Search results for ""author rainer"
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke
Verlag Herder Geschichten Vom Lieben Gott
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Gedichte
Pushkin Press Duino Elegies
The captivating original English translation of Rilke's landmark poetry cycle, by Vita and Edward Sackville-West
W. W. Norton & Company The Book of Hours
David Zwirner Letters to a Very Young Painter
Nova Science Publishers Inc Issues in Cruise Ship Safety & Security
Suhrkamp Verlag Die schonsten Gedichte
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft How Transformations and Social Innovations Can Succeed: Transformation Strategies and Models of Change for Transition to a Sustainable Society
Schott Music Ltd Cello Duets: 34 Original Violoncello Duets from 5 Centuries
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Qualitat ALS Gelingen: Grundlegung Einer Qualitatsentwicklung in Bildung, Beratung Und Sozialer Dienstleistung
Walter de Gruyter Quantentechnologien
De Gruyter Passivhäuser entwerfen: Konstruktion und Gestaltung energieeffizienter Gebäude
Passivhausplanung für Architekten Der Passivhausstandard entwickelt sich immer mehr zur Leitwährung des energieeffizienten Bauens. Passivhäuser werden inzwischen in fast allen Teilen der Welt und für alle Arten von Nutzern errichtet. Gleichzeitig besteht vielfach noch Unsicherheit: Was leisten Passivhäuser wirklich, und welche Fehlerquellen gilt es in der Planung zu vermeiden? Dieses Buch vermittelt Architekten die notwendige Sicherheit im Umgang mit dem Passivhausstandard. Es zeigt die wesentlichen Gestaltungsspielräume und erläutert Entwurfsstrategien, die zu besseren Passivhäusern führen. Internationale Gebäudebeispiele verdeutlichen, wie Entwurf, Konstruktion und Gebäudetechnik in Passivhäusern zusammenwirken. Kapitel zu Bauphysik, technischem Ausbau und energetischer Bilanzierung runden den Planungsleitfaden ab.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Sozialverwaltungsrecht Fur Die Soziale Arbeit
Gebruder Mann Verlag Paul Schultze-Naumburg: Die Netzwerke Des Kultur- Und Rassentheoretikers/ Networks of a Cultural and Racial Theorist
Books on Demand Platte Frünnen: Plattdeutsches Freundschaftsbuch
Edition Olms 222 Opening Traps: After 1.e4
North Point Press Letters on Cezanne
Tuttle Publishing Making Out in Hindi: From Everyday Conversation to the Language of Love - A Guide to Hindi as It's Really Spoken!
This Hindi book will help you learn the vocabulary you need to socialize with other young Hindi speakers and enjoy cultural attractions such as nightlife and Bollywood movies. Making Out in Hindi is a fun, accessible guide to the contemporary Hindi language as it's spoken in real life. It's the perfect phrase book geared towards everyday interactions and includes current slang and street expressions not covered in other phrase books, accompanied by line art illustrations. Making Out in Hindi also features a pronunciation guide, notes on the Hindi language and Indian culture, and guidance on male and female usage, so that you can learn Hindi both quickly and accurately. With this Hindi language phrasebook, you'll be able to express yourself when: Making acquaintances Sharing a meal Going out on the town Flirting and getting amorous And more! Each expression is also shown in Hindi script to enhance your recognition of the language (and in a pinch, you can even show the book to the person you're speaking to). Making Out in Hindi also includes occasional references to Bollywood films, so even if your travels take you no further than your art-house cinema or your TV, this is the phrase book you will want to have. Tuttle's Making Out series has sold over 400,000 copies worldwide, and Making out in Hindi is recognisable as the best resource for everyday Hindi-to-English vocabulary and quintessential Hindi expressions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and History
Historiographical approaches to international investment law scholarship are becoming ever more important. This insightful book combines perspectives from a range of expert international law scholars who explore ways in which using a broad variety of historical methods and historical research can lead to a better understanding of international investment law.International Investment Law and History critically analyses the use of historical argument in international investment law. It examines the vital roles that historical arguments play in interpreting investment treaties, resolving investor-state disputes, and justifying or criticising the current system of investment protection.This book is the first in-depth study on the methodological challenges and benefits of historical analysis in international investment law. As such, it is a vital tool for scholars and practitioners in the field who wish to understand ways in which to use historical research and analysis to improve and redefine international investment law.Contributors include: M. Boase, H. Bray, Y. Chernykh, J. Ho, R. Hofmann, J. Kammerhofer, A. Kulick, K. Miles, M. Pinchis-Paulsen, S.W. Schill, T. St. John, C.J. Tams, J. Yackee
Apple Academic Press Inc. Pathways to Modern Physical Chemistry: An Engineering Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications
Pathways to Modern Physical Chemistry: An Engineering Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications focuses on recent trends and takes a systematic and practical look at theoretical aspects of materials chemistry. The book describes the characterization and analysis methods for materials and explains physical transport mechanisms in various materials. Not only does this book summarize the classical theories of materials chemistry, but it also exhibits their engineering applications in response to the current key issues. Recent trends in several areas are explored, including polymer science, textile engineering, and chemical engineering science, which have important application to practice.
