Search results for ""author keith""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Human Emotions: A Reader
Human Emotions: A Reader brings together a collection of articles which give an approach to the fast-growing field of empirical and theoretical research on emotions. The volume includes classic writings from Darwin, James and Freud chosen to show their current significance, together with articles from contemporary research literature. The articles give a broad coverage of the subject and include selections from cross-cultural, biological, social, developmental and clinical areas of study. Human Emotions: A Reader begins with an overall introduction to both the volume and subject area by the Editors. Each of the six sections of the book, and each article are introduced, contextualizing and relating these articles to comparable research. The volume is organized to correspond with the structure and coverage of Understanding Emotions written by Keith Oatley and Jennifer M. Jenkins (also published by Blackwell). It can also be used independently allowing instructors to teach courses on emotions with their own emphases, and giving students access to a range of primary source material in this thought provoking field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intellectual Property, Growth and Trade
In recent years intellectual property rights (IPR) took on major significance as an element of global trade regulation. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) at the World Trade Organization (WTO) obliges member countries to protect patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. This mandate has great impact in developing nations, which had generally weaker IPR standards prior to TRIPS and subsequent agreements. This emerging international regime for protecting IPR raises thorny questions about how the new rules of the game might affect fundamental economic processes, including innovation, trade and economic development. The governments of many developing countries see the new regime as excessively protectionist and an impediment to their development prospects. They perceive potential problems with abusive monopoly practices, high costs for new medicines, and limited access to scientific and educational materials. Indeed, it is ironic that during a time of significant global liberalization of trade and investment barriers, the IPR system may be raising restrictions on access to the very technology flows that could substantiate the gains from greater trading opportunities. However, expansion of the global IPR regime also bears potential for economic gains. It is possible that the new system will encourage additional investments in R&D and innovation. The ongoing internationalization of commercial R&D could be accelerated. Such investments might increasingly meet the medical, agricultural, and educational needs of people in poor countries. The regime could also improve the mechanisms under which new information goods are transferred across borders, expanding the possibilities for fruitful diffusion of technologies. The implications of these reforms will be far-reaching, complex and hard to predict. It is possible, for example, that stronger patents will simply redistribute incomes across nations, generating significant winners and losers without much overall innovation gains. It is also possible that R&D investments could become more concentrated among the developed and newly industrialized economies but bypass the poorer locations. Ultimately, all such questions need close theoretical and empirical scrutiny. In this volume several economists who are closely involved in such analysis offer comprehensive and analytical literature surveys of the central questions regarding the linkages between intellectual property protection, international trade and investment, and economic growth. The authors range widely over their particular areas of inquiry. At the international level the contributions cover such questions as policy coordination in IPR, dispute resolution, markets for technology and technology transfer, international innovation, parallel trade, and economic development. On the regulatory side there are thoughtful reviews of the legal foundations of IPR, knowledge creation and the public domain, networks and standards, competition policy, access to essential medicines, and agricultural research. The contributions are aimed primarily at economists, who will find ambitious and up-to-date treatments of the most central areas of IPR and globalization. The chapters analyze recent literature, discuss shortcomings and key findings, and indicate where additional research is urgently needed. However, scholars of other disciplines, particularly in law, political science, and international relations, will find much of interest as well. The literature reviews also constitute a valuable resource for students in all these fields who wish to learn more about the economics of international IPR. This book brings together fresh insights from top economists. It considers various aspects of IPRs in the global economy from analytical and empirical perspectives. Areas covered include information technology, trade, investment, agriculture, medicine, firm behavior, and development.
Elsevier Health Sciences Neale's Disorders of the Foot and Ankle
Now in its 9th edition and fully updated to reflect 21st century podiatric practice Neale's Disorders of the Foot and Ankle continues to be essential reading for students entering the profession, qualified podiatrists and other health care professionals interested in the foot. Written by a renowned team of expert editors and international contributors it gives up-to-date, evidence-based content of the highest quality. Podiatric students should find everything they need within its covers to pass their exams, whilst qualified clinicians will find it a useful reference during their daily practice. All the common conditions encountered in day-to-day podiatric practice are reviewed and their diagnoses and management described along with areas of related therapeutics. Fully illustrated in colour throughout including over 500 photographs and illustrations. Complete coverage of podiatric conditions, including Circulatory Disorders, Rheumatic Diseases, Imaging, Foot Orthoses, Pediatric Podiatry, Podiatric Sports Medicine, Podiatric Surgery, Leprosy and Tropical Medicine. Brand new chapters covering key topics including Complimentary and Integrated Medicine, Forensic and Legal Medicine, Evidence Based Practice in Podiatry and Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Heart of Zen: Enlightenment, Emotional Maturity, and What It Really Takes for Spiritual Liberation
Scribo Puzzles Publishing Limited 2024 366 Croesair Cymraeg-Saesneg Un Bob Dydd / One-a-Day Welsh-English Crosswords
Oro Editions LA+ Journal: Simulation: Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture
Our epoch has been dubbed the Anthropocene Era to mark the significance of human activities as the greatest force of environmental change. The distinctions between biology/technology, organic/synthetic, and natural/artificial are increasingly impossible to maintain. Cloned sheep, climate models, digitally-printed tissue and lab-grown meat this is not the nature of our predecessors. This issue of LA+ addresses the theme of SIMULATION in terms of how recent technologies have changed how we understand the nature of nature. From Plato's Cave to Baudrillard's "Simulacrum," simulations were historically understood as counterfeits or facsimiles and were based on the distinction between a model and its copy. Simulations remain central to mediations between reality and its representation; however, the latest forms of simulation - whether genetic manipulation or computer modelling - are not seen as impediments to truth and knowledge but as tools to uncover the complexities of nature.A diverse list of contributors critically investigates the theme through a myriad of lenses including biology, computer sciences, engineering, environmental science, industrial design, philosophy, and planning, among other fields. LA+ Simulation is guest-edited by Karen M'Closkey and Keith VanDerSys.
