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Harvard University Press Anselm’s Other Argument
Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109 CE), in his work Proslogion, originated the “ontological argument” for God’s existence, famously arguing that “something than which nothing greater can be conceived,” which he identifies with God, must actually exist, for otherwise something greater could indeed be conceived. Some commentators have claimed that although Anselm may not have been conscious of the fact, the Proslogion as well as his Reply to Gaunilo contains passages that constitute a second independent proof: a “modal ontological argument” that concerns the supposed logical necessity of God’s existence. Other commentators disagree, countering that the alleged second argument does not stand on its own but presupposes the conclusion of the first.Anselm’s Other Argument stakes an original claim in this debate, and takes it further. There is a second a priori argument in Anselm (specifically in the Reply), A. D. Smith contends, but it is not the modal argument past scholars have identified. This second argument surfaces in a number of forms, though always turning on certain deep, interrelated metaphysical issues. It is this form of argument that in fact underlies several of the passages which have been misconstrued as statements of the modal argument. In a book that combines historical research with rigorous philosophical analysis, Smith discusses this argument in detail, finally defending a modification of it that is implicit in Anselm. This “other argument” bears a striking resemblance to one that Duns Scotus would later employ.
Penguin Putnam Inc Horses of Fire: A Novel of Troy
Dutton Books for Young Readers The Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh
This exquisite, deluxe edition contains the complete illustrated texts of both Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. In full-color and featuring a satin ribbon marker, it is the perfect gift and a cornerstone of every family's bookshelf.Since 1926, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends—Piglet, Owl, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, and the ever doleful Eeyore—have endured as the unforgettable creations of A. A. Milne, who wrote two books of Pooh’s adventures for his son, Christopher Robin, and Ernest H. Shepard, who lovingly gave them shape through his iconic and beautiful illustrations. These characters and their stories are timeless treasures of childhood that continue to speak to all of us with the kind of freshness and heart that distinguishes true storytelling. This deluxe volume brings both Pooh stories—Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner—together in one beautiful, full-color edition. The texts are complete and unabridged, and all of the illustrations, each gloriously recolored, are included. Elegant yet simple, whimsical yet wise, this classic edition is a book to savor and treasure. The perfect gift for holiday, to welcome a new baby, or for your favorite collector and book lover.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biodiversity and Wheat Improvement
ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas Address: P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria Telex: 331206 ICARDA SY, 331208 ICARDA SY Fax: 963-21-213490 Established in 1977, ICARDA is governed by an independent Board of Trustees. Based at Aleppo, Syria, it is one of 18 centres supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), which is an international group of representatives of donor agencies, eminent agricultural scientists, and institutional administrators from developed and developing countries who guide and support its work. The CGIAR seeks to enhance and sustain food production and, at the same time, improve the socioeconomic conditions of people through strengthening national research systems in developing countries. ICARDA focuses its research efforts on areas with a dry summer, where precipitation in winter ranges from 200 mm to 600 mm. The Center has a global responsibility for the improvement of barley, lentil and faba bean, and a regional responsibility -- in West Asia and North Africa -- for the improvement of wheat, chickpea and pasture and forage crops and the associated farming systems. Much of ICARDA's research is carried out on a 948-hectare farm at its headquarters at Tel Hadya, about 35 km south-west of Aleppo. ICARDA also manages other sites where it tests material under a variety of agroecological conditions in Syria and Lebanon. However, the full scope of ICARDA's activities can be appreciated only when account is taken of the cooperative research carried out with many countries in West Asia and North Africa. The results of research are transferred through ICARDA's cooperation with national and regional research institutions, universities and ministries of agriculture, and through the technical assistance and training that the Center provides. A range of training programmes is offered, extending from residential courses for groups to advanced research opportunities for individuals. These efforts are supported by seminars and publications and by specialised information services.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Main Group Chemistry
