Search results for ""author sk"
Penguin Random House LLC One Year Ago in Spain
WW Norton & Co Quartet for the End of Time: A Novel
Inspired by and structured around the chamber piece of the same title by the French composer Olivier Messiaen, Quartet for the End of Time is a mesmerizing story of four lives irrevocably linked in a single act of betrayal. The novel takes us on an unforgettable journey beginning during the 1930s Bonus Army riots, when World War I veteran Arthur Sinclair is falsely accused of conspiracy and then disappears. His absence will haunt his son, Douglas, as well as Alden and Sutton Kelly, the children of a powerful U.S. congressman, as they experience—each in different ways—the dynamic political social changes that took place leading up to and during World War II. From the New Deal projects through which Douglas, newly fatherless, makes his living to Sutton’s work as a journalist, to Alden’s life as a code breaker and a spy, each character is haunted by the past and is searching for love, hope, and redemption in a world torn apart by chaos and war. Through the lives of these characters, as well as those of their lovers, friends, and enemies, the novel transports us from the Siberian Expedition of World War I to the underground world of a Soviet spy in the 1920s and 1930s, to the occultist circle of P. D. Ouspensky and London during the Blitz, to the German prison camp where Messiaen originally composed and performed his famous Quartet for the End of Time. At every turn, this rich and ambitious novel tells some of the less well-known stories of twentieth-century history with epic scope and astonishing power, revealing at every turn the ways in which history and memory tend to follow us, and in which absence has a palpable presence.
Can Yayinlari Atesli Sabir
Lindhardt Og Ringhof Rundt om Joseph
Wydawnictwo STRATUS, Artur Juszczak T-72m Single Vehicle No 05
This book compiles the color profiles, scale plans, and photo details of the single variant of the T-72M Soviet main battle tank. Scale plans are in 1/35 scale, plus drawings from wartime technical manuals. It also contains photos of the details in B&W.
NOVA MD Behind your Words
demipress Verlag Gesichter des Lebens 2022 Zeig der Welt dein Gesicht
Hybrid Verlag Fantastische LMU
Merlins Bookshop Kein Werwolf zum Flirten
Merlins Bookshop Askja Eigentum des Wikingers
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Zu Tisch mit Freunden Gemeinsam genieen wie in Italien
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH Das ThomasEvangelium
mareverlag GmbH Das Bett mit dem goldenen Bein
Via Nova, Verlag In diesem Gef erklingt das Ewige Kabirs Yoga des Glcks Poetische Texte des groen indischen Mystikers
Velber Verlag Happy Faces
Gmeiner Verlag Schwanensterben
Klartext Verlag Hannover
Klartext Verlag Die Toten Hosen
Baumhaus Verlag GmbH Die geheime Drachenschule Die Rebellion der Drachenreiter
Dorling Kindersley Verlag LEGO Ideen Zeitreise Buch mit vier exklusiven LEGO Modellen Meilensteine der Weltgeschichte entdecken und bauen
Dorling Kindersley Verlag LEGO NEXO KNIGHTSTM Lexikon der Minifiguren Mit exklusiver Minifigur
Panini Verlags GmbH Strange Academy
Panini Verlags GmbH Marvel Babys
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Anarchist Individualist Mystiker Rudolf Steiners frhe Berliner Jahre 18971902
Studienverlag GesmbH The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union: Efforts and Obstacles on the Way to Membership
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Maschinenbau: Ein Lehrbuch für das ganze Bachelor-Studium
„Alles aus einer Hand“; Dieses vierfarbige Lehrbuch bietet in einem Band ein lebendiges Bild des gesamten Maschinenbaus.Studierende finden das im Bachelor-Studium behandelte Wissen ausführlich und anhand vieler Beispiele erklärt.Im Mittelpunkt steht das Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Fachgebieten.Herausragende Merkmale sind:- Alle Grundlagenfächer in einem Band- Vierfarbiges Layout mit mehr als 1500 Abbildungen- Ein Leitbeispiel führt durch das gesamte Buch- Übersichtsboxen verdeutlichen Zusammenhänge und Methoden- Verständnisfragen ermöglichen die Lernkontrolle beim Lesen- Farbige Merkkästen heben das Wichtigste hervor- Jedes Kapitel enthält Rechenaufgaben und Kurzlösungen- Anwendungs- und Beispielboxen erklären schwierige Themen- Vertiefungsboxen erläutern Hintergründe- Bonusmaterial auf der HomepageInhaltlich spannt sich der Bogen von der Technischen Mechanik über die Thermodynamik und Strömungslehre, die Werkstoffkunde, die Maschinenelemente und die Fertigungstechnik bis hin zur Elektrotechnik und Regelungstechnik.In der zweiten Auflage wurden; zukunftsweisende Themen wie geometrische Produktspezifikationen, additive Fertigungstechniken, Industrie 4.0 und Energiespeicher erweitert und weitere Aufgaben aufgenommen.Auf der Homepage zum Buch sind die Lösungen zu den Rechenaufgaben und das Bonusmaterial zu finden.„Das Lehrbuch Maschinenbau begeistert durch seine vielen Abbildungen, aktuellen Beispiele und lebendigen Formulierungen. Der rote Faden in Form des Antriebsstranges eines modernen Automobils sowie die aufeinander abgestimmten Verständnisfragen und Vertiefungsboxen machen das Buch zu einer angenehmen Lektüre. Hier wird deutlich, dass beim Leser Interesse geweckt und er spielerisch an die Lehrthemen herangebracht wird.“Prof. Dr.-Ing. P.U. Thamsen, TU Berlin