Heyday Books Hansen's Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Delight in the Sierra Nevada’s diverse avifauna with this long-awaited field guide.Identify and learn about over two hundred and fifty birds of the Sierra Nevada. From tiniest hummingbirds to condors with nine-foot wingspans; from lower-elevation wrens to the rasping nutcrackers of the High Sierra; from urban House Sparrows to wild water–loving American Dippers, Hansen’s Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada showcases artist-naturalist Keith Hansen’s sixteen-year project to illustrate the birds of the Sierra Nevada. Paired with stunningly detailed portraits is text informed by decades of birding experience—prose that while firmly grounded in expertise will nonetheless delight readers with its whimsy, allusion, and affection. Take the Bufflehead: "A diminutive and endearing diving duck," which moves "with spirited abandon." Or the "scrappy and antagonistic" Merlin, "holding dominion over winter skies, tormenting eagles, hawks, and vultures alike." The White-tailed Kite is "angelic in poise, a streamlined bird of unblemished tailoring"; the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sports a black eye-to-eye brow, imparting a "Frida Kahlo–like stare." This book is the field guide companion to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution, also coauthored by Edward C. Beedy and illustrated by Keith Hansen (University of California Press, 2013).
Cengage Learning, Inc Great Writing 1: Student's Book
The new edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations, extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-level practice, and National Geographic content to spark ideas, students have the tools they need to become confident writers. Updated in this Edition: Clearly organized units offer the practice students need to become effective independent writers. Each unit includes: Part 1: Elements of Great Writing teaches the fundamentals of organized writing, accurate grammar, and precise mechanics. Part 2: Building Better Vocabulary provides practice with carefully-selected, level-appropriate academic words. Part 3: Building Better Sentences helps writers develop longer and more complex sentences. Part 4: Writing activities allow students to apply what they have learned by guiding them through writing, editing, and revising. Part 5: New Test Prep section gives a test-taking tip and timed task to prepare for high-stakes standardized tests, including IELTs and TOEFL. The new guided online writing activity takes students through the entire writing process with clear models for reference each step of the way.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Island of Doctor Moreau and Other Stories
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Emily Alder, Lecturer in Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University 'Each time I dip a living creature into the bath of burning pain, I say: this time I will burn out all the animal, this time I will make a rational creature of my own!' declares Doctor Moreau to hapless narrator Edward Prendick. Moreau's highly controversial methods and ambitions conflict with the religious, moral and scientific norms of his day and Wells later called The Island of Doctor Moreau 'a youthful exercise in blasphemy'. Today his vivid depictions of the Beast People still strike modern readers with an uncanny glimpse of the animal in the human, while the behaviour of humans leave us wondering who is the most monstrous after all. This volume unites four of Wells' liveliest and most engaging tales of the strange evolution and behaviour of animals - including human beings. The Island of Doctor Moreau is followed by three fantastic yet chillingly plausible short stories of human-animal encounters. The Empire of the Ants is a darkly humorous account of intelligent Amazonian ants threatening to displace humans as 'the lords of the future and masters of the earth'. In The Sea Raiders, the south coast of England is terrorized by an unwelcome visit from deep-sea predator Haploteuthis ferox, while Æpyornis Island provides a marooned egg collector with an unusual companion.
