Search results for ""taylor francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sound Judgment: Selected Essays
The essays in Sound Judgment span the full career of Richard Leppert, from his earliest to work that appears here for the first time, on subjects drawn from early modernity to the present concerning music both popular and classical, European and North American. Noted for his path-breaking interdisciplinary scholarship on music and visual culture, the collection includes key essays on music's visualization in art practices in virtually all visual media, including film. The fourteen essays comprising this volume demonstrate Leppert's many contributions to critical musicology, particularly in the areas of aesthetics as well as social and intellectual history, all of it grounded in a heterodox body of critical and cultural theory, with the work of Theodor W. Adorno particularly noteworthy. The collection is preceded by an introduction in which Leppert traces his intellectual development, defined in large part by the social, cultural, and political upheavals of the 1960s and their aftermath both in the academy and in society at large.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Finance
The topic of international finance is of increasing interest in international relations, especially in our twenty-first century globalizing world. This collection provides information and perspectives on international finance of the past, present and future. It explores the financial shocks and crises from World War Two onwards and the institutions that were created in response to them. This volume addresses the critical questions in the field of international finance by assembling the central scholarship that has defined the area. It answers the key questions and contributes to the ongoing debates in the field of international finance and international political economy more generally. It is a must-read for economists, political scientists, scholars and policymakers alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Locke and Law
John Locke is one of the most important figures in the history of philosophy. His Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration fascinate us as much today as they did when first published three centuries ago. Locke and Law presents for the first time in one collection the most important contemporary writings exploring his many contributions to legal theory. These articles and essays deal with a variety of issues, such as natural law, natural rights, property, abortion, constitutional law, the relationship between law and society, punishment, toleration, and civil disobedience.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nazi Germany
The volume reproduces a set of recently-published articles demonstrating the embeddedness of Nazi genocide and other crimes against humanity in a German society that was haunted by practices of denunciation. Far from being an inexplicable invasion of evil into otherwise sound German society, the genocide and other crimes against humanity were committed not merely by members of SS organizations but by common people, civilians and military men alike, within Germany as well as in occupied territories, during the late 1930s and World War II. Although analyzing the past, the book also seeks contribute to current debates on the causes of genocide and other crimes against humanity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Legal Reasoning, Legal Theory and Rights
This book is a selection of articles and chapters published over Martin Golding's academic career. Golding's approach to the philosophy of law is that it contains conceptual and normative issues and in this volume logical issues in legal reasoning are examined, and various theories of law are critically discussed. Normative questions are dealt with regarding the rule of law and criminal law defenses, and the concept of rights and the terminology of rights are analyzed. Much of Golding's work is critical-historical as well as constructive. This volume will prove an informative and useful collection for scholars and students of the philosophy of law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Oral and Written Transmission in Chant
The writing down of music is one of the triumphant technologies of the West. Without writing, the performance of music involves some combination of memory and improvisation. Isidore of Seville famously wrote that "unless sounds are remembered by man, they perish, for they cannot be written down". This volume deals with the materials of chant from the point of view of transmission. The early history of chant is a history of orality, of transmission by mouth to ear, and yet we can study it only through the use of written documents. Scholars of medieval music have taken up the ideas and techniques of scholars of folklore, of oral transmission, of ethnomusicology; for the chant is, in fact, an ancient music transmitted for a time in oral culture; and we study a culture not our own, whose informants are not people but manuscripts. All depends, ironically, on deducing oral issues from written documents.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Rights
This important volume examines rights from an inter-disciplinary law and society perspective, beginning with the premise that the most basic functions of rights requires the empirical study of rights consciousness and claiming behavior. As such the volume includes articles and essays by political scientists, historians, lawyers, and sociologists which place the study of ordinary citizens' understandings of rights, and what actions they take based on that knowledge, at the forefront of an empirical research agenda. This has important implications for law's capacity to achieve social change and can lead to better understanding of how rights can and should operate in a social and legal system. The volume is organized around the social movements and political processes which give rise to rights, the processes by which people come to understand they enjoy a right, the decision to invoke the right either formally or informally, and the organizational and institutional constraints and opportunities for exercising rights.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime and Criminal Justice
