Search results for ""John Wiley and Sons Ltd""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Atlas of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery
This second edition of the Atlas of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery is a major revision of Dr. Quinn’s classic work, taking into account new procedures, equipment, and evidence-based findings from the latest research in TMJ treatment. Assuming that readers are familiar with non-surgical therapies to correct temporomandibular pain and disorders, Drs. Quinn and Granquist focus on the surgical remedies for disorders that are beyond conservative treatment. This concise, how-to surgical atlas guides both the novice and experienced surgeon through the intra-articular and extra-articular procedures that have proven efficacious in the treatment of advanced craniomandibular dysfunction. Chapters take readers through decision making for TMJ surgery, diagnostic imaging methods, surgical approaches, surgery for internal derangements, trauma, osseous surgical procedures, total joint replacement, and pathologies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Practicing Positive CBT: From Reducing Distress to Building Success
Practicing Positive CBT: From Reducing Distress to Building Success reveals a new therapeutic approach that combines traditional CBT with Positive Psychology and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. By shifting the focus of therapy from what is wrong with clients to what it right with them and from what is not working to what is, Positive CBT creates a more optimistic process that empowers clients and therapists to flourish. Increases client motivation and collaboration; allows therapeutic outcomes to be achieved in shorter timeframes and in a more cost-effective way Covers theory and applications, and provides a wide range of stories, exercises and case studies The author has a uniquely broad knowledge and experience as a therapist and trainer of CBT, PP, and SFBT
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review
Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology: Board Review with Multiple Choice Questions is the only source you will need to pass the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) transplant hepatology examination. Written by two highly experienced hepatologists, this indispensable study guide covers all the main topics tested on the exam: pre-transplant, perioperative, post-transplant, and transplant immunology. 261 multiple-choice questions with answers, including questions based on the authors’ real-life cases, are designed to mimic the clinical scenarios you will encounter in hepatology practice. Questions testing your medical knowledge, clinical insight, and management skills are supported by brief topic overviews, key references, high-quality images, pathology slides, and cholangiograms. Throughout the book, “Pearls” and “Must-Know Facts” sections emphasize testable points that are likely to appear on the ABIM board examination. The first hepatology-specific study aid of its kind, Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology: Board Review with Multiple Choice Questions is a must-have for medical professionals preparing for the hepatology boards, as well as practicing gastroenterologists and hepatologists who want to refresh their knowledge and test their proficiency in both fundamental and advanced hepatology topics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Zoo and Wild Mammal Formulary
Zoo and Wild Mammal Formulary offers fast access to authoritative dosing information for drugs used in more than 35 zoo and wild mammal groups, including marsupials, bears, and elephants. Taking an easy-to-use tabular format, the book is organized by taxa, with drug doses sorted by type and alphabetically arranged in every chapter. Clear and comprehensive, the book offers dosages for all important drugs, including antibiotics, antifungals, anesthetics, analgesics, and more. Each dose is referenced with a journal or textbook source, including the number of animals in the study where available, making it easy to find trusted information. Offers essential drug information for a wide range of zoo and wild mammals in an easy-to-consult format Provides dosing amounts for all important drugs, including antibiotics, antifungals, anesthetics, and analgesics Includes dosages for over 35 mammal groups, including marsupials, bears, and elephants Takes a tabular approach for quick reference Makes it easy to find a referenced dose for these animals, eliminating time spent searching through other sources Zoo and Wild Mammal Formulary is an essential reference for all veterinarians seeing zoo and wild animal patients, including zoo and wildlife veterinarians, veterinary specialists, and veterinary students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy, 20th Anniversary Edition
In 1998, the first edition of Anthony Kenny's comprehensive history of Western philosophy was published, to be met with immediate praise and critical acclaim. As the first book since Bertrand Russell's 1945 A History of Western Philosophy to offer a concise single-author review of the complete history of philosophy from the pre-Socratics to the modern masters of the 20th century, Kenny's work fills a critical gap in the modern philosophy reading list and offers valuable guidance for the general reader of philosophy—an ideal starting point for anyone with an interest in great thinkers and the family lines of philosophical evolution. Widely considered to be one of the most thorough and accessible historical reviews in philosophy, An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy has earned an estimable and distinctive reputation, both for the compelling writing style of Anthony Kenny, one of the most respected and accomplished living philosophers, and for the rich collection of paintings, illustrations, maps, and photos included with every chapter to complement this review of 2,500 years of philosophical thought. Newly revised and expanded for a special 20th anniversary publication, the latest edition of An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy contains all of Kenny's original writings on the history of Western philosophy from ancient to modern, along with new writings on the philosophy of the mid-20th century, covering important contributions from continental philosophers and philosophers of the post-Wittgenstein anglophone tradition, including the work of many women who have too often been neglected by the historical record.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introducing Christian Ethics
