Search results for ""collective""
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Aos Sidhe: Meeting the Irish Fair Folk
An introduction to the Aos Sidhe, the People of the fairy mounds, and to Irish fairy beliefs, this book takes readers on a journey to understand the place that fairies have had in Ireland across the millennia and into today. These beings can be found playing roles both significant and subtle in folk belief and their stories are part of the land itself, making them an intrinsic aspect of Ireland. And yet for those who haven't grown up with these beliefs there can be many misunderstandings and confusion surrounding who they are, and what they can do. /Pagan Portals - Aos Sidhe/ will help people new to the subject, as well as those with a wider knowledge, to understand the range and depth of the folk beliefs. Covering everything from myth and folklore to modern anecdotes and specific types of Irish fairies, this book provides a solid understanding of what can be a difficult subject.
Collective Ink Scars of Eden, The: Has humanity confused the idea of God with memories of ET contact?
From the author of the bestselling ESCAPING FROM EDEN. Do our world mythologies convey our ancestors' ideas about God? Or are they in reality ancestral memories of extra-terrestrial contact? How do ancient stories of contact, adaptation and abduction relate to people's experiences around the world today? The Scars of Eden will take you around the world to hear first-hand from ancestral voices alongside contemporary experiencers and world-renowned researchers. Recent revelations from US Navy, the Pentagon, and French Intelligence bring the reader right up to date in examining what has been forgotten and remembered, hidden and disclosed. If world mythologies, including the Bible, have confused the idea of God with ancient ET visitations, what difference does it make? How does it impact society today? And why is this cultural taboo so widespread and, for the author, so personal?
Collective Ink Not So Subtle Art of Caring, The: Letters on Leadership
Virgin’s Richard Branson, Zappos’ Tony Hsieh, and Tesla’s Elon Musk, apart from their obvious success, all share another thing in common. Each utilizes storytelling to maximize their effectiveness as leaders. Many of the most influential leaders of our and all time, including arguably the most influential leader in history, used storytelling whenever they had a particularly important point to make. Encouraged by these influences, a father who was a known storyteller and a Nigerian priest who used stories to bridge a language barrier, author, and successful businessperson, Phillip Kane used stories each Friday throughout his career to help business associates relate to key issues facing the organizations he had the privilege to lead. These weekly letters had less to do with what was going on in the business than how people thought about what was going on in the business. By helping shift and align his teams’ point of view, Kane and the teams he led were able to accomplish more and win more often. All because of the stories he told. Many of them are assembled here in one place for the first time. Organized around key themes like encouragement, trust, and gratitude, Kane also provides additional insights for existing or aspiring leaders looking for a different, better way to appeal to those who should be following them. Featured twice in Kouzes’ & Posner’s, The Leadership Challenge (Wiley), first-time author, Phillip Kane’s storytelling technique and the leadership lessons he imparts are key for any leader seeking to create winning teams built on a fundamental foundation of caring and service to others.
Collective Ink M.E. Myself and I - Diary of a Psychic: A Miracle Journey Surviving Chronic Illness
M.E. Myself and I follows the story of a woman struck down with M.E and Fibromyalgia in the prime of her life as a successful TV psychic medium. Left with nothing but two dustbin bags, demons from the past and her two dogs, she embarks on an incredible journey. Grieving her old life and begrudgingly accepting guidance from angels and spirit guides after losing her faith, she finds a reason to live from the brink of suicide by experiencing celestial miracles and a passion to write.This inspirational self-help spiritual memoir highlights a chronic illness pandemic sweeping through the world that society has shamefully neglected. Her esoteric voice representing the 'millions missing' brings hope, faith and a definitive strength of the human spirit during the injustice of one life altering episode after another.
Collective Ink Quaker Quicks - What Do Quakers Believe?: A religion of everyday life
"So what do you believe?" It's the question Quakers are always asked first and the one they find hardest to answer, because they don't have an official list of beliefs. And Quakerism is a religion of doing, not thinking. They base their lives on equality and truth; they work for peace, justice and reconciliation; they live adventurously. And underpinning their unique way of life is a spiritual practice they have sometimes been wary of talking about. Until now. In What Do Quakers Believe? Geoffrey Durham answers the crucial question clearly, straightforwardly and without jargon. In the process he introduces a unique religious group whose impact and influence in the world is far greater than their numbers suggest. What Do Quakers Believe? is a friendly, direct and accessible toe-in-the-water book for readers who have often wondered who these Quakers are, but have never quite found out.
