Search results for ""schiffer publishing, ltd.""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Continental and American Skeleton Clocks
The skeleton clock probably is the most fascinating of all clocks. It displays, by means of its fretted-out frame and lack of any protective case other than a glass dome, its inner-most workings. Therefore, this type of clock attracted the attention of some of the finest makers, particularly those working in France from circa 1760-1860 as it enabled them to display their skills so completely. It was for the same reason that it was popular with their wealthy clients, who could show off their latest acquisitions so perfectly. A typical example of this is an amazing clock made by Sarton for the Duke of Lorraine, the dial of which swings to and fro so that wherever you are sitting in the room you can see it clearly. Other examples are the glass-plated clocks which apparently have no frame and often go for six months at a single winding, and clocks which show not only the time but also such things as day, date, month, moons, age and phases, sunrise and sunset, the time in other world locations, and even the equation of time(i.e. the difference between the sun's and our time). Many of these are more than clocks-they are great works of art. Numerous examples, including the products of countries such as France, Holland, Austria, and America are included and fully illustrated, frequently in color, in this book. There is a chapter on modern skeleton clocks that shows that fine clockmaking still is very much alive and well. The fascinating information on skeleton clocks made in America is the first full account to be published in over a decade.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Time in Gold: Wristwatches
A beautiful book for those who love fine wristwatches. In Time in Gold, the histories of the 17 leading luxury wristwatch companies of Switzerland are presented together for the first time, Beautifully illustrated with color and black and white photographs, Time in Gold contains over 450 important and elegant watches by these fine makers. 200 years later, the resulting wristwatches are among the most exquisite in the world today. The following companies are each presented as separate chapters: Audemars Piguet Blancpain Baume & Mercier Breguet Gerald Genta Cartier Vacheron Constantin Chopard Girard-Perregaux Corum IWC Ebel Jaeger-LeCoultre Rolex Patek Philippe Piaget Ulysse Nardin
Schiffer Publishing Ltd R.F.D. Country! Mailboxes and Post Offices of Rural America
Here is a truly "national gallery" of roadside folk art, seen along thousands of miles of country byways. bill and Sarah Thornbrook guide readers over Rural Free Delivery (R.F.D.) mail routes through 48 states to discover hundreds of unique and colorful letter boxes. An informative history of the R.F.D. service, a message from the current Postmaster General, and more than 450 charming full-color photographs present this sample of the humor, originality, artistry, and personal spirit that find expression in this cornucopia of small art treasures crafted by everyday Americans. The mailboxes are organized into groups representing patriotic and regional themes. Usually seen and enjoyed mainly by local letter carriers and neighbors, these folk creations have a universal appeal that is sure to delight, captivate and inspire all.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Mallards: A Pictorial Study
This handy book is a comprehensive photographic study of over 150 exquisite full-color pictures of mallards from diverse regions in many natural environments and body positions. Most of the ducks shown are wild, but there are a few penned. The majority are in full breeding plumage while a few drakes in moult are included for identification. Author/photographer Tricia Veasey demonstrates in Mallards both her enthusiasm for this species of bird and her photographic talent. She has created here an excellent source book for artists, carvers, taxidermists and naturalists alike that will delight and inspire each individually.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Art Bronzes
Here is an important and lavishly beautiful new study of the discovery, appreciation, recognition and selection of fine bronze statuary created during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This period was an era of great social and cultural change in which bronze sculpture managed to capture the evolving spirit of romance, turbulence and excitement. Art Bronzes presents over 1,100 illustrations, 200 in full color, and many pages of carefully researched text with relevant marks, inscriptions, artist signatures, dates, and foundry stamps. Over 450 well-and lesser-known artists in Romantic, Animal, Oriental, Frontier, Victorian, and Exotic styles working in Europe, Asia and the Americas are represented. Dealers, collectors, artists, and art historians all will find inspiration and important, newly discovered information in Art Bronzes.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Left-Handed Stitchery
For the 15% of the population who usually are left out of stitching instruction manuals, this book is a wish-come-true. Sally Cowan, a left-handed professional dressmaker, writes sympathetically for left-handed sewers. Forty varieties of straight, back, caught, blanket, buttonhole, chain, knotted, cross, couching, satin and laid filling stitches all are illustrated by 96 clear drawings of progressive steps.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Windjammers of the Pacific Rim
