Search results for ""collective""
Collective Ink Patient in Room Nine Says He′s God, The
A young Jewish doctor prays to a coma patient's Blessed Mother on Christmas Eve, only to have the woman suddenly awakened; there is the voice that tells a too-busy ER doctor to stop a patient walking out, discovering an embolus that would have killed him. The late-night passing of a beloved aunt summons a childhood bully who shows up minutes later, after twenty-five years, to be forgiven and to heal a broken doctor. This ER doctor finds God's opposite in: a battered child's bruises covered over by make-up, a dying patient whose son finally shows up at the end to reclaim the man's high-top sneakers, the rich or celebrity patients loaded with prescription drugs from doctor friends who end up addicted. But, his real outrage is directed at our cavalier treatment of the elderly, If you put a G-tube in your 80-year-old mother with Alzheimer's because she's no longer eating, you will probably have a fast track to hell.
Collective Ink Man of the New Millennium – A search for us in an age of me
"Man of the New Millennium" is a book for us: the millions of people who want to see the end of mancruel and the start of mankind and the probably billion or so of us in this world, exasperated and disenchanted by worn-out templates, trying to find new ones. Wrapped in the most gentle of narratives, "Man of the New Millennium" leads us through the maze of history's travesties and today's duplicities to a future with a future, to a future whose potential is our potential, our potential as a species, and that potential special to all of us individually. "Man of the New Millennium" is a search for us in an age of me; it is a text for humanity in fictional dress; it is a book which changes hope from an ill-defined aspiration to a realisable ambition. It is a book of today which guarantees a quality tomorrow. "Man of the New Millenniu" is the third book of the trilogy which also comprises "The Prophet of the New Millennium" and "God of the New Millennium".
Collective Ink Dry Bones Can Live – How to be part of a healthy church
Many people believe in Jesus Christ but want nothing to do with the church. Some others who call themselves committed Christians will not commit to a local church. We have to be honest. There is a dearth in the church in many countries. At times the church has been very sick and the illness seemed to be terminal; yet it survives and in many places grows phenomenally. "Dry Bones can Live", addresses this problem and proposes a dynamic remedy; setting out a strategy for local churches to consider. It is full of stories from the pastor's casebook, which illustrate the reality and effectiveness of the Gospel in transforming lives
Collective Ink Destination of the Species – The Riddle of Human Existence
There is really only one question for human beings that in the end matters. That is, what if any is the purpose of existence, and what are we here for? It is a question that has underlain religious conviction and philosophic inquiry throughout human history, and to which scientific rationalism in recent centuries has added some important insights. It highlights two contesting views of the nature of reality: is there a purpose behind the universe, and if so, is the evolution of man somehow related to that purpose, or is it a mechanistic universe driven by blind natural forces in which there is no ultimate purpose and no meaning of life? Or is there indeed some alternative third explanation? What is one to believe about the ultimates of human existence? What Michael Meacher seeks to do in this book is rather to assess the evidence - the whole range of it - without a predetermined world view as a premise, and to decide, as objectively as possible, what the evidence on balance points to.
Collective Ink Gospels` Veiled Agenda, The – Revolution, Priesthood and The Holy Grail
The gospel writers were masters of 'Midrash', a popular literary technique in the ancient Jewish world. Midrash enables authors to promote their ideas by weaving them into well known biblical themes. The gospels contain coded, midrashic, messages that would have resonated with their contemporary Jewish audience. Approaching the "New Testament" from a midrashic perspective leads to a radically new picture of Jesus as a political leader. Not, as is often claimed a revolutionary against Roman occupation. One prominent theme, that of the Holy Grail, which is central to an understanding of the revolutionary agenda, was virtually (but not quite) written out the gospels, only to resurface in medieval Christian folk lore. The failure of Jesus' revolution came about, not with his crucifixion, but long before with the imprisonment and subsequent execution of John the Baptist, the only qualifying candidate for high office in the revolutionary scheme. From this time forward Jesus and his disciples faced an uphill struggle. Their ultimate demise was inevitable, and Jesus knew this, as the narrative bears out.