Collective Ink Banyan Tree Adventures: Travels in India
Drawing upon his own travel experiences and those of others, Keith Forrester interrelates travel writing, tourism and serious commentary to produce an account of the delights, challenges and excitement of visiting old and new India. Banyan Tree Adventures: Travels in India is not the usual travelogue or tourist guide to India. It is a book that not only discusses the Indian experiences and views of non-domestic travellers in their explorations and adventures, but also a text that helps understand the simple question of why tourists keep returning to the country. What is it about India that prompts the interest and loyalty of returning tourists? Where do they go and why? What areas do tourists visit and what aspects of Indian culture, policy and history interests them? How do overseas tourists cope with and understand the shocking evidence of poverty while travelling around the country? Few countries embody the blending of tradition and the ancient with the new and the modern. So yes, it is a good time to be interested in and thinking about India. It’s an even better time to be travelling around the country.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Gwyn ap Nudd - Wild god of Faery, Guardian of Annwfn
Gwyn, the bright god of the Brythonic underworld Annwfn and Faery king of the wild Welsh spirits, the twlwyth teg, is an ancient and mysterious figure. His tales are scattered through oral folklore and across medieval Welsh literature, a depository of our ancient god-tales. Said to dwell within the legendary glass castle in Glastonbury Tor, as well as the black mountains of Wales, he is both a figure of romance and fear. A dark lover through the winter months, leader of the wild hunt, and guardian of the dead. He is the ancient companion of bards and visionaries through the initiatory journey to the depths of the Celtic Underworld, in search of the Goddess of the land herself. With a close look at traditional magic and lore as well as practical exercises, Gwyn ap Nudd is an essential guide for all those who seek wisdom from the darkness and wild communion with the sovereignty of the land.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Have a Cool Yule: How-To Survive (and Enjoy) the Mid-Winter Festival
For the entire Pagan community Christmas should be one of the most sacred times of the year, but the lack of any formal written liturgy has consigned the festival to a minor observance in the Pagan calendar. Have a Cool Yule demonstrates that history proves the festival to be a wholly Pagan event, worthy of being acknowledged as one of the Great Festivals along with Beltaine and Samhain. With all the different strands of Pagan custom brought to the hearth-fire of the Mid-Winter Festival, we all have something to celebrate in time-honoured fashion, whether our ancestors are Briton, Celt, Norse or Anglo-Saxon.
Collective Ink Reiki Insights
A meditative journey into the inner depths of the system of Reiki. Reiki Insights is presented as a series of short chapters, each of them a teaching, so that you can pick it up, choose a chapter and read it. After you have read the chapter, sit down and meditate upon the words. Let them sink deep into your mind, body, and energy, so that you can feel what is in between the sentences. By reading and experiencing Reiki Insights in this way, it will lay a foundation for inner change, from not knowing your true self to knowing your true self.
Collective Ink Catherine of Braganza – Charles II`s Restoration Queen
Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese princess, married Charles II in 1662 and became the merry monarch's Restoration queen. Yet life for her was not so merry - she put up with the king's many mistresses and continuous plots to remove her from the throne. She lived through times of war, plague and fire. Catherine's marriage saw many trials and tribulations including her inability to produce an heir. Yet Charles supported his queen throughout the Restoration, remaining devoted to her no matter what. Outliving her husband, she ended up back in her home country and spent her final days as queen-regent of Portugal.
Collective Ink Inner Heart of Reiki, The – Rediscovering Your True Self
The Inner Heart of Reiki is the first Reiki book to look at the inner heart of the spiritual teachings of the system of Reiki. It will take practitioners and teachers to a whole new level of understanding about their practice and about the way they teach.
Collective Ink Goddess in America, The – The Divine Feminine in Cultural Context
An anthology with contributions from nineteen writers, The Goddess in America is a book that identifies the enduring experience of Goddess Spirituality through a four-part discussion focused on the Native Goddess, the Migrant Goddess, the Goddess in relation to other aspects of American culture (Feminism, Christianity, Witchcraft etc.) and the Goddess in contemporary America.