As early settlers to California, Oregon and Washington came around the Horn and sailed north from San Francisco, lumber for homes and industry went south by sea from the Northwest. And with nothing to guide them but the wind, compass, sextant, stars and a sixth sense, the sturdy little ships struggled through fog and gales; more than half of them foundering. This is the story of those ships and of the intrepid pioneers who built them. Through many old photographs and stirring true stories, an appreciation for the schooners, barkentines and other wind vessels and their crew is constructed to bring this golden age of wind ships to life. The Appendix presents lists of vessels over and under 100 tons made on the Pacific coast between 1850 and 1921, of all the skippers and all the ships specialized for the lumber and seal trades.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fiber Expressions: The Contemporary Quilt
More than 90 modern quilts juried into Quilt National '87, the most prestigious international exhibition of contemporary quilts are featured in this new book. These exciting examples demonstrate the increasingly varied field of the quilt as a modern form of art. The book is enriched by comments from the artists and jurors, including Gerhardt Knodel and Jan Myers, and author/curator Penny McMorris.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Margaret Tafoya: A Tewa Potter's Heritage and Legacy
This beautiful book presents in large format the story of Margaret Tafoys's paramount place in the evolution of Tewa Pueblo pottery in Santa Clara, New Mexico. This monumental work is divided into four major sections examining a history of the Pueblo people, Margaret Tafoya's life, Santa Clara pottery making techniques, and the Tafoya family and descendants. Because Margaret Tafoya has adhered to the traditions of her pueblo in both her lifestyle and her ceramics, these traditions are now being passed on through her children and grandchildren. Margaret Tafoya demonstrates the very best in Tewa Pueblo pottery. Enhanced by the spectacular photographs-more than a hundred of which are in full color-this books presents a tribute to the Pueblo ceramic artisans in general and especially, to Margaret Tafoya-a living icon and vital bridge between Tewa past future.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Glass Industry in Sandwich
This truly beautiful book presents in text and color photos a factual account of the glass made by the Boston and Sandwich Glass Company during its sixty-three years of production. Each of the 417 photos is large enough to allow you to study the intricate details of glass construction so that you can determine if the glass you hold in your hand was definitely made in Sandwich, Massachusetts. Sandwich collectible in the United States. Keep in mind that the glass factories in Sandwich produced an average of 5,200,000 pieces of finished merchandise each year. Sandwich glass is still available all over the world, unrecognized by the general collector and antiques dealer. This well organized specialized book will give you an advantage.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Provincetown Discovered
This photographic record of Provincetown, Massachusetts captures some of New England's best seascapes and architecture. Here is where the Pilgrim exiles landed in 1620. Provincetown became a whaling port and center for cod fishing and thus, by the late nineteenth century, the richest town in Massachusetts. Many charming eighteenth century Cape Cod houses and splendid Greek Revival homes of the boom years from the 1850's to 1900 remain and are presented here in excellent detailed pictures. Churches, commercial buildings and farm related structures are carefully documented. Sand dunes and dramatic coastal vistas are famous in Provincetown. Author/photographer Ed Gillon found many marvelous scenes at this point of land which caught his artistic eye. Sweeping shorelines and powerful seas are shown as portraits and as a part of the scenery. Provincetown Discovered is an inviting look at this historic place for the stranger, and a nostalgic visual record for those familiar with its special charms.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Making of Hunting Decoys
This is the most important book ever written on how to make hunting decoys. You are taken step-by-step in great detail through the making of eighteen different decoys, literally covering every aspect of the art. We have included everything you need to known to make your own decoys and we promise you that once you start you will never stop. The Making of Hunting Decoys presents the following 15 award winning decoy artists explaining in their own words how they do, and you can, create duck replicas of these 18 types: Carl Addison-Ring-necked Duck Robert Biddle-Baldpate Dan Brown-Green Winged Teal(hen and drake) Delbert "Cigar" Daisey-Atlantic Brant Paul Dobrosky-Canvasback Hen Harold Haman-Canada Goose Charlie "Speed" Joiner-Wood Duck (hen and drake) Ned Mayne-Red Head Terry McNulty-Pintail Frank Muller-Currituck Swan and Goose Ralph Nocerino-Black Duck Roe "Duc-Man" Terry-Whistling Swan William Veasey-Mallard Gilmore "Butch" Wagoner-Upper Bay Canvasback Harry J. Waite-Bufflehead
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Folk Art in America
Folk Art in America is the story of the roots of America's passion for art that is uniquely its own. Through her text and illustrations, Adele Earnest acquaints the reader with folk art masterpieces and some of the artists who created them. She relates the history of the folk art movement in America and the founding of the Museum of American Folk Art. She reminisces about those early collectors who blazed a place for folk art in the art world: Henry Francis duPont, Electra Havemeyer Webb, Titus Geesey, and the flamboyant Mme.Gamma Walska, to name but a few.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd United States Coastal Charts, 1738-1861
