Search results for ""Author Keith""
Holt McDougal Be My Baby: A Memoir
Berklee Press Publications How to get a Job in the Music Industry
Hal Leonard Corporation Ear Training: Ear Training
Pearson Education (US) Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Comprehensive
Now live! SUMMER 2020 DIGITAL UPDATE for digital contentMicrosoft Office 365 updates are reflected in the eText and associated MyLab for this title. Instructors, to learn more, contact your Pearson representative. For courses covering introductory Microsoft® Excel™.Beyond point-and-clickThe Exploring Microsoft® Office 365® series moves students beyond rote tasks to a deeper comprehension of how, when, and why to apply Office skills. A market leader for over 20 years, the collection helps students achieve high-level learning outcomes by engaging them in the way they learn best – through hands-on practice. A dozen exercises in each chapter range from multiple-choice questions to open-ended projects. Revised to reflect Microsoft Office 365, the 2019 edition is Mac compatible and adds new critical thinking assignments to help students build fundamental 21st-century skills.Also available with MyLab ITBy combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab IT 2019 delivers trusted content and resources through an expansive course materials library, including new easy-to-use Prebuilt Learning Modules that promote student success. Through an authentic learning experience, students become sharp critical thinkers and proficient in Microsoft Office, developing essential skills employers seek.Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab IT does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab IT, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab IT, search for:0135825288 / 9780135825280 Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2019 Comprehensive, 1/e + MyLab IT w/ Pearson eText, 1/ePackage consists of: 0135402468 / 9780135402467 MyLab IT with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Exploring Microsoft Office 2019, 1/e 0135452759 / 9780135452752 Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Comprehensive, 1/e
HarperCollins Publishers GCSE Maths Edexcel Foundation Student Book (Collins GCSE Maths)
Exam Board: Edexcel Level & Subject: GCSE 9-1 Maths First teaching: September 2015 Next exams: June 2024 Endorsed by Edexcel Collins GCSE Maths 4th edition Foundation Student Book, written by experienced teachers, matches the Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Maths specification for Foundation tier students. This is the ideal resource to help all students fulfil their potential at GCSE Maths. Bring awe and wonder with a chapter opener that puts the maths in context Provide rigorous maths practice with hundreds of high quality questions Focus on literacy skills with key words per topic Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically with flagged mathematical reasoning questions (labelled MR and CM) Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts with flagged problem-solving questions (labelled PS and EV) Show step by step working through worked examples (numbered sequentially throughout the chapter) Help students get to grips with concepts with more diagrams and visual representation Access answers online, in the Teacher’s Pack and in the Collins Connect edition
Springer International Publishing AG Critical Care Toxicology: Diagnosis and Management of the Critically Poisoned Patient
Building on the previous edition with contributions from internationally renowned experts this book provides a fully comprehensive resource for managing the post emergency/treatment stage of acute poisoning. Chapters incorporate evidence-based paradigms with up-to-date citations from the original medical literature. Topic areas covered include: diagnosis and management of the critically poisoned patient, including pediatric patients and poisoning in pregnancy; toxic syndromes including hepatotoxic and pulmonary syndromes as well as poisonings from medications, drugs of abuse, chemical and biological agents. This book is an essential resource for Clinical Toxicologists, Intensivists and Emergency Medicine specialists in training and in practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Psychiatric Nursing Revisited: The Care Provided for Acute Psychiatric Patients
Psychiatric Nursing Revisited is a detailed and empirical study of acute mental health nursing and patient activity that joins a family of similar successful studies, such as Altschul (1972); Towell (1975); Cormack (1976, 1983); Faulkner et al (1994) and Hurst (1993, 1995). The far-ranging recommendations made by the authors, based on their findings, make this book an essential resource for all those who nurse, manage or teach in the field of psychiatric nursing.