Focusing on the relationship between law and communities, this volume critically examines the ways that the incarceration explosion, the disproportionate number of African-Americans in American prisons and various forms of racial profiling (policing motorists, juror narratives, campaigns playing the race card, for instance) concentrate disadvantage and make salient political challenges to prevailing understandings of the relationship between crime, punishment, and governance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Consciousness and Ideology
In this volume of essays by leading socio-legal scholars, the dual concepts of consciousness and ideology are examined and used to expose law’s presence and power in social life. Rejecting the association between ideology and concealment, each essay explores the ways in which ideology and consciousness artfully produce truth, creating both power and the grounds of its resistance. The rich empirical studies included in this volume are crucial to our understanding of law, consciousness and ideology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Recent Developments in Criminological Theory: Toward Disciplinary Diversity and Theoretical Integration
This volume contains recent and cutting-edge articles from leading criminological theorists. The book is organized into ten sections, each representing the latest in the multi-disciplinary orientations representing a cross-section of contemporary criminological theory. These sections include: 1: Classical and Rational Choice; 2: Biological and Biosocial; 3: Psychological; 4: Social Learning and Neutralization; 5: Social Control; 6: Social Ecology, Sub-cultural and Cultural; 7: Anomie and Strain; 8: Conflict and Radical; 9: Feminist and Gender; 10: Critical Criminologies: Anarchist, Postmodernist, Peacemaking. The articles were selected based on their contributions to advancing the field, including ways in which the authors of each chapter understand the current theoretical tendencies of their respective approaches and how they envision the future of their theories. Because of this, the articles focus on theory rather than empirical research. Of particular note is the tendency toward integration of different perspectives, as described by editors, Henry and Lukas, in their original introduction to this volume.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime and Immigration
This book provides a broad and yet in-depth overview on migration and crime. It includes classic pieces from different disciplines (such as criminal justice, sociology, psychology and political science) that examine a variety of topics (such as hate crimes, organized crime, trafficking, victimization issues, reporting issues, policing and incarceration issues and conceptual paradigms) in a variety of locations (such as the USA, Israel, Europe, Japan and Jamaica) with both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Work Ethics
This collection of essays highlights ethical issues in social work which are often overlooked as well as recurring clashes that influence how they play out, for example among different values and related moral judgements. A wide range of ethical issues are addressed such as the types of technologies incorporated into social work; issues raised by the common position of social workers as 'double agents' required to carry out state mandates while also honoring obligations to clients; and issues concerning the distribution of scarce resources. These topics are integrally related to other often neglected concerns such as harming in the name of helping; the ethics of claims making regarding what is true and what is not, and related concerns regarding empowerment and social justice. This collection, which includes essays from an array of professions and disciplines, is designed to bring these neglected topics to the attention of readers and to offer suggestions for addressing them in a manner that is faithful to obligations described in social work codes of ethics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Globalization and Intellectual Property
Intellectual property laws have become intricately entwined with discussions about globalization. This volume deals with the politics, economics and effects of global intellectual propertization. It provides essays covering key issues including the international relations of global intellectual propertization, the TRIPS Agreement and the tying of intellectual property issues to international trade negotiations, contentions that global intellectual propertization is a form of post-colonial neo-imperialism, globalization's effects on intellectual property law's classic doctrines and rationales and the cultural effects of global intellectual propertization.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Globalization and International Investment
This volume brings together a broad range of articles on international law and foreign investment which together provide a contemporary overview of the diverse range of issues and perspectives which continue to exercise policy-makers and scholars alike. Central to this collection is the tension between market-oriented reforms on the one hand, raising issues of market access and protection of investors, and corporate social responsibility discourses on the other, raising concerns about environmental protection and respect for human and labour rights. Regional perspectives on these issues reveal differing priorities and approaches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Peacekeeping