The years between the end of the American Revolution and the beginning of the Civil War were crucial ones in the history of American coastal charting. At the beginning, foreign charts, principally British, were available; and a few of American origin. The latter were largely copies of British charts, and a few were compiled by local shipmasters and pilots. The more successful publishers were able to compile hydrographic data using their own resources, and added corrections in new editions of their charts. A "survey of the coast" was initiated by Congress in 1807 under Thomas Jefferson's administration. Delays due to the War of 1812 and political disagreements slowed progress and the production of the first important chart, that of New York harbour, was not published until 1843. Private publishers filled an important void between the time the Coast Survey was initiated and the time they produced usable charts. Data on the private publishers has been collected for publication here for the first time. Nevertheless, the survey was to increase the availability of charts which were accurate within the framework of hydrographic knowledge at the time. The Coast Survey succeeded in charting the entire coastline by the beginning of the Civil War. This volume is the first definitive study of these charts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 333 Tips for Sailors
Yachtsmen can now benefit from the practical expertise of scores of sailors and captains from a vast range of boating experience who divulge a wealth of information on types of ships, sailing areas, and requirements. This guide brings together their best ideas and secrets, including simple and cost-effective ways to improve equipment performance that make life on board more convenient and comfortable, and sailing easier and safer. Included are tips on mooring and anchoring, handling, stowing, securing, storing during the winter, and cleaning—and of course, maximizing comfort in the cockpit and on deck. Easy-to-follow demonstrations of how to tackle often complicated tasks efficiently, without much effort, and without breaking the bank, are sure to turn any serious sailor into a master yachtsman.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Watchstanding Guide for the Merchant Officer
On a merchant ship it is the watch officer who truly feels the full weight of responsibility for the safety of the vessel. This book not only helps a new watch officer shoulder that responsibility, but also reinforces the knowledge and skills of the experienced mate. The complete scope of watchstanding duties, the use of modern bridge equipment, voyage planning, ship-handling, and shipboard emergencies are all addressed. Of special interest are the chapters on bridge simulation training and marine casualties. The new edition is updated to reflect the changes in the industry and now features real-life case studies. Packed full of examples, forms, and procedures, this guide proves indispensable to the mariner.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Mariner's Guide to Nautical Information
This alphabetically arranged reference work puts over 2,000 modern nautical topics and terms at your fingertips, with enough explanatory advice to be truly useful. Topics ranging from the Navigation Rules, cruising under sail and power, electronics, and communication, to safety, weather, technical topics, and commonly-used spoken nautical language make this book a comprehensive resource. The Topic Index helps you test your knowledge and learn more about a subject, and the extensive annotated bibliography identifies hundreds of relevant publications and Internet resources. These terms are illustrated with 190color photographs and 9 line drawings. If you are thinking about getting started on the water this book is for you. If you are already out there and dreaming about distant horizons, there is a wealth of information to help you become more competent, confident, and comfortable afloat. International emphasis is also incorporated for readers in Canada and across the pond.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Marine Diesel Engines
Learn the essentials of marine diesel propulsion engines ranging from 1,000 to 80,000 horsepower. This excellent handbook for marine engineers emphasizes fundamentals and includes 130 detailed illustrations and formulas. The book allows students to examine the support systems needed for the selected engine, fuels and lubricants to ensure the engine runs efficiently, and individual parts of the engine. Study questions are provided at the end of each chapter to aid students in passing the United States Coast Guard third assistant engineers license exam diesel unlimited horesepower.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Deadrise and Cross-planked
In Deadrise and Cross-planked, author Larry S. Chowning takes readers on a journey into the history of wooden deadrise boat building, highlighting its role in Chesapeake Bay culture, and providing deeper insight into the builders who created these works of nautical ingenuity. More than 150 photographs complement this insider’s view of the traditional watermen’s lifestyle and offer a glimpse of the history that spans the thousands of nautical miles of the Chesapeake Bay. Written by one of the most notable bay historians, Deadrise and Cross-planked is a must-have for all maritime and Chesapeake Bay enthusiasts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Suppose
