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Nova Science Publishers Inc Characterizations of Recently Introduced Continuous Distributions III
This monograph is, as far as the author has gathered, the third one of its kind which presents various characterisations of many important continuous distributions. It consists of two chapters. The first chapter lists cumulative distributions and probability density functions of six hundred and sixty-seven newly proposed univariate continuous distributions. Chapter Two consists of four sections. Section 2.1 provides characterisations of the majority of the distributions mentioned in Chapter One, based on the ratio of two truncated moments. Section 2.2 takes up the characterizations of some of these distributions in terms of their hazard functions. Section 2.3 deals with the characterizations some of these distributions based on their reverse hazard functions. Characterizations of some of these distributions based on the conditional expectations of certain functions of the random variable are presented in Section 2.4. As pointed out in our previous Monographs (I & II), a good number of proposed distributions in this volume have already been introduced in the literature.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Look at Human Trafficking
Human trafficking (also known as trafficking in persons) refers to the subjection of men, women, or children to exploitative conditions that may be tantamount to modern-day slavery. It imposes social and public health costs and undermines government authority. This book looks at human trafficking issues.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Emerging Adults and Adulthood
This book comprises three chapters that each approach the subject of emerging adults from a different perspective. Chapter One examines the impact that parental involvement has on the personal development of emerging adults in China, with a specific focus on mental health, romantic involvement, and peer relationships. Chapter Two discusses the challenges faced by East Asian American girls and emerging adults and the protective factors that help mediate the core challenges this population faces. Lastly, Chapter Three provides a comprehensive literature review from a cross-cultural comparative perspective of the complicated pathways emerging adults face today and identifies key protective buffers and predictors that promote mental health, self-competence and identify achievements that lead to a more successful emergence into early adulthood.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Antibiotic Resistance
Bacterial infections have become more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat due to antibiotic resistance, which occurs when bacteria develop the ability to defeat the available drugs designed to kill them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year, 2 million Americans become sick with antibiotic-resistant infections, and of that, about 23,000 die. This book examines the challenges related to antibiotic resistance, the development and use of diagnostic testing to identify antibiotic resistance, the development of treatments for resistant infections, and appropriate antibiotic use.
Nova Science Publishers Inc How They Succeeded: Life Stories of Successful Men Told by Themselves
How They Succeeded is the life-stories of successful men and women Each story contains the elements that make men and women successful; and they are intended to show that character, energy, and an indomitable ambition will succeed in the world, and that in this land, where all men are born equal and have an equal chance in life, there is no reason for despair.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Human Capital and Economic Transformation of China
Market-oriented reforms initiated four decades ago have constantly fueled a high speed of development in China. The country's industrial structure has experienced rapid evolution. In the meantime, especially in the general context of globalization, China has also opened to foreign trade and foreign direct investment, transforming itself from a virtually completely closed economy into a major trading nation and the largest developing-country destination for foreign direct investment in the world. Human capital is thought to be one of the key factors that shape the transformation of the Chinese economy. With different human capital intensities, uneven development is one major issue in the process of China's industrial transformation under new trends of globalization. Substantial disparities across different Chinese regions, e.g. the gaps in regional industrial development and those in incomes and living standards have been one prominent feature of China, and are closely related to different speeds of human capital accumulation. This book therefore aims to explore the potential and actual mechanisms through which human capital accumulation and human capital intensity may affect industrial development and development disparities in China. The book is able to provide the readers with new facts and new findings that shed light on their understanding of important issues related to human capital and economic transformation of China.
Nova Science Publishers Inc See No Evil: Secularity versus Sacred Scriptures
The subjective depends on the situation, the people involved, the time, and the environment. The objective is true for all situations, all people, all times, and in all environments. Many issues are uncontrovertibly subjective. However, is anything objective? Current intellectual secular culture (which includes Post-Modernism, Post- Modernity, Atheistic Existentialism, Pragmatism, and Post-Structuralism) claims that there are no objective truths (everything is subjective) and that each individual can pick his or her own goals and values. This book investigates the inadequacies of this secular approach when dealing with the purpose of life and the problem of evil by contrasting the behavioral imperatives of secular culture with what the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Theravada Buddhism say. If everything is subjective then each individual does not have inherent worth. "Inherent worth" implies an objective value â a value that is not determined by the situation. The notion that everyone has inherent worth is the foundation on which lying, stealing, murder, rape, adultery, and genocide are judged as "wrong." If everything is subjective then we cannot condemn Adolf Hitler for wanting to kill all the Jews or for one group of people for wanting to enslave all of another group. There are two important consequences of current intellectual secular culture's rejection of all objective values. First, by interpreting