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John Wiley & Sons Inc The Portable MBA in Investment
The Portable MBA in Investment Edited by Peter L. Bernstein a state-of-the-art program in investment principles andapplications from top-flight professionals "Peter Bernstein and his Dream Team tackle the entire investmentspectrum--from soup to nuts--and emerge triumphant. Must readingfor all investors--even those who already have their MBAs." --JackR. Meyer, President and CEO Harvard Management Company, Inc. "This book provides a treasure chest for the serious student ofinvestment." --William Reichenstein, Power Chair in InvestmentManagement Baylor University "This is an indispensable resource for anyone who is serious aboutinvesting. The lucid and insightful contributions by highlyrespected experts successfully blend theory with practice."--Claude Erb, Managing Editor First Chicago Investment ManagementCompany "Peter Bernstein has uniquely facilitated a revolution ininvestment thinking and practice over the last several decades.Students of investing everywhere are fortunate to have such auseful guide to some of the best practices in use today by theprofessional investment industry." --Patricia C. Dunn, ManagingDirector and CEO Defined Benefit Group "This book is an excellent addition to the investment bookshelf.It's long on substance, as readers of Peter Bernstein have come toexpect of his work." --Charles Froland, Managing Director StanfordInvestment Management Company Once upon a time, Wall Street lived off nice little homilies like"buy low and sell high" and "don't put all your eggs in onebasket." But investors can no longer depend on such well-wornproverbs. Today, the winners on Wall Street employ a body of theory thattransforms logic, psychology, and statistical sophistication into apowerful package of systematic principles for successful investing.This body of theory is the investor's survival kit in a financialworld flooded with information, novel strategies, and dazzlingfinancial instruments. The Portable MBA in Investment is a comprehensive guide toinvesting in today's world of finance, with emphasis on convertingtheoretical concepts into profitable applications. Edited by PeterL. Bernstein, one of the most knowledgeable and respected names infinance, The Portable MBA in Investment is ideal for seriousinvestors, people with fiduciary responsibilities, businessmanagers, professionals, and students pursuing investmentcareers. The book brings together an all-star team of experienced investmentprofessionals and leading academics. Their lucid and authoritativecontributions explain the state-of-the-art approach to everythingfrom setting objectives and choosing strategies to assetallocation, valuation, risk management, tax considerations, andperformance measurement. In his introduction, Peter Bernstein states, "The essence ofinvestment theory is that being smart is not a sufficient conditionfor being rich. This book is about the missing ingredients." ThePortable MBA in Investment enables you to experience top-levelinstruction on investment principles at your own pace--without thetime and expense of an MBA program. OTHER SERIES TITLES: The New Portable MBA The Portable MBA in Marketing The Portable MBA in Finance and Accounting The Portable MBA in Management The Portable MBA Desk Reference The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship
Archaeopress Coton Park, Rugby, Warwickshire: A Middle Iron Age Settlement with Copper Alloy Casting
A total area of 3.1ha, taking in much of a settlement largely of the earlier Middle Iron Age (c.450 to c.150BC), was excavated in 1998 in advance of development. Two small pit groups, radiocarbon dated to the Middle Bronze Age, produced a bronze dagger and a small pottery assemblage. The Iron Age settlement comprised several groups of roundhouse ring ditches and associated small enclosures forming an open settlement set alongside a linear boundary ditch. Its origin lay in the 5th century BC with a single small roundhouse group. Through the 4th and 3rd centuries BC the settlement expanded with the original structures replaced by a principal roundhouse group accompanied by at least a further two groups of roundhouses and enclosures and minor outlying structures. A group of structures and enclosures set apart from the main domestic area was the focus for copper alloy casting, producing an assemblage of crucibles and fragments from investment moulds for the production of horse fittings, as well as bone, antler and horn working debris. The site also produced good assemblages of pottery and animal bone, an assemblage of saddle querns and a potin coin. The settlement had been abandoned by the middle of the 2nd century BC, although the main boundary ditch survived at least as an earthwork. By the early 1st century AD a series of ditched enclosures were created to the north of the boundary ditch, perhaps a small ladder settlement, which fell out of use soon after the Roman conquest. One enclosure contained two small roundhouses and other curvilinear gullies may have formed animal pens in the corners of two enclosures. This final phase is dated by some Late Iron Age pottery, an Iron Age and a Roman rotary quern, and a small quantity of Roman roof tile. The discussion considers the physical, social and economic structure of the settlement. The distribution of finds around the ring ditches is examined as well as the size of enclosed roundhouses. There is an overview of the Iron Age roundhouse in the Midlands, using well preserved sites as exemplars for the range of evidence that can survive. A typology and chronology for Iron Age pottery is provided, and the date of introduction of the rotary quern is discussed, and the consequent effect on the size of storage jars is examined. Middle Bronze Age pits and a small cremation cemetery, and Late Iron Age to early Roman settlement on the site of the nearby deserted medieval village of Coton are also described. With contributions by Trevor Anderson, Paul Blinkhorn, Pat Chapman, Steve Critchley, Karen Deighton, Tora Hylton, Dennis Jackson, Ivan Mack, Anthony Maull, Gerry McDonnell, Matthew Ponting and Jane Timby. Illustrations by Andy Chapman, Pat Walsh and Mark Roughley.
WW Norton & Co One Nation Under Gold: How One Precious Metal Has Dominated the American Imagination for Four Centuries
Worshipped by Tea Party politicians but loathed by sane economists, gold has historically influenced American monetary policy and has exerted an often outsized influence on the national psyche for centuries. Now, acclaimed business writer James Ledbetter explores the tumultuous history and larger-than-life personalities—from George Washington to Richard Nixon—behind America’s volatile relationship to this hallowed metal and investigates what this enduring obsession reveals about the American identity. Exhaustively researched and expertly woven, One Nation Under Gold begins with the nation’s founding in the 1770s, when the new republic erupted with bitter debates over the implementation of paper currency in lieu of metal coins. Concerned that the colonies’ thirteen separate currencies would only lead to confusion and chaos, some Founding Fathers believed that a national currency would not only unify the fledgling nation but provide a perfect solution for a country that was believed to be lacking in natural silver and gold resources. Animating the "Wild West" economy of the nineteenth century with searing insights, Ledbetter brings to vivid life the actions of Whig president Andrew Jackson, one of gold’s most passionate advocates, whose vehement protest against a standardized national currency would precipitate the nation’s first feverish gold rush. Even after the establishment of a national paper currency, the virulent political divisions continued, reaching unprecedented heights at the Democratic National Convention in 1896, when presidential aspirant William Jennings Bryan delivered the legendary "Cross of Gold" speech that electrified an entire convention floor, stoking the fears of his agrarian supporters. While Bryan never amassed a wide-enough constituency to propel his cause into the White House, America’s stubborn attachment to gold persisted, wreaking so much havoc that FDR, in order to help rescue the moribund Depression economy, ordered a ban on private ownership of gold in 1933. In fact, so entrenched was the belief that gold should uphold the almighty dollar, it was not until 1973 that Richard Nixon ordered that the dollar be delinked from any relation to gold—completely overhauling international economic policy and cementing the dollar’s global significance. More intriguing is the fact that America’s exuberant fascination with gold has continued long after Nixon’s historic decree, as in the profusion of late-night television ads that appeal to goldbug speculators that proliferate even into the present. One Nation Under Gold reveals as much about American economic history as it does about the sectional divisions that continue to cleave our nation, ultimately becoming a unique history about economic irrationality and its influence on the American psyche.
DK An Anthology of Aquatic Life
Dive into the wondrous world of water and discover the stories of more than 100 incredible aquatic lifeforms.The underwater world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. An Anthology of Aquatic Life is a stunning ocean encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they discover the facts, stories and myths behind their favourite sea-life animals. From the deepest, widest ocean to the tiniest puddle, this beautiful compendium takes young readers on an enthralling journey through the aquatic world, meeting amazing animals, ingenious plants, and much more along the way. Stunning photography and gorgeous illustrations complement storybook descriptions about each lifeform, and children can uncover hundreds of fascinating facts as they read. Did you know that elephant seals can hold their breath underwater for more than an hour, or that the brown basilisk reptile can run across water? Discover the science of how plants have learnt to live, feed, and breathe in water, and take a look at the unique challenges of distinct ecosystems on feature spreads about rivers, lakes, wetlands, and more. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they:- Explore detailed photographs and striking illustrations of nature in action- Reveal fun facts and myths about how a range of animals and plants adapt to their environments- Uncover more than 100 aquatic lifeforms, each with stunning images and captivating information.This ocean encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic sea life book for children who are obsessed with the underwater world. Encourage young readers to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 7-9 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Explore the diversity of the animal kingdom whilst uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Stunning photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure -A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesAnthology of Aquatic Animals is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with The Wonders of Nature or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.