Peacekeeping has been the technique most frequently used by, and associated with, the United Nations to end conflicts and to preserve peace. In addition, international and regional organizations have also performed peacekeeping functions. Since the establishment of the first UN peacekeeping mission, UNEF I, in 1956, international lawyers have raised questions about the legal aspects of these operations. Traditionally, they analyzed the constitutional basis for peacekeeping and tried to allocate the authority under the UN Charter for peacekeeping among the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Secretary General. They discussed the use of force by peacekeepers, the applicability of international humanitarian law, as well as the responsibilities and liabilities of peacekeepers. Since the end of the cold war, peacekeeping operations have become more complex. In the first forty years, peacekeepers functioned mainly as buffer zones between warring parties and monitored cease-fires. Nowadays, they are increasingly engaged in internal rather than international conflicts and perform a multitude of tasks. Among others, they act as civilian administrators, oversee elections and monitor human rights. These changes have raised new legal problems. Which human rights obligations exist for peacekeepers? Do peacekeepers have to intervene if they witness war crimes and acts of genocide? How are they protected under international law? What is the legal framework of UN administrations like in Kosovo and East Timor? In order to enhance a better understanding of these legal issues arising from peacekeeping operations, a collection of articles written by the leading experts in the field have been compiled in the volume, International Peacekeeping.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Renascent Pragmatism: Studies in Law and Social Science
Pragmatism is experiencing a resurgence in law, philosophy and social science, with pragmatists seeking a consistent, comprehensive and productive understanding of social life. In its four sections Renascent Pragmatism aids the reinvigoration of pragmatism as an important intellectual tradition and contributor to inquiry and change in social life. The book is a first of its kind for combining essays on theory, method, public policy and empirical scholarship, presenting contributions from philosophers, legal scholars and social scientists. Throughout the book, the concrete linkage between policy, theory and method is emphasized, while recognizing the philosophical tradition in which the inquiries and prescriptions rest.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Death Dying and the Ending of Life Volumes I and II 1 The International Library of Medicine Ethics and Law
The two volumes of Death, Dying, and the Ending of Life present the core of recent philosophical work on end-of-life issues. Volume I examines issues in death and consent: the nature of death, brain death and the uses of the dead and decision-making at the end of life, including the use of advance directives and decision-making about the continuation, discontinuation, or futility of treatment for competent and incompetent patients and children. Volume II, on justice and hastening death, examines whether there is a difference between killing and letting die, issues about physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and questions about distributive justice and decisions about life and death.
Taylor & Francis Ltd From Farmyard to City Square? The Electoral Adaptation of the Nordic Agrarian Parties
How successful have the Nordic Agrarian-Centre Parties been in transforming themselves from class parties to catchall parties drawing significant support from voters engaged in the non-primary sectors of the economy? Using case studies from five comparable countries, David Arter provides an insightful account of an historic group of parties who still wield distinctive strength in the Nordic region. This detailed profile, the first ever in English, makes a unique contribution to the topical issues of party adaptation and institutional modernization.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Setting the Agenda for Global Peace: Conflict and Consensus Building
Anna Snyder provides a detailed account of the challenges women representatives in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) faced in building bridges across diverse ethnic, racial, national, regional, and ideological backgrounds at the 4th United Nations (UN) Conference on Women. This book traces the process by which women's peace groups set an agenda for global policies in the area of women and armed conflict. Setting the Agenda for Global Peace shows how NGOs use conflict to develop transnational social movements and to build consensus around issues of global concern. Using this conference as a case study, Snyder finds three purposes for social movement conflict: contention arising from policy development; deep-rooted historical conflict; and conflicts over NGO network priorities. Drawing together feminist, conflict resolution, and social movement theories, this comprehensive text analyzes the large scale decision making processes for NGOs and points towards future directions for conflict resolution and consensus building.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pan-African Issues in Crime and Justice
Criminology assumes the position of an established discipline, yet its influence is limited by its primary focus on the West for both theoretical and empirical substance. But the growing interest in comparative criminology now means that countries compare notes, thereby broadening the parameters of criminology. Still relatively ignored in the literature, however, are issues of crime and justice as they affect people of African descent around the globe. Drawing upon materials from countries in Africa, the Caribbean, North and South America, and Europe, this stimulating book reflects on the experiences of people of African descent to offer a convergence of criminologies in and outside the West. Simultaneously, it acknowledges Western criminology as a significant angle from which to comprehend crime and justice as they are conceptualized outside the West. The volume also investigates whether Western criminological accounts are relevant to the comprehension of crime, criminality and systems of justice in Africa, the Caribbean and South America.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Free Trade Area of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
