Search results for ""Author Gilbert"
R.S. Means Company Ltd Successful Interior Projects Through Effective Contract Documents
Giles de la Mare Publishers Inherit the Truth 1939-1945: The Documented Experiences of a Survivor of Auschwitz and Belsen
This is the story of the destruction of a talented Jewish family, and of the survival against all the odds of two young sisters. It is one of the most moving stories to emerge from the Second World War. Anita and her elder sister Renate defied death at the hands of the Gestapo and the SS over a period of two and a half years when they were sucked into the whirlpool of Nazi mass extermination, being first imprisoned as 'criminals' and then being transferred, separately, to Auschwitz, and finally to Belsen when the Russians approached. They were saved by their exceptional courage, determination and ingenuity, and by several improbable strokes of luck. At Auschwitz, Anita escaped annihilation through her talents as a cellist when she was co-opted into the camp orchestra directed by Alma Rose, niece of Gustav Mahler. Her book is especially remarkable because of the many documents she has managed to preserve, most of them now lodged in the archives of the Imperial War Museum in London. In a sequence of family letters to her sister Marianne, who was marooned in England, from just before the war to 1942 when her parents were deported and liquidated, an atmosphere of happy normality gradually gives way to latent terror and foreboding. The appalling predicament of the Lasker family, and of Anita and Renate in particular when the rest of their relations had been deported and they were left totally alone in Breslau, could not be more poignantly conveyed. They were caught by the Gestapo trying to flee to Paris, and sent to prison: another piece of 'luck', as it turned out, since they were spared the worse horrors of Auschwitz for a crucial year. After the liberation of Belsen in April 1945, the correspondence with Marianne in England resumed. Anita was seconded to the British Army, and she quotes first-hand material about the early days of the occupation, including a transcript of part of the Luneburg trial in late 1945 when she gave evidence about Nazi atrocities at Auschwitz and Belsen, and was confronted in court by her tormentors. In 1946 she and Renate were both finally permitted to emigrate to England. Three years later, Anita became a founder member of the English Chamber Orchestra, in which she continued to play the cello until recently. Anita's book featured in BBC Radio 4's 'Desert Island Discs' programme on 25th August 1996. She had also told her story in a series of five BBC Radio 4 programmes in 1994; and a BBC 2 TV film about her experiences, Playing to Survive, was screened in October 1996.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd A Dinosaur's Day: Diplodocus Finds Its Family
Embark on a prehistoric journey with this board book of fun stories and incredible facts about dinosaurs.Introducing A Dinosaur's Day: Diplodocus Finds Its Family - a story time adventure that teaches kids exciting facts about dinosaurs. Go on an adventure with a baby diplodocus as it dodges predators, seeks out yummy plants to eat, and follows its family.Packed with beautiful pictures and compelling facts, this dinosaur book can help children aged 3-5 to learn about the diplodocus species through images, pronunciation guides, and amazing facts and figures. Little dinosaur lovers can join Diplodocus on a quest to find its family in the mighty Jurassic world.A Dinosaur's Day: Diplodocus Finds Its Family...- Helps children learn about dinosaurs in this beautiful picture book format- Teaches readers dinosaur facts and behaviour in a very natural way- Includes a non-fiction section about the dinosaur species following the story - Features bright, colourful pages with an engaging narrative- Has clear and fun text to help children learn and engage easilyTeach children about different prehistoric species in this educational dinosaur book through a fun and engaging story and vibrant images. This fantastic dinosaur interactive book is perfect for pre-reading toddlers, and children just learning to read. Little ones can enjoy the spectacular scenery in the Jurassic world along the way, as Diplodocus camouflages, explores, and munches on plants.
Penguin Books Ltd The Longest Journey
Rickie Elliot, a sensitive and intelligent young man with an intense imagination and a certain amount of literary talent, sets out from Cambridge full of hopes to become a writer. But when his stories are not successful he decides instead to marry the beautiful but shallow Agnes, agreeing to abandon his writing and become a schoolmaster at a second-rate public school. Giving up his hopes and values for those of the conventional world, he sinks into a world of petty conformity and bitter disappointments.
