Search results for ""schiffer publishing, ltd.""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Newcomb Pottery: An Enterprise for Southern Women, 1895-1940
This beautifully illustrated sourcebook chronicles the history of the Newcomb Pottery at Tulane University in Louisiana from its founding in 1895. It explores the development of the art form, and presents a sensitive picture of the artists themselves. It includes a section on marks and dating by Walter Bob, as well as a complete exhibition catalog compiled by Sally Main Spanola, assistant curator.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Southern Decoys of Virginia and the Carolinas
The decoy and waterfowling history of this important region along the south Atlantic coast is thoroughly presented in this comprehensive study. Decoys of the eastern shore of Virginia and North Carolina are among the most collectible in the decoy market today. Much of the history of east coast gunning clubs began in this area. Henry Fleckenstein has combined information about decoys from this region and the South Carolina coast with his excellent photographs to produce an invaluable volume which each decoy collector and historian of the south Atlantic region will want on his shelf. All the major makers of decoys here and makers from other areas whose decoys were used here are listed with pertinent biographical data and interesting stories. 559 black and white and 64 color plates beautifully illustrate the text.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Blue Ribbon Pattern Series: Song Bird Patterns
In the first book of miniature decorative bird-carving patterns ever published, William Veasey presents intricately detailed designs for the novice carver. This concise practicable guide will help the amateur carver to develop the basic skills necessary to produce his own realistic miniature birds.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Cape Cod House
The small story-and-a-half Cape Cod house is America's most popular house style. From its origins on Cape Cod, Massachusetts in the seventeenth century, this charming and practical style of house has been transplanted and modified to accomodate varying life styles as far away as Hawaii. The Cape Cod House traces the history and explains why this house style turned out as it did and how it has changed over its 300-year life span. 143 pictures, 16 pages in color, and drawn plans show it in its various stages - from the tiny half Cape of long ago to the modern house with wings that may stretch to a total length of 100 feet and more. Stanley Schuler has brought together the architectural history of the Cape Cod House to be studied and enjoyed by all who live-in, restore, or want to build their own Cape Cod House.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Decoys of Maritime Canada
Decoys and their makers of the Canadian Maritime region can now be studied through the extensive research contained in this book. The region, including Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick, is actually the northern section of the Atlantic Flyway. Few of the many fine decoy carvers from these areas have been identified before, while the little information which has appeared often has been inaccurate. Maritime-Canadian decoys are available on the market and can be found in collections in the United States as well as Canada. Many of them are among the finest decoys made in North America.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cooking for the '80s
The 1980s and their new level of hustle and bustle have continued to redefine the way things are done in modern American kitchens. Cooking for the 1980s is one cookbook that can keep up with our busy lifestyles. Hundreds of marvelous recipes for foods that warm the soul as well as the body, presented with an emphasis on hearty foods that are healthy, warm, and filling. Information on family dinners, fast meals for working families, one-pot meals, do-ahead dinners, and elegant party dishes. All of the recipes are written in a unique way to make the directions especially easy to follow. Stopping points in the recipes as well as storage, reheating and freezing instructions are all italicized for instant recognition. Many hand drawings illustrate the cooking techniques described in the recipes.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Elegance of Old Silverplate
Silverplating by electricity spawned a new industry in America in 1847. By the 1880's, over forty firms centered largely around Meriden, Connecticut, produced ornate objects of silverplate which have become highly prized. Today these are studied and collected as representatives of an interesting period of American history. The designs drew heavily on nature and the articles are ornamented with flowers, twigs, nuts, birds, bees, butterflies, squirrels, cows, goats, dogs, lizards, fish, young boys and girls, fairies and cherubs. In this book, the forms of American silverplate are identified, illustrated and grouped together; ice pitchers, card receivers, tea sets, baskets, butter dishes, napkin rings, toilet stands, flatware, and specially commissioned pieces. Closely related pewter, glassware, and silver are discussed as they affect the silverplate industry.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Potters and Potteries of Chester County Pennsylvania
