Search results for ""author cro"
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case of Merger Control v. Merger Deregulation
This book demystifies the dynamics of cross-border mergers and acquisitions; from the preliminary agreements and due diligence, to valuation, structuring, financing, and the eventual closing of the deal. It examines merger incentives and efficiencies, in theory and in empirical findings. The author adeptly identifies the impediments facing cross-border mergers and acquisitions and focuses on pre-merger control laws and regulations, particularly those of the US, EU, and Middle East. Consideration is also given to merger deregulation and other key reforming proposals. The book will be a useful resource for students and scholars with an interest in mergers and acquisitions, antitrust laws, and corporate history. Legal Professionals and those in related fields will gain a practical understanding of how to tailor their deals to overcome the unique impediments associated with cross-border transactions. Policy makers will also find the information and assessment criteria developed in the book to be a useful tool for evaluating and designing policy.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Mastery of Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking for Keratoconus & Other Disorders: For Patients and Physicians
Keratoconus is degeneration of the structure of the cornea. The cornea is the clear tissue covering the front of the eye. In keratoconus, the shape of the cornea slowly changes from round to conical (PubMed Health). In the early stages, keratoconus can be corrected with the use of lenses, but in the later stages, surgery is the only option. Holcomb C3-R® is a non-surgical technique that involves placing drops of the vitamin Riboflavin into the eye and using a UV light to activate them. The drops strengthen the fibres of the cornea and over time, preserve sight (American Keratoconus Association). This book is a concise guide to the technique of Holcomb C3-R® to treat keratoconus. Authored by the inventor of the procedure, Brian S Boxer Wachler, the text is based on his first hand clinical experience and explains the history and basic science of cross linking, the development and naming of the technique, its uses and complications, and first patient results. Key points Concise guide to technique of Holcomb C3-R® to treat keratoconus Authored by inventor of the technique and based on clinical experience Includes more than 60 full colour images and illustrations
The History Press Ltd Pearls Before Poppies: The True Story of the Red Cross Pearls
In February 1918, when the First World War was still being bitterly fought, prominent society member Lady Northcliffe conceived an idea to help raise funds for the British Red Cross. Using her husband’s newspapers, The Times and the Daily Mail, she ran a campaign to collect enough pearls to create a necklace, intending to raffle the piece to raise money. The campaign captured the public’s imagination. Over the next nine months nearly 4,000 pearls poured in from around the world. Pearls were donated in tribute to lost brothers, husbands and sons, and groups of women came together to contribute one pearl on behalf of their communities. Those donated ranged from priceless heirlooms –one had survived the sinking of the Titanic – to imperfect yet treasured trinkets. Working with Christie’s and the International Fundraising Committee of the British Red Cross, author Rachel Trethewey expertly weaves the touching story of a generation of women who gave what they had to aid the war effort and commemorate their losses.
Crossway Books Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation
Blessed, by bestselling author and speaker Nancy Guthrie, gives individuals and small groups a friendly, theologically reliable, and robust guide to understanding the book of Revelation.
Crossway Books Lessons from a Hospital Bed
Short and practical, this book by best-selling author John Piper encourages those struggling with illness to focus their attention on God and his grace through reflections on ten lessons he learned while in the hospital.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enamels, Crowns, Relics and Icons: Studies on Luxury Arts in Byzantium
This volume gathers together 17 articles published over the last 30 years, together with one appearing here for the first time. Their focus is primarily on enamel, the brilliant and colourful art form for which the Byzantines were famous throughout the medieval world, but sculpture and glyptics also figure. The author examines not only works which have retained the form in which they were first created, but others which have had their original Byzantine elements re-used, often by artists in the West. While most of the works featured here have been known to scholars before, one was unknown prior to its first publication in 2006.
De Gruyter Crowdfunding with Enhanced Reputation Monitoring Mechanism (Fame)
Crowdfunding is increasingly becoming a method of mobilizing project finance ventures, particularly in a sharing economy. Moreover, the element of risk sharing which is found in equity crowdfunding makes up the essence of Islamic finance. However, as with any type of risk-sharing contract, Islamic crowdfunding faces the problem of lack of trust and information asymmetry. The author employs a game theory approach to Islamic crowdfunding as a means to tackle the issue of information asymmetry through a "reputation mechanism" which is touted as one of the latest means of solving information asymmetry in web-based social networks. The primary objective of the reputation mechanism is to enable more efficient transactions in communities where cooperation is compromised by post-contractual opportunism or information asymmetry. The game theory approach in this study involves two different games: "without Fame" and "with Fame", and it is proposed that a "with Fame" crowdfunding game produces better results. The reputational mechanism in this research was also designed specifically to eliminate any potential moral hazards and minimize information asymmetry. In this study, "Fame" refers to the credibility of every individual within the crowdfunding system. Fame is a form of systematic, measurable and computable (implicit and explicit) reputation, which allows other members of the crowdfunding social network to better learn about the individual and their credibility.
