Search results for ""tea""
HarperCollins Publishers A Petal Unfolds
A Petal Unfolds is brimming with easy-to-make DIY paper flowers to bring beauty and style to your home. Susan gives you step-by-step advice so you can create something just as stunning as the real thing but lasts forever.Susan discusses basic materials, tools and techniques as well as tips on flower parts, colouring and painting, before guiding you through the flower tutorials. From peonies to poppies, dahlias to sweet peas, there are flowers and foliage for every aesthetic.Includes:Materials & ToolsTechniquesThe Anatomy of a Flower & LeafTHE FLOWERS: Anemone, Cyclamen, Crocus, Narcissus, Fuchsia, Tulip, Lisianthus, Coral Charm Peony, Bowl of Beauty Peony, Dahlia Café au Lait, Semi cactus Dahlia, Lily Regale, Cupcake Cosmos, Hydrangea, Honeysuckle, Hollyhock, Sweet Pea, Icelandic Poppy, Garden Rose, Hybrid Tea Rose.TUTORIALS: Wild Rose Table Setting, Mini Cherry Blossom Wreath, Peony & Tulip Arrangement, Poppy Wall Hanging, Summer Mixed Bouquet.Not only do they look beautiful but we l
Bonnier Books Ltd It Wisnae Me... Honest!: Harry the Polis
The hilarious adventures of Harry the Polis, the self-appointed Chief Constable of funny stories, continue with the publication of his ninth book, "It Wisnae Me...Honest"! Follow our laughing polis-man as he tackles the funny side of policing and introduces us to more of his zany characters and incidents. There's the Inspector with second wife syndrome, the woman assaulted by a flying sausage and the dead donkey on the manse lawn. And you can't miss the recollections of getting painfully trapped by the goolies, the private call to Prince Charles, the benefits of drinking organic tea or the terrorist attack on a US Naval ship on the Holy Loch...This title is packed full with funny stories, jokes, anecdotes and tales to have you laughing out loud. "It Wisnae Me...Honest!" is another classic collection of comical capers from behind the uniform...And they're all true, honest.
Search Press Ltd Whitework Embroidery: Create 30 Beautiful Projects with a Modern Touch
This sumptuous book by accomplished embroiderer Ayako Otsuka is full of incredibly delicate and beautiful whitework embroidery of all kinds. Whitework is simply embroidery worked in white thread on white fabric, and it is renowned for its calm beauty and simplicity. An ancient form of embroidery that was popular in the Middle Ages, Ayako has brought whitework completely up to date with her gorgeous examples. The projects include such items as a sampler, a tea cosy, a teddy bear cushion, a christening gown, a ring bearer’s pillow and a table runner. Some items are more complex than others, and there is a comprehensive techniques section with detailed step-by-step instructions, clear photographs and diagrams to guide you. Featuring drawn thread work, Schwalm, Ajour and Hedebo embroidery among other techniques, there is a wealth of information here for the keen embroiderer and 30 very beautiful projects to choose from.
Adams Media Corporation Your Illustrated Guide To Becoming One With The Universe
Named one of the Best Books of 2014 by NPR As seen on The Today Show A hand-drawn path to inner peace!Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe will set you free on a visual journey of self-discovery. Set against a surreal backdrop of intricate ink illustrations, you will find nine metaphysical lessons with dreamlike instructions that require you to open your heart to unexplored inner landscapes. From setting fire to your anxieties to sharing a cup of tea with your inner demons, you will learn how to let go and truly connect with the world around you.Whether you need a little inspiration or a completely new life direction, Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe provides you with the necessary push to find your true path--and a whimsical adventure to enjoy on the way there.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Living with Limoges
Whether the name Limoges brings to mind a region in France, the city of Limoges, or the factories that produce fine Limoges porcelain, a picture of romance, beauty, and fabulous artisans no doubt follows. This stunningly photographed book is dedicated to helping porcelain connoisseurs from the novice to the advanced learn how to identify, affordably collect, and decorate with hand-painted Limoges porcelain. Shown are vases, jardinieres, dinnerware, coffee and chocolate pots, cake plates, punch bowls, and more. This is the first Limoges collectors' book with dedicated sections on tea accoutrements, white and gold wedding band porcelain, and porcelain jewelry with hand-painted Limoges art. Going room by room, the author provides fabulous decorating ideas, from accessorizing with a single piece of Limoges to displaying an entire collection. Included are descriptions, measurements, values, history, collector hints, and a concise alphabetical mark guide. A truly inspirational book for collectors and designers alike.
HarperCollins Publishers The First Time You Smiled (Or Was It Just Wind?): A baby record journal with attitude
A baby record journal for parents with a sense of humour. Parenthood is filled with heart-warming milestone moments that you’ll want to hold onto forever. But in the years to come, the memories that make you laugh will more likely be the time your child cut their own hair or when you wrapped their butt in a tea towel on an emergency trip to the supermarket because you forgot to buy nappies (just me?). The First Time You Smiled offers a cool, inclusive, non-pastel-hued place for you to record the things you don’t want to forget. It’s proof that you were nailing this parenting lark, even when it felt like you were dropping all the balls, telling a story that has both you and your child in the starring roles. Because whatever your story looks like, it starts right here with you – and that is spectacular.
