Search results for ""author george"
Museum Tusculanum Press Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 16
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies is the central publication for the study of two closely related languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B. Found in many Buddhist manuscripts from central Asia, Tocharian dates back to the second half of the first millennium of the Common Era, though it was not discovered until the twentieth century. Focusing on both philological and linguistic aspects of this language, Tocharian and Indo-European Studies also looks at it in relationship to other Indo-European languages.
Museum Tusculanum Press Tocharian and Indo-European Studies, Volume 15
Edizioni Terra Santa Contemplative Nel Mondo: Una Nuova Idea Di Vita Consacrata
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bedeutende Lehrerfiguren: Von Platon bis Hasan al-Banna
Dieser Sammelband geht auf eine Vorlesungsreihe zurück, welche das Forschungszentrum "Bildung und Religion (EDRIS)" der Universität Göttingen ausgerichtet hat. In 12 Einzelbeiträgen beleuchtet er das Themenfeld von Bildung und Religion anhand bedeutender Lehrer, von denen die meisten während der Zeit des frühen römischen Kaiserreichs bis zur klassischen Periode des Islam (1.-13. Jh. n. Chr.) wirkten. Vorgestellt werden Lehrerpersönlichkeiten wie etwa Platon, Jesus, Plutarch, Flavius Josephus, Libanios, Proklos, Muhammad oder al-Farabi, die die Traditionsbereiche der griechisch-römischen Antike und der monotheistischen Religionen Judentum, Christentum und Islam geprägt haben oder von ihnen geprägt wurden. Zwei Beiträge, die aus der griechisch-römischen Antike und dem Islam thematisch eine Brücke in die Moderne schlagen und so die Weiterwirkung und bleibende Relevanz dieser Traditionen für die Gegenwart zeigen, schließen den Band ab.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Atmospharen
Voltaire Foundation Complete Works of Voltaire 146: Poesies attribuees a Voltaire
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Power of Social Innovation: How Civic Entrepreneurs Ignite Community Networks for Good
THE POWER of SOCIAL INNOVATION Civic leaders across the U.S. and throughout the world are discovering creative ways to overcome the obstacles that seal the doors of opportunity for too many. These inspiring individuals believe that within our communities lie the entrepreneurial spirit, compassion, and resources to make progress in such critical areas as education, housing, and economic self-reliance. Real progress requires that we take bold action and leverage our strengths for the greater good. The Power of Social Innovation offers public officials, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and individual citizens the insights and skills to create healthier communities and promote innovative solutions to public and social problems. This seminal work is based on Stephen Goldsmith's decades of experience, extensive ongoing research, and interviews with 100+ top leaders from a wide variety of sectors. Goldsmith shows that everyday citizens can themselves produce extraordinary social change. The book explores the levers and guiding principles used by champions of civic progress who drive new organizations, new interventions, or new policies to enhance social conditions. The Power of Social Innovation features illustrative case studies of change-oriented philanthropists, public officials, and civic leaders. While all collaborate across sectors, they run both start-ups and established organizations such as the New York City public schools, United Way of America, the United Negro College Fund, and Teach For America. The book shows the catalyzing role each plays in transforming a community's social service delivery systems. To complement the book's myriad tools and case studies,The Power of Social Innovation web site ( provides links to relevant Harvard research as well as additional helpful resources.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Risk Management And Value: Valuation And Asset Pricing
This book provides a comprehensive discussion of the issues related to risk, volatility, value and risk management. It includes a selection of the best papers presented at the Fourth International Finance Conference 2007, qualified by Professor James Heckman, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, as a “high level” one. The first half of the book examines ways to manage risk and compute value-at-risk for exchange risk associated to debt portfolios and portfolios of equity. It also covers the Basel II framework implementation and securitisation. The effects of volatility and risk on the valuation of financial assets are further studied in detail.The second half of the book is dedicated to the banking industry, banking competition on the credit market, banking risk and distress, market valuation, managerial risk taking, and value in the ICT activity. With its inclusion of new concepts and recent literature, academics and risk managers will want to read this book.
Zone Books The Normal and the Pathological
Les Belles Lettres Ovide, Les Metamorphoses: Tome III: Livres XI-XV
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Oeuvres Completes Tome II: Ecrits de Medecine Et de Philosophie: Les Theses
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials under Extreme Loadings: Application to Penetration and Impact
This book presents recent and cutting edge advances in our understanding of key aspects of the response of materials under extreme loads that take place during high velocity impact and penetration. The focus of the content is on the numerous challenges associated with characterization and modeling of complex interactions that occur during these highly dynamic events. The following specific topics, among others, are addressed: characterization of material behavior under extreme loadings (estimate of damage, effects related to moisture contents, large pressures, large strain rates, etc.); measurement of microstructural changes associated with damage and mesoscopic scale modeling; macroscopic modeling, using the framework of the theory of viscoplasticity and damage; modeling and simulation of localization, cracking, and dynamic fragmentation of materials; application to penetration mechanics and trajectory instabilities. The book gathers together selected papers based on work presented as invited lectures at the 2nd US-France symposium held on 28-30 May 2008 in Rocamadour, France. The conference was organized by Eric Buzaud (DGA, Centre d'Études de Gramat) under the auspices of the International Center for Applied Computational Mechanics (ICACM).
