Search results for ""author alex"
Penguin Books Ltd To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science
In To Explain the World, pre-eminent theoretical physicist Steven Weinberg offers a rich and irreverent history of science from a unique perspective - that of a scientist. Moving from ancient Miletus to medieval Baghdad to Oxford, and from the Museum of Alexandria to the Royal Society of London, he shows that the scientists of the past not only did not understand what we understand about the world - they did not understand what there is to understand. Yet eventually, through the struggle to solve such mysteries as the backward movement of the planets and the rise and fall of tides, the modern discipline of science emerged.
Vintage Publishing Invisible Monsters Remix
She's a catwalk model who has everything: a boyfriend, a career, a loyal best friend. But a sudden motor 'accident' leaves her an 'invisible monster', so hideous that no one will acknowledge she exists. Enter Brandy Alexander, Queen Supreme, who will teach her that reinventing yourself sometimes means erasing your past and making up something better...Injected with new material and special design elements, Invisible Monsters Remix is a radically refashioned 'director's cut' of a favourite Chuck Palahniuk novel, turning a daring satire on beauty and the fashion industry into an even more wildly unique reading experience.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Textsammlung mit Ãbersetzungen und Kommentaren
Die Parner, Steppennomaden aus dem transkaspischen Raum, eroberten gegen Ende des 3. Jh. v.Chr. die seleukidische Satrapie Parthien im Sëdosten des Kaspischen Meeres. Unter ihrer Königsdynastie der Arsakiden eroberten sie nach und nach die seleukidischen Gebiete bis zum Indischen Ozean und bis zum Euphrat, der seit dem zweiten Viertes des 1. Jh. v.Chr. die Grenze zum Imperium Romanum bildete. 224 n.Chr. wurden sie von den persischen Sasaniden in der Herrschaft abgelöst. Das Partherreich war vom Beginn seines Bestehens an durch sehr verschiedenartige Faktoren bestimmt, zum einen durch die im Gefolge der Eroberungen Alexanders d.Gr. von den Seleukiden östlich des Euphrat angesiedelte griechische Kultur, andererseits durch die Traditionen der Völker, die seit langem auf parthischem Reichsterritorium lebten, z.B. Babylonier und Meder. Hinzu kamen die - meist feindlichen - Kontakte mit den aus Norden und Nordosten nachdrängenden Reitervölkern, die - teilweise ebenfalls konfliktreichen - wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontakte mit den benachbarten Völkern im Westen, insbesondere Juden, Syrern und Armeniern, sowie die langen und wechselvollen Beziehungen zu den Römern, wo sich Bëndnisse und Kriege zwischen den beiden Großmächten abwechselten. Die Quellen zu den Parthern sind daher vielschichtig und vielsprachig und nur durch eine differenzierte interdisziplinäre Bearbeitung zu erschließen. In den vorliegenden drei Bänden werden diese Quellenkomplexe erstmals durch eine Zusammenstellung und deutsche Übersetzung möglichst aller einschlägigen Texte verfëgbar gemacht. Darëber hinaus werden durch die Kommentierung und ausgewogene Zusammenfëhrung der unterschiedlichen Zeugnisse die Abläufe der Geschichte des Partherreiches, seine bisher noch weitgehend ungeklärte innere Struktur sowie die wirtschafts-, sozial- und kulturgeschichtlichen Gegebenheiten genauer beschrieben, als dies bisher möglich war.Mit Beiträgen von Barbara Böck, Uta Golze, Daniel Keller, Gudrun Schubert, Kerstin Storm, Lukas Thommen, Giusto Traina und Markus Zehnder.
Quarto Publishing PLC Dear Friend and Gardener: Letters on Life and Gardening
In this engaging and fascinating exchange of personal letters, two of the most influential gardeners of all time compare notes on successes and failures in their two very different gardens. As Christopher Lloyd and Beth Chatto convey their gardening experiences, share gossip and discuss life and nature, the horticultural expertise of these two long-established friends and distinguished gardeners gives these inspirational letters a life of their own. Beth Chatto’s garden in East Anglia is a place of pilgrimage for plant lovers, while Christopher Lloyd was one of the major figures in twentieth century gardening, transforming the gardens of his home Great Dixter in East Sussex.Friday 16 February Dear Beth, Today was straight out of my idea of heaven – the first such day this year and the first time that all the winter crocuses have opened wide, in appreciation. Armed with my kneeling pad, I dropped to my knees to savour the honey scent of C. chrysanthus ‘Snow Bunting’. Rosemary Alexander, who spends more and more time at Stoneacre (the National Trust property near Maidstone, which she rents), expressed doubts on whether it wouldn’t be better to concentrate on snowdrops, seeing that crocuses spend so much of their time in an obstinately closed state, loudly proclaiming ‘this isn’t good enough for me’. I can see her point, of course. […] Tuesday 20 February Dear Christo, What a good thing you enjoyed your crocuses when you had the chance! Today we are blanketed in snow once more, with a wild north wind hurling stinging dry snow horizontally past the windows. Your way of having crocuses (and many other bulbs) naturalized in short grass is a far more effective way of growing them than in conventional borders. Left to seed themselves in little knots and ribbons of colour they appear like embroidery across a carpet before something else takes over the design. […]
Reinhold, E. Verlag Die Musikaliensammlung der Familie von Voß im 19. Jahrhundert
Kessinger Publishing Marci Manilii Astronomicon Libri Quinque V1 Accessere Marci Tullii Ciceronis Arataea 1786
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Blackbeard: The Hunt for the World's Most Notorious Pirate
Edward Teach Blackbeard-is one of the legends of the so-called golden age of piracy. There have been so many accounts of his short, bloody career that it is hard to see him and his times in a clear historical light. This new study looks for the man behind the legend, and it gives a vivid insight into the nature of piracy and the naval operations that were launched against it. The narrative focuses on the roles played by the Governor of Virginia Alexander Spotswood who masterminded the pursuit of Blackbeard, and Lieutenant Robert Maynard of HMS Pearl who led the pursuit and finally cornered Teach and his crew and, after a vicious fight, saw him killed. In vivid detail it reveals how the hunt for Blackbeard was orchestrated, how he was tracked down, and the parts played in the drama by the larger-than-life leading characters in this extraordinary story. This freshly researched study of the pursuit of the notorious pirate and his crew - and of the final fight in which Blackbeard lost his life - makes compelling reading.