Ebury Publishing The Miracle of Mindfulness (Gift edition): The classic guide by the world’s most revered master
WITH A NEW FOREWORD BY PROFESSOR MARK WILLIAMS, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORDThe Miracle of Mindfulness is a modern classic. In this life-changing book, Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh explains how to practise mindfulness. Once we know how to be mindful, we can slow ourselves down and start living in the moment. Even simple acts such as washing the dishes or drinking a cup of tea can be transformed into acts of meditation. Whatever our beliefs, we can begin to reap the immense benefits that meditation has been scientifically proven to offer.Thich Nhat Hanh's unique calligraphy, especially created for this beautiful new edition, accompanies his words of wisdom. A chronology details the important moments in his life, and rare photographs illustrate key moments.This is a book to treasure and the perfect gift for those you love and care for.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd A History of Cadbury
When John Cadbury came to Birmingham in 1824, he sold tea, coffee and drinking chocolate in a small shop on Bull Street. Drinking chocolate was considered a healthy alternative to alcohol, something Cadbury, a Quaker, was keen to encourage. In 1879, the Cadburys moved to Bournville and created their 'factory in a garden' - an unprecedented move. It is now ironic that today's Bournville is surrounded by that urban sprawl the Cadburys were so keen to get away from. This book looks at some of the social impact this company has had since its inception, both on the chocolate and cocoa business in general and on the community at large, both within and without the firm of Cadbury. In 2024, Cadbury's will be celebrating 200 years of the first store opening. This is the story of how the company began, how it grew, and how they diversified in order to survive.
David & Charles Cake Decorating at Home
Cake decorating is creative, fun and easy to learn, and this book proves that you shouldn't save your cake decorating ideas just for christenings and weddings! Cake Decoration at Home has a recipe for every occasion, whether it s a tea party, a wedding or a special Christmas gift. Over 30 designs for cakes, cupcakes, minicakes and cookies allow you to make delicious homemade treats for friends and family all year round! The featured cake decorating techniques suit all skill levels. Illustrated step-by-step instructions guide even the most novice decorator through the stages, from baking the cake to adding the finishing touches. On top of that, you ll find ideas how to extend the theme to your table decorations and décor, to create the perfect atmosphere. Casual lifestyle photography and a cookery-book feel will take out the fear of sugarcrafting and encourage beginners.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Fat Lawrence
Laurence Higgins, an enormously fat black cat, has breakfast with Mrs Higgins, lunch with the Normans, tea with old Mr Mason and supper with the Barclay-Lloyds. None of them know why he is so fat on just one meal a day! Lawrence is happy until he finds the walking from house to house tiring and begins to get indigestion. His friends tell him to lose weight if he wants a girl friend so he begins to spend one day in four with all his owners. He gets thinner but the cat he fancies down the road tells him she doesn't like slim boys - she's lost her heart to an enormously fat black cat she used to see up the road! Triumphantly Lawrence returns to his four meals a day, spurred on by the thought of meeting Bella when he's back to his normal size.
Vintage Publishing The Hungry Empire: How Britain’s Quest for Food Shaped the Modern World
'A wholly pleasing book, which offers a tasty side dish to anyone exploring the narrative history of the British Empire' Max Hastings, Sunday TimesWINNER OF THE GUILD OF FOOD WRITERS BOOK AWARD 2018The glamorous daughter of an African chief shares a pineapple with a slave trader… Surveyors in British Columbia eat tinned Australian rabbit… Diamond prospectors in Guyana prepare an iguana curry…In twenty meals The Hungry Empire tells the story of how the British created a global network of commerce and trade in foodstuffs that moved people and plants from one continent to another, reshaping landscapes and culinary tastes. The Empire allowed Britain to harness the globe’s edible resources from cod fish and salt beef to spices, tea and sugar. Lizzie Collingham takes us on a wide-ranging culinary journey, revealing how virtually every meal we eat still contains a taste of empire.
Penguin Books Ltd How to Fish
Sitting on a riverbank, with rod and line, must count as one of the most relaxing and enjoyable – yet occasionally frustrating – experiences known to man.Chris Yates discovered the joys of fishing early in life and was quickly hooked by its pleasures. Many years later, he is still content to sit, day after day, observing the quirks of different fish and losing track of time. For him, fishing is much more than just a question of technique; sometimes it’s about listening to nothing but your instincts, and at other times it’s about enjoying the perfect cup of tea. And it’s always about not knowing how the day is going to unfold . . .There’s no better guide for the uninitiated – and no better companion for those already familiar with the satisfactions of fishing – than Chris Yates. And immersing yourself in How To Fish is almost as delightful an activity as fishing itself.