Springer International Publishing AG Handbook of Signal Processing Systems
In this new edition of the Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, many of the chapters from the previous editions have been updated, and several new chapters have been added. The new contributions include chapters on signal processing methods for light field displays, throughput analysis of dataflow graphs, modeling for reconfigurable signal processing systems, fast Fourier transform architectures, deep neural networks, programmable architectures for histogram of oriented gradients processing, high dynamic range video coding, system-on-chip architectures for data analytics, analysis of finite word-length effects in fixed-point systems, and models of architecture. There are more than 700 tables and illustrations; in this edition over 300 are in color. This new edition of the handbook is organized in three parts. Part I motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-the art methods for design and implementation of signal processing systems; Part II discusses architectures for implementing these applications; and Part III focuses on compilers, as well as models of computation and their associated design tools and methodologies.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligence - Theories and Applications
Intelligence allows people to understand events and to shape their surrounding environment. This book delves deeper into the theories and applications of intelligence, showing it is a multifaceted concept —defined and explained differently by prestigious experts of various disciplines in their own research. The book provides interdisciplinary connections of intelligence as it relates to a variety of clearly outlined subject areas, and should lead to a deep understanding of the phenomenon as it pertains to practical applications in different domains. Contributors in this volume present results from evolutionary biology, mathematics, artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology, cultural studies, economy, political sciences and philosophy. Individual scientific models are integrated in an interdisciplinary concept of wisdom. This volume will help enhance the common understanding of intelligence for fellow researchers and scientists alike.
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Bewahren Und Bewahren: Historische Und Politische Theologie Im Anschluss an Thomas Von Aquin
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Philologos Kosmos: Kleine Schriften zur antiken Literatur, Naturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion
Die kleinen Schriften von Herwig Görgemanns, die in diesem Band anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages des Heidelberger Gräzisten versammelt sind, vereinen, was andernorts in disziplinärer Zersplitterung und im Auseinanderdriften von Spezialistentum und Vermittlungskompetenz auseinanderfällt: Detailstudien zur antiken Literatur, Geistesgeschichte und Naturwissenschaft verbinden sich im Werk von Herwig Görgemanns mit einer souveränen Darstellung der großen philosophischen und religiös-theologischen Zusammenhänge. Die hier versammelten Beiträge reichen von der Frage nach "Wahrheit und Fiktion in Platons Atlantis-Erzählung" über das Problem der "Sonnenfinsternisse in der antiken Astronomie" bis hin zu Darstellungen der Geschichte der Ethik, der "Jenseitsfurcht und Jenseitshoffnung bei den Griechen" und von "Kosmologie, Kosmogonie und Schöpfung". Sie enthalten Interpretationen von Platon und dem homerischen Hermeshymnus bis hin zu Cicero, Plutarch und Mark Aurel, dem 4. Makkabäerbuch und Origenes.