Peeters Publishers L'Allogene (NH XI, 3)
Le traite intitule "L'Allogene" (litteralement "d'une autre race", "etranger") est une apocalypse qui raconte la montee dans l'au-dela d'un personnage denomme Allogene et les revelations qu'il y recoit de la part d'etres divins. Ce traite appartient a un courant qui a du se developper apres 220 de notre ere (puisqu'il est inconnu d'Irenee et d'Hippolyte), probablement en Occident. Vers 300, Porphyre, dans sa "Vie de Plotin", declare que le philosophe s'en prit a certains gnostiques qui "produisaient des apocalypses de Zoroastre, de Zostrien, de Nicothee, d'Allogene, de Messos et d'autres figures du meme genre" (16). La plupart des specialistes pensent que les traites "Allogene" et "Zostrien" retrouves a Nag Hammadi (NH XI, 3 et VIII, 1) doivent etre identifies aux revelations mentionnees par Porphyre. "L'Allogene" appartient a un ensemble d'ecrits, designes sous l'appellation de "traites platonisants sethiens", qui comprend outre les deux traites connus de Porphyre, les "Trois Steles de Seth" (NH VII, 5) et "Marsanes" (NH X). Ces quatre traites partagent une metaphysique et une ontologie caracteristiques de Plotin et des neoplatoniciens tardifs, ainsi que de certaines sources medioplatoniciennes. Les particularites linguistiques et les nombreuses difficultes que presente le texte copte de "L'Allogene" indiquent qu'il s'agit tres certainement d'un ouvrage originellement compose en grec et dont le vocabulaire metaphysique d'une grande technicite a du representer un defi de taille pour ses traducteurs coptes. L'original grec a vraisemblablement ete compose quelque part en Mediterranee orientale, peut-etre a Alexandrie, vers 240, pour ensuite aboutir a Rome au milieu du IIe siecle, ou il fut lu et refute dans l'ecole de Plotin. C'est dire son importance pour l'histoire du gnosticisme et pour celle du platonisme. Le present volume offre une introduction au traite, un texte copte nouvellement etabli, une traduction francaise et un "index verborum".
Aarhus University Press Material Koinai in the Greek Early Iron Age and Archaic Period
The ancient Greek word koine was used to describe the new common language dialect that became widespread in the ancient Greek world after the conquests of Alexander the Great. Modern scholars have increasingly used the word to conceptualise regional homogeneities in the material culture of the ancient Mediterranean.In this volume, twenty scholars from various disciplines present case studies that focus on the fundamental question of how to perceive and the social and cultural mechanisms that led to the spread and consumption of material culture in the Greek early Iron Age. Combined the chapters provide a critical examination of the use of the koine concept as a heuristic tool in historical research and discuss to what degree similarities in material culture reflect cultural connections.The volume will be of interest scholars interested in archaeological theory and method, the social significance of material culture, and the history of the ancient Greek world in the first half of the first millennium BC.
The University of Chicago Press Letters and Orations
By the end of the 15th century, Cassandra Fedele (1465-1558), a learned middle-class woman of Venice, was arguably the most famous woman writer and scholar in Europe. A cultural icon in her own time, she regularly corresponded with the king of France, lords of Milan and Naples, the Borgia pope Alexander VI, and even maintained a ten-year epistolary exchange with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain that resulted in an invitation for her to join their court. Fedele's letters reveal the central, mediating role she occupied in a community of scholars otherwise inaccessible to women. Her unique admittance into this community is also highlighted by her presence as the first independent woman writer in Italy to speak publicly and, more importantly, the first to address philosophical, political and moral issues in her own voice. Her three public orations and almost all of her letters, translated into English, are presented here for the first time.
Duke University Press Poe's Pym: Critical Explorations
"The interpreter's dream-text," as one critic called Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym has prompted critical approaches almost as varied as the experiences it chronicles. This is the first book to deal exclusively with Pym, Poe's longest fictional work and in many ways his most ambitious. Here leading Poe scholars provide solutions and interpretations for many challenging enigmas in this mysterious novel.The product of a decade of research and planning, Poe's "Pym" offers a factual basis for some of the most fantastic elements in the novel and uncovers surprising connections between Poe's text and exploration literature, nautical lore, Arthurian narrative, nineteenth-century journalism, Moby Dick, and other writings. Representing a rich cross-section of current modes of literary study—from source study to psychoanalytic criticism to new historicism—these sixteen essays probe issues such as literary influence, the limits of language, racism, the holocaust, prolonged mourning, and the structure of the human mind. Poe's "Pym" will be an invaluable resource for students of both contemporary criticism and nineteenth-century American culture. Contributors. John Barth, Susan F. Beegel, J. Lasley Dameron, Grace Farrell, Alexander Hammond, David H. Hirsch, John T. Irwin, J. Gerald Kennedy, David Ketterer, Joan Tyler Mead, Joseph J. Moldenhauer, Carol Peirce, Burton R. Pollin, Alexander G. Rose III, John Carlos Rowe, G. R. Thompson, Bruce I. Weiner
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Roman Conquests: Asia Minor, Syria and Armenia
While conquering Greece and Macedonia the Romans defeated an intervention by the Seleucid Empire, the most powerful of the Hellenistic states founded by Alexander the Great's successors. Soon Roman armies crossed to Asia for the first time to carry the war to the Seleucids. Here they faced one of the most sophisticated armies of the ancient world, evolved from Alexander's all-conquering war machine with the exotic additions of elephants, scythed chariots and heavily armoured cataphract cavalry. The Seleucids also possessed a formidable navy. The Roman army defeated the Seleucids at the epic battle of Magnesia in 190 BC, which marked the beginning of a long decline for Seleucid power in Asia . This, however, allowed other states to come to the fore, most notably Pontus . In the 1st century BC, Rome 's grip on its Asian provinces was shattered by the onslaught of Mithridates VI of Pontus, Rome 's most enduring foe. Mithridates was eventually overcome, after many Roman reverses, but these wars in turn led to conflict with Armenia . Like the other volumes in this series, this book gives a clear narrative of the course of these wars, explaining how the Roman war machine coped with formidable new foes and the challenges of unfamiliar terrain and climate. This volume draws on Dr Evans' expertise in studying topography in relation to ancient events and specifically his original research into the battlefield of Magnesia.
