants prior to World War II and the 1994 Rafeedie decision that affirmed shellfish harvesting rights held by Northwest tribes. The book also sheds light on the innovations that made oysters an enduringly popular food, from the creation of so-called sexless oysters that could be consumed year-round to breakthroughs in contemporary oyster cuisine. Now fully updated and expanded—and chock-full of “oysterabilia”—this classic text shares new insights on emerging challenges to the oyster farmer’s life as well as increased coverage of the roles of women and contemporary tribes in building this cultural tradition, past and present. Newcomers and aficionados alike will also be delighted by the carefully selected recipes, both historic and contemporary, from the region’s top chefs. As the old saying goes, when the tide is out, the table is set.
Indiana University Press Africanisms in American Culture, Second Edition
An important work in the field of diaspora studies for the past decade, this collection has inspired scholars and others to explore a trail blazed originally by Melville J. Herskovits, the father of New World African studies. Since its original publication, the field has changed considerably. Africanism has been explored in its broader dimensions, particularly in the area of white Africanisms. Thus, the new edition has been revised and expanded. Joseph E. Holloway has written three essays for the new volume. The first uses a transnational framework to examine how African cultural survivals have changed over time and readapted to diasporic conditions while experiencing slavery, forced labor, and racial discrimination. The second essay is "Africanisms in African American Names in the United States." The third reconstructs Gullah history, citing numerous Africanisms not previously identified by others. In addition, "The African Heritage of White America" by John Phillips has been revised to take note of many more instances of African cultural survivals in white America and to present a new synthesis of approaches.
Channel View Publications Ltd Rural Tourism Development: Localism and Cultural Change
Rural tourism represents a merging of perhaps two of the most influential yet contradictory features of modern life. Not only are the forces of economic, social, cultural, environmental and political change working to redefine rural spaces the world over, but broad global transformations in consumption and transportation patterns are reshaping leisure behaviour and travel. For those concerned with both the nature of change in rural areas and tourism development, the dynamics and impacts of integrating these two dramatic shifts are not well known but yet are becoming increasingly provocative discourses for study. This book links changes at the local, rural community level to broader, more structural considerations of globalization and allows for a deeper, more theoretically sophisticated consideration of the various forces and features of rural tourism development. While Canadian in content, the cases and discussions presented in this book can be considered generally relevant to any rural region, continentally and globally, that has undertaken or is considering rural tourism development.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Sherlock Holmes: A Gripping Casebook of Stories: A Gripping Casebook of Stories
Cambridge University Press More: Utopia
This is a fully revised edition of one of the most successful volumes in the Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought series. Incorporating extensive updates to the editorial apparatus, including the introduction, suggestions for further reading, and footnotes, this third edition of More's Utopia has been comprehensively re-worked to take into account scholarship published since the second edition in 2002. The vivid and engaging translation of the work itself by Robert M. Adams includes all the ancillary materials by More's fellow humanists that, added to the book at his own request, collectively constitute the first and best interpretive guide to Utopia. Unlike other teaching editions of Utopia, this edition keeps interpretive commentary - whether editorial annotations or the many pungent marginal glosses that are an especially attractive part of the humanist ancillary materials - on the page they illuminate instead of relegating them to endnotes, and provides students with a uniquely full and accessible experience of More's perennially fascinating masterpiece.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Revolution & War in Contemporary Ukraine: The Challenge of Change
What are the reasons behind, and trajectories of, the rapid cultural changes in Ukraine since 2013? This volume highlights: the role of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war in the formation of Ukrainian civil society; the forms of warfare waged by Moscow against Kyiv, including information and religious wars; Ukrainian and Russian identities and cultural realignment; sources of destabilisation in Ukraine and beyond; memory politics and Russian foreign policies; the Kremlins geopolitical goals in its 'near abroad'; and factors determining Ukraines future and survival in a state of war. The studies included in this collection illuminate the growing gap between the political and social systems of Ukraine and Russia. The anthology illustrates how the Ukrainian revolution of 20132014, Russias annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and its invasion of eastern Ukraine have altered the post-Cold War political landscape and, with it, the regional and global power and security dynamics.
CAEZIK SF & Fantasy Conversations From the Edge: The Galaxy's Edge Interviews
Avatar Press Fevre Dream
RAND Penaid Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of Countermeasures Against Ballistic Missile Defenses
Liberty Fund Inc Epistemological Problems of Economics
Random House USA Inc Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors
The History Press Ltd The Titanic Expeditions: Diving to the Queen of the Deep: 1985–2021
The remains of the world’s most famous passenger liner, RMS Titanic, were discovered off the coast of Newfoundland in 1985, seventy-three years after it sank. Since then there have been numerous deep-water expeditions to the wreck site, yet little has ever been revealed about the details of these operations.Now, in this fully updated book, Eugene Nesmeyanov recounts all the major Titanic expeditions from 1985 to 2021, taking us on a journey alongside the scientists, cinematographers and other specialists who have visited the legendary wreck 2½ miles below the surface of the North Atlantic. A thorough analysis of the sophisticated technical equipment used is presented, along with historical, biological and other scientific findings, and rare material from official archives and private collections.
Hal Leonard Corporation Mary Poppins: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
University of California Press Symbolic Analysis Cross-Culturally: The Rorschach Test
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1989.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Linear Regression Analysis
Concise, mathematically clear, and comprehensive treatment of the subject. * Expanded coverage of diagnostics and methods of model fitting. * Requires no specialized knowledge beyond a good grasp of matrix algebra and some acquaintance with straight-line regression and simple analysis of variance models. * More than 200 problems throughout the book plus outline solutions for the exercises. * This revision has been extensively class-tested.