Pearson Education Teaching Elementary Physical Education
Peter Hastie received a Ph.D. from the University of Queensland in the field of Human Movement Studies (Education). He is currently a professor at Auburn University in the Department of Health and Human Performance. His courses focus on elementary and secondary school physical education as well as the skills and concepts of sports and other activities. Peter is well known in the physical education community, mainly for his contributions to the study of Sport Education. Peter is the author of Teaching for Lifetime Physical Activity through Quality High School Physical Education (Benjamin Cummings, 2003). In addition, he is co-author of Complete Guide to Sport Education, along with Daryl Siedentop and Hans van der Mars (Human Kinetics, 2004). Ellen H. Martin earned her Ph.D. from Auburn University in the field of Physical Education. Currently she is an assistant professor at Columbus State University in the Department of Tea
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Dificultades especficas de Aprendizaje y otros trastornos Gua bsica para docentes
Puede cualquier profesional de la educación ayudar a los alumnos con DEA a desarrollar su máximo potencial en las aulas? Este libro contiene información directa, accesible y práctica que, profesores, monitores, auxiliares técnicos educativos y familias pueden utilizar para reconocer y entender cuáles son los síntomas relacionados con las dificultades de aprendizaje más comunes: dislexia, discalculia, disgrafía, dispraxia, TDAH, TEA, TOC, junto a estrategias y pautas de actuación relacionadas con estos alumnos. Ofrece una visión de las debilidades y fortalezas asociadas a cada una de estas dificultades, subrayando la importancia de trabajar desde la perspectiva de las fortalezas, contribuyendo así al desarrollo pleno de estos alumnos. Centrarse en el esfuerzo de su aprendizaje y no en los resultados académicos obtenidos, llevará a una mejora de su autoestima. El aprendizaje de estrategias que ayuden a compensar sus dificultades, les capacitará para desarrollar al máximo sus habilidades
Hub City Press A Good Mule is Hard to Find
Down on his luck, a farmer raffles off a dead mule. While preparing a Sunday dinner, a woman finds her lost diamond in a chicken gizzard. A litter of orphaned baby possums finds a home. Just like his blue jeans after an adventure in Dead Horse Canyon, Kirk Neely's tales are caked with red clay. Neely, a much beloved pastor from Spartanburg, writes about the ordinary -- casseroles and sweet tea, black bears and beagle dogs, WD-40 and Duct Tape, Tabasco Sauce and fatback. Accompanied by striking pen and ink sketches by his nephew, Emory Cash, these stories will make you laugh out loud; others will bring a tear to your eye. A Good Mule is Hard to Find should be a fixture in every mountain cabin and every beach house. Steeped in Southern charm and down-home lore, this volume promises to be a keeper.
Skyhorse Publishing The Chilean Kitchen
These authentic recipes will bring classic Chilean flavors to your doorstep! The Spanish phrase quédate un poquito, or “stay a while,” is the essence of Chilean hospitality—one does not “stop by for a quick bite” in Chile. Comprised of more than seventy authentic Chilean recipes, organized seasonally for maximum freshness, and tweaked ever-so-slightly to fit neatly into the US market, this book creates an accessible, authentic, and uniquely Chilean cooking experience. It marries Pilar’s family recipes and Eileen’s astute writings, which make even those who have never visited Chile feel like they have found home. Seasonality is the backbone of the Chilean table—each of the four seasonal sections will include a short opening essay to prepare the reader for the bounty of the season. A unique fifth section is included for La Once, or tea time, which transcends the seasons but is quintessentially and
Adams Media Corporation Essential Oils for Health
Discover the power of pure essential oils!From tea tree and lavender to eucalyptus and peppermint, essential oils have been praised for their ability to lift moods, treat common health ailments, and enhance one''s appearance. Essential Oils for Health shows you how to use the all-natural oils in your daily health and beauty routine, from controlling emotional stress to clearing sinuses to smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. Featuring step-by-step instructions and plenty of helpful tips, this book offers 100 essential oil recipes that help: Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails Boost memory retention and concentration Reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue Treat unsightly blemishes, itchy insect bites, and sunburns There''s really nothing essential oils can''t handle--from curing insomnia, to improving digestion, to relieving sore muscles--and all without the need for dangerous chemicals or costly procedures. With Essential Oils for
Muswell Press For Your Convenience
Two members of a Gentleman's Club begin a conversation over a copy of the Sanitary World and Drainage Observer. The discussion turns to where `relief' may be obtained after drinking quantities of tea or lager when walking through the streets of London. We are told that the `places that have no attendants afford excellent rendezvous to people who wish to meet out of doors and yet escape the eye of the Busy.' (police). The book could be read at as an entertaining, straight forward guide to London's public conveniences but yet to our more sceptical eye it is patently a guide to where men could meet like-minded men in an era when homosexuality was illegal. It remains a classic whether taken at face value or not. This title is one of the first on the Muswell Press LGBT+ list launching in Autumn 2019
Duckworth Books Beyond the Gravy
Psychic cat Irene Peggledrip is being visited by a band of malevolent spirits who all claim to be murderers. Not only is their message disturbing, but they cause chaos with indoor snowstorms, flying books and the untimely demise of a delicious Victoria sponge. Irene calls in Hettie and Tilly of the No. 2 Feline Detective Agency to help, but they’re not sure how far their skills reach into the spirit realm. Meanwhile, Lavender Stamp, the town’s bad-tempered postmistress cat, has some good news to deliver to Tilly: she has won a competition to take afternoon tea with renowned mystery writer Agatha Crispy at her Devon home, Furaway House. Will Hettie and Tilly finally lay the ghosts to rest? Can Molly Bloom’s new café survive the seance? And will the moving claw give up its secrets before the gravy congeals? Find out in this latest adventure of our favourite feline sleuths.