The University of Chicago Press The Cynical Society: The Culture of Politics and the Politics of Culture in American Life
The Cynical Society is a study of the political despair and abdication of (individual) responsibility Goldfarb calls cynicism—a central but unexamined aspect of contemporary American political and social life. Goldfarb reveals with vivid strokes how cynicism undermines our capacity to think about society's strengths and weaknesses. Drawing on thinkers from Alexis de Tocqueville to Allan Bloom and on such recent works as Beloved, Bonfire of the Vanities, and Mississippi Burning, The Cynical Society celebrates cultural pluralism's role in democracy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Classical Greek World
This Companion provides scholarly yet accessible new interpretations of Greek history of the Classical period, from the aftermath of the Persian Wars in 478 B.C. to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. Topics covered range from the political and institutional structures of Greek society, to literature, art, economics, society, warfare, geography and the environment Discusses the problems of interpreting the various sources for the period Guides the reader towards a broadly-based understanding of the history of the Classical Age
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Celebrating Arthur Darby Nock: Choice, Change, and Conversion
Arthur Darby Nock (1902-1963) made lasting contributions to classical scholarship and the history of religion, including the study of ancient religion, magic, and the relationship of paganism to ancient Judaism and early Christianity. Almost ninety years after its publication, his work, Conversion: The Old and New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo , serves as an introduction to what is today an entire area of research encompassing history, literature (i.e., "conversion" as a literary genre), philosophy, psychology, and theology. The present volume features essays exploring the circumstances of religious transformation not only in early Christianity but also in other ancient religions and in philosophical schools - the various converts, the means by which followers attracted adherents, and the factors influencing and limiting their success.
Collective Ink That Existential Leap: a crime story
Part bildungsroman and part psychological thriller, That Existential Leap is a novel of ideas about the struggle for self-realisation and belonging in the postmodern West. Claudette Dasgupta is a thoughtful but unremarkable American teenager unenthusiastic about the prospect of college and a conventional life. When she meets the heroically mysterious Siegfried at the New York Public Library, she barely hesitates to throw in her lot with him, but soon finds an unscripted life is scarier, and harder, than she could have imagined. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic in Siegfried's home town Glasgow, unconventional police detective Alexander investigates his disappearance. Alexander is soon caught up in still more unworldly affairs as his work spirals out of control and his personal life unravels. As the two stories wrap around one another, encompassing the worlds of crime and gangsterism, the law and police work, music and the supernatural, Dolan Cummings' novel explores the terrifying uncertainty at the core of all human relationships.
Orion Publishing Co Sisters In Arms: British Army Nurses Tell Their Story
The remarkable true story of the Queen Alexandra frontline nurses in the Second World War.The amazing experiences of the Queen Alexandra nurses in the Second World War form one of the greatest adventure stories of modern times, and - incredibly - remain largely untold. Thousands of middle-class girls, barely out of school, were plucked from sheltered backgrounds, subjected to training regimes unimaginably tough by today's standards, and sent forth to share the harsh conditions of the fighting services. They had to deal with the most appalling suffering, yet most found reserves of inner strength that carried them through episodes of unrelieved horror.Over 200 nurses died, torpedoed in hospital ships, bombed in field hospitals or murdered in Japanese prison camps. Dozens won medals for gallantry. From the beaches of Dunkirk, to Singapore and D-Day, they saw it all. Whether tending burned pilots from the Battle of Britain or improvising medical treatment in Japanese death camps, their dedication was second to none. This is their story.
University Press of Kansas Liberty and Equality: The American Conversation
Alexis de Tocqueville, one of the greatest commentators on the American political tradition, viewed it through the lens of two related ideas: liberty and equality. These ideas, so eloquently framed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, have remained inextricably and uniquely conjoined in American political thought: equality isunderstood as the equal possession of natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By considering American reflections on these core ideas over time—in relation to constitutional principles, religion, and race—this volume provides an especially insightful perspective for understanding our political tradition. The book is at once a summary of American history told through ideas and an inquiry into the ideas of liberty and equality through the lens of American history. To a remarkable extent, American politics has always been thoughtful and American thought has always been political. In these pages, we see how some of our greatest minds have grappled with the issues of liberty and equality: Tocqueville and Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton as Publius in The Federalist, James Madison, George Washington, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln debating Stephen Douglas, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In essays responding to these primary sources, some of today’s finest scholars take up topics critical to the American experiment in liberal democracy—political inequality, federalism, the separation of powers, the relationship between religion and politics, the history of slavery and the legacy of racism. Together these essays and sources help to clarify the character, content, and significance of American political thought taken as awhole. They illuminate and continue the conversation that has animated and distinguished the American political tradition from the beginning—and, hopefully, better equip readers to contribute to that conversation.
Princeton University Press Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America's Founders
The surprising story of how George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson came to despair for the future of the nation they had createdAmericans seldom deify their Founding Fathers any longer, but they do still tend to venerate the Constitution and the republican government that the founders created. Strikingly, the founders themselves were far less confident in what they had wrought, particularly by the end of their lives. In fact, most of them—including George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson—came to deem America’s constitutional experiment an utter failure that was unlikely to last beyond their own generation. Fears of a Setting Sun is the first book to tell the fascinating and too-little-known story of the founders’ disillusionment.As Dennis Rasmussen shows, the founders’ pessimism had a variety of sources: Washington lost his faith in America’s political system above all because of the rise of partisanship, Hamilton because he felt that the federal government was too weak, Adams because he believed that the people lacked civic virtue, and Jefferson because of sectional divisions laid bare by the spread of slavery. The one major founder who retained his faith in America’s constitutional order to the end was James Madison, and the book also explores why he remained relatively optimistic when so many of his compatriots did not. As much as Americans today may worry about their country’s future, Rasmussen reveals, the founders faced even graver problems and harbored even deeper misgivings.A vividly written account of a chapter of American history that has received too little attention, Fears of a Setting Sun will change the way that you look at the American founding, the Constitution, and indeed the United States itself.
