Search results for ""Author Lee""
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals
This title includes the tyrannosaurus and triceratops, as well as less-familiar creatures. It is aimed at children aged 5 and upwards. This teaches aspring artists how to draw with ease by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames has compiled an amazing array of creatures who, at one time, ruled the earth. Included in these pages are the commonly known tyrannosaurus, the brontosaurus and the triceratops, as well as less-familiar creatures, such as the anatosaurus (a duck-billed dinosaur). Ames' illustration style and renowned drawing method had made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual, and the 27 books in his "Draw 50" series have sold more than 3 mililon copies. It's easy to draw dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals when it's done the "Draw 50" way.
The Chinese University Press Ordinary Days – A Memoir
The memoir Ordinary Days by the scholar and critic Leo Ou-fan Lee and his wife Esther Lee Yuk Ying brings to this Hong Kong series an intensely personal touch, consciously echoing the great sentimental memoir of the eighteenth century, Shen Fu’s Six Chapters of a Floating Life. With disarming candour, Leo and Esther lay bare their hearts to share with us their story of love and suffering, charting in a series of memorable chapters their shared spiritual quest. Set partly against the recent backdrop of some of Hong Kong’s most turbulent years, partly in the far-flung diaspora of the Chinese intelligentsia, this is a revealing record of the inner life of a highly cultivated modern Chinese couple.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Back Book
Eighty percent of Americans experience back pain in varying degrees at some point in their lives. In fact, back pain is second only to the common cold as a reason why people visit a doctor. In The Back Book, Johns Hopkins surgeons Ziya L. Gokaslan and Lee Hunter Riley explain the causes and complexities of back pain and the various paths to diagnosis and treatment. Stressing the importance of individualized treatment, they discuss the process of establishing a treatment plan that is acceptable to the person with pain as well as to the attending physician. They also: ? lay out reasonable expectations for surgical and nonsurgical treatment? illuminate the possibilities, risks, and limitations of back surgery? describe how to select a surgeon and the importance of choosing the right one Informative and reassuring, The Back Book provides readers with the knowledge they need to understand their back pain and get started on the route to relief.
Arcadia Publishing Lower Saucon Township, Pa
Rowman & Littlefield The Privatization Process: A Worldwide Perspective
Future historians will undoubtedly describe the 1980s and 1990s as the era of privatization, when an unprecedented amount of worldwide control was transferred from the public sector to private ownership. This dynamic process, fueled by the fall of communist regimes across Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, is currently among the most hotly debated topics in the U.S. policy community. This volume examines the promises and pitfalls of national and global privatization, providing a variety of perspectives on how privatization can best be achieved. Supported by a wealth of empirical evidence, the contributors assess the institutional changes and economic impact of this worldwide phenomenon.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse: Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives
Given the prevalence of substance abuse in general clinical populations, it is important for healthcare providers to have knowledge and skill in the treatment of these problems. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves the integration of the best evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This text is designed as a bridge for practitioners that will provide up-to-date evidence reviews as well as information on how to best keep up with emerging trends in the field. The editors have gathered expert authors to provide a much needed summary of the current status of the evidence based practice for both the assessment and treatment of specific substance use disorders.