Suppose you made young ones laugh with rhymes that fueled in them a fundamental love of books and reading. Suppose that experience assisted in bringing about a monumental change in the next generation’s view of reading. Suppose paints reading as an adventure, with imaginative verse and fun-filled images that will have children and parents laughing together. Picture book–ages 0-6.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Dictionary of Maritime and Transportation Terms
This up-to-date standard reference is a must-have for every mariner's bookshelf. Acronyms and cross-references to related terms give the reader a full picture of how the many words and phrases are related. Compiled by Captain Jeffery W. Monroe and Director of the Department of Ports and Transportation for Portland, Maine, and Captain Robert Steward, Ph.D., Chair of the Business administration Department at the California Maritime Academy, Dictionary of Maritime and Transportation Terms is as complete a maritime dictionary as has ever been available on the market.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Cornell Manual for Lifeboatmen - Able Seamen and Qualified Members of Engine Department
The Cornell Manual was first published in 1984 to replace CG-176, a small handbook issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. Over the last two decades it has become a standard manual for those who choose to follow the sea and who want to prepare themselves for the Coast Guard examinations. The second edition of the manual has been updated to reflect current information and procedures, and includes for the various rating requirements for documents. The Cornell Manual describes safety practices--lifeboat operation, survival procedures, rescue and evacuation details, firefighting, and first aid--that should be understood by all mariners. Of particular value are the sample multiple-choice questions and answers for both the lifeboatman and able seaman Coast Guard examinations.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chesapeake 1-2-3
In Chesapeake 1-2-3, companion book to Chesapeake ABC, the bay comes alive for preschoolers and toddlers learning to count. Pages and scenes grow more crowded as readers approach "ten," then see all the numbers once again. One girl went out to fish; two ospreys fly up high; three sails are on each boat; learn to count--the Chesapeake Way! This book will delight youngsters with its clever rhymes and whimsical drawings. Picture book–ages 0-6.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Annapolis: A Walk Through History: A Walk Through History
Annapolis, one of America's outstanding colonial cities, is the capital of Maryland, the home of the U.S. Naval Academy, host to two of the largest boat shows in the country, and a vibrant town for tourist and resident alike. The city also offers a veritable architectural feast to the masses of visitors who meander through the centuries-old streets past impressively preserved buildings representing every period—Colonial, Georgian, Federal, Gothic Revival, Victorian, and Modern. These visitors can marvel at stately dwellings like the Hammond-Harwood and Paca Houses with their meticulously manicured formal gardens, or enjoy the more simple shops, row houses, and taverns lining the streets and alleys. This pocket guide puts the city's outstanding buildings in historical perspective and adds colorful facts to enhance enjoyment of them. It is spiced with delightful anecdotes of many early Annapolis inhabitants and enlightened by recent research. The text includes helpful maps and the superb photographs by M. E. Warren.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Quiet Please—Eaglets Growing
On Maryland’s western shore, a young boy watches a pair of eagles nesting in a stand of oak trees near his school. When the land where the trees are growing is sold to a company that plans to build condominiums there, the boy wonders what will happen to the eagles. Eventually, he and his classmates become worried enough to do something to help the nesting pair. Students, teachers, parents, and people from the local business community all join forces to ensure that the eagles can keep their nesting site. The story is appealing for its look at the remarkable bird that is America’s national emblem. At the same time, children are encouraged to learn their voice can be heard Middle grades–ages 8-12.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Modern Marine Engineer’s Manual: Volume II
This book is designed to serve as a textbook for students and a reference for today’s engineering officers, port engineers, superintendent engineers, and other maritime professionals. Steam turbine propulsion systems are included, but the coverage has been reduced in recognition of the popularity of main propulsion diesel engines, covered in volume 2, and the anticipated increasing applications of aeroderivative gas turbines. Reciprocating steam engines have been eliminated. Pumps, pumping systems, and heat exchangers are given extensive coverage. Computer applications for machinery and system management are presented, including an entire chapter on maintenance management. Relevant material on international and national laws, classification society requirements, and standards, such as ISO 9000 series and the ISM code, are included in the text. The characteristics of fuels are presented along with a discussion of fuel testing and analysis, and a section on bunkering. A chapter on safety and management discusses shipboard engineering operations, shipyard repair planning and economics, and safety management. Each chapter includes review questions and references for additional study.
