Search results for ""Author Peter Prinz"
The History Press Ltd Great War Britain Coventry: Remembering 1914-18
The First World War claimed over 995,000 British lives, and its legacy continues to be remembered today. Great War Britain: Coventry offers an intimate portrayal of the city and its people living in the shadow of the 'war to end all wars'. A beautifully illustrated and highly accessible volume, it describes local reaction to the outbreak of war; charts the experience of individuals who enlisted; the changing face of industry; the work of the many hospitals in the area; the effect of the conflict on local children; the women who defied convention to play a vital role on the home front; and concludes with a chapter dedicated to how the city and its people coped with the transition to life in peacetime once more. The Great War story of Coventry is told through the voices of those who were there and is vividly illustrated through evocative images from the archives of Culture Coventry.
Universitatsverlag Winter Reconciliation, Representation and Indigeneity: 'biculturalism' in Aotearoa New Zealand
Schnell & Steiner Die Architektur Des Weges: Gestaltete Bewegung Im Gebauten Raum
Harrassowitz Tall Munbaqa-Ekalte III, Die Glyptik
Saint Paul Seminary Press Manual de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia: Una guia para los cristianos en el munco de hoy
Pickwick Publications Theological Anthropology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
Hal Leonard Corporation The Frogs
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Do you manage patients with prostate cancer? Could you use an expert guide examining all possible management options? Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and clinical management providesurologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date, evidence-based guidance to the diagnosis, treatment and clinical management of a disease which accounts for a quarter of all cancers affecting men. Designed to be as practical and accessible as possible, leading experts discuss key issues in prostate cancer management and examine how to deliver best practice in the clinical care of their patients. Topics covered include: What must be considered when counseling newly-diagnosed cancer patients Radical surgery options for prostate cancer Novel therapies for localized prostate cancer How should metastatic prostate cancer be diagnostic and managed What are the best methods of administering end of life care for the patient Brought to you by a highly experienced editor team, and containing key points, management algorithms, practice tips and the latest AUA and EAU clinical guidelines, this is the ideal consultation tool for doctors both on the wards and in the office.
Buffalo Bill Center of the West The Life and Art of Joseph Henry Sharp
Rowman & Littlefield American Catholics and Civic Engagement: A Distinctive Voice
Sheed & Ward, in partnership with the Commonweal Foundation and with funding from the Pew Charitable Trust, proudly presents the first of two volumes in a groundbreaking series called American Catholics in the Public Square. The result of a three-year study sponsored by Pew aimed at understanding the contributions to U.S. civic life of the Catholic, Jewish, mainline and evangelical Protestant, African-American, Latino, and Muslim communities in the United States, the two volumes in this series gather selected essays from the Commonweal Colloquia and the joint meetings organized by the Commonweal Foundation and The Faith and Reason Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. Participants in the Commonweal colloquia and the joint meetings—leading Catholic scholars, journalists, lawyers, business and labor leaders, novelists and poets, church administrators and lobbyists, activists, policy makers and politicians—produced approximately forty-five essays presented at ten meetings that brought together over two hundred and fifty participants. The two volumes in the American Catholics in the Public Square Series address many of the most critical issues now facing the Catholic Church in the United States by drawing from the four goals of the colloquia-to identify, assess, and critique the distinctive elements in Catholicism's approach to civic life; to generate concrete analyses and recommendations for strengthening Catholic civic engagement; to encompass a broad spectrum of political and social views of Catholics to encourage dialogue between Catholic leaders, religious and secular media, and political thinkers; to reexamine the long-standing Catholic belief in the obligation to promote the common good and to clarify how Catholics may work better with those holding other religious or philosophical convictions toward revitalizing both the religious environment and civic participation in the American republic. This first volume, American Catholics and Civic Engagement: A Distinctive Voice, i
John Wiley & Sons Inc Healing Addiction: An Integrated Pharmacopsychosocial Approach to Treatment
Filled with helpful resources and illuminating case studies, Healing Addiction provides you with an integrative guide to understanding and treating addiction that brings together the latest neuroscience, pharmacology, social understanding, and psychological research. It is a key resource for professionals in the addiction community, for social scholars and policymakers, and for the interested general reader.