The Potters and Potteries of Chester County, Pennsylvania has been the bible of pottery research nationally, as it has inspired others to document pottery in other regions. A whole generation of students of pottery has learned from Doctor James' research. Today, there is even wider interest in American decorative arts and the local characteristics which distinguish regional styles. For this second generation of historians and collectors, this book is essential reading for it is not a survey, or a general essay, but rather the complete story of the potteries and their makers of Chester County. A tremendous amount of historical and genealogical information has been woven into the text. Doctor James' sense of humor takes the subject and makes it delightful reading. His local anecdotes carry the story along, such a welcome stylistic relief from the quagmire of dull information through which some historical books require the readers to wade.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Survey of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Architecture
Chester County is one of the three original counties formed in 1682 in southeastern Pennsylvania by William Penn under Charter signed by King Charles II. The greatest number of settlers after 1682 came from the British Isles, and so the architecture they created bears out their mostly British roots. This survey includes homes, barns, out buildings, and commercial properties built here from the county's 17th century beginnings through the 19th century. Thousands of original source documents were examined to build the text and factual lists contained here. Hundreds of overall and detail photographs and select plan drawings are included to illustrate a few of the buildings.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Antique Tool Collector's Guide to Value
Old tools to build a civilization are presented in 1485 line drawings in alphabetical order, with detailed descriptions and actual auction prices. Adzes, anvils, augers, ... vices and wrenches appear clearly for good recognition throughout this book. The popularity of old tools has made them competitive items and there is always something new to learn in the field.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Roseville In All Its Splendor
Roseville pottery has become a popular antique ware to collect, and with this guide the patterns can be identified, variations seen, and values estimated. The alphabetical organization is easy to use.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collectible Lanterns: A Price Guide
Lanterns shown here were designed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to light primarily homes, barns, railroad sidings, and maritime locations. The images shown were compiled from patent drawings from 1871 and 1872 as well as sales catalogs dating from 1894 to 1922. Today, many people collect and own lanterns without knowing their history. This book sheds light on their styles, manufacturers, variations, and value ranges on today's market.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Town-Country Old Tools: Locks, Keys & Closures with prices
All sorts of old hand tools included for farming, machine shops, woodworking, blacksmithing. Extensive groups of locks, keys, and closures. Many catalog pages with descriptions, sizes and original prices.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collectors Encyclopedia of Toys - Banks: Cast Iron, Tin Wind-up, Autos & More with prices
Antique toys and banks continue to fascinate people worldwide. Here are cherished old toys shown, described, dated and evaluated for today's market. Made of tin, cast iron and composition, they include wind-ups, boats, trains, trucks, horse-drawn styles and bell toys. 100 catalog pages have drawings, full descriptions and original prices.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 60 Patterns for Santa Carvers
For hopelessly addicted Santa carvers, this wonderful book will spur them to new heights and depths. Here are 60 of Al Streetman’s whimsical, humorous caricature patterns, bringing exciting new dimensions to Santa carving. Al takes the carver step-by-step through the carving of a Santa flying on a candy cane to deliver his goods. It is fun to carve and, from Al’s experience, is a good seller at carving shows. It offers a slight but not difficult challenge, and can be executed by novices and pros alike. The book provides some tips and tricks for head and hand carving. All in all, the perfect fix for the Santa craving.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Egg Heads
This book is the perfect start for anyone interested in learning how to carve detailed faces. Mary Finn uses her “practice stick” method to show you how to carve each feature - eyes, nose, closed mouth, open mouth - with step by step directions that even beginners will find easy to follow. Then she shows you how to arrange all of these pieces into one wooden egg to make a convincing head! This method has helped hundreds of Mary’s students, and is a sure-fire way to get started! “Egg head” projects included in this book are an old man, a pirate, and the Mad Hatter. Mary shows you how to adapt her carving techniques to flatter surfaces to make jewelry (like a bolo tie project) and how to paint your pieces for maximum impact. This book is terrific for beginners, and a great way for more advanced carvers to enlarge their skills.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Weapons and Equipment of the German Fallschirmtruppe 1941-1945