Collective Ink Chi of Change, The – How hypnotherapy can help you heal and turn your life around – regardless of your past
Is there a way out of anxiety, depression, overeating, fear, phobias, addiction, insomnia, trauma, and low self-esteem - without taking pills? Is there really an alternative to Prozac and anti-depressants? Can you really recapture the simple joy of living? The answer to all theses questions is Yes! This book will show you: How your subconscious mind has been programmed to make you feel the way you feel. How these programs can be rapidly changed through the right kind of hypnotherapy. How even your most difficult feelings and emotions can help you change your life for the better. How you can live a balanced, meaningful life and move forward in confidence and harmony with yourself and your world
Collective Ink Relax Kids: Be Brilliant! – 52 positive activities for kids
52 colouring activities and cut out games and affirmation cards for children Examples include kindness cards and various positive affirmation cards to cut up and keep. There are also positive games, family love cheques and colouring sheets. This colourful book is bursting with fun and creativity and will keep children busy whilst introducing them to positive values and qualities. An ideal rainy day activity book for families who want to instil positive values in their children. Ages 4-7 The Relax Kids series is currently available in Europe and will be available in US from 2015. CD available at
Collective Ink Body of Wisdom – Women`s Spiritual Power and How it Serves
A chakra in our breasts that emits spiritual nourishment into life...a secret substance in our bodies to heal the earth...a direct connection from our wombs to the creative center of the universe...In Body of Wisdom, Hilary Hart identifies nine hidden powers alive in women's bodies and instincts, waiting to be used in contemporary challenges such as the creation of community, healing of the earth, and the restoration of life's spiritual nature. Based on interviews with the world's most visionary spiritual teachers and women's dreams and experiences, Body of Wisdom ushers in a new spirituality in which the body and the shared body of the earth are known as a seat of mystical power and women take responsibility for spiritual work that only they can do.
Collective Ink Quaker Way, The – a rediscovery
This book is an attempt 'to explain the Quaker way, as far as that is possible'. It is a distinctive way and, though perhaps no better than others, it has its own integrity and effectiveness. Although it is fairly well known, Quakerism is not well understood, so the purpose of this book is to make it intelligible, to explain how it works as a spiritual practice and why it has adopted the particular practices it has. It is aimed primarily at non-Quakers, who may nonetheless be interested to know what Quakerism is about.
Collective Ink Medicine for the Soul – The Complete Book of Shamanic Healing
A complete study course in classical and cross-cultural shamanism, teaching the reader all s/he ever needs to know about shamanism, shamanic healing, soul retrieval, spirit extraction, house cleansing, cleaning the energy body, working with the souls of the dead - and much more.
Collective Ink I Am Boundlessness
A practical book on meditation and enlightenment, a must read for any spritual seeker. A less rational and more poetic Eckhart Tolle; Kahlil Gibran meets Krishnamurti. Ilie Cioara's message is original and unique, as he never travelled to India and never belonged to any traditional school. By practising the silence of the mind, through an all-encompassing attention, we discover and fulfill our innermost potential of becoming one with the divine spark that lies dormant within us. I Am Boundlessness I am spontaneous simplicity Mind, heart and feeling, A whole being, absolute fullness Love in action. This state Reveals itself naturally; When the mind is awakened, All becomes One. The past melts away In the light of all-encompassing Attention; In emptiness, the Sacred reveals itself In its natural brilliance. Experiencing the moment, The personal mind is dissipated Expanding into Infinity As Universal Mind. Each such encounter Transforms us radically, For in each sparkle of consciousness We are newness, Divinity, Reality!
Collective Ink Whole Elephant Revealed, The – Insights into the existence and operation of Universal Laws and the Golden Ratio
The Whole Elephant Revealed offers clear insights into the existence and operation of universal laws and the golden ratio. It is a synthesis based on common insights found in all wisdom traditions into the operation of universal laws on the one hand and on cutting-edge scientific discoveries that are in line with those insights on the other hand. These principles are called universal because they work on all levels of existence, apply to everything that exist and create order and harmony in the universe. Insights into the operation of the universal laws reveals a whole new worldview. It helps us to understand how everything works in the universe, who we really are and how we can make conscious choices that are more in line with these universal laws. Above all it helps us to understand what works and what doesn't work in the long term. Everything that operates in line with the universal laws, follows the path of least resistance and is in harmony with the greater whole. It makes us realize that while everything in the universe works in harmony with these principles, many aspects of our personal life and our Western culture are not in line with the operation of these underlying principles. If we choose to act in line with the operation of the universal laws, it will go easier, will be more in tune with who we really are and more in harmony with the greater whole. This choice is hard to make though, if we don't know those principles. For that reason the rediscovery of the working of these principles seems to be of extreme importance. In this time of great changes and global unbalance a growing number of people begin to feel the need for a clear and well-founded insight into the universal laws, because this gives an understanding of what is needed to restore the balance and harmony in ourselves as well as worldwide. Because the nature of these principles is universal, they apply to all aspects of our individual and social life. Therefore they can be used as a frame of reference for all personal and social transformations which aim at a greater harmony within ourselves and with the greater whole.