Rowman & Littlefield William Jennings Bryan: An Uncertain Trumpet
At the time of his death in 1925, William Jennings Bryan was, as Henry Steele Commager wrote, "the most representative American of his time." To understand Bryan is to understand the United States on the cusp of modernity as regionalism declined, national political and economic institutions expanded, and the urban way of life began to eclipse the rural. Bryan's time, as today, was one of profound transition and tumult in the United States. The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century saw significant changes in economic, social, and political life which were to result in the modern nation we now recognize. At such a time Americans looked for moral leadership and yet there was no consensus about right and wrong in private or public life. In this uncertain era, Bryan stood forth as a political, moral, and economic reformer and sounded his trumpet for the values of the common man and woman as he so uncertainly understood them. As Gerald Leinwand skillfully shows, the true Bryan is not the caricature we have substituted for the man—the quixotic presidential candidate or the rural bumpkin who tried to match wits with Clarence Darrow on the matter of whether humans were descended from apes. In this important new study of Bryan's life, we find a reformer and politician of compelling power who stood at the center of American political life for thirty years. A Christian fundamentalist and a populist, Bryan was a lively mixture of Protestant revivalism and Jacksonian democracy—rural in upbringing, western in sentiment, and often a disappointed outsider to the political establishment. Best known for his fiery monetary policy crusade against the gold standard, Bryan also favored women's suffrage, direct election of U.S. Senators, and government regulation of railroads. He was a populist whose death left the socialist Eugene V. Debbs unmoved and a conservative whose name was anathema to early twentieth century plutocrats. At the time of his death, no man in public life had more devoted followers and none had more political enemies than William Jennings Bryan. How could a man who was wrong so many times, and who voiced such disharmonious opinions, dominate American life for nearly three decades? In this engaging narrative, Leinwand takes a fresh look at William Jennings Bryan, his character, and his mental, spiritual, and intellectual development. The variety of views about Bryan and the uncertainty of Bryan's own accomplishments as a politician are, as Leinwand demonstrates, reflected in the larger tumult that was American society of the era. Leinwand also includes, in an epilogue, a discussion that has engaged the attention of scholars as to whether the Wizard of Oz was in effect an allegory for Bryan's failure in his campaign for silver.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd An Anthology of Aquatic Life
Dive into the wondrous world of water and discover the stories of more than 100 incredible aquatic lifeforms.The underwater world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. An Anthology of Aquatic Life is a stunning ocean encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they discover the facts, stories and myths behind their favourite sea-life animals. From the deepest, widest ocean to the tiniest puddle, this beautiful compendium takes young readers on an enthralling journey through the aquatic world, meeting amazing animals, ingenious plants, and much more along the way. Stunning photography and gorgeous illustrations complement storybook descriptions about each lifeform, and children can uncover hundreds of fascinating facts as they read. Did you know that elephant seals can hold their breath underwater for more than an hour, or that the brown basilisk reptile can run across water? Discover the science of how plants have learnt to live, feed, and breathe in water, and take a look at the unique challenges of distinct ecosystems on feature spreads about rivers, lakes, wetlands, and more. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they:- Explore detailed photographs and striking illustrations of nature in action- Reveal fun facts and myths about how a range of animals and plants adapt to their environments- Uncover more than 100 aquatic lifeforms, each with stunning images and captivating information.This ocean encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic sea life book for children who are obsessed with the underwater world. Encourage young readers to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 7-9 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Explore the diversity of the animal kingdom whilst uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Stunning photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure -A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesAnthology of Aquatic Animals is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with The Wonders of Nature or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.
New Haven Publishing Ltd Lenny Kravitz: The Life The Genius The Legend
Lenny Kravitz has been at the top of the music world for over 30 years, showing no signs of slowing down. A multi instrumentalist, songwriter, actor, and record producer his signature retro sound has incorporated all of the unique style's of the very best in music history, rock, blues, soul, R&B, funk, jazz, reggae, hard rock, psychedelic, pop, folk, and ballads. Lenny Kravitz more than any other musician has seamlessly blended these styles into his own, creating a musical fusion, a melting pot of past influences that he continues to efficiently MASTER and PRODUCE with every album. A multiple Grammy award winner Lenny won the Award for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance four years in a row from 1999 to 2002, breaking the record for most wins in that category. He also set the record for the most consecutive wins by a male. He has been nominated for and won numerous other awards ranging from American Music Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, Radio Music Awards, Brit Awards, and Blockbuster Entertainment Awards. He has achieved sales in excess of 40 million records and counting and continues to create UNIQUE albums in his own sound, a sound created and nurtured over 3 decades developing 11 studio albums producing hits all over the world. He has written and produced alongside Mick Jagger, Madonna,Michael Jackson, Prince and many others. Lenny Kravitz stands as one of only a handful of individual Rock Stars that CONTINUOUSLY tourS with sell out concerts in Arenas all over the world. A truly global rock star with a talent for writing, producing and performing that is extremely rare in modern day music. THIS book examines his rise to fame and his constant successes', his albums, his tour's and his incredible musical ability. James Court brings the second book in the series following on from Prince The Life The Genius The Legend in 2018. Lenny Kravitz, The Life, The Genius, The Legend leaves no stone unturned and follows the life of this extraordinary Rock Star who first came to our attention in 1989 and has remained on the Music scene, producing quality songs and albums ever since. Through his own individual talent Lenny Kravitz has risen to become one of the most esteemed, admired, illustrious and respected Musicians in Rock music over the past 30 years. The Book highlights and reveals every part of this unique musical Genius, his rise to the top of Rock and Roll prominence, his life within music, his countless achievements on and off the stage, and ultimately, his legend.
Dialogue Diamond Hill: Totally unputdownable and evocative literary fiction
'A rapid-fire debut with a cinematographer's eye for detail... Fan strikes a deft balance between agile set-pieces and lingering beauty.' Naoise Dolan 'A vivid, powerful portrait of a vanishing world.' David Nicholls'Do you know what it was like here? You wouldn't believe the glamour. We had our own film studio, redbrick houses for the stars, even Jackie Chan. Now look at us - the Hollywood of the Orient will soon be gone altogether.'1987, Hong Kong. Trying to outrun his demons, a young man who calls himself Buddha returns to the bustling place of his birth. He moves into a small Buddhist nunnery in the crumbling neighbourhood of Diamond Hill, where planes landing at the nearby airport fly so close overhead that travellers can see into the rooms of those below.As Buddha begins to care for the nuns and their neighbours, this pocket of the old city is vanishing. Even the fiery Iron Nun cannot prevent the frequent landslides that threaten the nunnery she fights for, and in the nearby shanty town, a faded film actress who calls herself Audrey Hepburn is hiding a deep secret and trying to survive with her teenage daughter who has a bigger fish to fry.But no one arrives in Diamond Hill by accident, and Buddha's ties to this place run deeper than he is willing to admit. Can he make peace with his past and survive in this disappearing city?Beautifully written and utterly compelling, Diamond Hill is a gorgeous love letter that perfectly captures a lost place, filled with unforgettable characters. If you love books by Hanya Yanagihara, Colm Tóibín and Ocean Vuong, you'll adore this haunting and evocative novel.What people are saying about Diamond Hill:'The best debut I've read in ages... A glorious luminosity to the writing and the reading experience is rather like looking into a kaleidoscope and giving it several twirls.' Cathy Rentzenbrink 'A gripping and highly accomplished debut... A thoroughly enjoyable and profound exploration of powerlessness, identity and the evolution of a city.' Guardian'Fan is an exuberant chronicler of a lost time and place... It's a timely consideration of Hong Kong's recent past.' The Times'An exhilarating and original tale, Diamond Hill marks award-winning Fan as a writer to watch.' Cosmopolitan 'Fan creates a textured, unsettled portrait of a territory facing a decisive ending... The dark drama that unfolds is an elegy to that vanished vanishing world.' The Wall Street Journal'Gleams with pleasurable insights... Memorable moments are sketched by a poet's hand.' South China Morning Post
Dorling Kindersley Ltd An Anthology of Intriguing Animals
Reveal the stories behind your favourite creatures with this awe-inspiring animal book for curious kids aged 6-8.The animal kingdom is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. An Anthology of Intriguing Animals is a stunning animal encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they discover the facts, stories and myths behind their favourite animals. Whether it's where the slow-motion sloth lives, how the plodding pangolin protects itself from predators, or which animal the Ancient Egyptians thought rolled the Sun across the sky, children can learn all sorts of fun animal facts from the storybook descriptions.This beautiful modern bestiary lets you find the animals that interest you and uncover new favourites along the way. From tigers and chameleons to wolves and owls there's an animal for everyone in this compendium of creatures. Each type of animal is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images. The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on the wonders of wildlife and array of animals, perfect for children aged 6-8 to love and explore for hours on end.Celebrate your child's curiosity as they:- Explore detailed photographs and striking illustrations of animals around the world- Reveal fun facts and myths about a wide range of animals- Uncover more than 100 animals, each with stunning images and captivating information.This animal encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic animal book for children who are obsessed with the animal kingdom. Encourage young readers to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 6-8 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn.Explore the diversity of the animal kingdom whilst uncovering:-Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Stunning photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure-A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesAnthology of Intriguing Animals is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with The Wonders of Nature or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.