MIT Press Ltd Co-Illusion: Dispatches from the End of Communication
Springer Verlag, Singapore Advances in Visual Informatics: 8th International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2023, Selangor, Malaysia, November 15–17, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Visual Informatics, IVIC 2023, held in Selangor, Malaysia in November 2023.The 51 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 101 submissions. The conference focused on 6 tracks: Modeling and Simulation, Mixed Reality and HCI, Systems Integration and IoT, Cybersecurity, Energy Informatics and Intelligent Data Analytics.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Deutsches und europäisches Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht: Band 2
Auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis ausgerichtet, erläutert das Werk unter Aufarbeitung der neuesten Rechtsentwicklungen systematisch das gesamte Bankrecht in Deutschland. Die Neuauflage wurde um weitere Beiträge ergänzt. Zudem werden die europäische Rechtsentwicklung und das Bankrecht der Staaten Europas in Länderberichten dargestellt. Auch Einrichtungen und Erscheinungen sowie Gebiete des Rechts, deren Bedeutung im Zuge der Finanzkrise in den letzten Jahren mehr hervorgetreten ist - zum Beispiel Rating oder Scoring oder auch Datenschutz und Bankgeheimnis -, werden verstärkt behandelt. Renommierte Autoren aus der Wissenschaft, häufig als Richter, Schiedsrichter oder Berater tätig und wissenschaftlich ausgewiesene Praktiker aus Justiz und Anwaltschaft gewährleisten eine ausgewogene Rechtsinterpretation und garantieren eine zuverlässige und aktuelle Aufbereitung der jeweiligen Teilgebiete in komprimierter Form, um dem Leser eine praxisnahe und kompetente Einarbeitung in kurzer Zeit zu ermöglichen.Band 2 umfasst die Kapitalmarkt- und Auslandsgeschäfte, den Rechtsschutz sowie das Europäische Bankrecht inklusive Länderberichte.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Deutsches und europäisches Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht: Band 1
Auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis ausgerichtet, erläutert das Werk unter Aufarbeitung der neuesten Rechtsentwicklungen systematisch das gesamte Bankrecht in Deutschland. Die Neuauflage wurde um weitere Beiträge ergänzt. Zudem werden die europäische Rechtsentwicklung und das Bankrecht der Staaten Europas in Länderberichten dargestellt. Auch Einrichtungen und Erscheinungen sowie Gebiete des Rechts, deren Bedeutung im Zuge der Finanzkrise in den letzten Jahren mehr hervorgetreten ist - zum Beispiel Rating oder Scoring oder auch Datenschutz und Bankgeheimnis -, werden verstärkt behandelt. Renommierte Autoren aus der Wissenschaft, häufig als Richter, Schiedsrichter oder Berater tätig und wissenschaftlich ausgewiesene Praktiker aus Justiz und Anwaltschaft gewährleisten eine ausgewogene Rechtsinterpretation und garantieren eine zuverlässige und aktuelle Aufbereitung der jeweiligen Teilgebiete in komprimierter Form, um dem Leser eine praxisnahe und kompetente Einarbeitung in kurzer Zeit zu ermöglichen.Band 1 beschäftigt sich mit den bankvertraglichen Grundlagen, den Krediten und Kreditsicherheiten sowie mit Konto und Zahlungsverkehr.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Übungsbuch Chemie für Dummies
Sich all die Formeln, Funktionen und Regeln der Chemie zu merken ist schon schwierig genug - und dann soll man sie auch noch richtig anwenden. Da hilft nur üben, üben, üben! Das "Übungsbuch Chemie für Dummies" enthält über 250 Übungen zu Einheitenumrechnung, Periodensystem, Stöchiometrie, Säuren und Basen, Thermodynamik, Redoxreaktionen, funktionelllen Gruppen und vielen anderen grundlegenden Fragestellungen der Chemie. Zudem finden Sie zu Beginn eines jeden Themas eine kurze Widerholung der Theorie, bevor es dann an die Praxis geht. Natürlich gibt es auch ausführliche Lösungen zu allen Aufgaben, so gewinnen Sie Sicherheit und können sich zielgerichtet auf die nächste Prüfung vorbereiten.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Umweltchemie: Eine Einführung mit Aufgaben und Lösungen