Rowman & Littlefield The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics
The Use of Force, long considered a classic in its own right, brings together enduring, influential works on the role of military power in foreign policy and international politics. Now in its eighth edition, the reader has been significantly revised; with twenty innovative and up-to-date selections, this edition is 60 percent new. Meticulously chosen and edited by leading scholars Robert J. Art and Kelly M. Greenhill, the selections are grouped under three headings: theories, case studies, and contemporary issues. The first section includes essays that cover the security dilemma, terrorism, the sources of military doctrine, the nuclear revolution, and the fungibility of force. A new subsection of Part I also deals with ethical issues in the use of force. The second section includes case studies in the use of force that span the period from World War I through the war in Afghanistan. The final section considers issues concerning the projection of US military power; the rising power of China; the spread of biological and nuclear weapons and cyberwarfare; intervention in internal conflicts and insurgencies; and possible future developments in terrorism, nuclear abolition, and robotic warfare. Continuing the tradition of previous editions, this fully updated reader collects the best analysis by influential thinkers on the use of force in international affairs. Contributions by: Bruce J. Allyn, Kenneth Anderson, Robert J. Art, Mark S. Bell, Richard K. Betts, Laurie R. Blank, James G. Blight, Stephen G. Brooks, Seyom Brown, Daniel Byman, Audrey Kurth Cronin, Patrick M. Cronin, Alexander B. Downes, Karl W. Eikenberry, John Lewis Gaddis, Erik Gartke, Alexander L. George, Avery Goldstein, Kelly M. Greenhill, G. John Ikenberry, Robert Jervis, Gregory Koblentz, Peter R. Mansoor, John J. Mearsheimer, Nicholas L. Miller, Louis C. Morton, Barry R. Posen, Louise Richardson, George B. Samson, Thomas C. Schelling, Jack L. Snyder, Paul Staniland, Barbara F. Walter, Kenneth N. Waltz, Matthew Waxman, David A. Welch, Jon Western, and William C. Wohlforth.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ägyptische Erzählungen oder Über die Vorsehung
Synesios von Kyrene (ca. 370 -413 n. Chr.) darf als Repräsentant der spätantiken griechischen Oberschicht im Imperium Romanum gelten. Er studierte Philosophie in Athen und Alexandria, er bekleidete in Kyrene wichtige Ämter, unter anderem als Bischof, wie es für Angehörige der grundbesitzenden Eliten üblich war. Als Intellektueller stand er im Spannungsfeld zwischen Christentum einerseits und paganer literarischer Tradition (man könnte sie als "Kultur-Hellenismus" bezeichnen) und (neuplatonischer) Philosophie andererseits. Sein schriftstellerisches Oeuvre, Briefe, Hymnen und Traktate, zeigt seine produktive Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Spannung. In diesem Band wird mit den "Ägyptischen Erzählungen" ein Text des Synesios in deutscher Übersetzung (erstmals seit 1835) vorgelegt und durch Essays zur Zeitgeschichte, zur Form der Allegorie und zu ägyptischen Elementen erschlossen, in dem der Autor seine Erlebnisse während einer Gesandtschaft in Konstantinopel am Kaiserhof mitteilt, die seiner Heimat eine Erleichterung der Steuerlast verschaffen sollte. Gewählt ist die Form einer allegorischen Erzählung, die Synesios als meisterhaften Literaten zeigt und den philosophisch überformten (ägyptischen) Osiris-Mythos mitteilt, in dessen Zentrum der Sturz des guten Regenten Osiris durch seinen finsteren Bruder Typhos steht. Neuplatonismus und "Ägyptische Weisheit" verschmelzen in der verrätselnden Form der Allegorie spätantiker Zeitgeschichte.
De Gruyter Galilaea and Northern Regions: 5876-6924
Band V des CIIP umfasst die Inschriften aus Galiläa, d.h. das Gebiet Israels von der Grenze zum Libanon bis zu den palästinensischen Gebieten im Westjordanland und von der Mittelmeerküste bis zum See Genezareth und zum Jordantal. Der chronologische Rahmen reicht von der Zeit Alexanders d. Gr. bis zum Ende der byzantinischen Herrschaft im 7. Jh. Erfasst werden Inschriften in allen Sprachen, die in der Region gefunden wurden: von Phönizisch bis zu Christlich-Palästinischem Aramäisch, Georgisch und Armenisch. Die meisten Inschriften sind in Griechisch abgefasst. Daneben finden sich Texte in Latein, vornehmlich in militärischem Kontext, sowie in Hebräisch und Aramäisch, etwa in der jüdischen Nekropole von Beth She’arim und den zahlreichen Synagogen. Auch Texte in Samaritanisch und Palmyrenisch sind vertreten. Die mehr als 2.000 Texte sind geographisch nach den Fundplätzen angeordnet. Sie stammen von über 150 Orten, darunter vielen fast unbekannten mit nur wenigen Texten sowie aus größeren Städten wie Hippos, Ptolemais, Scythopolis, Sepphoris oder Tiberias. Hinzu kommen Orte, die weniger bekannt sind, aber umfangreiche Konvolute von Inschriften aufweisen, so die Eliasgrotte auf dem Karmel mit fast 200 griechischen Pilgerinschriften oder die Thermenanlage in Hammath Gader mit über 70 spätantiken griechischen Inschriften.
De Gruyter Galilaea and Northern Regions: 6925-7818
Band V des CIIP umfasst die Inschriften aus Galiläa, d.h. das Gebiet Israels von der Grenze zum Libanon bis zu den palästinensischen Gebieten im Westjordanland und von der Mittelmeerküste bis zum See Genezareth und zum Jordantal. Der chronologische Rahmen reicht von der Zeit Alexanders d. Gr. bis zum Ende der byzantinischen Herrschaft im 7. Jh. Erfasst werden Inschriften in allen Sprachen, die in der Region gefunden wurden: von Phönizisch bis zu Christlich-Palästinischem Aramäisch, Georgisch und Armenisch. Die meisten Inschriften sind in Griechisch abgefasst. Daneben finden sich Texte in Latein, vornehmlich in militärischem Kontext, sowie in Hebräisch und Aramäisch, etwa in der jüdischen Nekropole von Beth She’arim und den zahlreichen Synagogen. Auch Texte in Samaritanisch und Palmyrenisch sind vertreten. Die mehr als 2.000 Texte sind geographisch nach den Fundplätzen angeordnet. Sie stammen von über 150 Orten, darunter vielen fast unbekannten mit nur wenigen Texten sowie aus größeren Städten wie Hippos, Ptolemais, Scythopolis, Sepphoris oder Tiberias. Hinzu kommen Orte, die weniger bekannt sind, aber umfangreiche Konvolute von Inschriften aufweisen, so die Eliasgrotte auf dem Karmel mit fast 200 griechischen Pilgerinschriften oder die Thermenanlage in Hammath Gader mit über 70 spätantiken griechischen Inschriften.
Sourcebooks, Inc The Phantom of the Opera
"One of the most famous ghost stories that no one has actually read" (New York Times), The Phantom of the Opera is the first in the Haunted Library Horror Classics series presented by the Horror Writers Association. An unabridged edition of the novel that inspired the famous Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. Deep beneath the Paris Opera House, a masked man lives in silence…Every night at the Palais Garnier, hundreds of guests sit on the edge of velvet-covered seats, waiting for prima donna La Carlotta to take the stage. But when her voice fails her, La Carlotta is replaced with unknown understudy Christine Daaé, a young soprano whose vibrant singing fills every corner of the house and wins her a slew of admirers, including an old childhood friend who soon professes his love for her. But unknown to Christine is another man, who lurks out of sight behind the heavy curtains of the opera, who can move about the building undetected, who will do anything to make sure Christine will keep singing just for him…This curated edition of The Phantom of the Opera, based on the original 1911 English translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, brings an iconic story of love and obsession to today's readers and illuminates the timeless appeal of Leroux's masterpiece.