In the last ten years, while GATT and (later) WTO were actively advocating the doctrine of free trade, the world witnessed unprecedented formation of regional trading blocs. Focusing on the prospects and challenges of the free trade area of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the question of regional trade integration, the book also combines in-depth theoretical and empirical analysis with leading edge discussion of institutional and policy issues from a variety of African economies. This text makes a timely contribution not only to our understanding of the prospects and challenges of regional trading arrangements in Africa but also to the paradigm of regional trade integration in developing countries. Systematically structured, with thematically linked chapters and rigorous referencing, it is an essential guide for an international audience of academics, researchers, students and practitioners in International Trade, International Economics, Development Finance and Development Economics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Governing Global Biodiversity: The Evolution and Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Predictions about the success of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are pessimistic. It has now become commonplace to bemoan the scope, ambition, and deeply political nature of a convention that addresses issues ranging from ecosystems protection to the exploitation of genetic resources, from conservation to justice, and from commerce to scientific knowledge. Ten years after its adoption, how can we assess the difference that the CBD has made? Is it in danger of collapsing under its own weight or is it building the foundations of new patterns of relations between societies and nature? What achievements can we record and what challenges does it face? In this book, which is unique in its scope, diversity and the wealth of information it contains, contributors from a variety of academic disciplines tackle an issue of enduring importance to the protection of biodiversity and enhance our understanding of humanity's capacity to reconcile its various aspirations and halt the destructive path upon which it is set.
Taylor & Francis Ltd New Challenges in Local and Regional Administration
Focusing on democratization, flexibilization, ethnic diversity and restructuring of transitional and emerging states, this volume analyzes the changes and challenges for administrative structures at the beginning of the 21st century, from a geographical perspective. A team of leading scholars from throughout the world provides a differentiated spatial overview of key problems currently faced in public administration. By offering a wide range of regional case studies from Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the book tests current theories and concepts of government and governance, space and place, and society and community. In doing so, it offers valuable insights and makes policy implications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Staff Management in Library and Information Work
This standard text has been fully revised and updated for its fourth edition to reflect continuing technological changes, as well as issues such as social inclusion, lifelong learning and European employment legislation. Chapter 1 on the working environment has been completely rewritten. The present environment brings problems of staff motivation, de-professionalization and the loss of control: Chapter 2 reminds readers of basic motivation theories, now presented in a more logical sequence, and how to deal with such problems. Chapter 3 on workforce planning has been retitled Human Resource Planning and revised to take into account the modes of staffing appropriate for today's turbulent environment. Effective human resource planning requires excellent selection and recruitment procedures: best practice and developments in this area are explored in Chapters 4, Job Descriptions and Person Specifications, and 5, Recruitment and Selection of Staff. In Chapter 6 on staff appraisal more attention has been given to multi-rating approaches, such as 360 ° whereby different aspects of work can be assessed by different groups of people, and to appraisal of junior by senior staff. The last decade has seen increased emphasis on training and development to deliver high quality services in a climate of constant change. Chapter 7 has therefore been reordered and expanded in order to reflect new approaches and changes in this area. In Chapter 8, Staff Supervision and Interpersonal Skills, recent emphasis on leadership and counselling skills are reflected, as is the growing need to do more with less through enhanced time management and stress management techniques. With this new edition, this core guide brings professionals involved in managing library and information staff up to date with how to cope with the most pressing problems and challenges in today's fast-changing environment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Rebuilding Communities in an Age of Individualism
As modern societies become increasingly individualistic, this fascinating book examines how we can maintain and revive local communities and community life. It demonstrates how the major developments and processes of our time, notably globalization, post-industrialism and de-traditionalization, contribute to this individualism to the detriment of community life. The author examines how community is a necessary and important component of human life and discusses possible ways in which to arrest its decline. In this regard, strategies geared to fostering trust and social capital are outlined as the basis for reinvigorating community life. The volume provides a coherent and distinct analysis of community as well as offering concrete policy prescriptions to counter the excessive individualism of our times. In both the nature and scope of its analysis, it offers a unique contribution to an extremely important issue in the contemporary period, one that increasingly preoccupies politicians, academics and ordinary citizens.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Attitudes Towards Europe: Language in the Unification Process