Ein schneller Einstieg in die Umweltchemie, fachlich fundiert und mit Praxisbezug? Die vorliegende Übersetzung des amerikanischen Bestsellers Elements of Environmental Chemistry macht es möglich. Hier werden die Schwerpunkte der Umweltchemie auf den Punkt gebracht: Welche Faktoren verursachen die Klimaerwärmung? Wo nützt Ozon und wo schadet es? Wie verhalten sich schwer abbaubare Substanzen, wenn sie in die Umwelt gelangen? Ergänzt um aktuelle Beispiele aus Deutschland und Europa vermittelt das einführende Lehrbuch Grundlagen und Anwendungen des chemischen Verhaltens von Stoffen in der Umwelt. Zahlreiche Beispielrechnungen trainieren den Umgang mit chemischen Größen. Den Bezug zur Praxis stellen die über 120 Übungsaufgaben her, und der Lernerfolg kann gleich im Lösungsteil überprüft werden. Ein Grundlagenbuch und ein Werkzeugkasten, der Bachelor-Studenten mit dem notwendigen Wissen ausrüstet. Das ideale Einsteigerbuch für Studierende aller Fachrichtungen.
Thieme Publishing Group Muscle Injuries in Sports
The first book to focus exclusively on muscle injuries in sports! Accounting for the majority of sports-related disorders, injuries of the skeletal muscles have been difficult to define, classify, and treat mainly due to a lack of scientific background and missing guidelines. Now, for the first time, readers will find full coverage of muscle anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, imaging, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention in one comprehensive volume. It includes a standardized terminology and new classification system, both based on a consensus conference that took place in 2011 in Munich. Special Features: Written by top international sports medicine physicians who have more than 35 years of experience treating competitive athletes, including the German national soccer team Emphasizes practice-oriented content with a scientific foundation Shares dozens of case studies that highlight injury assessment, pitfalls, and complications Provides more than 500 vivid, full-color illustrations and photographs, including detailed anatomic diagrams and tables At a time when athletic muscle injuries have increasingly become the focus of research and clinical studies, especially due to their frequency and impact on player absence, this book makes an enormous contribution to the field. It is essential reading for all sports medicine physicians, residents and fellows, physical therapists, coaches, and other practitioners involved in caring for athletes.
De Gruyter Die Kunst des Herrn Nestler: Bildhauer, Zeichner und Performer
Das Buch der Neuen Galerie Graz gibt einen ersten umfassenden Einblick in das Schaffen des österreichischen Bild-hauers, Zeichners und Performers Norbert Nestler (1942–2014). Sein Werk setzt sich mit Raumutopien auseinander und steht in enger Verbindung mit den Entwicklungen der Materialien und Medien seit den 1960-er Jahren. Dem Visionären räumte Nestler dabei einen besonderen Stellenwert ein. Seine dynamischen Untersuchungen des Sehens von zwei- und dreidimensionalem Raum haben das Kunstgeschehen in Graz und Österreich seit mehreren Jahrzehnten begleitet und maßgeblich mitgeformt.Die Zusammenschau von Nestlers Œuvre mit zahlreichen Werkabbildungen und Ausstellungsansichten enthält auch Texte des Künstlers, die er noch selbst für diese Retrospektive vorbereiten konnte. Weitere Beiträge stammen unter anderem von der Kuratorin Katrin Bucher Trantow, die Nestlers zeichnerischem Interesse nachgeht. Günther Holler-Schuster betrachtet den Kontext des Pneumatischen bei Nestler, während Elisabeth Fiedler den „Stadtgestalter“ und Künstler für den öffentlichen Raum untersucht.