Collective Ink Walking the Faery Pathway – Includes: The Faery Caille, Oracle of Wands
Take a trip down a faery pathway and meet the folk of the Otherworld, the realm of the faeries in this charming and practical guide. Harmonia Saille will take you step by step along the faery pathway, teaching you all about faery culture on the way, and showing you how to connect and communicate with them. She will guide you to find particular points which act as portals to the faery realms of the Otherworld, and introduce you to the faeries of Europe and Scandinavia some of which have migrated to the New World. In contacting faeries you can ask for help in your everyday life, and Harmonia will show you how to do this. There is a further guide on how to attract the faeries to your home and garden. Read about the Faery Caille, Oracle of Wands, a tree oracle which acts as a communication channel between you and the faeries. Harmonia provides a full description of the wand meanings along with how to use and make your own set. This book is suitable for young adults upwards.
Collective Ink One Dimensional Woman
Where have all the interesting women gone? If the contemporary portrayal of womankind were to be believed, contemporary female achievement would culminate in the ownership of expensive handbags, a vibrator, a job, a flat and a man. Of course, no one has to believe the TV shows, the magazines and adverts, and many don't. But how has it come to this? Did the desires of twentieth-century women's liberation achieve their fulfilment in the shopper's paradise of 'naughty' self-pampering, playboy bunny pendants and bikini waxes? That the height of supposed female emancipation coincides so perfectly with consumerism is a miserable index of a politically desolate time. Much contemporary feminism, particularly in its American formulation, doesn't seem too concerned about this coincidence. This short book is partly an attack on the apparent abdication of any systematic political thought on the part of today's positive, up-beat feminists. It suggests alternative ways of thinking about transformations in work, sexuality and culture that, while seemingly far-fetched in the current ideological climate, may provide more serious material for future feminism.
Collective Ink Optimized Woman, The – Using your menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfillment
If you want to get ahead, get a cycle. The menstrual cycle consists of Optimum Times - days of heightened performance skills and abilities. When we 'match the task to the time' we have the opportunity to excel beyond our expectations. We can achieve goals and success more easily, get ahead in the workplace, and enhance our feelings of fulfilment. In "The Optimized Woman", Miranda Gray presents a flexible plan of practical daily actions for self-development, goal achievement and work enhancement, aligned to the phases of the menstrual cycle. This book will totally change how women think about their cycles. It will change how they live their lives, achieve their goals, plan their work and careers, and create happiness and well being. The reader will be amazed that this is the one self-development method that they can apply month after month without losing the commitment and motivation to achieve their dreams, and bring fulfilment and success.
Collective Ink What a Body Knows – Finding Wisdom in Desire
When we blame desire for our dissatisfaction, we cut ourselves off from the best guidance we have for finding health and well being. There is wisdom in desire, though we have learned to ignore it. Trained to think and feel and act as if we were minds living in and over bodies, we tend to perceive our desires as unruly forces that we must control - or be controlled by. But our desires are us. They are what we are creating in the moment. When we learn to find and move with the wisdom they contain, we become who we can be, and unfold what we have to give. "What a Body Knows" illustrates how, in relation to three life-enabling desires - our desires for nourishment, physical intimacy and spiritual fulfillment. Food. Sex. Spirit.
Collective Ink Reiki Sourcebook (revised ed.), The
The most comprehensive book on the system of Reiki ever published, this book will become an invaluable asset for Reiki novices, students and teachers alike. Bringing together every important piece of information that has been taught, discussed or written about Reiki since its development in the ealy 1900s, it includes information from sources such as living students of the Reiki masters, Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata. With an introduction for beginners and a chronological history of Reiki that answers questions like 'where did the attunement process come from?' and 'Which hand positions are correct?' it explains and illustrates techniques from both Japan and the West. A comprehensive glossary and directory of all Reiki organisations make this the definitive manual for anyone with a particular interest in Reiki or a more general interest in alternative health.