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Masters Handbook on Ships Business
An invaluable aid to masters of ships for more than thirty years. Since the publication of the second edition more than a decade ago, many substantive changes have occurred in both the legal and operational environments affecting seagoing vessels and their crews. In response to these changes, this book has been completely updated and been renamed to include masters on all seagoing vessels, including oceangoing tugs. A complete guide for the newly appointed master, it is also useful to experienced masters as a checklist for the voluminous paperwork required in all phases of business aboard, including shipping articles, vessel documents and certificates, crew lists, customs and immigration requirements, accounting procedures, bills of lading, charter parties, vessel accidents, and logbooks. The master of a vessel is required to comply with state and federal laws that apply to the vessel and crew, the laws of foreign countries when the vessel is in their waters, and applicable internation
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Handbook of Rights and Concerns for Mariners
Conditions aboard ship can be brutal for some mariners, especially those from Third World countries working on substandard ships. Roberto Tiangco discovered this firsthand when he volunteered to help at the Halifax, Canada, Mission to Seafarers. He became concerned, and then angry, about the many commonly occurring difficulties faced by mariners on substandard ships. This book, written by Tiangco and Russ Jackson, addresses the problems and provides a comprehensive approach to their solution. A self-help guide, the book presents information in plain English about recruitment, employment contracts, wages, living conditions, work environment, health and medical care, repatriation, abandonment, and accidents. Graphic examples taken from Roberto Tiangco’s experience at the Mission to Seafarers and from various seafaring publications are recounted, allowing mariners to identify with the issues involved. For example, they can imagine (if they had not already experienced it) being told there was no clean bedding or towels aboard ship or that the crew must fish for their food; they can envision discovering that all the toilets and showers are inoperable for the length of a voyage. The national and international laws applicable to employment of mariners are covered in detail, and the nations that are signatories to the various laws and conventions are listed so mariners can be sure the rules apply to them. This is an invaluable guide to help mariners avoid falling into harm’s way.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Advanced First Aid Afloat
Since its first publication in 1972, more than 30,000 blue-water sailors have looked to this book when injury or illness struck at sea. Virtually every accident or ailment that might occur when professional medical care is unavailable is squarely faced and dealt with, using layman’s language and step-by-step instructions that calmly take the reader from diagnosis through treatment to follow-up care. The fifth edition brings this standard work up-to-date with current medical practice. While maintaining its ease of use for quick, easy reference in case of a medical emergency at sea, diagrams inside the front and back covers point the reader to the appropriate section of the book. Each section starts with a short account of a possible accident or sickness that might occur on a voyage, and then lists the steps to be taken by the caregiver. Photographs and diagrams accompany many of the procedures. Separate chapters are devoted to preparing a crew and the boat's medical chest for long cruises, including lists of drugs for which prescriptions are needed. A number of chapters deal with the unique needs of children.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Counties of Northern Maryland
This second book in the Our Maryland Counties series for elementary school students covers Baltimore, Frederick, Harford, and Carroll counties. The book includes a description of the region’s geography, climate, plants and animals, and history. The uniqueness of each county is celebrated with absorbing stories about its founding, growth, county government, major towns, prominent churches, education, business, agriculture, natural resources, and places of interest. Clever line drawings and asides called “Fun Facts” and “Not-so-fun Facts” keep the students involved in the subject. Middle grades–ages 10-13.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chesapeake Bay Schooners