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer Vol. 28: The Last Swordfish
A renowned physicist and the head of MI5 battle threats to the Empire and solve extraordinary mysteries across the globe. The 28th adventure of Blake & Mortimer, the most distinguished duo of gentlemen-adventurers! Ages 10+
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business, Organized Labour and Climate Policy: Forging a Role at the Negotiating Table
Business, Organized Labour and Climate Policy examines the current lack of effective action in bridging the gap between climate change goals and governmental policies. With little published about the role of employers' organizations and trade unions in the climate change policy process, this book evaluates their involvement and argues that labour market considerations should be a central element of climate change policy. The study applies ecological modernization theory as a framework to guide policy development and negotiation. Application of the framework finds that employers' organizations and trade unions are effective civil society advocates, but responding to the labour market implications of climate change is neither institutionally embedded nor prioritized. Included are case studies of climate change policy in six developed and two developing economies, as well as within organizations such as the European Union and the UNFCCC. The emergence of labour issues in formal climate agreements demonstrates the impact that climate change is having on the broader economy and employment, and the need for business and labour to take concrete action. Providing an invaluable reference for policy development, this work will appeal to academics and students, as well as employers' organizations and trade unions. This book provides a unique perspective on key stakeholding organizations in climate change policy and presents a platform for engaging with government.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Talent Management and Staffing in MNEs
Attracting, managing and retaining talented employees is an important area of human resource management. Managing talent across an organization’s global network presents many challenges including expatriation and repatriation issues, cross-cultural adjustment of employees, and operating in different regulatory and economic environments. This volume provides insights into multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) global staffing and global talent management (GTM), and covers issues of global mobility from organizational, individual and contextual perspectives. The chapters in this edited volume cover historical development of expatriation, use of self-initiated and company-assigned expatriates, talent management in entrepreneurial firms, and talent retention through effective expatriation and repatriation programs in transitioning and emerging economies.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium
The latest edition of this international edited book series, based on the formation and growth problems of High Technology Small Firms (HTSF), contains the best papers presented at the 2011 and 2013 conferences, both held at Manchester Business School. This volume remains true to the initial mission of the HTSF Conference, established in 1993, to advance our knowledge of high-technology entrepreneurship and to advocate the need for more and better designed policy to promote such entrepreneurship. The need is as great as ever it was, not least given the continued economic stagnation of the European economy in the wake of the Financial Crisis and the Euro crisis. These papers address key themes relating to improving our understanding of the processes involved in high-technology entrepreneurship and of the design of effective policy to promote this research. The first two groups of papers examine the start-up and commercialization processes and the internationalization processes, which are often important for new high-technology businesses. Other papers examine topics like entrepreneurship clusters, inter-firm collaboration, and growth strategy for high-technology small firms.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Emerging Markets and the World Patent Order
The patent has emerged as a dominant force in 21st century economic policy. This book examines the impact of the BRICS and other emerging economies on the global patent framework and charts the phenomenal rise in the number of patents in some of these countries.Guided by three of the world's leading thinkers on patent law and development, a group of experts from around the world, including the BRICS and key developed country patent powers, examine critical issues raised by patent globalization. Is increasing use of the patent system in China, India, Brazil and other emerging markets part of a deeper change in world technological leadership? Do the established patent powers of Europe, Japan and the USA continue to lead regulatory development of patent systems or are new models being formed in emerging markets? What are the effects of patent globalization on regions like the Middle East, Africa and lower income areas of Asia? Through the answers to these questions, the reader is furnished with a rounded understanding of 21st century patent globalization and emerging market dynamics.This book will appeal to patent law specialists, as well as scholars interested in the intersection between patents, innovation and economic development. In particular, the in-depth analysis would also be useful for policy analysts within government or research institutes working on patent policy issues.Contributors include: F.M. Abbott, D. Borges Barbosa, C.M. Correa, P. Drahos, M. El Said, C. Fink, P. Gehl Sampath, K. Karachalios, R. Kher, J. Kuanpoth, A. Kudlinski, T. Payosova, P. Roffe, S.K. Sell, Y. Tamura, G. Van Overwalle, Y.A. Vawda, H. Zhang, W. Zhuang
CABI Publishing Rural Tourism and Enterprise: Management, Marketing and Sustainability
Marketing and management processes across industries can be very similar, but contexts vary where political intervention, public interest and local sustainability are involved. The rural business setting is especially intricate due to the assortment of different business opportunities, ranging from traditional agriculture, to tourism enterprise and even high-tech business. This important new textbook on the subject: - Examines key issues affecting rural enterprise and tourism - Explores the breadth of rural enterprise management and marketing across both developed and developing economies - Discusses strategies for business growth within a rural setting, such as knowledge development, proper planning and innovation - Uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content specifically selected to appeal to both student and practitioner readers Including pedagogical features and full colour throughout, this new textbook provides an engaging and thought-provoking resource for students and practitioners of tourism, rural business and related industries.