Springer International Publishing AG Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen für Menschen mit Autismus: Integration der Forschung in die Praxis
Dieses Buch untersucht aktuelle Trends und Praktiken im Bereich der Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen für Menschen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS) und konzentriert sich dabei auf die empirische Unterstützung aktueller Praktiken und darauf, für welche Bevölkerungsgruppen diese Praktiken am häufigsten evaluiert wurden (z. B. Alter, Funktionsniveau). Es werden die wichtigsten Praktiken beschrieben, die als Lehrstrategien für soziale Fähigkeiten eingesetzt werden können, sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen der Lehrstrategien, die relevante empirische Unterstützung und ein Leitfaden für die Anwendung, der sich auf die empirischen Bewertungen stützt. Diese Leitfäden sind ein praktisches Hilfsmittel für die Umsetzung der allgemein evaluierten Lehrstrategien für soziale Kompetenzen. Darüber hinaus beschreibt das Buch die Grenzen des Lehrens sozialer Kompetenzen und gibt Empfehlungen für künftige Forschungs- und Interventionsstrategien, die die derzeitigen Grenzen überwinden könnten.Zu den wichtigsten Themen gehören:Videomodellierung und Training sozialer Fertigkeiten für Menschen mit ASD.Training von Verhaltensfähigkeiten bei ASD.Peer-vermittelter Unterricht für Menschen mit Autismus.Soziale Narrative von Menschen mit ASD.Social Skills Teaching for Individuals with Autism ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Forscher, Professoren und Studenten sowie für Kliniker, Therapeuten und andere Fachleute aus den Bereichen klinische Kinder- und Schulpsychologie, Verhaltenstherapie/Rehabilitation, Sozialarbeit, öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und allen damit zusammenhängenden Disziplinen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Field Guide to Family Business Research
The Field Guide to Family Business Research is a concise and accessible guidebook that addresses the unique challenges associated with conducting high-quality family business research. Intended for both new and more experienced scholars, experts provide essential guidelines and insightful best practices for overcoming these challenges.Comprehensive in scope and split into three key parts, the book addresses general, qualitative and quantitative challenges and their various solutions. Chapters examine three primary research challenges: failure to demonstrate a clear and unique contribution to the extant literature; failure to properly frame and align an argument’s theory and hypothesis; and finally, failure to measure and conduct appropriate methodological and empirical approaches to a study. Ultimately, the solutions presented offer a better understanding of the unique aspects of conducting research in the family business domain.With a wealth of expertise and practical information, this guide will be of great benefit to anyone conducting research in family business. It will be especially helpful to researchers and students of business management, law, public policy and social policy as well as consultants and practitioners in the field of family business.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Foreign Office's War, 1939-41: British Strategic Foreign Policy and the Major Neutral Powers
Provides a forceful corrective to the idea that Britain 'stood alone' until the invasion of the Soviet Union and the attack on Pearl Harbor brought about 'the Grand Alliance'. Based on extensive archival research, the book demonstrates that 1939 to 1941 was a period of intensive diplomatic activity by the British Foreign Office designed to ensure that Britain's potential enemies, especially Soviet Russia, Italy and Japan, remained neutral and that its most desirable potential ally, the United States, remained as friendly as possible until it could be persuaded to join in the conflict. The book highlights the importance of diplomacy towards neutrals for British policy, considers the complexities of the situation, tying together issues such as blockade and the disposition of British forces in various theatres, explores decision making within the British government, examining how the diplomatic considerations of the Foreign Office played into wider debates amongst ministers and senior civil servants, and discusses the various courses towards neutrals, including alternatives, advocated within the Foreign Office. Overall, the book provides a rich, highly nuanced view of British policy in this crucial period.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Northern England and Southern Scotland in the Central Middle Ages
First full-length survey of the fluid relationship between these two areas at a time of rapid change. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the development of northern England and southern Scotland in the formative era of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. How did "middle Britain" come to be divided between twoseparate unitary kingdoms called "England" and "Scotland"? How, and how differently, was government exercised and experienced? How did people identify themselves by their languages and naming practices? What major themes can be detected in the development of ecclesiastical structures and religious culture? What can be learned about the rural and the emerging urban environments in terms of lordly exploitation and control, settlement patterns and how the landscape itself evolved? These are among the key questions addressed by the contributors, who bring to bear multi-faceted approaches to medieval "middle Britain". Above all, by pursuing similarities and differences from a comparative "transnational" perspective it becomes clearer how the "old" interacted with the "new", what was exceptional and what was not, and how far the histories of northern England and southern Scotland point to common or not so commonfoundations and trajectories. KEITH STRINGER is Professor Emeritus of Medieval British History at Lancaster University; ANGUS WINCHESTER is Professor Emeritus of Local and Landscape History at Lancaster University. Contributors: Richard Britnell, Dauvit Broun, Janet Burton, David Ditchburn, Philip Dixon, Piers Dixon, Fiona Edmonds, Richard Oram, Keith Stringer, Chris Tabraham, Simon Taylor, Angus J.L. Winchester.
Workman Publishing The Tree Book: Superior Selections for Landscapes, Streetscapes, and Gardens
“A boon to all those who plant, care for, and love trees.”—Nina Bassuk, author of Trees in the Urban Landscape The Tree Book is the go-to reference to more than 2,400 species and cultivars, from two of the biggest names in horticulture—Michael A. Dirr and Keith S. Warren. The featured trees include those widely available in the nursery trade, some new and promising choices, and a selection of overlooked options that deserve renewed interest. Each tree profile includes the common and botanical names along with details on foliage; flowers, seeds, fruits, and cones; native range; adaptability; and popular uses in landscapes. The Tree Book is a must-have resource for landscape architects, city foresters, horticulturists, and enthusiastic home gardeners.