Little, Brown Book Group The Thorn Girl
A swallow flutters its wings into a dimly lit attic as Adele Foyle stumbles across the secret diary of the mother she has never met, and a shocking account of a crime committed over twenty-five years ago ...Adele Foyle has returned to Reedstown, the last place her mother, Marianne, was seen alive. With her mother's words etched in her mind and in the pages tucked into her jacket pocket, Adele has one purpose: to find those responsible for the devastating attack on Marianne and see them brought to justice.Born into a Mother and Baby home run by The Thorns, a self-proclaimed religious group led by Gloria Thornton, Adele needs to first unlock the disturbing chain of events that led to her own birth if she is to understand what happened to her mother.But news of Adele's arrival and the diary spread like wildfire amongst the small close-knit community of Reedstown. Old memories are stirring up fresh wounds.No-one wants the truth to be told. The diary is just a story, they say. Yet as Adele begins to unravel the layers of deceit, the tissue paper lies begin to fragment.Her mother was telling the truth. Adele just has to prove it.A heart-stopping, intense and emotionally engrossing read that will keep you compulsively turning the pages late into the night. If you read one book this year, make it The Thorn Girl.Read what everyone is saying about Laura Elliot:'This page-turner is gripping, all the more because it presents the dilemmas of betrayal with brutal honesty' Irish Independent'Electrifying, tautly written, and heart-stopping ... It was so real, so powerful, I had to put it down a few times and walk away to let my emotions settle' NetGalley Reviewer'I couldn't put this book down, it really is that good ... I honestly can't rate this book highly enough. 5 stars just isn't enough. Book of the year for me! Don't miss this one' NetGalley Reviewer'Laura Elliot has done it again - another twisty suspenseful thriller! Keeps you on the edge of your seat with many turns and surprises. The Wife Before Me is a pulse-pounding thrill ride from beginning to end!' NetGalley Reviewer'A gripping thriller which will have you reading way past your bedtime! I enjoyed the book and the twisting plot ... An engrossing thriller I thoroughly enjoyed' Escape With A Book'This was a nail-biting, gripping, too-close-for comfort compelling read that I could not put down. This book is an absolute winner' Goodreads Reviewer'This page-turner is gripping, all the more because it presents the dilemmas of betrayal with brutal honesty' Irish Independent
Random House USA Inc ¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir? (What Pet Should I Get? Spanish Edition)
Edición en español y rimada del libro para primeros lectores de Dr. Seuss acerca de elegir una mascota ¡y lo difícil que es tomar una decisión! ¿Qué sucede cuando dos hermanos van a una tienda para comprar una mascota? Como es de esperar, ¡no saben por cuál decidirse! Con la participación de los mismos niños del cuento Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul, este libro para primeros lectores capta el típico momento en la vida de un niño en el que ha de elegir una mascota, a la vez que nos enseña una lección de vida: es difícil decidirte, ¡pero a veces tienes que hacerlo! Un magnífico regalo para los pequeños amantes de los animales y admiradores de Dr. Seuss, y a la vez ideal para leer en voz alta o para los niños que comienzan a leer ellos solos. Descubierto veintidós años después de la muerte de Dr. Seuss, el manuscrito original y los bocetos fueron anteriormente publicados en una edición de 48 páginas con sobrecubierta y 8 páginas con comentarios y datos. Esta nueva edición de Beginner Books, sin solapas, solo incluye la historia.Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's Beginner Book about chosing a pet—and the difficulty of making decisions!What happens when a brother an sister visit a pet store to pick a pet? Naturally, they can't pick just one! Featuring the kids from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, this beginning reader takes a classic childhood moment—choosing a pet—and uses it to illuminate a life lesson: that it's hard to make up your mind, but sometimes you just have to do it! A great gift for young Dr. Seuss fans and animal lovers, it's perfect for reading aloud or children learning to read by themselves. Discovered 22 years after Dr. Seuss's death, the unpublished manuscript and sketches for What Pet Should I Get?were previously published as a 48-page jacketed hardcover with 8 pages of commentary. This unjacketed Beginner Book edition features the story only.Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos).
Random House USA Inc ¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir? (What Pet Should I Get? Spanish Edition)
Edición en español y rimada del libro para primeros lectores de Dr. Seuss acerca de elegir una mascota ¡y lo difícil que es tomar una decisión! ¿Qué sucede cuando dos hermanos van a una tienda para comprar una mascota? Como es de esperar, ¡no saben por cuál decidirse! Con la participación de los mismos niños del cuento Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul, este libro para primeros lectores capta el típico momento en la vida de un niño en el que ha de elegir una mascota, a la vez que nos enseña una lección de vida: es difícil decidirte, ¡pero a veces tienes que hacerlo! Un magnífico regalo para los pequeños amantes de los animales y admiradores de Dr. Seuss, y a la vez ideal para leer en voz alta o para los niños que comienzan a leer ellos solos. Descubierto veintidós años después de la muerte de Dr. Seuss, el manuscrito original y los bocetos fueron anteriormente publicados en una edición de 48 páginas con sobrecubierta y 8 páginas con comentarios y datos. Esta nueva edición de Beginner Books, sin solapas, solo incluye la historia.Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's Beginner Book about chosing a pet—and the difficulty of making decisions!What happens when a brother an sister visit a pet store to pick a pet? Naturally, they can't pick just one! Featuring the kids from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, this beginning reader takes a classic childhood moment—choosing a pet—and uses it to illuminate a life lesson: that it's hard to make up your mind, but sometimes you just have to do it! A great gift for young Dr. Seuss fans and animal lovers, it's perfect for reading aloud or children learning to read by themselves. Discovered 22 years after Dr. Seuss's death, the unpublished manuscript and sketches for What Pet Should I Get?were previously published as a 48-page jacketed hardcover with 8 pages of commentary. This unjacketed Beginner Book edition features the story only.Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos).
New York University Press Bloody Lowndes: Civil Rights and Black Power in Alabama’s Black Belt
Winner of the 2010 Clinton Jackson Coley Award for the best book on local history from the Alabama Historical Association A remarkable story of the people of rural Lowndes County, a small Southern town, who in 1966 organized a radical experiment in democratic politics Early in 1966, African Americans in rural Lowndes County, Alabama, aided by activists from the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), established an all-black, independent political party called the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). The group, whose ballot symbol was a snarling black panther, was formed in part to protest the barriers to black enfranchisement that had for decades kept every single African American of voting age off the county’s registration books. Even after the passage of the Voting Rights Act, most African Americans in this overwhelmingly black county remained too scared even to try to register. Their fear stemmed from the county’s long, bloody history of whites retaliating against blacks who strove to exert the freedom granted to them after the Civil War. Amid this environment of intimidation and disempowerment, African Americans in Lowndes County viewed the LCFO as the best vehicle for concrete change. Their radical experiment in democratic politics inspired black people throughout the country, from SNCC organizer Stokely Carmichael who used the Lowndes County program as the blueprint for Black Power, to California-based activists Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton, who adopted the LCFO panther as the namesake for their new, grassroots organization: the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. This party and its adopted symbol went on to become the national organization of black militancy in the 1960s and 1970s, yet long-obscured is the crucial role that Lowndes County“historically a bastion of white supremacy”played in spurring black activists nationwide to fight for civil and human rights in new and more radical ways. Drawing on an impressive array of sources ranging from government documents to personal interviews with Lowndes County residents and SNCC activists, Hasan Kwame Jeffries tells, for the first time, the remarkable full story of the Lowndes County freedom struggle and its contribution to the larger civil rights movement. Bridging the gaping hole in the literature between civil rights organizing and Black Power politics, Bloody Lowndes offers a new paradigm for understanding the civil rights movement.