Chesapeake Bay Schooners focuses on the evolution of a uniquely American vessel from its European origins to the shipyards and waters of the bay, where it was perfected. This story of the schooners began with the handy colonial schooner, with the search for speed culminating in the creation of the graceful Baltimore clipper. These swift, sharp-built vessels of the Chesapeake gave rise to countless tales of high adventure and romance. No other book has chronicled the history of the commercial schooner, including its economic and social aspects. The authors spent hours interviewing maritime historians, and relied heavily upon those who sailed the last schooners to tell their own stories. Extensive research at private and public libraries, in photo collections, and in archives has yielded previously unpublished material and photographs to flesh out the history of this significant influence in bay commercial enterprise. But, above all, this narrative is a tribute to these often overlooked commercial vessels that were a mainstay of commerce on the bay and to the tenacity and dedication of the men and women who operated them.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fighting for Fairness: The Life Story of Hall of Fame Sportswriter Sam Lacy
His dream was to play professional baseball. Instead, Sam Lacy became an outspoken advocate for equal opportunity, using words to pry open doors so athletes at all levels could realize their dreams. Fighting for Fairness is the account of sportswriter Sam Lacy’s career-long battle to lower racial barriers in sports. Lacy spearheaded integration in major league baseball, and recognition of this achievement led to his induction into the writer’s wing of the Baseball Hall of Fame on July 26, 1998. Sam Lacy’s on-the-scene accounts of sports events and insider stories about legendary sports figures are unmatched. Lacy lived with sports heroes like Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby in the segregated accommodations to which they were relegated for years, despite their outstanding performances on the playing field. This extraordinary book stands as a mirror of the progress America has made in race relations during Sam Lacy’s lifetime.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Making Money with Boats
More than ever, charter operators must adhere to good business practices to transform water-related fun into profitability. The first part of this book is dedicated to the business side of chartering, with chapters on starting a business, accounting, insurance, marketing tools, the marketing plan, and the business plan. Recent changes in the requirements for licensing, documentation, vessel inspection, and bareboat chartering are demystified, making this book a must-have for anyone seeking to make money with a boat, including parasail operators, dive boat skippers, excursion boat owners, and many others.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Auxiliary Sail Vessel Operations for the Aspiring Professional Sailor
Initially created as a course curriculum for classes in sail vessel operations at the Maine Maritime Academy, this work has been developed to provide a firm foundation for men and women working toward earning U.S. Coast Guard licenses to operate auxiliary-powered sailing yachts and vessels. The book addresses seamanship aboard sailing vessels, relevant hydrodynamic and aerodynamic theory, basic and advanced sailing maneuvers, planning and managing for crew and vessel safety, meteorology for sailors, heavy-weather sailing, emergencies at sea, and vessel administration as related to Coast Guard rules and regulations. Designed to accompany the sailor as a study guide and point of reference, the work, in both theory and practice, calls attention to the myriad constant and critical elements of professional yacht and vessel management.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Naturalist on the Nanticoke: The Natural History of a River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore
Since its discovery by Captain John Smith in 1608, the Nanticoke has never been particularly hospitable to the outsider. Flowing thirty-six miles from its source above Seaford, Delaware, to the Chesapeake Bay below Salisbury on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, it is surrounded by mosquito-ridden and low-lying marshland. Hedeen concentrates on the natural history and ecology of the river area, but especially on those aspects that have given rise to fascinating stories and legends.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tidewater Time Capsule: History Beneath the Patuxent
Years ago, few people understood the value of the submerged cultural resources beneath the waters of the Chesapeake region. Recently, the search for the region’s underwater heritage has been validated and initiated an intensified attempt to study and preserve the priceless resources in the waters of the bay and its tributaries. Tidewater Time Capsule presents a fascinating account of one underwater archaeological endeavor in which Donald G. Shomette was intimately involved: the underwater survey of the Patuxent River, and, in particular, the search for Commodore Joshua Barney’s Chesapeake Flotilla, which was lost beneath the river’s waters following a battle with the British during the War of 1812. The author skillfully sets the historical scene, and then proceeds to a first-person, on-the-site narrative of the investigative events as they happened. The Patuxent Project was the first underwater archaeological survey of an entire river system. In this multiphase investigation, archaeologists sought such diverse resources as inundated aboriginal and historic sites, harbor facilities, military establishments, battle sites, shipwrecks, and, in particular, the final resting place of Joshua Barney’s famed Chesapeake Flotilla from the War of 1812.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Biggest (and Best) Flag That Ever Flew