CABI Publishing No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture
This book is a much-expanded and updated edition of a previous volume, published in 1996 as "No-tillage Seeding: Science and Practice". The base objective remains to describe, in lay terms, a range of international experiments designed to examine the causes of successes and failures in no-tillage. The book summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of no tillage. It highlights the pros and cons of a range of features and options, without promoting any particular product.Topics added or covered in more detail in the second edition include:* soil carbon and how its retention or sequestration interacts with tillage and no-tillage* controlled traffic farming as an adjunct to no-tillage* comparison of the performance of generic no-tillage opener designs* the role of banding fertilizer in no-tillage* the economics of no-tillage* small-scale equipment used by poorer farmers* forage cropping by no-tillage* a method for risk assessment of different levels of machine sophistication
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Luxury Branding
Unique and timely, this Research Handbook on Luxury Branding explores and takes stock of the current body of knowledge on luxury branding, as well as offering direction for future research and management in the field. Featuring contributions from an international team of top-level researchers, this Handbook offers analysis and discussion of the profound changes that are affecting the luxury industry, and that will continue to shape its future. Chapters consider the socioeconomic, psychological, technological and political shifts in consumers' desires, practices and purchases of luxury products, taking a multi-method, cross-disciplinary approach that offers both offers concrete research avenues and outlines future management challenges. This comprehensive Handbook will be critical reading for students of marketing, branding and advertising looking for an overview of the field of luxury branding research, as well as proving useful to scholars both as a reference tool and to help generate their own research ideas. It will also provide practical guidance to managers of luxury brands. Contributors include: F. Bardhi, A. Basu Monga, L.S. Beitelspacher, R. Belk, S. Crener, S. Czellar, D. Dahlhoff, D. Dubois, G.M. Eckhardt, D. Goor, D. Grewal, H. Hagtvedt, K. Hung, A. Keinan, R.V. Kozinets, G. Laurent, L. Malär, F. Morhart, M. Pandelaere, V.M. Patrick, A.L. Roggeveen, E. Samsioe, B. Schmitt, E. Schweiger, L.J. Shrum, A.T. Stephen, D.K. Tse, L.M. Visconti, Y. Wang, K. Wilcox, J.L. Zaichkowsky, J. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods on Human Resource Management: Innovative Techniques
Human resource management as a field of research is a broad church, with a wide variety of research methods in use. This Handbook focuses on qualitative research methods and explores the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for innovating data collection and data analysis. The editors have brought together 18 chapters, written by some of the world's leading researchers in their field. They begin with the importance of good project design and then move on to reflect on innovations and developments in data sources, such as netnographical methods, legal research methods, the use of news media, and historical research. They go on to outline innovations in data collection methods with particular pertinence to key HRM topics. Finally, the contributors explore innovative data analysis, looking at the importance of computer-supported qualitative research, causal cognitive mapping and deriving behavioural role descriptions from the perspectives of job-holders.This Handbook is an invaluable tool for students, researchers and academics in the field of human resource management.Contributors: P. Ackers, S. Branch, R. Cameron, C. Cassell, G. Clarkson, J. Cogin, J. Ewart, M.T. Hardin, M. Humphreys, R. Johnstone, M. Learmonth, D. Lewin, R. Loudoun, F. Malik, A. McDowall, J.L. Ng, W. Nienhüeser, L.S. Radcliffe, S. Ramsay, J. Richards, C. Rojon, S. Sambrook, M.N.K. Saunders, K. Townsend, K.L. Unsworth, R. Winter
CABI Publishing Service Quality in Leisure, Events, Tourism and Sport
Service quality is at the forefront of how the leisure, events, tourism and sport (LETS) sectors operate. An important consideration for any business, and therefore any student of the subject, this new edition of a successful textbook addresses the key points and principles of managing service quality across the industry sector. Fully updated and enhanced, it: - Covers areas such as the experience economy, capacity management and service culture, as well as methods for measuring quality and satisfaction. - Includes numerous case studies to help students apply classroom-based theory to practice. - Is packed with student-friendly pedagogy and full colour illustrations throughout to enhance the learning experience. Considering the underpinning theory of service quality, this book informs the reader of the practical application of service quality management tools and techniques in an industry with distinctive features and challenges. An invaluable read for students within the LETS sectors, it also provides a useful refresher for practitioners working in the industry.
Hodder Education Meistroli Mathemateg CBAC TGAU Llyr Ymarfer: Canolradd (Mastering Mathematics for WJEC GCSE Practice Book: Intermediate Welsh-language edition)
Exam Board: WJECLevel: GCSESubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: Summer 2017Welsh language editionProvide structured support and extra practice with differentiated questions that focus on reasoning and problem-solving, building the exam skills needed to succeed in the new GCSE specifications; developed by a team of expert authors with examining experience.- Develop confidence and support independent learning with graduated exercises for each unit.- Build fluency, problem-solving and reasoning skills with exam-style questions that build on previous learning.- Provides full coverage of the three tiers with three books - matching the student books - meaning that content is focused at the right level for each student.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Stranger Things Holiday Specials (graphic Novel)
Hodder Education WJEC GCSE Maths Intermediate: Revision Guide
Exam Board: WJECLevel: GCSESubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam-style questions; developed specifically for the new Mathematics specifications, with leading Assessment Consultant Keith Pledger.- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.