University of Pennsylvania Press Group Harmony: The Black Urban Roots of Rhythm and Blues
In 1948, the Orioles, a Baltimore-based vocal group, recorded "It's Too Soon to Know." Combining the sound of Tin Pan Alley with gospel and blues sensibilities, the Orioles saw their first hit reach #13 on the pop charts, thus introducing the nation to vocal rhythm & blues and paving the way for the most successful groups of the 1950s. In the first scholarly treatment of this influential musical genre, Stuart Goosman chronicles the Orioles' story and that of myriad other black vocal groups in the postwar period. A few, like the Orioles, Cardinals, and Swallows from Baltimore and the Clovers from Washington, D.C., established the popularity of vocal rhythm & blues nationally. Dozens of other well-known groups (and hundreds of unknown ones) across the country cut records and performed until about 1960. Record companies initially marketed this music as rhythm & blues; today, group harmony continues to resonate for some as "doo-wop." Focusing in particular on Baltimore and Washington and drawing significantly from oral histories, Group Harmony details the emergence of vocal rhythm & blues groups from black urban neighborhoods. Group harmony was a source of empowerment for young singers, for it provided them with a means of expression and some aspect of control over their lives where there were limited alternatives. Through group harmony, young black males celebrated and musically confounded, when they could not overcome, complex issues of race, separatism, and assimilation during the postwar period. Group harmony also became a significant resource for the popular music industry. Goosman interviews dozens of performers, deejays, and industry professionals to examine the entrepreneurial promise of midcentury popular music and chronicle the convergence of music, place, and business, including the business of records, radio, promotion, and song writing. Featured in the book's account of the black urban roots of rhythm & blues are the recollections of singers from groups such as the Cardinals, Clovers, Dunbar Four, Four Bars of Rhythm, Five Blue Notes, Hi Fis, Plants, Swallows, and many others, including Jimmy McPhail, a well-known Washington vocalist; Deborah Chessler, the manager and songwriter for the original Orioles; Jesse Stone, the writer and arranger from Atlantic Records; Washington radio personality Jackson Lowe; and seminal black deejays Al ("Big Boy") Jefferson, Maurice ("Hot Rod") Hulbert, and Tex Gathings.
Casemate Publishers Major General James A. Ulio: How the Adjutant General of the U.S. Army Enabled Allied Victory
Major General James A. Ulio helped win World War II, though his war was fought from the desk. As adjutant-general throughout the war years, many American families would have recognized his name from one of nearly 900,000 telegrams he signed - all of which began with the words: "…regret to inform you...” However, his role was far wider than overseeing these sad communications. Ulio faced the task of building an Army large enough to fight wars in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific. Through his efforts, the Army increased in size from around 200,000 soldiers to eight million—in less than five years. He advocated and navigated around lowering the draft age to eighteen. He led and oversaw training efforts that quickly and efficiently prepared soldiers. The general correctly projected that those methods would be a positive outcome of the war. His team identified the appropriate allocation for incoming troops. In order to field sufficient troops to ensure an Allied victory, Ulio had to address and challenge commonly held beliefs on race and gender. It was his order in 1944 that ended segregation on military transportation and in recreational facilities on Army posts. In many ways, Ulio became the face of the Army during the war, through radio addresses, newspaper interviews, and public appearances. He served as troop morale booster, advocate, and cheerleader for the war effort. Finally, he led demobilization planning to bring home millions of soldiers after the war, transitioning them back into civilian life. The son of an immigrant career soldier, General Ulio grew up on Army posts and had an eleventh-grade education. A West Point alternate, Ulio enlisted as a private in the U.S. Army in 1900. In 1904, he earned his commission as a lieutenant, and served in France during World War I. Without a college degree, he graduated from the Army's Command and Staff School and the Army War College and five colleges would eventually award him honorary doctorates. Ulio’s military career spanned 45 years and he served as military aide to two presidents. Despite his lengthy career and success in two major wars, General Ulio remains a little-known figure in military history and is not yet included on the Adjutant General's Hall of Fame at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. This biography sets Ulio’s achievements in context and explores the magnitude of his part in facilitating an Allied victory World War II.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks
Lonely Planet's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Watch Old Faithful erupt, spot wildlife and climb Mt Teton; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and begin your journey now! Inside the Lonely Planet's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Travel Guide: User-friendly highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices, emergency information, park seasonality, hiking trail junctions, viewpoints, landscapes, elevations, distances, difficulty levels, and durations Focused on the best hikes, drives, and cycling tours Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, camping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, summer and winter activities, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Contextual insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, geology, wildlife, and conservation Over 40 trail and park maps Useful features- Travel with Children,Clothing and Equipment, andDay and Overnight Hikes Covers Yellowstone National Park area, Mammoth Country, Roosevelt Country, Canyon Country, Lake Country, Norris, Geyser Country, Bechler Region, Grand Teton National Park area, Jackson and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, our most comprehensive guide to these two national parks, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less traveled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA's National Parks for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travelers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
DK Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life
Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with this awe-inspiring dinosaur book for curious kids aged 6-8.The prehistoric word of dinosaurs is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life is a stunning dinosaur encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they travel through the history of the Earth. From Tyrannosaurus and sabre-toothed cats, to ferns and woolly mammoths, this collection of amazing dinosaurs, plants, and other prehistoric life will wow children and many adults too - providing something for everyone to love!Showcasing more than 90 remarkable fossils, such as a fearsome Tyrannosaurus skull, delicate fern leaf, and perfectly preserved woolly mammoth, each plant or animal featured is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images.The storybook descriptions let you discover the myths and legends surrounding the organisms, as well as key facts about their natural history. Find out why Pachycephalosaurus had such a thick head, how a coral fossil can be used to work out how long a prehistoric year was, and which fossil was thought to protect people from poison. The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on the diverse world of dinosaurs, perfect for children aged 6-8 to love and explore for hours on end. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they:- Explore more than 90 species from the prehistoric world - Reveal pronunciations of each and every dinosaur featured throughout - Uncover stunning photographs of fossils and gorgeous illustrations of each creature This dinosaur encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic dinosaur book for children who are obsessed with the prehistoric world. Encourage young readers to go on a time-travelling adventure back in time to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 6-8 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Explore the vastness of the prehistoric world whilst uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Striking photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure -A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesDinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with The Wonders of Nature or let them walk soar into the galaxies above with Mysteries of the Universe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Environmental Studies
This Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the topical and methodological breadth and diversity of the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies. The chapters, each written by leading experts in the field, illustrate cutting-edge quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodologies used in environmental studies research. The Handbook will make an ideal primary or supplemental textbook for graduate research and methods courses. It will also be an excellent resource for environmental studies students, faculty and researchers.'- Robin Leichenko, Rutgers University, US'Usually a book with a title like this is bought by libraries, used occasionally by desperate researchers seeking a new analysis tool. This book is not like that - although between the covers you will find everything need for such emergencies. Rather this is a walk through magic and mystery of environmental science, from cultural aspects to green economy, virtual water to the latest in gaming. Buy and use it for emergencies by all means, but it's a great read too!'- Peter Bridgewater, Centre for Museums and Heritage, The Australian National University'An up-to-date collection of methods and applications for analyzing environmental problems ranging from energy return on energy invested to international trade in virtual water and much else. The book will be of both academic and practical value to ecological economists, geographers, and environmental scientists. Highly recommended.'