Pan Macmillan The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Following the smash-hit sci-fi comedy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is the second part in Douglas Adams' multi-media phenomenon and cult classic series. If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe?Which is exactly what Arthur Dent and the crew of the Heart of Gold plan to do. There's just the small matter of escaping the Vogons, avoiding being taken to the most totally evil world in the Galaxy and teaching a space ship how to make a proper cup of tea.And did anyone actually make a reservation?Follow Arthur Dent's galactic (mis)adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.
WW Norton & Co Mistrust: Why Losing Faith in Institutions Provides the Tools to Transform Them
From the Tea Party to Occupy Wall Street, and from cryptocurrency advocates to the #MeToo movement, citizens of democracies worldwide are losing confidence in the system. This loss of faith has spread beyond government to infect a broad swath of institutions—the press, corporations, digital platforms—none of which seem capable of holding us together. How should we encourage participation in public life when neither elections nor protests feel like paths to change? Drawing on work by political scientists, legal theorists and activists in the streets, Ethan Zuckerman offers a lens for understanding civic engagement that focuses on efficacy, the power of seeing the change you make in the world. Mistrust is a guidebook for those looking for new ways to make change as well as a fascinating explanation of how we’ve arrived at a moment where old ways of engagement are failing us.
John Wiley & Sons Inc U.S. History For Dummies
Find FREE chapter quizzes online Discover important events that shaped the nation Get to know the superstars of the past Don't miss a moment of U.S. history The United States is undergoing a period of intense political and social change. From the rise of the Tea Party to social media's effect on American life and politics, this new edition fills in the gaps of this nation's story. This book guides you through the events that shaped the nation, from pre-Columbian civilizations to the 21st century. It's all hereyou'll find all the wars, leaders, and eras that explain and demonstrate how the past influences the future. Inside... Get an overview of U.S. history Learn about major movements Discover how the U.S. came of age Explore iconic cultural moments Find out how the country faced adversity Get to know historical U.S. documents FREE 1-year access to chapter quizzes online!
University of Texas Press Intermediate Spanish Memory Book: A New Approach to Vocabulary Building
Mnemonics is an age-old device for remembering names, numbers, and many other things. As in the authors' previous Memory Books, the Intermediate Spanish Memory Book makes use of this reliable memory help in a series of mnemonic jingles that are by turns playful, sardonic, touching, and heroic to help both students and independent learners acquire and remember Spanish vocabulary. The 500-plus words in this book represent a more advanced vocabulary than those in the Spanish Memory Book (1990) and the Spanish Memory Book, Junior Edition (1993). The mnemonic jingles present both the sound of the Spanish word (indicated by syllables in italic type) and its English meaning (given by a word or phrase in boldface type): merienda: picnic, afternoon teaMary, end a boring picnic. Just say, "I'm going home. I'm sick, Nick." This innovative approach to vocabulary building is simple, effective, and entertaining.
HarperCollins Publishers My Henry
Through charming verse and glowing illustrations, Judith Kerr takes us on a magical and moving journey that proves love really does conquer everything. A truly special picture book destined to be loved and treasured by children and adults alike for years to come. “It’s things we’ve never tried beforeThat are the greatest fun,Like riding on a dinosaur,Which I had never done.” Married couples are used to little trips together. Henry's wife can see no reason why they should stop just because one of them is no longer around. In fact she can’t help going a little bit over the top, imagining all sorts of wonderful outings, including dinosaur rides and dolphin drawn water ski sessions. In the end however, even the most magical and exotic daydreams can never quite compare to their past everyday life together. Fom the bestselling author of The Tiger Who Came To Tea.