HELL BREAKS LOOSE Despite unprecedented victories on the part of humanity, the war with the alien Chiata Horde drags on. The Chiata may be bewildered by the cunning tenacity of General Alexander Moore and the men and women who fight at his side, but they
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Old Friends
Three brand new adventures featuring Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor. Travelling the universe alone, the Doctor can't help running into people. Some are new acquaintances, and some have a much longer history, back through all of his lives. But every one of them knows that in the face of danger, and when the monsters arrive, there's no better friend to have by their side. 4.1 Fond Farewell by David K Barnes. Fond Farewell is the intergalactic funeral parlour with a difference: the deceased attend their own wake! Invited by celebrated naturalist Flynn Beckett to his memorial, the Doctor finds he's not quite the man he was. But who would steal the memories of the dead? 4.2 Way of the Burryman by Roy Gill. Young Sam Bishop is at a crossroads with girlfriend Fiona: she's staying in Scotland, he wants to travel the world. As the Burryman celebrations begin, ghosts haunt the Forth Bridge. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart arrives to investigate - and so does the Doctor... 4.3 The Forth Generation by Roy Gill. The Forth Generation have emerged. The Doctor, the Brigadier, Sam and Fiona are at their mercy. Is there a way to defeat them? Has UNIT learned from the past? And can the enemy's nature be changed for the future? Cast: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Jon Culshaw (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart), Warren Brown (Sam Bishop), Elinor Lawless (Fiona McCall) Alexander Cobb (Foreman/UNIT Courier/Sergeant Lowe), James Doherty (Professor Flynn Beckett/Other Flynn), Amanda Drew (Commander Jane Wardie), Sienna Guillory (Idara Beckett), Charlie Hamblett (Thomas/Attendants), Martin Quinn (Cameron Lawther), Juliet Stevenson (Winifred Whitby), Emily Taaffe (Sasha Yan), Nicholas Briggs (The Cybermen). Other parts played by members of the cast.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Classical Greek World
This Companion provides scholarly yet accessible new interpretations of Greek history of the Classical period, from the aftermath of the Persian Wars in 478 B.C. to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. Topics covered range from the political and institutional structures of Greek society, to literature, art, economics, society, warfare, geography and the environment Discusses the problems of interpreting the various sources for the period Guides the reader towards a broadly-based understanding of the history of the Classical Age
Canongate Books Recipes for Love and Murder: A Tannie Maria Mystery
'Vivid, amusing and immensely enjoyable . . . A triumph' Alexander McCall SmithMeet Tannie Maria: the loveable writer of recipes in her local paper, the Klein Karoo Gazette.One Sunday morning, as Maria stirs apricot jam, she hears her editor Harriet on the stoep. What Maria doesn't realise is that Harriet is about to deliver a whole basketful of challenges and the first ingredient in two new recipes - recipes for love and murder.A delicious blend of intrigue, milk tart and friendship, join Tannie Maria in her first investigation. Consider your appetite whetted for a whole new series of mysteries . . .
Headline Publishing Group The Captains and the Kings
Mr Prendergast, an elderly Anglo-Irishman, is living out his last years in the decaying splendour of his family mansion. As his mind wanders through the gloom he finds it peopled with memories of his neglected wife, his pale shadow of a father, his icily glamorous mother and Alexander, the son she so jealously loved, killed in the First World War. With only his ill-tempered alcoholic gardener left to attend to him, Mr Prendergast is content to pass his days in such ghostly company. Until young Diarmid arrives, keen-eyed and carrot-haired, to disperse the gathering darkness with curiosity, and the promise of friendship.
Anness Publishing Ancient Greece: An Illustrated History
The legacy of the ancient Greeks has shaped our world. Classical Greece's military prowess, political sophistication and cultural innovations continue to influence modern society. The first half of the book focuses on political and military history, from Mycenae and the Golden Age of Athens to the campaigns of Alexander the Great. The second half concerns ancient Greece's buildings, sculptures, mythology and dramas, including the Parthenon, the Erechtheum and the works of Aristophanes and Euripides. This is an outstanding exploration of the world of the ancient Greeks and an indispensable resource for both the general and specialist reader.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Diversity (with bonus article "Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity" By David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely): A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity" by David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely)
Reap the benefits of a diverse workforce.If you read nothing else on promoting diversity and realizing its benefits, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you create a culture that seeks and celebrates difference.This book will inspire you to: Identify and address bias Short-circuit discrimination instead of unintentionally feeding it Attract, retain, and engage talented people who represent myriad identities Ensure that everyone has equal access to growth opportunities Trade outdated policies for practices that are proven to foster inclusion Harness employees' unique skills and perspectives to transform how your company operates This collection of articles includes "Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity," by David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely; "Why Diversity Programs Fail," by Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev; "'Numbers Take Us Only So Far,'" by Maxine Williams; "Race Matters: The Truth About Mentoring Minorities," by David A. Thomas; "Leadership in Your Midst: Tapping the Hidden Strengths of Minority Executives," by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Carolyn Buck Luce, and Cornel West; "What Most People Get Wrong About Men and Women," by Catherine H. Tinsley and Robin J. Ely; "Hacking Tech's Diversity Problems," by Joan C. Williams; "Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women," by Herminia Ibarra, Nancy M. Carter, and Christine Silva; "When No One Retires," by Paul Irving; "Neurodiversity as a Competitive Advantage," by Robert D. Austin and Gary P. Pisano; "Managing Multicultural Teams," by Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern; and "7 Myths About Coming Out at Work," by Raymond Trau, Jane O'Leary, and Cathy Brown.