- Herman E. Daly, University of Maryland, USThis Handbook presents methods to advance the understanding of interdependencies between the well-being of human societies and the performance of their biophysical environment. It showcases applications to material and energy use; urbanization and technological transition; economic growth and social vulnerabilities; development and governance of social and industrial networks; and the role of history, culture, and science itself in carrying out analysis and guiding policy as well as the role of theory, data, and models in guiding decisions.Unique features include:- in-depth presentation of methods and applications in environmental studies- diverse examples of research methods complemented by a wide geographic and thematic range of applications- a careful balance between a review of the state of the art in environmental studies and an exploration of new developments in research methods and applications- strong emphasis on historic, social, and cultural issues together with the life sciences needed to fully assess environmental change- accessibility to a wide readership.Academics and students interested in broadening their knowledge of methods and applications in environmental studies will find this book to be a valuable resource. It will also be of great use to practitioners in environmental agencies looking to gain an insight into particular research methods.Contributors: L. Alçada-Almeida, P. Antunes, E.B. Barbier, A.M.Bassi, C.R. Binder, R. Boyd, L.K. Campbell, J.J.T. Connolly, C. Court, L.C. Dias, A. Drachen, K. Feng, D.R. Fisher, H. Folmer, H. Ghadimi, B. Gill, S. Gößling-Reisemann, C.A.S. Hall, D. Hardy, C. Hartefeld, K. Hubacek, M.E. Ibarrarán, R. Jackson, H.W. Kua, S. Locke, M. Olazabal, M. Paolisso, M. Patterson, M. Popp, D. Reckien, M. Ruth, R. Santos, R. Schoell, J. Schubert, L. Shi, S. Silva, H. Smith, K. Stave, E.S. Svendsen, C. Taiapa, D.S.K. Thomas, P. Von Mouche, N. Videira, J. Zhu, T. Zimmermann
WW Norton & Co Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
Moneyball is a quest for the secret of success in baseball. Following the low-budget Oakland Athletics, their larger-than-life general manger, Billy Beane, and the strange brotherhood of amateur baseball enthusiasts, Michael Lewis has written not only "the single most influential baseball book ever" (Rob Neyer, Slate) but also what "may be the best book ever written on business" (Weekly Standard). I wrote this book because I fell in love with a story. The story concerned a small group of undervalued professional baseball players and executives, many of whom had been rejected as unfit for the big leagues, who had turned themselves into one of the most successful franchises in Major League Baseball. But the idea for the book came well before I had good reason to write it—before I had a story to fall in love with. It began, really, with an innocent question: how did one of the poorest teams in baseball, the Oakland Athletics, win so many games? With these words Michael Lewis launches us into the funniest, smartest, and most contrarian book since, well, since Liar's Poker. Moneyball is a quest for something as elusive as the Holy Grail, something that money apparently can't buy: the secret of success in baseball. The logical places to look would be the front offices of major league teams, and the dugouts, perhaps even in the minds of the players themselves. Lewis mines all these possibilities—his intimate and original portraits of big league ballplayers are alone worth the price of admission—but the real jackpot is a cache of numbers—numbers!—collected over the years by a strange brotherhood of amateur baseball enthusiasts: software engineers, statisticians, Wall Street analysts, lawyers and physics professors. What these geek numbers show—no, prove—is that the traditional yardsticks of success for players and teams are fatally flawed. Even the box score misleads us by ignoring the crucial importance of the humble base-on-balls. This information has been around for years, and nobody inside Major League Baseball paid it any mind. And then came Billy Beane, General Manager of the Oakland Athletics. Billy paid attention to those numbers —with the second lowest payroll in baseball at his disposal he had to—and this book records his astonishing experiment in finding and fielding a team that nobody else wanted. Moneyball is a roller coaster ride: before the 2002 season opens, Oakland must relinquish its three most prominent (and expensive) players, is written off by just about everyone, and then comes roaring back to challenge the American League record for consecutive wins. In a narrative full of fabulous characters and brilliant excursions into the unexpected, Michael Lewis shows us how and why the new baseball knowledge works. He also sets up a sly and hilarious morality tale: Big Money, like Goliath, is always supposed to win... how can we not cheer for David?
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Red Lipstick: An Ode to a Beauty Icon
A unique, full-color compendium that celebrates and explores the enduring power and allure of the world’s most iconic lip shade, jam-packed with entertaining stories, anecdotes, little-known facts, quotes, and more than 100 gorgeous images culled from fine art, photography, and beauty and fashion editorial and advertising.“Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.” — Elizabeth TaylorLipstick is the one makeup item most women can’t live without—and the most iconic shade is red. Exuding power, sensuality, allure, and mystery, red lips have been a constant of fashion for more than 5,000 years, beginning with Mesopotamian women around 3500 B.C. Throughout the ages, red lipstick has been a signature look worn by royalty, celebrities, and real women across cultures and geography. In fact, nearly all women own a tube of red lipstick, whether it’s the favorite shade they’ve been wearing devotedly for years, or as beauty boost they use for special occasions.Filled with a show-stopping selection of images and distinctively packaged—the size of a clutch, with a jacket printed with a matte, velvet, red finish—Red Lipstick is the only cultural history of this makeup essential available. Granted unprecedented access to experts and the archives of revered brands like Chanel and Elizabeth Arden, beauty writer Rachel Felder explores the origins and allure of red lipstick and illuminates its association with aristocracy, sex appeal, illicit sexuality, rebellion, power, glamour, fame, and beauty. She also spotlights the fascinating array of women who have worn it through the ages, including monarchs, suffragettes, flappers, working women in World War II, first ladies, political leaders, geishas, Hollywood sirens, rock and rollers, fashionistas, and more. Inside this enthralling book, you’ll discover why red lipstick makes women more attractive to others (and the science behind it); tips on choosing the most perfect shade of crimson; and a wealth of anecdotes, quotations, select literary excerpts, and trivia, such as the shade Carolyn Bessette Kennedy wore on her wedding day. Red Lipstick is packed with a museum’s worth of fine art, including both Man Ray’s photograph “Red Badge of Courage” and infamous painting “Les Amoreaux;” lush, rarely seen vintage magazine advertisements from stalwart brands like Guerlain and Dior; illustrations by renowned fashion illustrators such as René Gruau, Daisy Villeneuve, and Bil Donovan; artists Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edgar Degas, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Wayne Thiebaud, and Walt Kuhn; and images of famous red lipstick wearers including Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth II, Coco Chanel, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Madonna, Diana Vreeland, Rihanna, Paloma Picasso, and many others. With its captivating, chic design, beautiful selection of visuals, and engaging, entertaining text, Red Lipstick is a classic, like the perfect red lip shade itself.
Hay House Inc Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards: A 52-Card Oracle Deck for Love, Happiness, Spiritual Growth and Living Your Purpose
ACCESS PROFOUND INSIGHT FROM THE DIVINE WITH THIS SURREALISTIC AND WHIMSICALLY DESIGNED ORACLE CARD DECK FEATURING SYMBOLS AND ELEMENTS OF THE TAROT, I-CHING, NORSE RUNES, AND ANCIENT DIVINATION TOOLS. THIS POWERFUL 52-CARD DIVINATION DECK HAS OVER 250 MEANINGS FROM INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED ORACLE EXPERT WITH OVER A MILLION ORACLE CARD DECKS SOLD, COLETTE BARON-REID AND ARTIST JENA DELLAGROTTAGLIA.The Oracle within these cards will help modern mystics to:· Enact the law of Divine Order · Access higher spiritual wisdom· Know the way forward to peace, purpose, prosperity, and loveColette Baron-Reid has expertly blended elements of the I-Ching, Norse runes, traditional tarot, and other ancient divination tools into a sacred communication system: Wisdom of the Oracle. This 52-card oracle deck with guidebook will allow you to interpret messages about all aspects of your journey, with over 250 independent meanings that can speak to an unlimited number of circumstances. Imagery of animals, the elements of nature, and other potent symbols will touch you deeply so that a soulful dialogue about your life can take place. The Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards are waiting for you to consult them so you may receive answers and know the way forward to peace, purpose, prosperity, and love.Example Card Meanings:· Between Worlds—Between the worlds is where you must let go of the tendency to make assumptions. This is a time when you are unable to see what is ahead.· Treasure Island—You’ve worked hard and acted upon your unwavering belief in abundance, and suddenly, in the midst of it all, you hit the jackpot. · A Change in the Wind—Now is a time of transformation as outer conditions are temporarily moving out of sync with your desires and expectations. · Soul Mates—You are meant to evolve and transform with the companionship of others. Certain people enter into your life in order to take you to the next level of healing, consciousness, and authenticity.Allow the Oracle to help you gain wisdom about your choices and the next best action step for the highest good of all, guiding and protecting your journey forward. This oracle deck wanted to be personified as an Oracle living inside the cards, acting as the intermediary between you and Spirit, revealing your fate and destiny. If you look closely, you will see her wise and loving face in every card. I offer my deepest gratitude to you, along with my sincere wishes that this deck brings you great joy and meaningful guidance on the road to your happy destiny.I hope you will find true guidance and deep insight when using this oracle card deck to engage in a dialogue with the Divine.Love always, ColetteThis beautiful oracle card deck will help you integrate your ego, soul, and Spirit as you become who you were meant to be.