everything as subjective and self-centered, current intellectual secular culture cannot provide purpose to life that is bigger than the individual. In contrast, the five religions considered in this book demand that people embrace goals that are bigger than their self-centered desires. Second, current intellectual secular culture's rejection of all objective values makes it impossible to condemn some acts as evil. When evil is not condemned, it thrives. The five religions examined do condemn evil and provide answers to the following "problem of evil." If God is all good than He would not want the innocent to suffer. If God is all powerful, He could prevent the innocent from suffering. We notice that many innocent people suffer in this world Thus God must either not be all good or not all powerful. This is a particularly difficult problem for the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) because they affirm an all-powerful and all-good God. This is less of a problem for Hinduism and Buddhism because these eastern religions believe in reincarnation. Under reincarnation, what may look like an innocent suffering is actually a guilty person paying for his or her evil deeds from this or a previous life. However, the sacred texts for all five religions provide answers to this problem, but not the answers that we often hear from theologians. This book aims at satisfying some of humanity's greatest needs â the need for purpose and the need for an answer to why innocents often suffer.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Anthropometry: Types, Uses and Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Surgeon's Perspective on Dialysis Patient
Every year a large number of chronic patients undergo dialysis at dialysis departments in the Slovak Republic. Each one of them is connected to the artificial kidney 100 to 160 times. The most valuable property of these patients is a quality and long-term functioning arteriovenous fistula since it is one of the essential conditions for successful dialysis. The surgeon who creates arteriovenous access must thoroughly examine the patient before the operation, properly evaluate the vascular system and choose the most favourable way of the vascular access for long-term haemodialysis. Patients with chronic renal failure have impaired haemostasis, several of them have diabetes and their vascular system is affected by atherosclerosis. Determination of the operational plan and optimal vascular access is strictly individual and depends not only on the vascular system of the patient but also on the general condition, age and prognosis of the disease. A quality arteriovenous fistula should conform to the requirements of the simplest and the shortest operation as possible, using local anaesthesia. Underestimation of any fact can result in the creation of many non-functional AV fistulas. AV fistulas operations for the purpose of long-term haemodialysis are an integral part and one of the most problematic issues of Vascular Surgery. There are more and more patients who are in the long-term haemodialysis program. The average age of patients is increasing. All these factors have resulted in the need to create more and more AV fistulas because their usability is limited. The correct operational tactics, individual approach to the patient and precise surgical technique of the vascular surgeon contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of sick patients, of whom only a small percentage is so lucky that the disease is cured by successful kidney transplantation.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Climate Change: Environmental and Economic Effects
Climate change and extreme weather events present risks to our communities and communities around the world. Experts have warned that climate change would lead to more intense storms, extended droughts, longer wildfire seasons that burn hotter and cover larger areas, greater seasonal temperature extremes, melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and rising sea level. This book discusses ways to help communities better adapt to these changes.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Origanum: Taxonomy, Cultivation and Uses
Chapter 1 focuses on taxonomic, cultivation and the pharmacological and other uses of Origanum species. In Chapter 2, Origanumâs role in synthesising the metal nanoparticles such as titanium dioxide,palladium, silver, gold, palladium nanoparticles supported on magnetic graphene oxide has been discussed in detail. Hence, researchers are using Origanum as a precursor in plant-mediated synthesis. In the last chapter, the authors discuss Origanum, the Turkish spice, which has a history dated back to centuries. This herb has found wide applications due to the presence of primary and secondary metabolites.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The World of Molecular Biology
This is a book which examines and explores the discoveries as well as the lives of twenty-five stellar scientists who have all contributed in different ways to the field that we know today as "molecular biology". The book covers a vast timeline from the last century to present day advances and concerns such as viral replication and transmission. The book examines the foundational structures of the field as well as how many scientists and basic scientific knowledge has contributed to our current understanding. Beginning with DNA (as hereditary material) and evolving into recombinant DNA and replication and somatic DNA, the book covers the way in which scientists have examined and explored these realms and some of the resultant discoveries which have led to the Nobel Prize. Nobel prize winners are not born, but they are made -- they are made from years of education, years of familial nurturance, years of mentoring by other scientists (either formally or informally) and of course by luck, chance, fate and surreptitious encounters. Some of our scientists have spent years studying the fruit fly (drosophila), fly genetics, mutations, replications, and of course, genes, gene replication, split genes and "jumping genes". For those seeking an overview of the field of molecular biology this text will provide an overview of the lives of those who have delved most deeply into these issues and those whose discoveries have resulted in the Nobel Prize. The test is certainly relevant in today's world as we encounter and challenge the dreaded ever evolving virus known as Covid-19 which seems intent on replicating, changing, evolving and challenging mankind and our scientific community.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dementia, Diabetes, and Hypertension: Is There a Unified Theory through a Dysregulation of the Ca2+ Homeostasis?