Cambridge University Press The Impact of Climate Change Mitigation on Indigenous and Forest Communities: International, National and Local Law Perspectives on REDD+
The international legal framework for valuing the carbon stored in forests, known as 'Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation' (REDD+), will have a major impact on indigenous peoples and forest communities. The REDD+ regime contains many assumptions about the identity, tenure and rights of indigenous and local communities who inhabit, use or claim rights to forested lands. The authors bring together expert analysis of public international law, climate change treaties, property law, human rights and indigenous customary land tenure to provide a systemic account of the laws governing forest carbon sequestration and their interaction. Their work covers recent developments in climate change law, including the Agreement from the Conference of the Parties in Paris that came into force in 2016. The Impact of Climate Change Mitigation on Indigenous and Forest Communities is a rich and much-needed contribution to contemporary understanding of this topic.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Monsters
This is aimed at children aged 5 to 11 years old. Draw 50 Monsters teaches aspiring artists how to draw with ease by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw an array of frightening characters, including werewolves, zombies and warlocks and features well-known characters such as Darth Vader, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Frankenstein's monster, the Phantom of the Opera and many others. Ames' illustration style and renowned drawing method has made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual and the 27 books in his Draw 50 series have sold more than three million copies. Ames's instruction allows seasoned artists to refine their technique and guides amateurs to develop their own artistic abilities. Even the youngest artists can make these spooky characters look great. It's easy to draw monsters when it's done the Draw 50 way.
Cornell University Press Walking on a Washing Line: Poems of Kim Seung-Hee
Kim Seung-Hee's poetry is usually described in Korea as "feminist," "subversive," and "surrealist." Most important is the way her poetic voices differ radically from any other Korean poet's, male or female. Her work has sometimes found a readier acceptance among readers of the English translations than among Koreans reading the originals, who are often puzzled by the seeming lack of conventional poetic themes and female sensitivity. Bilingual volume in English/Korean.
Plural Publishing Inc Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference
"Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference, Fourth Edition'' is an easily accessible quick reference that details procedures, practices and terminology aimed specifically at the needs of the medically based speech-language pathologist. The purpose of this text is to advance the practices of SLP clinicians and help them to become comfortable with the principles and practices found in hospitals and related settings so they can practice their profession and take their place among other health care providers with confidence and competence. Key Features: *Find what you need quickly with concise, comprehensive definitions that are practical and well-organized. *Includes information related to working with children and newborns in almost every chapter. *Reinforce skills related to career development with the Clinical Competencies discussed at the end of each chapter. In medical settings, the speech-language pathologist's treatment decisions may directly affect health and safety as well as communication; thus, clinicians who work in medical settings should have a basic understanding of the conditions that bring patients to the hospital or clinic and what is being done to manage them. This text is intended to provide that basic understanding as a handy reference for clinicians who are practicing or are in training to practice speech-language pathology in hospitals and in other health care-related facilities, such as rehabilitation programs, private practice, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, and home health agencies. It is also intended as a desk reference for clinicians who work in school and preschool settings, where children with medically related communication and swallowing disorders are a part of the caseload.
Kerber Verlag John Peter Askew: WE II - Photographs from Russia 1996-2017
John Peter Askew’s pictures show us the poetry of the everyday. Three years in the editing, WE II is a companion volume to WE which Charlotte Cotton described as “A wonderful book... a beautiful, close, incredibly touching and vast photographic story…” While WE II is an epic portrait across generations of a single family from the easternmost point in Europe, these photographs transcend their particular circumstances. Askew pays attention to our 'best selves', asking us to imagine the possibility of a better, more playful world, and pointing towards who we might yet become. This work, stretching back over a quarter of a century, is a timely and idiosyncratic chronicle, embracing friendship, communality, and kindness.