DK The Wonders of Nature
Uncover awe-inspiring stories behind the natural world with this nature book for curious kids aged 6-8.The world is filled with curious objects such as amazing rocks and minerals, microscopic life, plants, animals and more. The wonders of wildlife are so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn! The Wonders of Nature is a stunning nature encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they dive into this collection of 100 remarkableitems from the natural world, from orchids to opals and lichens to lizards and so much more! Each plant, animal, and rock is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images. The storybook descriptions let you discover the myths and legends surrounding both organisms and gemstones, as well as key facts about their natural history. Find out how the prowling jaguar uses spots to avoid being spotted, why a sticky sundew means big trouble for insects, and what on Earth a radiolarian is. This beautiful treasury lets you find the things that interest you and uncover new favourites along the way. With reference pages packed with information you’ll go away knowing something you didn’t before, and you’ll return time and again. The Wonders of Nature takes you on a tour of our planet through commonplace-but-incredible objects made by nature itself. The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on the wonders of nature and wildlife, making this book ideal for inquisitive children aged 6-8 who loves to spot things when exploring outside and wants to know more about the wonderful and mysterious natural world.Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they:- Explore 100 minerals, plants, and animals each with a stunning photographs and illustrations- Reveal fun facts in visual index guides that provide key reference information - Uncover captivating information on the natural history and mythology of a variety of nature’s wonders This nature encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic nature book for children who are obsessed with wildlife and the natural world. Encourage young readers to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 6-8 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Explore the vastness of space by uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Striking photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure -A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesThe Wonder’s of Nature is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with Nature’s Treasures or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.
Simon & Schuster The Encyclopedia of New York
The must-have guide to pop culture, history, and world-changing ideas that started in New York City, from the magazine at the center of it all. Since its founding in 1624, New York City has been a place that creates things. What began as a trading post for beaver pelts soon transformed into a hub of technological, social, and cultural innovation—but beyond fostering literal inventions like the elevator (inside Cooper Union in 1853), Q-tips (by Polish immigrant Leo Gerstenzang in 1923), General Tso’s chicken (reimagined for American tastes in the 1970s by one of its Hunanese creators), the singles bar (1965 on the Upper East Side), and Scrabble (1931 in Jackson Heights), the city has given birth to or perfected idioms, forms, and ways of thinking that have changed the world, from Abstract Expressionism to Broadway, baseball to hip-hop, news blogs to neoconservatism to the concept of “downtown.” Those creations and more are all collected in The Encyclopedia of New York, an A-to-Z compendium of unexpected origin stories, hidden histories, and useful guides to the greatest city in the world, compiled by the editors of New York Magazine (a city invention itself, since 1968) and featuring contributions from Rebecca Traister, Jerry Saltz, Frank Rich, Jonathan Chait, Rhonda Garelick, Kathryn VanArendonk, Christopher Bonanos, and more. Here you will find something fascinating and uniquely New York on every page: a history of the city’s skyline, accompanied by a tour guide’s list of the best things about every observation deck; the development of positive thinking and punk music; appreciations of seltzer and alternate-side-of-the-street parking; the oddest object to be found at Ripley’s Believe It or Not!; musical theater next to muckracking and mugging; and the unbelievable revelation that English muffins were created on...West Twentieth Street. Whether you are a lifelong resident, a curious newcomer, or an armchair traveler, this is the guidebook you’ll need, straight from the people who know New York best.
Blast Books,U.S. The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler
A sumptuous monograph presenting for the first time the extraordinarily imaginative and delightful work of visionary artist Renaldo Kuhler (American, 1931–2013). The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler catapults a thrilling new discovery into the pantheon of the most accomplished visionary—or “outsider”—artists. Like Henry Darger, Howard Finster, George Widener, and Adolf Wölfli, Renaldo Kuhler was an exceptionally gifted artist and possessed an imagination all his own. By day Kuhler was a self-taught scientific illustrator under the employ of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, for which he created thousands of wonderfully precise illustrations of myriad natural history specimens—reptiles, fish, turtles, and the like. Renaldo Kuhler was an unusual individual, as was instantly clear from his appearance alone. Six-foot-four, with a white beard and ponytail, he wore a custom-tailored uniform consisting of a sleeveless Kelly green suit jacket with wide, black, notched lapels, epaulets, and brass buttons, a matching suit vest, yellow flannel dress shirt, a fleur-de-lis Boy Scout neckerchief, and tight-fitting knee-length shorts (“cotton-blend lederhosen”). However, unbeknownst even to family, friends, and coworkers, Kuhler was more than an eccentric, gifted scientific illustrator. He was a prolific visionary artist, who, as a teenager in the late 1940s, invented an imaginary country he named Rocaterrania—after Rockland County, New York, where he had lived as a child. For the next sixty years, in secret, he illustrated the nation’s entire history and the prominent characters of its populace. Rocaterrania is a fantastical world, a richly illustrated amalgam of Kuhler’s personal cultural and aesthetic fascinations. Situated just north of the Adirondacks in New York, at the Canada–United States border, Rocaterrania is a sovereign nation of immigrants, from Scandinavia to Eastern Europe. Kuhler invented a complete world populated by a royal family and a succession of leaders resembling historical Russian figures, Women reminiscent of Marlene Dietrich and Janet Leigh play important roles as do bearded men of a seeming Hasidic Jewish heritage, men bearing curious physical similarities to American presidents, and neutants—individuals neither male nor female. Amid forests, mountains, lakes, and rivers, Kuhler’s imaginary country is made up of provinces and cities filled with distinctive Rocaterranian architecture and well-planned railroad and metro systems. Its government is unique, and it has its own religion, Ojallism, and its own evolving language and alphabet. With an organized labor service, a prison system (modeled after a New Jersey state penitentiary), a university system, a Rocaterranian Olympics, and an independent movie industry, Rocaterrania is a nation bustling with dozens of characters and their intrigues. Initially meant to be an escape, Kuhler's Rocaterrania became a secret lifelong obsession, an intricately coded, metaphorical account through Rocaterrania’s tumultuous history, which dovetailed with Kuhler’s own struggles for independence and freedom. Renaldo was the son of the German-born industrial designer Otto Kuhler, renowned for his Art Deco–era streamlined trains; his Belgian mother had little patience for her son, who was ostracized and bullied throughout his life for being “different.” The Kuhler family moved in 1948 from Rockland County, New York, to a remote cattle ranch in the Colorado Rockies—an unbearably isolated environment for the teenaged Renaldo. Retreating to his sketchbooks, journals, and watercolors to invent his imaginary nation of Rocaterrania, young Kuhler wrote, “The ability to fantasize is the ability to survive.” The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler is filled with more than 400 illustrations in pencil, ink, acrylic, oil, gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, and markers, demonstrating Kuhler’s phenomenal draftsmanship and wide range of style—from delicately shaded graphite works to comic-book ink drawings. Complementing Kuhler’s impressive artistry is his gift for analogical thinking, which flowered in his appropriation and reimagining of personalities, places, and events from world history to form a cohesive and fully imagined world. After decades of secrecy, Kuhler eventually first shared his work and the story of his imaginary country with filmmaker Brett Ingram, whom he met by chance in the mid-1990s. In 2009 Ingram released Rocaterrania, a feature-length documentary with prized footage of Kuhler at home and at work, and talking about his creation. With The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler Ingram has written the complete story of Rocaterrania as relayed to him over time by Kuhler, resulting in a fascinating, highly entertaining first and major book about this rare, newly discovered, full-blown visionary outsider artist.