La Liebre de Marzo S.L. Psiconáutas exploradores de la conciencia
Libro en el que el viajero interior y exterior Juanjo Piñeiro entrevista a los más destacados exploradores del mundo de la psiquedelia, entre los cuales: Jonathan Ott, Alexander y Anna Shulgin, Terence McKenna, Douglas Rushkoff, Joaquim Tarinas...El autor plantea a estos personajes una serie de preguntas interesantísimas, en amenas charlas, sobre el uso de los enteógenos o psiquedélicos que serán de mucha utilidad para todos los interesados por el universo de las substancias que expanden la consciencia.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bat and the End of Everything
The third book in the funny and joyful series Katherine Applegate has called “tender and important,” by National Book Award finalist Elana K. Arnold.Bixby Alexander Tam (nicknamed Bat) has been the caretaker for Thor, the best skunk kit in the world...but the last day of third grade is quickly approaching, and Thor is almost ready to be released into the wild.The end of school also means that Bat has to say good-bye to his favorite teacher, and he worries about the summer care of Babycakes, their adorable class pet. Not only that, but his best friend is leaving for a long vacation in Canada.Summer promises good things, too, like working with his mom at the vet clinic and hanging out with his sister, Janie. But Bat can’t help but feel that everything is coming to an end.National Book Award finalist Elana K. Arnold returns with the third story starring an unforgettable boy on the autism spectrum.Elana K. Arnold's Bat trilogy is a proven winner in the home and classroom—kids love these short illustrated young middle grade books. The trilogy is A Boy Called Bat, Bat and the Waiting Game, and Bat and the End of Everything.
Oxmoor House, Incorporated The Southern Living Party Cookbook: A Modern Guide to Gathering
This new essential guide to entertaining is divided by occasion, offering a fresh lineup of menus and ideas from Oxford, Mississippi’s go-to caterer for every celebratory scenario life serves up. In this update to the best-selling book of our mothers’ and grandmothers’ era, Elizabeth’s tell-it-like-it-is voice provides a twist to the classic Southern advice that is a refresher for entertainers of any age or experience. Packed with delicious recipes from the original book like Smoked Salmon Canapes, Hot Cheese Squares, and Brandy Alexanders, the book also includes popular picks from the current pages of Southern Living as well as Elizabeth’s treasured recipe box.
University of Oklahoma Press Warfare in the Classical World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in the Ancient Civilizations of Greece and Rome
This superbly illustrated volume traces the evolution of the art of warfare in the Greek and Roman worlds between 1600 B.C. and A.D. 800, from the rise of Mycenaean civilization to the fall of Ravenna and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. John Warry tells of an age of great military commanders such as Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and Julius Caesar - men whose feats of generalship still provide material for discussion and admiration in the military academies of the world.The text is complemented by a running chronology, 16 maps, 50 newly researched battle plans and tactical diagrams, and 125 photographs, 65 of them in color.
Penguin Putnam Inc The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs / La Verdadera Historiade los TresCerditos
The book that launched the careers of Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith?now a bilingual flip-over book! You may think you know the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf, but now here?s the story as you?ve never heard it before. In the highly acclaimed, bestselling collaboration between Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith, Alexander T. Wolf tells his side of the story. Was it premeditated swineacide or simply an accident? For the first time, the full English and Spanish editions of The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! are combined in a bilingual flipover book.
Pan Macmillan Days Like These
Brian Bilston has been described as Twitter's unofficial Poet Laureate. With over 250,000 followers on social media, including J.K. Rowling, Roger McGough and Frank Cottrell Boyce, Brian has become truly beloved by the online community. He has published two collections of poetry, You Took the Last Bus Home and Alexa, what is there to know about love?, and his novel Diary of a Somebody was shortlisted for the Costa first novel award. He has also published a collection of football poetry, 50 Ways to Score a Goal, and his acclaimed poem Refugees has been made into an illustrated book for children.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Textsammlung mit Ãbersetzungen und Kommentaren
Die Parner, Steppennomaden aus dem transkaspischen Raum, eroberten gegen Ende des 3. Jh. v.Chr. die seleukidische Satrapie Parthien im Sëdosten des Kaspischen Meeres. Unter ihrer Königsdynastie der Arsakiden eroberten sie nach und nach die seleukidischen Gebiete bis zum Indischen Ozean und bis zum Euphrat, der seit dem zweiten Viertes des 1. Jh. v.Chr. die Grenze zum Imperium Romanum bildete. 224 n.Chr. wurden sie von den persischen Sasaniden in der Herrschaft abgelöst. Das Partherreich war vom Beginn seines Bestehens an durch sehr verschiedenartige Faktoren bestimmt, zum einen durch die im Gefolge der Eroberungen Alexanders d.Gr. von den Seleukiden östlich des Euphrat angesiedelte griechische Kultur, andererseits durch die Traditionen der Völker, die seit langem auf parthischem Reichsterritorium lebten, z.B. Babylonier und Meder. Hinzu kamen die - meist feindlichen - Kontakte mit den aus Norden und Nordosten nachdrängenden Reitervölkern, die - teilweise ebenfalls konfliktreichen - wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontakte mit den benachbarten Völkern im Westen, insbesondere Juden, Syrern und Armeniern, sowie die langen und wechselvollen Beziehungen zu den Römern, wo sich Bëndnisse und Kriege zwischen den beiden Großmächten abwechselten. Die Quellen zu den Parthern sind daher vielschichtig und vielsprachig und nur durch eine differenzierte interdisziplinäre Bearbeitung zu erschließen. In den vorliegenden drei Bänden werden diese Quellenkomplexe erstmals durch eine Zusammenstellung und deutsche Übersetzung möglichst aller einschlägigen Texte verfëgbar gemacht. Darëber hinaus werden durch die Kommentierung und ausgewogene Zusammenfëhrung der unterschiedlichen Zeugnisse die Abläufe der Geschichte des Partherreiches, seine bisher noch weitgehend ungeklärte innere Struktur sowie die wirtschafts-, sozial- und kulturgeschichtlichen Gegebenheiten genauer beschrieben, als dies bisher möglich war.Mit Beiträgen von Barbara Böck, Uta Golze, Daniel Keller, Gudrun Schubert, Kerstin Storm, Lukas Thommen, Giusto Traina und Markus Zehnder.