Potomac Books Inc Spy Ships: One Hundred Years of Intelligence Collection by Ships and Submarines
Almost from the first days of seafaring, men have used ships for “spying” and intelligence collection. Since early in the twentieth century, with the technological advancements of radio and radar, the U.S. Navy and other government agencies and many other navies have used increasingly specialized ships and submarines to ferret out the secrets of other nations. The United States and the Soviet Union/Russia have been the leaders in those efforts, especially during the forty-five years of the Cold War. But, as Norman Polmar and Lee J. Mathers reveal, so has China, which has become a major maritime power in the twenty-first century, with special interests in the South China Sea and with increasing hostility toward the United States. Through extensive, meticulous research and through the lens of such notorious spy ship events as the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the North Korean capture of the USS Pueblo, and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s success in clandestinely salvaging part of a Soviet submarine with the Hughes Glomar Explorer, Spy Ships is a fascinating and valuable resource for understanding maritime intelligence collection and what we have learned from it.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques
Comprehensive, cutting-edge content addresses contemporary orthodontic practice! Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques, 7th Edition provides an evidence-based approach to orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical techniques, including esthetics, genetics, temporary anchorage devices, aligners, technology-assisted biomechanics, and much more. New to this edition are seven chapters, covering topics like AI, maxillary expansion in adults, Class II correctors, and autotransplantation. Newly authored chapters on orthognathic surgery and the craniofacial team, the periodontal-orthodontic interface, interdisciplinary treatment, and accelerated tooth movement, among others, address current perspectives. The 7th edition comes with access to an enhanced eBook version, which includes videos and additional visuals to show concepts difficult to explain with words alone. Readers can also find additional, online-only chapters and a fully searchable version of the text. Respected editors Lee Graber, Katherine Vig, and Greg Huang are joined by new editor Pádhraig Fleming, along with expert contributors from around the world. This text provides the most current and comprehensive collection of orthodontic knowledge, making it the go-to book for orthodontic residents and practitioners! Comprehensive coverage provides a one-stop resource for the field of orthodontics, including foundational theory and the latest on the materials and techniques used in today's practice. Experienced, renowned editors lead a team of expert, international contributors to provide the most authoritative clinical practice and supporting science from the best and brightest in the industry. More than 3,400 images include a mixture of radiographs, full-color clinical photos, and anatomic or schematic line drawings, showing examples of treatment, techniques, and outcomes. Detailed, illustrated case studies show the decision-making process, highlighting the consequences of various treatment techniques over time. Extensive references make it easy to look up the latest in orthodontic research and evidence-based information, and all references also appear online. Enhanced ebook, included with every print purchase, features a fully searchable version of the text and bonus online-only chapters, instructional videos, and more. NEW! Seven chapters cover topics such as AI, maxillary expansion in adults, Class II correctors, and autotransplantation. Newly authored chapters on aligners, orthognathic surgery, the periodontal-orthodontic interface, interdisciplinary and computer-assisted treatment, temporary anchorage devices, and accelerated tooth movement, among others, address current perspectives. UPDATED! Relevant literature and evidence-based practices are featured throughout the text. NEW! Additional photos and illustrations visually reinforce key concepts and procedures.
BenBella Books The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Child's Reacher Novels
You don't know Jack--Jack Reacher, that is ...In The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Child's Reacher Novels, from ex-Army major and New York Times bestselling author George Beahm, get up-close and personal with Reacher like never before. The only book of its kind, the Field Manual draws on 17 years of interviews, novels, stories, and more to demystify author Lee Child's larger-than-life, name-taking, quick-thinking one-man avenger. Child calls the Reacher novels "almost entirely autobiographical," and The Jack Reacher Field Manual seamlessly integrates the literary creator and his creation to provide the most complete portrait of Jack Reacher available. Dive into Jack Reacher's life with: - A detailed dossier on Reacher and his life at West Point and in the Army's Military Police Corps - Reacher's rules of engagement, including how he handles a street brawl - A full-color drifter's roadmap of the US, detailing the places Reacher has visited in the novels - Reacher's philosophy for surviving under the radar - A biography on Child and an A-to-Z list of the key people, places, and things in his life - And more, including a glossary of US Army acronyms that appear in the series and a comprehensive reading list of Reacher novels, novellas, and stories The Jack Reacher Field Manual belongs in the fatigue jacket of any fan craving more information about this internationally popular literary antihero.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Ravensong A Novel
Set along the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 1950s, Ravensong tells the story of an urban Native community devastated by an influenza epidemic. In this passionate story about a young woman's quest for answers, author Lee Maracle speaks unflinchingly of the gulf between two cultures.