Ebury Publishing Rethink: How We Can Make a Better World
After darkness, there is always lightIn a time of increasing uncertainty, Rethink offers a guide to a much-needed global 'reset moment', with leading international figures giving us glimpses of a better future after the pandemic. Each contribution explores a different aspect of public and private life that can be re-examined - from Pope Francis on poverty and the Dalai Lama on the role of ancient wisdom to Brenda Hale on the courts and Tara Westover on the education divide; from Elif Shafak on uncertainty and Steven Pinker on Human Nature to Xine Yao on masks and Jarvis Cocker on environmental revolution. Collectively, they offer a roadmap for positive change after a year of unprecedented hardship.Based on the hit BBC podcast, and with introductions by presenter and journalist Amol Rajan, Rethink gives us the opportunity to consider what a better world might look like and reaffirms that after darkness there is always light.RETHINK List of contributorsWHO WE ARECarlo Rovelli - Rethinking HumanityPope Francis - Rethinking PovertyPeter Hennessy - Rethinking DemocracyAnand Giridharadas - Rethinking CapitalismJared Diamond - Rethinking a Global ResponseZiauddin Sardar - Rethinking NormalityThe Dalai Lama - Rethinking Ancient WisdomC.K. Lal - Rethinking InstitutionsJarvis Cocker - Rethinking an Environmental RevolutionClare Chambers - Rethinking the BodySteven Pinker - Rethinking Human NatureTom Rivett-Carnac - Rethinking HistoryJonathan Sumption - Rethinking the StateWHAT WE DODavid Skelton - Rethinking IndustryEmma Griffin - Rethinking WorkCaleb Femi - Rethinking EducationGina McCarthy - Rethinking ActivismTara Westover - Rethinking the Education DivideKwame Anthony Appiah - Rethinking the Power of Small ActionsCharlotte Lydia Riley - Rethinking UniversitiesK.K. Shailaja - Rethinking DevelopmentSamantha Power - Rethinking Global GovernanceKT Tunstall - Rethinking the Music IndustryRebecca Adlington - Rethinking the Athlete's LifeBrenda Hale - Rethinking the CourtsNisha Katona - Rethinking HospitalityKatherine Granger - Rethinking the OlympicsDavid Graeber - Rethinking JobsJames Harding - Rethinking NewsCarolyn McCall Rethinking TelevisionHOW WE FEELMohammad Hanif - Rethinking IntimacyH.R. McMaster - Rethinking EmpathyCarol Cooper - Rethinking Racial EqualityPaul Krugman - Rethinking SolidarityAmonge Sinxoto - Rethinking SafetyReed Hastings - Rethinking TogethernessKang Kyung-wha - Rethinking AccountabilityLucy Jones - Rethinking BiophiliaColin Jackson - Rethinking Our Responsibility for Our HealthMirabelle Morah - Rethinking OurselvesNicci Gerrard - Rethinking Old AgeBrian Eno - Rethinking the WinnersJude Browne - Rethinking ResponsibilityElif Shafak Rethinking UncertaintyHOW WE LIVEAmanda Levete - Rethinking How We LiveNiall Ferguson - Rethinking ProgressDavid Wallace-Wells - Rethinking ConsensusMargaret MacMillan - Rethinking International CooperationHRH The Prince of Wales - Rethinking NatureOnora O'Neill - Rethinking Digital PowerMatthew Walker - Rethinking SleepHenry Dimbleby - Rethinking How We EatEliza Manningham-Buller - Rethinking Health InequalityPascal Soriot - Rethinking Medical Co-operationXine Yao - Rethinking MasksGeorge Soros - Rethinking DebtMariana Mazzucato - Rethinking ValueDouglas Alexander - Rethinking Economic DignityWHERE WE GOPeter Frankopan - Rethinking AsiaStuart Russell - Rethinking AIDeRay McKesson - Rethinking the ImpossibleV.S. Ramachandran - Rethinking BrainsSeb Emina - Rethinking TravelAaron Bastani - Rethinking an Aging PopulationRana Foroohar - Rethinking DataAnthony Townsend - Rethinking Robots
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Wonders of Nature
Uncover awe-inspiring stories behind the natural world with this nature book for curious kids aged 6-8.The world is filled with curious objects such as amazing rocks and minerals, microscopic life, plants, animals and more. The wonders of wildlife are so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn! The Wonders of Nature is a stunning nature encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they dive into this collection of 100 remarkable items from the natural world, from orchids to opals and lichens to lizards and so much more! Each plant, animal, and rock is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images.The storybook descriptions let you discover the myths and legends surrounding both organisms and gemstones, as well as key facts about their natural history. Find out how the prowling jaguar uses spots to avoid being spotted, why a sticky sundew means big trouble for insects, and what on Earth a radiolarian is. This beautiful treasury lets you find the things that interest you and uncover new favourites along the way. With reference pages packed with information you'll go away knowing something you didn't before, and you'll return time and again. The Wonders of Nature takes you on a tour of our planet through commonplace-but-incredible objects made by nature itself. The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on the wonders of nature and wildlife, making this book ideal for inquisitive children aged 6-8 who loves to spot things when exploring outside and wants to know more about the wonderful and mysterious natural world.Celebrate your child's curiosity as they:- Explore 100 minerals, plants, and animals each with a stunning photographs and illustrations- Reveal fun facts in visual index guides that provide key reference information- Uncover captivating information on the natural history and mythology of a variety of nature's wondersThis nature encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic nature book for children who are obsessed with wildlife and the natural world. Encourage young readers to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 6-8 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn.Explore the vastness of space by uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Stunning photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure-A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesThe Wonders of Nature is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with Nature's Treasures or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd The Letters of Marsilio Ficino Volume 11: (Book XII)
This volume and its companions contain the first English translation of the letters written by the philosopher-priest who helped to shape the changes that we associate with the Renaissance. The letters in this eleventh volume cover the period from autumn 1492 to the spring of 1495, when they appeared in print. A few related or later items are included in an Appendix. A twelfth volume will bring the series to completion with nine distinctive treatises which Ficino gathered into a separate volume in 1476 but later re-included in his Letters as Book II. In the 1490s, Ficino was occupied with the political upheavals in Florence, and much of his effort was concentrated on trying to bring people back into dialogue with one another, in the hope of finding a more constructive outlook. Many of the letters in this book are covering letters to accompany copies of his work On the Sun, which considers the sun in its many aspects, as a heavenly body, a physical life force, a source of inspiration and an allegorical representation of the governing power in the universe. Other important letters include advice on coping with the evils of the time, the responsibilities and privileges of the philosopher, a reiteration of the importance of love, and further reflections on the theme of light. We note the increasing presence of friends in German lands, where several of his works were now being published. He also writes to friends in the French court. One unusual letter tackles a religious question: Ficino was moved to intervene in an argument on the degree to which the Platonic philosophers of old anticipated aspects of the Christian Trinity. While it would be comforting to find such agreement, Ficino says there is none in Plato, though some of the later Platonists offer confirmation of Christian doctrines in their writings. Another controversy relates to the status of astrology, for which Ficino claims only a modest place despite his own writings on the subject. In a related letter on Providence he again returns to the evils the city is experiencing and how these might best be met. Facing one of those evils head on, Ficino composed an address to the French King whose armies were threatening Florence. It is not known whether this address was delivered delivered in the presence of the king during the meeting which Ficino and others attended, but it lies on record as a genuine attempt to resolve hostilities. The illustration on the front of the jacket is from a manuscript of the earliest version of Ficino's work On the Sun, written in 1492 for Count Eberhard of Wurttemberg. It is reproduced with kind permission of the Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart (HB XV 65,fol.7r). A translation of this early version is included in the Appendix.
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Big Book Of Hacks: 250 Amazing DIY Tech Projects
In this paperback reboot of the popular 2012 title, readers will find a collection of the most up-to-date and thrilling DIY tech projects around—straight from the experts at Popular Science magazine. Updated with new and more modern projects, the Big Book of Hacks is the perfect book for aspiring makers, curious young techies and old-school enthusiasts alike … especially any who love using a soldering iron!Charge up that drill, fire up your soldering iron, and get ready to hack! Starting with a robust introduction to basic yet essential maker skills and followed by four comprehensive chapters of hack projects, this book has everything you’ll need: BASIC MAKER SKILLS From setting up your workspace to using basic hand and power tools to tinkering with robotics, find the top tips and essential skills every maker and maker-in-training needs to be successful. Other skills include 3-D printing, lasercutting, CAD design, and more! GEEK TOYS Be the life of the party with quirky drinking amusements, amazing pyrotechnics, and robots. Includes projects for installing a shower beer caddy, freezing LEGO ice cubes, wielding a potato launcher, building an LED-light dance floor, and constructing a light saber, with updates like a sword that detects free Wi-Fi, a solar-powered rover that really goes, a replica of a Roman catapult, and more! HOME IMPROVEMENTS Pimp out your pad with a laser-security system, an improvised sous-vide cooker, a secret door, an aquarium in an old TV, the perfect gaming chair or a life-size cardboard display of anyone you want. New projects include a sensor that lets you control your home’s temperature and energy use from afar, an automated pet-feeder, and a light made with pennies! GADGET UPGRADES Want to use an XBOX 360 controller as a phone case or build a polygraph test? Looking to brighten up a standard flashlight or charge your phone with solar rays? Improvise a fisheye lens for your camera or dye your laptop? Now you can upgrade many household items without breaking the bank. Look for updated content, such as a hacked radio that lets you listen to meteor showers, your very own DIY particle detector, and a cool soldering stencil. THINGS THAT GO Give your motorbike a Tron vibe or make a unicycle out of an old bike, deck out your car with an action-figure hood ornament or install a bed in your van, upgrade your kayak to a sail boat or take aerial photos with a balloon. Find these mobile projects and more—plus new stuff, like a heart-rate monitor you wear on your sleeve, a bike jacket with flashing turn signals, goggles with prescription lenses, and a bicycle-powered generator! With its clever tone, step-by-step instructions, and useful diagrams, every project is accessible to people of all ages. Find all the ingenious and hilarious projects that every techie will enjoy, in the upgraded The Big Book of Hacks.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life
Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with this awe-inspiring dinosaur book for curious kids aged 6-8.The prehistoric word of dinosaurs is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life is a stunning dinosaur encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they travel through the history of the Earth. From Tyrannosaurus and sabre-toothed cats, to ferns and woolly mammoths, this collection of amazing dinosaurs, plants, and other prehistoric life will wow children and many adults too - providing something for everyone to love!Showcasing more than 90 remarkable fossils, such as a fearsome Tyrannosaurus skull, delicate fern leaf, and perfectly preserved woolly mammoth, each plant or animal featured is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images.The storybook descriptions let you discover the myths and legends surrounding the organisms, as well as key facts about their natural history. Find out why Pachycephalosaurus had such a thick head, how a coral fossil can be used to work out how long a prehistoric year was, and which fossil was thought to protect people from poison. The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on the diverse world of dinosaurs, perfect for children aged 6-8 to love and explore for hours on end.Celebrate your child's curiosity as they:- Explore more than 90 species from the prehistoric world- Reveal pronunciations of each and every dinosaur featured throughout- Uncover stunning photographs of fossils and gorgeous illustrations of each creatureThis dinosaur encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out-of-this-world illustrations which makes it a fantastic dinosaur book for children who are obsessed with the prehistoric world. Encourage young readers to go on a time-travelling adventure back in time to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 6-8 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn.Explore the vastness of the prehistoric world whilst uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges-Stunning photography & illustrations inside-A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure-A quality gift to be passed down through the generationsMore in the SeriesDinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with The Wonders of Nature or let them walk soar into the galaxies above with Mysteries of the Universe.