Berbay Publishing Tiger & Cat
"A story with lovely messaging. Tee's stunning illustrations bring the book to life. She has created two lovable characters that readers will want to see more of...children will get a lot out of this story, as it looks at the importance of being true to yourself and finding people who like you just the way you are." Magpie MagazineTiger and Cat are the best of friends. So, when Tiger has to go away to Tiger camp to earn his stripes, not for a few hours, but for weeks, months, years maybe... Cat is left with an empty house and a lonely heart.As it turns out Tiger isn’t very good at doing Tiger things. And, besides, he misses drinking tea with Cat. This is a story about finding where you belong and someone who likes your stripes just the way they are.
Search Press Ltd Modern Gingerbread: 15 Inspiring New Ideas for Bakes and Cakes
15 exciting, contemporary gingerbread projects! Traditional gingerbread goodies are given the modern treatment in this delectable book featuring 15 projects to make, eat or display. Sandra Monger is full of terrific ideas for gingerbread projects, from the traditional Christmas house, decorative gingerbread tiles and wreaths to a Norwegian kransekake delicately crafted from rings of gingerbread. The pièce de résistance is Sandra's gingerbread-embellished wedding cake, which will no doubt prove a show-stopper for any budding baker. If you're looking for some quick bakes Sandra's got you covered as it's also packed with fun gingerbread biscuits such as sharing squares, snowflake cookies and cookie favours. Make perfect treats to slip into lunch boxes, serve up to friends at tea, give as gifts or show off as your holiday centrepiece. There are recipes for traditional, coloured and vegan gingerbread. All the projects included in the book are accompanied by full-size templates.
Pan Macmillan In the Shade of the Blossom Tree
Joanna Rees, aka Josie Lloyd and Jo Rees, is a bestselling writer of numerous novels, including rom-coms, blockbusters and big-hearted adventures such as Come Together, Platinum and A Twist of Fate. Joanna regularly teaches creative writing in schools and libraries and runs a successful novel-editing business. She also records regularly for Radio Gorgeous. Based in Brighton, Joanna is married to the author Emlyn Rees with whom she has three daughters. They have co-written seven novels, including the Sunday Times number one bestseller Come Together, which was translated into twenty-seven languages and made into a film. They have written three bestselling parodies of their favourite children's books, including We're Going On A Bar Hunt and The Teenager Who Came To Tea, as well as a light-hearted activity book encouraging people to stop being addicted to their technology called Switch It Off.
Hodder & Stoughton Spice Road
DUTY . . . OR LOVE?THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERThe first book in an epic young adult romantic fantasy series set in an Arabian-inspired land with secret spice magic and rivals-to-lovers romance. The desert city Qalia has shielded its existence - and the secrets of its magic misra tea - from outsiders for generations.But when her brother disappears into the Forbidden Wastes, soldier Imani joins the mission sent to find him - before he can expose Qalia''s magic, and face punishment for his crime.Accompanied by her rival, the devastatingly handsome Taha, Imani soon discovers that many secrets lie beyond the shifting desert sands, and in her own heart. Caught between her duty to her nation, her love for her brother and her growing feelings for Taha, Imani must decide where her loyalties lie . . . before it''s too late.''MAGIC-FUELED AND ACTION PACKED'' Dana Swift''GRIPPING''
Nosy Crow Ltd The Invincibles: The Piglet Pickle
In this first story, troublesome twosome Nell and Freddie go on a school trip to a farm, where they pet the animals and learn about how they live, and Freddie smuggles a piglet out in his backpack. He thinks he's saving it from becoming sausages. So Nell keeps it in her bedroom, gives it a bath and gets it involved in bringing a local crime wave to an end (with the help of her hilariously teenaged big brother, Lucas). Then they all go home for tea!From Caryl Hart and Sarah Warburton, the team behind the wildly successful 'The Princess and the...' picture book series, 'The Invincibles' series is perfect for children who are beginning to read alone. Beautifully illustrated in two-colour to make the transition from picture books to chapter books easier and more appealing.Look out for:The Hamster RescueThe Beast of Bramble Woods
HarperCollins Publishers Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”’ So begins the tale of Alice, who follows a curious White Rabbit down a hole and falls into Wonderland, a fantastical place where nothing is quite as it seems: animals talk, nonsensical characters confuse, Mad Hatters throw tea parties and the Queen plays croquet. Alice’s attempts to find her way home become increasingly bizarre, infuriating and amazing in turn. A beloved classic, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has continued to delight readers, young and old, for over 150 years.
Orion Publishing Co A Family Secret: The heartwrenching WW2 saga set in Battersea
From the Sunday Times Bestselling author.In a time of war, what's holding them together could tear them all apart...London, 1940. Winnie Berry is at the heart of the community in her pub, The Battersea Tavern. Her door is always open to those in need of a cup of tea and sympathy.Winnie's abusive husband has left and she finds herself foolishly falling in love with black-market trader, Have-it Harry Hampton. But Harry is married and Winnie soon finds herself tied up in his web of secrets.Meanwhile Winnie's son is back in London - not to visit his own child, but to charm the latest barmaid at the Battersea Tavern, which will lead to devastating consequences for the family.With bombs dropping all around them, is it too late for Winnie to uncover the secrets of those closest to her in order to protect her true family?