Introducing Christian Ethics 2e, now thoroughly revised and updated, offers an unparalleled introduction to the study of Christian Ethics, mapping and exploring all the major ethical approaches, and offering thoughtful insights into the complex moral challenges facing people today. This highly successful text has been thoughtfully updated, based on considerable feedback, to include increased material on Catholic perspectives, further case studies and the augmented use of introductions and summaries Uniquely redefines the field of Christian ethics along three strands: universal (ethics for anyone), subversive (ethics for the excluded), and ecclesial (ethics for the church) Encompasses Christian ethics in its entirety, offering students a substantial overview by re-mapping the field and exploring the differences in various ethical approaches Provides a successful balance between description, analysis, and critique Structured so that it can be used alongside a companion volume, Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader, which further illustrates and amplifies the diversity of material and arguments explored here
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Discourse Analysis
The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest research to have developed since the original publication, including new theoretical paradigms and discourse-analytic models, in an authoritative two-volume set. Twenty new chapters highlight emerging trends and the latest areas of research Contributions reflect the range, depth, and richness of current research in the field Chapters are written by internationally-recognized leaders in their respective fields, constituting a Who’s Who of Discourse Analysis A vital resource for scholars and students in discourse studies as well as for researchers in related fields who seek authoritative overviews of discourse analytic issues, theories, and methods
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
The 2nd Edition of Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, the highly successful practice-oriented handbook designed to demystify psychoanalytic psychotherapy, is updated and revised to reflect the latest developments in the field. Updated edition of an extremely successful textbook in its field, featuring numerous updates to reflect the latest research and evidence base Demystifies the processes underpinning psychoanalytic psychotherapy, particularly the development of the analytic attitude guided by principles of clinical technique Provides step-by-step guidance in key areas such as how to conduct assessments, how to formulate cases in psychodynamic terms and how to approach endings The author is a leader in the field – she is General Editor of the New Library of Psychoanalysis book series and a former editor of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Russian History
This companion comprises 28 essays by international scholars offering an analytical overview of the development of Russian history from the earliest Slavs through to the present day. Includes essays by both prominent and emerging scholars from Russia, Great Britain, the US, and Canada Analyzes the entire sweep of Russian history from debates over how to identify the earliest Slavs, through the Yeltsin Era, and future prospects for post-Soviet Russia Offers an extensive review of the medieval period, religion, culture, and the experiences of ordinary people Offers a balanced review of both traditional and cutting-edge topics, demonstrating the range and dynamism of the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy: An Existential Approach
Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy , second edition, is a fully updated edition of a classic guide to existential psychotherapy by one of its leading practitioner. Examines the personal and subjective dimensions of psychotherapy in a fresh and bold manner Offers practical and common-sense approaches to tackling sensitive issues when working with clients with an emphasis on transparency and authenticity Weaves together concepts of existential psychotherapy with case studies and the author’s experiential observations in a seamless narrative Covers a wide range of intimate existential issues, including loneliness, survival, self-understanding, love, and passion
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry
New and expanded for its second edition, Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry¸ Second Edition, is a timely update to a classic text filled with ideas, connections, and concepts that advance an in-depth understanding of this growing segment of microbiology. Core principles are highlighted with an emphasis on the logic of the science and new methods-driven discoveries. Numerous up-to-date examples and applications boxes provide tangible reinforcement of material covered. Study questions at the end of each chapter require students to utilize analytical and quantitative approaches, to define and defend arguments, and to apply microbiological paradigms to their personal interests. Essay assignments and related readings stimulate student inquiry and serve as focal points for teachers to launch classroom discussions. A companion website with downloadable artwork and answers to study questions is also available. Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry, Second Edition, offers a coherent and comprehensive treatment of this dynamic, emerging field, building bridges between basic biology, evolution, genomics, ecology, biotechnology, climate change, and the environmental sciences.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Design Management for Architects