Hachette Children's Group Letters From Lockdown: Famous faces, frontline workers and stay-at-home heroes reflect on the year everything changed
Introduced by newsreader, presenter, and Barnardo's president Natasha Kaplinsky, Letters From Lockdown features 100+ letters from celebrity names, COVID heroes, and a diverse range of members of the public, all answering the question - 'What was lockdown like for you?'Contributors include: Paul McCartney · Joe Wicks · Malala Yousafzai · Ed Sheeran · Helen Mirren · Cressida Cowell · Mary Berry · Richard Branson · Peppa Pig · Andy Murray · Helena Bonham Carter · Lenny Henry · Bruno Tonioli · Romesh Ranganathan · The family of Captain Tom · Bear Grylls · Charly Cox · Dr Alex George · Jacqueline Wilson · Matt Lucas · Monica Galetti · Kelly Holmes · Bill Gates· Sir Mo Farah and many more.The publisher will donate all profits, which will be a minimum of £1.50 for each copy of the book sold, to Barnardo's (registered charity in England and Wales no. 216250), who do important work to protect and support the UK's most vulnerable children, more in need now than ever.The letter writers include doctors and nurses, care home staff and vaccinators, train drivers and hairdressers, teachers and environmentalists - people who have been on the frontline in tackling the pandemic, or in trying to get the world back on its feet. Other letters document the unforgettable lighter moments of the past year: interviews crashed by children, TikTok triumphs and disasters, and Goats joining Zoom meetings. Each offers their unique perspective on the year everything changed.Other contributors include: Al Gore; Alexandra Shulman, Davina McCall, Toby Regbo, Trevor McDonald, Jo Malone, Keir Starmer, Boris Johnson, Mark Ronson, Maro Itoje, Nicola Adams, Raymond Blanc, Richard Curtis and Emma Freud, Chris Van Dusen, Sita Brahmachari, Sophie Gonzales, Hayden Kays, Tim Peake, Sean Fitzpatrick, and Joan Collins.The idea for the book came from Natasha Kaplinsky's children, Arlo and Kika. They wrote an open letter, wanting to understand other people's experiences of lockdown. Their question, 'What was lockdown like for you?' is the prompt; the collection of letters in response form the book. As we keep our fingers crossed that this summer will bring a safe end to restrictions, this mixture of funny, sad, heart-warming, surprising, heroic and honest experiences will mark the start of a period of reflection.Adrian Packer, Al Gore, Alex George, Alexandra Shulman, Ali Mercer, Alice M Greenwald, Ali Joy, Andy Murray, Antony Cauvin, Anushua Gupta, Bear Grylls, Benjie and Georgia Ingram-Moore, Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, Bob Wilson, Boris Johnson, Bruno Tonioli, Buckingham Palace, Charly Cox, Chimwemwe Chiweza, Chris and Vicki Agar, Chris Van Dusen, Clare Wenham, Colette Moreira-Henocq, Cressida Cowell, Davey Glover, Davina McCall, Dawn Bilbrough, Dot McCarthy, Ed Balls, Ed Sheeran, Elliot Jacobs, Emma Freud and Richard Curtis, Fergus Llewellyn, George Alagiah, Gill Edwards, Hayden Kays, Helen Mirren, Helena Bonham Carter, Hollie Long, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Jacqueline Wilson, Jacquie Jenkins, James Graham, Javed Khan, Jenny Messenger, Jo Malone, Joan Collins, Joe Wicks, John Vincent, Josie Naughton, Kathryn England, Karen Pollock, Karl Jones, Keir Starmer, Kelly Holmes, Laura Elliott, Lenny Henry, Lindsay Hoyle, Maff Potts, Maia Elliott, Malala Yousafzai, Margaret Keenan, Marie Benton, Mark Ronson, Maro Itoje, The Marsh Family, Mary Berry, Matt Lucas, Meggie Foster, Michele Walter, Mo Farah, Monica Galetti, Mr Men's Mr Happy, Neera Butt, Nicola Adams, Nina Raingold, Patricia Daley, Paul Atherton, Paul McCartney, Paul Morrison, Paula Talman, Peppa Pig, Philippa Craddock, Raymond Blanc, Rene Germain, Richard Branson, Roja Dove, Romesh Ranganathan, Rosie Jones, Rosie Mitchell, Sandi Procter, Scott Evans, Sean Fitzpatrick, Sharna Jackson, Sita Brahmachari, Sophie Gonzales, Tamara Rojo, Tanni Grey-Thompson, Tessa Mattholie Butunoi, Tim Peake, Tim Steiner, Toby Regbo, Trevor McDonald, Will Shu, Woody, Zoe Burke
Oro Editions Pressing Matters 9
This year Pressing Matters 9 was completely rethought; the aim was to present an Open Source publication that shares the Department of Architecture’s concept of design research, an integral approach of critical thinking, rigorous research, and a deep understanding of the complex layers of architecture. Together with Jonathan Jackson of the renowned design Studio WSDIA in NYC, a more integral design was developed, allowing input from research [ARI labs], students, faculty and Penn’s special events. The content and layout focus on an indepth representation on how in recent years we have integrated expertise and content from our courses into our Design Studio’s. Pressing Matters is an annual design and research compilation from the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design, showcasing student work, faculty research, and innovations in pedagogy. The Department launched the one year MSDRAS program this year, directed by Assistant Professor Robert Stuart Smith. The Master of Science in Design: Robotics and Autonomous Systems aims to critically develop novel approaches to the design, manufacturing, construction, use, and lifecycle of architecture through creative engagement with robotics, material systems, and design computation. Students will develop skills in advanced forms of robotic fabrication, simulation, and artificial intelligence, in order to develop methods for design that harness production or live adaptation as a creative opportunity. This is an excellent addition to the existing MSD programs: the MSDEBD directed by Professor Bill Braham and the MSDAAD directed by Professor Ali Rahim, all presented in Pressing Matters 9.
Taschen GmbH Tom of Finland. The Complete Kake Comics
In 1965, Tom of Finland began flirting with the idea of an ongoing character for his panel stories, the ultimate Tom’s Man. He tried out a blond named Vicky—a common male name in Finland—followed by a Tarzan-inspired Jack. Then in 1968 Tom settled on Kake, a dark-haired, mustached leatherman who often wore a tight white T-shirt bearing the motto “Fucker.” Kake lived up to this moniker, a sort of post-Stonewall, hyper-masculine Johnny Appleseed traveling the world on his motorcycle to spread the seeds of liberated, mutually satisfying, ecstatically explicit gay sex. Tom lived out many of his most personal fantasies through Kake, and Kake’s international fans made him the template for what came to be known as the gay clone look of the 1970s. Between 1968 and 1986, Tom published 26 episodes of Kake adventures, most as 20-page booklets.Tom of Finland – The Complete Kake Comics collects all of these stories in one volume. Return with Kake to the days when men were men, sex was carefree, and everyone wore a big thick mustache.