Insel Verlag GmbH Der kleine Buchsalon am anderen Ende der Welt
De Gruyter Altitalienische Malerei als preußisches Kulturgut: Gemäldesammlungen, Kunsthandel und Museumspolitik 1797-1830
Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts entstand in Europa ein breites Interesse für italienische Malerei der Vor- und Frührenaissance. In Preußen war es besonders groß – innerhalb weniger Jahre kamen hunderte Gemälde nach Berlin. Der ästhetische, historische und politische Wert der Bilder wurde vielfältig diskutiert: Sie wurden zu identitätsstiftenden Kulturträgern, setzten Maßstäbe für die Geschmacksbildung des Publikums und für das Schaffen zeitgenössischer Künstler. Anhand neu erschlossener Quellen werden die in Preußen wahrgenommenen Gemälde im Detail identifiziert, ihr Weg aus Italien nachverfolgt und ihre wechselnden Zuschreibungen dokumentiert. Zu dieser virtuellen historischen Galerie öffnet sich auch ein Panorama europäischer Netzwerke von Sammlern, Händlern, Museums- und Staatsvertretern.
Birkhauser Basics Barrierfree Planning
Kensington Publishing Love on the Ninth Floor
Clemson University Digital Press In the Rebel Cafe: Interviews with Ed Sanders
Taylor & Francis Ltd Community Forest Monitoring for the Carbon Market: Opportunities Under REDD
Recent developments in international policy on Reduced Emissions from Deforestation in Developing countries (REDD) open the way for crediting of carbon saved by rural communities through management of the forests in their vicinity. Since the annual changes in forest carbon stock under this kind of management are relatively small and often under the canopy, they cannot easily be assessed using remote sensing, so ground-level data collection is likely to be essential over large areas of forests. The potential role of communities in measuring, monitoring and reporting carbon stock changes in their forests has been explicitly mentioned in UNFCCC documentation on methodology for REDD+, the extended form of REDD that includes forest enhancement, sustainable forest management and forest conservation. This book presents practical methods by which communities can do it. These methods were developed and tested with communities in villages in Africa and Asia under a six-year research programme. The reliability of the data gathered by the community is shown to be equivalent to that of professional forest inventories while the costs are much lower. Involvement of local communities in collection of this data may be the most cost-effective solution for national REDD+ programmes. Moreover, it could provide the basis for a transparent system for distribution of the financial rewards from REDD+ and the carbon market. The book first presents the policy context, concepts, methods and general results, which include estimates of typical carbon savings resulting from community management in different types of tropical forests. It also looks at the governance issues that may be involved and a variety of ways in which incentive schemes might be designed to encourage communities to participate. The second half of the book is devoted to case studies from the countries involved in the research. These provide both ideas and practical experience to enable agencies to engage with local communities to monitor carbon stock changes.
Liverpool University Press Quakers and their Meeting Houses
Salt Publishing White Noise Machine
Where Richard Skinner’s previous pamphlets, Invisible Sun and Dream into Play, were primarily concerned with the play of light and playfulness respectively, White Noise Machine is mainly concerned with sound. A white noise machine is a device that produces a noise that calms the listener, which in many cases sounds like a rushing waterfall or wind blowing through trees, and other serene or nature-like sounds and Skinner has used this idea to try to create this effect in many of the poems.
Sequoia Kids Media Dolly Parton
Arc Humanities Press A Companion to Crime and Deviance in the Middle Ages
Other Press (NY) Mindless
Image Comics I Hate Fairyland Volume 7
The Fairyland adventures continue in the seventh volume of the wildly hilarious and bestselling series!Gert wanders around Fairyland sticking her axe where it doesn't belong on adventure after bloody adventure! Gert deals with Cloudia being in the real world instead of her, gets involved with the Billy Goats Gruff, has a movie made of her life in Fairyland, and has to transform into more of a monster than she already is to deal with an old problem! Collects issues #11-15.
