Search results for ""terrain""
Peeters Publishers Etudes Ougaritiques III
Les Etudes ougaritiques III, volume XXI de la serie Ras Shamra - Ougarit, est un ouvrage collectif - rassemblant les contributions de vingt-huit auteurs. Les etudes presentees portent sur les deux sites voisins de Ras Shamra et Ras Ibn Hani, localises sur le littoral syrien a quelques kilometres au nord de la ville de Lattaquie. Une premiere partie comporte quinze textes relatifs a des recherches menees dans le cadre de la Mission archeologique syro-francaise de Ras Shamra - Ougarit (Ministere francais des Affaires etrangeres, Direction generale des Antiquites et des Musees de Syrie). Les resultats portent principalement sur l'age du Bronze et, pour l'essentiel, sur la periode du Bronze recent. Ils concernent, d'une part, des travaux de terrain (etudes de plusieurs batiments et d'amenagements hydrauliques, analyses des techniques de construction) et, d'autre part, des etudes du materiel archeologique et epigraphique, avec la presentation de pieces inedites, provenant des fouilles en cours ainsi que de l'exploration ancienne du tell de Ras Shamra et du site de Minet el-Beida. Dans une seconde partie, quatre articles portent sur Ras Ibn Hani. Le premier presente les resultats d'un sondage menee a Ibn Hani en 1987, qui a permis de mettre en evidence une occupation du Bronze ancien dans le secteur. Puis, trois rapports preliminaires relatifs a la campagne de fouille, menee en 2011 par la Direction generale des Antiquites et des Musees de Syrie sur le site de Ras Ibn Hani, apportent de nouvelles donnees sur l'occupation de ce secteur, du Bronze recent a l'epoque byzantine.
Peeters Publishers Langues et Cultures: Terrains D'Afrique. Hommage a France Cloarec-Heiss
Le present volume reunit sur le theme des langues et des cultures de l'Afrique actuelle et passee, un ensemble de contributions originales, offertes en hommage a France Cloarec-Heiss, linguiste, africaniste, ancien directeur du LLACAN ("Langage, Langues et cultures d'Afrique Noire").Vingt-sept articles s'articulent en quatre sections:1. A propos du bandaMusique (Sylvie Le Bomin), emprunts lexicaux (Yves Monino, Guillaume Segerer), morphologie des personnels (Konstantin Pozdniakov).2. Outils et methodeOutils informatiques (Christian Chanard & Jeanne Zerner), methodologie de l'enquete (Stephane Robert).3. Langue, culture, histoireTermes d'adresse en kasim (Emilio Bonvini), expression de l'esthetique en dioula (Jean Derive), terminologie grammaticale en afar (Didier Morin), rapports oral/ecrit en ancien egyptien (Elsa Oreal) et en zoulou (Alain Ricard), devinettes gbaya (Paulette Roulon-Doko), mythe d'origine tupuri (Suzanne Ruelland), prone religieux peul (Christiane Seydou), glissements semantiques en afro-asiatique (Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle), histoire et critique des sources a propos du kotoko (Henry Tourneux).4. Linguistique descriptiveDefense et illustration de la description (Raymond Boyd), logophorique yakoma (Pascal Boyeldieu), notes linguistiques luri (Bernard Caron) et mankon (Jacqueline Leroy), adjectif sango (Marcel Didi-Kidiri), homonymie syntaxique en bambara (Gerard Dumestre), relatives et "tu" generique en samba leko (Gwenaelle Fabre), verbe bongo (Pierre Nougayrol) et ikwere (Sylvester Osu), decryptage lexical en meroitique (Claude Rilly), phonetique et phonologie du bedja (Martine Vanhove).Au-dela de leur variete thematique, ces travaux manifeste un meme interet pour la langue, moyen d'echange, marque d'identite et mode d'expression de cultures specifiques. Comme tels, ils portent temoignage d'une tradition de la recherche africaniste qui voit dans l'approche de terrain le fondement indispensable de ses analyses.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Virus and the Host: Protect Yourself from Infectious Disease by Reducing Toxicity, Improving Immunity, and Minimizing Chronic Illness
Learn how to take control of your health – and decrease susceptibility to infectious viral disease before it strikes. In The Virus and the Host, naturopathic doctor Chris Chlebowski, teaches readers how to take control of their health – and decrease susceptibility to infectious viral disease, such as COVID-19, before it strikes. The book demonstrates how robust health, good immunity, low inflammation, low toxic burden and freedom from stealth infection and chronic disease is our best defence against infectious viral disease. Dr. Chlebowski contends we need to take better care of our health before disaster strikes: improving our diets, losing weight, exercising and managing stress. The way our bodies interact with infectious disease is complicated – both a function of the “germ” (virus) and the “terrain” (host). In Part 1 of The Virus and the Host, Dr. Chlebowski describes emerging science on the virome as well as how toxic exposure, chronic inflammation, stealth infections and chronic diseases interact and predispose us to poor outcomes from acute viral infection. As we move forward from the tragedy that was COVID-19, it is essential that we come together to learn from our mistakes and work hard – and work together – to prevent a similar crisis, or worse, in the future. It is likely we will see more pandemics in the next decade. When we do, we need to be better prepared. Now is the time to do something and it is the best investment we can make so that when – not if – the next “big one” hits we can keep our loved ones and ourselves safe and healthy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Affluence and Freedom: An Environmental History of Political Ideas
In this pathbreaking book, Pierre Charbonnier opens up a new intellectual terrain: an environmental history of political ideas. His aim is not to locate the seeds of ecological thought in the history of political ideas as others have done, but rather to show that all political ideas, whether or not they endorse ecological ideals, are informed by a certain conception of our relationship to the Earth and to our environment. The fundamental political categories of modernity were founded on the idea that we could improve on nature, that we could exert a decisive victory over its excesses and claim unlimited access to earthly resources. In this way, modern thinkers imagined a political society of free individuals, equal and prosperous, alongside the development of industry geared towards progress and liberated from the Earth’s shackles. Yet this pact between democracy and growth has now been called into question by climate change and the environmental crisis. It is therefore our duty today to rethink political emancipation, bearing in mind that this can no longer draw on the prospect of infinite growth promised by industrial capitalism. Ecology must draw on the power harnessed by nineteenth-century socialism to respond to the massive impact of industrialization, but it must also rethink the imperative to offer protection to society by taking account of the solidarity of social groups and their conditions in a world transformed by climate change. This timely and original work of social and political theory will be of interest to a wide readership in politics, sociology, environmental studies and the social sciences and humanities generally.
New York University Press Growing Up Queer: Kids and the Remaking of LGBTQ Identity
LGBTQ kids reveal what it’s like to be young and queer today Growing Up Queer explores the changing ways that young people are now becoming LGBT-identified in the US. Through interviews and three years of ethnographic research at an LGBTQ youth drop-in center, Mary Robertson focuses on the voices and stories of youths themselves in order to show how young people understand their sexual and gender identities, their interest in queer media, and the role that family plays in their lives. The young people who participated in this research are among the first generation to embrace queer identities as children and adolescents. This groundbreaking and timely consideration of queer identity demonstrates how sexual and gender identities are formed through complicated, ambivalent processes as opposed to being natural characteristics that one is born with. In addition to showing how youth understand their identities, Growing Up Queer describes how young people navigate queerness within a culture where being gay is the “new normal.” Using Sara Ahmed’s concept of queer orientation, Robertson argues that being queer is not just about one’s sexual and/or gender identity, but is understood through intersecting identities including race, class, ability, and more. By showing how society accepts some kinds of LGBTQ-identified people while rejecting others, Growing Up Queer provides evidence of queerness as a site of social inequality. The book moves beyond an oversimplified examination of teenage sexuality and shows, through the voices of young people themselves, the exciting yet complicated terrain of queer adolescence.
Chronicle Books Lowriders to the Rescue
A changing planet means new problems - and new friends - for nuestros amigos favoritos! Meet Lupe, a whip-smart impala with a flair for mechanics Flapjack, a sweet young octopus who can shine up anything with his eight gleaming tentacles and Elirio, a thoughtful mosquito who's fascinated with words and determined to become an artist. What do all three have in common? A love of lowriders - and a passion for solving problems! Nothing is normal in the little town where the Lowriders live. To start, Flappy can't see a thing! He keeps mistaking fire hydrants for sailors and laundry for love interests. Even more worrying, the Upscale Business Association is determined to make more money than ever by tearing down local shops in favor of a brand-new development for wealthy landowners. Most disconcerting of all, the monarchs who usually migrate through town at this time of year are nowhere to be found. But when Sokar, a beautiful young monarch, bikes into town with a broken wing, she has scary news to report: A dangerous wildfire is burning fast and hot and nonstop, leaving the monarchs stranded. Might Sokar and Flappy have more in common than meets the goggles? How can the Lowriders save their town? And exactly how powerful is passion in the face of an overheated planet's furious flames? Humor, Spanish, and lowriders come together in this rollicking journey through the bumpy terrain of new friends, climate change, and standing up for what you believe in. ¡Vamonos!