Penguin Books Ltd The Concept of Mind
This epoch-making book cuts through confused thinking and forces us to re-examine many cherished ideas about knowledge, imagination, consciousness and the intellect. The result is a classic example of philosophy.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Commune or Nothing!: Venezuela's Communal Movement and Its Socialist Project
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Techniques Et Philosophie Des Risques
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Allegorie Des Poetes, Allegorie Des Philosophes: Etudes Sur La Poetique Et l'Hermeneutique de l'Allegorie de l'Antiquite a la Reforme
Five Mile Powerful Princesses
Stone Arch Books Cora and the Terrible Twister: A Tri-State Tornado Survival Story
Design Studio Press Science of Creature Design: Understanding Animal Anatomy
Capstone Press Fire and Ice: a Mermaids Journey (Dark Waters)
Random House USA Inc I Love Pink!
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concepts in Biology: A Historical Perspective
This book provides a comprehensive review of the history of concepts of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems throughout the last century. Historically, these systems were long considered as compartments that performed separate and different functions. However, a breakthrough occurred when advances in genetics and cellular and molecular biology techniques revealed that these systems shared molecular entities (such as cytokines, hormones and neurotransmitters) with their cognate receptors. These molecular links between the three systems broaden our understanding of the regulation of physiological processes. This approach has generated a multiplicity of new concepts, including crosstalk between organs, axis, feedback, molecular sensors, protein multi-functionality, positive and negative signaling ratios and pathways (such as cell signaling, metabolism and stem cell differentiation, to name a few). The improvement of experimental approaches has often resulted in major discoveries. This, combined with clear reasoning, intuition and coherence gave rise to new and unexpected concepts, and sometimes evolving ones. These new concepts lead the reader to the incredible transformation of biology in recent years.
British Library Publishing Death Has Deep Roots: A Second World War Mystery
At the Central Criminal Court, an eager crowd awaits the trial of Victoria Lamartine, an active participant in the Resistance during the war. She is now employed at the Family Hotel in Soho, where Major Eric Thoseby has been found murdered. The cause of death? A stabbing reminiscent of techniques developed by the Maquisards. While the crime is committed in England, its roots are buried in a vividly depicted wartime France. Thoseby is believed to have fathered Lamartine’s child, and the prosecution insist that his death is revenge for his abandonment of Lamartine and her arrest by the Gestapo. A last-minute change in Lamartine’s defence counsel grants solicitor Nap Rumbold just eight days to prove her innocence, with the highest of stakes should he fail. The proceedings of the courtroom are interspersed with Rumbold’s perilous quest for evidence, which is aided by his old wartime comrades.
Independent Thinking Press The Discipline Coach: If you're thinking discipline is keeping them in check, sorting them out, showing them what's good for them, because it's for their own good, because it's what the youth of today are so sorely lacking... you've got the
Jim Roberson believes that school should be the place where you learn all you need to learn to succeed in life, whatever form that success may take. Most importantly, in his view, you have to learn discipline. For Jim, behaviour is the 'B-word' and he forbids mention of it. Discipline, on the other hand, is neatly described not as something others do to you to get you to behave nor even as something you do to yourself, but rather as 'what you do for yourself'. What Jim advocates is a partnership between children and schools, whereby schools open up to teaching children everything they will need to prosper at and beyond school, no matter what career or life choices they make. In return, children will start to acquire and then implement the strategies and benefits that come with self-discipline on an ongoing basis. Jim has worked with some of the most challenging young people in the UK and, whether he's working with experienced classroom practitioners, struggling supply teachers, students themselves or even the police, he delivers powerful, practical, common sense strategies that bring the best out of some of the most demanding and hard-to-reach young people.
Peter Lang AG Eu-Recht Und Schranken Hoheitlicher Staatstaetigkeit
Bryn Mawr Commentaries Apology
Bryn Mawr Commentaries Crito
Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd Holocaust Memoir Digest Volume 1 Volume 1: A Digest of Published Survivor Memoirs Including Study Guide and Maps
Bolinda Publishing Pilgrims
Bolinda Publishing City of Girls
Crossway Books ESV Daily Reading Bible: A Guided Journey through God's Word (Hardcover)
The ESV Daily Reading Bible offers readers the opportunity to develop their own daily habit of time in Scripture as they work through guided readings and reflection questions.