University of Nebraska Press Black Cowboys of Rodeo: Unsung Heroes from Harlem to Hollywood and the American West
2023 Best Book Awards Winner in Nonfiction sponsored by American Book Fest They ride horses, rope calves, buck broncos, ride and fight bulls, and even wrestle steers. They are Black cowboys, and the legacies of their pursuits intersect with those of America’s struggle for racial equality, human rights, and social justice. Keith Ryan Cartwright brings to life the stories of such pioneers as Cleo Hearn, the first Black cowboy to professionally rope in the Rodeo Cowboy Association; Myrtis Dightman, who became known as the Jackie Robinson of Rodeo after being the first Black cowboy to qualify for the National Finals Rodeo; and Tex Williams, the first Black cowboy to become a state high school rodeo champion in Texas.Black Cowboys of Rodeo is a collection of one hundred years of stories, told by these revolutionary Black pioneers themselves and set against the backdrop of Reconstruction, Jim Crow, segregation, the civil rights movement, and eventually the integration of a racially divided country.
Yale University Press Golden Prospects: Daguerreotypes of the California Gold Rush
A fresh, comprehensive, and critical look at the California gold rush through the lens of the daguerreotype camera The California gold rush was the first major event in American history to be documented in depth by photography. This fascinating volume offers a fresh, comprehensive, and critical look at the people, places, and culture of that historical episode as seen through daguerreotypes and ambrotypes of the era. After gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, thousands made the journey to California, including daguerreotypists who established studios in cities and towns and ventured into the gold fields in specially outfitted photographic wagons. Their images, including portraits, views of cities and gold towns, and miners at work in the field, provide an extraordinary glimpse into the evolution of mining culture and technology, the variety of nationalities and races involved in the mining industry, and the growth of cities such as San Francisco and Sacramento. Including numerous images published here for the first time, this book provides an extraordinary glimpse into the transformation of the American West.Distributed for The Hall Family Foundation in association with The Nelson-Atkins Museum of ArtExhibition Schedule:The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City (September 6, 2019–January 26, 2020)Peabody Essex Museum, Salem (April 4, 2020–July 12, 2020)Yale University Art Gallery (August 28–November 29, 2020)
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Art Deco Limoges: Camille Tharaud and Other Ceramists
Art Deco style, with its modern forms, rich colors, and brilliant glazes, appeared on the scene by 1910, exploded into great heights of popularity by 1925, and remained popular throughout the 1930s. In 475 brilliant color images worthy of the movement, the Art Deco decorated porcelains from Limoges, France, are displayed. While centering on the work of the talented artist Camille Tharaud, examples from Robj, Edouard Marcel Sandoz, Suzanne Lalique, and Royal Limoges are also included. Among the wares presented are over 500 delicate vases, tea sets, figurines, covered boxes and bowls, plates, and night lights. Additionally, Art Deco patterns and company names, direct from the pattern books of Gerard, Dufraisseix, Abbot, are on display. The detailed text provides an indepth look at Camille Tharaud and his work, with an extensive bibliography, and index. Value ranges for the wares displayed are found in the captions.
Springer International Publishing AG Pulmonary Pathology: Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic
This book covers the complete field of pulmonary pathology - neoplastic and non-neoplastic - from Acinic cell tumor in the lung to Wegener`s Granulomatosis. The alphabetically arranged entries, each of which provides a detailed description of a specific pathological disease pattern, allow readers to quickly and easily find the information they need.
Springer International Publishing AG Agricultural Biotechnology in Sub-Saharan Africa: Capacity, Enabling Environment and Applications in Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Aquaculture
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the application level for various agricultural biotechnologies across Sub-Saharan Africa. The authors examine the capacity available as well as the enabling environment, including policy and investments, for facilitating agricultural biotechnology development and use in the region. For each Sub-Saharan country, the status of biotechnology application is assessed in four major sectors; Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Aquaculture. Examples such as the number and requisite skill levels of trained personnel, biosafety frameworks and public awareness are surfaced in these chapters. This work also discusses the impact of push-pull factors on research, training and food security and identifies opportunities for investment in biotechnology and local agribusiness.Development partners, policy makers, agricultural consultants as well as scientists and private sector investors with an interest in biotechnology initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa will find this collection an important account to identify key gaps in capacity and policy, as well as priority areas going forward. The volume highlights ways to develop technology and increase agricultural production capacity through international cooperation and inclusive economic growth, making it a valuable practice guide in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 2 Zero Hunger and SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. Clear case studies round off the reading experience.
Orion Publishing Co A Fresh Start (Quick Reads)
From wronged wives to nosy neighbours, from distant dads to new-found family, from secrets to lies, fresh starts to false endings - and everything in between...A collection of brilliant short stories from the best writers around.This collections contains original stories from Fanny Blake, Louise Candlish, Mike Gayle, Mari Hannah, Sophie Kinsella, Jojo Moyes, Adele Parks, Ian Rankin, Mahsuda Snaith and Keith Stuart.