Fordham University Press Throwing the Moral Dice: Ethics and the Problem of Contingency
More than a purely philosophical problem, straddling the ambivalent terrain between necessity and impossibility, contingency has become the very horizon of everyday life. Often used as a synonym for the precariousness of working conditions under neoliberalism, for the unknown threats posed by terrorism, or for the uncertain future of the planet itself, contingency needs to be calculated and controlled in the name of the protection of life. The overcoming of contingency is not only called upon to justify questionable mechanisms of political control; it serves as a central legitimating factor for Enlightenment itself. In this volume, nine major philosophers and theorists address a range of questions around contingency and moral philosophy. How can we rethink contingency in its creative aspects, outside the dominant rhetoric of risk and dangerous exposure? What is the status of contingency—as the unnecessary and law-defying—in or for ethics? What would an alternative “ethics of contingency”—one that does not simply attempt to sublate it out of existence—look like? The volume tackles the problem contingency has always posed to both ethical theory and dialectics: that of difference itself, in the difficult mediation between the particular and the universal, same and other, the contingent singularity of the event and the necessary generality of the norms and laws. From deconstruction to feminism to ecological thought, some of today’s most influential thinkers reshape many of the most debated concepts in moral philosophy: difference, agency, community, and life itself. Contributors: Étienne Balibar, Rosi Braidotti, Thomas Claviez, Drucilla Cornell, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Viola Marchi, Michael Naas, Cary Wolfe, Slavoj Žižek
Duke University Press Displacing Whiteness: Essays in Social and Cultural Criticism
Displacing Whiteness makes a unique contribution to the study of race dominance. Its theoretical innovations in the analysis of whiteness are integrated with careful, substantive explorations of whiteness on an international, multiracial, cross-class, and gendered terrain. Contributors localize whiteness, as well as explore its sociological, anthropological, literary, and political dimensions.Approaching whiteness as a plural rather than singular concept, the essays describe, for instance, African American, Chicana/o, European American, and British experiences of whiteness. The contributors offer critical readings of theory, literature, film and popular culture; ethnographic analyses; explorations of identity formation; and examinations of racism and political process. Essays examine the alarming epidemic of angry white men on both sides of the Atlantic; far-right electoral politics in the UK; underclass white people in Detroit; whiteness in "brownface" in the film Gandhi; the engendering of whiteness in Chicana/o movement discourses; "whiteface" literature; Roland Barthes as a critic of white consciousness; whiteness in the black imagination; the inclusion and exclusion of suburban "brown-skinned white girls"; and the slippery relationships between culture, race, and nation in the history of whiteness. Displacing Whiteness breaks new ground by specifying how whiteness is lived, engaged, appropriated, and theorized in a range of geographical locations and historical moments, representing a necessary advance in analytical thinking surrounding the burgeoning study of race and culture.Contributors. Rebecca Aanerud, Angie Chabram-Dernersesian, Phil Cohen, Ruth Frankenberg, John Hartigan Jr., bell hooks, T. Muraleedharan, Chéla Sandoval, France Winddance Twine, Vron Ware, David Wellman
Princeton University Press The One Hundred Circle Farm
A powerful photographic survey of the impact of irrigation systems on the landscape of the United StatesIn The One Hundred Circle Farm, renowned photographer Emmet Gowin (b. 1941) presents stunning aerial images of center-pivot irrigation systems in the western and midwestern United States. This type of farming involves a method of watering crops in which equipment rotates around a centrally drilled well, creating enormous, distinct circles of irrigated land, often in the midst of dry terrain. Anyone who has taken a cross-country flight has likely seen countless acres of these iconic symbols of industrial agriculture. Through a faithful yet personal photographic survey, Gowin’s powerful images not only bear witness to the ambitions humans wield in shaping the landscape, but also attest to how such primal elements—circles, pivots, and lines—symbolize water depletion and the fragile environment.The stark photographic compositions, more than one hundred in all, were created over eight years. Fields resemble lost civilizations; crops gape like strange new suns. Hauntingly beautiful, the images highlight Earth’s nourishing geology, visual evidence of our labors. Inscribed onto the earth, these lines are reminders of the technology extracting unimaginable amounts of water that cannot be replaced, and raise questions about what large-scale irrigation must answer for when the water runs out.With an afterword by anthropologist Lucas Bessire discussing the history and impact of pivot irrigation on American farming, The One Hundred Circle Farm stands as a poetic visual record, evidence of the tenuous connections between human enterprise and our planet’s most precious resource.
University of California Press Dedication to Hunger: The Anorexic Aesthetic in Modern Culture
Writing as a competitive athlete, an academic, and a woman, Leslie Heywood merges personal history and scholarship to expose the "anorexic logic" that underlies Western high culture. She maneuvers deftly across the terrain of modern literature, illustrating how this logic—the privileging of mind over body, of hard over soft, of masculine over feminine—is at the heart of the modernist style. Her argument ranges from Plato to women's bodybuilding, from Franz Kafka to Nike ads. In penetrating examinations of Kafka, Pound, Eliot, William Carlos Williams, and Conrad, Heywood demonstrates how the anorexic aesthetic is embodied in high modernism. In a compelling chapter on Jean Rhys, Heywood portrays an author who struggles to develop a clean, spare, "anorexic" style in the midst of a shatteringly messy emotional life. As Heywood points out, students are trained in the aesthetic of high modernism, and academics are pressured into its straitjacket. The resulting complications are reflected in structures as diverse as gender identity formation, sexual harassment, and eating disorders. Direct, engaging, and intensely informed by the author's personal involvement with her subject, Dedication to Hunger offers a powerful challenge to cultural assumptions about language, gender, subjectivity, and identity. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1996.
Cornerstone My Age of Anxiety
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER and SHORTLISTED FOR THE WELLCOME BOOK PRIZE 2015 As recently as thirty-five years ago, anxiety did not exist as a diagnostic category. Today, it is the most common form of officially classified mental illness. Scott Stossel gracefully guides us across the terrain of an affliction that is pervasive yet too often misunderstood.Drawing on his own long-standing battle with anxiety, Stossel presents an astonishing history, at once intimate and authoritative, of the efforts to understand the condition from medical, cultural, philosophical and experiential perspectives. He ranges from the earliest medical reports of Galen and Hippocrates, through later observations by Robert Burton and Søren Kierkegaard, to the investigations by great nineteenth-century scientists, such as Charles Darwin, William James and Sigmund Freud, as they began to explore its sources and causes, to the latest research by neuroscientists and geneticists. Stossel reports on famous individuals who struggled with anxiety, as well as the afflicted generations of his own family. His portrait of anxiety reveals not only the emotion’s myriad manifestations and the anguish it produces, but also the countless psychotherapies, medications and other (often outlandish) treatments that have been developed to counteract it. Stossel vividly depicts anxiety’s human toll – its crippling impact, its devastating power to paralyse – while at the same time exploring how those who suffer from it find ways to manage and control it.My Age of Anxiety is learned and empathetic, humorous and inspirational, offering the reader great insight into the biological, cultural and environmental factors that contribute to the affliction.
Permuted Press Ranger School: Discipline, Direction, Determination
From Jimmy Blackmon, author of Pale Horse: Hunting Terrorists and Commanding Heroes with the 101st Airborne Division and Cowboys Over Iraq: Leadership from the Saddle, comes a blow by blow account of his journey through the most challenging leadership and small tactics course in the world—U.S. Army Ranger School.Through colorful dialogue and vivid storytelling for which Jimmy Blackmon has been praised, the reader will take a journey through Ranger School. From the nervous anticipation leading up to the course, to the extreme pain and suffering Ranger School demands, Jimmy shares the feelings and emotions that accompany extreme sleep and food deprivation. Furthermore, he shares what he learned about himself along the way. Before you can lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself. Ranger School is designed to replicate the extreme nature of combat in a multitude of environments. The attrition rate is over 50 percent. Every ranger student experiences a low moment where they want to quit and walk away. Jimmy openly shares how he dealt with extreme hunger, exhaustion, below freezing temperatures, and ultimately, a desire to quit and end the suffering. The reader will be fascinated, not only with what one must go through to attain the coveted Ranger tab, but at how ranger students deal with such harsh environments—many times in very humorous ways. Despite all the aforementioned challenges, Ranger students must lead one another on complex missions in harsh terrain in order to succeed. How to motivate, inspire, and lead in such an extreme environment is powerful and will appeal to leaders of all types and in all industries.