Hodder Education WJEC GCSE Maths Higher: Mastering Mathematics Revision Guide
Exam Board: WJECLevel: GCSESubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam style questions.- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Fourth Edition
Now revised and expanded with over 50% new material, this definitive clinical reference is the text of choice for graduate-level courses in evidence-based psychotherapy. Foremost authorities describe the conceptual and scientific foundations of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and provide a framework for assessment and case formulation. Major approaches are reviewed in detail, including emotion-centered problem-solving therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Applications to specific populations are discussed, including children and adolescents, couples, culturally diverse clients, and more. New to This Edition *Chapter on clinical assessment. *Chapter on DBT. *Chapters on transdiagnostic treatments, CBT-based prevention models, and improving dissemination and implementation. *Existing chapters extensively revised or rewritten to reflect important research and clinical advances.
CABI Publishing Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy
Recent concerns about energy security in the US have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturally-derived energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, and windpower presently supply between 0.3% and 0.5% of the energy consumed in the US. Organized into two parts, the first section of this book examines agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy, the integration of biomass energy into the US energy systems, a policy overview, and outlooks for energy production and consumption. The second section is a compendium of current research including the economic viability of ethanol and biodiesel; energy conservation and efficiency in agriculture; new methods and technologies; and environmental impacts and considerations.
Johns Hopkins University Press Three Shots at Prevention: The HPV Vaccine and the Politics of Medicine's Simple Solutions
In 2007, Texas governor Rick Perry issued an executive order requiring that all females entering sixth grade be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), igniting national debate that echoed arguments heard across the globe over public policy, sexual health, and the politics of vaccination. Three Shots at Prevention explores the contentious disputes surrounding the controversial vaccine intended to protect against HPV, the most common sexually transmitted infection. When the HPV vaccine first came to the market in 2006, religious conservatives decried the government's approval of the vaccine as implicitly sanctioning teen sex and encouraging promiscuity while advocates applauded its potential to prevent 4,000 cervical cancer deaths in the United States each year. Families worried that laws requiring vaccination reached too far into their private lives. Public health officials wrestled with concerns over whether the drug was too new to be required and whether opposition to it could endanger support for other, widely accepted vaccinations. Many people questioned the aggressive marketing campaigns of the vaccine's creator, Merck & Co. And, since HPV causes cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, and anus, why was the vaccine recommended only for females? What did this reveal about gender and sexual politics in the United States? With hundreds of thousands of HPV-related cancer deaths worldwide, how did similar national debates in Europe and the developing world shape the global possibilities of cancer prevention? This volume provides insight into the deep moral, ethical, and scientific questions that must be addressed when sexual and social politics confront public health initiatives in the United States and around the world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Making Sense of Criminology
Making Sense of Criminology is a clear, concise introduction for all students new to the subject. As well as introducing ideas about crime and criminals, it is intended to help students make sense of criminology as a study or discipline. The authors present criminology as a debate about assessing and evaluating information connected with crime. The book explores the key issues, philosophies and debates in criminology, making use of a variety of writers and texts to illuminate recurring themes and tensions in the field. Students are encouraged to become aware of what constitutes data in criminology and to recognize the uses of theory in evaluating criminological problems. In a ground plan of the subject, the history of criminology is set alongside current information about the justice system and awareness of current trends in research. This provides an excellent base on which new students can build their study.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy in the UK
Pitched at the optimum level for undergraduate students, the third edition of this successful and widely adopted intermediate level UK macroeconomics text has been very extensively revised and updated. The authors have ensured that the existing stengths of the book's tried and tested approach are retained whilst the latest theoretical developments and policy controversies are examined. One of the few leading non US oriented texts for UK students Retains traditional methods of analysis but adds material on both new classical and Keynesian models
University of California Press Field Guide to Birds of the Northern California Coast
The northern California coast, from Monterey County to the Oregon border, is home to some of the richest avian habitats on the North America continent. Field Guide to Birds of the Northern California Coast provides a comprehensive ecological overview of this extensive and diverse region, and detailed discussions of the most common waterbirds, raptors and landbirds found there. Accessibly written and user-friendly, this guide contains nearly 250 species accounts, including seasonal rhythms and behavioral characteristics of each species, and is illustrated with 120 color photographs. Also featured are site guides to the most productive and accessible birding locales, with each coastal county represented. Rich Stallcup (1944-2012) was a preeminent California field ornithologist, naturalist, and conservationist. He was founder of the Point Reyes Bird Observatory, former president of Western Field Ornithologists, and author of many articles and books on bird identification, biogeography, and conservation. Jules Evens is a wildlife biologist with four decades of experience observing Northern California's coastal bird life. He founded Avocet Research Associates, a biological consulting firm specializing in wetland ecology with a focus on rare, threatened, and endangered species. Previous books include The Natural History of the Point Reyes Peninsula (UC Press, 2008) and An Introduction to California Birdlife (UC Press, 2005).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