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Cultural Values: The Case of French Guests and Vietnamese Hosts
With a history of attracting French tourists since the 19th century and particularly during the colonial period, Vietnam has re-emerged as one of the most popular Asian destinations for the French. A number of factors augur well for a further increase in visitation. As a former colony, Vietnam has nostalgic appeal for many French visitors. After the release of the films L' lndochine, L 'amant, Le Cyclo, Papaye Vert, and the documentary-drama Dien Bien Phu in 1993, France became the main tourism source market for Vietnam. As the ethnic composition of France has changed, the French are interested in learning about cultures generally and Asian cultures, in particular. The prospect of discovering new destinations and cultures encourages them to travel long-haul. They are quality conscious and culture loving, and prefer to use their own language when traveling overseas, favouring their own cuisine even though they do enjoy the cuisine of the host countries .Travel to Vietnam offers the prospect of fulfilling a number of their preferences. Another attraction for French tourists is that Vietnam is a member of the Francophone Community. Since 1988, the French legacy has experienced a resurgence with the renovation of colonial-style properties and restaurants. Tourists have been impressed by the French-style architecture, accommodation and cuisine that is available. Despite Vietnam's long history of contact with France, Vietnamese service providers are relatively ignorant about Western countries, their people and their values. Up to now Vietnam's tourism authorities have paid little attention to the role of cultural understanding in the tourism development process and Vietnam's overseas tourism promotions have given minimal acknowledgement of the cultural characteristics of source markets including those conducted in France. Servicing French tourists is likely to be a challenge for Vietnamese service providers because of the substantial differences between the respective host and guest cultures and rules of behaviour. International tourism generally involves a cross-cultural component, particularly in the case of encounters between tourists and service providers. If it is accepted that the cultural values of Western travellers are different, it seems reasonable to conclude that the Vietnamese service providers need to consider the effect of this cultural dissimilarity on touristâhost mutual perceptions and social interaction in the intercultural service encounters. An understanding of areas of potential tourist dissatisfaction may assist the service providers to anticipate prospective negative perceptions and to address them, thereby contributing to overall holiday satisfaction, and improve the prospects of repeat visitation. It is common for destinations to attract visitation from different source countries and cultures. Nonetheless, consumer behaviour literature on cross-cultural perceptions and interaction have been largely limited to homogeneous sample populations from Western countries. Furthermore, until now there are no published studies have specifically examined touristâhost service encounters interaction and mutual perceptions in the context of Vietnam as a holiday destination. Consequently, this research has both practical and academic significances. From the theoretical perspectives, this study provides an augmented comprehension on Argyle's, Rokeach and SERVQUAL models. From the practical standpoints, this study offers service managers and marketers a heightened understanding of cross-cultural awareness for improving customer satisfaction. It acclaims an evidence base that can guide provision to meet the needs of international tourists with particular reference to the impact of rules of behaviour on touristâhost service encounters interaction. It accentuates the effect of cultural backgrounds on tourists' perceptions towards and satisfaction with service quality. By this means, it applies the empirically based models to development related challenges confronting the tourism sector in the cross-cultural settings for designing appropriate strategies with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage. Keywords: French Guests, Vietnamese Hosts, Cultural Values, Rules of Behaviour, Interactions, Satisfaction, Service Attributes and Performances.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Cosmopolitan Businessman: World and Worldview of Greek Merchant-Entrepreneurs
Ariadni Moutafidou, a well-known historian who wrote extensively about the history of Greece in modern times, focuses in her newest book, The Cosmopolitan Businessman, on the nineteenth century history of the Greek mercantile diaspora in its time of prominence. Drawing on a wide range and variety of research Moutafidou examines entrepreneurial networks formed across geographic boundaries in land and sea relating cultures, ideology and mentalities with economic practice and business performance. The author investigates cases of distinguished personalities and prominent Greek merchant-entrepreneurs and shipowners shedding light on their activities and ideas, and on how they appraised their business and their competitors. Vikelas, the first President of the International Olympic Committee, along with the Melas, Mavros and Basileiou families, Malta-based broker Pappaffy, an influential businessman of the British and Mediterranean economic world and a celebrated philanthropist, the Rallis, Petrocochinos and Salvagos, Syngros and the Zarifis, are only few of the many captivating figures appearing in the book. Moutafidou thoroughly looks into sources such as memoirs, literature, archives, commercial trade books, the press as well as family records and references made by rival businessmen. She compares various historical times, regions and ethnic groups, and draws useful parallels and/or differences with the Greek case. In the process, she investigates the relations between distinct, ethnic mercantile communities, using the Greek case in particular and the paradigm of leading Jewish merchant-bankers West and East, such as the Bischoffsheims, Oppenheims, or Camondos, and exploring the themes of internationalization, competition and cooperation, risk and innovation. Her method allows her to enrich our knowledge about early globalization, about the importance of liberalism, and the operation of capitalist activity. An original book, unique in its field. Historians, their students, and an interested public as well, will greatly appreciate this significant contribution to the study of economic, social and cultural history of the Greek mercantile diaspora, Europe and the Mediterranean world.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Diabetes and Diabetic Complications: Current Status and Future Perspectives