Oxford University Press The Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Disease
Understanding the symbiosis between plants and pathogenic microbes is at the core of effective disease management for crops and managed forests. At the same time, plant-pathogen interactions comprise a wonderfully diverse set of ecological relationships that are powerful and yet so commonplace that they often go unnoticed. Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are increasingly exploring the terrain of plant disease ecology, investigating topics such as how pathogens shape diversity in plant communities, how features of plant-microbe interactions including host range and mutualism/antagonism evolve, and how biological invasions, climate change, and other agents of global change can drive disease emergence. Traditional training in ecology and evolutionary biology seldom provides structured exposure to plant pathology or microbiology, and training in plant pathology rarely offers depth in the theoretical frameworks of evolutionary ecology or includes examples from complex wild ecosystems. This novel textbook seeks to unite the research communities of plant disease ecology and plant pathology by bridging this gap.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Das Ziel des nun auch in deutscher Übersetzung erhältlichen Buches ist es, angewandte Mathematik und Ingenieurmathematik so darzustellen, wie sie heutzutage Anwendung findet. Das Buch basiert auf dem Kurs „Wissenschaftliches Rechnen" des Massachusetts Institute of Technology und versucht, Konzepte und Algorithmen zusammenzuführen. Beginnend mit der angewandten linearen Algebra entwickeln die Autoren die Methoden der finiten Differenzen und finiten Elemente – stets in Verbindung mit Anwendungen in zahlreichen Wissensgebieten.
Bristol University Press Alternatives to Neoliberalism: Towards Equality and Democracy
In this collection, innovative and eminent social and policy analysts, including Colin Crouch, Anna Coote, Grahame Thompson and Ted Benton, challenge the failing but still dominant ideology and policies of neo-liberalism. The editors synthesise contributors’ ideas into a revised framework for social democracy; rooted in feminism, environmentalism, democratic equality and market accountability to civil society. This constructive and stimulating collection will be invaluable for those teaching, studying and campaigning for transformative political, economic and social policies.
Elsevier Health Sciences Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Approach
This book is intended to help practitioners understand the causes and effects of disordered breathing and to provide strategies and protocols to help restore normal function. Fully updated throughout, this volume has been completely revised to guide the practitioner in the recognition of breathing pattern disorders and presents the latest research findings relating to the condition including a range of completely new techniques - many from an international perspective - to help restore and maintain normal functionality. Video clips on an associated website presents practical examples of the breathing techniques discussed in the book. "This is not a perfect all-encompassing textbook.That was not its purpose. As a catalyst for stimulating further exploration and for use as a reference in clinical work of wide-ranging paradigms it succeeds admirably." Reviewed by: David Propert, British School of Osteopathy, UK, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: Aug 2014 Carefully prepared by a global team of renowned experts under the guidance of Leon Chaitow Focuses on practical, validated, and clinically relevant information Abundant use of pull-out boxes, line artwork, photographs and tables facilitates ease of understanding Contains clinical cases to ensure full comprehension of the topics explored Suitable for physiotherapists, manual therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths, osteopathic physicians and chiropractors, massage therapists, Pilates and yoga teachers & therapists, Tai chi and Feldenkrais practitioners, athletic coaches and voice-coaches Video clips on an associated website presents practical examples of the breathing techniques discussed in the book Includes the latest protocols on breathing rehabilitation Includes specialist chapters on breathing dysfunction associated with pain syndromes such as pain of pelvic origin and other unexplained medical conditions Discusses the use of capnography in assessment and rehabilitation Includes discussion of Vojta/Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Therapy
Oxford University Press Foundations of Molecular Structure Determination
The renowned Oxford Chemistry Primer series, which provides focused introductions to a range of important topics in chemistry, has been refreshed and updated to suit the needs of today's students, lecturers, and postgraduate researchers. The rigorous, yet accessible, treatment of each subject area is ideal for those wanting a primer in a given topic to prepare them for more advanced study or research. Moreover, cutting-edge examples and applications throughout the texts show the relevance of the chemistry being described to current research and industry. The learning features provided, including questions at the end of every chapter and online multiple-choice questions, encourage active learning and promote understanding. Furthermore, frequent diagrams, margin notes, further reading, and glossary definitions all help to enhance a student's understanding of these essential areas of chemistry. Foundations of Molecular Structure Determination covers a range of common spectroscopic and diffraction methods alongside frequent worked examples and problem questions to assist beginning undergraduates in developing their skills in structure analysis. Furthermore, the practical application of these techniques is emphasized, especially to biological and medical systems. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany Foundations of Molecular Structure Determination features: For registered adopters of the text: · Figures from the book available to download For students: · Downloadable CIF data files · Multiple-choice questions for self-directed learning · Full worked solutions to the end-of-chapter exercises
The Chinese University Press The Other Shore: Plays
Gao Xingjian is the leading Chinese dramatist of our time. He is also one of the most moving and literary writers for the contemporary stage. His plays have been performed all around the world, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, the Ivory Coast, the United States, France, Germany and other European countries. Born and educated in China, Gao studied French literature at the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute between 1957-1962. After the Cultural Revolution, he became a resident playwright at the Beijing People's Art Theatre. His works, including Bus Stop, Absolute Signal, and Wilderness Man, were trend-setting and have created many controversies and a wave of experimental drama in China. In 1987 he settled in Paris, France and continued to write in Chinese and in French. He was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government in 1992. The present collection contains five of Gao Xingjian's most recent works: The Other Shore (1986), Between Life and Death (1991), Dialogue and Rebuttal (1992), Nocturnal Wanderer (1993), and Weekend Quartet (1995). One finds poetry, comedy as well as tragedy in the plays, which are graced by beautiful language and original imagery. Combining Zen philosophy and a modern worldview, they serve to illuminate the gritty realities of life, death, sex, loneliness, and exile, all essential concerns in Gao's understanding of the existence of modern man. The plays are also manifestations of the dramatist's idea of the tripartite actor, a process by which the actor neutralizes himself and achieves a disinterested observation of his self in performance.
