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Boydell & Brewer Ltd Manuscrits Francais de la Bibliotheque Parker [Les Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Actes du Colloque 24-27 Mars 1993
The scholarly quality of all of these contributions does justice to the richness of the entire collection. MODERN LANGUAGE REVIEW Articles examining aspects of the French manuscripts in the Parker Library. `This wide-ranging volume contains Philippe Ménard's study of the Proverbs in MS 450 - Elspeth Kennedy's contribution on the prose Lancelot in MS 45 -concentrating on how the manuscript gives evidence of a medieval tendencyto improve a romance text in terms of narrative consistency; Danielle Quéruel's essay on the Chronique d'un Ménestrel de Reims in MS 435 - Françoise Ferrand's discussion of the magnificent Apocalypse in MS 20, which she suggests maywell have been produced to commemorate the coronation of Edward III; René Stuip's brief survey of the mid-fifteenth-century Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre (MS 91) - Diana Tyson's examination of the five prose Brutmanuscripts,followed by a lengthy analysis by J.C. Thiolier of one of them, Thomas de Gray's Scalacronica(MS 133) with its interesting royalist slant on the murder of Thomas Becket; Jacques Beauroy's study of MSS 37and 301, examples of treatises on agricultural management - Fittingly, the editor's tail-piece is on fragments of French texts in the Parker Library - the volume is an interesting contribution.' FRENCH STUDIES NIGEL WILKINSis Librarian at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The contributors are: PHILIPPE MÉNARD, ELSPETH KENNEDY, DANIELLE QUÉRUEL, FRANÇOISE FERRAND, RENÉSTUIP, JEAN-CLAUDE THIOLIER, DIANA TYSON, JACQUES BEAUROY, NIGEL WILKINS
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Looking East in Winter: Contemporary Thought and the Eastern Christian Tradition
In many ways, we seem to be living in wintry times at present in the Western world. In this new book, Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury and a noted scholar of Eastern Christianity, introduces us to some aspects and personalities of the Orthodox Christian world, from the desert contemplatives of the fourth century to philosophers, novelists and activists of the modern era, that suggest where we might look for fresh light and warmth. He shows how this rich and diverse world opens up new ways of thinking about spirit and body, prayer and action, worship and social transformation, which go beyond the polarisations we take for granted. Taking in the world of the great spiritual anthology, the Philokalia, and the explorations of Russian thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, discussing the witness of figures like Maria Skobtsova, murdered in a German concentration camp for her defence of Jewish refugees, and the challenging theologies of modern Greek thinkers like John Zizioulas and Christos Yannaras, Rowan Williams opens the door to a ‘climate and landscape of our humanity that can indeed be warmed and transfigured’. This is an original and illuminating vision of a Christian world still none too familiar to Western believers and even to students of theology, showing how the deep-rooted themes of Eastern Christian thought can prompt new perspectives on our contemporary crises of imagination and hope.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Story of Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Floris Books The Three Years: The Life of Christ Between Baptism and Ascension
How can a scientifically-minded person approach the healings and miracles of the Gospels, including such events as the raising of Lazarus and the Resurrection itself? Emil Bock rediscovers the works of Christ without minimizing the difficulties. He brings together historical records and the geographical background of the Gospels, all the while keeping sight of their spiritual wisdom.Bock considers the Gospel of John to give the most precise record of the events of Christ's three year ministry, as well as being the Gospel with the deepest esoteric significance. This profound study reveals a new understanding of Jesus' incarnation on earth.
Baker Publishing Group That None Should Perish – How to Reach Entire Cities for Christ Through Prayer Evangelism
Ed Silvoso weaves together the solid biblical basis and practical outworking of how to reach entire cities for Christ. He presents a working model for reaching each city through his own personal battle scars and triumphant victories. Every believer will be challenged and equipped for leading seekers into the kingdom of God.
Crossway Books The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters
Helping Christians walk the line between legalism on the one hand and antinomianism on the other, this book looks to a 300-year-old controversy to shed valuable light on the law, the gospel, sanctification, and more.