Shown are the weaponry, uniforms and other equipment of the German paratroops as used on all fronts throughout World War II.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 25 Leprechaun Patterns for Carvers
Leprechauns are some of the folk-lore creatures that have always fascinated the author. He claims that he once caught one, just long enough to sketch him for a carving. Now Al Streetman shares 25 of his leprechaun patterns with other carvers who may not have been so lucky. In addition he shares many of his tricks and carving secrets in clear photographs and captions. The methods he uses and teaches will give the reader some new insight into character carving techniques, and will make carving easier and more fun. After you get a few carved and painted, they will make a colorful addition to your carving collection. Leprechauns are also popular with buyers and collectors, which is a good feature if you plan to sell any of them.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chatty Cathy™ and Her Talking Friends: An Unauthorized Guide for Collectors
Chatty CathyTM and Her Talking Friends, an unauthorized history of Mattel talking dolls, documents the famous dolls that were the rage of the 1960s. When you pulled the string they talked! They're all here in this first book devoted entirely to talking dolls-Chatty Cathy, Chatty Baby, Beany Boy, Matty, and Barbie, to name just a few. Read along year by year as Sean Kettelkamp lets you see for yourself why these dolls were so popular. Over 240 color photographs illustrate the adorable dolls, their clothing, accessories, even the talking mechanisms. You'll have great fun looking back at the era of talking dolls. This comprehensive book includes a value guide, making it an indispensable addition to a doll collector's library.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Exotic Fish
Whether in the wild in warm tropical waters or in domestic waters of a home aquarium, the variety and beauty of exotic fish fill their observers with awe. Portraying that beauty in wood is one of the specialities of Margaret Streams, who shares her secrets with other carvers in this new book. Using a combination of power and traditional tools she shows, step-by-step, the techniques of carving, painting and mounting that have won her numerous prizes. The book explains the carving of three varieties: the Red Crane fish, the Fresh Water Angelfish, and the Long-Nosed Butterfly Fish. Each step is illustrated with a color photograph and a concise description of the technique involved. Patterns and background information are also included, as well as a gallery of other fish Margaret has carved. This is a great book for carvers of all levels, and presents a new and interesting area of endeavor.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Valentines With Values
Historic valentines are popular collectibles themselves and within many other types of collections including comic characters, paper items, international themes, nursery rhymes and topical themes. From hand-made to manufactured, from fancy and romantic to cute and funny, there are valentines for every personality. This book presents a wide range of styles with market values in the capitons. 600 photographs beautifully display the wide variety. It also contains a glossary.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Indian Jewelry on the Market
All of the beautiful American Indian jewelry shown in this book was actually for sale when the photographs were taken with the prices and ranges noted with each caption. Therefore, it will be useful to all enthusiasts of Indian arts, because it shows hundreds of pieces that are really available on today's marketplace. The 336 beautiful color photographs demonstrate the excellent craftsmanship in the jewelry and the text presents the variations of style to be exciting. Collectors, dealers, historians and travelers to the Southwest all will enjoy the concise and informative text and visual pleasure this book presents.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Service Station Collectibles
A variety of oil company-related items from small "give-aways" to hundreds of colorful oil cans, globes, and signs are presented here. The products of major national companies like Gulf and Texaco share space with many smaller and specialized products of marine, automotive, aviation, locomotive and small engine lubrication. The book has sections covering gasoline pumps, maps, badges, buttons, and signs for the refreshment sodas sold at the service stations. Over 500 color photographs present the graphics which make this area of advertising and packaging so entertaining. Current market values of the items are included with the captions.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Armored Trains of the Soviet Union 1917-1945
Shown are Soviet armored trains as used during the Russian Revolution, the Russian Civil War, and World War II.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd North American XB-70 Valkyrie: A Photo Chronicle