Monacelli Press Nice House
This handsome collection of 30 congenial, livable houses will be an invaluable resource for those considering building a house and an inspiration to all who admire good design. “White's project descriptions are lucid, brief and hype-free, and they come stocked with floor plans. He describes terrain contours, materials and palette choices and circulation patterns…This is a practical yet mouthwatering and aspirational study of architects helping people honor the streetscape, keep properties saleable and upgrade their home life by several respectable notches.” - Period Homes “What makes a house nice? Architect Samuel G. White tells us: Nice houses aren’t too big or too formal. They are neighborly, with harmonious proportions. They have inviting spots in which to read a book, take a nap or cook.” - New York Newsday This is a book of houses where we all would like to live. The locations are diverse - New England, Long Island, Pennsylvania, California - and the architecture encompasses both traditional and contemporary vocabulary. What links them is their livable scale and the architect’s commitment to creating congenial spaces with a handsome and functional design. They are unassuming dwellings whose architecture moves easily to the background, supporting comfortable furniture, works of art from a variety of periods and styles, and the plantings and outdoor spaces that are essential to the composition. These houses display grace and style inside and out. They invite a full range of activities from formal to informal, from celebration to repose, from a solitary existence to a house full of children or guests. These houses have good places to read a book or write a letter, to take a nap, and to cook and eat with family and friends.
National Geographic Society Frances Mayes Always Italy: An Illustrated Grand Tour
The world's most beloved expert on la dolce vita takes readers along on the ultimate insider's tour of little-known gems, off-the-beaten path destinations, and one-of-a kind experiences across all 20 of Italy's iconic regions in this lavishly illustrated and gift-worthy guide. This lush guide, featuring more than 400 glorious photographs from National Geographic, showcases the best Italy has to offer from the perspective of two women who have spent their lives reveling in its unique joys. In these illuminating pages, Frances Mayes, the author of Under the Tuscan Sun and many other bestsellers, and New York Times travel writer Ondine Cohane reveal an Italy that only the locals know, filled with top destinations and unforgettable travel experiences in every region. From the colorful coastline of Cinque Terre and the quiet ports of the Aeolian Islands to the Renaissance architecture of Florence and the best pizza in Rome, every section features insider secrets and off-the-beaten-path recommendations--for example, a little restaurant in Piedmont known for its tajarin, a pasta made from 30 egg yolks that is the perfect bed for the region's celebrated truffles. Here are the best places to stay, eat, and tour, paired with the rich history of each city, hillside town, and unique terrain. Along the way, you'll make stops at the country's hidden gems--art galleries, local restaurants, little-known hiking trails, spas, and premier spots for R&R. Inspiring and utterly unique, this vivid treasury--each page a microcosm of this magical place--is a must-have for anyone who wants to experience the best of Italy.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Modern Girl's Guide to Life, Revised Edition
This newly revised and updated edition to Jane Buckingham's phenomenal bestselling guide to modern life for young women now contains all of the latest information on online dating, exercise trends, social media etiquette, and healthy eating. With information on entertaining, etiquette, housekeeping, basic home repair, decorating, sex, and beauty, The Modern Girl's Guide to Life became a sensational bestseller as young women everywhere discovered this indispensable book had everything they should know-but might not! Now in this revised edition to the classic bestseller, style maven Jane Buckingham reveals more of the helpful tips and secrets that get passed on from generation to generation, but many of us have somehow missed. Full of practical, definitive advice on the basics-the day-to-day necessities like finding a bra that fits, balancing a checkbook, making a decent cup of coffee, and hemming a pair of pants, The Modern Girl's Guide to Life Revised Edition includes new topics such as: * Social media 101: where you should and shouldn't be online * Online dating: should you, shouldn't you, and how can you find the right guy * The do's and don'ts of sexting * Online flash sales: are you really saving? * Tips & tricks for eating organic, shopping at Farmer's markets, and juicing safely * Updated recipes * How to find the exercise that's right for you * Interview etiquette: everything from what to wear to what to say * Updated financial section * ...and more! Modern Girl guru Jane Buckingham includes loads of savvy counsel to help us feel more refined, in charge, and together as we navigate the rocky terrain that is twenty-first-century womanhood.
University of Pennsylvania Press Liquid Landscape: Geography and Settlement at the Edge of Early America
In Florida, land and water frequently change places with little warning, dissolving homes and communities along with the very concepts of boundaries themselves. While Florida's landscape of saturated swamps, shifting shorelines, coral reefs, and tiny keys initially impeded familiar strategies of early U.S. settlement, such as the establishment of fixed dwellings, sturdy fences, and cultivated fields, over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Americans learned to inhabit Florida's liquid landscape in unconventional but no less transformative ways. In Liquid Landscape, Michele Currie Navakas analyzes the history of Florida's incorporation alongside the development of new ideas of personhood, possession, and political identity within American letters. From early American novels, travel accounts, and geography textbooks, to settlers' guides, maps, natural histories, and land surveys, early American culture turned repeatedly to Florida's shifting lands and waters, as well as to its itinerant enclaves of Native Americans, Spaniards, pirates, and runaway slaves. This preoccupation with Floridian terrain and populations, argues Navakas, reveals a deep American concern with the challenges of settling a region so exceptional in topography, geography, and demography. Navakas reads a vast archive of popular, literary, and reference texts spanning Revolution to Reconstruction, including works by William Bartram, James Fenimore Cooper, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, to uncover an alternative history of American possession, one that did not descend exclusively, or even primarily, from the more familiar legal, political, and philosophical conceptions of American land as enduring, solid, and divisible. The shifting southern edge of early America produced a new language of settlement, belonging, territory, and sovereignty, and that language would ultimately transform how people all across the rapidly changing continent imagined the making of U.S. nation and empire.
Cornell University Press Corporate Wasteland: The Landscape and Memory of Deindustrialization
Deindustrialization is not simply an economic process, but a social and cultural one as well. The rusting detritus of our industrial past—the wrecked hulks of factories, abandoned machinery too large to remove, and now-useless infrastructures—has for decades been a part of the North American landscape. In recent years, however, these modern ruins have become cultural attractions, drawing increasing numbers of adventurers, artists, and those curious about a forgotten heritage.Through a unique blend of oral history, photographs, and interpretive essays, Corporate Wasteland investigates this fascinating terrain and the phenomenon of its loss and rediscovery. Steven High and David W. Lewis begin by exploring an emerging aesthetic they term the deindustrial sublime, explaining how the ritualized demolition of landmark industrial structures served as dramatic punctuations between changing eras. They then follow the narrative path blazed by urban spelunkers, explorers who infiltrate former industrial sites and then share accounts and images of their exploits in a vibrant online community. And to understand the ways in which geographic and emotional proximity affects how deindustrialization is remembered and represented, High and Lewis focus on Youngstown, Ohio, where residents and former steelworkers still live amid the reminders of more prosperous times. Corporate Wasteland concludes with photo essays of sites in Michigan, Ontario, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania that pair haunting images with the poignant testimonies of those who remember industrial sites as workplaces rather than monuments. Forcing readers to look beyond nostalgia, High and Lewis reinterpret our deindustrialized landscape as a historical and imaginative challenge to the ways in which we comprehend and respond to the profound disruptions wrought by globalization.
Yale University Press Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell In and Out of Love with Vladimir Putin
A lively, inside account of Putin’s years of rule and the impending crisis that threatens his tsar-like regime “A beautifully written and very lively study of Russia that argues that the political order created by Vladimir Putin is stagnating—undermined by corruption and a failure to modernise economically.”—Gideon Rachman, Financial Times “Ben Judah, a young freelance writer, paints a more journalistic—and more passionate—picture in Fragile Empire. He shuttles to and fro across Russia’s vast terrain, finding criminals, liars, fascists and crooked politicians, as well as the occasional saintly figure.”—The Economist From Kaliningrad on the Baltic to the Russian Far East, journalist Ben Judah has travelled throughout Russia and the former Soviet republics, conducting extensive interviews with President Vladimir Putin’s friends, foes, and colleagues, government officials, business tycoons, mobsters, and ordinary Russian citizens. Fragile Empire is the fruit of Judah’s thorough research: a probing assessment of Putin’s rise to power and what it has meant for Russia and her people. Despite a propaganda program intent on maintaining the cliché of stability, Putin’s regime was suddenly confronted in December 2011 by a highly public protest movement that told a different side of the story. Judah argues that Putinism has brought economic growth to Russia but also weaker institutions, and this contradiction leads to instability. The author explores both Putin’s successes and his failed promises, taking into account the impact of a new middle class and a new generation, the Internet, social activism, and globalization on the president’s impending leadership crisis. Can Russia avoid the crisis of Putinism? Judah offers original and up-to-the-minute answers.