Collective Ink Your Reiki Treatment – How to get the most out of it
This is the first title to look at Reiki from the client's perspective. Whether you are searching for relaxation, healing, or spiritual growth, a Reiki treatment can be a revelation. Find out how to make the most of your Reiki treatment experience. Learn how to prepare for your treatment, what to expect during it, and how to continue furthering your personal growth after the treatment is finished. Divided into three parts: Pre-Treatment, The Treatment, and Post-Treatment, each part contains approximately 25 chapters that span two pages each. This consistent format ensures that by flicking through the book there is easy access to the chapter of your choice. Chapters also include an information box with either a case study, Reiki research, experiment, or hint for the client. "Your Reiki Treatment" is an excellent guide to everything about Reiki treatments for both clients and professional practitioners. Included are explanatory case studies, tips and research in an "easy to find" format.
Collective Ink Talking with Angel about Illness, Death and Survival: A Novel
Talking with Angel about Illness, Death and Survival is the moving story of a young girl battling leukaemia. She eventually realizes that she is going to die and receives hope and comfort through nightly conversations with her favourite doll, Angel, who helps her embrace a new perspective on dying and the possibility that consciousness may survive after death. Her fear of death is ultimately lifted by her new-found spiritual wisdom and by the account of a near-death experience told to her by a young companion, as well as by a deathbed vision she has of her deceased grand-mother.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Intuitive Magic Practice
A guide and companion on an individual journey to true self-empowerment through reclaiming the power of intuition, this book celebrates who you are, utilizes intuition, nature principles and elements and puts YOU and your magical practice at the centre. Aimed at beginners, Pagan Portals - Intuitive Magic Practice is easy to follow and will help you discover techniques, methods and practices you can adapt for your own magical practice
Collective Ink Zeitgeist Nostalgia: On populism, work and the ‘good life’
We live an age of nostalgia, incarnated by populist fantasies of “taking back control” and making nations “great again". In the long aftermath of the 2007-08 economic crisis, nostalgia has been established as the cultural zeitgeist of Western society. Populist fantasies of nostalgia represent a cry for help against the demise of the societal model of the postwar era, based on stable employment and mass consumption. The promise of an impossible return to the 'good life' of the 20th century, Gandini contends, particularly appeals to the older generations, who are incapable of making sense of the evolution of Western societies after decades of globalization and neoliberal policies. The younger generations, in the meantime, are instead trying to build a new 'good life' based on another form of return, this time to old practices of craft production and consumption.
Collective Ink Carolina of Orange-Nassau: Ancestress of the royal houses of Europe
Carolina of Orange-Nassau (1743 – 1787) was born the daughter of William IV, Prince of Orange, and Anne, Princess Royal and was thus the granddaughter of King George II. It was upon the King's orders that she was named after his wife, Caroline of Ansbach. She was the first of Anne and William's children to survive to adulthood. When her father was at last made stadtholder of all seven united provinces, Carolina was included in the line of succession, in the event she had no brothers. A brother was eventually born, but due to his weak health, she remained an important figure. Carolina married Charles Christian of Nassau-Weilburg and suffered the loss of half her children, either in childbirth or infancy. Despite this, she acted as regent for her minor brother while heavily pregnant and remained devoted to him and the Dutch republic. Her children married well and her descendants sit upon the royal thrones of Europe, truly making her a grandmother of Europe.
Collective Ink Hearing the Cloud: Can music help reimagine the future?