Diabetes mellitus is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the modern world. Persistent hyperglycaemia is responsible for several complications of diabetes, such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic cardiomyopathy, diabetic autonomic neuropathy, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic foot ulcer, gestational diabetes, and diabetic mastopathy. With the advancement of technology, several new drugs have been developed for treatment of diabetes and diabetic complications. Moreover, alternative and complementary medicines have also been employed to manage diabetes and its associated complications. Despite the availability of a plethora of therapeutic agents, the management of diabetes and diabetic complications is an uphill battle associated with several limitations. Various leading research groups across the world are investing billions of dollars to develop impeccable solutions for the treatment of diabetes and diabetic complications. This book focuses on the understanding of recent advancements in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic complications, the molecular basis of the disease and recent advancements in diabetic treatment. The chapters are specifically dedicated to different complications associated with diabetes. Moreover, recent advances in treatments and medications in clinical trials for these complications are explained. Some chapters are dedicated to the use of herbal medicines, alternative and complementary therapy and personalized medicines. Furthermore, the role of epigenetics in diabetic complications is described, as well as the role of antidiabetic drugs and their interactions. Due to its widespread prevalence, diabetes is presently considered a pandemic. This book provides contemporary information to researchers and health care practitioners about diabetes and diabetic complications, which may pave the way for designing new strategies to manage diabetes and diabetic complications. Moreover, the insights on alternative and complementary medicines will help in providing a background for inclusion of these medicines as an important therapeutic option for treatment of diabetes.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
In Chapter 1, the COVID-19 pandemic and the damage mechanisms on the cellular level which can be ameliorated with the cellular therapies is thoroughly evaluated. Previous and ongoing stem cell clinical trial data from diseases with similar symptoms is gathered. All this accumulated data and current clinical trial results indicate that the cellular therapies could be the most effective treatment option for COVID-19 patients to ameliorate the damaged tissues and save lives. In Chapter 2, the authors examine activated mesenchymal stem cells for stroke repair. Stem Cell treatment has shown recovery in animal models of stroke, indicating an improved regenerative and repair potential. Though stem cells are still being used in clinical trials, there is no evidence that they enhance recovery in ischemic stroke patients. Nevertheless, the multipotent mesenchymal stem has widely been explored for stroke recovery. AnâActivated MSC' as a therapeutic alternative to tackling ischemic stroke is proposed, thereby the activation of MSCs by cytokines, growth factors, hypoxia, pharmacological drugs, etc., could be a novel approach to improving stroke patients' responses to receiving MSCs. In Chapter 3, the potential benefits of in vitro culture of therapeutic stem cells in the presence of HB along with the ketogenic diet, whereby higher physiological concentrations of ketone bodies can be achieved in vivo, as an adjuvant to stem cell transplantation is assessed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hordeum vulgare: Production, Cultivation and Uses
Chapter 1 looks at the planting techniques of barley noting that the bidirectional planting technique had a significant effect on growth and yield of barley. Chapter 2 provides information about the molecular approaches and mutation breeding in barley. Late spring frosts and drought are the most important abiotic stress factors that definite the yield and quality performance of spring barley genotypes in breeding programs. For this purpose, the authors of Chapter 3 used in their study a total of 25 spring barley genotypes, including 20 advanced line and 5 standard varieties. The next chapter looks at the composite of barley and the health effects it has. The last chapter, the author performs a study that investigates the effects of the short-term application (1 and 5 days) of arsenic, cadmium, and lead (15Î"M, 30Î"M, and 60Î"M mixtures) on the phenolic contents of a barley species that was registered by the Trakya Agricultural Research Institute in 2014.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Challenges of Law and Governance in Indonesia in the Disruptive Era II
This book originates from papers presented at the 2nd ICLAVE 2018 conference in Bali, Indonesia, on 5-6 November 2018, organised by the faculty of law at Universitas Indonesia. The conference aims to provide an international platform for academicians, researchers and budding students around the world to share their findings and foster future collaborations. Various topics related to the clash between law and the Industrial Revolution 4.0 were covered at the conference. The theme for the 2nd International Conference on Law and Governance in a Global Context (the 2nd iCLave) is "Law and Governance in the Disruptive Era." The term "disruptive" refers to the latest trends related to the utilization of technology, automation process, data exchange and cloud computing, and also includes the cyber-physical system, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and cognitive computing. The organiser believes that the law must deal with disruptive innovation, digitalization, and the constant development of technology concerning how to protect personal data, artificial intelligence, financial technology, and other things that accompany technological progress. There are around 30 articles in this book that discuss laws in the disruptive era from the perspectives of human rights and access to justice, adat (customary) law and Sharia law, judiciary law, and international law.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Introduction and Comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis Software Packages
This book presents and compares 11 software packages of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Performance measurement is done by various methods, one of which is DEA. Due to the ability of DEA models to meet practical requirements, extensive research can be conducted in the fields of mathematics, management, economics, and engineering. Therefore, during recent decades, the use of this method has been considered with significant growth among researchers. DEA evaluates the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs) by using linear programming. Since linear programming should be solved for each DMU, performance measurement for a large number of DMUs is difficult and time-consuming. For this purpose, various software packages have been designed and developed to address these problems. Each of these software's is designed for different purposes and has different features and applications. The main objectives of this book are to introduce, express the advantages and disadvantages of each of these software packages, as well as their comparisons.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intercultural Issues in the Global Auto Industry