Temple University Press,U.S. Chinese Connections: Critical Perspectives on Film, Identity, and Diaspora
How Chinese cinema and global Chinese culture intersect over questions of identity
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer
This book comprehensively reviews the potential of focal therapy and discusses why the changing face of prostate cancer warrants a change in the way we treat men with the disease. It deals with the mechanisms by which disease can be localized within the gland and then the different technologies used for focal ablation. Bringing together eminent contributors in one accessible reference, this book introduces focal therapy to all urologists, oncologists, and radiologists who are involved in the treatment of men with prostate cancer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd On The Nature of Prejudice: Fifty Years After Allport
On the Nature of Prejudice commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Gordon Allport’s classic work on prejudice and discrimination by examining the current state of knowledge in the field. A distinguished collection of international scholars considers Allport’s impact on the field, reviews recent developments, and identifies promising directions for future investigation. Organized around Allport's central themes, this book provides a state-of-the-art, comprehensive view of where the field has been, where it is now, and where it is going.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology, 2 Volume Set
A consummate classic with a fresh approach to pediatric dermatology Children´s skin is different. Maturation affects the epidermal barrier, the cutaneous microbiome, adnexal structures, vasculature, and transcutaneous absorption of drugs. The immature skin is more susceptible to pathogens and environmental disruption. Many genetic disorders are either present at birth or manifest early in childhood. Skin diseases thus present differently in children than in adults. Pediatric dermatology has seen significant advances over the last decade, particularly in the field of molecular genetics research, which has furthered our understanding of the pathogenesis of many skin diseases and the development of new approaches to treatment. This fourth edition of the Harper classic provides state-of-the-art information on all aspects of skin disease in children. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions - both common and rare - with a consistently evidence-based approach. Existing content has been refreshed and fully updated to reflect emerging thinking and to incorporate the latest in research and clinical data - especially at the genetic level. This new fourth edition includes: Greater focus on the genetics behind skin disease, including new genes/genodermatoses, progress in genetic analysis, and stem cell transplants Increased coverage of lasers and other technologies used to treat skin disease More summary tables, learning points, tables of differential diagnosis, and clinical algorithms for diagnosis and management Additional online features, including patient information links and multiple choice questions Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology delivers crucial clinical insights and up-to-date research information that spans the breadth of the field. As the most comprehensive reference book on this subject available, this revised fourth edition will support and guide the daily practice of both dermatologists and pediatricians across the world.
Baker Publishing Group Think, Learn, Succeed – Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life
Our thought lives have incredible power over our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. In fact, our thoughts can either limit us to what we believe we can do or release us to experience abilities well beyond our expectations. When we choose a mindset that extends our abilities rather than placing limits on ourselves, we will experience greater intellectual satisfaction, emotional control, and physical health. The only question is . . . how? Backed by up-to-date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers to take control of their thoughts in order to take control of their lives. In this practical book, readers will learn to use - The 5-step Switch on Your Brain Learning Program, to build memory and learn effectively - The Gift Profile, to discover the unique way they process information - The Mindfulness Guide, to optimize their thought life and find their inner resilience Dr. Leaf shows readers how to combine these powerful tools in order to improve memory, learning, cognitive and intellectual performance, work performance, physical performance, relationships, emotional health, and most importantly a meaningful life well lived. Each of us has significant psychological resources at our fingertips that we can use in order to improve our overall well-being. Dr. Leaf shows us how to harness those resources to unlock our hidden potential.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Integrated Solid Waste Management: A Life Cycle Inventory