Princeton University Press Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
Did Muslims and Jews in the Middle Ages cohabit in a peaceful "interfaith utopia"? Or were Jews under Muslim rule persecuted, much as they were in Christian lands? Rejecting both polemically charged ideas as myths, Mark Cohen offers a systematic comparison of Jewish life in medieval Islam and Christendom--and the first in-depth explanation of why medieval Islamic-Jewish relations, though not utopic, were less confrontational and violent than those between Christians and Jews in the West. Under Crescent and Cross has been translated into Turkish, Hebrew, German, Arabic, French, and Spanish, and its historic message continues to be relevant across continents and time. This updated edition, which contains an important new introduction and afterword by the author, serves as a great companion to the original.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bonhoeffer's Theology of the Cross: The Influence of Luther in "Act and Being"
Bonhoeffer's academic work is neglected in Bonhoeffer scholarship. In this study, J.I. de Keijzer aims to contribute to a better understanding of Bonhoeffer by examining the intellectual roots of his "Act and Being," a notoriously inaccessible book, but one crucially important for grasping Bonhoeffer's theology. The author begins with an examination of Bonhoeffer's dialogue with Barth to find out how both theologians interacted with Luther's "theologia crucis." The conclusion that Bonhoeffer deviates significantly from Barth's theological trajectory leads to another discussion in "Act and Being," this time with Heidegger. J.I. de Keijzer shows how Bonhoeffer borrows from Heidegger's ontology to articulate an alternative "theologia crucis" that is characterized by a greater fidelity to Luther and a theological method that brings Christology, epistemology, hermeneutics, ecclesiology, and ethics together.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competition in European Electricity Markets: A Cross-country Comparison
The issue of electricity reform has been on the agenda in Europe for a decade and remains a high priority for policymakers looking to the future. However, the performances of new electricity markets are still not clear and arouse significant controversy. This book focuses on the diversity of electricity reforms in Western Europe, drawing evidence from ten European Union memberstates plus Norway and Switzerland as associate members. The contributors analyse the various ways of introducing competition in the European electricity industries, and consider both the strategies of electricity companies and their behaviour in electricity marketplaces. They also offer an explanation of the differences of reforms by the institutions and the industrial structures of each country which shape the types of marketrules, industrial restructuring and public service regulations which have been adopted.As a whole, this volume will attract scholars, PhD and post-graduate students, notably those interested in energy economics, comparative institutional economics and applied industrial economics. European and non-European energy companies or regulatory authorities looking for an independent and analytical overview of European electricity markets will also find this book of great interest.
Interweave Press Inc Crochet Kaleidoscope: Shifting Shapes and Shades Across 100 Motifs
Stitch up a colorful kaleidoscope of crochet! Explore a lively twist on crocheted motifs as you shift through various shapes and color combinations. From the traditional granny square to more complex forms, these faceted motifs are the building blocks to creating unique and stunning designs. Crochet Kaleidoscope will help make your projects pop with the perfect mix of color in every stitch. Along with a collection of 100 fresh motifs, this book includes a complete guide to choosing yarn colors, what order to put them in, and how many to include. Plus, get five home decor and accessory patterns including a table runner, pillow, and rug from crochet designer and author Sandra Eng. You can shift shapes and shades to make the perfect piece for your home. Every turn of the crochet kaleidoscope allows you to get creative with color and apply your own unique personality to your crochet motifs.
Tuva Publishing Floral Folk Art in Cross Stitch
Inspired by floral folk art from all over the world, this book contains over 100 modern, bold designs and motifs. A range of designs that are suitable for all sewing abilities. The essence of this book is to keep it simple, fun, and easy to stitch. With that in mind most of the designs are sewn using only whole cross stitch, and back stitch is kept to a minimum. The patterns vary in sizes. From small quick stitch designs for tags, pincushions, key fobs, and cards, to larger, more involved designs for notebook covers, pictures, fire screens, or table cloths. Many of the designs can easily be used in multiple ways. A single small design or band could be used to edge a place mat, table cloth, towel, or curtain tie back, or you could combine several designs together to make a sampler. A stunning collection of patterns for both new and experienced stitchers alike. AUTHOR: Durene Jones was a graphic designer for more than a decade before giving it up to pursue her lifelong love of textile arts. Now she's been a needlework designer for 15 years and has had work published in magazines worldwide and has a successful Etsy shop where she sells needlework charts. She has produced a number of kits and books, including Cross Stitch: Welcome Baby and Cross Stitch: Floral Summer Days. She loves the challenge of a new design and feels fortunate to earn a living doing something that she has a true passion for.
New York University Press The Chinese Heroin Trade: Cross-Border Drug Trafficking in Southeast Asia and Beyond
In a country long associated with the trade in opiates, the Chinese government has for decades applied extreme measures to curtail the spread of illicit drugs, only to find that the problem has worsened. Burma is blamed as the major producer of illicit drugs and conduit for the entry of drugs into China. Which organizations are behind the heroin trade? What problems and prospects of drug control in the so-called “Golden Triangle” drug-trafficking region are faced by Chinese and Southeast Asian authorities? In The Chinese Heroin Trade, noted criminologists Ko-Lin Chin and Sheldon Zhangexamine the social organization of the trafficking of heroin from the Golden Triangle to China and the wholesale and retail distribution of the drug in China. Based on face-to-face interviews with hundreds of incarcerated drug traffickers, street-level drug dealers, users, and authorities, paired with extensive fieldwork in the border areas of Burma and China and several major urban centers in China and Southeast Asia, this volume reveals how the drug trade has evolved in the Golden Triangle since the late 1980s. Chin and Zhang also explore the marked characteristics of heroin traffickers; the relationship between drug use and sales in China; and how China compares to other international drug markets. The Chinese Heroin Trade is a fascinating, nuanced account of the world of high-risk drug trafficking in a tightly-controlled society.