Electrochemistry is a discipline of wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter. Technologically, electrochemistry touches our lives in many ways that few fully appreciate; for example, materials as diverse as aluminum, nylon, and bleach are manufactured electrochemically, while the batteries that power all manner of appliances, vehicles, and devices are the products of electrochemical research. Other realms in which electrochemical science plays a crucial role include corrosion, the disinfection of water, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, the physics of thunderstorms, biomedical analysis, and so on. This book treats electrochemistry as a science in its own right, albeit resting firmly on foundations provided by chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Early chapters discuss the electrical and chemical properties of materials from which electrochemical cells are constructed. The behavior of such cells is addressed in later chapters, with emphasis on the electrodes and the reactions that occur on their surfaces. The role of transport to and from electrodes is a topic that commands attention, because it crucially determines cell efficiency. Final chapters deal with voltammetry, the methodology used to investigate electrode behavior. Interspersed among the more fundamental chapters are chapters devoted to applications of electrochemistry: electrosynthesis, power sources, “green electrochemistry”, and corrosion. Electrochemical Science and Technology is addressed to all who have a need to come to grips with the fundamentals of electrochemistry and to learn about some of its applications. It will constitute a text for a senior undergraduate or graduate course in electrochemistry. It also serves as a source of material of interest to scientists and technologists in various fields throughout academia, industry, and government – chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists, materials scientists, biologists, and those in related endeavors. This book: Provides a background to electrochemistry, as well as treating the topic itself. Is accessible to all with a foundation in physical science, not solely to chemists. Is addressed both to students and those later in their careers. Features web links (through to extensive material that is of a more tangential, specialized, or mathematical nature. Includes questions as footnotes to support the reader’s evolving comprehension of the material, with fully worked answers provided on the web. Provides web access to Excel® spreadsheets which allow the reader to model electrochemical events. Has a copious Appendix of relevant data.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics, Classical Inference and the Linear Model
The development of statistical theory in the past fifty years is faithfully reflected in the history of the late Sir Maurice Kendall’s volumes The Advanced Theory of Statistics. The Advanced Theory began life as a two volume work (Volume 1, 1943; Volume 2, 1946) and grew steadily, as a single authored work until the late fifties. At that point Alan Stuart became involved and the Advanced Theory was rewritten in three volumes. When Keith Ord joined in the early eighties, Volume 3 became the largest and plans were developed to expand it into a series of monographs called the Kendall's Library of Statistics which would devote a book to each of the modern developments in statistics. This series is well on the way with 5 titles in print and a further 7 on the way. A new volume on Bayesian Inference was also commissioned from Tony O'Hagan and published in 1994 as Volume 2B of the Advanced Theory. This Volume 2A is therefore the completely updated Volume 2 - Classical Inference and Relationship. A new author, Steven Arnold, was invited to join Keith Ord and they have between them produced a work of the highest quality. References have been updated and material revised throughout. A new chapter on the linear model and least squares estimation has been added.
HarperCollins Publishers KS3 Maths Homework Book 2 (Maths Frameworking)
Achieve fluency and reinforce learning with homework questions matched to topics in the Pupil Books. Provide practice for all tiers within the second year of KS3 with this one book. Set additional practice questions for homework which is matched to the Collins Maths Frameworking course Assign differentiated homework easily with tier 1 marked as one star, tier 2 flagged as two stars and tier 3 with three stars Access maths practice for all levels per year, with questions to reinforce, core questions and stretch and challenge Challenge more able pupils with ‘Brainteaser’ extended questions per topic Easy for pupils to take home with the slim portable format Access answers online
HarperCollins Publishers KS3 Maths Homework Book 3 (Maths Frameworking)
Achieve fluency and reinforce learning with homework questions matched to topics in the Pupil Books. Provide practice for all tiers within the third year of KS3 with this one book. Set additional practice questions for homework which is matched to the Collins Maths Frameworking course Assign differentiated homework easily with tier 1 marked as one star, tier 2 flagged as two stars and tier 3 with three stars Access maths practice for all levels per year, with questions to reinforce, core questions and stretch and challenge Challenge more able pupils with ‘Brainteaser’ extended questions per topic Easy for pupils to take home with the slim portable format Access answers online
Guilford Publications Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Fourth Edition
Now revised and expanded with over 50% new material, this definitive clinical reference is the text of choice for graduate-level courses in evidence-based psychotherapy. Foremost authorities describe the conceptual and scientific foundations of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and provide a framework for assessment and case formulation. Major approaches are reviewed in detail, including emotion-centered problem-solving therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Applications to specific populations are discussed, including children and adolescents, couples, culturally diverse clients, and more. New to This Edition *Chapter on clinical assessment. *Chapter on DBT. *Chapters on transdiagnostic treatments, CBT-based prevention models, and improving dissemination and implementation. *Existing chapters extensively revised or rewritten to reflect important research and clinical advances.