Mystic Productions On Starry Thighs: Sensual & Sacred Poetry
A titillating assortment of works on the transforming the power of sex and desire On Starry Thighs is a collection of love poetry, lust prose, devotional prayers, and intimate blessings culled from the nearly 20-year career of the internationally known spirituality and sexuality author Lee Harrington. Illustrated by Abby Helasdottir, the collection brings to light a journey of love, loss, faith, self-discovery, hope, desire, and connection through more than 90 original works.
Wiley Optimize
Attract, engage, and inspire your customers with an "Optimize and Socialize" content marketing strategy Optimize is designed to give readers a practical approach to integrating search and social media optimization with content marketing to boost relevance, visibility, and customer engagement.
Kensington Publishing Death of a Bacon Heiress
Bloomsbury Publishing USA The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Ausgeliefert Ein JackReacherRoman
Octane Press Red Tractors 1958–2018 - German
Ohio University Press Nature’s Suit: Husserl’s Phenomenological Philosophy of the Physical Sciences
Edmund Husserl, founder of the phenomenological movement, is usually read as an idealist in his metaphysics and an instrumentalist in his philosophy of science. In Nature’s Suit, Lee Hardy argues that both views represent a serious misreading of Husserl’s texts. Drawing upon the full range of Husserl’s major published works together with material from Husserl’s unpublished manuscripts, Hardy develops a consistent interpretation of Husserl’s conception of logic as a theory of science, his phenomenological account of truth and rationality, his ontology of the physical thing and mathematical objectivity, his account of the process of idealization in the physical sciences, and his approach to the phenomenological clarification and critique of scientific knowledge. Offering a jargon-free explanation of the basic principles of Husserl’s phenomenology, Nature’s Suit provides an excellent introduction to the philosophy of Edmund Husserl as well as a focused examination of his potential contributions to the philosophy of science. While the majority of research on Husserl’s philosophy of the sciences focuses on the critique of science in his late work, The Crisis of European Sciences, Lee Hardy covers the entire breadth of Husserl’s reflections on science in a systematic fashion, contextualizing Husserl’s phenomenological critique to demonstrate that it is entirely compatible with the theoretical dimensions of contemporary science.
The University of Chicago Press Mission Improbable: Using Fantasy Documents to Tame Disaster
This text examines actual attempts to "prepare" for catastrophes and finds that the policies adopted by corporations and government agencies are fundamentally rhetorical: the plans have no chance to succeed, yet they serve both the organizations and the public as symbols of control, order and stability. These "fantasy documents" attempt to inspire confidence in organizations, but Lee Clarke suggests that they are disturbing persuasions, soothing the perception that ultimately one cannot control technological advances. For example, Clarke studies corporations' plans for cleaning up oil spills in Prince William Sound prior to the "Exxon Valdez" debacle, and he finds that the accepted strategies were not just unrealistic but completely untenable. Although different organizations were required to have a cleanup plan for huge spills in the sound, a really massive spill was unprecedented, and the accepted policy was little more than a patchwork of guesses based on (mostly unsuccessful) cleanups after smaller accidents. Clarke points out that reassuring rhetoric (under the guise of expert prediction) may have no basis in fact or truth because no such basis is attainable. In uncovering the dangers of planning when implementation is a fantasy, Clark concludes that society would be safer, smarter, and fairer if organizations could admit their limitations.