The North American XB-70 is one of the most unusual looking aircraft in aviation history, and only two were constructed. It was originally designed as a Mach 3 high-altitude bomber, but was later used as a research aircraft. This new book by John Campbell and Garry Pape gives a short, detailed history of the XB-70, including production, flight tests, and the fatal crash of Aircraft #2 in 1965. Aircraft #1 is now at the U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Fishermen and the Tall Tale
Cleve Taylor has traded chaps and spurs for a rod and reel with this new carving book. He captures the foibles and follies of fishermen in four basswood figures, and reveals the subtle secrets of facial expression. Clear instructions take the carver through each step of the project from the initial pattern layout to the final painting and mounting of the finished figure. Over 235 color photographs clearly illustrate the instructions. A photo gallery at the end of the book shows several fishermen caught in situations every fisherman will quickly recognize. This is a perfect book for the intermediate to advanced carver and an inspiring challenge to beginners.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jewel Tea: Sales and Houseware Collectibles
The housewares for every purpose-including the well-known Autumn Leaf Pattern dinner wares, the stories of the salesmen who delivered them, and the history of the Jewel Tea Company that sent them forth are explored in great detail in this fascinating book. Over five hundred color and historic black & white photographs accompany the text. Among the product lines explored are Jewel Tea dining services and all the accoutrements to set the perfect table, kitchen wares and cookbooks, household products recommended to furnish the new bride's home, sales items for men only, and toys for children which may stir fond memories of your own. The chapter on unusual sales and premium items found only in collectors' homes today will delight all who are interested in this major twentieth century firm.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Rainbow of Rhinestone Jewelry
Over 450 color photographs display thousands of signed and unsigned jewelry pieces arranged by color and designs. This book brings fact and practical advice to the joy of owning beautiful rhinestone jewelry. The repairing suggestions result from the author's experience caring for their own collections so that you, too, can learn to carefully clean, repair and store your jewelry. Current market values are with the captions.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Ron Ransom Carves An Amish Family: Plain and Simple
From the Amish country in Pennsylvania, Ron Ransom has been inspired to create patterns and carvings of an Amish family. Six patterns, clear instructions, and color photos guide you in carving a family in traditional Amish dress. Out of respect for their preferences, Ron has left the faces blank. Reflecting the Amish lifestyle, Ron’s tools, techniques and instructions are plain and simple. When the carvings are complete, painting and antiquing methods are demonstrated as well. A color photo gallery provides a last, close look at these charming basswood carvings. As with all of Ron Ransom’s books, the projects presented here will engage the beginner and provide solid bases upon which advanced carvers may add their own creative touches.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Comic Clocks
Time will fly when you open the pages of Carving Comic Clocks. In fact, you’ll find yourself whitt-ling away the hours carving Larry and Mike’s whimsical creations. The book features 10 clock patterns carved in the relief style from 3/4" wood. Larry’s step-by-step instructions illustrated with full-color photos will lead you through carving a delightful Dancing Clock, a noble Wood Spirit Clock, and a humorous Wood Worker Clock. Other patterns include a Sir Night Clock, a “Nice” Clock, a Cholesterol Alarm Clock, A Mantle Clock, Mr. Sunshine Clock, a Santa Clock, and a Grandfather Clock. The Wood Worker clock placed first in the most humorous clock category in the 1994 Klockkit, “Create a Clock” contest. A pictorial gallery is included.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving a Kid’s Size Rocking Horse
The most ambitious carving Tom has ever presented in a book, this may also be the most charming. Tom leads the carver step-by-step through the process of constructing and carving a “kid’s size” rocking horse. This is the perfect project for a Christmas present that will be cherished generation after generation. And even though it is ambitious, the instructions and illustrations will enable even the novice carver to complete a work of which they can be proud. The book covers every step from cutting the lumber through carving, assembling, and painting. Measured drawings are included as is a pattern for a smaller toy version of the rocking horse.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Creating Christmas Ornaments from Polymer Clay
Add the personal touch to your Christmas celebration with ten adorable, whimsical ornaments of your own making. Create Santa, two different reindeer, a snowman, penguin, gingerbread man, a gift-bearing polar bear, a Christmas pig, a bunny angel, and a puppy in a stocking. Bridget guides you through every step with clear descriptions and color photos. She uses four kinds of polymer clay for her creations (Fimo, Cernit, Sculpey, and ProMat) in beautiful colors so your projects won’t have to be painted. These are projects the whole family can enjoy together.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Rookwood Pottery: The Glaze Lines