Collective Ink Quantum Conspiracy, The – A Novel of Possibilities
"The Quantum Conspiracy" explores the global shift in consciousness that is being fueled by evolution theory, the appearance of remarkable children being born who reveal a new DNA-like shift, and the threats posed by a potential nuclear war and environmental degradation. It also explores the possibility and reality of the decades-long dream of Earth being visited by benevolent aliens to help us through our present crisis. Along the way the authors discuss Native American prophecy, Egyptian mythology and the crisis American leadership has created in the Middle East. This book is a rare discussion of these elements with a powerful and credible hope for a positive outcome for all mankind.
Collective Ink Gabriel Messages, The – Compassionate Wisdom for the 21st Century from the Archangel Gabriel
Timeless wisdom - this inspired communication from Archangel Gabriel, ignites a spark of hope in the heart of those seeking peace in their lives, and empowering the reader with practical compassionate words of healing for the 21st century. Each of the 56 loving messages in this book feels deeply personal and includes suggestions the reader can immediately apply in life to gain emotional and spiritual strength. The author, Shanta Gabriel, at very dark moments in her life, had surprise visits from Archangel Michael in 1988. When Archangel Gabriel appeared in 1990, she was inspired with the angelic dictation that brought forth these beautiful messages and ongoing information since that time that is posted on her website.
Collective Ink Awakening the Divine Soul – Finding Your Life Purpose
This book takes you on a journey, my spiritual adventure, and introduces many strange and amazing people I met along the way and the secret places where I threw myself wholeheartedly into the depths of my soul.From a gathering of Inuit elders in an icy igloo, the journey begins to unfold. It continues with a meeting with a spirit guide who assists me on my trail to dark caves in Australia to commune with an ancient teacher.My shamanic journeying helps me unravel many mysteries; my past lives in Egypt, Atlantis and the Plains of North America and of a lost key that is crucial to my personal empowerment, waiting to be collected in the Cornish village of Tintagel, England. I undergo a symbolic death and rebirth before receiving potent healing on a South Pacific Island. The taunting spirits of this powerful land put me to task, testing my endurance. Traveling with my eighteen-month-old son we sleep in a native hut in Fiji where I met with the village chief.Before I could embrace my future, I had to understand my own cultural heritage. I gain an understanding of how important it is to know where we come from.
Collective Ink Kissing the Hag: The Dark Goddess and the Unacceptable Nature of Women
Based upon the old tale of "The Marriage of Sir Gawain", "Kissing the Hag" brings us face to face with the nauseating horror of the hag - the raw side, the dark side, the inside of a woman's essential nature. Here we find the untamed soul, the wild, angry, selfish, lustful, manipulative and incomprehensible elements of woman: all that makes us unacceptable and badly behaved. Too often we have been guided to point a finger of blame, accusing our parents, society, our partners of being dysfunctional. Here Emma Restall Orr doesn't allow us that option. As a Druid and animist, she takes the negative stereotypes of the irrational, emotional woman - feisty bitch to shameless whore, smothering mother to grumpy old bag - and finds the archetypes behind them, the faces and forms of the dark goddess.Instead of dismissing these as unacceptable, she encourages us to ride their wild emotional currents, surfing the awesome tides that threaten to overwhelm us. In "Kissing the Hag", we come to accept the fullness of our nature, celebrating the deep mystery, the magic and power of all we are. "Kissing the Hag" is a book written for women who long to loose the chains of insecurity, convention, guilt and self-negation, and rediscover the freedom and creativity of their true nature. It is also a book written for men fascinated but infuriated by the women they love.
Collective Ink Lost Way: The Call, The – Book 1
He arrived unannounced but what he brought was the original meaning of Christ's teachings and the long forgotten path to a new kind of living Christianity. "The Lost Way" chronicles the story of a teacher's return, at a time of crisis, bringing with him a contemporary gospel of understanding to today's world. For more than three years he taught a small Christian community to use Jesus' words, not as a sermon to believe in, but as a living gateway to a search for God's presence within themselves. "The Lost Way" resurrects the energetic force of inner Christianity, from the time of the original disciples, back into the modern world.