Colourpoint Creative Ltd Lisburn, Past and Present: People, Places and Things
Lisburn town and environs contain a treasure trove of local history. This book explores a wide range of topics as we visit the Maze, Kilwarlin, Lissue, Hillsborough, Glenavy, Lambeg, Hilden and Ballyskeagh. Subjects that attract attention include archaeology, industrial heritage, transport, health and social welfare, sport, arts and crafts, and music. We meet with local dignitaries, men and women, who, having lived in or passed through the wider Lisburn area, went on to make a major impact in their chosen field at home and abroad. At the human level we find romance, bravery, faith, dedication, charity, heroism, tragedy, and the celebration of war and peace. We see history reflected in the colours of stained glass, as Lisburn, Past and Present provides a window to the history of people, places and things.
Duke University Press The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics
The Mexico Reader is a vivid and comprehensive guide to muchos Méxicos—the many varied histories and cultures of Mexico. Unparalleled in scope, it covers pre-Columbian times to the present, from the extraordinary power and influence of the Roman Catholic Church to Mexico’s uneven postrevolutionary modernization, from chronic economic and political instability to its rich cultural heritage. Bringing together over eighty selections that include poetry, folklore, photo essays, songs, political cartoons, memoirs, journalism, and scholarly writing, this volume highlights the voices of everyday Mexicans—indigenous peoples, artists, soldiers, priests, peasants, and workers. It also includes pieces by politicians and foreign diplomats; by literary giants Octavio Paz, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Carlos Fuentes; and by and about revolutionary leaders Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. This revised and updated edition features new selections that address twenty-first-century developments, including the rise of narcopolitics, the economic and personal costs of the United States’ mass deportation programs, the political activism of indigenous healers and manufacturing workers, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mexico Reader is an essential resource for travelers, students, and experts alike.
Peeters Publishers Rashi Et La Culture Juive En France Du Nord Au Moyen Age
Le monde juif participe a ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la Renaissance du XIIe siecle. Il contribue a la renovation de l'exegese biblique, grace notamment a l'apport capital de Rashi (1040-1106), qui lui-meme engage l'exegese juive dans les voies nouvelles. Le present ouvrage fournit des contributions neuves aux differents aspects de l'oeuvre de Rashi, qui se trouve situe dans le mouvement culturel et historique de son temps. Une serie d'etudes est egalement consacree au rayonnement du Commentateur de la Bible, tant dans le monde juif (avec les tossafistes) que dans le monde chretien (fin du moyen age et XVIe siecle).
