Search results for ""nova science publishers inc""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cultural Images in Health: A Neglected Dimension
Nova Science Publishers Inc Research in Quantum Field Theory
Nova Science Publishers Inc Russia on the Threshold of an Uncertain Future
Nova Science Publishers Inc Studies of High Temperature Superconductors: Volume 15
Nova Science Publishers Inc Russian Experience: Ideas in History
Nova Science Publishers Inc RussiaChinaUSA
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Transformation of Eastern Europe
Nova Science Publishers Inc Roots of Russia: Paving the Way
Nova Science Publishers Inc Laser Thermonuclear Targets & Superdurable Microballoons
Nova Science Publishers Inc Teenagers & AIDS in America
Nova Science Publishers Inc Condensed Matter Theories v. 9
Nova Science Publishers Inc Physics of Neutron Stars
Nova Science Publishers Inc Down & Out in New York City: Homelessness -- A Dishonorable Poverty
Nova Science Publishers Inc Muon Method in Science
Nova Science Publishers Inc Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation & Pulsed Power Applications: Part I
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nonlinear Theory of Strong Electromagnetic Wave Plasma Interactions
Nova Science Publishers Inc V M Bekhterev's Collective Reflexology: Part 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medical Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cancer Immunoembryotherapy: A New Weapon Against Cancer
Nova Science Publishers Inc Energy for the Transition Age
Nova Science Publishers Inc Russia Changes: The Events of August 1991 & the Russian Constitution
Nova Science Publishers Inc Atomic and Ionic Spectra and Elementary Processes in Plasma
Eight highly technical studies explore a wide range of problems involved in investigating the short wavelength emission of the solar corona. The topics include the experimental results from solar X-ray investigations, the calculated excitation cross-sections for collisions of atoms and ions with charged particles, and spectra of plasmas. Annotation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Theory of Nonstationary Quantum Oscillators
Nova Science Publishers Inc Guide to Bibliographies of Russian Periodicals & Serial Publications: 1728-1985
Nova Science Publishers Inc Physics & Chemistry of Fission
Nova Science Publishers Inc Conservation & Heat Transfer
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nano-Biotechnological Advancements in Environmental Issues: Applications and Challenges
This book provides detailed knowledge on different types of pollutants and their hazardous effects on the environment, humans, animals, and plants. It also describes various modern nano-remediation approaches utilizing different nanomaterials for treatment/management of different wastes, such as nanomaterial-mediated degradation of pharmaceutical and personal care products, nanomaterial-mediated wastewater treatment, nano-biotechnology in solid waste management, nanotechnology in biohydrogen and biodiesel production, and nano-biotechnology in e-waste management. This is an urgent matter for the safety of the environment and for human and animal health.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Issues Concerning the LBGTQ+ Community
This book looks at issues concerning the LBGTQ+ community including: a pride guide, the Trump administration's assault on the LGBTQ community, discrimination in housing and lending, health outcomes for LGBT veterans and the juvenile justice system.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Issues in Kidney Disease -- Transplantation
A collection of seventeen independent chapters written by renowned authors, covering a wide range of topics, from the overview of transplantation, the complex process of paired organ donation, transplantation in highly sensitized recipients, recurrent disease following transplantation, controversies in multi-organ transplantation, the successes in short and long-term outcomes after kidney transplantation, and the complex issues of ethics in transplantation. This book will appeal to renal fellows, nephrologists, and other physicians involved with kidney transplantation, transplant coordinators, social workers, and other allied health professionals. It brings timely and updated reviews, addresses important controversies in kidney transplantation, and outlines opportunities for future research.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ecological Reciprocity: A Treatise on Kindness