Rowman & Littlefield Transnational Moments of Change: Europe 1945, 1968, 1989
Transnational Moments of Change offers a broad introduction to the methodology and practice of transnational history. To demonstrate the value of this approach, the work focuses on Europe since World War II, a period whose study particularly benefits from a transnational vantage point. Twelve distinguished contributors from around the globe offer a range of transnational approaches to three continent-wide moments of change. The work begins with a look at the close of World War Two, when liberation from Nazi occupation offered the opportunity for social and political experiment. Next, essays explore the late 1960s as generational change and political dissatisfaction rocked urban centers from Paris to Prague. Finally, the book turns to the fall of communism, a moment of revolutionary change that not only spread rapidly from country to country, but even affected and interacted with protest movements in Western Europe and elsewhere. Together, the essays provide both a new perspective on postwar Europe and a range of models for the historian interested in using the transnational approach.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Lehrbuch plus Aufgaben und Lösungen im Set: Differential- und Integralrechnung, Differentialgleichungen, Integraltransformationen, Funktionen einer komplexen Variablen
Das günstige Set aus Lehrbuch und Übungsbuch zur Differential- und Integralrechnung mehrerer Variablen, Differentialgleichungen, Integraltransformationen und Funktionen einer komplexen Variablen!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Compliance in International Human Rights Law
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers an in-depth examination of the most significant factors affecting compliance with international human rights law, which has emerged as one of the key problems in the efforts to promote effective protection of human rights. In particular, it examines the relationships between regional human rights courts and domestic actors and judiciaries.Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the Research Handbook explores the legal and political considerations that shape compliance, using a combination of both international and comparative law analysis in the assessment of regional human rights regimes. Chapters written by leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe cover a wide range of jurisdictions from Europe, Latin America and Africa and their interactions with regional human rights courts. The Research Handbook also discusses the limits of, and possible alternatives to, compliance as a framework for analysis, offering a fuller understanding of the effectiveness of international human rights law.Scholars, students and practitioners of public international law, international human rights law and comparative law will find this Research Handbook an invaluable resource. It will also benefit officials and lawyers working with international organisations who deal with human rights issues on a regular basis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multivalency: Concepts, Research and Applications
Connects fundamental knowledge of multivalent interactions with current practice and state-of-the-art applications Multivalency is a widespread phenomenon, with applications spanning supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and biochemistry. This advanced textbook provides students and junior scientists with an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of multivalent interactions, whilst expanding the knowledge of experienced researchers in the field. Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications is divided into three parts. Part one provides background knowledge on various aspects of multivalency and cooperativity and presents practical methods for their study. Fundamental aspects such as thermodynamics, kinetics and the principle of effective molarity are described, and characterisation methods, experimental methodologies and data treatment methods are also discussed. Parts two and three provide an overview of current systems in which multivalency plays an important role in chemistry and biology, with a focus on the design rules, underlying chemistry and the fundamental principles of multivalency. The systems covered range from chemical/materials-based ones such as dendrimers and sensors, to biological systems including cell recognition and protein binding. Examples and case studies from biochemistry/bioorganic chemistry as well as synthetic systems feature throughout the book. Introduces students and young scientists to the field of multivalent interactions and assists experienced researchers utilising the methodologies in their work Features examples and case studies from biochemistry/bioorganic chemistry, as well as synthetic systems throughout the book Edited by leading experts in the field with contributions from established scientists Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications is recommended for graduate students and junior scientists in supramolecular chemistry and related fields, looking for an introduction to multivalent interactions. It is also highly useful to experienced academics and scientists in industry working on research relating to multivalent and cooperative systems in supramolecular chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical biology, biochemistry, materials science and nanotechnology.
University of Illinois Press Phylogenetic Systematics
Phylogenetic Systematics, first published in 1966, marks a turning point in the history of systematic biology. Willi Hennig's influential synthetic work, arguing for the primacy of the phylogenetic system as the general reference system in biology, generated significant controversy and opened possibilities for evolutionary biology that are still being explored.