Northwestern University Press The Crooked Mirror: Plays from a Modernist Russian Cabaret
An anthology of plays from the Crooked Mirror, the leading Russian cabaret of the Silver Age “Don’t blame the mirror if your mug is crooked!” Parody dominated early twentieth-century Russian cabaret, but the Crooked Mirror extended its lampooning to theatrical practice itself. Eclectic in its targets, the Saint Petersburg theater mocked not only naturalism but also symbolism, futurism, and “Meyerholditis.” Its shows parodied both the stale conventions of melodrama and opera and the stylized trends in staging, wielding satire to provoke artistic and social reform. Though the theater was liquidated in 1931, many of its innovations would become standard techniques in cabaret repertoires and improv revues. As a cultural phenomenon of the Silver Age, the Crooked Mirror deserves critical attention, yet it has received only fleeting mention in histories of Russian theater and biographies of its major figures. This anthology fills a critical gap in our understanding of that heady era by bringing together key plays—most appearing in English here for the first time—together with short biographies of their authors and robust commentary and annotations. Laurence Senelick guides readers through the artistic and ideological evolution of the Crooked Mirror and provides performers with the material to bring its innovations back to the stage.
Carpenter's Son Publishing Discipleship Style Coaching: Helping Others Cross the Secular-Sacred Divide
Assisting others in the process of leadership development comes in many forms. In recent years, coaching has continued to grow as a popular way to accomplish this, which has catalyzed the emergence of different models. What follows is the exploration of one such model that Dr. Breedlove terms discipleship style coaching (DSC). The DSC model is a distinctly Christian model of coaching that intentionally embraces the principles of Christian discipleship and blends them with the best coaching methodologies. This blending of coaching and discipleship is intended to help both professional and amateur Christian coaches as they seek to advance a culture of coaching in the many organizations in which they have influence. One of the most unique aspects of the DSC model is how it can help leaders at all levels cross the ever-increasing divide between the secular and the sacred in order to bring the principles of the kingdom of God into the places where Christians live, work, and play. Using both scholarly research and relevant examples, the author unpacks how the DSC model can be used to transform individuals, organizations, and ultimately whole communities.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Scala Christus est: Reassessing the Historical Context of Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross
Since the nineteenth century, scholars have debated the controversial relationships between humanism, the Renaissance and the Reformation. Challenging the dominant narrative on the subject, Giovanni Tortoriello reconstructs the debates that characterized the early Reformation movements. He shows that Martin Luther's theology of the cross developed in reaction to the irenic tendencies of the Renaissance. With the spread of Platonism, Hermeticism, and Kabbalah in the fifteenth century, the identity of Christianity shifted and the boundaries between the different religions thinned. In response to this attempt to minimize the differences among the various religions, Luther reiterated the centrality and uniqueness of the salvific event of the cross. Confessional biases and theological prejudices have obliterated the role that Platonism, Hermeticism, and Christian Kabbalah played in the early Reformation debates. The author reconstructs these controversies and situates Luther's theology of the cross in this historical context.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Cross Everything: A personal journey into the evolution of cancer
‘A moving, compelling and vital book, that sheds much needed light on the very latest understanding of cancer.’ - Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of The Emperor of All Maladies 'A gripping, heartbreaking, accessible personal journey through love and cancer' - Charles Graeber, New York Times bestselling author of The Breakthrough ‘Sensitive and informed. Essential reading for anyone supporting a loved one through cancer. Heartbreaking, emotional – and totally and utterly uplifting and hopeful.’ - Deborah James (@bowelbabe), writer and broadcaster 'May be the most heartbreaking medical memoir you'll read.' - Daily Mail ---- An extraordinary memoir that explores the further reaches of today’s cancer science – alongside a deeply tender story of loss, grief and love. When Henry Scowcroft’s partner Zarah was diagnosed with stage IV bladder cancer in her mid-thirties, their world fell apart. In order to cope with the upheaval as they endured scans, aggressive chemotherapy and hospital stays, Henry began writing down and sharing their experiences with friends and family. His day job as a writer for the charity Cancer Research UK helped him to explain everything he was learning from the coalface of cancer treatment – including Zarah’s diagnosis, and their rollercoaster journey through the health system. After Zarah’s untimely death Henry found some closure and comfort by trying to learn more about her cancer from scientific analysis of the test results and biopsies taken during her treatment, and enlisted a team of doctors and researchers to help him. Could he have done more? How did Zarah’s tumour develop? Could there be a legacy from her death that would help others diagnosed with cancer? This heart-wrenching memoir of love and loss is interspersed with Henry’s mission to understand the cancer that took his partner too soon.
Crossway Books New Morning Mercies
This devotional by best-selling author Paul David Tripp offers daily encouragement through 365 gospel-centered meditations aimed at helping readers trust God and rely on his grace each and every day.