This elegant treatise examines the nature of kindness through the fascinating lenses and contexts of ancient, medieval and contemporary philosophy, natural history, theories of mind, of natural selection, eco-psychology and sociobiology. It challenges the reader to consider the myriad potential consequences of human behaviour, examining various iconographic moments from the history of art and science as a precursor to the concept and vital potentials for ecological conversion. Focusing on the fundamental mechanisms of reciprocity among humans, other species, communities and nations, Tobias and Morrison lead readers on a remarkable journey whose itinerary, and the provocative questions explored, seek to affirm a pattern in evolution and in human thought that is emphatically oriented towards benevolence, not tyranny. Prosociality in all species - making others happy, kind gestures at any and every juncture of life - has, as a discipline of enquiry, enjoyed a social scientific renaissance during the last decade. Can natural selection move rapidly enough to meet that ultimate challenge? Can our species re-evolve in real time, moving from the ideas, to the ideals, to their applied engineering in a real world that is ecologically haemorrhaging? Which all the critical moral and cognitive changes in social communion such new human nature, as the Authors suggest, clearly requires? This ground-breaking work of ecological philosophy, with its roots in ancient Greek thought, represents a radical break with nearly every traditional scientific paradigm, in exploring the intuitive geography and dramatic questions of ourselves -- each and every one of us -- that will prove crucial to the survival of our species, and all those we co-habit this miraculous planet with.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 44
This book compiles various recent advancements in engineering research. Chapter One deals with the important research problem of electric current processing and treatment of melts for increasing quality indicators of the produced castings. Chapter Two describes the use of computational fluid dynamics techniques to assess and design intensified distillation systems. Chapter Three examines machine learning opportunities for emerging memory and computing devices discovery. Lastly, Chapter Four details a case study in which an application of different approaches to missing data for short-term electric load forecasting by using an advanced gene expression programming algorithm is comprehensively introduced.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Class-Book of Old Testament History
A Class-Book of Old Testament History provides an overview of history as presented in the Bible, starting with the creation of the Earth and ending with the times of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Respiratory Disorders in Neuromuscular Disease: Management and Practice Principles
Over the years, the life expectancy of patients with neuromuscular disease has improved thanks to new knowledge and technological innovations. This new book is entirely dedicated to the knowledge of the complex and unique profile of patients suffering from neuromuscular pathology. Many key points are discussed by specialists dedicated to neuromuscular patient care. Respiratory support is often indispensable to sustain the patient's life. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has taken on an increasingly important role in the care of patients with chronic respiratory failure secondary to neuromuscular disease. The NIV approach and complementary techniques are described. The management of airways and clearance of secretions are important aspects which are dealt with in a dedicated session, and a new theme - laryngeal response pattern during NIV and cough assist techniques - is also addressed. The timing of the tracheostomy and choice of cannula are decisive in the management of the neuromuscular patient, thus the use of invasive mechanical ventilation. Topics of interest also include perioperative respiratory management, weaning from mechanical ventilation and extubation. The use of imaging techniques, such as videofluoroscopy of swallowing and sonography can support the clinician in the diagnosis of complications. Today, even pulmonary rehabilitation is an integral and indispensable part of patient care. The text - developed with the contribution of experts dedicated to the daily care of patients with neuromuscular disorders -- is an ambitious project which aims to provide an extensive discussion of the topic and support for those who already work with this type of patient, as well as for those who are starting to engage in this type of patient care.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France: Volume 1
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley achieved most of her fame for the classic novel, Frankenstein. Shelley also penned this 2-volume book which consists of biographies of important literary and scientific thinkers of the 14th to 18th centuries.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The COVID-19 Disaster: Volume I: The Historic Lessons Learned and Benefits of Human Collaboration
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nationalism: Past, Present and Future
This edited volume contains six chapters, each providing a different perspective on the topic of nationalism, which is the identification with one's own nation and support for its interests. Chapter One deals with the popular notion in India that yoga can solve the climate crisis and examines the validity of this concept. Chapter Two focuses on the nature of national identities and nationalist ideologies in Bangladesh, and attempts to identify potential future changes with specific emphasis on the impact of global media and technological trends, development of political Islam, and South Asian regional politics. Chapter Three takes an original perspective on how Ethiopia's Christian and medieval past was perceived and exploited in the late 19th and early 20th century AD to consolidate monarchical power and to resist encroachments of European colonial powers. Chapter Four examines the complex relations between state and society within the context of South Korea's rapid industrialisation. Chapter Five analyses propaganda and the representations of enemies of Chilean nationalism between 1932 and 1945. Finally, Chapter Six examines the role and the place of Eurasian ideology in the national discourse of Siberia.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Food Safety