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Keith Sonnier: Lightsome
Karma Keith Mayerson: My American Dream
A epic painterly panorama of an alternate American 21st century New York–based painter Keith Mayerson (born 1966) is inspired by symbols of American history and pop culture. He depicts familiar figures who have affected the country’s consciousness—in addition to personal scenes and his abstract “iconscapes”—through microscopic brushstrokes and coloring. While his formal qualities hint at a French Impressionist influence, his images also evoke the spiritual and cultural commentary of the Symbolists as well as the more visionary aspects of American modernists and the Old Masters. In this survey, Mayerson constructs what he calls a “wordless novel” for the 21st century: an alternate history in which the cultural landscape of American politics is reconstructed to emphasize belonging and understanding. Since the George W. Bush era, his long-running nonlinear narrative My American Dream has been presented in separate catalogs as “chapters,” and the ongoing series continues through today. This latest chapter features hundreds of works ranging in date from 1997 to 2021, replete with a foreword by cartoonist Gary Panter, an essay by painter Ann Craven and a conversation between Keith Mayerson and painter Celeste Dupuy-Spencer.
Karma Keith Sonnier: Portals
Keith Sonnier (born 1941), along with his contemporaries Eva Hesse, Barry Le Va, Bruce Nauman, Richard Serra, Joel Shapiro and Richard Tuttle, was a leader in Postminimalist art who radically reinvented sculpture in the late 1960s. The artist experimented with previously unused materials—latex and satin, found objects, transmitters and video—until he settled upon his signature work with neon. Sonnier sketches lines, arches and curves before rendering them in glass tubing enclosed neon, creating works of line and color that become architectural installations. Keith Sonnier: Portals documents the artist’s latest eponymous series of 14 wall-mounted sculptures, in which neon is investigated architecturally as well as iconographically, serving as an entrance point for readers to examine Sonnier’s process. The artist has taken the orphic allegory of the portal and explored its various historical manifestations with delightful humor, evoking something more corporeal than architectural in the tension between penetration and accommodation.
Pelagic Publishing Social Calls of the Bats of Britain and Ireland: Expanded and Revised Second Edition
The social calls of bats are an area about which relatively little is known, with more research still required to expand our understanding. However, these calls are increasingly recognised as a useful aid to identification: they appear to be species specific and are indicative of behaviour – as in territorial activity of males during the mating season. Because the gathering and interpretation of bat echolocation data are a matter of course during research, conservation and consultancy, it is a logical progression to build momentum behind the consideration of social calls in mainstream bat-related work. A better understanding of this subject could mean that non-intrusive survey methods are developed, ensuring that what is being observed is, as far as possible, purely natural behaviour. In turn this will contribute to better interpretation and more suitable mitigation, compensation and/or enhancement solutions. The book summarises what is understood so far about social calls of the bat species occurring in Britain and Ireland, and north-west Europe. This new edition has been updated and expanded throughout, now containing: foreword by the bat authority Michel Barataud, author of Acoustic Ecology of European Bats almost double the number of figures and tables as appeared in the first edition completely overhauled call library, all in full spectrum format, with new additional examples three entirely new chapters, covering bat-related acoustics, settings for social interaction, and survey guidelines The material will be useful to people carrying out bat studies, at whatever level and for whatever purpose, and will also encourage others to undertake further research. What's more, social calls are fascinating to listen to: they are, after all, produced with listeners in mind (other bats). In light of this, the book is accompanied by an extensive downloadable library of sound files which offer a unique gateway into the private life of bats.
