Search results for ""Author Anna""
Independently Published Discovering the Beauty of Zigzag Techniques in Bobbin Lace Crafting
Independently Published Coin and Cryptocurrencies Magazine
Edition Raetia Das Beste aus Südtirols Dorfkochbüchern
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Elizabeth Jennings and the Sacramental Nature of Poetry
This book is an extensive monographic study of Elizabeth Jennings (1926-2001), one of the most remarkable poetic voices in England in the second half of the twentieth century. Briefly linked with the poets of "The Movement" in the 1950s, Jennings soon gained her poetic independence and high esteem on the English literary scene. Primarily a prolific lyricist and religious poet, she also published critical prose bespeaking her fascination with the potential of poetry and its capacity to reach out toward transcendence. The monograph takes into consideration a substantial body of Jennings’s poems in the attempt to relate them to the poet’s Christian beliefs and her profound spiritual experience. It shows how in Jennings’s life and creative output the credo of her faith is interwoven with the ars poetica of her craft. The analysis calls attention to Jennings’s emphasis on the intrinsic link between poetry and mysticism and her deep-seated conviction of the unique power of poetic language. The book discusses religious inspiration in Jennings’s poems and explores her perception of the words of poetry as inextricably linked with the divine word and viewed in the perspective of the Roman Catholic notion of sacrament. Sacramental awareness is not only seen as a conspicuous property of Elizabeth Jennings’s religious profile and an attribute of her thinking, but it is also adopted as the principal and indispensable frame of reference for the analytical and critical discourse presented in the book.
Edizioni Sapienza Qualità una dimensione interdisciplinare
Edizioni Sapienza Politiche conservazione e promozione
Verlag Unser Wissen Richtlinien Erhaltung und Förderung
Edizioni Sapienza Stato giuridico dei gestori di patrimoni del settore della difesa
Edizioni Sapienza Il romanzo di introspezione in Brasile
Editions Notre Savoir Le roman dintrospection au Brésil
mandelbaum verlag eG Über Dorothea Zeemann
novum premium Im Garten der australischen Buschblüten
Helbling Verlag GmbH Black Beauty CD NE
Saga Egmont Bücher Der Schlüssel zum Mord
Verlag Kettler Karl Ganser
Gerth Medien GmbH Ein 1033 Leben
NOVA MD Küsse unterm Silberfarn
NOVA MD Mollys wundersame Reise
NOVA MD Molly Architektin des Lebens
KVC Verlag Natürlich herzgesund
moses. Verlag GmbH Der Himmel am Tag und in der Nacht
Jacoby & Stuart Wo steckt Bastet Das Suchbuch der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
Verlagshaus Schlosser Birger A Verborgene Vergangenheit
Christian Verlag GmbH Brighton. The Vegan Capital
Spectormag GbR Sunah Choi
managerSeminare Verl.GmbH Komplexitätstrainings für Führende erfolgreich leiten
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Weshalb die Herren Seesterne tragen
kunstanstifter GmbH Salzige Milch
kunstanstifter GmbH Wolkentiere und Quadrat
Poetenladen Literaturverl rabensingen
Edition Pastorplatz Stimmt das
Böhland & Schremmer Geister im Computerfieber
Fidibus Verlag belkeit in der Schwangerschaft Hyperemesis Gravidarum
edition Fototapeta recherche HAUSHOFER Annherung an den Autor der Moabiter Sonette
TAZ Verlags-& Vertriebsg. Frankreich
wortweit-Verlag Luzies Märchen
Silberburg Verlag Hilf dir selbst dann hilft dir Gott Mein Leben als Magd und Buerin
DOM Publishers Norway: Architectural Guide
The Architectural Guide Norway showcases 150 architectural objects realized in Norway in the period from 2000 to 2020. The geography of the buildings covers both the largest and most visited cities of the country – Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger – and objects of the so-called Norwegian Scenic Routes, one of the most important infrastructure project to promote the breathtaking nature and its architecture. Anna Martovitskaya’s selection of projects demonstrates a wide range of artistic techniques, typologies and scales, but these are not only united by the country of origin, but also by their diversity. A much more important factor of unity is the approach of Norwegian architects to the challenges they face. No matter whether it is an everyday task (e. g. a pedestrian bridge, a viewing platform or a pavilion), a large office complex or a large urban development project, the focus is always on people and their relationship to nature. While today many voices loudly promote the need to conserve resources, Norway consistently implements the principle of environmental protection, not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also by making the buildings themselves and the developed areas the epitome of human rationality and environmental friendliness.
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Yoga Hausapotheke
Via Nova, Verlag Awakened Mind Training Ein HirnwellenTrainingsprogramm Ein Praxisbuch fr Kreativitt Gesundheit und Erfolg
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Hundefotografie Die besten Tipps fr das perfekte Hundefoto
Voland & Quist Sommernachtsreigen
Rotpunktverlag Rosa Buch
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