Milkweed Editions If You Cross the River: A Novel
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2020 PEN TRANSLATION PRIZE From celebrated Belgian author Geneviève Damas, a modern fable about friendship, self-determination, and the power of words. Illiterate, isolated, and held at arm’s length by a bitter father, François Sorrente has spent his seventeen years within narrow confines. By day he tends the family farm’s pigs; by night he manages the household chores. Still, François can’t help but wonder about the wider world and his place in it. Who was his mother, who he remembers not at all? And why is the opposite shore of the river, where his beloved older sister disappeared many years ago, forbidden to him? Propelled by curiosity, François turns to the eclectic denizens of his town to help make sense of these mysteries. He begins reading lessons with a melancholy curé, falls into an affair with a village woman, and affectionately confides his secrets to a velvet-eared piglet named Hyménée. As François questions both his origins and the course of his life, he begins to unlock the true story of his mother and sister, and comes to reinvent himself. Exquisitely translated from the French by poet Jody Gladding, If You Cross the River is a magical debut.
Hachette Children's Group Six of Crows: Collector's Edition: Book 1
*The Grishaverse will be coming to Netflix soon with Shadow and Bone, an original series!*A glorious Collector's Edition of New York Times bestselling, epic fantasy novel, SIX OF CROWS. Beautifully designed, with an exclusive letter from the author and six stunning full-colour character portraits. This covetable hardback with red sprayed edges is a perfect gift for fans, and a perfect way to discover the unforgettable writing of Leigh Bardugo.Criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker is offered a chance at a deadly heist: break into the Ice Court - a military stronghold that has never been breached - and retrieve a hostage whose knowledge could change Grisha magic forever. To succeed would mean riches beyond his wildest dreams - but he can't pull it off alone . . .A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager.A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Together they might just be unstoppable - if they don't kill each other first.'Fast, thrilling heist fantasy, boasting a brilliant new cast of characters.' METRO'A full-throttle adventure . . . crackling dialogue and sumptuous description. Bardugo dives deep into this world.' - NEW YORK TIMES
John Wiley & Sons Inc Aphids on the World's Crops: An Identification and Information Guide
Fully revised and updated, this new edition of 'Aphid's on the World's Crops' is the only publication to provide non-specialist workers wherever they are in the world, with an identification guide and an information source on one of the main groups of agriculturally important insects. It incorporates: * The latest information on the biology and distribution of both major and minor aphid pest species covering 455 species in 130 genera. * 40 additional crops, bringing the total to almost 300 * More aphid species in the keys * Approximately 500 new references It features those aspects of the biology of aphids most relevant to their taxonomy and identification, followed by a crop-oriented illustrated identification guide. It also includes a comprehensive, systematic account of the genera and species of aphids inhabiting crop plants. Comprehensively written by leading authorities in the world, it includes user-friendly identification keys with many illustrations, a summary of the techniques available for studying aphids, a list of further information sources and a photographic guide to the 150 most economically important species. It will be a reliable and invaluable reference tool for economic, applied and agricultural entomologists at universities, research institutes and advisory centres throughout the world.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Women, Aging, and Art: A Crosscultural Anthology
The dry, wrinkled skin, crow’s feet and rheumy eyes of old women can be seen universally; yet the actual images and their meaning differ widely, and the very absence of these old women in certain settings also reveals both a discomfort with the aged and an ease in their invisibility. This is true in writing about art and often in the art itself. The physical markers of aging, even implications of death or the nearness of death, make many of these images of old women, haunting; in the 16th and 17th centuries, they become emblems of anger and avarice, though portraits of known elderly women are often created with a sense of awe, and in some cases, authority. This book provides a frank examination of old women, from medieval “old wives” to contemporary reimaginations of shamans and witches and empowering self-portraits. Works from medieval Europe to colonial-time Polynesia, present West Africa, Japan, and the Americas, in a multiplicity of media are explored. These studies of varied representations of “old women” offer fresh perspectives and a dialogue about society’s values and preconceptions regarding the “golden years” in different times and cultures. Images of old women may be the very opposite of what one considers the ideal, but this discussion makes these often overlooked images seem fresh and highlights their many positive associations.