The Rookwood pottery, founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, produced experimental decorated and commercial pottery from 1880 until 1967. This new book stands ahead of all other references by offering the most complete understanding of Rookwood products, and it places Rookwood's glaze lines in the context of the pottery's history. Author Anita Ellis conclusively explains the Decorated Wares, especially those made after 1915 which have always been problematic, and categorizes and defines the Commercial Ware for the first time. The book is unique in offering the most complete set of Rookwood pottery, potter and decorator marks; a thorough glossary of terms; and all the glaze lines. Over 200 beautiful color photographs of the elegant Rookwood pottery shapes illustrate the glaze lines. A values reference and charts of the talented decorators are included.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chennault's Forgotten Warriors: The Saga of the 308th Bomb Group in China
The 308th’s wide-ranging activities through nearly three years of bitter air warfare are described here by reknowned author C.V. Glines.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Retreat from Leningrad: Army Group North 1944/1945
Most histories of the northern sector of the Russian front concentrate on the siege of Leningrad, and focus little attention on the heavy fighting during the Wehrmacht's withdrawl into the Baltic countries. Retreat from Leningrad begins where those books end, with the massive January 1944 Soviet offensive which was designed not only to break the siege completely but also to destroy Army Group North. Enjoying huge superiorites in men and material, the Red Army attempted to crush two German armies which lacked more than a handful of tanks, contained a high percentage of unreliable foreign volunteers, and were hampered by Adolph Hitler's inflexable "no retreat" strategy. This untold story is recovered here in great detail, primarily as told by the German officers who served as commanders and chiefs of staff for Army Group North and its constituent armies. Their accounts were drafted soon after the war ended at the request of the United States Army, but have languished in poorly translated manuscripts until Professor Steven H. Newton re-translated, corrected, and annotated them, as well as providing subsatanial amounts of new material direct from the army group's operational records. The result is the most comprehensive and detailed operational study of sustained combat in the northern sector of the Russian front ever published in English. Dr Steven H. Newton is Associate Professor of History and Political Science at Delaware State University. Trained as a military historian, he received his Ph.D. fromn The College of William and Mary. His specalities include the German Army, Eastern from combat in World War II, and the American Civil War. Retreat from Lenigrad is his third book; he is also the author of German Battle Tactics on the Russian Front, 1941-1945(also available from Schiffer Publishing). Dr Newton is an active lecturer on Military topics, who has appeared in Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York. He also serves as a platoon sergeant in Army National Guard's "Stonewall Brigade"(1st Brigade, 29th Infantry Division[Light]).
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 1002 Salt and Pepper Shakers
This new volume focuses on nodder salt and pepper shakers with over 300 nodders as well as hundreds of early/discontinued Fitz and Floyd sets and Parkcraft sets, many of which have never before been shown in a book. All are shown in clear color photographs. This comprehensive guide includes for each set its identification, color, size, and design variations. A price guide is provided.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Caricature Heads & Faces
Caricatures demand the same skill and sense of proportion that realistic figures do. This is particularly true of carving heads, which can easily become grotesque looking if certain rules are not followed. With his years of carving, Pete LeClair has developed a sure-fire method for carving great caricature heads. Now he shares it with carvers around the country. He takes the reader step-by-step through the process of carving 33 projects, with each step illustrated with a color photograph and precise caption. A gallery showing the variety that can be achieved by following this method is included in the back.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Force Drawdown: A USAF Photo History 1988-1995
The end of the Cold War created a golden opportunity for reducing the defense burden and providing taxpayers with a "Peace Dividend." For the United States Air Force, this resulted over the past six years in drastic reductions: 23% in aircraft inventory, 30% in personnel, and 32% in the number of bases and other major installations. Well-known and long-serving aircraft, such as the A-7D/K, the B-52G, the F-4C/D/E, the F-111A/D, the FB-111A and the SR-71, have been withdrawn from active and reserve components, and some states, such as California, have lost nearly half of their Air Force bases. Illustrated with over 410 color photos, this new book provides a rich pictorial record of aircraft (including old and new markings) and units which no longer exist, and offers a visual chronicle of organizational changes between 1988-1995.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Noah’s Ark: Noah and Friends With the Animals of Africa