Collective Ink First English Prayer Book (Adapted for Modern Us – The first worship edition since the original publication in 1549
In 1549 Thomas Cranmer published the first "Prayer Book" in English. Based on a medieval form of worship, its language is both sublime and majestic. "Later Prayer Books" produced by the Anglican Communion are derived from it - and in the eyes of many are inferior. All Christian denominations in England and America owe an incalculable debt to Cranmer's pioneering work. This new edition presents Cranmer's services in a form which is practical, accessible and easy to follow. This is the first edition designed for use in worship since the original publication over 450 years ago. As in the original, the instructions - the "rubrics" - are printed in red. The present publishers hope that churches and informal Christian groups may use if for occasional - or even regular - acts of worship.
Collective Ink Simply Being – One Year with Spirit
Essentially, the whole of humanity asks the same questions about life and living. What is truth? How do i handle stress? Can i forgive? How do i heal my fears? Now "Simply Being" leads us through the answers in a way that is accessible, timely and absent of religious doctrine and dogma. Spirit's voice is persistant here, teaching all that indeed everyone can easily access and remember the inner wisdom of God's love. "Simply Being" has been assembled as a progressive workbook. It contains 52 weeks of inspired material followed by prompts for insight. These prompts encourage the reader to journal, ask questions and receive their own answers. Additionally, each weekly reading, includes practical exercises for hands on use of the material and affirmations to keep insights fresh daily.Writing this journal each day, the author found herself happier, more peaceful and willing to offer herself and others love, understanding and peace. In the practice of this book's material, she offers the same joy, hope and practical knowledge to whomever crosses its path. Pamela Silberman has been a recreation therapist and group counselor since 1994. She is currently the Executive Director for an international self-development conference for 2008. She has written for "Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul", "Miracles Magazine" and "The Christ Consciousness Journal". Her blog chronicles her experiences.
Collective Ink Helena`s Voyage – A mystic adventure
A sick girl named Helena is taken by an angel on an ancient sailing boat far away over the waves. Their destination: three cities that glow as if blessed of God - one Jewish, one Christian, one Muslim. Helena comes to realize that all these people believe the same divine law - to love God and their fellow man. Saying goodbye to the angel, and returning to her bedroom, she looks at the three gifts; they have become a single gleaming gold disk. On one side are these words: 'One god, many voices, one people'. On the other side, a glimpse of heaven. Text is provided in English, Arabic and Hebrew.
Collective Ink Liberal Faith in a Divided Church
The battle lines are drawn in what some believe will be the final showdown between liberals and conservatives in the Anglican Church. If the two sides can't agree, the cracks which began to show over the ordination of women may well become an unbridgeable chasm and the church will split. The catalyst is the row over the consecration of a gay bishop in America, but Jonathan Clatworthy argues that it goes deeper than that, to the very roots of Anglicanism itself. Clatworthy believes that classical Anglican theology is by definition liberal. It affirms tradition but is open to new insights and humble enough to accept that our knowledge can never be complete or certain. The Church should be inclusive, welcoming, and open to debate, allowing differences of opinion to continue until consensus is reached. Conservative Christians see it differently; this book explains why the two views may well be irreconcilable.
Collective Ink Living by Numbers
Numbers are instantly recognizable and feature in everyone's life. Elementary, dependable, yet mysteriously abstract, they take you back to the basics of life, and lay the foundation to clear the conditioning of the past. When you listen to the numbers, you'll discover how to break out of the karmic loop of numbers 2 and 3, and step into the magical connection of 1 and 4. From there, you can awaken your extraordinary potential, and begin to live the life you want. Included in the book, there is a dictionary of numbers, as well as illustrated yogic exercises, breathing techniques, a suggested daily practice, meditations and many other useful ways to help you stay centred whenever you meet one of life's inevitable difficulties. Everything happens in the moment, and you must be ready.