Zondervan Church History, Volume One: From Christ to the Pre-Reformation: The Rise and Growth of the Church in Its Cultural, Intellectual, and Political Context
Church History, Volume One offers a unique contextual view of how the Christian church spread and grew from its development in the days of Jesus to the years leading up to the Reformation. Looking closely at the integral link between the history of the world and that of the church, Church History paints a portrait of God's people within its setting of times, cultures, and events that both influenced and were influenced by the church.FEATURES: Maps, charts, and illustrations spanning the time from the first through the thirteenth centuries. Overviews of the Roman, Greek, and Jewish worlds and how they developed or declined. Insights into the church's relationship to the Roman Empire, with glimpses into pagan attitudes toward Christians. Explanations of the role of art, architecture, literature, and philosophy—both sacred and secular—in the Church. Details on the major theological controversies of the periods. Each chapter also contains callout passages from Scripture to assist in understanding the narrative of the Church, even to the present day, as part of the greater narrative of the Bible.AUTHOR'S PERSPECTIVE:Scholar and writer Everett Ferguson wrote this history of the church from the perspective that such a history is the story of the greatest movement and community the world has known. It's a human story of a divinely called people who wanted to live by a divine revelation. It's a story of how they succeeded and how they failed or fell short of their calling.From the Apostle Paul to the apologists and martyrs of the second century to Martin Luther, the historical figures detailed are people who have struggled with the meaning of the greatest event in history—the coming of the Son of God—and with their role in that event and in the lives of God's people.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Passionspredigt im 16. Jahrhundert: Das Leiden und Sterben Jesu Christi in den Postillen Martin Luthers, der Wittenberger Tradition und altgläubiger Prediger
Die Passion Jesu Christi gehört zu den wichtigsten Themen der Theologie und Frömmigkeit des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. In einer breit angelegten Studie geht Jonathan Reinert diesem zentralen Thema des christlichen Glaubens in volkssprachlichen Postillen des 16. Jahrhunderts nach. Er analysiert die Predigten Martin Luthers und weiterer vierzehn Autoren sowohl lutherischer als auch altgläubiger Provenienz über einen Zeitraum von 60 Jahren seit Beginn der Reformation. Dadurch kann er die eindrückliche Prägekraft von Luthers frühem Sermon von der Betrachtung des heiligen Leidens Christi (1519) für die Tradition der Wittenberger Reformation und darüber hinaus aufweisen, die Kernelemente lutherischer Passionspredigt herausarbeiten und eine überraschende Geschichte von Wechselwirkungen zwischen den entstehenden Konfessionen zutage fördern.
Skyhorse Publishing Dare to Love Your Husband Well: A 90-Day Devotional for Christ-Centered Wives
What does it look like to love your husband well, according to the Bible? It doesn’t mean being a “perfect” wife. After all, if we were perfect, we wouldn’t need Jesus! And it doesn’t mean living up to every single one of your husband’s expectations—nowhere in the Bible will you find a command to give up who God created you to be in favor of who your husband wants you to be. So what does it mean? Dare to Love Your Husband Well is an interactive devotional and journal designed to lead you to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God and with your husband. Each day includes a Bible verse, a short prayer, a journaling prompt and space for meditative writing, and a dare. That’s right, a dare! Because getting to a place of deeper intimacy can be scary—it requires vulnerability and risk taking, and probably some tough soul searching. What are the blocks keeping you from the kind of marriage God designed? Are there idols in your life that you need to lay down in order to make room for the blessings God has in store for you? Or maybe you have a vague sense of dissatisfaction that you’ve never taken the time to define, never mind figure out what to do about it. Sometimes loving your husband well means telling him what you need. Are you afraid to speak out loud what you really want from your partner and best friend? With Dare to Love Your Husband Well, you will be challenged to pray for your husband, to recognize his strengths, to voice your desires, to discover his unique needs, and to experience the kind of intimacy God intends for your marriage.
Trust the Word Press When Christ Shall Come: Vital Discernment for End Times, Preterism, and Our Blessed Hope
HarperChristian Resources Hidden Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Finding Delight in Your Life with Christ
Discover the gift found in a life that doesn't seek to be seen.In a world where excellence is equated to exposure, and legacy is equated to social media likes, what does it mean to embrace a hidden life?What does it look like to exchange: Performance culture for unconditional love? Visibility for inherent value? Earthly accolades for heavenly reward? Enslavement to people-pleasing for freedom in Christ? Hiding from life for being hidden in God? In Scripture, Jesus presents us an astoundingly countercultural way of existing—one without the pressure to perform or make a platform. The life Jesus offers us is focused on him. Simply and surely. Living a concealed life, whether known by many or by none, is about resetting our motivations and focus.In this video Bible study (streaming code included), you'll learn from the stories of multiple concealed characters in the Bible including the Sons of Korah, Cleopas, Huldah, the Daughters of Shallum, Pilate’s Wife, and Gideon. Join Allison Allen as she explores the power, purpose, and delight of hiddenness in Christ.This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including: Biblical context and character history lessons Group discussion questions Individual access to six streaming video lessons from Allison Personal Bible study between sessions for reflection and application
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Friedrich Weissler: Ein Jurist Und Bekennender Christ Im Widerstand Gegen Hitler
Rose Publishing (CA) Christ in the Old Testament Pamphlet Types and Illustrations of Jesus
Zondervan Academic Church History Volume One Video Lectures From Christ to the PreReformation
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus [Large Print]
Arc Humanities Press Christ on a Donkey – Palm Sunday, Triumphal Entries, and Blasphemous Pageants
Christian World Imprints Exploring Socio-Cultural Aspects of Pauline Ecclesiology :: A Study of Paul's Term "in Christ"
Baker Publishing Group Victory Over the Darkness Study Guide – Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32 niv). It's Jesus's promise to you--the promise that you will live triumphantly. But what keeps you from really walking in the joy of the Lord? The powers of darkness attack us daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson shows in Victory Over the Darkness, you can have the power to conquer them by knowing who you are in Christ. In this book, you will learn how to · realize the power of your identity in Christ · find freedom from the burdens of your past · stand against the spiritual forces of this world · win the battle for your mind · become the victorious person you want to be · discover the truth about God's view of you Victory Over the Darkness spells out practical ways to experience Christian growth based on Christ's promise. Learn to apply the truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew your mind and become the person Christ empowers you to be. Study guide and DVD also available.