The first edition described the concept of Integrated Waste Management (IWM), and the use of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) to provide a way to assess the environmental and economic performance of solid waste systems. Actual examples of IWM systems and published accounts of LCI models for solid waste are now appearing in the literature. To draw out the lessons learned from these experiences a significant part of this 2nd edition focuses on case studies - both of IWM systems, and of where LCI has been used to assess such systems. The 2nd edition also includes updated chapters on waste generation, waste collection, central sorting, biological treatment, thermal treatment, landfill and materials recycling. This 2nd edition also provides a more user-friendly model (IWM-2) for waste managers. To make it more widely accessible, this edition provides the new tool in Windows format, with greatly improved input and output features, and the ability to compare different scenarios. A detailed user's guide is provided, to take the reader through the use of the IWM-2 model, step by step. IWM-2 is designed to be an "entry level" LCI model for solid waste - user-friendly and appropriate to users starting to apply life cycle thinking to waste systems - while more expert users will also find many of the advanced features of the IWM-2 model helpful. IWM-2 is delivered on CD inside the book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Infant Respiratory Function Testing
This book is a step-by-step guide to procedures and analysis of infant lung function testing. Each test description is preceded by a brief resume of the theoretical background. A troubleshooting section compiles the problems most frequently encountered during measurement and analysis. This book will provide those training in pediatric pulmonary with a sound grasp of the fundamental principles and practical issues involved in measuring infant lung function.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Vibrational Spectroscopy for Medical Diagnosis
Cancer is the second largest cause of death (after heart disease) in North America and Europe. Statistics from many countries serve constantly to inform us of how prevalent cancer is worldwide, even though one particular variation may be more predominant is one geographical region than another. The Traumatic cost in human lives, the dramatic cost of treatment and the need for rapidly advancing diagnoses and improving diagnostic methods for cancer, are clear for all to see. Current histopathological techniques for the detection and classification of cancer often lead to ambiguous diagnoses. Infrared and Raman spectroscopy have the potential to provide fast, accurate complementary techniques for the detection of many different forms of cancer. This book contains ten state-of-the-art chapters on the application of these techniques to the detection and classification of prostate, lymphatic, cervical, head and neck, and esophageal cancers, as well as reports on the application of vibrational spectroscopy to the study of individual human cells, and the identification of micro-organisms and erythrocytes, which should be of importance to spectroscopists and medical professionals alike. This book provides an up-to-date account of the practical means, applications and potential of mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy for the medical diagnosis of diseased tissue and cells. It will be of significant interest both to vibrational spectroscopists involved in developing technique for medical diagnosis, and to clinicians, histopathologists, medical practitioners and students working in the field, with whom the spectroscopists must work closely in multi-disciplinary teams.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Malstil Und Schreibsprache: Kunsthistorisch-Stilkritische Und Sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zur Lokalisierung Des Munchener Jungeren Titurel (Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 8470)
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH The Late Bronze Age Spearheads of Britain
Arcadia Publishing St. Lawrence University
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Development Goals and Income Inequality
This timely book documents and analyses the seriousness of growing national inequality in different regions around the world. It argues that the treatment of inequality in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is wholly insufficient due to their failure to recognise the growing difference between the income of work and the income of capital and the super rich, and the strain this places on a country's social fabric. Sustainable Development Goals and Income Inequality provides a critical view on how inequality is dealt with in the process of setting global goals. It reviews the development of inequality globally and the various processes leading up to formulation of the SDGs. With chapters from top researchers on inequality and development economics it provides a strong and unique intellectual basis for a more prominent treatment of inequality in the follow up process to the SDGs. Combining a global perspective and in-depth regional analysis, this book will be of interest to students and academics in sustainable development, social policy and development economics.Contributors include: T. Addison, A. Cornia, P. Edward, R. Jolly, M. Luebker, D. Nayyar, A. Sumner, P.A.G. van Bergeijk, R. van der Hoeven, J. Vandemoortele, R. Vos
InterVarsity Press Romans 9–16
Peeters Publishers Marsanes (NH X)