Crossway Books The God Who Judges and Saves: A Theology of 2 Peter and Jude
In this addition to the New Testament Theology series, Matthew S. Harmon examines the unique themes of 2 Peter and Jude as well as their common ground, addressing topics such as false teaching, God’s authority, and the new heavens and the new earth.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Granny Square Kit: Everything You Need to Crochet Square by Square! Kit Includes: 32-page Project Book, 2 Colors of Yarn, Crochet Hook, Plastic Needle
Start crocheting your own colorful granny squares with this all-in-one kit—includes a project book, a hook, a needle, and two colors of yarn. Granny squares are to crochet what pieced squares are to quilting. Originating with pioneer women using up precious scraps of yarn to make blankets for their families, granny square patterns have been handed down from one generation to the next—and now’s your chance to take part in a little bit of that history. The Granny Square Kit offers crocheters of all skill levels more to love about granny squares. Author and designer Margaret Hubert shows you the amazing versatility and variety of this portable and convenient technique of crocheting square by square. Kit includes: 32-page project book Yarn (2 colors) Crochet hook Plastic needle With the fully illustrated project book, you’ll learn: Crochet basics like the single and double crochet and general techniques like slip knots, chain rings, and whipstitch seams Stitch instructions, with symbol diagrams or finished photos, for 12 unique squares such as the Classic Granny, the Dogwood Flower, the Butterfly Garden, and Sophia’s Star Guidance and ideas for designing your own granny square projects Just as Margaret learned from her grandmother and mother and then passed the skill down to her daughter and granddaughter, you will find new uses and artistic ways to interpret granny squares. This kit has everything you need to crochet granny squares and create beautiful projects with hooks and yarns.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Someone in Time: Tales of Time-Crossed Romance
Even time travel can’t unravel loveTime-travel is a way for writers to play with history and imagine different futures – for better, or worse.When romance is thrown into the mix, time-travel becomes a passionate tool, or heart-breaking weapon. A time agent in the 22nd century puts their whole mission at risk when they fall in love with the wrong person. No matter which part of history a man visits, he cannot not escape his ex. A woman is desperately in love with the time-space continuum, but it doesn’t love her back. As time passes and falls apart, a time-traveller must say goodbye to their soulmate.With stories from best-selling and award-winning authors such as Seanan McGuire, Alix E. Harrow and Nina Allan, this anthology gives a taste for the rich treasure trove of stories we can imagine with love, loss and reunion across time and space. Including stories by: Alix E. Harrow, Zen Cho, Seanan McGuire, Sarah Gailey, Jeffrey Ford, Nina Allan, Elizabeth Hand, Lavanya Lakshminarayan, Catherynne M. Valente, Sam J. Miller, Rowan Coleman, Margo Lanagan, Sameem Siddiqui, Theodora Goss, Carrie Vaughn, Ellen Klages
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Price and Markup Behaviour in Manufacturing: A Cross Country Study
Price and Markup Behaviour in Manufacturing examines the role that cost, competing domestic and foreign prices, domestic demand and market structure play in determining the price and markup of manufacturing firms across a range of countries and industries. Michael Olive models imperfectly competitive behaviour at the firm level, establishing logical relationships between these variables. Aggregating these relationships gives predictions for price and markup at the industry level.Empirical analysis is carried out by estimating a pricing equation for 11 industrialised countries in Asia, Europe and North America, and for 24 International Standard Industrial Classification industries from 1970 to 1991. The results exhibit a pattern of incomplete pass-through from competing foreign price into industry price and markups that are not fixed. The author illustrates that for higher levels of industry concentration cost becomes less influential in determining industry price, while the opposite is true for competing domestic and foreign prices. This comprehensive and thorough examination of the literature on pricing, the innovative model development and the comparative analysis in this study will be of great interest to government policymakers and academics wanting to keep abreast of new developments in the area of pricing and markup.
Crossway Books Gentle and Lowly Video Study
This supplemental video series featuresten 10-minute sessions of teaching from author Dane Ortlund. Produced in a DVD format and digital download, this teaching series is ideal for small groups to work through together or for personal study.
Workman Publishing Crossfire Hurricane: Inside Donald Trump's War on Justice and the FBI
CROSSFIRE HURRICANE DELIVERS THE DEFINITIVE HISTORY OF HOW WE GOT FROM 2016 TO TODAY, tracing the events that lead this country to a historic impeachment and beyond. “A must-read indictment of the ‘mob boss’ in the White House.” —The Guardian “An indispensable and riveting insider’s account of one of the most dramatic and controversial periods in the history of the FBI. Crossfire Hurricane is a must-read for all Americans.” —Daniel Silva, New York Times bestselling author “Campbell speaks both from the heart and experience. A dynamite read.” —Dan Rather, former anchor of CBS Evening News and bestselling author of What Unites Us It is January 6, 2017, two weeks before the inauguration. Only a handful of people know about the Steele dossier, and the nation is bitterly divided by the election results. As rumors begin to circulate that something might be brewing with the newly elected president and Russia, FBI special agent Josh Campbell joins the heads of the US intelligence community on a briefing visit to Trump Tower in New York City. He does not yet know that this meeting will eventually lead to the firing of his boss, James Comey, or that within weeks his former boss Robert Mueller will be appointed to investigate collusion and obstruction of justice at the highest level. He does not yet know that the FBI will come under years of sustained attacks from the commander in chief of the very nation its agents have sworn to protect. But, from his unique position within the FBI, he will watch it occur. In this gripping fly-on-the-wall narrative, Campbell takes readers behind the scenes of the earliest days of the Russia investigation—codename: Crossfire Hurricane—up to the present. Using both firsthand experience and reporting, he reveals fresh details about this tumultuous period; explains how the FBI goes about its work and its historic independence from partisan forces; and describes the increasing dismay inside the bureau as the president and his allies escalate their attacks on the agency. Appalled by Trump’s assault on the bureau’s credibility, Campbell left the FBI in 2018 to sound the alarm about unfair political attacks on the institutions that keep America safe. Smart, clear, passionate, Crossfire Hurricane will captivate readers struggling to make sense of a news cycle careening out of control.