Classiques Garnier Memoires Crepusculaires de la Fin Du Xvie Siecle
Random House USA Inc The Plague, The Fall, Exile and the Kingdom, and Selected Essays: Introduction by David Bellos
De Gruyter Enteignet, entzogen, verkauft: Zur Aufarbeitung der Kulturgutverluste in SBZ und DDR
Despite efforts by a reunited Germany to regulate "pending property issues", cultural heritage institutions are still having to address questions of museum ethics: Is it right that nationalized property dating from 1945–1990 forms part of public collections? What kinds of dispossessions took place? Who were those involved? When and under what circumstances did the objects make their way into public collections? From where? These questions are of cross-border interest. Confiscated private collections and items of uncertain origin from the "Museumsfonds der DDR" (East Germany's museum stock), were exchanged for foreign currency on the international art market. One of the functions of the German Lost Art Foundation is to investigate the confiscations of cultural goods in the Soviet Occupation Zone and East Germany, an area of research it has been facilitating since 2017.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Finite Element Method
This book offers an in-depth presentation of the finite element method, aimed at engineers, students and researchers in applied sciences.The description of the method is presented in such a way as to be usable in any domain of application. The level of mathematical expertise required is limited to differential and matrix calculus.The various stages necessary for the implementation of the method are clearly identified, with a chapter given over to each one: approximation, construction of the integral forms, matrix organization, solution of the algebraic systems and architecture of programs. The final chapter lays the foundations for a general program, written in Matlab, which can be used to solve problems that are linear or otherwise, stationary or transient, presented in relation to applications stemming from the domains of structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Malthus Across Nations: The Reception of Thomas Robert Malthus in Europe, America and Japan
The writings of Thomas Robert Malthus continue to resonate today, particularly An Essay on the Principle of Population which was published more than two centuries ago. Malthus Across Nations creates a fascinating picture of the circulation of his economic and demographic ideas across different countries, highlighting the reception of his works in a variety of nations and cultures. This unique book offers not only a fascinating piece of comparative analysis in the history of economic thought, but also places some of today's most pressing debates into an accurate historical perspective, thereby improving our understanding of them. Providing a complex and multi-faceted analysis of the reception and dissemination of the works of Malthus, this book examines how his approach was misunderstood and distorted throughout his lifetime and beyond. It illuminates the different ways in which groups of actors, including laymen, politicians and experts, have reacted to his work in specific historical and intellectual contexts, and with particular theoretical, political and moral concerns. Detailed breakdowns of the main controversies over his work are also explored. An insightful read for scholars studying economics and history of economic thought, this book guides readers from Malthus's original publications to their continuing impact today. This will also be a useful volume for ethics, political thought and intellectual history students. Contributors include: D. Andrews, J.L. Cardoso, D. Donnini Macciò, G. Faccarello, C. Gehrke, M. Izumo, M. Markov, D. Melnik, A. Mendes Cunha, H. Morishita, R. Romani, J. San Julián Arrupe, R. Walter
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Data Science: Symbolic, Complex, and Network Data
Data science unifies statistics, data analysis and machine learning to achieve a better understanding of the masses of data which are produced today, and to improve prediction. Special kinds of data (symbolic, network, complex, compositional) are increasingly frequent in data science. These data require specific methodologies, but there is a lack of reference work in this field. Advances in Data Science fills this gap. It presents a collection of up-to-date contributions by eminent scholars following two international workshops held in Beijing and Paris. The 10 chapters are organized into four parts: Symbolic Data, Complex Data, Network Data and Clustering. They include fundamental contributions, as well as applications to several domains, including business and the social sciences.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Morocco
Lonely Planet's Morocco is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Explore the Marrakesh medina, wander the blue alleyways of Chefchaouen, and chill on a Mediterranean beach; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Morocco and begin your journey now!Inside Lonely Planet's MoroccoTravel Guide: Lonely Planet's Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination's best experiences and where to have themItineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interestsLocal insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it's history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politicsEating and drinking - get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to tryToolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travelColour maps and images throughoutLanguage - essential phrases and language tipsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsCovers Marrakesh, Central Morocco, Northern Atlantic Coast, Casablanca, Mediterranean Coast and the Rip Mountains, Tangier, Fez, Meknes and the Middle Atlas, Southern Morocco and Western SaharaAbout Lonely Planet:Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at and join our community of followers on Facebook (, Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (, and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Subtle Knife: The Graphic Novel
Enter the remarkable world of His Dark Materials like never before with this stunning, full-colour graphic novel.Following the life-shattering events of Northern Lights, Lyra has stepped into a brand-new world. Will has just killed a man.Their paths cross in Cittàgazze. In a city haunted by soul-eating Spectres, troops of angels and vengeful witches, they find in each other a welcome ally.Both are hoping to find something in this strange world: Lyra must discover the meaning of Dark Matter, while Will is desperately searching for his missing father.What they find instead is a deadly secret, an object with extraordinary power. Each step of their journey brings them closer to an even bigger threat - and the shattering truth of their own destiny.
MQ - University of Nebraska Press Waheenee
Tells the story of Waheenee, a Hidatsa Indian woman, born in 1839 amid a devastated tribe. This book describes her life as a strong-willed, curious child, a spirited adolescent, and a skilled, hardworking young mother.
International Music Publications Princess Ida: Vocal Score
Simon & Schuster The World Crisis, 1911-1918