University of Georgia Press Selling Hate: Marketing the Ku Klux Klan
Selling Hate is a fascinating and powerful story about the power of a southern PR firm to further the Ku Klux Klan’s agenda. Dale W. Laackman’s uncovered never-before-published archival material, census records, and obscure books and letters to tell the story of an emerging communications industry—an industry filled with potential and fraught with peril.The brilliant, amoral, and spectacularly bold Bessie Tyler and Edward Young Clarke—together, the Southern Publicity Association—met the fervent William Joseph Simmons (founder of the second KKK), saw an opportunity, and played on his many weaknesses. It was the volatile, precarious terrain of post–World War I America. Tyler and Clarke took Simmons's dying and broke KKK, with its two thousand to three thousand associates in Georgia and Alabama, and in a few short years swelled its membership to nearly five million. Chapters were established in every state of the union, and the Klan began influencing American political and social life. Between one-third and one-half of the eligible men in the country belonged to the organization. Even to modern sensibilities, the extent of Tyler and Clarke’s scheme is shocking: the limitlessness of their audacity; the full-scale and ongoing con of Simmons; the size of the personal fortunes they earned, amassed, and stole in the process; and just how easily and expertly they exploited the particular fears and prejudices of every corner of America. You will recognize in this pair a very American sense of showmanship and an accepted, even celebrated, brash entrepreneurial hustle. And as their story winds down, you will recognize the tainted and ultimately ineffectual congressional hearings into the Klan's monumental growth.
Bellevue Literary Press Swimming to the Top of the Tide: Finding Life Where Land and Water Meet
Four seasons of immersion in New England’s Great Marsh“Like Wendell Berry and Rachel Carson, Hanlon is a true poet-ecologist, sharing in exquisitely resonant prose her patient observations of nature’s most intimate details. As she and her husband, through summer and snow, swim their local creeks and estuaries, we marvel at the timeless yet fragile terrain of both marshlands and marriage. This is the book to awaken all of us, right now, to how our coastline is changing and what it means for our future.” —Julia Glass, author of Three Junes and A House Among the TreesThe Great Marsh is the largest continuous stretch of salt marsh in New England, extending from Cape Ann to New Hampshire. Patricia Hanlon and her husband built their home and raised their children alongside it. But it is not until the children are grown that they begin to swim the tidal estuary daily. Immersing herself, she experiences, with all her senses in all seasons, the vigor of a place where the two ecosystems of fresh and salt water mix, merge, and create new life.In Swimming to the Top of the Tide, Hanlon lyrically charts her explorations, at once intimate and scientific. Noting the disruptions caused by human intervention, she bears witness to the vitality of the watersheds, their essential role in the natural world, and the responsibility of those who love them to contribute to their sustainability.Patricia Hanlon is a visual artist who paints the beautiful ecosystem of New England’s Great Marsh and is involved in the watershed organizations of Greater Boston. Swimming to the Top of the Tide is her first book.
Greystone Books,Canada Tracking Giants: Big Trees, Tiny Triumphs, and Misadventures in the Forest
"I learned, I laughed, I sighed, I swooned. What an absolutely delightful romp through the forest."—Kate Harris, author of Lands of Lost Borders"Intimate, open-hearted. . . A personal introduction to one of the most profoundly alive places on earth."—John Vaillant, author of The Golden SpruceA funny, deeply relatable book about one woman's quest to track some of the world's biggest trees.Amanda Lewis was an overachieving, burned-out book editor most familiar with trees as dead blocks of paper. A dedicated "indoorswoman," she could barely tell a birch from a beech. But that didn't stop her from pledging to visit all of the biggest trees in British Columbia, a Canadian province known for its rugged terrain and gigantic trees.The "Champion" trees on Lewis's ambitious list ranged from mighty Western red cedars to towering arbutus. They lived on remote islands and at the center of dense forests. The only problem? Well, there were many. . .Climate change and a pandemic aside, Lewis's lack of wilderness experience, the upsetting reality of old-growth logging, the ever-changing nature of trees, and the pressures of her one-year timeframe complicated her quest. Burned out again—and realizing that her "checklist" approach to life might be the problem—she reframed her search for trees to something humbler and more meaningful: getting to know forests in an interconnected way.Weaving in insights from writers and artists, Lewis uncovers what we’re really after when we pursue the big things—revealing that sometimes it's the smaller joys, the mindsets we have, and the companions we're with that make us feel more connected to the natural world.
Menasha Ridge Press Inc. 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Cincinnati: Including Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana
It’s Time to Take a Hike in Cincinnati, Ohio! The best way to experience Cincinnati is by hiking it. Get outdoors with local author and hiking expert Tamara York, with the full-color edition of 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Cincinnati. A perfect blend of popular trails and hidden gems, the selected trails transport you to scenic overlooks, wildlife hot spots, and historical settings that renew your spirit and recharge your body. Go bird-watching at the California Woods Nature Preserve. Hike along the edge of Richart Lake at the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge in Indiana. Get a workout on the hilly terrain of Kentucky’s Kincaid Lake State Park. Trails in this guide span Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. They offer incredible views, abundant wildlife and wildflowers, and a chance to enjoy the great outdoors. With Tamara as your guide, you’ll learn about the area and experience nature through 60 hikes within 60 miles of the greater Cincinnati area! Each hike description features key at-a-glance information on distance, difficulty, scenery, traffic, hiking time, and more, so you can quickly and easily learn about each trail. Detailed directions, GPS-based trail maps, and elevation profiles help to ensure that you know where you are and where you’re going. Tips on nearby activities further enhance your enjoyment of every outing. Whether you’re a local looking for new places to explore or a visitor to the area, 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Cincinnati provides plenty of options for a couple hours or a full day of adventure, all within about an hour from Cincinnati and the surrounding communities.
Avonmore Books Black Sunday: When Weather Claimed the Us Fifth Air Force
Any USAAF pilot who flew the mission to Hollandia on the fateful afternoon of 16 April 1944 in New Guinea would remember it for the rest of their lives. So would anyone else in the theatre, for the weather-related losses that fateful day earned it the eternal epithet “Black Sunday”. The way home for more than three hundred bombers and fighters was blocked by a towering weather front whose thunderstorms rose well above any altitude they could reach. Over enemy territory and caught between mountains and the sea, there was no option but to confront nature.By dusk that evening 37 aircraft were missing or had been destroyed. A handful of survivors somehow made it back to valley and coastal bases in a series of arduous misadventures. It was, and remains, the biggest non-combat loss of any air force of any nation in the world. More than seven decades later, aircraft from the day are still missing somewhere in the New Guinea jungle.This major revision to the original version includes dozens of rare photos, complemented by a suite of maps, indexes, and colour profiles of participant aircraft. Japanese diaries reveal the fate of unlucky P-38 pilots forced to bail out. The text liberally cites veteran interviews, post-war wreck surveys and official USAAF records. The narrative tracks down the fate of every aircraft and every crew member, including those who rescued them. Put yourself in the cockpit against nature’s massive odds over hostile terrain and watch a composite picture evolve. The accelerating narrative from dozens of different perspectives is both fascinating and overwhelming.
Savas Beatie A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution
This is the first comprehensive account of every engagement of the Revolution, a war that began with a brief skirmish at Lexington Green on April 19, 1775, and concluded on the battlefield at the Siege of Yorktown in October 1781. In between were six long years of bitter fighting on land and at sea. The wide variety of combats blanketed the North American continent from Canada to the Southern colonies, from the winding coastal lowlands to the Appalachian Mountains, and from the North Atlantic to the Caribbean. Unlike existing accounts, A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution presents each engagement in a unique way. Each battle entry offers a wide and rich—but consistent—template of information to make it easy for readers to find exactly what they are seeking. Every entry begins with introductory details including the date of the battle, its location, commanders, opposing forces, terrain, weather, and time of day. The detailed body of each entry offers both a Colonial and British perspective of the unfolding military situation, a detailed and unbiased account of what actually transpired, a discussion of numbers and losses, an assessment of the consequences of the battle, and suggestions for further reading. Many of the entries are supported and enriched by original maps and photos. Fresh, scholarly, informative, and entertaining, this book will be welcomed by historians and general enthusiasts everywhere. About the Authors Theodore P. Savas practised law for many years before moving into book publishing. J. David Dameron is retired from the U.S. Army, where he served with the 82nd Airborne Division and 7th Special Forces Group.