Lately, there has been much interest in the chemistry of Main Group elements with novel compounds being synthesised both in academia and industry. This book examines their synthesis, structure and how they behave chemically. The second edition follows the same structure as the first except that the biochemistry section has been removed to allow for the inclusion of a wide range of new material. This includes: * complexation and the stabilization of unstable species; * new elements and isotopes; * discussion of, for example, pye-bonding in compounds of the heavier main group elements, electronegativity of F, bonding in sulfur and phosphorus oxo-anions; * examples of new compounds developed around traditional models; for example, compounds in which multiply-bonded C is replaced by Si and pentavalent organo-derivatives of Group 15 All other information is fully revised and updated in the light of more recent data. Where relevant, the author indicates where gaps exist in current knowledge and offers non-typical examples which are at the limits of current research. The new edition is aimed at Honors and postgraduate students as well as researchers interested in Main Group elements and their compounds. On the first edition - "This is a book I would recommend as background reading for undergraaduates and postgraduates" Education in Chemistry, Chemistry in Britain "This is a sound and sensible book, coherently produced and well written" The Times Higher Educational Supplement
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
Provides a comprehensive treatment of semiconductor device physics and technology, with emphasis on modern planar silicon devices. Physical principles are explained by the use of simple physical models and illustrated by experimental measurements.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Syntheses, Collective Volume 2
Reflecting the increased pace of research and the many recent advances in organic chemistry, this series serves as a single-source compendium of the most up-to-date and significant procedures currently in use.
WW Norton & Co The Cineaste: Poems
A. Van Jordan, an acclaimed American poet and the author of three previous volumes, “demonstrates poetry’s power to be at once intimate and wide-ranging” (Robert Pinsky, Washington Post Book World). In this penetrating new work he takes us with him to the movies, where history reverberates and characters are larger than life. The Cineaste is an entrancing montage of poems, wherein film serves as the setting for contemplative trances, memoir, and pure fantasy. At its center is a sonnet sequence that imagines the struggle of pioneer filmmaker Oscar Micheaux against D. W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation, which Micheaux saw not only as racist but also as the start of a powerful new art form. “Sharpen the focus in your lens, and you / Sharpen your view of the world; you can see / How people inhabit space in their lives, / How the skin of Negroes and whites both play / With light.” Scenes and characters from films such as Metropolis, Stranger than Paradise, Last Year at Marienbad, The Red Shoes, and The Great Train Robbery also come to luminous life in this vibrant new collection. The Cineaste is an extended riff on Jordan’s life as a moviegoer and a brilliant exploration of film, poetry, race, and the elusiveness of reverie. from “Last Year at Marienbad” A place, though visible, is like a ghost of memories. Even memories one forgets linger in the space in which they occurred. Here within the expanse of vaulted ceilings, doorways leading to more doors, hallways leading to more halls, the faintest recollections absorb over time; no act will wholly evanesce.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Middletons Allergy 2Volume Set
Pennsylvania State University Press The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha: Forgery, Theft, and Sainthood in the Seventeenth Century
On the night of March 18, 1655, two Spanish friars broke into a church to steal the bones of the founder of their religious institution, the Order of the Most Holy Trinity. This book investigates this little-known incident of relic theft and the lengthy legal case that followed, together with the larger questions that surround the remains of saints in seventeenth-century Catholic Europe.Drawing on a wealth of manuscript and print sources from the era, A. Katie Harris uses the case of St. John of Matha’s stolen remains to explore the roles played by saints’ relics, the anxieties invested in them, their cultural meanings, and the changing modes of thought with which early modern Catholics approached them. While in theory a relic’s authenticity and identity might be proved by supernatural evidence, in practice early modern Church authorities often reached for proofs grounded in the material, human world—preferences that were representative of the standardizing and streamlining of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century saint-making. Harris examines how Matha’s advocates deployed material and documentary proofs, locating them within a framework of Scholastic concepts of individuation, identity, change, and persistence, and applying moral certainty to accommodate the inherent uncertainty of human evidence and relic knowledge.Engaging and accessible, The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha raises an array of important questions surrounding relic identity and authenticity in seventeenth-century Europe. It will be of interest to students, scholars, and casual readers interested in European history, religious history, material culture, and Renaissance studies.