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) The Centrality of Christ in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance
Columbia University Press Christ Without Adam: Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers' Paul
The apostle Paul deals extensively with gender, embodiment, and desire in his authentic letters, yet many of the contemporary philosophers interested in his work downplay these aspects of his thought. Christ Without Adam is the first book to examine the role of gender and sexuality in the turn to the apostle Paul in recent Continental philosophy. It builds a constructive proposal for embodied Christian theological anthropology in conversation with-and in contrast to-the "Paulinisms" of Stanislas Breton, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Zizek. Paul's letters bequeathed a crucial anthropological aporia to the history of Christian thought, insofar as the apostle sought to situate embodied human beings typologically with reference to Adam and Christ, but failed to work out the place of sexual difference within this classification. As a result, the space between Adam and Christ has functioned historically as a conceptual and temporal interval in which Christian anthropology poses and re-poses theological dilemmas of embodied difference. This study follows the ways in which the appropriations of Paul by Breton, Badiou, and Zizek have either sidestepped or collapsed this interval, a crucial component in their articulations of a universal Pauline subject. As a result, sexual difference fails to materialize in their readings as a problem with any explicit force. Against these readings, Dunning asserts the importance of the Pauline Adam-Christ typology, not as a straightforward resource but as a witness to a certain necessary failure-the failure of the Christian tradition to resolve embodied difference without remainder. This failure, he argues, is constructive in that it reveals the instability of sexual difference, both masculine and feminine, within an anthropological paradigm that claims to be universal yet is still predicated on male bodies.
Columbia University Press Christ Without Adam: Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers' Paul
The apostle Paul deals extensively with gender, embodiment, and desire in his authentic letters, yet many of the contemporary philosophers interested in his work downplay these aspects of his thought. Christ Without Adam is the first book to examine the role of gender and sexuality in the turn to the apostle Paul in recent Continental philosophy. It builds a constructive proposal for embodied Christian theological anthropology in conversation with-and in contrast to-the "Paulinisms" of Stanislas Breton, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Zizek. Paul's letters bequeathed a crucial anthropological aporia to the history of Christian thought, insofar as the apostle sought to situate embodied human beings typologically with reference to Adam and Christ, but failed to work out the place of sexual difference within this classification. As a result, the space between Adam and Christ has functioned historically as a conceptual and temporal interval in which Christian anthropology poses and re-poses theological dilemmas of embodied difference. This study follows the ways in which the appropriations of Paul by Breton, Badiou, and Zizek have either sidestepped or collapsed this interval, a crucial component in their articulations of a universal Pauline subject. As a result, sexual difference fails to materialize in their readings as a problem with any explicit force. Against these readings, Dunning asserts the importance of the Pauline Adam-Christ typology, not as a straightforward resource but as a witness to a certain necessary failure-the failure of the Christian tradition to resolve embodied difference without remainder. This failure, he argues, is constructive in that it reveals the instability of sexual difference, both masculine and feminine, within an anthropological paradigm that claims to be universal yet is still predicated on male bodies.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Selfless Way of Christ: Downward Mobility and the Spiritual Life
In The Selfless Way of Christ, Henri Nouwen explores selflessness, vocation, and how downward mobility is a key to the spiritual path. Downward mobility, says Nouwen, is the way of Christ, and we are constantly tempted away from it by the lures of success, of power, of being needed and important. Originally serialised in the magazine Sojourners, Nouwen wrote the articles that comprise this book during his years as a professor at Yale Divinity School. There he enjoyed academic success and found fame as a spiritual writer, but was struggling to find his true vocation. Here he seeks to explain for himself and his readers how choosing the downwardly mobile path can, conversely, be the means of growth and new life in Christ.
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