Collective Ink Deep Equality – Living in the Flow of Natural Rhythms
There is a lot of talk about the new paradigm or model of thinking needed for the 21st Century. But what actually is problematic about our current ones? When we look deeply into the underlying structures of our thinking for the past 6,000 years we see one all pervasive form; images of pyramids, of ladders, of vertical power relations frozen in time. This book explores the idea that the paradigm shift needed is essentially about the change from rigid vertical and hierarchical thinking to equalizing rhythmic thinking and being. Equalizing Rhythms are a kind of lay person's 'theory of everything'. This theory can be applied to almost anything from world politics to personal spiritual journeys. It can be seen as a philosophical frame work relevant to a wide range of situations from the bedroom to the office.The book shows us how to tune in to these rhythms in any given moment of time. We learn how to develop our deepest intuition to aid this process. But it also shows us how to work out with reason where equalizing is needed. It also describes ways in which people all over the world are already living in the flow of equalizing rhythms, from the green movement to rave culture.
Collective Ink Heart of All Knowing, The – Awakening Your Inner Seer
Seership is simply living with the magic of everyday life. A natural way of living. Before we codified our symbolic understanding of the outer and inner world into ever more abstract forms of writing we all lived as seers. The followers of this right-brained tradition later came to be variously called prophets and guides, shamans and sages, mystics and saints, magicians and witches, mediums and psychics. But they share the same principles, outlined here by Barbara Meiklejohn-Free. She covers the history of seership, what it means, awakening the seer, healing the self, retrieval, dreams, divination, creating your destiny, and other subjects. Exercises end each chapter to help you awaken your conscious heart.
Collective Ink Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom – The Feminine Face of Awakening
"The Extraordinary Wisdom of Ordinary Women" is a collection of intimate, heartfelt conversations with women spiritual teachers who live and look like ordinary people. They have kids, husbands, jobs, and bills to pay. What makes them extraordinary is that each woman has awakened to her true nature. And while that sounds like enlightenment, it doesn't look like the old stereotype of transcendence, detachment, and bliss. Quite the contrary. This is the feminine half of the spiritual journey - bringing it down to earth and embracing all of what it means to be human. These real life stories show by practical example what it means to be fully awake and fully engaged, to meet the world without resistance - even and especially when it's not easy - whether it's death, divorce or illness. The invitation is explicit..."if these ordinary women can be fully awake and fully human, why not me, why not you? And why not now."
Collective Ink Stargazers – Stories of the first philosophers
What exactly distinguishes the good life? Is it pleasure? Is it virtue? Is it wisdom? Or is it something else? Each of the ancient philosophers of Greece and Rome had an answer, because for them it was the most important question. "Stargazers" takes us into their lives, depicting their efforts to understand the nature of ultimate reality and to live a life in accord with that understanding. Thus transported, we discover also the source of many of our own ideas concerning the cosmos, God, humankind, and the flourishing life. "Stargazers" is an invitation to return to the beginning, extended cordially to all, but most especially to those who have yet to encounter Plato's "dear delight," philosophy. The quest begins and ends in wonder, and, along the way, reveals its power to transform both our perception of the world and our way of living in it.
Collective Ink Shamanic Reiki – Expanded Ways of Working with Universal Life Force Energy
For the first time in print, shamanic techniques are introduced that healers and Reiki practitioners can draw on to tap into ancient healing wisdom. Shamanism and Reiki are, by themselves, powerful ways to heal. Together, their power multiplies, and healing methods become available that aren't accessible if they're used separately. The purpose of "Shamanic Reiki" is to introduce you to concepts in both and provide you with detailed proven methods to enhance your own healing practices, or to work on yourselves. "Shamanic Reiki" empowers the healer / Reiki practitioner to trust their instincts, recognizing that healing is an evolving and dynamic art; to facilitate change requires the healer to trust in spirit and work creatively with the universal life force energy. Now it's your turn to discover the combined power of Reiki and shamanism.