Distributed Art Publishers Keith Haring: Art Is for Everybody
Haring as activist and egalitarian: a fresh, accessible and dynamic look at one of New York’s most exhilarating artists Lavishly illustrated with essays and reflections by cultural leaders, Keith Haring: Art Is for Everybody surveys Haring’s dynamic art practice from 1978 to 1990, shining a bright light on the iconic and beloved artist known for his fluid, uniform lines, intricate compositions and repeating imagery such as the barking dog and radiant baby. Forty years after he came to prominence, Haring’s art continues to garner worldwide recognition, breaking down barriers and spreading joy, while taking on complex issues that remain crucial today, from environmentalism, capitalism and the proliferation of new technologies to religion, sexuality and race. Titled after a quote from Haring’s journals, Art Is for Everybody centers on the artist’s activism, the emphasis he placed on community and his egalitarian approach to art and life. The volume is organized chronologically and thematically, emphasizing Haring’s work made with publics in mind such as the subway drawings and murals, his collaborative practice and his unflinching belief that art is essential in making a better world. Keith Haring was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1958 and arrived in New York from Pittsburgh in 1978, befriending artists including Kenny Scharf and Jean-Michel Basquiat. During the 1980s, Haring achieved international recognition and participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions. After being diagnosed with HIV in 1988, he focused his activism on the AIDS crisis. Less than two years later, Haring died of an AIDS-related illness.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Reasons to Smile, 2nd Edition: Celebrating People with Down Syndrome around the World
This updated edition offers 15 new, candid, and true stories from people across the world celebrating the lives of people living with Down syndrome. With over 50 short writings, along with “slice of life” photos, these pieces share wisdom, encouragement, connection, and joy. Parents, families, and friends of children living with Down syndrome will discover a wealth of positivity and valuable guidance. Special-education teachers, social workers, mental health professionals, and policymakers will find helpful information and insight from stories regarding behavioral health. And anyone who is looking to learn more about Down syndrome will discover a world full of possibilities they never knew existed.
Metropolitan Museum of Art The Medici: Portraits and Politics, 1512-1570
Portraits, an inherently personal subject, provide an engaging entry point to an exploration of the politics, patronage, and power in Renaissance Florence The Medici family ruled Florence without interruption between 1434 and 1494, but following their return to power in 1512, Cosimo I de’ Medici demonstrated an unprecedented ability to wield culture as a political tool. His rule transformed Florence into a dynastic duchy and give Florentine art the central position it has held ever since. As Florence underwent these dramatic political transformations in the sixteenth century, portraits became an essential means of recording a likeness and conveying a sitter’s character, social position, and cultural ambitions. This fascinating book explores the ways that painters (including Jacopo Pontormo, Agnolo Bronzino, and Francesco Salviati), sculptors (such as Benvenuto Cellini), and artists in other media endowed their works with an erudite and self-consciously stylish character that distinguished Florentine portraiture. Featuring more than ninety remarkable paintings, sculptures, works on paper, and medals, this volume is written by a team of leading international authors and presents a sweeping, penetrating exploration of a crucial and vibrant period in Italian art. Published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Distributed by Yale University Press Exhibition Schedule: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (June 26–October 11, 2021)
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Vikings
The history of the Vikings is bloody and eventful, and Viking warriors capture the popular imagination to this day. They made history, establishing the dukedom of Normandy, providing the Byzantine Emperors’ bodyguard and landing on the shores of America 500 years before Columbus. Beautifully illustrated with colour photographs and original Osprey artwork, this book presents a new window into their way of life including detailed studies of the Hersir, the raiding warrior of the Viking world, and the legendary Viking longship.
Abrams Captain Marvel: My Mighty Marvel First Book
An introduction to Captain Marvel for the youngest superfans—featuring art by legendary Marvel artists Jim Mooney and Joe Sinnott, with Keith Pollard and Carmine InfantinoMeet the world’s greatest heroes, as drawn by the world’s greatest creators! From brilliant pilot to cosmic-powered Avenger, Captain Marvel is one of the mightiest super heroes in the universe! Fly high and soar among the stars with Carol Danvers while learning all about her abilities, skills, and friends in this bright and bold board book, with art from the classic comics. Vivid colors and three special gatefolds make for a fun-filled read that is perfect for the youngest kids and longtime Marvel fans alike.
Verso Books Occupy!: Scenes from Occupied America
In the fall of 2011, a small protest camp in downtown Manhattan exploded into a global uprising, sparked in part by the violent overreactions of the police. An unofficial record of this movement, Occupy! combines adrenalin-fueled first-hand accounts of the early days and weeks of Occupy Wall Street with contentious debates and thoughtful reflections, featuring the editors and writers of the celebrated n+1, as well as some of the world's leading radical thinkers, such as Slavoj Zizek, Angela Davis, and Rebecca Solnit.The book conveys the intense excitement of those present at the birth of a counterculture, while providing the movement with a serious platform for debating goals, demands, and tactics. Articles address the history of the "horizontalist" structure at OWS; how to keep a live-in going when there is a giant mountain of laundry building up; how very rich the very rich have become; the messages and meaning of the "We are the 99%" tumblr website; occupations in Oakland, Boston, Atlanta, and elsewhere; what happens next; and much more.