Can music be a curse? Here is an alternate history of online politics and new technology from the perspective of listening, typing, composing, and shared hearing. Emile Frankel presents a rigorous account of a world felt to be in crisis. The aesthetic and tonal ramifications for such feelings are twisted within the oppressive online structures mediating new music. The legacies of Silicon Valley digitalism, 4chan, Less Wrong, and Chaos Magic are compared to the magical thinking which underlies stochastic composition, and the aesthetics of deconstructed club music. Despite a pessimistic account of Accelerationism and reactionary philosophy, Frankel's spirited writing is full of hope. Hearing the Cloud considers the communal online conversations we engage in daily as profound acts of defiance. Sweet, lithe, oily, and honest music is shown to be an important source of togetherness.
Collective Ink Hidden Goddess, The: The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition - from Asherah to Mary Magdalene
The Hidden Goddess delves into the Bible to uncover the goddesses that have been buried within it. As well as discussing familiar figures such as Eve and Mary, the book also features Asherah, Sophia, Lilith, and others, exploring their histories, their roles in early Judaic Christian belief and their subsequent suppression. '...a readable and accessible antidote to the stereotype that the divine feminine is absent in the biblical traditions. A great resource for women and men seeking the Goddess in unlikely places. Professor Mary Ann Beavis, Ph.D., St. Thomas More College
Collective Ink Capitalist Superheroes – Caped Crusaders in the Neoliberal Age
In the same way that Stallone and Schwarzenegger played film heroes who came to embody the values of Ronald Reagans aggressive conservative agenda in the 1980s, the 21st-century film narratives of Batman, Spider-Man and Superman reflect the policies of the Bush Doctrine after 9/11. This book offers a groundbreaking study of the relationship that exists between post-9/11 American politics and the contemporary superhero movie phenomenon. No other Hollywood subgenre was as consistently popular during the George W. Bush presidency, as films such as Spider-Man, Superman Returns, Iron Man, and The Dark Knight embodied the key contradictions that inform the cultural and political life of the post-9/11 years. By combining in-depth analyses of numerous major superhero films from this era with astute readings of contemporary critical theory, this book offers accessible and academically potent insight into the complex interplay between politics, ideology, and entertainment in the 21st century.
Collective Ink Human Rights - Illusory Freedom: Why we should repeal the Human Rights Act
A progressive argument for repealing the Human Rights Act. Contrary to contemporary panic around human rights repeal, Human Rights - Illusory Freedom puts a progressive case against the Human Rights Act. It describes how human rights arose as a new language for western governments following the collapse in their collective authority in the aftermath of World War 2 and shows how the UK Human Rights Act has presided over a catastrophic loss of freedom, which continued a process which began with the Tory party in the 1970s. Human Rights - Illusory Freedom makes a positive case for restoring control over our traditional freedoms to the electorate and away from unaccountable Judges in the UK Courts and the European Court of Human Rights.
Collective Ink Spiritual Beings or Economic Tools – Just who are we?
Often we ask, is the way we live really the way we want to live? But do we stop to question whether our lives reflect who we are deep inside? Many sense, at a subconscious level, that they don't. How can they, when we live in a time of such faithless, fearful economic systems? Yet what do we do about it? Peter Strothers explores these questions by confronting the psychological schism and alienation of our times. He goes directly into our homes and work places; our collective mindsets and everyday addictions, our personal identities and personal relationships. Spiritual Beings or Economic Tools seeks to guide us in empowering and daring directions using original, diverse approaches, finally re-connecting us to the spiritual source of who we are.
Collective Ink Scavengers of Beauty: A personal, cultural and symbolic exploration of the Moon landing
Why was the mission to the Moon named after the God of the Sun, and not after a Moon Goddess or God? In this unconventional work, Philippe Sibaud explores the symbolism behind the 1969 landing on the Moon. More than fifty years after this seminal event, and whilst the Moon is attracting renewed interest, the author offers a bold new interpretation of the iconic Apollo mission. Was the Apollo landing the ultimate triumph of solar consciousness over the ancient lunar ways, a concrete enactment of the god Apollo mythically slaying the mother dragon at Delphi, or can the whole venture be seen as the sacred union of Sun and Moon, birthing a new vision at a time of great need? By weaving his own personal story with a greater cultural and symbolic narrative, Philippe Sibaud invites us to reflect on the importance of myths and the power of the Imagination to unlock the deeper meaning of our individual and collective experiences. You will never look at the Moon with the same eyes again.