This guide integrates theory and practice to offer practical solutions for architects to improve their design management skills. This unique guide helps architects improve their management skills by addressing the relationship between the management of the design project and the design office. The author demonstrates how a professionally managed project, conceived and delivered within a professionally managed office ensures that client values are translated into construction without loss of creativity. Design Management for Architects divides into two parts. Part 1: Managing Creative Projects covers the context and infrastructure of projects; looks at client values; describes developing, detailing and realising the design; and shows how to learn from projects. Part 2: Managing Creative Organisations describes the business of architecture; explains how to manage creative people and the design studio – covering communication and knowledge-sharing, information management, financial management and attracting/retaining clients. This second edition has been extensively rewritten in response to student feedback and to the rapid evolution of design management in architecture. New features include: the ‘Why Management?’ question addressed in a design context Vignettes to demonstrate the value of design management practical advice is incorporated into each chapter under ‘Project to Office Interface’ more specifics on the design manager role, and the contribution of ICTs (including BIM) to effective design management. By integrating theory and practice, and offering practical solutions for architects to improve their design management skills, this book provides clear guidance to all designers and (design) managers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology
Drawing on essays from leading international and multi-disciplinary scholars, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology is the first comprehensive and authoritative reference source to cover the key issues of technology’s impact on society and our lives. Presents the first complete, authoritative reference work in the field Organized thematically for use both as a full introduction to the field or an encyclopedic reference Draws on original essays from leading interdisciplinary scholars Features the most up-to-date and cutting edge research in the interdisciplinary fields of philosophy, technology, and their broader intellectual environments
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia
Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia, Second Edition is a fully updated and revised version of the first comprehensive reference on anesthetic techniques in captive and free-ranging wildlife. Now including expanded coverage of avian and aquatic species, this exhaustive resource presents information on the full range of zoo and wildlife species. Covering topics ranging from monitoring and field anesthesia to CPR and euthanasia, the heart of the book is devoted to 53 species-specific chapters providing a wealth of information on little-known and common zoo and wildlife animals alike. In addition to new species chapters, the new edition brings a new focus on pain management, including chronic pain, and more information on species-specific physiology. Chapters on airway management, monitoring, emergency therapeutics, and field procedures are all significantly expanded as well. This update to Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia is an invaluable addition to the library of all zoo and wildlife veterinarians.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Cat: Its Behavior, Nutrition and Health
Today, approximately 27% of households in the United States own at least one cat. This comprises a total of almost 60 million total pet cats. An 8 billion dollar pet food industry and the more than 7 billion dollars that pet owners spend on veterinary care each year provide tangible evidence of the increasing importance that companion animals have in our society. Additionally, the bond that owners have with their cats and the many health benefits that are afforded by this bond have been the topic of numerous research studies in the past 25 years. The cat as a cherished companion is here to stay, and many owners, students and pet professionals are eager to learn more about man’s OTHER best friend, Felis catus. The Cat: Its Behavior, Nutrition and Health, the textbook of the cat, is written as a companion book to The Dog: Its Behavior, Nutrition and Health. This book provides pet owners, undergraduate students and pet professionals with a complete guide to four topical areas that are of interest. These are: The history of the human-cat relationship; behavior of the domestic cat; feline nutrition; and feline health and disease. The Cat will fill the need for an academic textbook for undergraduate animal science courses, veterinary technician programs, and cat care or breeding classes. It will also serve as an important resource for pet professionals such as breeders, exhibitors, groomers, and veterinary practitioners.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Heidegger: Thinking of Being
Martin Heidegger is among the most important philosophers of the Twentieth Century. Within the continental tradition, almost every great figure has been deeply influenced by his work. For this reason, a full understanding of the course of modern philosophy is impossible without at least a basic grasp of Heidegger. Unfortunately, his work is notoriously difficult, both because of his innovative ideas and his difficult writing style. In this compelling book, Lee Braver cuts through the jargon to present Heidegger’s ideas in clear English, using illuminating examples and explications of thorny passages. In so doing, he offers readers an accessible overview of Heidegger’s entire career. The first half of the book presents a guide through Being and Time, Heidegger’s early masterpiece, while the second half covers the key themes of his later writing, including technology, subjectivity, history, nihilism, agency, and the nature of thought itself. As Heidegger’s later work is deeply engaged with other philosophers, Braver explains the relevance of Plato, Descartes, Kant, and Nietzsche for Heidegger’s thought. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars trying to find their way through Heidegger’s difficult ideas. Anyone interested in Twentieth Century continental philosophy must come to terms with Heidegger, and this book is the ideal place to begin.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