Princeton University Press An Age of Risk: Politics and Economy in Early Modern Britain
In An Age of Risk, Emily Nacol shows that risk, now treated as a permanent feature of our lives, did not always govern understandings of the future. Focusing on the epistemological, political, and economic writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume, and Adam Smith, Nacol explains that in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain, political and economic thinkers reimagined the future as a terrain of risk, characterized by probabilistic calculation, prediction, and control. In these early modern sources, Nacol contends, we see three crucial developments in thought on risk and politics. While early modern thinkers differentiated uncertainty about the future from probabilistic calculations of risk, they remained attentive to the ways uncertainty and risk remained in a conceptual tangle, a problem that constrained good decision making. They developed sophisticated theories of trust and credit as crucial background conditions for prudent risk-taking, and offered complex depictions of the relationships and behaviors that would make risk-taking more palatable. They also developed two narratives that persist in subsequent accounts of risk--risk as a threat to security, and risk as an opportunity for profit. Looking at how these narratives are entwined in early modern thought, Nacol locates the origins of our own ambivalence about risk-taking. By the end of the eighteenth century, she argues, a new type of political actor would emerge from this ambivalence, one who approached risk with fear rather than hope. By placing a fresh lens on early modern writing, An Age of Risk demonstrates how new and evolving orientations toward risk influenced approaches to politics and commerce that continue to this day.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd The Terrorist at My Table
An anguished god surveys a world stricken by fundamentalism in these powerful poems by a writer whose cultural experience spans three countries: Pakistan, the country of her birth, and Britain and India, her countries of adoption. Her main themes are drawn from a life of transitions: childhood, exile, journeying, home, displacement, religious strife and terror, and latterly, grief. She is also an accomplished artist, and all her collections are illustrated with her drawings, which form an integral part of her books. The terrorist at my table asks crucial questions about how we live now – working, travelling, eating, listening to the news, preparing for attack. What do any of us know about the person who shares this street, this house, this table, this body? When life is in the hands of a fellow-traveller, a neighbour, a lover, son or daughter, how does the world shift and reform itself around our doubt, our belief? Imtiaz Dharker’s poems and pictures hurtle through a world that changes even as we pass. This is life seen through distorting screens – a windscreen, a TV screen, newsprint, mirror, water, breath, heat haze, smokescreen. Her book grows, layer by layer, through three sequences: The terrorist at my table, The habit of departure and Worldwide Rickshaw Ride. Each cuts a different slice through the terrain of what we think of as normal. But through all the uncertainties and concealments, her poems unveil the delicate skin of love, trust and sudden recognition. Imtiaz Dharker is an accomplished artist. Like all her collections, The terrorist at my table is illustrated with her drawings, which form an integral part of the book.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Repositioning North American Migration History: New Directions in Modern Continental Migration, Citizenship, and Community
An in-depth look at trends in North American internal migration. This volume gathers established and new scholars working on North American immigration, transmigration, internal migration, and citizenship whose work analyzes the development of migrant and state-level institutions as well as migrant networks. With contemporary migration research most often focused on the development of transnational communities and the ways international migrants maintain relationships with their sending region that sustain the circularflow of people, ideas, and traditions across national boundaries it is useful to compare these to similar patterns evident within the terrain of internal migration. To date, however, international and internal migration studies have unfolded in relative isolation from one another with each operating within these distinct fields of expertise rather than across them. Although there has been some important linking, there has not been a recent major consideration of human migration that works across and within the various borders of the North American continent. Thus, the volume presents a variety of chapters that seek to consider human migration in comparative perspective across the internal/international divide. Marc S. Rodriguez is Assistant Professor of History at Princeton University; Donna R. Gabbaccia is the Mellon Professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh; James R. Grossman is theVice President of Research and Education at the Newberry Library, Chicago. Contributors: Josef Barton, Wallace Best, Donna Gabbaccia, James Gregory, Tobias Higbie, Mae Ngai, Walter Nugent, Annelise Orleck, Kunal Parker, Kimberly Phillips, Bruno Ramirez, Marc Rodriguez Repositioning North American Migration History is a volume in Studies in Comparative History, sponsored by Princeton University's Shelby Cullom Davis Center forHistorical Studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Navigating Your Later Years For Dummies
Long-Term Care: Planning for Finance, Medical, and Living Expenses We’re living exciting bonus years—decades that our parents and grandparents didn’t have. But how to navigate this complex terrain? Questions abound around long-term care planning: Where to live? How to get the best medical care? What to do about advance directives, wills and trusts, and estate planning? And how to pay for it all after you retire? Getting accurate information and answers wasn’t easy. Until now. AARP's Navigating Your Later Years For Dummies helps you and your family understand the growing range of opportunities. Even more importantly, it helps you chart the next steps to live the life you choose, as independently as you choose, no matter your specific circumstances and needs. This book: Covers home modifications so that you can stay at home safely for as long as you like Lays out the opportunities and costs associated with independent living, assisted living and other options Gives you a range of driving and transportation alternatives Helps you navigate the healthcare system, Medicare, and Medicaid Sorts out the various sources of care at home Reviews the legal documents you should prepare and update Helps you determine whether you need long-term care insurance Gives you guidance on talking with your family about sensitive issues, including your wishes as you age With this new comprehensive book, you’ll get the credible information and resources you need to face the challenges facing us as we live the life we choose. Here, finally, is a roadmap for you and your family to best understand, and plan ahead.
Duke University Press Black Venus: Sexualized Savages, Primal Fears, and Primitive Narratives in French
Black Venus is a feminist study of the representations of black women in the literary, cultural, and scientific imagination of nineteenth-century France. Employing psychoanalysis, feminist film theory, and the critical race theory articulated in the works of Frantz Fanon and Toni Morrison, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting argues that black women historically invoked both desire and primal fear in French men. By inspiring repulsion, attraction, and anxiety, they gave rise in the nineteenth-century French male imagination to the primitive narrative of Black Venus.The book opens with an exploration of scientific discourse on black females, using Sarah Bartmann, the so-called Hottentot Venus, and natural scientist Georges Cuvier as points of departure. To further show how the image of a savage was projected onto the bodies of black women, Sharpley-Whiting moves into popular culture with an analysis of an 1814 vaudeville caricature of Bartmann, then shifts onto the terrain of canonical French literature and colonial cinema, exploring the representation of black women by Baudelaire, Balzac, Zola, Maupassant, and Loti. After venturing into twentieth-century film with an analysis of Josephine Baker’s popular Princesse Tam Tam, the study concludes with a discussion of how black Francophone women writers and activists countered stereotypical representations of black female bodies during this period. A first-time translation of the vaudeville show The Hottentot Venus, or Hatred of Frenchwomen supplements this critique of the French male gaze of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Both intellectually rigorous and culturally intriguing, this study will appeal to students and scholars in the fields of nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature, feminist and gender studies, black studies, and cultural studies.