When certain disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites contaminate food, they can cause foodborne illness. The food supply in the United States is among the safest in the world â but it can still be a source of infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), foodborne pathogens cause up to 48 million illnesses, 128,000 hospitalizations, and 3,000 deaths in the United States each year.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Agricultural Research Updates: Volume 36
This four-chapter monograph provides updates in the field of agricultural research. Chapter One assesses the risks to human health and the environment posed by potentially toxic elements in the soil-grapevine-air systems of vineyards. Chapter Two describes the optimal techniques for proper crop rotation based on factors such as the local economy, soil, weather, and logistics, particularly in the north-western region of the cold temperate Canadian prairies. Chapter Three describes three research products that were developed to study sustainable agriculture production systems. Chapter Four focuses on the role of PM H+-ATPases in plant growth and development, addressing their participation in cell expansion, axillary bud outgrowth, pollen tube growth and potato tuberisation.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Earth Science Research: Volume 21
This monograph consists of six chapters that provide updates in the field of earth science research. Chapter One explicates the history of exploration of the Antarctic continent and tries to answer questions surrounding the initial discovery of Antarctica. Chapter Two describes the properties of the Kwanza Basin in terms of the presence of hydrocarbons and other aspects of interest to oil companies. Chapter Three includes information about the planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy at the K/PG boundary at El Kef GSSP of the Tethyan realm. Chapter Four quantitively assesses the microfabric of the Kawabata Formation by evaluating rock specimens using magnetic techniques. Chapter Five presents the results of the research of distribution of rare-earth and other trace elements in relict zircons from restitogenic ultramafic rocks of Shaman massifs. Finally, Chapter Six introduces a new monitoring technology that could lead to the next generation of hydraulic fracture optimization and rejuvenate unconventional reservoir development.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Afghanistan: Terrorist Groups, the Presidential Election and International Relations
Afghanistan's geography, complex ethnic composition, and recent history of conflict and instability have created space for numerous regional armed groups. Chapter 1 outlines major terrorist groups affiliated and allied with Al Qaeda (AQ) and the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS, ISIL, or by the Arabic acronym Da'esh) and the convoluted, often shifting relations between them and various other state and non-state actors. Chapter 2 examines the phenomenon of insurgent fragmentation within Afghanistan's Taliban and implications for the Afghan peace process. Chapter 3 reports on eight district-level studies on how the Taliban deliver services in areas of Afghanistan where they have control or dominance. Chapter 4 is based on first-hand research into the rise of Salafi-jihadism in urban areas of Afghanistan, a phenomenon that has supplied the Kabul cells of the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) with abundant recruits. Chapter 5 examines whether displaced persons in Afghanistan are more vulnerable to radicalisation and mobilisation to violence than groups that have not experienced displacement. On 12 September 2020, Afghan government and Taliban representatives officially met to begin inaugural direct peace negotiations in Doha, Qatar, a significant moment with potentially dramatic implications for the course of the Afghan conflict as reported in chapter 6. Chapter 7 analyses the September 2019 Afghan presidential election, focusing on questions related to access to the elections, the counting and vote invalidation process, and political trends compared to the 2018 parliamentary and 2014 presidential elections. Chapter 8 explores the dynamics underpinning the India-Pakistan rivalry in Afghanistan. The interests, fears, and strategies of New Delhi and Islamabad are situated within the context of the Afghan war, developments in Kashmir, terrorism, and proxy violence. Chapter 9 analyses the special immigrant visa (SIV) classifications for Iraqis and Afghans within the context of both the larger Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) special immigrant category and selected other permanent admissions categories.