In this brilliant and widely acclaimed work, Peter Burke presents a social and cultural history of the Italian Renaissance. He discusses the social and political institutions which existed in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and analyses the ways of thinking and seeing which characterized this period of extraordinary artistic creativity. Developing a distinctive sociological approach, Peter Burke is concerned with not only the finished works of Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and others, but also with the social background, patterns of recruitment and means of subsistence of this ‘cultural elite’. New to this edition is a fully revised introduction focusing on what Burke terms ‘the domestic turn’ in Renaissance studies and discussing the relation of the Renaissance to global trends. He thus makes a major contribution to our understanding of the Italian Renaissance, and to our comprehension of the complex relations between culture and society. This thoroughly revised and updated third edition is richly illustrated throughout. It will have a wide appeal among historians, sociologists and anyone interested in one of the most creative periods of European history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to Clothing Manufacture
The revised version of this established textbook provides a unique introduction for students and new entrants to the clothing industry. Profusely illustrated, it sets out a panoramic view of the day-to-day operation of a clothing factory, including management, design, marketing, finance and purchasing as well as quality control and production. The practical aspects of clothing manufacturing are explained, from the original design to deliveries to retail customers, and each of the basic planning and manufacturing technologies is described with many practical examples of their applications. The Authors Gerry Cooklin had over 30 years’ experience in the British and Israeli clothing industries and for 12 years was deputy managing director of the Bagis Group in Israel where he was responsible for technology and development. Dr Steven G Hayes is Senior Lecturer in Fashion Technology at The Department of Clothing Design and Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester. John Mcloughlin is a Research Associate at the University of Manchester and an International Technical Consultant to the clothing industry. Also available from Blackwell Publishing Pattern Grading for Women’s Clothes Gerry Cooklin 0 632 02295 7 Carr & Latham’s Technology of Clothing Manufacture Third Edition David J Tyler 0 6320 5248 1 The Apparel Industry Richard Jones 0 632 05592 8 How Fashion Works Gavin Waddell 0 632 05752 1
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration
This new edition of the well-established Kearey and Brooks text is fully updated to reflect the important developments in geophysical methods since the production of the previous edition. The broad scope of previous editions is maintained, with even greater clarity of explanations from the revised text and extensively revised figures. Each of the major geophysical methods is treated systematically developing the theory behind the method and detailing the instrumentation, field data acquisition techniques, data processing and interpretation methods. The practical application of each method to such diverse exploration applications as petroleum, groundwater, engineering, environmental and forensic is shown by case histories. The mathematics required in order to understand the text is purposely kept to a minimum, so the book is suitable for courses taken in geophysics by all undergraduate students. It will also be of use to postgraduate students who might wish to include geophysics in their studies and to all professional geologists who wish to discover the breadth of the subject in connection with their own work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Microfossils
This is a new and completely rewritten edition of the well-known text Microfossils (first published in 1980) covering all the major microfossil groups, with information on taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and palaeoecology. particular attention is given to the uses of microfossils in environmental reconstruction and biostratigraphy numerous line and half-tone illustrations emphasis on practical applications of micropalaeontology only student-friendly micropaleontology text available
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Interpretation and Uses of Medical Statistics
In 1969 the first edition of this book introduced the concepts of statistics and their medical application to readers with no formal training in this area. While retaining this basic aim, the authors have expanded the coverage in each subsequent edition to keep pace with the increasing use and sophistication of statistics in medical research. This fifth edition has undergone major restructuring, with some sections completely rewritten; it is now more logically organized and more user friendly (with the addition of 'summary boxes' throughout the text). It incorporates new statistical techniques and approaches that have made an appearance since the last edition. In addition, some chapters or chapter headings are specifically marked to signify material that is more difficult than the material in which it is embedded - such sections or chapters can be omitted at first reading. Several new chapters have been added . "Associations: Chance, Confounded and Causal?" explains without any formulae the concepts underlying confounding, confidence intervals and p values, and the interpretation of associations observed in research investigations. Another new chapter considers sample size calculations in some detail and provides, in addition to the relevant formulae, useful tables that should give the researcher an indication of the order of magnitude of the number of subjects he or she might require in different situations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Management Techniques Applied to the Construction Industry