Wild Things Publishing Ltd Lost Lanes: 36 Glorious Bike Rides in Southern England (London and the South-East): 1
LOST LANES will take you on 36 meandering tours of the most beautiful and hidden destinations in southern England. The book includes: Route overviews, distances and maps Overnight stops, from B&Bs to camping under the stars Best pubs and tea stops Wild swims, breathtaking views and fascinating history How to access each ride by train (no car required!) So take off on a trip past hedgerows and open meadows, along sparkling rivers and wild seashores, and see it all from the best vantage point of all: that humble yet extraordinary transport of delight, the bicycle. MOBILE DEVICES & DOWNLOADS All the routes in this book are supported by downloadable route instructions you can print out take with you, plus a GPX navigation fi le for your GPS device or smartphone app. The book is also available as a smartphone app for Android and iPhone.
Walker Books Ltd The City of Secret Rivers
A hilarious fantasy adventure set in modern day London.An exciting subterranean London adventure, the first in a middle-grade trilogy. Hyacinth Hayward has recently arrived from America and is having difficulty adjusting to her new surroundings, especially being in the sole company of her eccentric mother. Everything feels strange. Very strange. And it gets stranger the day she accidentally unleashes the power of a secret river running through London. To prevent a second Great Fire, Hyacinth needs to retrieve a single, magically charged drop of water from somewhere in the city sewer system. Along the way she encounters an eclectic cast of characters – the shambling, monstrous Saltpetre Men who kidnap her mother, the Toshers who battle for control of magical artefacts and a giant pig with whom she has a tea party. The clock is ticking – will she figure out who to trust?
Peeters Publishers Why Read the Bible in the Original Languages?
A comparison of multiple translations of the Bible in any language shows that they differ at hundreds of places, pointing to the continuing disagreement among Bible scholars and translators in their analysis and understanding of those places. To learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the original languages of the Bible, is admittedly not everybody’s cup of tea. Knowledge of them does not necessarily provide a solution to these difficulties. However, there are not a few things in the biblical text which can be missed out if it is read only in translation. A range of linguistic issues touching on the three original languages are discussed in the light of actual examples. Matters of culture and rhetoric are also taken up. A special chapter is devoted to the Septuagint as a bridge between the two Testaments. The book is written in a non-technical style, hence easily readable by non-specialists, but specialists may also find things of interest. No Hebrew or Greek alphabet is used.
Seres humanos únicos
Ganador del premio Temple Grandin, concedido por la prestigiosa Autism Society de Estados Unidos, el doctor Barry M. Prizant lleva a cabo en Seres humanos únicos un acercamiento riguroso, personal y muy humano a todas las vertientes del autismo. Prizant presenta con suma sensibilidad un nuevo enfoque (SCERTS) centrado en la intervención integral, basado en hechos, para niños y personas mayores con algún Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA) y para sus familias. Un libro repleto de experiencias y testimonios en el que la voz del especialista y de los pacientes cobran una vida común, donde el aprendizaje constante y el desarrollo de las relaciones humanas adquieren una importancia fundamental. Como Prizant sostiene, el autismo no es una enfermedad. Es una manera diferente de ser humano.Esta nueva edición, cuidadosamente revisada y ampliada teniendo en cuenta los más recientes avances en el campo, cuenta también con la perspectiva aportada por aquellos pacientes, familiares y
Skyhorse Publishing Aphrodisiacs: An A-Z
Aphrodisiacs is a fun and sexy romp through the world of natural libido enhancers, perfect to keep at your bedside table or even in the kitchen! Throughout centuries, all over the world, men and women have used food, oils, scents, ointments, and charms to have hotter sex, and the list goes beyond oysters and chocolate:Mango: believed in India to heighten sex drive and staminaAvocado: a popular sexual stimulant among the Spanish conquistadorsHashish: renowned in Morocco for releasing inhibitions and increasing sensationArabian coffee: loved by African Sufis for its invigorating effectCardamom: tea brewed from this sultry spice is said to have aphrodisiac qualitiesAnd many more!This comprehensive, colorful guide details the scandalous hidden histories behind hundreds of nature’s most powerful libido boosters. It is sure to bring pleasure and excitement to your love life, whether you’re looking to spice things up with your lover or are curious about what sexy surprises are already waiting in your kitchen cupboard.