Young Caroline Pickersgill lives with her mother and grandmother in Baltimore, Maryland. Mrs. Pickersgill, a widow, supports herself and her daughter by making flags for the ships that sail into the city. Some soldiers from Fort McHenry come to her to order the biggest and best flag in the world, and Caroline helps make it. When the British sail up the Chesapeake Bay to destroy Baltimore during the War of 1812, the defenders at the fort beat them back. After the British sail away the next day, the flag “gallantly streaming” over the fort is the one Caroline and her mother had sewn. By “the dawn’s early light,” Francis Scott Key saw it waving “o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Here is a charming (and true) children’s story about a young girl who, in helping her widowed mother, became a part of our nation’s history.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Baltimore’s Cast-Iron Buildings & Architectural Ironwork
Baltimore was an innovator in the development of cast-iron architecture, but the city’s heritage of buildings in this genre, once numbering more than a hundred, has dwindled to only a handful today. The Baltimore region also had a long tradition in iron production, beginning with the colonial era and continuing through the 1950s as Sparrows Point became the single largest steel complex in the world. Baltimore’s Cast-Iron Buildings is a celebration of a unique aspect of Baltimore’s architectural and industrial history. The authors examine cast-iron buildings in an integrated way to show how the material was fabricated and the buildings erected. They also explore the cast and wrought ironwork used for gates, fences, railings, and ornaments. The heavily illustrated work includes ironwork catalogs from the mid-1800s.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Secret of Heron Creek
While fishing one day in his small rowboat, William Constable catches a glimpse of something unusual in the water. Standing to get a better look, the youngster loses his balance, hits his head on the edge of the boat, and falls unconscious into the water. So begins this exciting tale about two boys and a loveable sea monster named Chessie. Soon after the mishap, William tells his best friend, Tommy, about his encounters with Chessie, and every day the boys row down Heron Creek to play with her (bringing along her favorite snacks—tuna fish sandwiches and Oreo cookies). A cruel, greedy man sees them romping with their secret pet and plots to trap Chessie and sell her for big bucks to movie makers or scientists. The nighttime operation that William and Tommy undertake to save their friend will thrill readers young and old. Middle grades–ages 10-13.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Modern Towing
A wide-ranging work on all aspects of towing, in both inland and ocean waters. Part I, The Industry, gives an overview, followed by descriptions of types of tugs and modes of towing. Part II, Operations, covers getting the tug under way, under way with tow and at sea, and special types of towing. Part III, Towing as a Business, deals with the shore establishment. More than fifty appendices consolidate data helpful to the tugmaster. The text is illustrated with more than 300 drawings, photographs, diagrams, and other visual aids.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fisherman’s Knots and Nets
Jam-packed with practical valuable information for fishermen everywhere, this handbook describes the hundreds of ties and bends used to connect line to the many types and kinds of hooks, leaders, lures, nets, traps, and seines. The text and illustrations are amply detailed and so clear that all guesswork is eliminated. The making and repairing of nets is thoroughly covered, as well as the making and repairing of seines and traps. With this guidebook in hand the novice can learn to make good nets and traps in a very short time. The veteran fisherman will find it an indispensable reference tool. Whether you fish for fun or to make a living, this is a valuable addition to your tackle box
Schiffer Publishing Ltd F-104 Starfighter: Lockheed's Sleek Cold War Interceptor
Lockheed developed the F-104 Starfighter in the late 1950s. The plane was designed to be an all-weather interceptor. Speed, climb, and altitude all were priorities, and the plane did turn out to be extraordinarily fast, but there were costs associated with that top speed: low-speed handling and landing characteristics were compromised. The plane had a relatively short service life with the US Air Force but remained on duty with several large NATO allies for decades. Particularly when deployed abroad, the Starfighter acquired a reputation for being difficult to fly and compiled an alarming accident rate. Today there are many examples of this pretty aircraft on display in museums, and they have proved unusually prolific as base "gate guards." This is a comprehensive photographic survey of the Starfighter, with dedicated chapters on prototype versions and the A, B, C/D, G, N, Canadian CF-104, Japanese F-104J, and F-104S models.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd USMC Tracked Amphibious Vehicles: T46E1/M76 Otter, M116 Husky, LVTP5, and LVTP7/AAV7A1