Collective Ink House of Wisdom, The – Yoga of the East and West
Yoga is primarily a spiritual practice. The aim of "The House of Wisdom" is to encourage personal and spiritual growth, along with creative and skilful living. It draws on a variety of great wisdom traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. The first part covers starting out on the spiritual path, the problems along the way, and the yogic understanding of the authentic Self. The second looks more closely at the yogic tradition, with chapters on mantra, paths to the sacred and the classic Eightfold Path of Yoga. The third and fourth parts include exercises from Psychosynthesis psychology, affirmations and practices for relaxation and discovering the spiritual dimension of the Whole Self.
Collective Ink Angels of the First Heaven, The – How to work with the seven Archangels
This book shows you how to contact the angels, particularly the powerful archangels, one step up from the guardian angels. The energies of Gabriel, Zadkiel, Uriel, Chamuel, Michael, Raphael and Jophiel are fully explained. Using her personal experience of the archangels after the angel Raphael appeared to her, Carolyn explains the colour rays they work with, the essential oils to use, songs to sing and gives a specific picture of each angel for you to focus on. There is also a channelled message from each. "Angels of the First Heaven" is easy to read and shorter than most. Carolyn offers her "ordinariness". She is down to earth, and writes with full openness to the reader. Direct and honest, it tells you exactly what to do to experience what she has benefited from over the last 20 years.
Collective Ink Fear of Music 2nd Edition
An examination of why modern art can be easier to appreciate than modern music.
Collective Ink Infinite Pickle The
Because you won?t get these puzzles in any other book and they?re uniquely flexible and fun and will get the kids in your classroom loving maths! And because they?re fun for you to try out too.
Collective Ink Near Death Experiences and Sacred Scripture
This book reveals the striking similarity in messaging from over 500 near-death experience accounts - including accounts contained in the sacred scriptures of twelve world religions.
Collective Ink Paranormal Perspectives A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences
A journey from before birth through childhood, teenage years, and adulthood to old age, guided by imaginary friends, higher dimensional beings, archangels, and Carl Jung.
Collective Ink In Search of Hope
Inspired by early Quaker Margaret Fell, this book uses stories and practical exercises to help and encourage us all to find hope in difficult times
Collective Ink Am I Too Old to Save the Planet?: A Boomer's Guide to Climate Action
Think you've waited too long to do something about climate change? Think again. Am I Too Old to Save the Planet? A Boomer's Guide to Climate Action explains how America's most promising generation allowed climate change to become a planetary emergency - and what to do about it now. A former foreign correspondent and vice president of the World Resources Institute, Lawrence MacDonald shares his journey to becoming a passionate climate activist. Packed with practical advice, his book invites fellow boomers to join the growing global movement to save the planet.
Collective Ink Owen O'Shea: Stay-At-Home Dad, Wannabe Detective: A Novel
Sometimes parenting sucks, especially at the beginning. There’s too little sleep and too much butt wiping. Fortunately, new dad Owen O’Shea has a brilliant wife and great friends to help him out. He also has a cozy wingback to sit in and a big window to look out from, two small comforts that make those 3 a.m. feedings a hell of a lot easier … at least at first. It’s during one of those wee-hour feedings when Owen witnesses suspicious activity across the way that seems less idyllic-suburban-cul-de-sac and more daytime-drama-meets-high-intrigue-thriller. His curiosity piqued, Owen decides to do what any calm, responsible parent would: dive recklessly into an investigation that is either wildly off-base or life-threateningly true. Are his neighbors innocent suburbanites or murderous psychopaths? Either way, he’s probably screwed.
Collective Ink Narrow Window The A Novel
Collective Ink Life Before the Internet - What we can learn from the good old days
There was life before Google and smartphones, but few would recognize it today. We had more free time, as we didn't spend hours on social media. Our children roamed free and learned to fend for themselves. We enjoyed the freedom and space that came from being unreachable, and we couldn't take work home. We didn't need to invent slow living; it was part of the deal! See how the last unconnected generation used to live. Catch the tempo of everyday life, from home and school to work and leisure - and perhaps reflect on what we might learn.