Plough Publishing House Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter
Though Easter (like Christmas) is often trivialized by the culture at large, it is still the high point of the religious calendar for millions of people around the world. And for most of them, there can be no Easter without Lent, the season that leads up to it. A time for self-denial, soul-searching, and spiritual preparation, Lent is traditionally observed by daily reading and reflection. This collection will satisfy the growing hunger for meaningful and accessible devotions. Culled from the wealth of twenty centuries, the selections in Bread and Wine are ecumenical in scope, and represent the best classic and contemporary Christian writers. Includes more than seventy Lenten and Easter readings by Alexander Stuart Baillie, Alfred Kazin, Alister E. McGrath, Amy Carmichael, Barbara Brown Taylor, Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, Blaise Pascal, Brennan Manning, C. S. Lewis, Christina Rossetti, Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt, Clarence Jordan, Dag Hammarskjöld, Dale Aukerman, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dorothee Soelle, Dorothy Day, Dorothy Sayers, Dylan Thomas, E. Stanley Jones, Eberhard Arnold, Edith Stein, Edna Hong, Emil Brunner, Ernesto Cardenal, Fleming Rutledge, Frederica Mathewes-Green, Frederick Buechner, Fyodor Dostoevsky, G. K. Chesterton, Geoffrey Hill, George MacDonald, Henri Nouwen, Henry Drummond, Howard Hageman, J. Heinrich Arnold, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Johann Christoph Arnold, John Dear, John Donne, John Howard Yoder, John Masefield, John Stott, John Updike, Joyce Hollyday, Jürgen Moltmann, Kahlil Gibran, Karl Barth, Kathleen Norris, Leo Tolstoy, Madeleine L’Engle, Malcolm Muggeridge, Martin Luther, Meister Eckhart, Morton T. Kelsey, Mother Teresa, N. T. Wright, Oscar Wilde, Oswald Chambers, Paul Tillich, Peter Kreeft, Philip Berrigan, Philip Yancey, Romano Guardini, Sadhu Sundar Singh , Saint Augustine, Simone Weil, Søren Kierkegaard, Thomas à Kempis , Thomas Howard, Thomas Merton, Toyohiko Kagawa, Walter J. Ciszek, Walter Wangerin, Watchman Nee, Wendell Berry and William Willimon.
WW Norton & Co David Copperfield: A Norton Critical Edition
The editor has made necessary typographical corrections and carefully introduced and annotated the text for the student reader. Dickens’ number plans for David Copperfield, which reveal his practice both as a serial writer and as a craftsman, are also included. "Backgrounds" focuses on Dickens’ personal involvement with and response to the novel’s publication. Included are passages from his letters relating to David Copperfield, an autobiographical fragment, his preface to the 1869 edition of the novel, and a relevant excerpt from Little Dorrit. "Criticism" is comprised of twelve essays by distinguished Dickensians representing a wide range of judgment and analysis. John Forster, Matthew Arnold, E. K. Brown, Gwendolyn B. Needham, Monroe Engel, J. Hillis Miller, Mark Spilka, Harry Stone, Bert G. Hornback, Garrett Stewart, Robert L. Patten, and Alexander Walsh provide a variety of perspectives. A Chronology of Dickens’ Life and Works and a Selected Bibliography are also included.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Assisted Human Reproduction: Psychological and Ethical Dilemmas
With contributions from: Eric Blyth, Ken Daniels, Julia Feast, Robert Lee, Nina Martin, Alexina McWhinnie, Derek Morgan, Clare Murray, Sharon Pettle, Claire Potter, Jim Richards and Francoise Shenfield The separation of procreation from conception has broadened notions of parenthood and created novel dilemmas. A woman may carry a foetus derived from gametes neither or only one of which came from her or her partner; or she may carry a foetus created using in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with the purpose of handing it to two other parents one, neither or both of whom may be genetically related to the prospective child. Parents may consist of single-sex couples, only one of them genetically related to the child; the prospective mother may be past her menopause; and genetic parenthood after death is now achievable. In a world increasingly reliant on medical science, how can the argument that equates traditional with natural and novel with unnatural/unethical be justified? Should there be legislation, which is notoriously slow to change, in a field driven by dazzling new possibilities at ever faster rate; particularly when restrictions differ from country to country, so that those who can afford it travel elsewhere for their treatment of choice? Whose rights are paramount - the adults hoping to build a family or the prospective child(ren)s future well being? On what basis can apparently competing rights be regulated or adjudicated and how and to what extent can these be enforced in practice?
Liverpool University Press Transnational Spanish Studies
The focus of this book is two-fold. First it traces the expansive geographical spread of the language commonly referred to as Spanish. This has given rise to multiple hybrid formations over time emerging in the clash of multiple cultures, languages and religions within and between great empires (Roman, Islamic, Hispano-Catholic), each with expansionist policies leading to wars, huge territorial gains and population movements. This long history makes Hispanophone culture itself a supranational, trans-imperial one long before we witness its various national cultures being refashioned as a result of the transnational processes associated with globalization today. Indeed, the Spanish language we recognise today was ‘transnational’ long before it was ever the foundation of a single nation state. Secondly, it approaches the more recent post-national, translingual and inter-subjective ‘border-crossings’ that characterise the global world today with an eye to their unfolding within this long trans-imperial history of the Hispanophone world. In doing so, it maps out some of the contemporary post-colonial, decolonial and trans-Atlantic inflections of this trans-imperial history as manifest in literature, cinema, music and digital cultures. Contributors: Christopher J. Pountain, L.P. Harvey, James T. Monroe, Rosaleen Howard, Mark Thurner, Alexander Samson, Andrew Ginger, Samuel Llano, Philip Swanson, Claire Taylor, Emily Baker, Elzbieta Slodowska, Francisco-J. Hernández Adrián, Henriette Partzsch, Helen Melling, Conrad James and Benjamin Quarshie.
St Augustine's Press Modernity and What Has Been Lost – Considerations on the Legacy of Leo Strauss
Modernity and What Has Been Lost comes out of a conference held at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, on June 4–5, 2009 that sought to identify Leo Strauss’s intellectual background in re: the repudiation of a modern idea of homogenous, universal state (considered as an illegitimate synthesis of Jerusalem and Athens, i.e., the claims of Reason and Revelation). The world we live in, molded by science and historical relativism, may be described as hostile to human dignity or perfection, or abhorrent to those who love the search for wisdom. Straussian teaching consisted in the steady effort to reopen “the quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns,” and refers to the esoteric way of writing practiced by the most profound thinkers of the past which has been apparently forgotten in the last three centuries. Strauss binds the concept of natural right with the question of maintenance of conditions for philosophizing, and it probably seems to him that such defense of philosophy is the highest task in our times. However, one must be well aware that philosophizing always means a perilous way of life. Indeed, it may be destructive of the city (polis) itself as far as the city exists due to some crucial beliefs the philosopher might put in doubt. Reflecting on those issues, Strauss engaged in several highly important debates with his contemporaries, in an open way with, e.g., Carl Schmitt, Karl Löwith and Alexandre Kojève, and more tacitly with Martin Heidegger.