Cornell University Press The Universe Unraveling: American Foreign Policy in Cold War Laos
During the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, Laos was positioned to become a major front in the Cold War. Yet American policymakers ultimately chose to resist communism in neighboring South Vietnam instead. Two generations of historians have explained this decision by citing logistical considerations. According to the accepted account, Laos’s landlocked, mountainous terrain made the kingdom an unpropitious place to fight, while South Vietnam—possessing a long coastline, navigable rivers, and all-weather roads—better accommodated America’s military forces. The Universe Unraveling is a provocative reinterpretation of U.S.-Lao relations in the years leading up to the Vietnam War. Seth Jacobs argues that Laos boasted several advantages over South Vietnam as a battlefield, notably its thousand-mile border with Thailand and the fact that the Thai premier was willing to allow Washington to use his nation as a base from which to attack the communist Pathet Lao. More significant in determining U.S. policy in Southeast Asia than strategic appraisals of the Lao landscape were cultural perceptions of the Lao people. Jacobs contends that U.S. policy toward Laos under Eisenhower and Kennedy cannot be understood apart from the traits Americans ascribed to their Lao allies. Drawing on diplomatic correspondence, contemporary press coverage, and the work of iconic figures like "celebrity saint" Tom Dooley, Jacobs finds that the characteristics American statesmen and the American media attributed to the Lao—laziness, immaturity, ignorance, imbecility, and cowardice—differed from traits assigned the South Vietnamese and made Lao chances of withstanding communist aggression appear dubious. The Universe Unraveling provides a new perspective on how prejudice can shape policy decisions and even the course of history.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design
Fixed broadband networks can provide far higher data rates and capacity than the currently envisioned 3G and 4G mobile cellular systems. Achieving higher data rates is due to the unique technical properties of fixed systems, in particular, the use of high gain and adaptive antennas, wide frequency bands, dynamic data rate and channel resource allocation, and advanced multiple access techniques. Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design is a comprehensive presentation of the engineering principles, advanced engineering techniques, and practical design methods for planning and deploying fixed wireless systems, including: Point-to-point LOS and NLOS network design Point-to-point microwave link design including active and passive repeaters Consecutive point and mesh network planning Advanced empirical and physical propagation modeling including ray-tracing Detailed microwave fading models for multipath and rain NLOS (indoor and outdoor) propagation and fading models Propagation environment models including terrain, morphology, buildings, and atmospheric effects Novel mixed application packet traffic modeling for dimensioning network capacity Narrow beam, wide beam, and adaptive (smart) antennas MIMO systems and space-time coding Channel planning including fixed and dynamic channel assignment and dynamic packet assignment IEEE 802.11b and 802.11a (WLAN) system design Free space optic (FSO) link design At present, there are no titles available that provide such a concise presentation of the wide variety of systems, frequency bands, multiple access techniques, and other factors that distinguish fixed wireless systems from mobile wireless systems. Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design is essential reading for design, system and RF engineers involved in the design and deployment of fixed broadband wireless systems, fixed wireless equipment vendors, and academics and postgraduate students in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Handbook of Middle English Studies
A Handbook of Middle English Studies “This sharp-minded, coherent set of essays both maps and liberates: not only does it map the intellectual territory of contemporary cultural debate; it also liberates the extraordinary texts of later medieval England to move across that contemporary cultural terrain.”James Simpson, Harvard University “Marion Turner has skilfully choreographed an exciting ensemble of fresh accounts of the English Middle Ages. We see the period in a new light that shows with compassion and imagination, as well as thoughtful scholarship, how the literature of the past speaks to contemporary preoccupations.”Ardis Butterfield, Yale University “Strikingly original: theory-literate and materially-grounded ways of reading Middle English texts.”David Wallace, University of Pennsylvania A Handbook of Middle English Studies presents twenty-six original and accessible essays by leading scholars, analyzing the relationship between critical theory and late-medieval literature. The collection offers a range of entry points into the rich field of medieval literary studies, exploring subjects including the depiction of the self and the mind, the literature of conquest, ideas of beauty and aesthetics, and the relationship between place and literature. Topics that have long been central to the field, such as authorship, gender, and race, feature alongside areas only recently coming under critical scrutiny, such as globalization, the environment, and animality. Collectively, the essays demonstrate that the manuscript culture of late medieval literature raises key theoretical issues concerning the relationship between authors, texts, and readers. A Handbook of Middle English Studies models diverse approaches to medieval texts and stakes a claim in debates about topics ranging from class to the canon, from imagination to nationhood, from sexuality to the public sphere.
The University of Chicago Press The Way of the Shovel: On the Archaeological Imaginary in Art
Contemporary art is often obsessed with the new, but it has recently begun to turn to projects centering on research and delving into archives, all in the name of seeking and questioning historical truth. From filmmakers to sculptors to conceptualists, artists of all stripes are digging into the rubble of the past. In this catalog that accompanies an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago in the fall of 2013, Dieter Roelstraete gathers a diverse range of international artists to explore the theme of melding archival and experiential modes of storytelling - what he calls "the archaeological imaginary" - particularly in the wake of 9/11. The Way of the Shovel offers a well-constructed balance among excursions into the situation of contemporary art, broad philosophical arguments around the subjects of history and the archive, and cultural analysis. Roelstraete's opening essay maps the critical terrain, while Ian Alden Russell explores the roots of archaeology and its manifestations in twentieth-century art, Bill Brown examines artistic practices that involve historical artifacts and archival material, Sophie Berrebi offers a critique of the "document" as seen in art after the 1960s, and Diedrich Diederichsen writes on the monumentalization of history in European art. The book features work by both established and young artists, and thoughtful entries by Roelstraete accompany the exhibition catalog, along with statements from artists Moyra Davey, Rebecca Keller, Joachim Koester, Hito Steyerl, and Zin Taylor. The first exhibition to showcase this innovative approach to some of the most intriguing art of the past decade, The Way of the Shovel is indispensable for anyone seeking to understand the forces driving contemporary art.
HarperCollins Publishers The Andromeda Evolution
Fifty years after The Andromeda Strain made Michael Crichton a household name – and spawned a new genre, the technothriller – the threat returns, in a gripping sequel that is terrifyingly realistic and resonant. THE EVOLUTION IS COMING In 1967, an extraterrestrial microbe – designated the Andromeda Strain – came crashing down to Earth and nearly ended the human race. A team of top scientists worked valiantly to save the world from an epidemic of unimaginable proportions. In the ensuing decades, research on the microparticle continued. And the world thought it was safe.… Deep inside Fairchild Air Force Base, Project Eternal Vigilance has continued to watch and wait for the Andromeda Strain to reappear. And now, a Brazilian terrain-mapping drone has detected a bizarre anomaly of otherworldly matter, bearing the tell-tale chemical signature of the deadly microparticle. With this shocking discovery, a diverse team of experts hailing from all over the world is dispatched to investigate the potentially apocalyptic threat. But the microbe is growing – evolving. And if the team can’t reach the quarantine zone, enter the anomaly, and figure out how to stop it, this new Andromeda Evolution will annihilate all life as we know it. ‘A meticulously crafted adventure story, packed with action, mystery, wonder, and just enough hard science to scare the hell out of you. So good!’ Ernest Cline, author of Ready Player One ‘Wilson invokes the best of [Crichton’s classic novel], and updates everything with terrific flair’ Mail Online ‘Does a good job of mixing hard science and thrills’ The i ‘Satisfyingly amplifies the original’ Financial Times Would make Crichton proud” Washington Post ‘Tautly told, often exciting and tense’ SFX magazine
Casemate Publishers The U.S. Army Infantryman Vietnam Pocket Manual
Between 1964 and 1975, 2.6 million American personnel served within the borders of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, of whom an estimated 1-1.6 million actually fought in combat. At the tip of the spear were the infantry, the "grunts" who entered an extraordinary tropical combat zone completely alien to the world they had left behind in the United States. In South Vietnam, and occasionally spilling over into neighboring Laos and Cambodia, they fought a relentless counterinsurgency and conventional war against the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC). The terrain was as challenging as the enemy - soaring mountains or jungle-choked valleys; bleached, sandy coastal zones; major urban centers; riverine districts. Their opponents fought them with relentless and terrible ingenuity, on a daily basis with ambushes, booby traps, and mines, then occasionally with full-force offensives on a scale to rival the campaigns of World War II.This pocket manual draws its content not only from essential U.S. military field manuals of the Vietnam era, but also a vast collection of declassified primary documents, including rare after-action reports, intelligence analysis, first-hand accounts, and combat studies. Through these documents the pocket manual provides a deep insight into what it was like for infantry to live, survive, and fight in Vietnam, whether conducting a major airmobile search-and-destroy operation or conducting endless hot and humid small-unit patrols from jungle firebases. The book includes infantry intelligence documents about the NVA and VC threats, plus chapters explaining hard-won lessons about using weaponry, surviving and moving through the jungle, tactical maneuvers, and applications of the ubiquitous helicopter for combat and support.
Easton Studio Press 360 Degrees Longitude: One Family's Journey Around the World
Much more than a travel narrative 360 Degrees Longitude: One Family's Journey Around the World is a glimpse at what it means to be a "global citizen"--a progressively changing view of the world as seen through the eyes of an American family of four. After more than a decade of planning, John Higham and his wife September bid their high-tech jobs and suburban lives good-bye, packed up their home and set out with two children, ages eight and eleven, to travel around the world. In the course of the next 52 weeks they crossed 24 time zones, visited 28 countries and experienced a lifetime of adventures. Making their way across the world, the Highams discovered more than just different foods and cultures; they also learned such diverse things as a Chilean mall isn't the best place to get your ears pierced, and that elephants appreciate flowers just as much as the next person. But most importantly, they learned about each other, and just how much a family can weather if they do it together. 360 Degrees Longitude employs Google's wildly popular Google Earth as a compliment to the narrative. Using your computer you can spin the digital globe to join the adventure cycling through Europe, feeling the cold stare of a pride of lions in Africa, and breaking down in the Andes. Packed with photos, video and text, the online Google Earth companion adds a dimension not possible with mere paper and ink. Fly over the terrain of the Inca Trail or drill down to see the majesty of the Swiss Alps--without leaving the comfort of your chair.