This monograph is focused on intercultural issues, particularly in the global auto industry. The foreign direct investments (FDI) reasons are the result of globalization, of the need of growth and of achieving synergies. Most of the professionals consider that FDI is one of the most significant business phenomena in the past decades, but warn about the FDI dangers. The most challenging part of the FDI process is the integration of two entities that present different organizational and national cultures. This monograph emphasizes the relationship between culture and FDI performance in the global auto industry. The main goal of this book is to uncover intercultural issues that managers encounter during the FDI, M&A or global alliances. The expectation of the authors of this monograph is that the conclusions would help forewarn scholars and practitioners of the need to thoroughly understand the cultural issues influencing the global automotive industry. The monograph will be useful for academic researchers, postgraduate students, for MBA/Executive Education and for practitioners.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The National Flood Insurance Program: Background, Issues and Reauthorization
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was established by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and was most recently reauthorized to September 30, 2020, through a series of short-term reauthorizations. The general purpose of the NFIP is both to offer primary flood insurance to properties with significant flood risk, and to reduce flood risk through the adoption of floodplain management standards. This book provides information on key components of the NFIP.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Oryza sativa: Production, Cultivation and Uses
Chapter 1 focuses on some of the steps needed to increase the rate of growth in rice production especially for meeting the demands of population growth. Chapter 2 discusses the various conventional approaches used for rice improvement. Chapter 3 examines the role of SSR markers in breeding and improvement of rice. Following the finding that Microbispora are the dominant genus of Actinobacteria in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants grown in a Vertisol soil from Yanco, NSW, Australia, the authors of Chapter 4 decided to test the hypothesis whether this observation was t rice cultivar- or soil-dependent. Four rice cultivars grown in four agricultural soils were subjected to comparative assessment of their root and shoot endophytic actinobacterial population diversity, employing a classical culture-dependent approach as well as 16S rRNA gene PCR T-RFLP as the culture-independent method. Chapter 5 focuses on many issues pertaining to the development of temperate and cold-tolerant rice varieties suitable for cultivation under irrigated conditions in Kashmir valley and the hills around it. We discuss the issues, the progress, and the way forward for rice research in this very significant Himalayan region where rice is a staple food. The last chapter deals with the present distribution of the pest, adult description, host plants, life history, ecology, its association with various plant pathogens, damage and effect on yield, natural enemies and management practices.
Nova Science Publishers Inc More Prescription for Change: Case Studies for Applications of Strategy and Strategic Intervention in National and International Health Systems in Response to a COVID Pandemic
This book illustrates the use of strategy by national and international groups using fictional case studies. The cases are fictional in the sense that the information provided was not collected using the methodology used for previous case studies about states or groups of states. Instead, the author combined characteristics and information as she saw necessary in order to make the example clear to the reader. The case studies include: an infra-national group strategizing to cope with a phenomenon, an individual, another infra-national group, a supranational group, a government or state, and a group of government or states. It also includes the study of a phenomenon, here COVID-19. The present book also differs from previous case studies to the extent that the various components of the strategy are not clearly identified. This will allow the self-taught strategist to use them to test their own skills at strategic analysis.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Super and Nutraceutical Foods: Composition and Technology
Superfoods have been used for human consumption for centuries. These foods provide an important amount of essential nutrients and energy. Nowadays, the nutraceutical properties of superfoods have acquired importance due to their additional health benefits. Most superfoods are eaten in their fresh form in producing regions, but seasonality is an important limiting issue. Traditional processing technologies have been used to assure supply for the whole year, and innovative processing technologies have been developed to reach bigger markets. In this book, the authors provide information about nutritional aspects of the described foods. Additionally, the different functional properties of each food, such as antioxidant, anticancer, hypoglycemic, and cardioprotective activities are discussed. It includes information about their principal bioactive compounds, biological activities, the effects of processing these compounds, nutritional values, and sensorial properties and shelf life. The first section is focused on the properties of selected fruits, some eaten fresh, others only after a first transformation. The second section is focused on a selection of foods having been transformed before human consumption, such as cereals, pseudocereals, and legumes. Finally, the third section includes a set of products from animal and diverse origins.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Elementary Knowledge of Indian Medicinal Plants of Uttarakhand Himalaya
This book mainly focuses on the taxonomy and ethnomedicinal uses of plants, and the information provided can be used to identify plants while surveying medicinal plants in the region. This compilation will be helpful for researchers and students working in the field of plant science and other related fields. This textbook is divided into five chapters, and the first chapter reviews the historical aspects of India in terms of traditional knowledge. The second chapter provides a general introduction to the biodiversity of medicinal plants in Uttarakhand, a Himalayan state of India, as well as its geography, population, herbal sector status, temperature and altitudes. The third chapter reviews 600 flowering plants belonging to 108 families. Each plant is described using its Ayurvedic/Sanskrit name, vernacular/local name, botanical properties, distribution, medicinal properties, phytochemical constituents and pharmacological status. The fourth chapter discusses 14 gymnosperms belonging to four families, and the fifth chapter discusses 18 pteridophytes from two families. Photographs of selected plants are also included in a separate section.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Imaging and Multiomic Biomarker Applications