Harvard University Press Roman History, Volume I
Rome’s foreign wars, nation by nation.Appian (Appianus) is among our principal sources for the history of the Roman Republic, particularly in the second and first centuries BC, and sometimes our only source, as for the Third Punic War and the destruction of Carthage. Born circa AD 95, Appian was an Alexandrian official at ease in the highest political and literary circles who later became a Roman citizen and advocate. He apparently received equestrian rank, for in his later years he was offered a procuratorship. He died during the reign of Antoninus Pius (emperor 138–161).Appian’s theme is the process by which the Roman Empire achieved its contemporary prosperity, and his unique method is to trace in individual books the story of each nation’s wars with Rome up through her own civil wars. Although this triumph of “harmony and monarchy” was achieved through characteristic Roman virtues, Appian is unusually objective about Rome’s shortcomings along the way. His history is particularly strong on financial and economic matters, and on the operations of warfare and diplomacy.Of the work’s original twenty-four books, only the Preface and Books 6–9 and 11–17 are preserved complete or nearly so: those on the Spanish, Hannibalic, African, Illyrian, Syrian, and Mithridatic wars, and five books on the civil wars.This edition of Appian replaces the original Loeb edition by Horace White and adds the fragments, as well as his letter to Fronto.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Hardcore: The Cinematic World of Pulp
A lush visual celebration of Pulp’s sixth album, This Is Hardcore, featuring unseen photography, behind-the-scenes interviews and revealing visuals. From the mid- to late 1990s, Paul Burgess was invited by Jarvis Cocker to document the British band Pulp, taking photographs during video shoots, live gigs and other events for what has become one of the landmark albums of the period, This Is Hardcore. Written and designed by Burgess and Louise Colbourne, Hardcore contains a candid selection of previously unseen images of the band, behind the scenes and on set, of the four main video shoots made to promote the album. Twenty-five years have passed since Pulp released this extraordinary album, and this book holds up a mirror to the ingenious creative processes and characters behind the seminal record. With carefully curated images from Burgess’s archive, Hardcore also includes quotations and interviews from then and now by the video directors, band members and other artists involved with the album. The book contains contributions from Doug Nichol, John Currin, Stephen Mallinder, Sergei Sviatchenko, John Stezaker and Florian Habicht, all of whom have a connection to the album, the band or the era. There are also visual responses from a selection of younger artists and designers, such as Alexa Vieira, who have been inspired by Burgess’s photographs and the band’s legacy.
Morgan Lawrence Publishing Services The Seagulls Best Ever Season: The incredible story of Brighton's 2022-23 season
From Pascal Gross's fantastic brace at Old Trafford and an unbelievable 5-2 victory over Leicester City, to a 6-0 demolition of Wolves, the 2022-23 campaign is quite possibly Brighton's best ever season. After a fantastic start to the Premier League campaign, Graham Potter left the Seagulls to join Chelsea leaving fans concerned. Enter Roberto De Zerbi. De Zerbi's first win came in a 4-1 thrashing of . . . that's right, Chelsea! Anyone who was at the AMEX that day will never forgot the incredible atmosphere produced by the Brighton faithful. Fast forward a few months and the Seagulls were walking out at Wembley for an FA Cup semi-final. A month later, Brighton had qualified for Europe for the first time in their 122-year history. Tony Noble, a lifelong Brighton fan and season ticket holder, has written The Seagulls Greatest Ever Season, a match-by match account of this amazing campaign. Written with passion, honesty and humour, Tony recalls Alexis Mac Allister's stellar performances during a year in which he became a World champion; Lewis Dunk's inspirational on-pitch leadership; Kauro Mitoma's wizardry down the left-hand side; the emergence of exciting young talent Evan Ferguson, and much more. The Seagulls Greatest Ever Season allows the reader to relive the games, the goals and the glory in what was - the greatest ever season.
Columbia University Press Posthumanism in Art and Science: A Reader
Posthumanism synthesizes philosophical, literary, and artistic responses to technological advancements, globalization, and mass extinction in the Anthropocene. It asks what it can mean to be human in an increasingly more-than-human world that has lost faith in the ideal of humanism, the autonomous, rational subject, and it models generative alternatives cognizant of the demands of social and ecological justice. Amid rising social justice movements, collapsing economic structures, and the dwindling power of cultural institutions, posthumanism advances thinking on new and previously unenvisionable challenges.Posthumanism in Art and Science is an anthology of indispensable statements and artworks that provide an unprecedented mapping of this intellectual and aesthetic development in a global context. It features groundbreaking theorists including Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Mel Y. Chen, Michael Marder, Alexander Weheliye, Anna Tsing, Timothy Morton, N. Katherine Hayles, Bruno Latour, Francesca Ferrando, and Cary Wolfe, as well as innovative, influential artists and curators such as Yvonne Rainer, Skawennati, Chus Martínez, William Wegman, Nandipha Mntambo, Cassils, Pauline Oliveros, and Doo-sung Yoo. These provocative and compelling works, including previously unpublished interviews and essays, speak to the ongoing conceptual and political challenge of posthumanist thinking in a time of unprecedented cultural and environmental crises.An essential primer and reference for educators, students, artists, and art enthusiasts, this volume offers a powerful framework for rethinking anthropocentric certitudes and reenvisioning equitable and sustainable futures.
Vintage Publishing I Love Russia: Reporting from a Lost Country
'Would you like to know where Putin comes from? What the Russians are like today? And why? Read this book' SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH'Brilliant and immersive ... reportage at its brave and luminous best' OBSERVERTo be a journalist is to tell the truth. To be patriotic is to be critical, honest, and fearless.I Love Russia takes us to places that non-Russians have never seen and brings us voices we have never heard. It is Elena Kostyuchenko’s courageous attempt to document Russia as experienced by those whom it systematically and brutally erases: village girls recruited into sex work, queer people in the outer provinces, patients and doctors at a Ukrainian maternity ward, and reporters like herself.At once uncompromising and deeply humane, it stitches reportage and personal essays into a kaleidoscopic, often other-worldly journey. Here is Russia as it is, not as we imagine it.I Love Russia may be the last work from her homeland Kostyuchenko will publish for a long time – perhaps ever. She writes driven by the conviction that the greatest form of love and patriotism is criticism. And because the threat of Putin’s Russia extends beyond herself, beyond Crimea, and beyond Ukraine.This is a singular portrait of a nation, and of a woman who refuses to be silenced.'Elena's bravery and reportage are astonishing' CHRISTINA LAMB'Kostyuchenko is an important guide to the twenty-first century' TIMOTHY SNYDER*A SPECTATOR BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023*