V&R Unipress Wer ist Jesus Christus?: Eine theologisch-didaktische Analyse der Schulbuchreihe »Kursbuch Religion«
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Verfassung Des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Handkommentar
V&R unipress GmbH Angewandte Philosophie. Eine internationale Zeitschrift.: Heft/Volume 1,2018: Wissenschaft und Aufklärung/Science and Enlightenment
Logos Verlag Berlin 15. Leipziger Insolvenzrechtstag: Dokumentation Des Symposiums Vom 03. Marz 2014
Logos Verlag Berlin 14. Leipziger Insolvenzrechtstag: Dokumentation Des Symposiums Vom 11.02.2013
Brill Schoningh Alltag Und Gesellschaft
The New York Review of Books, Inc Letters: Summer 1926
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Digital Speech Transmission
Speech processing and speech transmission technology are expanding fields of active research. New challenges arise from the 'anywhere, anytime' paradigm of mobile communications, the ubiquitous use of voice communication systems in noisy environments and the convergence of communication networks toward Internet based transmission protocols, such as Voice over IP. As a consequence, new speech coding, new enhancement and error concealment, and new quality assessment methods are emerging. Advances in Digital Speech Transmission provides an up-to-date overview of the field, including topics such as speech coding in heterogeneous communication networks, wideband coding, and the quality assessment of wideband speech. Provides an insight into the latest developments in speech processing and speech transmission, making it an essential reference to those working in these fields Offers a balanced overview of technology and applications Discusses topics such as speech coding in heterogeneous communications networks, wideband coding, and the quality assessment of the wideband speech Explains speech signal processing in hearing instruments and man-machine interfaces from applications point of view Covers speech coding for Voice over IP, blind source separation, digital hearing aids and speech processing for automatic speech recognition Advances in Digital Speech Transmission serves as an essential link between the basics and the type of technology and applications (prospective) engineers work on in industry labs and academia. The book will also be of interest to advanced students, researchers, and other professionals who need to brush up their knowledge in this field.
Hatje Cantz Exceptional Homes Since 1864 (Bilingual edition): The Classic Style of Ralf Schmitz – Vol. 2
This opulently illustrated book presents a selection of magnificent recently built residential properties at exclusive locations in Germany - a showcase of sophisticated designs that combine classic elegance with spacious floor plans, craftsmanship, and noble interiors. Ralf Schmitz stands for uncompromising quality, built for generations. Lasting architecture is created by award-winning practices. A reinterpretation of classicism, the finest materials and hand-crafted details. They produce exceptional projects such as the striking Alexander, a residential building in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Achenbach an red brick apartment house in Düsseldorf’s Zoo district, or the new white corner building with a classic façade at Hamburg’s Außenalster, they stand for subtle luxury and the highest level of technical comfort. Apartments that combine retreat and representation, built for people who appreciate distinct experiences.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Brückenkurs Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften
Brückenkurs Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften Optimale Hilfe beim Meistern der mathematischen Herausforderungen zu Beginn des Studiums der Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften! In sämtlichen Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere im Maschinenbau, im Bauingenieurwesen und in der Elektrotechnik, ist Mathematik unverzichtbar bei der Beschreibung, Modellierung und Lösung ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Probleme. Gerade am Anfang des Studiums dieser Fächer müssen sich Studierende schnell in die höhere Mathematik einarbeiten, um im weiteren Studienverlauf erfolgreich zu sein. Das Lehrbuch Brückenkurs Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften ermöglicht es Studienanfängerinnen und -anfängern in MINT-Fächern, aufbauend auf den in der Oberstufe allgemeinbildender Gymnasien erworbenen Mathematikkenntnissen zur höheren Mathematik aufzuschließen, die in den ersten Semestern an Universitäten gelehrt wird. Die Themen reichen von Logik und elementarer Arithmetik über Gleichungssysteme und analytische Geometrie hin zu Grundlagen der Differential- und Integralrechnung sowie komplexer Zahlen. Dieser Brückenkurs ist angeglichen an den Mindestanforderungskatalog Mathematik der COSH (Cooperation Schule-Hochschule). Angelehnt an das bewährte Konzept der anspruchsvollen Darstellung der höheren Mathematik in den Lehrbüchern derselben Autoren werden die benötigten Kenntnisse präzise, sauber und fachlich korrekt vermittelt. Mit mehr als 120 Aufgaben und ausführlichen Musterlösungen eignet sich der Brückenkurs sowohl zur Begleitung einschlägiger Vorlesungen als auch zum Selbststudium.
Transcript Verlag Changing Time - Shaping World: Changemakers in Arts & Education
A World of Changemakers - how can a hybrid arts lecture series concept in e-learning create attitudes and shape skills as a playful and critical thinking navigator in an uncertain world? To re-create meaning is an interdisciplinary cross-sectional task of our zeitgeist in a civil society. Our international guests represent key roles in relevant philosophical, technical or economic debates, non-university community art & design projects or companies.