Collective Ink Date, Love, Marry, Avoid: Find Your Soulmate
Online dating is at an all-time high. Its industry is worth nearly $7 billion. And its popularity has increased in proportion to the increases of loneliness and social isolation brought on by Covid. Finding your soulmate in a largely online world can be tricky enough as it is, and this book aims to help you find a compatible partner without having to kiss too many frogs. Deciding to write the book she couldn’t find on the market, author Janine Lowe set her aim toward helping people find their way every day with relationships, life, health, and wealth through Chinese Horoscopes and Feng Shui. Using thousands of years of Chinese Zodiac knowledge to help you find your soulmate, Love, Date, Marry, Avoid is a funny, practical, irreverent, and accessible guide to Chinese astrology, geared to help you learn what makes your personal sign tick and which animal signs are your most -- and least -- compatible. In these pages, Janine will help you work out which animal you are -- the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, or Pig? -- and identify great date options, as she gives her verdict on whether to date, love, marry, or avoid. After all, there’s no point taking a Rat to the gym, you’ll never see him again!
Collective Ink Meditations from the Classics: Ancient Voices for Modern Listeners
There's a delightful melody in the ancient voices as they travel through time's narrow door. I hear them best on my front-porch rocker that faces an ocean marsh. There, beneath curious stars, the orchestration emerges, mingling with moonlight tides. Sometimes Socrates sings the high notes while Thucydides pulls the bass line. Aristophanes rallies his chorus, and Caesar charges over a hilltop near the dark Teutoburg Forest. There are times when I struggle with the faint lyrics, but with patience, the scenes begin to breathe again. Hurry! It's midnight, and the curtain is opening. The actors twirl their swords and fluff their flowing robes. Sophocles is quieting the theater, requesting our attention. Oedipus, now an aged actor, leans upon his daughter Antigone. His face glowers from twenty years of wandering beneath ghastly burdens and past failures. Slowly, they climb a rocky path that leads to the edge of a forest. His words still resonate for us today with a vibrant relevance, as do all thirty-three ancient authors in Meditations from the Classics.
Collective Ink 50 Years - 50 Lessons!: A Middle-Aged Man's Suggestions for Not Fecking Things Up - Now and in Later Life!
Most bookshops sell titles aimed at how to fix you. Whether it’s leadership, management, self-help or therapy, fitness or food, alternative lifestyle or mindfulness, so much of what’s offered is geared towards reinforcing the message that you need to change, that you’re living your life the wrong way, or that you’re not fulfilling your potential. This book is different. It doesn’t tell anyone to change. Its purpose is to encourage reflection, nurture curiosity, and challenge assumptions. Inside these pages, Author Fergal Barr has outlined 50 lessons, each of which is underpinned by a set of values and beliefs gained directly from the author’s lived experiences. Aimed at provoking one’s thoughts about a wide range of contemporary issues, these lessons also ask its readers to reflect on their own values and beliefs, and, in doing so, to contemplate their future approaches to different issues.
Collective Ink Philosophical Conversation, The: The Basics
How do you keep your conversations light and playful yet profound? How do you ask the right questions, with the right words, at the right moment? The Philosophical Conversation teaches you the basics of philosophical skills and instructs how to get started. A philosophical score, which provides you with the right attitude, technique and execution, determines the rhythm. Inside these pages there are all kinds of exercises to help you think more accurately and show you how to share that with others. Discover the joy of making music with words.