ACADEMIE DU VIN LIBRARY LIMITED On Champagne: A tapestry of tales to celebrate the greatest sparkling wine of all…
"On Champagne is the wine book that every lover of the world’s most famous bubbles has been waiting for – whether they realised it or not." — Club O Enologique "...if you love champagne, this is another must-buy. And apologies for the terrible pun, but it is genuinely true – this book fizzes with wonderful stuff." — Jancis Robinson "Presenting the story of the iconic French fizz from its accidental beginnings to the present day and looking to the future, there is plenty for Champagne-lovers to enjoy." — Decanter Champagne is never a simple glass of fizz… As soon as the cork flies, the first sip reveals a wine of fascinating complexity. For even the most modest non-vintage cuvée, a bevy of blending decisions, multi layers of history and the incalculable climate of this northern corner of France all come into play. In On Champagne the thoughts, opinions and conclusions of the world’s finest champagne writers gather to reveal this wine’s action-packed trajectory from the myth of its accidental discovery – not in France, we find, but in the cider cellars of England – to the development of a high-tech champagne fit for space travel. It’s a journey that starts and ends with capturing that sparkle in a bottle and along the way beguiles us with the nuances of its chalky terrain, the determination of rebels from Ambonnay to Avize, and the mystery of a champagne cellar under the sea. We meet the pioneers who created the great champagnes of the past and the personalities who are ‘greening’ this landscape, nurturing it through climate change to shape the exquisite champagnes of the future.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Lymph Health: The Key to a Strong Immune System
A practical guide to supporting your lymphatic system naturally In this practical guide to supporting your lymph health naturally, Christopher Vasey explores the essential role played by the lymphatic system in your overall health and offers self-care methods for strengthening and maintaining this important part of your body’s immune system. The author explains how the lymphatic system not only consists of the lymph circulating through your lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels, which helps drain toxins and flush cellular wastes, but also includes your bone marrow and several organs, such as the spleen and thymus, which produce lymphocytes to defend and protect your body against infections. He reveals the causes for a weakened or poorly functioning lymphatic system as well as the diseases and conditions that can arise if you suffer from reduced lymph health. Explaining how to improve the function of your lymphatic system, the author details 12 natural therapies to support your lymph health and accelerate removal of toxins from the cellular terrain. He looks at simple dietary changes and explains how food toxins are a principle cause for sluggish circulation or obstruction of lymph. He examines lymph drainage techniques, including compression therapies, breathing practices, and physical exercises that stimulate the lymphatic vessels to improve circulation of lymph, blood, and other bodily fluids. He explores hydration, herbal remedies, detox therapies, “dry” cures, and reflexology massage. He also looks at trampoline techniques for restoring full circulation and removing blockages from the lymphatic system. Showing how lymph health is the key to a strong immune system, this guide enables you to improve your lymphatic function, boost your body’s natural detoxification abilities, and enhance your overall health and well-being.
Icon Books The Boy with Two Hearts: A Story of Hope
** The true story that inspired the stage adaptation of the Amiri family's journey from Afghanistan to the UK **A BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK 29 JUNE - 3 JULY 2020 READ BY SANJEEV BHASKAR (GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME, THE KUMARS AT NO. 42 AND MORE) 'Enthralling ... A fascinating insight' Daily Mail'An inspiring read' Nihal Arthanayake, BBC Radio 5 LiveA powerful tale of a family in crisis, and a moving love letter to the NHS.Herat, Afghanistan, 2000. A mother speaks out against the fundamentalist leaders of her country. Meanwhile, her family's watchful eyes never leave their beloved son and brother, whose rare heart condition means that he will never lead a normal life.When the Taliban gave an order for the execution of Hamed Amiri's mother, the family knew they had to escape, starting what would be a long and dangerous journey, across Russia and through Europe, with the UK as their ultimate destination.Travelling as refugees for a year and a half, they suffered attacks from mafia and police; terrifying journeys in strangers' cars; treks across demanding terrain; days spent hidden in lorries without food or drink; and being robbed at gunpoint of every penny they owned.The family's need to reach the UK was intensified by their eldest son's deteriorating condition, and the prospect of life-saving treatment it offered.The Boy with Two Hearts is not only a tale of a family in crisis, but a love letter to the NHS, which provided hope and reassurance as they sought asylum in the UK and fought to save their loved ones.
The University of Chicago Press A Region among States: Law and Non-sovereignty in the Caribbean
Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork at the Caribbean Court of Justice, A Region among States explores the possibility of constituting a region on a geopolitical and ideological terrain dominated by the nation-state. How is it that a great swath of the independent, English-speaking Caribbean continues to accept the judicial oversight of their former colonizer via the British institution of the Privy Council? And what possibilities might the Caribbean Court of Justice—a judicial institution responsive to the region, not to any single nation—offer for untangling sovereignty and regionhood, law and modernity, and postcolonial Caribbean identity? Joining the Court as an intern, Lee Cabatingan studied its work up close: she attended each court hearing and numerous staff meetings, served on committees, assisted with the organization of conferences, and helped prepare speeches and presentations for the judges. She now offers insight into not only how the Court positions itself vis-à-vis the Caribbean region and the world but also whether the Court—and, perhaps, the region itself as an overarching construct—might ever achieve a real measure of popular success. In their quest for an accepting, eager constituency, the Court is undertaking a project of extrajudicial region building that borrows from the toolbox of the nation-state. In each chapter, Cabatingan takes us into an analytical dimension familiar from studies of nation and state building—myth, territory, people, language, and brand—to help us understand not only the Court and its ambitions but also the regionalist project, beset as it is with false starts and disappointments, as a potential alternative to the sovereign state.
Peeters Publishers Polymetis: Melanges En L'honneur De Francoise Bader
Francoise Bader, par ses recherches et son enseignement en linguistique du grec ancien et en grammaire comparee des langues indo-europeennes, a marque les esprits de plusieurs generations d'eleves, d'auditeurs et de lecteurs. Ces Melanges portent aussi temoignage de l'atmosphere chaleureuse de ses seminaires ou beaucoup de chercheurs, qui etaient jeunes alors, ont trouve un terrain favorable pour faire leurs premiers pas de chercheur. Les contributions reunies dans ce volume par ses collegues, amis et disciples, attestent de la fecondite intellectuelle et de la variete des recherches de Francoise Bader. Ses travaux ont porte non seulement sur la linguistique, mais sur la mythologie et la poetique grecques et indo-europeennes. On trouvera dans la premiere partie de ce volume, consacree au grec, le reflet de l'impulsion qu'elle a donne a l'etymologie grecque, y compris a l'etymologie et a l'interpretation des toponymes, anthroponymes et theonymes, sans oublier la dialectologie. Les contributions de specialistes d'autres langues (sanscrit vedique, langues slaves, italiques, etrusque), qui forment la seconde partie de ce volume, font echo a une oeuvre qui embrasse l'ensemble du domaine indo-europeen. La derniere partie aborde l'histoire meme de la grammaire comparee et ses methodes. Ce volume reunit des contributions d'A. Blanc, M.P. Bologna, D. Briquel, M. Casevitz, A. Christol, L. Dubois, P. Flobert, J.-L. Garcia-Ramon, J. Hadas-Lebel, J. Kellens, J.S. Klein, Ch. de Lamberterie, Cl. Le Feuvre, A. Lemarechal, B. Lincoln, Fr. Mawet, Cl. Moussy, J.-L. Perpillou, D. Petit, G. Rocca, C. de Simone, Fr. Skoda, P. Swiggers, C. Watkins, et des regrettes P. Monteil et X. Tremblay.