Compose originellement en grec vers la fin du IIIe ou le debut du IVe siecle, probablement a Alexandrie, ce traite reflete des traditions mythologiques qui sont exposees de facon plus ample et plus precise dans les textes appartenant au groupe des textes sethiens platonisants, notamment "Allogene" et "Zostrien". La maniere dont "Marsanes" reprend ces traditions mythologiques permet de le situer au terme de l'evolution litteraire attestee par ces textes. "Marsanes" est l'un des plus mal preserves des cinquante-quatre traites de la bibliotheque de Nag Hammadi. L'intention du traite est d'etablir l'autorite de Marsanes comme prophete, voyant et chef spirituel de sa communaute, et de presenter un enseignement detaille sur les principes premiers de la theologie sethienne, notamment sur la nature et la destinee de l'ame. Ce qui est particulier a "Marsanes", c'est son souci de reveler les 'appellations' correctes des anges et des dieux, ainsi que des puissances planetaires et cosmiques qui controlent la destinee de l'ame, d'ou un interet tres grand pour les categories grammaticales et astrologiques. D'autre part, le traite est parseme d'exhortations qui montrent bien la relation etablie par l'auteur entre la connaissance qu'il communique a ses auditeurs et leur acces au salut. Le traite "Marsanes" presente une dette tres grande envers la tradition grecque, qu'il s'agisse des theories grammaticales, des speculations astrologiques et arithmologiques ou de la philosophie. Sur ce dernier plan, Marsanes se revele etonnament proche de philosophes neoplatoniciens comme Jamblique et Theodore d'Asinee. Le present volume offre une introduction developpee au traite "Marsanes", un texte copte nouvellement etabli, une traduction francaise, le premier commentaire a etre consacre a cet ouvrage, ainsi qu'un 'index verborum' complet.
V&R unipress GmbH Kirchengeschichte in ökumenischer Verantwortung: Ausgewählte Studien
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights: Necessary Instruments Versus Over-Enforcement
Fondation Hardt La Fable: Vandoeuvres-Geneve, 22-27 Aout 1983
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. The Night Before Christmas
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets
In 1952, Harry Markowitz published "Portfolio Selection," a paper which revolutionized modern investment theory and practice. The paper proposed that, in selecting investments, the investor should consider both expected return and variability of return on the portfolio as a whole. Portfolios that minimized variance for a given expected return were demonstrated to be the most efficient. Markowitz formulated the full solution of the general mean-variance efficient set problem in 1956 and presented it in the appendix to his 1959 book, Portfolio Selection. Though certain special cases of the general model have become widely known, both in academia and among managers of large institutional portfolios, the characteristics of the general solution were not presented in finance books for students at any level. And although the results of the general solution are used in a few advanced portfolio optimization programs, the solution to the general problem should not be seen merely as a computing procedure. It is a body of propositions and formulas concerning the shapes and properties of mean-variance efficient sets with implications for financial theory and practice beyond those of widely known cases. The purpose of the present book, originally published in 1987, is to present a comprehensive and accessible account of the general mean-variance portfolio analysis, and to illustrate its usefulness in the practice of portfolio management and the theory of capital markets. The portfolio selection program in Part IV of the 1987 edition has been updated and contains exercises and solutions.
Zondervan Matthew, Mark, Luke: Volume One
An image rich, passage-by-passage commentary that integrates relevant historical and cultural insights, providing a deeper dimension of perspective to the words of the New Testament Discoveries await you that will snap the world of the New Testament into new focus. Things that seem mystifying, puzzling, or obscure will take on tremendous meaning when you view them in their ancient context. With the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, you'll: Deepen your understanding of the teachings of Jesus. Discover the close interplay between God's kingdom and the practical affairs of the church. Learn more about the real life setting of the Old Testament writings to help you identify with the people and circumstances described in Scripture. Gain a deeper awareness of the Bible's relevance for your life. In this volume, detailed exegetical notes are combined with background information of the cultural settings that will help you interpret the writings of the first three synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke.THE ZONDERVAN ILLUSTRATED BIBLE BACKGROUNDS COMMENTARYSERIESInvites you to enter the world of the New Testament with a company of seasoned guides, experts who will help you understand or teach the biblical text more accurately. Features: Commentary based on relevant papyri, inscriptions, archaeological discoveries, and studies of Judaism, Roman culture, Hellenism, and other features of the world of the New Testament. Hundreds of full-color photographs, color illustrations, and line drawings. Copious maps, charts, and timelines. Sidebar articles and insights. "Reflections" on the Bible's relevance for 21st-century living.