Bedford Books Everything's an Argument with Readings
Baker Publishing Group Making a Difference in Preaching – Haddon Robinson on Biblical Preaching
Making a Difference in Preaching offers a collection of Haddon Robinson's shorter writings on preaching, penned over a forty-year period. Now available in paperback, the book provides readers with a helpful understanding of Robinson's preaching theory, method, and practice. This collection, edited by Scott Gibson, illuminates the key differences between good preaching and poor preaching. Each chapter contains discussion/reflection questions and a list of books for further reading. The book is well-suited for pastors looking for refreshing insights into their preaching, as well as seminary students or lay speakers.
Pearson Education (US) Workbook for Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Landscape of Family Business
The editors should be commended for developing a Map of the Landscape of Family Business Outcomes. It gives future research direction to the discipline considering both short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. It considers conventional concepts of structure, roles, and rules as well as family/firm processes, the uniqueness of family businesses and the essence of their resilience capacity. There are thought-provoking nuggets for new and seasoned researchers, counselors and advisors, business and executive educators, as well as family business owners.'- Sharon M. Danes, University of Minnesota, USThe Landscape of Family Business expands upon groundbreaking research to offer owners, consultants, and academics a new holistic way to view family business.What are the important outcomes in family business? What are the relationships among those outcomes? And, what does an overall pattern of outcome relationships reveal about family business? Based on 12 years of family business research, this book presents answers to these questions in the form of a Map of the Landscape of Family Business. In addition, leading scholars provide reviews and make recommendations to researchers and practitioners about each of the seven clusters revealed in the map - Governance, Performance, Social and Economic Impact, Strategy, Family Dynamics, Family Business Roles, and Succession.Clear and concise, with a focus on relationships in family business, this insightful book is both an enjoyable and informative read and will prove to be an asset to every bookshelf. Scholars, academics and family business owners and managers are sure to find The Landscape of Family Business an invaluable resource.Contributors: M. Baù, K.H. Brigham, M.S. Daugherty, G.G. Dess, K. Hellerstedt, F. Hoy, F.W. Kellermanns, G.T. Lumpkin, M. Nordqvist, K. Rosplock, P. Sharma, R.L. Sorenson, L.J. Stanley, K. Wennberg, A. Yu
John Wiley & Sons Inc Inverse Heat Conduction: Ill-Posed Problems
Inverse Heat Conduction A comprehensive reference on the field of inverse heat conduction problems (IHCPs), now including advanced topics, numerous practical examples, and downloadable MATLAB codes. The First Edition of the classic book Inverse Heat Conduction: III-Posed Problems, published in 1985, has been used as one of the primary references for researchers and professionals working on IHCPs due to its comprehensive scope and dedication to the topic. The Second Edition of the book is a largely revised version of the First Edition with several all-new chapters and significant enhancement of the previous material. Over the past 30 years, the authors of this Second Edition have collaborated on research projects that form the basis for this book, which can serve as an effective textbook for graduate students and as a reliable reference book for professionals. Examples and problems throughout the text reinforce concepts presented. The Second Edition continues emphasis from the First Edition on linear heat conduction problems with revised presentation of Stolz, Function Specification, and Tikhonov Regularization methods, and expands coverage to include Conjugate Gradient Methods and the Singular Value Decomposition method. The Filter Matrix concept is explained and embraced throughout the presentation and allows any of these solution techniques to be represented in a simple explicit linear form. Two direct approaches suitable for non-linear problems, the Adjoint Method and Kalman Filtering, are presented, as well as an adaptation of the Filter Matrix approach applicable to non-linear heat conduction problems. In the Second Edition of Inverse Heat Conduction: III-Posed Problems, readers will find: A comprehensive literature review of IHCP applications in various fields of engineering Exact solutions to several fundamental problems for direct heat conduction problems, the concept of the computational analytical solution, and approximate solution methods for discrete time steps using superposition of exact solutions which form the basis for the IHCP solutions in the text IHCP solution methods and comparison of many of these approaches through a common suite of test problems Filter matrix form of IHCP solution methods and discussion of using filter-form Tikhonov regularization for solving complex IHCPs in multi-layer domain with temperature-dependent material properties Methods and criteria for selection of the optimal degree of regularization in solution of IHCPs Application of the filter concept for solving two-dimensional transient IHCP problems with multiple unknown heat fluxes Estimating the heat transfer coefficient, h, for lumped capacitance body and bodies with temperature gradients Bias in temperature measurements in the IHCP and correcting for temperature measurement bias Inverse Heat Conduction is a must-have resource on the topic for mechanical, aerospace, chemical, biomedical, or metallurgical engineers who are active in the design and analysis of thermal systems within the fields of manufacturing, aerospace, medical, defense, and instrumentation, as well as researchers in the areas of thermal science and computational heat transfer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Heating Systems, Plant and Control