Now in its 5th edition, this well established text first examines individual management techniques and then demonstrates these in practice, via a large new section of case studies based on actual building projects. This edition also features a revised section on costing and a new set of exercises for students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rhythms of Dialogue in Infancy: Coordinated Timingin Development
Coordination between infant and adult is thought to be essential to infant development. However, the study is theoretically and methodologically grounded in a dyadic systems perspective and relational psychoanalysis. Our automated apparatus explores the micro-second timing of 4-month infant-adult vocal coordination to predict 12-month infant attachment and cognition. This work also further defines a fundamental dyadic timing matrix that guides the trajectory of infant development.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Deontology
Deontology brings together some of the most significant philosophical work on ethics, presenting canonical essays on core questions in moral philosophy. Edited and introduced by Stephen Darwall, these readings are essential for anyone interested in normative theory. With a helpful introduction by Stephen Darwall, examines key topics in deontological moral theory. Includes seven essays which respond to the classic sources. Includes classic excerpts by key figures such Kant, Richard Price and W. D. Ross; and recent reactions to this work by philosophers, including Robert Nozick, Thomas Nagel, Stephen Darwall, Judith Thomson, Frances Kamm, Warren Quinn, and Christine Korsgaard.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Ethiopians: A History
The book opens with a review of Ethiopian prehistory, showing how the Ethiopian section of the African Rift Valley has come to be seen as the "cradle of humanity".
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Continental Philosophy
Covering the complete development of post-Kantian Continental philosophy, this volume serves as an essential reference work for philosophers and those engaged in the many disciplines that are integrally related to Continental and European Philosophy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Abelard: A Medieval Life
Michael Clanchy introduces the reader to medieval life through the experience of Peter Abelard, the master of the Paris schools.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality: The Big Questions
This ambitious philosophical anthology combines analyses and surveys of contemporary theorising on social identity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology
Provides an overview of pastoral and practical theology in the form of articles and extracts with commentary. Presents pastoral and practical theology within a theoretical framework Contains classic readings together with newly commissioned articles Engages with practical theologies from both sides of the Atlantic
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Chaucer to Spenser: An Anthology
In this key anthology Derek Pearsall offers a radically new approach to those teaching and studying English writing from Geoffrey Chaucer to the early work of Edmund Spenser.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Race and the Enlightenment: A Reader
Emmanuel Eze collects into one convenient and controversial volume the most important and influential writings on race that the European Enlightenment produced.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach
A History of English provides an intelligent and accessible synthesis of modern sociolinguistic approaches to the development of the English Language.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Continuous-Time Finance
Robert C. Merton's widely-used text provides an overview and synthesis of finance theory from the perspective of continuous-time analysis. It covers individual finance choice, corporate finance, financial intermediation, capital markets, and selected topics on the interface between private and public finance.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Artificial Intelligence: A Philosophical Introduction
Presupposing no familiarity with the technical concepts of either philosophy or computing, this clear introduction reviews the progress made in AI since the inception of the field in 1956. Copeland goes on to analyze what those working in AI must achieve before they can claim to have built a thinking machine and appraises their prospects of succeeding. There are clear introductions to connectionism and to the language of thought hypothesis which weave together material from philosophy, artificial intelligence and neuroscience. John Searle's attacks on AI and cognitive science are countered and close attention is given to foundational issues, including the nature of computation, Turing Machines, the Church-Turing Thesis and the difference between classical symbol processing and parallel distributed processing. The book also explores the possibility of machines having free will and consciousness and concludes with a discussion of in what sense the human brain may be a computer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Modern CBT: Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems
An Introduction to Modern CBT provides an easily accessible introduction to modern theoretical cognitive behavioral therapy models. The text outlines the different techniques, their success in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and important new developments in the field. • Provides an easy-to-read introduction into modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches with specific case examples and hands-on treatment techniques • Discusses the theoretical models of CBT, outlines the different techniques that have been shown to be successful in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and describes important new developments in the field • Offers useful guidance for therapists in training and is an invaluable reference tool for experienced clinicians