An innovative collaborative research project conducted jointly at Durham University and the Istitut für deutsche Sprache in Mannheim, Germany. It focuses on the study of public debates on economic and political integration of Europe, in both Britain and Germany and how these debates have developed in the post war period up to the 1990s. The following topics are investigated: Euro-discourse and the new media, British national identity in the European context, representations of Germany in the context of European integration in Margaret Thatcher’s autobiographies, European debates in post-World War II Germany, the European debate in and between Germany and Great Britain, the career of the neologism Euro in German Press Texts and the metaphorization of European politics. The study links to Internet implications, providing the basis for further contrastive and comparative research on public discourse in the field of European politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Creating International Studies: Angell, Mitrany and the Liberal Tradition
Through a critical evaluation of the works of Norman Angell and David Mitrany, this book explores the liberal roots of the academic discipline of International Relations (IR). Ashworth argues that, far from being the product of timeless realist truths, IR’s origins are rooted in liberal attempts to reform international affairs. Norman Angell’s work represents the first attempt to develop a comprehensive 'new liberal' approach to the problem of global governance, while David Mitrany’s exploration of the problems of international life led him to apply the left-liberal idea of functional government to global governance. Both writers demonstrated the extent to which early twentieth century liberal writers on international affairs had answered the critics of earlier nineteenth century liberal internationalists. The penultimate chapter argues that the realist-idealist 'Great Debate' never happened, and that liberal scholars such as Angell and Mitrany have been unfairly dismissed as 'idealists.' The final chapter evaluates the writings of Angell and Mitrany and claims that the works of both authors can be criticised for theoretical weaknesses common to the liberal paradigm.
Taylor & Francis Ltd New Environmental Policy Instruments in the European Union: Politics, Economics, and the Implementation of the Packaging Waste Directive
The use of legislation by EU governments to define environmental standards for industry has been criticised for its poor track record in arresting the decline in the quality of Europe's environment. Environmental economists in particular have proposed that legislation should be supplemented or replaced by New Environmental Policy Instruments (NEPIs), such as eco-taxes, environmental charges, tradable permits and voluntary agreements. This book focuses on practical experiences with NEPIs in the EU and tests their application using the case study of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. It traces the ways in which member states have adapted NEPIs to suit their preferred styles of environmental policy, then assesses their performance and how NEPIs have both assisted and hindered the EU environmental programme. It suggests options for ensuring that the environmental programme does not become fragmented by the use of NEPIs and discusses the implications of EU enlargement.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Industrial Clusters and Regional Business Networks in England, 1750-1970
Although economists have long recognised industrial districts as one of the key features of many economies, it is only recently that attention has been focused on the region as an effective means of generating accurate insights into the larger picture of economic performance. This renewed interest in regional issues has also placed at centre stage the role played by networks as a principal organisational feature of the local business community, providing scholars with a rich topic for investigation and debate. Recent work has shown that universal generalisations concerning the impact of networking on the performance of industrial clusters lack credibility, highlighting the consequent need to compare the role played by business networks in a variety of regions. Using a copious range of research material examining several British regions, this volume poses a series of fundamental questions about the nature of industrial clusters and networks. Particular attention is paid to identifying the basic characteristics of a network, outlining how they evolved in key industrial clusters, and assessing their impact on industrial performance, both regionally and nationally. The durability of such networks is another key thread that runs through the essays, prompting comparison with industrial clusters in Britain and abroad. These are issues which stimulate discussion on a wide range of factors within the disciplines of business, economic and social history.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Marie Laurencin: Une femme inadaptée in Feminist Histories of Art