Penn State University Ethnographies and Exchanges Native Americans Moravians and Catholics in Early North America
University of Notre Dame Press Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies
This is the first focused study on the relationship between the use of national courts to pursue retrospective justice and the construction of viable democracies. Included in this interdisciplinary volume are fascinating, detailed essays on the experiences of eight countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, and South Africa. According to the contributors, the most important lesson for leaders of new democracies, who are wrestling with the human rights abuses of past dictatorships, is that they have many options. Democratizing regimes are well-advised to be attentive to the significant political, ethical, and legal constraints that may limit their ability to achieve retribution for past wrongs. On prudential ground alone, some fledgling regimes will have no choice but to restrain their desire for punishment in the interest of political survival. However, it would be incorrect to think that all new democracies are therefore bereft of the political and legal resources needed to bring the perpetrators of egregious human rights violations to justice. In many instances, governments have overcome the obstacles before them and, by appealing to both national and international legal standards, have brought their former dictators to trial. When these judicial proceedings have been properly conducted and insulated from partisan political pressures, they have provided tangible evidence of the guiding principles-equality, fairness, and the rule of law-that are essential to the post-authoritarian order. This collection shows that the quest for transitional justice has amounted to something more than merely a break with the past—it constitutes a formative act which directly affects the quality and credibility of democratic institutions.
Indiana University Press The Symphonic Repertoire, Volume II: The First Golden Age of the Viennese Symphony: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert
Central to the repertoire of Western art music since the 18th century, the symphony has come to be regarded as one of the ultimate compositional challenges. Surprisingly, heretofore there has been no truly extensive, broad-based treatment of the genre, and the best of the existing studies are now several decades old. In this five-volume series, A. Peter Brown explores the symphony from its 18th-century beginnings to the end of the 20th century. Synthesizing the enormous scholarly literature, Brown presents up-to-date overviews of the status of research, discusses any important former or remaining problems of attribution, illuminates the style of specific works and their contexts, and samples early writings on their reception. The Symphonic Repertoire provides an unmatched compendium of knowledge for the student, teacher, performer, and sophisticated amateur. The series is being launched with two volumes on the Viennese symphony.Volume II The First Golden Age of the Viennese SymphonyHaydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and SchubertVolume II considers some of the best-known and most universally admired symphonies by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert, who created what A. Peter Brown designates as the first golden age of the Viennese symphony during the late 18th and first three decades of the 19th century. The last two dozen symphonies by Haydn, half dozen by Mozart, and three by Schubert, together with Beethoven's nine symphonies became established in the repertoire and provided a standard against which every other symphony would be measured. Most significantly, they imparted a prestige to the genre that was only occasionally rivaled by other cyclic compositions. More than 170 symphonies from this repertoire are described and analyzed in The First Golden Age of the Viennese Symphony, the first volume of the series to appear.
Columbia University Press The Millennial Sovereign: Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam
At the end of the sixteenth century and the turn of the first Islamic millennium, the powerful Mughal emperor Akbar declared himself the most sacred being on earth. The holiest of all saints and above the distinctions of religion, he styled himself as the messiah reborn. Yet the Mughal emperor was not alone in doing so. In this field-changing study, A. Azfar Moin explores why Muslim sovereigns in this period began to imitate the exalted nature of Sufi saints. Uncovering a startling yet widespread phenomenon, he shows how the charismatic pull of sainthood (wilayat)-rather than the draw of religious law (sharia) or holy war (jihad)-inspired a new style of sovereignty in Islam. A work of history richly informed by the anthropology of religion and art, The Millennial Sovereign traces how royal dynastic cults and shrine-centered Sufism came together in the imperial cultures of Timurid Central Asia, Safavid Iran, and Mughal India. By juxtaposing imperial chronicles, paintings, and architecture with theories of sainthood, apocalyptic treatises, and manuals on astrology and magic, Moin uncovers a pattern of Islamic politics shaped by Sufi and millennial motifs. He shows how alchemical symbols and astrological rituals enveloped the body of the monarch, casting him as both spiritual guide and material lord. Ultimately, Moin offers a striking new perspective on the history of Islam and the religious and political developments linking South Asia and Iran in early-modern times.