Skyhorse Publishing Roberts' Guide for Butlers and Other Household Staff
Originally published in 1827, Roberts’ Guide for Butlers and Other Household Staff was a handbook for servants to perform their duties more efficiently and thoughtfully. Roberts gives a plethora of information about household duties of a butler like: How to dress suitably for work Regulations for the dinner table Directions for cleaning tea trays Giving Britannia metal a brilliant polish Preserving fruits for the year Addressing and behaving properly around your employer And many more insightsRoberts provides information on how to make the best-tasting lemonade; preserving good wine for years; not passing judgments on the other servants; never letting your master ring the bell for you twice; cleaning dirty tables with a mix of milk, turpentine, and sweet oil; rubbing off rust with salad oil and lime; and other useful tidbits for the curious butler. This is a fascinating look behind the scenes of household help and will delight any nineteenth century enthusiast.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Soppy : A Love Story
The wildly popular web comic Soppy is now available as a book, with 74% new material. With half a million notes (reblogs or likes) on Tumblr, web comic series Soppy is the illustrated love story of author Philippa Rice and her boyfriend. It shows how true love isn't always about the big romantic gestures. Sometimes it's about sympathising with someone whose tea has gone cold or reading together and sharing a quilt. When two people move in together, it soon becomes apparent that the little things mean an awful lot. The throwaway moments in life become meaningful when you spend them in the company of someone you love. Drawn in red and black inks, Soppy is a charming collection of comics and illustrations based on the authors real-life moments with her boyfriend. From grocery shopping to silly arguments and snuggling in front of the television, Soppy captures the universal experience of sharing a life together, and celebrates the beauty of finding romance all around us.
Abrams Happy Home: Everyday Magic for the Family Kitchen
Glittery straws, ice cubes with edible flowers, butterfly wallpaper: Welcome to the colorful world of Happy Home, written by the creator of the RICE lifestyle brand, Charlotte Guéniau. Step inside her kitchen and cook her delicious, easy recipes for your friends and family: Spongy Lemon Cake, Sweet Potato Hummus, Chocolate Kisses, Chicken Curry in a Hurry, and many more. To follow her mantra Play Together, Stay Together, she offers 10 child-friendly activities for every day or special days—birthdays, parties, or even just tea for two! For 20 years, the Danish company RICE has been known for its colorful collection of ethically made and practical housewares and accessories—everything from dishes to storage baskets to wallpaper to party decorations. Now you can enter their world: grab daily life, add a drop of magic, a ladleful of laughs, and a bunch of color, and have fun making spring rolls, pizza, and even pink sesame potatoes!
Mosaic Press The T.E. Lawrence Poems
The T.E. Lawrence Poems is Gwendolyn MacEwen’s most integrated, complete and respected work. It is now recognized as her signature poetic achievement.“In 1962, I was staying in a hotel in Tiberias, Israel; the tall, white-haired proprietor invited me downstairs one evening and served me syrupy tea and a plate of fruit. He showed me a series of old sepiatone photographs which lined the walls – photographs of blurred riders on camels riding to the left into some uncharted desert just beyond the door. Some of them were signed.‘It’s Lawrence isn’t it?’ I asked, walking up to one.‘Yes,’ said my host, offering me a huge section of an orange. ‘I rode with him once a long time ago. I see you always carry a pen and paper to write things down. I thought you’d be interested; I thought you’d like to know.’These poems were written some twenty years later.”
Batsford Ltd A Butler's Guide to Entertaining
The rise of the celebrity chef and the downturn in the economy has re-kindled an interest in all things culinary and encouraged the great British public back indoors to cook and entertain for themselves. Who better to steer you through the minefield of entertaining etiquette than a quintessentially English butler? This is the ultimate guide to entertaining in style from the man who knows how it's done, whether you are hosting cocktails for colleagues, afternoon tea with the family, or a full-blown feast for a legion of friends. Invitation etiquette and how to greet you guests is covered, alongside information on seating plans, place settings and organizing the table service. Plenty of information on estimating quantities, preparation and serving the food and drink is included, and there is even advice on steering away guests who have outstayed their welcome. Containing everything you need to know about entertaining, this is a must-have guide for any host with the most.
Atlantic Books Now Then
''An enlightening, enjoyable and frequently very funny journey into what makes Yorkshire stand out from the crowd ... a fascinating insight into our wonderful region and the people that make it what it is.'' The Yorkshire PostWritten from the perspective of an exiled Yorkshireman this bestselling, award-winning author returns to his native county to discover and reveal its soul.We all know the tropes - Geoffrey Boycott incarnate, ferret-leggers and folk singers gambolling about Ilkley Moor without appropriate headgear - but why is Yorkshire God''s Own County? Exiled Yorkshireman Rick Broadbent sets out to find out whether Yorkshireness is something that can be summed up and whether it even matters in a shrinking world. Along the way he meets rock stars, ramblers and rhubarb growers as he searches for answers and a decent cup of tea. Now Then is a biographical mosaic of a place that has been victimised and ste
ACA Publishing Limited The Sojourn Teashop
Morning brings new and old faces to Hai Ruo’s teashop. The premium leaves she sells to Xijing’s high society keep the doors open, however it’s her Sisterhood – a dozen glamorous confidants who visit daily to share tales of love, loss and professional success – that really keeps the shop running.From a returning Russian expat to a hotpot tycoon, they epitomise the new possibilities of this ancient metropolis. The group's rise in business and society is sometimes helped by Yi Guang, a noted writer with his own artistic demons. But with every deal struck and official bribed, a debt accumulates, jeopardising a hard-won but brittle autonomy.The gates of Hai’s establishment help keep the choking smog of the city at bay, and inside she provides a sanctuary for the friends to express their true selves. If only the tea leaves held all the answers. Instead, it’s up to the sisters to discover how far their bonds will really hold.