Collective Ink Turning the Wheel
'The frisky Oss appeared - the dancers and drummers in a kind of shamanic trance (induced by a day of drumming, dancing and beer). They were wilder than ever; the atmosphere was positively Bacchanalian and I felt we had all become lost in a kind of collective folk consciousness.' On two wheels across Britain 'Bard on a Bike' Kevan Manwaring searches out the places and people who mark the seasons and cycles in their own special way - in ceremonies and festivals both private and public, large and intimate, ancient and modern. Along the way, he experiences and relates moments of sacred time found in the unlikeliest of places and circumstances, showing how it is a state of mind that can be experienced not only at sacred sites, but in the everyday. A collection of reflections about being fully alive in the Twenty First century, as much a useful guide for the curious, Turning the Wheel is a wise and witty account of a leather-clad time-traveller.
Collective Ink Crystal Prescriptions volume 6 – Crystals for ancestral clearing, soul retrieval, spirit release and karmic healing. An A–Z guide.
This immensely practical sixth book in the Crystal Prescriptions series covers crystals for karmic clearing, soul integration and healing the family tree. In addition to our own karma, we are hampered by ancestral memories, attitudes and beliefs that are not necessarily 'ours' but we have inherited them and, all too unconsciously, replay them time and again. They are carried in our 'junk DNA', and we have to work with them until cleared. Many people in incarnation now came in with the intention of being lineage breakers: healers for the collective and the ancestral line in addition to their personal karmic past. Fortunately some extraordinary new crystals have appeared which help us to do exactly that quickly, easily and without having to relive the trauma and dramas of karmic history. With the assistance of these crystals, and some old favourites, it is possible to heal far back into the genealogical line and our own karmic past. The healing is then projected forward into the future so that the generations to come can have the benefit of garnered soul and ancestral wisdom but without the baggage. An A-Z directory of appropriate crystals assists you to identify exactly the right crystal for your needs.
Collective Ink Take Hold of Our History: Make America Radical Again
The eighteen essays and speeches in Take Hold of Our History render a manifesto – a call to remember, redeem, and embrace the American radical story and tradition in favor of cultivating American historical memory and imagination and making America radical once again. For too long we have allowed the right to hijack the past and suppress, efface, lie about, and/or appropriate the essentially radical story of America from the struggles of the Revolution to those of the Age of Roosevelt and the 1960s. And no less tragically, we on the left, apparently haunted by the worst of our national experience, have turned our back on our own story and deferred to the tales of conservatives and reactionaries. Fleeing from the past, we merely compound the tragedies and ironies of American history, for we turn our backs on both the nation’s democratic creed and radical imperative, but also the struggles from the bottom up, the struggles in which working people and others have laid hold of America’s revolutionary promise and succeeded in making the United States freer, more equal and more democratic, at times, radically so. As Bill Moyers put it in 2008: “Here in the first decade of the twenty-first century the story that becomes America’s dominant narrative will shape our collective imagination and our politics for a long time.” The time has come for us to advance that narrative.
Collective Ink Angels In Our Time – Why they`re here, where to see them and how to work with them
The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, which bank we choose to trust with our savings: all these are part of the life of Spirit that the Angels ask us to live. Bestselling author Ishvara d'Angelo gives practical suggestions about communicating with Angels, about meditation, visualisation and prayer and how to identify your personal Guardian. She shows how Angels ask you to conduct your life from day to day, ranging from relationships and healing to choice of career, and most importantly combating the forces of greed and ignorance.
Collective Ink The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare
Collective Ink 108 Sonnets for Awakening and Selected Poems
Collective Ink 2 Ennerdale Drive – Unauthorised Biography
2 Ennerdale Drive is a memoir of a house and the family that lived there; a work of text and image encompassing architecture, social and personal history, town planning, photography and representation, carving a space within and between new forms of memoir, cultural studies and creative non-fiction. The house in north London, built during the phenomenal interwar wave of suburban development, begins an exploration of public and private lives, architectural and family narrative, charting territory between documented evidence, personal and cultural memory, association and emotional response. 2 Ennerdale Drive questions the veracity accorded to 'documents' produced across institutional, public and private family contexts. Textual analyses of images relating to the house, the family (and its business: theatre) frame each chapter, generating stories and responses to the factual and the remembered. Visits to archives and to other houses document the existence and/or absence of such material. An epilogue locates the author, a family member and sometime narrator, in the frame and offers, perhaps, a final privileged glance into the family archive.