Museum Tusculanum Press Tocharian and Indo-European Studies Volume 13
PIE - Peter Lang François-Xavier Ortoli Et l'Europe: Réflexion Et Action
Class Publishing Ltd Primary Care for Paramedics
As the demand for primary healthcare in the UK increases, a growing number of paramedics are taking on roles within general practice. Moving into a new area of practice can be daunting, but with this manual at your side, you will have the knowledge and confidence to approach any patient consultation in primary care. Written and edited by over 20 clinicians within paramedicine and primary care, this essential reference text sets out the core clinical skills expected for paramedics in primary care. Alongside a comprehensive range of topics related to primary care, including assessment, diagnosis, investigations and management of a number of different presentations, it also covers aspects of consultation techniques, decision making and professional issues. Clinical chapters are concluded with case studies to help put theory into the context of the primary care setting and consolidate learning. Exploring the scope of the paramedic role and its fundamentals within the world of primary care, this is a clinical reference for paramedics already practising in primary care, whilst also equipping prospective paramedics with the required theoretical underpinning and context necessary to build meaningful knowledge and understanding in this field.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Oeuvres Completes Tome V: Histoire Des Sciences, Epistemologie, Commemorations 1966-1995
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Introduction a la Theologie Musulmane: Essai de Theologie Comparee
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 5: Dynamics of a Set of Solids
The final volume in the Non-deformable Solid Mechanics set, Movement Equations 5 deals with the dynamics of sets of solids. This volume provides the appropriate mathematical tools (torsor calculus and matrix calculus) to obtain and solve the equations of motion for a chain of solids. These equations are then used to acquire the information necessary for the design of mechanical systems. Also examined are the vibratory behavior of continuous (deformable) systems, rigid and deformable solids, and sets of several solids. The book concludes with a study of the response of an excited system as a function of the excitation frequency. Accompanied by detailed examples, this book is aimed primarily at students, but would also serve as a valuable support for working engineers and teacher-researchers.
Africa World Press The State And Democracy In Africa
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Sociobiologie versus socio-écologie: les enjeux d'un débat en suspens
Peeters Publishers Matrices, Etymons, Racines: Elements D'une Theorie Lexicologique Du Vocabulaire Arabe
Bilitere, trilitere, quadrilitere, quiquilitere voir sextilitere - en chamito-semitique, ou, si l'on prefere, en afro-asiatique - y aurait-il un "primitif", un "nucleaire", "un pole premier"? OA' serait-il? Comment l'isoler? Y aurait-il un criterium "objectif" qui puisse inflechir l'option du theoricien de l'analyse lexicologique? Voila une lice oA' l'on voit se contrer, s'opposer, se brocarder, se vilipender meme les tenants d'une position ou improuvable ou reductionniste depuis le Moyen-Age - grammairiens orientaux et orientalistes occidentaux, les seconds ignorant parfois les arguments les plus subtils des premiers - si engages dans une impasse epistemologique si flagrante qu'il est de bon ton de ne pas chercher a en sortir. Aussi le mieux informe, qui serait peut-etre le plus blase sur pareille question, doute que puisse etre applicable a un corpus lexical - mettons d'une langue semitique - une analyse rigoureuse qui fasse emerger un criterium formalisable touchant une strate de l'analyse de la langue oA' il est sage que nul ne se risque de s'aventurer: la lexicogenese. L'histoire des theories grammaticales orientalistes etant maitrisee, ce "criterium" innovant les depasserait, sans les nier, il s'en faut: il les integre. Par contre, le cote fallacieux, confortable, reductionniste, sinon agressif, des theories des Occidentaux, a partir du XXeme siecle est ici pour le moins souligne, l'angle d'attaque marquant la fragilite de ces idees toutes faites etant, on le verra, la phonologie, en ce qu'elle est achronique, intemporelle et dure a torder par les ideologies, et, pire que tout, feconde et explicative. Au diligent lecteur de juger si cet essai fournit une matiere coherente a un paradigme nouveau. Si ce dernier est fecond, il ira de soi et s'appliquera, fut-ce a des langues dont le corpus lexical est moins plethorique que celui de l'arabe. Tel est le pari de cette recherche.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne Des Oeuvres D'Aphraate Le Syrien, II: V.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne des Oeuvres d'Aphraate le Syrien, I: V.
Igela Argitaletxea Gauzak
Editions Heimdal La Bataille Du Cotentin
From the bridgehead sector Sainte Mere Eglise and Utah Beach, the Americans crossed the Merderet at speed, taking Picauville on June 10. The advance slowed with the checking of the 90th Infantry Division before the storming of Pont l'Abbé on the 12th and Saint-Sauveur le Vicomte on the 16th. Two days later, they cut through the Cotentin up to Barneville and headed back northward towards Cherbourg. The book breaks new ground with many period photographs in the series "Normandy 1944". French Language
Editions Heimdal Objectif Saint-Lô: 12–18 Juillet 1944
The German army occupied the town of Saint-Lô on 17 June 1940. Being a strategic crossroads, Saint-Lô was almost totally destroyed (95% according to common estimates) during the Battle of Normandy in World War II, earning the title of "The Capital of the Ruins" from Samuel Beckett; it was even questioned whether to rebuild it or to leave the ruins intact as a testimony to the bombing. A detailed and vivid photo history, packed with rare photographs, some in colour, this is an invaluable reference tool to any modeller, historian or enthusiast on one of the most devastating battles in history. French Language
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Livre de la Vie Macrobiotique Avec Une Methode d'Education
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Sens Du Sens
Librairie generale francaise La colere de Maigret
Le Livre de poche Maigret et les braves gens
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Press Amazing Omeo: A Baby Koala's True Story of Survival
Alfred Music Habanera From Carmen Eighth Note Publications
Sourcebooks Casablanca Arabella
Alfred Music Legende: Part(s)
Sourcebooks, Inc Pistols for Two: And Other Stories
Sourcebooks, Inc Cousin Kate
Sourcebooks, Inc Regency Buck
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Twenty Melodies MezzoSoprano or Baritone Twenty of Bizets BestKnown Songs German Language Edition Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Play That Tune Book 4
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Das Blau des Himmels