Marie Laurencin, in spite of the noticeable reputation she made in Paris in the first half of the twentieth century, has attracted only sporadic attention by late-twentieth century art historians. Until now the substance of her art and the feminist issues that were entangled in her life have been narrowly examined or reduced by an author's chosen theoretical format; and the terms of her lesbian identity have been overlooked. In this case study of une femme inadaptée and an unfit feminist, Elizabeth Kahn re-situates Laurencin in the on-going feminist debates that enrich the disciplines of art history, women's studies and literary criticism. Kahn's thorough reading of the artist's visual and literary production ensures a comprehensive overview which addresses notable works and passages but also integrates those that are less well known. Incorporating feminist theory and building on the work of contemporary feminist art historians, she avoids the heroics of conventional biography, instead allowing her subject to participate in the historical collective of women's work. Provocative and engagingly written, this fresh new study of Marie Laurencin's life and works also explores the multiple valences by which to connect the histories of, and find new connections between, women artists across the twentieth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mozart's Piano Concertos
Mozart's piano concertos stand alongside his operas and symphonies as his most frequently performed and best loved music. They have attracted the attention of generations of musicologists who have explored their manifold meanings from a variety of viewpoints. In this study, John Irving brings together the various strands of scholarship surrounding Mozart's concertos including analytical approaches, aspects of performance practice and issues of compositional genesis based on investigation of manuscript and early printed editions. Treating the concertos collectively as a repertoire, rather than as individual works, the first section of the book tackles broad thematic issues such as the role of the piano concerto in Mozart's quasi-freelance life in late eighteenth-century Vienna, the origin of his concertos in earlier traditions of concerto writing; eighteenth-century theoretical frameworks for the understanding of movement forms, subsequent historical shifts in the perception of the concerto's form, listening strategies and performance practices. This is followed by a 'documentary register' which proceeds through all 23 original works, drawing together information on the source materials. Accounts of the concertos' compositional genesis, early performance history and reception are also included here, drawing extensively on the Mozart family correspondence and other contemporary reports. Drawing together and synthesizing this wealth of material, Irving provides an invaluable reference source for those already familiar with this repertoire.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shostakovich String Quartet No. 8
When it was first performed in October 1960, Shostakovich''s Eighth String Quartet was greeted with a standing ovation and given a full encore. Its popularity has continued to the present day with over a hundred commercial recordings appearing during the last 40 years. The appeal of the work is not hard to identify; immediately communicative, the quartet also contains rich seams of deeper meaning. This book is the first to examine its musical design in detail and seeks to overthrow the charges of superficiality that have arisen as a result of the work''s popular success. The core of this study is the close analysis of the work, but this is placed in context with a discussion of Shostakovich''s reputation and historical position, the circumstances of the quartet''s composition and the subsequent controversies that have surrounded it. The work was composed during the so-called ''Thaw'' years of the Soviet Union, and the cultural and political backgrounds of this period are considered
Taylor & Francis Ltd Alfred Herbert Ltd and the British Machine Tool Industry, 1887-1983
At the beginning of the twentieth century Britain was amongst the world leaders in the production of machine tools, yet by the 1980s the industry was in terminal decline. Focusing on the example of Britain's largest machine tool maker, Alfred Herbert Ltd of Coventry, this study charts the wider fortunes of this vital part of the manufacturing sector. Taking a chronological approach, the book explores how during the late nineteenth century the industry developed a reputation for excellence throughout the world, before the challenges of two world wars necessitated drastic changes and reorganisations. Despite meeting these challenges and emerging with confidence into the post-war market place, the British machine tool industry never regained its pre-eminent position, and increasingly lost ground to foreign competition. By using the example of Alfred Herbert Ltd to illuminate the broader economic and business history of the British machine tool industry, this study not only provides a valuable insight into British manufacturing, but also contributes to the ongoing debates surrounding Britain's alleged decline as a manufacturing nation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modernism and the Mediterranean: The Maeght Foundation
Situated in a Mediterranean landscape, the Maeght Foundation is a unique Modernist museum, product of an extraordinary collaboration between the architect, José Luis Sert, and the artists whose work was to be displayed there. The architecture, garden design and art offer a rare opportunity to see work in settings conceived in active collaboration with the artists themselves. By focusing on the relationship between this art foundation and its Arcadian setting, including Joan Miró's labyrinth, George Braque's pool, Tal-Coat's mosaic wall and Giacometti's terrace, Jan K. Birksted demonstrates how the building articulates many of the ideas that preoccupied this group of artists during the culminating years of their lives. The study pays special attention to the ways in which architecture can shape the experience of time, and addresses the Modernist desire for wilderness and its problematic roots in the classical Mediterranean ideal. In showing how the design of the Maeght Foundation is a Modernist representation of Mediterranean culture, the author has developed an interpretation of architecture that accommodates not only the architect's handling of material or function, but shows as well how it can be the embodiment of a particular vision of space and time.