Trinity University Press,U.S. The West Will Swallow You: Essays
At eighteen, Vermont-native Leath Tonino ventured west to attend college in Colorado. Upon hearing his destination, many of Tonino’s friends and family predicted that he’d never come back; he’d make the “land of endless space and sky, its ranges and their storms” his home. “The West will swallow you,” one said, in a tone that felt like part warning and part prophecy.More than a decade later Tonino continues to call Vermont his home. But despite his love of New England and his admiration for writers who sing the praises of their native ground, he concedes that he is, as Gary Snyder once phrased it, “promiscuous with landscapes.” Tonino has spent the intervening years since college traversing “the alphabet of the American West from AZ to CA to UT to WY” and writing about its mysterious and powerful beauty. The resulting musings are collected in The West Will Swallow You, the title of which is a nod to the words that stayed with him and that, in many ways, turned out to be true.Although the adventures gathered here range widely in terrain and tone, the western landscape is always front and center—focusing on Arizona’s remote Kaibab Plateau, where Tonino worked as a biologist studying raptor communities, in San Francisco’s overgrown nooks and crannies and pigeon-flocked park benches, on ranches in Wyoming, at campsites in Nevada, in the mountains of Colorado, and “in libraries and national monuments, in people, in a midnight fox’s eyes, in the rushing wind.”
Skyhorse Publishing Next-Level Bass Fishing: Innovative Techniques that have Elevated the World’s Best Anglers to the Top
Tips to become a bass fishing pro! While many people catch fish, even the occasional lunker, few actually acquire bass fishing proficiency. The popular view is that anglers who achieve such prominence do so through a collection of vices. These afflictions range from luck, to fraudulence, to worst of all, patience. Few, however, talk about the true qualities that lead to angling success. That’s what Joe Kinnison, himself a sportsman, gathered in Next-Level Bass Fishing: the tips, options, strategies, and winning methods, to allow those who fish recreationally to employ the knowledge base of a pro. Five professional anglers work with Joe to identify distinctive characteristics that elevate the best in the field. Bassmaster Elite pro Tyler Carriere illustrates a structured approach to fishing. Six-time Ladies Bass Anglers Association (LBAA) Angler of the Year, Pam Martin- Wells explains versatility as she takes readers on a tour of her favorite waterways. Brandon, Palaniuk, two-time 2020 tournament champion and one of the leading money winners on tour, discusses details such as hormones and sensory ranges of his quarry. Christiana Bradley teaches focus, and Destin Demarion provides an example of productive originality. When qualities are translated into lure selections and lake terrain targets, the results are far superior to those of the average angler reminiscing about how one got away. Kinnison explores the key relationships, the innovative techniques, and the special places that have elevated the world’s best anglers to the top of their craft. Next-Level Bass Fishing is the next-best thing to touring with the pros.
Princeton University Press The Life of Mammals
From the under-snow tunnels of Arctic lemmings to the egg nests of the bizarre Australian echidna, from the Pacific waters inhabited by sea otters and whales to the subways of major cities, this extraordinary and attractive book brings us into the homes and lives of some of earth's most fascinating animals. Published in conjunction with a ten-part television series that will air on the Discovery Channel, The Life of Mammals brings us nose-to-nose with mammals in all of their beauty and immense variety. Renowned naturalist, writer, and filmmaker David Attenborough treks across every continent and kind of terrain to introduce us to such unusual and evolutionarily successful creatures as the Patagonian opossum, the Canadian pygmy shrew, the Alpine marmot, and the Malaysian sun bear. We meet slow-moving algae-covered sloths. We enter a pack of African wild dogs, seeing how their division of labor enables them to provide protection and food to pups, mothers, and old dogs. We learn about the navigation systems of bats and find out why Borneo's colugo is a superior glider to a flying squirrel. Along the way, Attenborough considers how evolution has shaped mammalian habits, leading herbivorous sea cows to take to the water and humans to commence agriculture. Containing more than 200 spectacular color photographs, this is a book that will gratify anyone intrigued by the natural world and the animals that inhabit it. Informative, utterly absorbing, and classic Attenborough, it represents natural history at its finest.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc The Fruit Thief: or, One-Way Journey into the Interior: A Novel
A major new novel from the Nobel laureate Peter Handke-one of his most inventive and dazzlingly original works On a summer day under a blue sky a man is stung on his foot by a bee. "The sting signaled that the time had come to set out, to hit the road. Off with you. The hour of departure has arrived." The man boards a train to Paris, crosses the city by Métro, then boards another, disembarking in a small town on the plains to the north. He is searching for a young woman he calls the Fruit Thief, who, like him, has set off on a journey to the Vexin plateau. What follows is a vivid but dreamlike exploration of topography both physical and affective, charting the Fruit Thief's perambulations across France's internal borderlands: alongside rivers and through ravines, beside highways and to a bolt-hole under the stairs of an empty hotel. Chance encounters-with a man scrambling through the underbrush in search of his lost cat, and with a delivery boy who abandons his scooter to become a fellow traveler for a day-are like so many throws of the dice, each exposing new facets of this mysterious individual in the manner of a cubist portrait. In prose of unrivaled precision, lucidly rendered into English by Krishna Winston, The Fruit Thief elevates the terrain of everyday life to epic status, and situates the microgeography of an individual at the center of a book like few others. This is one of Nobel laureate Peter Handke's most significant and original achievements.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of Central Banking: Contested Control and the Power of Finance, Selected Essays of Gerald Epstein
'Monetary policy is not just a matter of optimal stabilization policy; it is also fundamentally a matter of politics. But while this observation is commonplace, it is not adequately incorporated into economists' reasoning and analysis. Gerald Epstein's work represents perhaps the most prominent exception to this last rule. Reading him provides a salutary reminder that we need to pay closer attention to this political aspect when thinking about central banks and what they do.' - Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley, US Central banks are among the most powerful government economic institutions in the world. This volume explores the economic and political contours of the struggle for influence over the policies of central banks such as the Federal Reserve, and the implications of this struggle for economic performance and the distribution of wealth and power in society. Written over several decades by Gerald Epstein and co-authors, these works explore why central banks do what they do, and how they could better operate. Epstein shows that central banks are a contested terrain over which major economic and political groups fight for control; and demonstrates that though in the US and most other countries, private bankers have the upper-hand in this political struggle, they don t always win. Graduate students, faculty and advanced undergraduates in economics, political science and sociology who are interested in central banking and finance as well as specialists who focus on central banking will find greater understanding of central banks through The Political Economy of Central Banking.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Balkans 1940–41 (1): Mussolini's Fatal Blunder in the Greco-Italian War
The first of two volumes on the Axis campaigns in the Balkans, exploring Mussolini's fateful decision to move against Greece in October 1940. The Greek President Metaxas rejected the Italian ultimatum with a famous ‘Oxi’ ('No'), and what followed was Italy’s first debacle in World War II. In the wake of Italy's rapid annexation of Albania in April 1940, Mussolini’s decision to attack Greece in October that year is widely acknowledged as a fatal mistake, leading to a domestic crisis and to the collapse of Italy’s reputation as a military power (re-emphasized by the Italian defeat in North Africa in December 1940). The Italian assault on Greece came to a stalemate in less than a fortnight, and was followed a week later by a Greek counter-offensive that broke through the Italian defences before advancing into Albania, forcing the Italian forces to withdraw north before grinding to a half in January 1941 due to logistical issues. Eventually, the Italians took advantage of this brief hiatus to reorganize and prepare a counteroffensive, the failure of which marked the end of the first stage of the Axis Balkan campaign. The first of two volumes examining the Axis campaigns in the Balkans, this book offers a detailed overview of the Italian and Greek armies, their fighting power, and the terrain in which they fought. Complimented by rarely seen images and full colour illustrations, it shows how expectations of an easy Italian victory quickly turned into one of Mussolini’s greatest blunders.
Chronicle Books Lowriders to the Rescue
A changing planet means new problems - and new friends - for nuestros amigos favoritos! Meet Lupe, a whip-smart impala with a flair for mechanics Flapjack, a sweet young octopus who can shine up anything with his eight gleaming tentacles and Elirio, a thoughtful mosquito who's fascinated with words and determined to become an artist. What do all three have in common? A love of lowriders - and a passion for solving problems! Nothing is normal in the little town where the Lowriders live. To start, Flappy can't see a thing! He keeps mistaking fire hydrants for sailors and laundry for love interests. Even more worrying, the Upscale Business Association is determined to make more money than ever by tearing down local shops in favor of a brand-new development for wealthy landowners. Most disconcerting of all, the monarchs who usually migrate through town at this time of year are nowhere to be found. But when Sokar, a beautiful young monarch, bikes into town with a broken wing, she has scary news to report: A dangerous wildfire is burning fast and hot and nonstop, leaving the monarchs stranded. Might Sokar and Flappy have more in common than meets the goggles? How can the Lowriders save their town? And exactly how powerful is passion in the face of an overheated planet's furious flames? Humor, Spanish, and lowriders come together in this rollicking journey through the bumpy terrain of new friends, climate change, and standing up for what you believe in. ¡Vamonos!