The well-known Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Center provides the most advanced, comprehensive, multiparametric and up-to-date biomarkers for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early Alzheimer's disease (AD) projects, including neuroimaging, clinical assessments, biospecimens and genetic data. Recent developments in imaging techniques, including new molecular tracers for imaging disease burden and systematic multi-modal integration, have emerged to overcome the limitations of each single modality and individual-dependent variability. The MRI-based high-resolution structural and morphological changes in the brain, such as atrophy, and the abnormal activity/connectivity patterns of the hippocampus subfields and default mode network (DMN) modulation, together with the amyloid and tau neuropathological quantification using PET molecular tracers, could be used to predict brain changes and cognitive performance declines in early AD, including transitional MCI. Finally, a generalized and integrative model with multiple biomarkers could be built to target disease progression and symptom prediction as well as to optimize patient management. Multiomics investigates metabolomic, lipidomic, genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic perspectives by presenting an accurate biochemical profile of the organism in health and disease. The Alzheimer's Disease Metabolomics Consortium (ADMC) in partnership with ADNI is creating a comprehensive biochemical database for patients in the ADNI1 cohort, consisting of eight metabolomics datasets. The vast majorities of biospecimen data provide rich biological information to the human brain at normal and dementia status. One of the purposes is to reveal the connections between disease and multiomics such as obesity, hypertension, cholesterol imbalance and inflammation risks that might lead to neurodegenerative disease. Multiomic biomarker developments in the dementia field have provided earlier clues to novel treatments that help correct metabolic dysfunction and delay disease progression. Furthermore, the assembling of multiomics-based biomarkers including metabolites and lipids, cholesterol biosynthesis, purine metabolism, lipoprotein, bile acids, and genetics as well as their relation to the pathological amyloid and tau network could improve disease diagnosis sensitivity and reveal more diverse and complementary molecular pathways to allow for the advancement of early AD diagnosis and therapeutic prevention. In this book, we report on the significant differences of multiple biomarkers from the ADNI database including neuroimaging, clinical assessments and multiomic biospecimen/genetic data in MCI and early probable AD (pAD), and elucidate the interconnections among different metrics at various domains. Classification results with high accuracies (0.95-1) for each early dementia subtype including early MCI (EMCI), late MCI (LMCI) and pAD, and better prediction of clinical symptoms is achieved with these comprehensive biomarkers. Further longitudinal changes of imaging and neuropsychological biomarkers, and inter-correlations with baseline parameters are examined for a better illustration of disease progression association. Additionally, an analysis of the post-traumatic stress disorder biomarkers is performed with high classification accuracy. With illustrative and rigorous data analyses and confirmative results, this book provides readers with a full spectrum of biomarker research for early dementia diagnosis and treatment, and helps convey the technical development and data evaluation perspectives in advanced medical imaging and various disease application fields.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Microbes for a Sustainable Environment and Human Welfare: Advancements and Opportunities
One of the major challenges faced by the world today is developing innovative and cost-effective bio-based technologies for sustaining a greener Earth, and the interactions between living beings are gaining renewed interest and value. This book describes advancements and opportunities for creating a sustainable environment for the welfare of humans with the help of microbes. Microbial activities are unique; their approaches can reduce stress on the environment, agricultural ecosystem, and soil biodiversity sustainability. A multidisciplinary view of microbial sustainability is presented in this book. Through the ten chapters, readers will find descriptions of various aspects of microbial-mediated environmental services and modern methodologies, including microbial-based bioremediation, treatment of industrial outpours, biosynthesis of nanoparticles, clean hydrogen production, therapeutics, biofuel production, and pharmaceutical applications. In terms of their physiology, metabolism and relevance as microbial models, microorganisms contribute to environmental, economic and industrial sustainability.
Nova Science Publishers Inc History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Volume 1
A fascinating account of the first exploration of the Missouri River, the journey over the Rocky Mountains, and the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. This 2 volume book contains an accurate diary of the journey to discover the Northwest Passage, commissioned by and reported to Thomas Jefferson.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vaccines: Operation Warp Speed, Regulation and Safety
Nova Science Publishers Inc Antioxidant Properties and Health Benefits of Green Tea
Derived from leaves of evergreen herb Camellia sinensis, green tea is known for its significant human health benefits. Once primarily consumed in Asia and North Africa, green tea is becoming increasingly available around the world with an increase in its average annual growth. There has been a tremendous change in the consumption pattern of green tea, a prime drive of which is the increasing knowledge about and marketing of its health benefits. The most notable health benefit of green tea is its powerful antioxidant potential, which helps prevent cellular damage from certain oxidation reactions in the body at the molecular level. Green tea is attributed to health claims which include the prevention of skin cancer, lower blood pressure, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative and kidney disorders, diabetes, respiratory distress, the inhibition of clinical and opportunistic microbial infections, and many more. The rich presence of polyphenols in green tea is likely responsible for its multiple health benefits. in vitro and in vivo epidemiological evidence suggests the importance of green tea polyphenols in exerting antioxidant activities which confer medicinal and food value. Major polyphenols found in green tea include the catechins, such as epigallocatechin gallate, epigallocatechin, epicatechin 3- gallate, epicatechin, and catechin gallate. These catechins have shown promise in the promotion of cardiovascular health, the prevention of cancer, skin protection, the reduction of high cholesterol levels, diabetes, impaired immune function, diarrhoea, fatigue and infection. There is a highly significant relationship between phenolics, flavonoids and the antioxidant activity of green tea, while the amount of phenolic, flavonoids and antioxidants are the parameters depicting the quality of tea according to their biological properties. This book is an informative forum highlighting research on the antioxidant activity of green tea pertaining to its health benefits. The book is organised into seven chapters that provide a comprehensive review of the antioxidant activity of green tea and its associated health benefits. The book outlines useful information and improves the fundamental knowledge regarding the processing of green tea, its chemical components, their role as antioxidants and usefulness as nutraceuticals.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Convective Heat Transfer