Columbia University Press The Book of Lieh-Tzŭ: A Classic of the Tao
-- Burton Watson
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Rogue Crown
HarperCollins Publishers North Coast 500
HarperCollins Publishers Chester AZ Pocket Street Map
HarperCollins Publishers Exeter AZ Pocket Street Map
HarperCollins Publishers London A-Z Street Map
This great value, fold-out map uses our instantly recognisable A-Z street mapping and has handy a TfL Tube map on the back for easy access. Published at a scale of 3.5 inches to 1 mile, the map extends out from Highbury in the north to Clapham Common and Lewisham in the south, and from Notting Hill and Barnes in the west to Stratford and Greenwich Peninsula, with the O2, in the east. Postcode districts, one-way streets, the congestion charging zone boundary and safety camera locations with speed limits are all featured on the mapping. This publication is the perfect choice for those wanting the combination of a desirable map area and a compact folded size. At just £3.99 this is a high quality, low price map of London.
HarperCollins Publishers Peterborough A-Z Pocket Street Map
Navigate your way around Peterborough with detailed street maps from A-Z This up-to-date, folded A-Z street map includes all of the 1,500 streets in and around Peterborough.Detailed coverage of an area extending from Walton in the north to Hampton Gardens in the south, and from Fengate in the east to Thorpe Wood Golf Course in the west. This street map includes the following: Postcode districts, one-way streets and car parks Places of interest On the reverse there is a handy index to streets, places of interest, place and area names, park and ride sites, national rail stations, hospitals and hospices With clear mapping at a scale of 5.5 inches to 1 mile, this is the perfect reference map for finding your way around Peterborough.
HarperCollins Publishers Folkestone A-Z Pocket Street Map
Navigate your way around Folkestone with detailed street maps from A-Z This up-to-date, folded A-Z street map includes all of the 1,500 streets in and around Folkestone. Detailed coverage of an area extending from Hawkinge to Sandgate in the south, and from East Wear Bay in the east to Newington in the west. Postcode districts, one-way streets and car parks Places of interest On the reverse side there is a handy index to streets, places of interest, place and area names, park and ride sites, national rail stations, hospitals and hospices With clear mapping on a scale of 5.5 inches to 1 mile, this is the perfect reference map for finding your way around Folkestone.
HarperCollins Publishers Bristol and Bath A-Z Street Atlas
Navigate your way around Bristol and Bath with this detailed and easy-to-use A-Z Street Atlas. Printed in full-colour, paperback format, this atlas contains 104 pages of continuous street mapping. More than 12,800 streets indexed. Large scale 6.25 inches to 1 mile map. Areas covered include: Avonmouth, Bradley Stoke, Filton, Keynsham, Kingswood, Mangotsfield, Portishead, Yate, Frampton Cotterell, Chipping Sodbury, Oldland, Swainswick, Batheaston, University of Bath, Combe Down, Bath Spa University, Saltford, Whitchurch, Bedminster, Long Ashton, Easton-in-Gordano, Cribbs Causeway. Also included are large scale city centre maps of both Bristol and Bath and a postcode map of the atlas area.Postcode districts, one-way streets and safety camera locations with their maximum speed are featured on the street mapping. A comprehensive index lists streets, selected flats, walkways and places of interest, place, area and station names. Additional healthcare (hospitals, walk-in centres and hospices) and transport connections are indexed as well.