Collective Ink Benevolent Virus, A
What happens when we die? And what happens to those of us who are propelled into the strange reality of a near death experience? How do we re-integrate into the world when our understanding of reality has been turned upside-down? A Benevolent Virus follows the intertwining stories of two NDE survivors who struggle to make sense of their lives in the wake of an NDE. Ann Richards, a successful television reporter is faced with the breakdown of her marriage and her career as she struggles to get to the truth of her experience. Daniel Breton, an ex-Marine who was near-fatally injured in Fallujah, tries to find meaning in his NDE by recording the stories of others who have had similar experiences. Both Ann and Daniel are set on a spiritual adventure that forces them each to explore ideas of consciousness and the quantum universe that challenge their old worldview.
Collective Ink Mirror of the Free
Collective Ink Classless – Recent Essays on British Film
Why has mainstream British film been so unrepresentative of the changes in British society over the past twenty years? Classless looks at the erasure of key issues of class and class struggle in recent British film as well as the flattening out of the rich variety of English social types into the bland middle-mass of Love Actually. By analysing a number of key films and emergent genres the ideological character of the Major years on into the false dawn of Blairism and Cool Brittania will be elaborated, and it will be argued that even works that are ostensibly subversive, such as Danny Boyle's Trainspotting serve to promote the underlying myths of neo-liberalism. The films under discussion will range from Steven Frear's The Queen to Jonathon Glazer's Sexy Beast The book will also consider popular genres such as the recent Football Hooligan films along with more recondite works by a handful of auteurs.
Collective Ink Have The Best Year of Your Life
Are you ready for a life worth living? A life with more joy, discovery and purpose - the best year of your life? Then let Have the Best Year of Your Life be your companion on a 12 month journey to identify and break free from what's holding you back, teach you tools for a richer, more fulfilling life, and gently move you in the direction of your dreams. You'll find a short activity for each day of the year: a treasure store of exercises, ideas, challenges and fun that will ensure your life no longer looks or feels the same by the end. Our best chance of making real and lasting change comes not from quick fixes but from taking regular small steps. Whether you're feeling stuck, living on automatic, or are simply determined that this year won't be the same old, same old, Have the Best Year of Your Life will guide, energise and inspire, and show you how to start living the breadth of your life as well as its length.
Collective Ink On Juniper Mountain – A Journey in the Himalayas
Angela Locke travelled to Nepal in the early 90's to research a new book, and found herself on a journey of discovery which would change her life. Meeting a Tibetan monk in the supermarket before she left, he told her that 'the book is not important, but the journey is'. She would find herself returning to Nepal, becoming immersed in the life of the country, and experiencing a deep spiritual awakening. Her experiences would lead to the founding of the charity Juniper Trust which now works in Education and Health with the poorest communities all over the world. The Foreword is by Sir Chris Bonington CBE, patron of the Juniper Trust.
Collective Ink Healing Your Spine – Learn to Live Without Back Pain
This is the first book about curing and preventing back pain which is based on energetic medicine. It shows the connecting links between all possible causes of back pain - physical, emotional, mental and energetic - and offers exercises and treatment techniques which are highly effective, safe and easy to learn and put into practice. Practising these exercises will both help you reach an altered state of consciousness and integrate it into your daily life. It will also equip you with the tools to help others. Freed from pain and suffering, you will be able to access the Life Force within you.
Collective Ink Natural Happiness
Deepen your roots to grow through uncertainty.
Collective Ink Fairy Path, A: The Memoir of a Young Fairy Seer in Training
An autobiographical work offering unique insights into the practice of fairy ritual healers of Romania, A Fairy Path: The Memoir of a Young Fairy Seer in Training follows a very young Daniela, whose rebellious streak and decision to pursue the path of fairy seership clash against societal norms and restrictions imposed by a dictatorial political regime. Filled with fairy occurrences, charms, spells, and ritual work directly experienced by the author, A Fairy Path does more than just tell a story: It provides material that substantiates the reality of fairy phenomena in modern times while offering those who follow a fairy-based spiritual path resources for study and practice.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Frigg: Beloved Queen of Asgard
The Norse goddess Frigg is known to have influence over many roles. She is a goddess of marriage and children, but she is also a goddess of fate and cunning. Frigg is a goddess of domestic activities, and she is a goddess of healing. She is a goddess of both love and peace. As the Queen of Asgard, Frigg tends to a court of 12 handmaidens, each having their own distinct qualities. This introductory book examines Frigg’s history, functions, relationships, and ways to honor her in our modern times.