The sea-faring odyssey of Noah, his family, and the world’s animals collected two-by-two is well known to young and old. David Sabol brings the story to life with a series of lively and expressively carved and painted animals and characters. David introduces his readers to the use of the traditional carving and realistic coloring techniques which give his carvings a distinctive design, personality, and charm. Step-by-step techniques for carving Noah’s wife or one of several animals native to North America. The combination of clear explanation and color photos make each step easy to follow. Patterns include: Mrs. Noah, two turkeys, pumas, rabbits, foxes, raccoons, skunks, and opossums. This new book will provide hours of pleasure for all carvers from novice to professionals, giving them varied and exciting challenges and beautifully detailed results that will please them.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd American Dollhouses and Furniture From the 20th Century
This great reference features over 650 color photographs showing details of individual houses, several hundred pieces of furniture made of metal, wood, paper and plastic, and delightful full sets. Thoroughly researched information is provided for more than one hundred dollhouses, which date from 1900 to 1990 and range in size from the miniature Marx Newlywed model to the large Mego Walton Farmhouse. The biggest names in dollhouse manufacture are well represented -- from Bliss, Converse, and Schoenhut to Strombecker, Kilgore, Tootsietoy, Built-Rite, Renwal, Ideal, Plasco, Marx and many others. The book also includes a list of sources for securing dollhouses and furniture, addresses of publications in the field, and a comprehensive price guide.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Hopalong Cassidy: King Of The Cowboy Merchandiser
Roy Rogers may have been Republic's "King of the Cowboys," but he was lesser nobility when it came to licensed merchandise. The "King of the Cowboy Merchandisers" was Hopalong Cassidy. In the three and one-half year period beginning in late 1949 and ending after the 1952 Christmas season Hoppy rode so far ahead of the pack that his competition had to eat his dust. By early 1950s over a hundred manufacturers were producing Hopalong Cassidy licensed products. No matter where one turned, there was Hoppy. It was a Hopalong Cassidy era. Now Hoppy has found renewed interest among collectors. The support is multi-layered. Prices across the board are at record levels. Common pieces have doubled or tripled in value over the past five years. Scarcer pieces have risen ten times or more. This comprehensive new book by one America's foremost authorities on antiques in general, and Hoppy in particular, will introduce you to the various collecting categories within the wonderful world of Hoppy collectibles and allow you to cast your cares aside while leisurely strolling down nostalgia lane. Packed with useful information, it also has beautiful color photographs of most of the merchandise bearing the Hopalong Cassidy name. If you are old enough to have grown up with Hoppy, you will think "I owned one of those" or "I remember one of those." If you are not, you will be moved to say - "Wow! That's neat. I won't mind owning one."
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Wings Across the Pacific
Wings Across the Pacific tells the epic struggle of the generation of pilots who made the dream of crossing the Pacific, a reality. The feats of Lindbergh and others who crossed the Atlantic have been more celebrated. But the Pacific was to flying what Everest was to mountain climbing: the biggest, most implacable, most irresistible challenge on earth. To fly the Pacific meant aiming for tiny islands amid seventy million square miles of ocean, and the slightest mechanical failure - or error of judgment - could mean a watery grave. Amelia Earhart is only one of many who vanished into the Pacific without a trace.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Royal Copley: Identification and Price Guide
Originally sold in five-and-ten-cent stores during the 1940s and 1950s, expertly modeled and colorfully decorated Royal Copley figurines, banks, planters, and other items have become one of today's hottest ceramic collectibles. In this first new book on the subject in 10 years, Mike Schneider uses more than 500 color photos to present 875 pieces of Royal Copley, including many previously unknown examples that have never appeared in a book before. Estimated values, based on the current market, are included in the captions, along with measurements and information about marks. Also included is a brief history of the Spaulding China Company, the Sebring, Ohio, pottery that manufactured Royal Copley. Whether you are a collector, historian, or simply someone who would like to take a nostalgic stroll through the decorative accessories of your parents' or grandparents' homes, you will find this latest volume in Schneider's repertoire of books on mid-twentieth century pottery a pleasing and important addition to your library.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Heroes of Our Time: 239 Men of the Vietnam War Awarded the Medal of Honor • 1964-1972