S&S/ Marysue Rucci Books The Storm We Made
NATIONAL BESTSELLER * A GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICK * LONGLISTED FOR THE CENTER FOR FICTION 2024 FIRST NOVEL PRIZE In this ';espionage-laden family epic' (Vanity Fair), an ordinary housewife becomes an unlikely spyand her dark secrets will test even the most unbreakable ties.Malaya, 1945. Cecily Alcantara's family is in terrible danger: her fifteen-year-old son, Abel, has disappeared, and her youngest daughter, Jasmin, is confined in a basement to prevent being pressed into service at the comfort stations. Her eldest daughter Jujube, who works at a tea house frequented by drunk Japanese soldiers, becomes angrier by the day. Cecily knows two things: that this is all her fault; and that her family must never learn the truth. A decade prior, Cecily had been desperate to be more than a housewife to a low-level bureaucrat in British-colonized Malaya. A chance meeting with the charismatic General Fujiwara lured her into a l
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics: The Art of Spirited Drinks and Buzz-Worthy Libations
Create your own cannabis infused cocktails! Combining cannabis and cocktails is a hot new trend, and Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails, and Tonics shows you how. Featuring a collection of 75 recipes of cannabis influenced cocktails and drinks; The Cocktail Whisperer Warren Bobrow will show you the essential instructions for de-carbing cannabis to release its full psychoactive effect. Learn the history of cannabis as a social drug and its growing acceptance to becoming a medicinal. Look beyond cocktails and create successful tonics, syrups, shrubs, bitters, compound butter and exotic infused oil to use in any drink. Start your day with coffee, tea, and milk-based cannabis beverages for healing and relaxation. Get your afternoon pick-me-up with gut healing shrubs and mood enhancing syrups. Make cooling lemonades and sparking herbal infusions to soothe the fevered brow. Then, have an after dinner herbal-based cannabis drink for relaxation at the end of a good meal. The options are endless with Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails, and Tonics!
Duke University Press Gramsci's Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives
Acknowledged as one of the classics of twentieth-century Marxism, Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks contains a rich and nuanced theorization of class that provides insights that extend far beyond economic inequality. In Gramsci's Common Sense Kate Crehan offers new ways to understand the many forms that structural inequality can take, including in regards to race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion. Presupposing no previous knowledge of Gramsci on the part of the reader, she introduces the Prison Notebooks and provides an overview of Gramsci’s notions of subalternity, intellectuals, and common sense, putting them in relation to the work of thinkers such as Bourdieu, Arendt, Spivak, and Said. In the case studies of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, Crehan theorizes the complex relationships between the experience of inequality, exploitation, and oppression, as well as the construction of political narratives. Gramsci's Common Sense is an accessible and concise introduction to a key Marxist thinker whose works illuminate the increasing inequality in the twenty-first century.
University of British Columbia Press Protest and Politics: The Promise of Social Movement Societies
The Tea Party. The Occupy Movement. Idle No More. Around the world, social movements have taken to new media and the streets to challenge the status quo. At the same time, most democracies have witnessed a sharp decline in voter turnout. Protest and Politics examines this seemingly contradictory shift in political participation, as well as the blurring of social movement and mainstream politics, through the lens of the social movement society (SMS) thesis.Drawing on the long history of social movements in Canada, in comparison to the US and the transnational sphere, the contributors revisit the SMS thesis to determine whether it still applies, to see what insights can be gleaned from Canadian social movements, and to clarify the relationships between movements and mainstream politics. They argue that the SMS thesis must be recalibrated to reflect changes in political participation, to embrace broader political and historical contexts, and to consider the emergence of social movement societies, plural, over a single polity within and across countries.
Penguin Publishing Group Jackpot Summer
After the Jacobson siblings win a life-changing fortune in the lottery, they assume their messy lives will transform into sleek, storybook perfection–but they couldn’t be more wrong. The four Jacobson children were raised to respect the value of a dollar. Their mother reused tea bags and refused to pay retail; their father taught them to budget before he taught them to ride a bike. And yet, now that they’re adults, their financial lives are in disarray. The siblings reunite when their newly widowed father puts their Jersey Shore beach house on the market. Packing up childhood memories isn’t easy, especially when there’s other drama brewing. Matthew is miserable at his corporate law job and wishes he had more time with his son; Laura’s marriage is imploding in spectacular fashion; Sophie’s art career is stalled while her boyfriend’s is on the rise; and Noah’s total failure to launch has him doin