Harvard University Press The Urban Whale: North Atlantic Right Whales at the Crossroads
In 1980 a group of scientists censusing marine mammals in the Bay of Fundy was astonished at the sight of 25 right whales. It was, one scientist later recalled, “like finding a brontosaurus in the backyard.” Until that time, scientists believed the North Atlantic right whale was extinct or nearly so. The sightings electrified the research community, spurring a quarter century of exploration, which is documented here.The authors present our current knowledge about the biology and plight of right whales, including their reproduction, feeding, genetics, and endocrinology, as well as fatal run-ins with ships and fishing gear. Employing individual identifications, acoustics, and population models, Scott Kraus, Rosalind Rolland, and their colleagues present a vivid history of this animal, from a once commercially hunted commodity to today’s life-threatening challenges of urban waters.Hunted for nearly a millennium, right whales are now being killed by the ocean commerce that supports our modern way of life. This book offers hope for the eventual salvation of this great whale.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships: A Toolkit for Empowering the Next Generation
Life-defining experiential learning opportunities, especially international ones, do not “just happen”: they are carefully and purposefully designed. Responding to the needs of institutions, businesses, and non-profits, Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships provides the critical know-how for designing, measuring, and assessing roles that can kickstart student growth and empowerment. Featuring the Sant’Anna Institute, an Italian educational organization that offers study abroad programs in partnership with American universities, as a core case study, chapters showcase lived experiences to identify the characteristics that make an undergraduate cross-cultural internship useful for the development of both the individual and the organization. Advising on logistical considerations such as renumeration, evaluation, and duration, as well as exploring the broader impact and effectiveness of such programs, the authors propose a toolkit for institutions and organizations to design and evaluate undergraduate internships with a global reach that is in line with new needs in the world of work. A breakthrough text for designing a complete and formative internship experience and for coaching students to consciously engage in intercultural environments, Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships provides a roadmap for crafting effective learning experiences that will shape the next generation of scholars, activists, and professionals.
Scribo Puzzles Publishing Limited Croeseiriau Cymraeg–Saesneg 1: Welsh-English Crosswords 1
Taylor & Francis Inc Sign Crossroads in Global Perspective: Semiotics and Responsibilities
Language is the species-specific human version of the animal system of communication. In contrast to non-human animals, language enables humans to invent a plurality of possible worlds; reflect upon signs; be responsible for our actions; gain conscious awareness of our inevitable mutual involvement in the network of life on this planet; and be responsibly involved in the destiny of the planet.The author looks at semiotics, the study of signs, symbols, and communication as developing sequentially rather than successively, more synchronically than diachronically. She discusses the contemporary phenomenon that people in today's society have witnessed and participated in, as part of the development of semiotics. Although there is a long history preceding semiotics, in a sense the field is, as a phenomenon, more "of our time" than of any time past. Its leading figures, whom Petrilli examines, belong to the twentieth and twenty-first century.Semiotics is associated with a capacity for listening. This capacity is also the condition for reconnecting to and recovering the ancient vocation of semiotics as that branch of medical science relating to the interpretation of signs or symptoms. The pragmatic aspect of global semiotics studies the impact of language or signs on those who use them, and looks for consequences in actual practice. In this respect, Petrilli theorizes that the task for semiotics in the era of globalization is nothing less than to take responsibility for life in its totality.
CABI Publishing Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops
Genetics has transformed plant pathology on two occasions: first when Mendelian genetics enabled the discovery that disease resistance was a heritable trait in plants, and secondly when Flor proposed the “gene-for-gene” hypothesis to explain his observations of plant-parasite interactions, based on his work on flax rust in North Dakota starting in the 1930s. Our knowledge of the genetics of disease resistance and host-pathogen coevolution is now entering a new phase as a result of the cloning of the first resistance genes. This book provides a broad review of recent developments in this important and expanding subject. Both agricultural and natural host-pathogen situations are addressed. While most of the book focuses on plant pathology, in the usual sense of the term embracing fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens, there is also consideration of parasitic plants and a chapter demonstrating lessons to be learnt from the mammalian immune system. Three overall themes are addressed: genetic analyses and utilization of resistance; population genetics; and cell biology and molecular genetics. Chapters are based on papers presented at the British Society for Plant Pathology Presidential meeting held in December 1995, but all have been revised and updated to mid-1996. Written by leading authorities from North America, Europe and Australia, the book represents an essential update for workers in plant genetics, breeding, biotechnology and pathology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers
'Cross Cultural Competence' serves as a comprehensive, practical, and workshop-based program that allows facilitators and organizational change agents to help organizations and people develop cross cultural skills and global competence. The book is grounded in the most rigorous and relevant theories, research, and learning methods and makes them easily accessible and fun to apply. Rich with exercises, case studies, survey instruments, and tools, it is based on the authors' extensive experience in delivering cross cultural training, coaching, and consulting in multiple languages to numerous organizations across the globe. The book may also be used by individuals who want to better understand the complexity of working and living in a cross cultural world or who want to improve their capabilities in cross cultural management. The book describes why individuals, organizations, and institutions need to develop global competence, proposes an original and holistic "Cross Cultural Competence Model," describes the business case for global competence, and provides all the concepts, knowledge, skills, and training tools needed to develop global competence in people and organizations.