Convective heat transfer plays a role in many branches of science and engineering, as well as in aspects of daily life. Due to its importance, it deserves to be given a closer look. This book shows some real complexities of convective heat transfer in more rigorous ways, with most aspects described by partial differential equations. Defined by Fourier's law, heat flux is transported by convection. Thus, the transport of heat flux can be described using the convective transport equation of the heat flux, which may provide more information. The significance of this description is that the velocity gradient's contribution to the transport of heat flux is stated implicitly and may be connected to the mechanical dissipation. A description of the transport of the momentum flux is provided in this book, focusing on both the mechanical energy prepared by production from the main flow and the mechanical energy dissipated by vorticity. Based on the convective transport equations of heat flux and momentum flux, a correlation between the contribution to the transport of heat flux and mechanical energy production and dissipation is established. Additional topics discussed herein include the transport characteristics of heat flux, the impact of velocity and its gradients on the transport of heat flux in a channel flow, a tube flow, a channel flow with vortex generators and a twisted elliptical tube flow. As secondary flow and vorticity are commonly used for the enhancement of convective heat transfer, the roles of secondary flow and vorticity in the convective transport of heat flux are discussed. The intensity of convective heat transfer is only defined by the surface which heat is transferred through; it is not defined in the fluid region. Combustion science, oceanography, meteorology, and geoscience pay much attention to local convective heat transfer intensity. This book verifies the rationality of local convective heat transfer intensity.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Materials Science Research: Volume 44
Advances in Materials Science Research. Volume 44 provides an overview of the emerging field of phosphorescent nanomaterials, including synthesis protocols and characterization issues. The authors discuss the synthesis methods and characterization of synthesized compounds by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The carefully designed techniques for engineering process-induced strain to enhance carrier mobility or transform the band-gap from indirect to direct nano-devices are described. A compilation of investigations related to the formation of cerium coatings on an AZ91D Mg alloy are examined in an effort to improve its corrosion resistance in simulated body fluid. Following this, an article reports on an insightful portable microfluidic experimental setup for the fast and ultraselective detection of Hg2+ ions in a picomolar range using a cantilever-based piezoresistive sensor. The concluding study explores the behavior of the order parameter and the magnetization of antiferromagnetic solids subjected to mutually parallel staggered and magnetic fields.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cysteine: Sources, Uses and Health Effects
Cysteine is a naturally occurring, sulphur-containing amino acid with a thiol group and is found in most proteins. Cysteine is a common constituent in health-care products like protein powders, body-building shakers, and smoothies. In medicine, it is used for the treatment of diabetes, inflammation, angina, chronic bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, flu and osteoarthritis. Also, some studies suggest that it can enhance lung health in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The first chapter of this book focuses on the uses of cysteine in both industries and medicine and health. The second chapter is about the therapeutic uses of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) for obsessive compulsive disorder. The third chapter describes the functionalization of MCM-41 and MCM-48 by TPA, encapsulation of cysteine into functionalised carriers and their characterisation using various physicochemical techniques. The last chapter includes the most recent developments in designing the fluorescent and colorimetric sensors (optical sensors) for selective and sensitive detection of cysteine.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vitamin Deficiency: Prevalence, Management and Outcomes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Multidisciplinary Science and Advanced Technologies
Multidisciplinary Science and Advanced Technologies form a vast and diverse class of the engineering science and research divisions. This book discusses novel design techniques and smart mechanisms, as well as innovations that might be utilized in the future. Scientific modification can control industrial-scale assembly, a process that ultimately provides specific material function, depending on electronic development for advancements. Furthermore, the combination of supramolecular multidisciplinary technologies allows for the exploration of applicationâbased materials. Smart materials are vital for the in-depth analysis of various morphologies. This book is an international forum for comprehensive soft-condensed matter physics, nanoscience principles, nanotechnology tools, and nanotechnology applications in the environmental, energy, and electronics sector, including a discussion of ethical issues in these fields. This book reviews the applications and market potential of a variety of media, including mirror, glazing, and display products, such as low-information content displays for banners and labels. The physicist, chemical engineer, materials scientist, nanotechnologist, and biologist at all levels, as well as academicians for unique device-based applications in various fields, will benefit from this book. Readers will gain an understanding of the practical and highly sensitive business fields for specific disciplinarians. The goal is to provide readers a broad review from a materials perspective, so that teachers can provide a comprehensive review of this technology to students. This book also highlights the entire gamut of smart engineering technologies and the materials design process of fabrications from past to present and future perspectives. The syllabi of various technical universities and research institutes are examined, explaining the basic perceptions of this emerging field. In science today, the major focus of research and development in synthetic materials and spectroscopic analysis broadly deals with materials on the atomic and molecular scales. The vision for the future is to move beyond these already existing applications and explore new realms of electronic applications.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Homo within the Sapiens