Adams Media Corporation Genetics 101: From Chromosomes and the Double Helix to Cloning and DNA Tests, Everything You Need to Know about Genes
A clear and straightforward explanation of genetics in this new edition of the popular 101 series. Our genetic makeup determines so much about who we are, and what we pass on to our children—from eye color, to height, to health, and even our longevity. Genetics 101 breaks down the science of how genes are inherited and passed from parents to offspring, what DNA is and how it works, how your DNA affects your health, and how you can use your personal genomics to find out more about who you are and where you come from. Whether you’re looking for a better scientific understanding of genetics, or looking into your own DNA, Genetics 101 is your go-to source to discover more about both yourself and your ancestry.
Kensington Publishing The Medicine Woman of Galveston
O'Reilly Media Designing Mobile Payment Experiences
Now that consumer purchases with mobile phones are on the rise, how do you design a payment app that's safe, easy to use, and compelling? With this practical book, interaction and product designer Skip Allums provides UX best practices and recommendations to help you create familiar, friendly, and trustworthy experiences. Consumers want mobile transactions to be as fast and reliable as cash or bank cards. This book shows designers, developers, and product managers - from startups to financial institutions - how to design mobile payments that not only safeguard identity and financial data, but also provide value-added features that exceed customer expectations. Learn about the major mobile payment frameworks: NFC, cloud, and closed loop Examine the pros and cons of Google Wallet, Isis, Square, PayPal, and other payment apps Provide walkthroughs, demos, and easy registration to quickly gain a new user's trust Design efficient point-of-sale interactions, using NFC, QR, barcodes, or geolocation Add peripheral services such as points, coupons and offers, and money management
John Wiley & Sons Inc Autonomous Assembly: Designing for a New Era of Collective Construction
We are now on the brink of a new era in construction – that of autonomous assembly. For some time, the widespread adoption of robotic and digital fabrication technologies has made it possible for architects and academic researchers to design non-standard, highly customised structures. These technologies have largely been limited by scalability, focusing mainly on top-down, bespoke fabrication projects, such as experimental pavilions and structures. Autonomous assembly and bottom-up construction techniques hold the promise of greater scalability, adaptability and potentially evolved design possibilities. By capitalising on the advances made in swarm robotics, the collective construction of the animal/insect kingdom, and advances in physical computational, programmable materials or self-assembly, architects and designers are now able to build from the bottom up. This issue presents future scenarios of autonomous assembly by highlighting the viability of decentralised, collective assembly systems, demonstrating the potential to deliver reconfigurable and adaptive solutions. Contributors include: Marcelo Coelho, Andong Liu, Robin Meier, Kieran Murphy and Heinrich Jaeger, Radhika Nagpal and Kirstin Petersen, and Zorana Zeravcic. Featured architects: Aranda\Lasch, Arup, Philippe Block, Gramazio Kohler Architects, Ibañez Kim, Achim Menges, Caitlin Mueller, Jose Sanchez, Athina Papadopoulou and Jared Laucks, and Skylar Tibbits.
Headline Publishing Group One Year Ago in Spain
Smokestack Books The Light User Scheme
Carnegie-Mellon University Press Suddenly Its Evening Selected Poems
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Polymer Clay Jewelry Kit: Everything You Need to Make Your Own Jewelry – Includes: 48-page Project Book, 8 Colors of Polymer Clay, Acrylic Roller, Jewelry Findings, Shape Cutters
Learn to make fun, colorful, modern, on-trend earrings from polymer clay with the materials and step-by-step instructions in this all-in-one kit. From Rachael Skidmore of Made by Maeberry comes Polymer Clay Jewelry, a fresh instructional kit that teaches you how to make your own contemporary earrings in a variety of styles. With these 8 step-by-step projects and the clay, jewelry findings, and other items in the kit, you can make colorful abstract earrings, marina layered slab earrings, and the checkered jenasie earrings. Learn how to make faux turquoise, rainbows, beads, statement earrings, and so much more! Also learn how to cure and bake clay, mix colors, choose a color palette, and apply earring-making techniques to other jewelry items. This kit includes: 48-page project book 8 colors of polymer clay Acrylic roller Jewelry findings Shape cutters Whether you are eager to get creative making your own jewelry or want to learn techniques for working with polymer clay, or both, this kit is the perfect starting point.