Stories Untold LLC The Words of the Wandering Book III: The Crowns of Croswald Series
Three Rooms Press Japanthem: Countercultural Experiences, Cross-Cultural Remixes
“In this illuminating debut, Marshall offers an outsider’s look into Japanese culture via its music . . . Throughout, her sharp observations are interspersed with moving moments of introspection . . . This transportive work is a thrilling escape.” —Publishers Weekly Fulbright and mtvU sponsored scholar Jillian Marshall offers honest and often humorous vignettes that delve far beyond Western stereotypes of Japanese culture to portray a society’s deep relationship with music, and what it means to listen and understand as a cultural outsider. Following a decade of back-and-forth across the Pacific while researching her doctoral thesis in ethnomusicology, JAPANTHEM author Jillian Marshall reveals contemporary Japan through a prism of magic, serendipity, frustration, unique underground culture, learning life lessons the hard way, and an insatiable curiosity for the human spirit. The book’s twenty vignettes — including what it’s like to be subtly bullied by your Buddhist dance teacher, go to a secret rave in woods near Mt. Fuji, meet a pop star at a basement club while tipsy, and experience a nuclear disaster unfold by the minute — are based off first-hand experience, and illustrate music’s fascinating relationship to (Japanese) society with honesty, intelligence, and humor. JAPANTHEM offers a uniquely nuanced portrayal of life in the Land of the Rising Sun — while encouraging us to listen more deeply in (and to) Japan in the process.
Silkworm Books / Trasvin Publications LP The Ninth Panchen Lama (1883-1937): A Life at the Crossroads of Sino-Tibetan Relations
This biography of the Ninth Panchen Lama, the second highest spiritual authority in Tibetan Buddhism, offers new insights into the tumultuous history of the relations between China and Tibet at the start of the twentieth century. It demonstrates how the Panchen Lama's flight from his monastery on the night of December 22, 1923, remains an essential characterizing event of Tibet's modern history. His flight from his country set the stage for Chinese Republican, and later Communist, control over the selection of his successors, with repercussions even today for Sino-Tibetan relations. This is the first publication in an innovative new series of research work on Asia, a collaboration between the École Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and Silkworm Books to translate French publications for an English-language readership.
Crossway Books Luke: Stories of Mission and Mercy
This journey through the book of Luke includes 50 daily devotionals written by David Murray, author of The StoryChanger. Part of the StoryChanger Devotional series, this book features daily readings designed to help you learn, love, and live the Bible.
Manson Publishing Ltd A Colour Atlas of Diseases of Lettuce and Related Salad Crops
Following the worldwide success of Dr Blancard’s volumes on Tomato Diseases and Cucurbit Diseases, the author and his colleagues have produced a further indispensable tool for the diagnosis, understanding and control of parasitic and non-parasitic diseases of lettuce, chicory and endive.Section One (some 200 pages) contains practical analytical text and over 500 superb colour photos and colour diagrams, and includes systematic cross-referencing between similar-looking conditions, to help lead the reader to the correct diagnosis.Section Two (some 140 pages) consists of Factfiles describing the pathogenic organisms that affect the crops, their biological characteristics and appropriate methods of protection and control.This is an important and lasting resource for growers and crop consultants, for scientists, instructors and students in agriculture, agronomy, biology, horticulture, mycology and plant pathology, and for serious gardeners.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Exploring Cross-Scale Dynamics
The book presents governance with a particular focus on the social and spatial aspects of climate responsiveness and reads the practice of governance across different scales. It conceptualizes a framework of scale composed of three main categories including (i) scientific knowledge, (ii) plans and policies, and (iii) authorities of action. This framework presents ‘practice’ as the social context in which these three can interplay adaptively. Within this framework, the book presents case studies from Turkey, Italy, Ecuador, Chile and the UK, that reach meaningful planning and design solutions at national, city, and neighbourhood scales in the face of climate change. It offers implementation clues that are transferable to ever-increasing climate action around the globe. The book will be of interest to both professionals and scholars involved in urban design, urban planning and architecture, especially those in the field of climate responsive urbanism. It will also be a valuable resource for non-governmental organizations and social enterprises dealing with sustainability and climate change policies.
Crossway Books Reactivity: How the Gospel Transforms Our Actions and Reactions
Award-winning author Paul David Tripp instructs believers to view digital media and technology through the lens of the gospel and points them toward a biblical framework for communication.
Search Press Ltd Stripy Blankets to Crochet: 20 Gorgeous Designs with Easy Repeat Patterns
Nothing says ‘I love you’ quite like a handmade blanket, so grab your hook and discover the joy of crocheting stripes in this beautiful book by the author of the bestselling Mandalas to Crochet, Haafner Linssen. Inside, Haafner takes her readers on a journey into the world of crocheting stripes. These patterns are relaxing to create (taking readers into a state of what psychologists call 'flow') as they are pleasingly repetitive, can be worked up quickly and don't have lots of ends to sew in. The patterns for the 20 beautiful stripy blankets vary from simple designs that use only the most basic stitches – perfect for an absolute beginner – to more complex creations that use special stitches. Furthermore, each project comes with a written pattern, chart, colour advice and instructions for making it in a variety of sizes, ideal for making presents for little ones as well as your grown-up friends and family! You’ll also find all the basic crochet techniques clearly explained if you need to learn or refresh your crochet knowledge.