New Holland Publishers Aboriginal Myths, Legends and Fables
Atlantic Books The Book of the People: How to Read the Bible
In The Book of the People A. N. Wilson explores how readers and thinkers have approached the Bible, and how it might be read today. Charting his own relationship with the Bible over a lifetime of writing, Wilson argues that it remains relevant even in a largely secular society, as a philosophical work, a work of literature and a cultural touchstone that the western world has answered to for nearly two thousand years. He challenges the way fundamentalists - whether believers or non-believers - have misused the Bible, either by neglecting and failing to recognize its cultural significance, or by using it as a weapon against those with whom they disagree. Erudite, witty and accessible, The Book of the People seeks to reclaim the Good Book as our seminal work of literature, and a book for the imagination.
Chicago Review Press With Love Mommie Dearest
Based on new interviews with people connected to the book and the film, Hollywood historian A. Ashley Hoff explores the phenomenon, the camp, and the very real social issues addressed by the book and film.
Troubador Publishing Ltd Bitter Pill
Troubador Publishing Ltd Jackâs Search for Poppy
Canelo Under Her Roof
Intense, intricate and packed with intrigue...a thrilling and addictive read.' B.A. ParisIt seems too good to be trueWhen struggling writer Sebastian finds a room to let in a palatial Hampstead residence he cannot believe his luck. The rent is ridiculously cheap and he immediately feels a connection with his beautiful widowed landlady, Adriana.It is.Things take a dark turn when he finds out what happened to the last lodger. Could this be why the house is a fortress of security, and why Adriana seems so fragile? Adriana doesn't want to talk about the death and sadness that seem to follow her wherever she goes and Sebastian has secrets of his own.Now someone is watching their every move and there is nowhere to hide.This house of light becomes a dark nightmare as the threat ramps up - what does the watcher want? And how far will they go to get it?A gripping, twisty thriller perfect for fans of B.A. Paris
University of South Carolina Press A South Carolina Upcountry Saga: The Civil War Letters of Barham Bobo Foster and His Family, 1860–1863
Collected letters of a Confederate officer and his family detail daily life and loss on the battlefield.Hope, sacrifice, and restoration: throughout the American Civil War and its aftermath, the Foster family endured all of these in no small measure. Drawing from dozens of public and privately owned letters, A. Gibert Kennedy recounts the story of his great-great-grandfather and his family in A South Carolina Upcountry Saga: The Civil War Letters of Barham Bobo Foster and His Family, 1860–1863.Barham Bobo Foster was a gentleman planter from the Piedmont who signed the South Carolina Ordinance of Secession and served as a lieutenant colonel in the Third South Carolina Volunteers alongside his two sons. Kennedy’s primary sources are letters written by Foster and his sons, but he also references correspondence involving Foster’s daughters and his wife, Mary Ann.The letters describe experiences on the battlefields of Virginia and South Carolina, vividly detailing camp life, movements, and battles along with stories of bravery, loss, and sacrifice. The Civil War cost Foster his health, all that he owned, and his two sons, though he was able to rebuild with the help of his wife and three daughters. Supplementing the correspondence with maps, illustrations, and genealogical information, Kennedy shows the full arc of the Foster family’s struggle and endurance in the Civil War era.
University of Iowa Press Stories No One Hopes Are about Them
At once playfully dark and slyly hopeful, Stories No One Hopes Are about Them explores convergences of power, privilege, and place. Characters who are ni de aquí, ni de allá—neither from here nor there—straddle competing worlds, disrupt paradigms, and transition from objects of other people’s stories to active subjects and protagonists of their own. Narratives of humanity and environment entwine with nuanced themes of colonization, queerness, and evolution at the forefront. Big things happen in this collection. But it’s also a collection of small intimacies: misremembered names, chipped teeth, and private rituals; unexpected alliances and barely touched knees beneath uniform skirts; minutiae of the natural world; incidents that quietly, achingly, and delightfully transgress the familiar.