Collective Ink Tender Things Shall Die: A Novel
On the outskirts of a small religious village near London in 1865, Arman Shaw lives alone. He hasn't seen another soul in 441 days. Not since the death of his wife. He longs to return to the congregation, but every day spent in isolation makes it harder to go back. Then Violet Walker turns up on his doorstep to tell him that her husband, an old friend of Arman's, has been murdered. The local congregation wants to execute the man responsible, but Violet wants the murderer to have a trial, and she wants Arman to defend him…
Collective Ink I Am God – Wisdom and Revelation from Mystical Consciousness
Collective Ink Peace of Freysdal, The - A Light-Twister Novel
Freysdal is a peculiar place for more reasons than one. Besides manufacturing radiant items for non-Light-Twisters, it's also the only place in Thadren where thralls and freemen work side by side. Jaren knows that he's no more than a small piece in the effort to overthrow Thralldom, but he's comfortable with that role. That comfort is shattered, though, when he learns that he can control radiant energy. Now, instead of working to be reunited with his sisters, Jaren must resist the burden that drives Light-Twisters to cruelty and survive an abusive radiance instructor long enough to figure out who's trying to kill Freysdal's founder. The stress ramps up with growing rumors of an impending attack on Freysdal, and Jaren must decide whether he's willing to give up the Peace of Freysdal and become the Sword that defends it.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals Spellcraft and Spellwork
Collective Ink Graham Harman Reader, The - Including previously unpublished essays
The Graham Harman Reader is the essential compendium of shorter works by one of the most influential philosophers of the twenty-first century. The writings in this volume are split into seven chapters. The first concerns Harman's resistance to both downward and upward reductionism. The second chapter contains works that develop the specific fourfold structure of Object-Oriented Ontology. In the third, we find Harman's novel arguments for why causal relations between two entities can only be indirect. The fourth chapter discusses why aesthetics deserves to be called first philosophy. The fifth chapter contains Harman's underrated contributions to ethics and politics, and the sixth deals with epistemology, mind, and science. A concluding seventh chapter contains several previously unpublished writings not available anywhere else. Written in Harman's typical clear and witty style, the /Reader/ is an essential resource for veteran readers of Harman and newcomers alike.
Collective Ink Self-Awareness and Meditation: An Advanced Guide for Meditators
We are all on a journey, a journey from illusion to truth. Self-Awareness and Meditation: An Advanced Guide for Meditators looks at both the evolution of consciousness along this journey, and meditation as an integral part of it. A point comes when there is an awakening to the possibility that there is more than the consensus reality, which we have been part of for eons. We know that there is something more - and so our search begins. Eventually, with meditation, our focus moves within as we search for the Self - our true nature - which, until now, has been hidden in illusion, waiting for our awakening and eventual, joyful return. Self-Awareness and Meditation focuses on the return journey back to the Self. True meditation is a state of awareness which comes naturally as we increasingly align with our soul. We realise that we are not the doer, and then comes a different perspective about allowing our false reality to fall away, and we discover that consciousness, not the ego, has been running the show all the time.
Collective Ink Mindfulness and Me: A Practical Guide for Living
Are you ready to see mindfulness in a whole new way? As a set of relevant practices for emotional stability, concentration, insight, relaxation, self-control, and mental fortitude, mindfulness was never intended to be shrouded in mystery. Current psychological research shows that just 8 weeks of daily mindful meditation practices significantly lowers the activity in the fear (a.k.a. stress) center of the brain. Mindfulness and Me: A Practical Guide for Living is a myth-busting, philosophy-integrating handbook designed to lead you through 8 weeks of practices for creating a meaningful, empowered, kind, and relaxed life. To prove there's nothing mystical or magical about mindfulness, these practices integrate Buddhist, yoga, and Christian philosophy, mental health treatment, modern psychology, and so much more. Mindfulness and Me will take you through the biology of stress, changing thought patterns, managing emotions, and having a better relationship with yourself and others. There's nothing magical about it. It just makes sense.
Collective Ink No, You're Crazy: A Novel
When sixteen-year-old Ashlee Sutton's home life falls apart, she is beset by a rare mental illness that makes her believe she's clairvoyant. While most people scoff at her, she begins demonstrating an uncanny knack for sometimes predicting the future, using what could either be pure luck or something more remarkable. And when she helps her drug-addict father win enough casino cash to accidentally overdose, she becomes the target of violent people determined to exploit her, and she goes on the run. Ashlee reaches out to a distant relative, traumatized war journalist Mike Baker. Soon, at least in Ashlee's eyes, they are both plunging dangerously into an existential rabbit hole where their core belief, that humanity and personal connections are a blight, will be put to the ultimate test. No, You’re Crazy is a multilayered novel that examines the many ways a family can wound and heal us. A page-turning thriller and a sensitive look at faith and neurodiversity, it ultimately dares to ask, Who gets to decide what’s real?