Sage Publications Ltd Empowerment and Participation in Youth Work
In today′s society, many young people feel marginalised and unable to find their own voice. It is vital therefore that youth workers are able to work with them to tackle this in a meaningful way. Drawing on the real experiences and difficulties faced by youth workers, this book will help those who want to work with young people in an empowering way. The concepts of empowerment and participation are explained, explored and critically analysed, along with the key notion of resilience. This is backed up by activities and case studies which help to bring together the theory and the practice.
Oxford University Press Criminology
Few subjects provoke as much public fascination and political concern as crime and criminality. Criminology is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students approaching the subject for the first time. It examines a wide range of topics, including historical and contemporary understandings of crime and criminal justice; different forms of crime - from street crime to state crime; who commits crime and who are the victims of crime; and how society and state agencies respond to crime and disorder. The contributions to this book offer clear, accessible introductions to the main topics and issues of criminology. Questions, summaries, further reading guidance, useful web links, and tables and diagrams can be found throughout. The third edition includes contributions from six new authors and contains new chapters on cybercrime, and 'crime, culture, and everyday life'. Online Resource Centre This book is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre which can be used by lecturers and students alike. The resources available are as follows: Lecturer Resources Lecture notes by chapter Powerpoint slides to accompany lecture notes Test bank of multiple choice questions Student Resources Updates Chapter synopses Annotated further reading lists Interactive glossary Web links
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Notes From Underground & Other Stories
With an Introduction and Notes by David Rampton, Department of English, University of Ottowa. Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky’s short fiction. Many of these stories, like his great novels, reveal his special sympathy for the solitary and dispossessed, explore the same complex psychological issues and subtly combine rich characterization and philosophical meditations on the (often) dark areas of the human psyche, all conveyed in an idiosyncratic blend of deadly seriousness and wild humour. In Notes from Underground, the Underground Man casually dismantles utilitarianism and celebrates in its stead a perverse but vibrant masochism. A Christmas Tree and a Wedding recounts the successful pursuit of a young girl by a lecherous old man. In Bobok, one Ivan Ivanovitch listens in on corpses gossiping in a cemetery and ends up deploring their depravity. In A Gentle Spirit, the narrator describes his dawning recognition that he is responsible for his wife’s suicide. In short, as a commentator on spiritual stagnation, Dostoevsky has no equal.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Three Musketeers
With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren. University of Kent at Canterbury. One of the most celebrated and popular historical romances ever written, The Three Musketeers tells the story of the early adventures of the young Gascon gentleman, D'Artagnan and his three friends from the regiment of the King's Musketeers - Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Under the watchful eye of their patron M. de Treville, the four defend the honour of the regiment against the guards of Cardinal Richelieu, and the honour of the queen against the machinations of the Cardinal himself as the power struggles of seventeenth century France are vividly played out in the background. But their most dangerous encounter is with the Cardinal's spy, Milady, one of literature's most memorable female villains, and Alexandre Dumas employs all his fast-paced narrative skills to bring this enthralling novel to a breathtakingly gripping and dramatic conclusion. Our edition uses the William Barrow translation first published by Bruce and Wylde (London,1846)
Transworld Publishers Ltd Our Planet: The official companion to the ground-breaking Netflix original Attenborough series with a special foreword by David Attenborough
'The future of all life on this earth depends on our willingness to take action now' David AttenboroughThe official companion to the ground-breaking Netflix original series.With a foreword by Sir David Attenborough, breathtakingly beautiful still photography, specially commissioned maps and graphics, and compelling text expanding on the remarkable TV stories and giving the reader a depth of information that is impossible on screen, this companion book presents a whole new view of the place we call home.Featuring some of the world's rarest creatures and previously unseen parts of the Earth from deep oceans to remote forests to ice caps, Our Planet takes nature-lovers deep into the science of our natural world.Revealing the most amazing sights on Earth in unprecedented ways, alongside stories of the ways humans are affecting the world's ecosystems, from the wildebeest migrations in Africa to the penguin colonies of Antarctica, this book captures in one concise narrative a fundamental message:If we don't act now to protect and preserve our planet, the beauty we're lucky enough to witness on these pages will have disappeared . . .'This book is part of a vital global conversation about protecting and preserving the planet.' Compass Magazine
Light Technology,U.S. Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage
Impact Publications ME, Myself and I, Inc: 10 Steps to Career Independence
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Power of 1440: Making the Most of Every Minute in a Day
Transform the way you approach each minute of your life! In this 30-day guide, Pastor Tim Timberlake shares the moving story of how he learned to celebrate the importance and blessing of each of the 1,440 minutes we are given every day.The son of a preacher, eighteen-year-old Tim Timberlake learned to appreciate the extraordinary value and gift of each minute of every day the hard way through the tragic and sudden loss of his father. Tim began a journey to not just get through each day, but to exhaust every opportunity of potential of that day, moment by moment, fulfilling his God-given purpose. Now a pastor himself, Tim inspires others to approach each day in a way that they live out their own God-given purposes and passions.Comprised of thirty bite-size chapters designed to be read over 30 days, The Power of 1440 is a day-by-day manual of encouragement, including strategies to: Shift your mindset from mundane to miraculous Understand the first step to becoming great is being grateful Forgive those who hurt you and free yourself to be fully alive Stop focusing on who you were and zero in on who you are becoming Every day should be magnificent, not mundane; filled with delight, not drudgery; and a grand adventure, not a grind. In The Power of 1440, Pastor Tim shows how it is possible to make today—and every day—truly remarkable.