British Geological Survey A Walkers Guide to the Geology and Landscape of Eastern Mendip Earthwise Guides
MIT Press Ltd Changing How We Choose: The New Science of Morality
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd The Role of TRAVEL AGENT in Managing Tourist Product
Bookwell Publications Urban Planning and Governance a New Paradigm
Lo Scarabeo Tarot Original 1909 Kit
The masterpiece by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith, reproduced from the very first edition of December 1909A top quality edition of the original timeless Tarot, for clear, insightful and deep Readings. With book written by renowned writer and Tarot expert Sasha Graham.78 full colour tarot cards & 160pp book
Regal Publications Disaster Management and Climate Change
Shrikunj Sadbhavana Munch The Immortal Tales
Pilgrims Publishing Esoteric Buddhism
CBS Publishers & Distributors Electrical and Mechanical Services in High Rise Buildings: Design and Estimation Manual
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Eternal Sai Phenomenon
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd Organizational Behaviour: Text and Cases
Medina Publishing Ltd Alexandria: City of Gifts and Sorrows
Ancient Alexandria was built by the Greek Macedonians. Ptolemy started the dynasty and in thirty years completed the first lighthouse, and the grand library and museum, which functioned as a university with an emphasis on science, known as "The Alexandrian School". Scholars attended as "the birthplace of science" from all over the ancient world. Two of the most eminent were Euclid, the father of geometry, and Claudios Ptolemy, writer of The Almagest, a book on astronomy. These are the oldest surviving science textbooks. Herein there are stories about scientists, poets and religious philosophers, responsible for influencing the western mind with their writings.Modern Alexandria was rebuilt in 1805 by multi-ethnic communities who created a successful commercial city and port with an enviable life-style for its inhabitants for 150 years. In 1952 the Free Officers of the Egyptian Army masterminded a coup to free the country from the monarchy and British domination. In 1956 the socialist regime under Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Suez Canal, resulting in the Anglo-French-Israeli invasion. This outburst of Egyptian nationalism and military revolution by this understandably anti-Western regime included the confiscation of property belonging to foreigners and the subsequent mass exodus of business and artisan classes that hitherto had made the city so successful. The author was an eye-witness to these events and he sets out the political errors and failures of both Egyptian and Western leaders. The legacy of the resulting political and social confusions is deeply apparent in the continuing unrest in the Middle East, and in particular in Egypt.
Medina Publishing Ltd Alexandria: City of Gifts and Sorrows
Ancient Alexandria was built by the Greek Macedonians. Ptolemy started the dynasty and in thirty years completed the first lighthouse, and the grand library and museum, which functioned as a university with an emphasis on science, known as "The Alexandrian School". Scholars attended as "the birthplace of science" from all over the ancient world. Two of the most eminent were Euclid, the father of geometry, and Claudios Ptolemy, writer of The Almagest, a book on astronomy. These are the oldest surviving science textbooks. Herein there are stories about scientists, poets and religious philosophers, responsible for influencing the western mind with their writings.Modern Alexandria was rebuilt in 1805 by multi-ethnic communities who created a successful commercial city and port with an enviable life-style for its inhabitants for 150 years. In 1952 the Free Officers of the Egyptian Army masterminded a coup to free the country from the monarchy and British domination. In 1956 the socialist regime under Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Suez Canal, resulting in the Anglo-French-Israeli invasion. This outburst of Egyptian nationalism and military revolution by this understandably anti-Western regime included the confiscation of property belonging to foreigners and the subsequent mass exodus of business and artisan classes that hitherto had made the city so successful. The author was an eye-witness to these events and he sets out the political errors and failures of both Egyptian and Western leaders. The legacy of the resulting political and social confusions is deeply apparent in the continuing unrest in the Middle East, and in particular in Egypt.
Protea Boekhuis Baie Melk En Twie Sykers