Guernica Editions,Canada Dervish at the Crossroads: A Soundquest Through the First Two Decades of the New Millennium
Dervish at the Crossroads isn't a music guide so much as an autobiographical exploration of the experience of music from 2000 to 2020, with commentary on what makes the experience of music during these two decades radically different from all that came before. As the title of the book implies, due to the unique conditions of our time we can no longer think of ourselves as points on a series of evolutions; we're now much more present to all of music, from the beginning of written and recorded music, all of which turns around us like spokes on a wheel. This grants us a unique vantage point from which to appreciate music in itself. The book alternates text with a comics and infographics detailing the history of the author's discoveries as a music journalist during this time, along with personal experiences and ruminations and interviews.
David & Charles Crochet Southwest Spirit: Over 20 Bohemian Patterns Inspired by the American Southwest
Crochet Southwest Spirit offers laid-back bohemian style inspired by natural landscapes that's a breath of fresh air for your crochet repertoire. You'll feel the freedom of the wide-open spaces and deep turquoise skies of the American southwest as you work this unique collection of patterns. Peaceful color palettes drawn from the mountains, mesas, valleys, deserts, rivers, and rock formations of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona bring a relaxed vibe to these beginner and intermediate patterns. Author Susan Kennedy of Pretty Peaceful Crochet is blessed by beautiful geography, living in the gorgeous San Juan mountains of southwest Colorado near Durango. She loves to make boho home décor inspired by the nature around her that is as practical and durable as it is beautiful. You'll find blankets, pillows, rugs, baskets, towels, wall hangings, wraps, and tote bags in this collection. Here, simple serape-style stripes are right at home next to intricate southwestern tapestry crochet patterns. Susan's love of math and geometry inspires her to make complex patterns as simple as possible to stitch. Patterns don't have to be complicated to be beautiful. Crochet Southwest Spirit makes the most of the meditative repetition and soothing rhythm of crochet for maximum crochet enjoyment and satisfaction. Many of the projects are perfect to crochet while unwinding over a weekend. The author holds the fiber arts traditions carried on by generations of Southern Ute, Ute Mountain, Diné Navajo, and Hopi families in the Four Corners area of the USA in great respect. The original projects in this book use natural cotton and wool fibers produced by indigenous artists and shepherds whenever possible to honor this history and promote a sustainable future for this land.
University of California Press Cross-Cultural Filmmaking: A Handbook for Making Documentary and Ethnographic Films and Videos
This extraordinary handbook was inspired by the distinctive concerns of anthropologists and others who film people in the field. The authors cover the practical, technical, and theoretical aspects of filming, from fundraising to exhibition, in lucid and complete detail--information never before assembled in one place. The first section discusses filmmaking styles and the assumptions that frequently hide unacknowledged behind them, as well as the practical and ethical issues involved in moving from fieldwork to filmmaking. The second section concisely and clearly explains the technical aspects, including how to select and use equipment, how to shoot film and video, and the reasons for choosing one or the other, and how to record sound. Finally, the third section outlines the entire process of filmmaking: preproduction, production, postproduction, and distribution. Filled with useful illustrations and covering documentary and ethnographic filmmaking of all kinds, Cross-Cultural Filmmaking will be as essential to the anthropologist or independent documentarian on location as to the student in the classroom.
WW Norton & Co He Calls Me By Lightning: The Life of Caliph Washington and the forgotten Saga of Jim Crow, Southern Justice, and the Death Penalty
Caliph Washington didn’t pull the trigger but, as Officer James "Cowboy" Clark lay dying, he had no choice but to turn on his heel and run. The year was 1957; Cowboy Clark was white, Caliph Washington was black, and this was the Jim Crow South. Widely lauded for its searing “insight into a history of America that can no longer be left unknown” (Washington Post), He Calls Me by Lightning is an “absorbing chronicle” (Ira Katznelson) of the forgotten life of Caliph Washington that becomes an historic portrait of racial injustice in the civil rights era. Washington, a black teenager from the vice-ridden city of Bessemer, Alabama, was wrongfully convicted of killing a white Alabama policeman in 1957 and sentenced to death. Through “meticulous research and vivid prose” (Patrick Phillips), S. Jonathan Bass reveals Washington’s Kafkaesque legal odyssey: he came within minutes of the electric chair nearly a dozen times and had his conviction overturned three times before finally being released in 1972. Devastating and essential, He Calls Me by Lightning demands that we take into account the thousands of lives cast away by the systemic racism of a “social order apparently unchanged even today” (David Levering Lewis).
Crossway Books Andrew Fuller: Holy Faith, Worthy Gospel, World Mission
Best-selling author John Piper puts the life of Andrew Fuller on display as inspriration for all Christians to devote themselves to knowing, guarding, and spreading the true gospel—to the ends of the earth.
Faber & Faber The Restless Kings: Henry II, His Sons and the Wars for the Plantagenet Crown
Longlisted for the HWA Non-Fiction Prize 2019'A vivid and humane study of the Plantagenets' diabolical and devious first family - a real joy to read.' Dan Jones, author of The PlantagenetsIn The Restless Kings Nick Barratt presents the tumultuous struggle for supremacy between the first Plantagenet king, Henry II, and his four sons. This conflict tore apart the most powerful family in Western Europe and shaped the future of both Britain and France, with a significance which still resonates today. Exploring the personalities and crises facing this extraordinary family, The Restless Kings brings to life some of the most remarkable, complex, flawed and brilliant monarchs ever to have sat on the English throne, and will challenge everything you thought you knew about the medieval world.