Due to the specific nature of the Marine Corps' mission, the Marines has a acute need for amphibious vehicles. From the Vietnam War through today, the USMC has relied on four primary types of tracked amphibians: the T46E1/M76 Otter, M116 Husky, LVTP5, and LVTP7/AAV7A1. This new book provides a useful photographic overview of all these vehicles. More than 300 black-and-white and color photos make this a valuable resource for modelers, artists, and restoration experts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Soul
The primeval intelligence of the human soul and the ecosystem within which it operates have long remained secret, their deeper mysteries overlooked, obfuscated, or simply misunderstood. In Soul: A Modern Guide to Evolving in a Conscious Universe, Lara van Zuydam clarifies and democratizes key esoteric information by unpacking the concept of the human soul at a granular level and explaining how it interacts with the other spiritual layers that make up a human being. The book comprehensively and concretely introduces the soul, from describing what it is to why it is currently housed in a human body, and explains the purpose of incarnation in a challenging world It explains the distinction between the soul and the notion of spirit, our connection to antiquity, and our deeper connection to the Source It discusses how the modern fixation on angels and other benevolent beings has cultivated a skewed perception, and that penetrating the mysteries without
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Splish Splash First to Last
Schiffer Publishing Ltd M60 Tank: US Cold War MBT
The M60 was deployed by the US military from 1960 until it was phased out and replaced with the M1 Abrams during/after Operation Desert Storm. More than 10,000 examples were produced, and many examples remain in service with foreign militaries to the present day. This is the most comprehensive photo reference on the type, featuring 340 black-and-white and color images. The photos illustrate both the design features and the combat history of the tank. Specific chapters are designated for the M60, A1, A2, and A3 models, along with various auxiliary vehicles based on the M60 hull.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Flowerwise Oracle
Wisdom has been embedded in the timeless roots of ancient Earth and through the flowers is it conveyed. The 44 cards of The Flowerwise Oracle give messages of comfort and positive counsel in a hectic and fractured world. Each card, a portrait of a flower in the human form, gently inspires and informs. The diversity of botanical life mirrors the vast diversity of race and culture throughout the world. The illustrations on the cards represent diversity through beautiful feminine personas.The flowers speak in first person, offering strength and compassionate guidance The detailed and botanically illustrated accompanying guidebook provides fascinating facts, folklore, and histories of each of the 44 flower oracles.The deck and book are timely and remind us of the importance of preserving the beauty and healing power that can be found in our natural world Within Gaia can be found all the nourishment one n
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Machinist Sculptor: Industry Meets Craft
Explore machine work as a fine craft through the lens of Chris Bathgate’s pioneering sculpture techniques. By all rights, machining should have been embraced by artists long ago. During the 20th century, many industrial crafts were developed into studio art mediums. For a long time, however, the crafts movement rejected many forms of automation. Seen as inexpressive, expensive, and inaccessible, machine tools would be largely relegated to their industrial role until the first few years of the 2000s. Artist Chris Bathgate’s story brings visibility to the craft of modern machine work. • Bathgate utilizes handmade tools; milling, drilling, and turning machines; CNC (computerized numerical controlled) machines; and more to form precisely crafted complex sculptures that capture the imagination and pose exciting questions about how the worlds of technology and craft are intersecting now more than ever. He combines a variety of metals—including steel, aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, and more—to create his sculptures, sometimes adding wood and other materials. • His work illustrates that inspiration often is born out of the need to solve and overcome technical challenges. • Some of his sculptures take the form of small mechanical objects, while others reflect a more traditional approach to sculpture. • Detailed schematic blueprints, CAD renderings, and in-process "how it’s made" images throughout the book augment his stunning finished pieces and the exciting backstory of how the author has developed this medium. This book explores the history and craft of machine work through the lens of Bathgate’s pioneering sculptures, and it serves as a contemporary reflection on the modern state of craft.