While creativity and solidarity form the main constructive profile for our species, the primal animal drive for dominance involving basal brain circuits places our future at risk. This bipolar nature distorts the global perspective of our collective future and ecological conditions. Our species' behavioural construction has its roots in ancestral habits and survival drives that were crystallized in basic neurobehavioral circuits over millennia, be it as predators or potential prey. Its expression acquired further complexity through the development of social/cultural cues, and was kept-in-check by conditional inhibitory processes. How much of our current drive - individually and as a global community - is caused by those inherited traits imprinted in our animal condition? This book analyses the increasing bipolar construction in terms of dominant groups affecting critical access to current knowledge and information, a profound gap among populations concerning a modern humane quality of life, and present trends pertaining to our ecological habitat. These dynamic processes seem to be in a free-running mode, only conditioned by the prevalence of power concentration in the hands of worldwide minority groups. This worldwide disjointed perspective is further distorted by diverse cultural profiles and interests accessing information and its impact on lifestyles. Our species' true nature has highly conserved remnants of our animal origin expressed as animal drives embodied before and during the evolutionary process as Homo and under inhibitory social control. These involve territorial, survival, and dominant cues on top of which sapiens' cultural development profiles have taken place; that is, the hidden ancestral human nature. Competition to control and prevail in those domains has unveiled a long-lived struggle for dominance in political and financial (corporate- or state-bound) prevalence. Below this stratum of power-seekers, a large proportion of the service-bound and marginal populations crawl for their survival, often approaching inhuman conditions. Fundamentalist beliefs, the disregard of environmental abuse, belligerence to resolve discrepancies, personal and group-centred greed, growing inequalities, disinformation from dominant carriers, and intolerance to alternative viewpoints describe our species' developmentally immature collective behaviour. If not just an evolutionary stage, then we in fact belong to the "wrong species" (Colombo, 2010), and are on a path toward our demise or a bipolar evolution of our species, but not necessarily a collective, cooperative, shared development that respects various cultural profiles. The increasing speed of knowledge development widens the gap among populations with different cultural values and those that are underdeveloped or living in subhuman conditions. Since we exited the period of egalitarian-prone hunter gatherers, we have been conditioned by elite or institutionalized dominant powers and given limited access to information, which is used as a means for domination. Hence, our future depends not only on our social, political, and financial decision-makers but also on the degree of our permissive, functional absence from such a scenario.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Biochemical Guide to Medicinal Plants
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Supreme Court: Rulings, Conduct and the Appointment Process
Nova Science Publishers Inc Moringa oleifera: Properties, Applications and Health Effects
Moringa oleifera is a widely cultivated and highly valuable tree belonging to the family Moringaceae, originating in India. This compilation explores its wide variety of uses, including in food, traditional herbal medicine, water purification and as an insecticide.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Agricultural Research Updates: Volume 31
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Developments in Neurodegeneration
Nova Science Publishers Inc Globalization Unchained: Seven Major Challenges Facing Education
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Chemistry Research: Volume 66
Volume 66 begins with a focus on the development of reproducible and economical methodologies for the separation, identification and quantification of chemical species present in oils and greases. The authors discuss the major structure-function attributes of azoles as antifungal mainstays, with an intensive focus on resistant mechanisms and concurrent remedial measures. Following this, the total syntheses of biologically active natural products achieved over the past 25 years is described. The concluding study concerns methanol, a toxic substance with a neutral, colorless liquid and a mild odor.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mobility Management in Urban Areas: Models and Perspectives
Smart cities rely on information and communication technologies to enhance the quality of life of their citizens. This includes better use of transportation infrastructure, use of public transport, clean fuels, efficient utilization of parking spaces, and carsharing through the use of technologies such as internet of things, cloud computing, and blockchain while keeping in account environmental goals. Mobility management in urban areas is challenging yet critical. For the smooth transportation of goods and people, a detailed study of the city system elements from multiple perspectives is required. In this book, theoretical models, literature reviews and case studies to improve mobility in smart cities are provided. The key problems addressed are the allocation of pay and display parking machines,electric vehicle charging station location optimization, facility location planning under stochastic disruption, pedestrian safety planning using internet of things, assessing the environmental effect of airports on cities and populations, antecedents and outcomes of reverse supply chain and social sustainability practices, discrete event simulation for carsharing fleet management strategies, data mining models for road transport GHG emissions prediction, bibliometric analysis on smart city mobility, and blockchain for supply chain traceability application. Simulation, optimization, machine learning and qualitative methodologies are used. The book will serve as a very useful resource to academicians and practitioners working in the field.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Building Children and Youth for the Future: Some International Aspects
In this book we have brought together research from international clinicians, practitioners and researchers from various backgrounds and communities. Some of the papers were presented at the annual Stop Youth Suicide conference in Lexington, Kentucky in November 2019 and some at the Fifth International Conference on Child Health, Development and Welfare in Jerusalem, Israel during December 2019. The topics in this international potpourri of presentations are from a college experience program for people with intellectual disabilities in New York, migration from South Korea, which has emerged as one of the world's largest diaspora nations, discussions on abuse head trauma and adolescent suicide to risk factors for impaired early childhood development in rural India. We hope this collection of papers will be of interest to our international audience and hope you will find useful information from this research.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Cancer Research: Volume 78