Taylor & Francis Ltd X-Ray Lasers 2004
X-Ray Lasers 2004 comprises invited, contributed, and poster papers presented at the 9th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers (ICXRL2004) held in Beijing in May 2004. Some 120 participants from 13 countries and regions met in Beijing to compare results and exchange views on future developments in x-ray lasers and related fields.The book covers the following topics: overviews of x-ray lasers research, collisionally pumped x-ray lasers, capillary discharge-pumped x-ray lasers, OFI and photo-pumped x-ray lasers, high-order harmonics XUV radiation, grazing incidence pumping x-ray lasers, theory and simulations of x-ray lasers and plasma media, free-electron lasers and accelerator-based x-ray sources, alternative pumping schemes for x-ray lasers, applications of x-ray lasers and other bright x-ray sources, x-ray optics and instrumentation, investigations of x-ray laser media, and developments of x-ray laser drivers. X-Ray Lasers 2004 provides not only an overview and an up-to-date progress report on this fast moving field, but also important reference material on which future work can be built.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modeling Fluctuations in Scattered Waves
Fluctuations in scattered waves limit the performance of imaging and remote sensing systems that operate on all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. To better understand these fluctuations, Modeling Fluctuations in Scattered Waves provides a practical guide to the phenomenology, mathematics, and simulation of non-Gaussian noise models and discusses how they can be used to characterize the statistics of scattered waves.Through their discussion of mathematical models, the authors demonstrate the development of new sensing techniques as well as offer intelligent choices that can be made for system analysis. Using experimental results and numerical simulation, the book illustrates the properties and applications of these models. The first two chapters introduce statistical tools and the properties of Gaussian noise, including results on phase statistics. The following chapters describe Gaussian processes and the random walk model, address multiple scattering effects and propagation through an extended medium, and explore scattering vector waves and polarization fluctuations. Finally, the authors examine the generation of random processes and the simulation of wave propagation.Although scattered wave fluctuations are sources of information, they can hinder the performance of imaging and remote sensing systems. By providing experimental data and numerical models, this volume aids you in evaluating and improving upon the performance of your own systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Beyond the Desert 2002: Accelerator, Non-Accelerator and Space Approaches in the New Millennium
Containing the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Physics Beyond the Standard Model, this book reports the latest experimental and theoretical results and ideas in this exciting field, at the interface between particle physics, astrophysics, and nuclear physics. Taken as a whole, this book presents an overview of the current status of the field and a valuable analysis of future trends in theory and experimental approaches across particle astrophysics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd GROUP 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries: Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Paris, 15-20 July 2002
One of the most enduring elements in theoretical physics has been group theory. GROUP 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries provides an important selection of informative articles describing recent advances in the field. The applications of group theory presented in this book deal not only with the traditional fields of physics, but also include such disciplines as chemistry and biology.Awarded the Wigner Medal and the Weyl Prize, respectively, H.J. Lipkin and E. Frenkel begin the volume with their contributions. Plenary session contributions are represented by 18 longer articles, followed by nearly 200 shorter articles. The book also presents coherent states, wavelets, and applications and quantum group theory and integrable systems in two separate sections.As a record of an international meeting devoted to the physical and mathematical aspects of group theory, GROUP 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries constitutes an essential reference for all researchers interested in various current developments related to the important concept of symmetry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Diffractional Optics of Millimetre Waves
Diffractional Optics of Millimetre Waves combines those elements of diffraction theory normally associated with optics, including Gaussian beams, lenses, and mirrors, and extends them into the micro- and millimetre wavelength range. In this regime there are a number of applications in devices, such as automobile proximity sensors, satellite-TV receiving antennae, and non-destructive testing systems. Researchers working in these areas would benefit from greater understanding of the diffraction phenomena involved. A translated and updated version of the authors' book Diffraction Quasioptics, this book will present results formerly unavailable in the general literature.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Correspondence of John Flamsteed The First Astronomer Royal 3 Volume Set