Heroes of Our Time contains all 239 Medal of Honor citations such as this excerpt: ...His rifle ammunition expended, he seized two grenades and, in an act of unsurpassed heroism, charged toward the entrenched enemy weapon. Hit again in the leg, this time with a tracer round which set fire to his clothing, Sgt. Robinson ripped the burning clothing from his body and staggered indomitably through the enemy fire, now solely concentrated on him, to within grenade range of the enemy position. Sustaining two additional chest wounds, he marshalled his fleeting physical strength and hurled the two grenades, thus destroying the enemy position, as he fell dead upon the battlefield... Along with the citations are newspaper accounts of various battles. Heroes of Our Time is a look at the courage of American soldiers in Vietnam.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Invasion! They’re Coming!: The German Account of the D-Day Landings and the 80 Days’ Battle for France
On the 50th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy: a revised and updated edition of Paul Carell's great classic. June 6, 1944 - D-Day. The day when, after years of preparation, Germany's opponents in the west - the USA and England - began the second front, long demanded by Stalin to take pressure off the Red Army. What really happened on that day? Why was the German command reluctant to believe in an invasion at this hour and on this coastal sector? Where was the German counterattack? Why were the panzer divisions, which were ready for action, not allowed to strike? What was going on with the Luftwaffe? Carell answers these questions convincingly, factually and in his typically gripping style. Furthermore, in this new revised and expanded edition he has taken into account the most recent results of historical research, especially the successful allied deception effort achieved by agents, phoney radio transmissions and sophisticated disinformation operations, details of which have only recently been revealed, and which led to fateful false estimations by Hitler and the German generals. Paul Carell is also the author of the highly successful Foxes of the Desert; Hitler Moves East; Scorched Earth; Operation Barbarossa in Photography; and Stalingrad: the Defeat of the German 6th Army. He lives in Hamburg, Germany.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Bronzes: Sculptors & Founders 1800-1930
This is the second volume of the definitive reference series dealing with commercial bronze sculptures in the period 1800 to 1930. This period spans the rise and decline of commercial industrial foundries in Europe, especially in France, and a wide array of international sculptors. Together, they produced millions of fine statuettes for the general public. Volume 2 includes 1025 photographs of sculptures on 272 pages with a numbered list of the sculpture categories and an essay on early twentieth-century sculptural styles by Tom Tomc of Chicago. It incorporates lists of the sculptors whose work is shown, the founders represented, and 58 different founders' seals. The photographs are remarkably clear enabeling small details in the scuptures to be visible. With this reference series, collectors will be able to identify many of the old commercial bronzes found on the market today.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Bronzes: Sculptors & Founders 1800-1930
This is the third volume of the definitive reference series dealing with commercial bronze sculptures in the period 1800 to 1930. This period spans the rise and decline of commercial industrial foundries in Europe, especially in France, and a wide array of international sculptors. Together, they produced millions of fine statuettes for the general public. Volume 3 includes 1315 photographs of sculptures on 320 pages with information on the Hirsch Foundry of Paris and Brooklyn, New York. It incorporates lists of the sculptors whose work is shown, the founders represented, and 21 different founders' seals. The photographs are remarkably clear enabeling small details in the sculptures to be visible. With this reference series, collectors will be able to identify many of the old commercial bronzes found on the market today.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Cheetahs
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals. Their beautiful, sinuous bodies allow them to reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. Dale Power guides the novice and veteran carver through the process of capturing the beauty, speed and grace of these amazing animals in basswood with a combination of hand and power carving tools, wood burning equipment and paints. Step-by-step instructions, well illustrated with color photographs, simply and pleasurably guide the carver through each phase of the process. Details, including musculature, tear lines and tail rings, are included to give your cheetah a natural look. Patterns for three cheetahs walking, running and at rest are included. The gallery provides inspirational perspectives on the cheetah carved and several others to fire the imagination.