In many climates buildings are unable to provide comfort conditions for year-round occupancy without the benefit of a heating system, and most HVAC engineers will routinely be involved with issues concerning the design, installation and performance of such systems. Furthermore, in temperate climates, heating of buildings accounts for a large slice of annual carbon emissions. The design of heating systems for maximum efficiency and minimum carbon emission is therefore now a matter of prime concern to all HVAC engineers. The book provides an up-to-date review of the design, engineering and control of modern heating systems. Part A deals with heat generating plant. While this concentrates on conventional and condensing boilers, small-scale combined heat and power systems and heat pumps are also discussed. Part B deals with heat emitters, pipe circuits and variable-speed pumping, hot water service, optimum plant size and the vital issues of plant and system control, including sequence control of multiple boilers. Techniques for managing the energy use and running costs of heating systems are also discussed. The authors have brought together over a half-century of combined experience covering all aspects of the building services Industry to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive text that is both technically rigorous yet highly practical. This makes the book equally relevant to the busy HVAC engineer looking for a handy practical reference, the student looking to build on their basic knowledge or the researcher interested in key issues of heating system design and performance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Speech-Language Pathology Treatment Planner
The Speech-Language Pathology Treatment Planner provides allthe elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plansthat satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, and third-partypayors. This book helps both the novice and expert speech-language pathologistto identify functional and meaningful strategies for improving a client's communication skills. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans for adult, child, and adolescent clients Organized around 26 main speech-language disabilities, from those associated with aphasia and dysarthria to dysphagia, language disorders, alternative and augmentative communication, voice disorders, and others Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each communication disorder, long-term goals, short-term goals, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by disability Handy workbook-style format affords plenty of space to record your own customized definitions, goals, objectives, and interventions
The University of Chicago Press University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 7: The Old Regime and the French Revolution
The University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization (nine volumes) makes available to students and teachers a unique selection of primary documents, many in new translations. These readings, prepared for the highly praised Western civilization sequence at the University of Chicago, were chosen by an outstanding group of scholars whose experience teaching that course spans almost four decades. Each volume includes rarely anthologized selections as well as standard, more familiar texts; a bibliography of recommended parallel readings; and introductions providing background for the selections. Beginning with Periclean Athens and concluding with twentieth-century Europe, these source materials enable teachers and students to explore a variety of critical approaches to important events and themes in Western history. Individual volumes provide essential background reading for courses covering specific eras and periods. The complete nine-volume series is ideal for general courses in history and Western civilization sequences.
Pelican Publishing Company Clovis Crawfish and His Friends Sixtieth-Anniversary Edition
Pearson Education (US) Workbook for Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene
Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene will help you think like an emergency medical responder and prepare for a career or voluntary service in the field. It provides clear, first responder-level training for fire service, emergency, law enforcement, military, civil and industrial personnel. The leader in the field, the text is based on the new National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards for Emergency Medical Responders. It includes the 2017 Focused Updates from the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid. The 11th Edition has been fully updated. This revised edition covers new topics recently introduced into emergency medical responder programs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Strategic Business Alliances: An Examination of the Core Dimensions
Strategic Business Alliances examines key issues in the analysis, management and performance of international joint ventures using a sample of UK-European equity joint ventures. The authors consider the viewpoint of all configurations of the international joint venture - UK parent, European parent and joint venture management. Factors discussed include motives for formation, partner selection criteria, joint venture management, and control and performance, all of which have been identified in the literature as the core dimensions of joint venture activity.The book also explores the emerging issue of learning in strategic alliances, as well as the sensitive question of cultural differences in the mix of factors that surround the complexities of modern international joint ventures. Empirical evidence examined by the authors suggests that learning and cultural differences are vital elements in the operation and performance of these ventures.Given that inter-firm collaborative activity in an increasingly globalised world economy is a crucial aspect of the strategy of many firms, this book will be invaluable to students, researchers and academics with an interest in international business and strategic management. Managers and practitioners who require insight into the core dimensions of international joint venture activity will also find this book very useful.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting in Asia
"This thematic volume covers issues such as Executive compensation and corporate governance with special reference to Bangladesh; leading companies in India; Fraudulent Financial Reporting; Non-financial performance measures and performance relationship in the Bangladeshi manufacturing firms; Fair value accounting usefulness and implementation Obstacles; Funding organisations: the conflict between the creative versus scientific approach of allocating funds in New Zealand; and more.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Mayan Folktales, Cuentos folklóricos mayas
Discover the traditional stories of the Mayan people of Mexico and Central and South America, and learn about Mayan culture. In this collection you'll find such tales as Uncle Rabbit, Uncle Coyote, How the Serpent was Born, The Moon, The Screamer of the Night, and more than 25 other tales ranging from trickster tales and tales of ghosts and witches to moral tales and tales of the underworld, presented in Spanish and English. A brief history, color photographs of the land, people, and traditional arts, and recipes accompany the tales, placing them within a cultural context. Grades K-12.