The Correspondence of John Flamsteed: The First Astronomer Royal, Three Volume Set explores the work of Flamsteed through his letters.The first volume serves as an essential guide to the exciting developments in scientific thinking that occurred during the seventeenth century by supplementing the published correspondence of Isaac Newton and Henry Oldenburg. It will be an invaluable research tool, not only for historians of astronomy, but also for researchers examining how scientific thought developed.The second volume contains the letters Flamsteed wrote and received from June 1682 to the spring of 1703. A leading figure in the final phases of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, his extensive correspondence with 129 British and foreign scholars touches on many of the scientific discussions of the day. Some of these exchanges involved established correspondents, chiefly Newton and Wallis, but members of a younger generation, such as Stephen Gray, William Derha
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Restless Universe Applications of Gravitational N-Body Dynamics to Planetary Stellar and Galactic Systems
The Restless Universe: Applications of Gravitational N-Body Dynamics to Planetary Stellar and Galactic Systems stimulates the cross-fertilization of ideas, methods, and applications among the different communities who work in the gravitational N-body problem arena, across diverse fields of astrophysics. The chapters and topics cover three broad themes: the dynamics of the solar system, the dynamics of galaxies and star clusters, and the large scale structure of the universe. The book is essential reading for scientists and graduate students studying N-body dynamics, from the fundamental techniques to the cutting edge of modern research in planetary, stellar, and galactic systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal: Volume 3
The Correspondence of John Flamsteed discusses this leading figure in the final phases of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, presents his extensive correspondence with 129 British and foreign scholars all over the world, and touches on many of the scientific discussions of the day. This book, the last volume of the set, contains his letters from number 901 to 1515.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Laser-Aided Diagnostics of Plasmas and Gases
Updated and expanded from the original Japanese edition, Laser-Aided Diagnostics of Gases and Plasmas takes a unique approach in treating laser-aided diagnostics. The book unifies the subject by joining applications instead of describing each application as a totally separate system. In taking this approach, it highlights the relative strengths of each method and shows how they can complement each other in the study of gases and plasmas.The first part of the book presents a general introduction to the laser-aided study of gases and plasmas, including the various principles and hardware needed for each method, while the second part describes the applications of each general system in detail.Beneficial to a wide spectrum of academic and industrial researchers, this book provides a solid examination of the various options and methods available when involved in the analysis and diagnostics of gases and plasmas.
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Taylor & Francis Ltd Office Ergonomics
Office workers form a large and growing proportion of the workforce, especially with the growth of the service sector. Almost all of us work in computerised offices, and have become strongly attached to these machines. We wish to be productive and successful, satisfied with our work, get along with our fellow workers; we do not want to suffer aches in wrists, shoulders or back, or any headaches. This is a practical book, but it is based on sound theory and research. It is written for the practitioner: the office manager, the equipment purchaser, the designer and architect and especially for the individual office worker, for you and me who operate keyboards, check and make files, phone and fax, sit and stand, write and read, who discuss and evaluate , and prepare for decisions. We need to know how to set up the office, how to select and arrange our equipment and furniture, how to organise and pace our work. We need to perform 'at ease and efficiently', which is the motto of ergonomics
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This ground-breaking book represents the work of a variety of researchers in information systems that share a common concern to use philosophical approaches to help solve problems in information systems. It brings together many of the leading researchers in the field and provides a broad-based range of chapters addressing key contemporary issues in the field. It looks at philosophical and social implications of the development of IS, relates these issues to the role IS plays in contemporary business and cultural theory, and discussed IS in a social and philosophical context, rather than simply as technology.