Diversified Publishing Blue Moon
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • THE BLOCKBUSTER JACK REACHER SERIES THAT INSPIRED TWO MAJOR MOTION PICTURES AND THE STREAMING SERIES REACHER“Jack Reacher is today’s James Bond, a thriller hero we can’t get enough of.”—Ken Follett“This is a random universe,” Reacher says. “Once in a blue moon things turn out just right.” This isn’t one of those times. Reacher is on a Greyhound bus, minding his own business, with no particular place to go, and all the time in the world to get there. Then he steps off the bus to help an old man who is obviously just a victim waiting to happen. But you know what they say about good deeds. Now Reacher wants to make it right. An elderly couple have made a few well-meaning mistakes, and now they owe big money to some very bad people. One brazen move leads to another, and suddenly Reacher finds himsel
Allworth Press,U.S. The Pocket Legal Companion to Trademark A UserFriendly Handbook on Avoiding Lawsuits and Protecting Your Trademarks Pocket Legal Companions
Mariner Books The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next
Random House USA Inc Jack Reacher: Never Go Back: A Jack Reacher Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Golfer's Logbook
Gerth Medien GmbH Der Fall Jesus Fr Teens Ein Journalist auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit
Transworld Publishers Ltd Gone Tomorrow: (Jack Reacher 13)
Featuring Jack Reacher, hero of the new blockbuster movie starring Tom Cruise, as he faces his most implacable enemy yet.Suicide bombers are easy to spot.They give out all kinds of tell-tale signs.There are twelve things to look for.No one who has worked in law enforcement will ever forget them.New York City.The subway, two o'clock in the morning.Jack Reacher studies his fellow passengers.Four are OK.The fifth isn't.The train brakes for Grand Central Station.Will Reacher intervene, and save lives?Or is he wrong?Will his intervention cost lives - including his own?
Transworld Publishers Ltd 61 Hours: (Jack Reacher 14)
GET READY FOR THE MOST EXCITING COUNT-DOWN OF YOUR LIFEHOUR SIXTY-ONE Icy winter in South Dakota. A bus skids and crashes in a gathering storm. On the back seat: Jack Reacher, hitching a ride to nowhere. A life without baggage has many advantages. And disadvantages too, like facing the arctic cold without a coat. HOUR THIRTY-ONEA small town is threatened by sinister forces. One brave woman is standing up for justice.If she's going to live to testify, she'll need help from a man like Reacher.Because there's a killercoming for her.HOUR ZEROHas Reacher finally met his match? He doesn't want to put the world to rights. He just doesn't like people who put it to wrongs.NOW READ THE SEQUEL: Although the Jack Reacher novels can be read in any order, the ending of 61 Hours is directly followed by Worth Dying For.
Emerald Publishing Limited Data-Driven Marketing Content: A Practical Guide
In the world we live in today, more data is being generated than at any other period in human history. However, this wealth of information is causing a data dilemma for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs, and practitioners. With marketing companies and experts struggling to produce business content that delivers strong marketing results and SME's being overshadowed by data-aware super-brands that are already heavily investing in data-driven content, Lee Wilson offers a solution that can rectify the performance divide. Data-Driven Marketing Content: A Practical Guide empowers businesses, regardless of industry, size, or competition level, to understand, identify and act on big-data opportunities. The guide shares unique processes, approaches, and frameworks which can be applied to every company need, leading you towards efficient and effective content creation that repeatedly returns on investment. Through a combination of practical expertise and personal insights, this book instructs and enables practitioners and entrepreneurs to overcome everyday business content barriers and yield increased results from every piece of content created.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Surprises
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Spell Sweeper