Cornell University Press Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology
Addressing participatory, transdisciplinary approaches to local stewardship of the environment, Grassroots to Global features scholars and stewards exploring the broad impacts of civic engagement with the environment. Chapters focus on questions that include: How might faith-based institutions in Chicago expand the work of church-community gardens? How do volunteer "nature cleaners" in Tehran attempt to change Iranian social norms? How does an international community in Baltimore engage local people in nature restoration while fostering social equity? How does a child in an impoverished coal mining region become a local and national leader in abandoned mine restoration? And can a loose coalition that transforms blighted areas in Indian cities into pocket parks become a social movement? From the findings of the authors’ diverse case studies, editor Marianne Krasny provides a way to help readers understand the greater implications of civic ecology practices through the lens of multiple disciplines. Contributors: Aniruddha Abhyankar, Martha Chaves, Louise Chawla, Dennis Chestnut, Nancy Chikaraishi, Zahra Golshani, Lance Gunderson, Keith E. Hedges, Robert E. Hughes, Rebecca Jordan, Karim-Aly Kassam, Laurel Kearns, Marianne E. Krasny, Veronica Kyle, David Maddox, Mila Kellen Marshall, Elizabeth Whiting Pierce, Rosalba Lopez Ramirez, Michael Sarbanes, Philip Silva, Traci Sooter, Erika S. Svendsen, Keith G. Tidball, Arjen E. J. Wals, Rebecca Salminen Witt, Jill Wrigley
University of Texas Press Seeing Time: Forty Years of Photographs
An artist of singular originality and vision, award-winning landscape photographer Mark Klett has built a profound and dynamic career that captures the space and history of the American West while evoking notions of time, perception, and cultural memory. His practice is grounded in both artistic inquiry and the evolution of photographic technologies, reflecting a constellation of ideas that blend science with poetry. Over a career spanning more than four decades, Klett has advanced a new notion of landscape photography that reframes our sense of what pictures of the land mean.Seeing Time is the first retrospective of Klett’s career. It presents selected photographs from thirteen different projects, some never before seen. The book showcases work from individual and collaborative projects alongside texts by distinguished curators who examine the ideas behind Klett’s practice, its historical context, and his collaborative processes. From his rephotographic surveys, which pair conceptual art with questions about how lands change through human intervention, to the series of portraits with his eldest daughter on their shared birthday, the images presented here combine to form a body of work at once expansive and richly personal.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition
Highlights and examines the growing convergence between the food and agricultural industries—the technological, environmental, and consumer-related drivers of this change, and the potential outcomes This is the first book of its kind to connect food and the food industry with agriculture, water resources, and water management in a detailed and thorough way. It brings together a small community of expert authors to address the future of the food industry, agriculture (both for plants and animals), and water—and its role in a world of increasing demands on resources. The book begins by highlighting the role of agriculture in today's food industry from a historical perspective—showing how it has grown over the years. It goes on to examine water management; new ways of plant breeding not only based on genetic modification pathways; and the attention between major crops (soy, corn, wheat) and so-called "orphan crops" (coffee, cocoa, tropical fruits). The book then turns towards the future of the food industry and analyzes major food trends, the new food, and "enough" food; discusses possible new business models for the future food industry; and analyzes the impact that the "internet of everything" will have on agriculture and the food industry. Finally, Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition offers scenarios about how agriculture, food, and the food industry might undergo some radical transformations. Assesses the evolution of food production and how we arrived at today's landscape Focuses on key areas of change, driven by both innovation and challenges such as new technologies, the demand for better nutrition, and the management of dwindling resources Highlights the role of better-informed consumers who demand transparency and accountability from producers Is written by industry insiders and academic experts Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition is an important resource for food and agriculture industry professionals, including scientists and technicians as well as decision makers, in management, marketing, sales, and regulatory areas, as well as related NGOs.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Human Economy
The global financial crisis has renewed concern about whether capitalist markets are the best way of organizing economic life. Would it not be better if we were to treat the economy as something made and remade by people themselves, rather than as an impersonal machine? The object of a human economy is the reproduction of human beings and of whatever sustains life in general. Such an economy would express human variety in its local particulars as well as the interests of all humanity. The editors have assembled here a citizen’s guide to building a human economy. This project is not a dream but is part of a collective effort that began a decade ago at the first World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and has gathered pace ever since. Over thirty original essays address topics that range from globalization, community participation and microcredit to corporate social responsibility and alternative energy. Each offers a critical guide to further reading. The Human Economy builds on decades of engaged research to bring a new economic vision to general readers and a comprehensive guide for all students of the contemporary world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy: From Organophosphorus to Phospha-organic Chemistry
Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy examines the extraordinary similarity between low coordinate phosphorus compounds and unsaturated carbon compounds. Written by three of the leading researchers in the field of modern phosphorus chemistry, Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy focuses on the interface between phosphorus and the transition metal elements and deals with the most recent aspects of unsaturated organophosphorus compounds and their coordination chemistry. Aimed at graduate students as well as academic and industrial researchers, this concise volume publicisies the extraordinary potential of these new phosphorus compounds for applications in catalysis, molecular materials and biochemistry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Radioactive Releases in the Environment: Impact and Assessment
This text brings together in one single comprehensive reference, the fundamentals of radioactivity. It uniquely fills the gap in the market, as no other books deal with environmental radioactivity to this degree. * Timely and invaluable as the studies of environmental processes and the awareness of the impact of human activity on our environment are increasing * Links all three main aspects of environmental radioactivity: Principles, Transport and Measurement * Useful to a wide readership - students, lecturers, researchers, companies and environmental consultants
Emerald Publishing Limited Australian Metal Music: Identities, Scenes, and Cultures
Defining 'Australian metal' is a challenge for scene members and researchers alike. Australian metal has long been situated in a complex relationship between local and global trends, where the geographic distance between Australia and metal music's seemingly traditional centres in the United States and United Kingdom have meant that metal in Australia has been isolated from international scenes. While numerous metal scenes exist throughout the country, 'Australian metal' itself, as a style, as a sound, and as a signifier, is a term which cannot be easily defined. This book considers the multiple ways in which 'Australianness' has been experienced, imagined, and contested throughout historical periods, within particular subgenres, and across localised metal scenes. In doing so, the collection not only explores what can be meant by Australian metal, but what can be meant by 'Australian' more generally. With chapters from researchers and practitioners across Australia, each chapter maps the distinct ways in which 'Australianness' has been grappled with in the identities, scenes, and cultures of heavy metal in the country. Authors address the question of whether there is anything particularly 'Australian' about Australian metal music, finding that often the 'Australianness' of Australian metal is articulated through wider, mythologised archetypes of national identity. However, this collection also reveals how Australianness can manifest in metal in ways that can challenge stereotypical imaginings of national identity, and assert new modes of being metal 'downungerground'.