CABI Publishing Productivity Growth in Agriculture: An International Perspective
Increasing food prices have renewed concerns about long-run agricultural demand and supply in the global economy. This book looks at results, methods, and data on international agricultural productivity for a better understanding of long-run trends and the policies that determine them. By presenting an international assessment of total factor productivity growth in agriculture, including up-to-date empirical analysis for developed and developing countries and regions, it provides a response to the rising global scarcity of agricultural production. Essential reading for researchers, policy makers and students.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Heavy Metal: Controversies and Countercultures
Heavy metal is now over 40 years old. It emerged at the tail end of the 1960s in the work of bands including Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge, Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and - most importantly - Black Sabbath. In the 1970s and early 1980s, heavy metal crystallised as a genre as bands such as Judas Priest and Iron Maiden removed most of the blues influence on the genre, codifying a set of basic metal characteristics that endure to this day: distorted guitars, aggressive vocals, denim, leather and spikes. In broad terms, wherever it is found and however it is played, metal tends to be dominated by a distinctive commitment to 'transgressive' themes and musicality causing it to be frequently seen as controversial music. Controversies surrounding the alleged (and often documented) connection between heavy metal and, variously, sexual promiscuity, occultism and Satanism, subliminal messages, suicide and violence have all made heavy metal a target of moral panics over popular culture. Metal has variously embraced, rejected, played with and tried to ignore this controversy. At times, the controversy dies down and the previously transgressive becomes relatively harmless - as in the transformation of Ozzy Osbourne from public enemy to loveable dad. Still, metal remains irrevocably marked by its controversial, transgressive tendencies. Indeed, the various moral panics that metal has been subjected to are not only constitutive, at least in part, of metal scenes, but are encoded in metal's transgression itself. As with hiphop's "ghetto" roots, metal's history of extreme sonic, lyrical and visual messages continue to give it credibility with new generations of fans today. The aim of this anthology is to analyse the relationship between heavy metal and society within a global context. It provides a thorough investigation of how and why metal becomes controversial, how metal 'scenes' are formed and examines the relationship between metal and society, including how fans, musicians and the media create the culture of heavy metal.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Keep your Doctorate on Track: Insights from Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences
The path of a doctoral student can feel challenging and isolating. This guide provides doctoral students with key ideas and support to kick-start a doctoral journey, inspire progress and complete their thesis or dissertation. Featuring observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers, this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience. Bringing together the voices of doctoral supervisors and candidates past and present from around the globe, How to Keep your Doctorate on Track will be a trusted companion for any PhD, DBA or EdD student. Supervisors and those offering support and guidance to doctoral candidates will also glean valuable insight into fresh approaches and their own practice. Contributors include: A. Alecsandru, F. Archontoulis, C. Atkinson, A. Byrnes-Johnstone, J. Callahan, A. Casey, R. Cole, O.S. Crocco, M. Cseh, Z. Djebali, G. Dobson, J. Donaghey, D.C. Duke, U. Furnier, V.O. Gekara, T. Gray, T.W. Greer, A. Hallin, B. Harney, G. Henry, C. Hughes, P. Jordan, M. Knox, S.F. Lambert, A. Lee, Q.Y. Lee, A. Lobo, R. Markey, N.S. Mauthner, E. McDonald, L. McKerr, D. Nickson, K. Nimon, E. Partlow, H. Prescott, N. Reynolds, S. Riaz, A. Robertson, J. Robinson, K. Rosenbusch, G. Ryan, J.J. Saunders, M. Shirmohammadi, M.K. Tran, A. Trif, M. Valverde, P. Watson Black, V. Webster, R. Whiting, C.F. Wright