Featuring a failed young wizard and her cleanup crew, this delightfully dysfunctional middle grade fantasy is an imaginative twist on magic school that’s perfect for fans of Nevermoor and The School for Good and Evil.Cara Moone is a wizard—but she’s basically flunked out of wizard school. Now she’s in training to be a MOP, also known as Magical Occurrence Purger, also known as it’s Cara’s job to sweep up the hazardous dust a real wizard’s spells leave behind.A real wizard, that is, like Harlee Wu, the so-called Chosen One destined to save the magical world. But when one of Harlee’s spells goes awry and leaves behind a rift in the fabric of magic itself, it'll take more than magic to clean up the mess.Luckily, messes are kind of Cara’s thing.Magic is messy—and fantastically fun—in this underdog story packed with humor, adventure, and attitude.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Secret of Zoone
Welcome to Zoone: crossroads of the multiverse. In this inventive fantasy, fans of Diana Wynne Jones and Lisa McMann will step through an enchanted doorway and into a world filled with infinite portals to new—and sometimes perilous—lands. When a bright blue winged tiger appears on his aunt’s sofa, Ozzie can tell he’s in for an adventure. He’s thrilled to follow Tug—a skyger—through a secret door in the basement and into Zoone, the bustling Grand Central Station of the universe, where a thousand doors act as portals to strange and wonderful worlds.But some doors also hide dangers—and when the portal back to Earth explodes behind him, Ozzie gets more adventure than he bargained for. In a station full of wizards, creepy-crawlies, and the occasional cursed princess, Ozzie has to find a way to repair his door… and possibly save the multiverse in the process. Brimming with colorful characters, magical mayhem, and endless adventure, this new tween series has a doorway for every reader—just be sure to close the door behind you!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Confucius and Confucianism: The Essentials
This comprehensive introduction explores the life and teachings of Confucius, and development of Confucian thought, from ancient times to the present today. Demonstrates the wisdom and enduring relevance of Confucius’s teachings – drawing parallels between our 21st century society and that of China 2,500 years ago, where government corruption, along with social, economic, and technical changes, led thinkers to examine human nature and society Draws on the latest research and incorporates interpretations of Confucius and his works by Chinese and Western scholars throughout the centuries Explores how Confucius's followers expanded and reinterpreted his ideas after his death, and how this process has continued throughout Chinese history Seamlessly links Confucius with our modern age, revealing how his teachings have become the basis of East Asian culture and influenced the West
Princeton University Press The Microeconomics of Public Policy Analysis
This book shows, from start to finish, how microeconomics can and should be used in the analysis of public policy problems. It is an exciting new way to learn microeconomics, motivated by its application to important, real-world issues. Lee Friedman's modern replacement for his influential 1984 work not only brings the issues addressed into the present but develops all intermediate microeconomic theory to make this book accessible to a much wider audience. Friedman offers the microeconomic tools necessary to understand policy analysis of a wide range of matters of public concern--including the recent California electricity crisis, welfare reform, public school finance, global warming, health insurance, day care, tax policies, college loans, and mass transit pricing. These issues are scrutinized through microeconomic models that identify policy strengths, weaknesses, and ideas for improvements. Each chapter begins with explanations of several fundamental microeconomic principles and then develops models that use and probe them in analyzing specific public policies. The book has two primary and complementary goals. One is to develop skills of economic policy analysis: to design, predict the effects of, and evaluate public policies. The other is to develop a deep understanding of microeconomics as an analytic tool for application--its strengths and extensions into such advanced techniques as general equilibrium models and pricing methods for natural monopolies and its weaknesses, such as behavioral inconsistencies with utility-maximization models and its limits in comparing institutional alternatives. The result is an invaluable professional and academic reference, one whose clear explanation of principles and analytic techniques, and wealth of constructive applications, will ensure it a prominent place not only on the bookshelves but also on the desks of students and professionals alike.