Nova Science Publishers Inc ABCs of Microbiology
This book contains over 1200 multiple choice questions based on biochemistry, environmental microbiology, microbial genetics, general microbiology, cell biology, industrial microbiology, immunology and mycology. As most modern evaluations in science are based on multiple choice questions, this book provides a valuable resource for those studying microbiology and related fields.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Pharmacological Guide to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive source of information regarding NSAIDs in detail. NSAIDs are widely used and prescribed to all age groups. This book represents a new approach for undergraduate and post-graduate medical students of all specialties. The book was written in simple and easily understandable language for everyone. This book is mainly focused on NSAIDs and related topics like mechanism and pharmacological actions, adverse drug reactions, fixed dose combinations, poisoning of overdose, usage in neurological conditions, geriatrics, paediatrics and pregnancy, NSAID-induced gastropathy and nephropathy, NSAIDs in oncology, pharmacogenomics, and in COVID. Their use is associated with a vast spectrum of adverse drug effects, so drug selection is crucial in various conditions. Each chapter of the book presents the pharmacology of NSAIDs in the framework of biochemical, physiologic or pathophysiological systems. Each topic provides an understanding of the basic concepts of NSAIDs on already existing and on newer drugs and their pharmacological use in various organ systems at different age groups. Updated and recent information including the use of NSAIDs in COVID has been added. Detailed drug information in aspects of drug selection and its contraindications as per patients' disease status and updated approaches in newer clinical perspectives were included. Diagrams, tables, and flowcharts are included to make the concepts easier to understand. At the end of each chapter, useful references are added for further reading.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Afghanistan: The Afghan Papers, Troop Levels and Lessons Learned
The United States has been in Afghanistan for almost 19 years. It is the longest war in the history of the United States. The mission of U.S. forces in Afghanistan has evolved considerably since 2001, when the United States initiated military action against Al Qaeda and the Taliban government that protected the group in the wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks. The United States needs to decide whether to continue America's longest war and what the mission in Afghanistan is today.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Washington the Soldier
Looking to the general trend of Washington's military career, it is emphasised, throughout the volume, that the moral, religious, and patriotic motives that energised his life and shaped his character were so absolutely interwoven with the fibre of his professional experiences, that the soul of the Man magnified the greatness of the Soldier.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Social Media in the 21st Century: Perspectives, Influences and Effects on Well-Being
There can be no doubt that social media has fundamentally transformed how people relate to each other and navigate the social environment of the contemporary era. While social media makes it easier than ever before for people to connect, it can also lead to negative effects on mental health and well-being, as it facilitates social comparison which, ironically, can leave people feeling more isolated and detached. Chapter One of this book explores how social movement actors utilise Instagram to deliver complex political messages and discusses the importance of understanding the possibilities and dangers of social media's influence on political reality. Chapter Two analyses online social comparison from a social psychological perspective and highlights the differences between its occurrence in face-to-face and social media contexts, as well as the implications for mental health. Chapter Three focuses on the influence of Instagram upon millennials' purchase intention via celebrity endorsement and other Instagram visuals, particularly in connection with the use of colour and the visual attractiveness of celebrities. Lastly, Chapter Four addresses the semiotic aspects of Instagram by comparing a typical semiotic communication model to Instagram's communication model and explaining design aspects of Instagram's model.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Italy, The Magic Land
Italy, the Magic Land is a descriptive travelogue written by Lilian Whiting.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Punica granatum: Cultivation, Properties and Health Benefits
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is an ancient fruit estimated to be introduced to human cultures around the world about 4000 years ago. It is native to Central Asia, from Iran and Turkmenistan to northern India regions, and is widely cultivated in Mediterranean, tropical and subtropical regions. The highest-quality pomegranate is grown in arid zones because it is tolerant to drought conditions. It is well known to humans for its nutritional, curative, and ornamental values. About 75% of individuals from developed countries use pomegranate in traditional medicine. Punica granatum: Cultivation, Properties and Health Benefits is an attempt to bring together important research work, literature, and scientific findings regarding Punica granatum L. This book aims to feature the medicinal importance of this plant and its journey from folk medicine to modern medicine. This book compiles various medical studies of pomegranate for treatment of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, bacterial infections, ischemia, male infertility, arthritis, obesity, and skin diseases. It is reported to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. The use of pomegranate as a natural source of medicine has steadily increased around the world in recent years.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume- 1895-1899)
The ultimate meaning of the Russian Revolution which took place on March 7, 1917, can be best understood through the pages of the Journal of Leo Tolstoi which is here printed. The spiritual qualities which make up the mind and personality of Tolstoi are the spiritual qualities which make up the new era among men which is being waged so painfully and so uncompromisingly on the soil of Russia. One holds the key to the other, for no land but Russia could have produced a Tolstoi, and in no land but Russia could Tolstoi have been so embraced and so absorbed.