Guilford Publications Academic and Behavior Supports for At-Risk Students: Tier 2 Interventions
This user-friendly volume provides evidence-based tools for meeting the needs of the approximately 15% of K to 6 students who would benefit from more support than is universally offered to all students but do not require intensive, individualized intervention. With a unique focus on small-group interventions for both academic and behavioral difficulties, the book addresses externalizing behavior, internalizing behavior, reading, and mathematics. Step-by-step guidelines are presented for screening, selecting interventions, and progress monitoring. Ways to involve families and ensure that practices are culturally responsive are described. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes more than 20 reproducible handouts and forms. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Myocardial Laser Revascularization
Finally, there is a dependable guide to transmyocardial laser revasculariztion (TMR). In this groundbreaking volume, clinicians who pioneered the use of this innovative treatment share their insights on the indications, results, mechanisms, and limitations of the technique. Under the careful editorial guidance of Drs. Bridges, Horvath, and Chiu, contributing authors explain: the evolution, science, rationale, and limitations for TMR how to select suitable candidates anesthetic considerations and the role of transesophageal echo TMR as a sole or combination therapy Whether you are already practicing TMR or contemplating its addition to your therapeutic armamentarium, this concise reference will answer all your questions about this important new procedure.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Tectonics
The third edition of this widely acclaimed textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of global tectonics, and includes major revisions to reflect the most significant recent advances in the field. A fully revised third edition of this highly acclaimed text written by eminent authors including one of the pioneers of plate tectonic theory Major revisions to this new edition reflect the most significant recent advances in the field, including new and expanded chapters on Precambrian tectonics and the supercontinent cycle and the implications of plate tectonics for environmental change Combines a historical approach with process science to provide a careful balance between geological and geophysical material in both continental and oceanic regimes Dedicated website available at
Bloomberg Press The Cycle of the Gift: Family Wealth and Wisdom
Pharmaceutical Press Financial Analysis in Pharmacy Practice
This introductory text covers the basics of accounting and financial management and demonstrates the application of these principles to pharmacy practice. Coverage includes: the guiding principles of accounting; financial statements, from detailed transactions to summary reports; basics of finance and financial analysis; budgeting and inventory management; pricing goods and services; personal financial management. Case studies, based on realistic examples are used to show how accounting and financial management principles apply to all areas of pharmacy practice. Financial Analysis in Pharmacy Practice is an invaluable resource for graduate students in pharmacy administration and professional pharmacy students, as well as pharmacists in the public and private sectors who wish to be well informed when making financial decisions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Treatments from Toxins: The Therapeutic Potential of Clostridial Neurotoxins
As little as two decades ago, deliberately injecting botulinum toxin into patients would have seemed foolhardy at best and criminal at worst. The increased clinical use of botulinum toxins has expanded the body of knowledge available on the structure and function of these proteins. This knowledge can be applied to topics as varied as therapies based on the endopeptidase activity of the toxins, vaccine development, protection against botulism, and vectors for neuronal drug delivery. Based on recent scientific and clinical information from top international authorities, Treatments from Toxins: The Therapeutic Potential of Clostridial Neurotoxins reviews the status of current research and development and identifies significant developments. Drawing on their vast experience in this field, the editors present the basic background of the bacteriology and genetics of the neurotoxigenic clostridia, a history of the discovery of the neurotoxins, and an overview of the tetanus and botulism diseases. The chapters detailing common medical applications of the toxins cover side effects and novel uses, including neuronal drug delivery strategies, and provide a fresh look at what can still be achieved. They also explore the toxins as potential threat agents and the advent of the therapeutic use of botulinum toxins. Highlighting the pitfalls, successes, and challenges that exist when engineering complex proteins, the book brings together the clinical and theoretical worlds. It presents a broad overview of the current status of botulinum research and its clinical applications.