Cambridge University Press Heidegger on Thinking
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Last Confessions of Sylvia P.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Entertainment Media: A Critical Introduction
Balancing provocative criticism with clear explanations of complex ideas, this student-friendly introduction investigates the crucial role global entertainment media has played in the emergence of transitional capitalism. Examines the influence of global entertainment media on the emergence of transnational capitalism, providing a framework for explaining and understanding world culture as part of changing class relations and media practices Uses action adventure movies to demonstrate the complex relationship between international media political economy, entertainment content, global culture, and cultural hegemony Draws on examples of public and community media in Venezuela and Latin America to illustrate the relations between government policies, media structures, public access to media, and media content Engagingly written with crisp and controversial commentary to both inform and entertain readers Includes student-friendly features such as fully-integrated call out boxes with definitions of terms and concepts, and lists and summaries of transnational entertainment media
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mutual Fund Industry Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for Investment Professionals
"The Mutual Fund Industry Handbook is a remarkably important work . . . I am profoundly impressed by the broad and comprehensive sweep of information and knowledge that this book makes available to industry participants, college and business school students, and anyone else with a serious interest in this industry." -- From the Foreword by John C. Bogle President, Bogle Financial Markets Research Center Founder and former chief executive, The Vanguard Group A Foreword by John C. Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group and one of the most respected leaders in the mutual fund industry, sets the stage for this authoritative book that explains the complexities of the phenomenal industry in simple terms. Investors like the fact that mutual funds offer professional management, easy diversification, liquidity, convenience, a wide range of investment choices, and regulatory protection. Mutual Fund Industry Handbook touches on all of those features and focuses on the diverse functions performed in the day-to-day operations of the mutual fund industry. You'll learn about: Front-office functions-analysis, buying, and selling. Back-office functions, including settlement, custody, accounting, and reporting. Commission structures-front-end loads, back-end loads, or level loads. The various fund categories used by the Investment Company Institute, Morningstar, and Lipper. The roles played by fund managers, investment advisors, custodial banks, distributors, transfer agents, and other third-party service providers. If you want a definitive reference on the mutual fund industry, this is the book for you.
State University of New York Press Behind the Facade: Elections under Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia
Faber & Faber Victoria & Abdul
Victoria & Abdul tells the extraordinary true story of Queen Victoria's relationship with Abdul Karim, her Muslim manservant, who travelled from India to present a ceremonial medal as part of the Queen's Golden Jubilee but within months became her personal teacher of Urdu and dedicated spiritual advisor. The unprecedented and unlikely friendship caused meltdown within the royal household, the ensuing battle royale pitting the Queen against the court and her entire family. Through the prism of a highly unusual love story, Lee Hall's Victoria & Abdul, based on the book by Shrabani Basu, explores race, religion, power and the farce of empire through the prism of a highly unusual love story.
Zondervan The Case for Easter: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Resurrection
Did Jesus of Nazareth really rise from the dead?Of the many world religions, only one claims that its founder returned from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very cornerstone of Christianity.But a dead man coming back to life? In our sophisticated age, when myth has given way to science, who can take such a claim seriously? Some argue that Jesus never died on the cross. Conflicting accounts make the empty tomb seem suspect.How credible is the evidence for--and against--the resurrection? Focusing his award-winning skills as a legal journalist on history's most compelling enigma, Lee Strobel retraces the startling findings that led him from atheism to belief. He examines: The Medical Evidence: Was Jesus's death a sham and his resurrection a hoax? The Evidence of the Missing Body: Was Jesus's body really absent from his tomb? The Evidence of Appearances: Was Jesus seen alive after his death on the cross? Written in a hard-hitting, journalistic style, The Case for Easter probes the core issues of the resurrection. Jesus Christ, risen from the dead: superstitious myth or life-changing reality? The evidence is in. The verdict is up to you.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Last Confessions of Sylvia P.
Oxford University Press Thinking Community Music
Thinking Community Music explores critical questions concerning community music practice and theory with emphasis on intervention, hospitality, pedagogy, social justice, inclusion, cultural democracy, music, research, and future possibilities. The book encourages questioning, reflection, and dialogue. Shaped as provocations and presented as eight stand-alone essays, each 'think piece' comprises of critical questions, concrete illustrations of practice, theoretical explorations, and reflective discussion. Flanked by a historical map and a closing statement, the book provides a springboard for conceptual interrogation about participatory music-making. Supported by the lineage of poststructural philosophy, ideas emulating from Derrida and Deleuze frames conceptual interrogation about community music practices and the broader parameters of social-cultural music-making and music teaching and learning. As a vital part of the music ecology, community music is a distinctive field and a critica
Charisma House The Truth Sets Women Free: Answers to 25 Tough Questions
Penguin Putnam Inc Lee Child's Jack Reacher Books 1-3