Search results for ""Author Rainer"
JOVIS Verlag Digital City Science. Researching New Technologies in Urban Environments
How will science and technology shape future cities—and how do cities shape science and technology in return? Who are the actors behind these processes? Driven by a transdisciplinary approach, Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 6 elaborates on the intertwinements of science, technology, and cities. The contributors discuss recent theoretical approaches at the interfaces between digitalization and cities and define their own role as a researcher. What are the assumptions that guide our view while researching? What does it mean to work in a transdisciplinary environment with a focus on the future of cities? In sum, this edition offers an overview of current perspectives on the Digital City. It is conceptualized as a forum for academic exchange on different methods, methodologies, measurements, and materials; on theories, treasures, toys, and tools; on power, prestige, problems, and perfection of/in Digital City Science.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Burgerliches Gesetzbuch: Allgemeiner Teil - Egbgb: Band 1
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Panorama der Mathematik
„Was ist Mathematik?” – auf diese Frage gibt dieses dicke Buch zahllose Antworten. Mathematik ist eben viel mehr als ein Schul- und Studienfach oder Rechnen: Es ist Teil der menschlichen Kultur, ein riesiges aktives Forschungsgebiet und ein nützlicher Werkzeugkasten. „Was ist Mathematik?” – statt einer einzelnen Antwort zeichnen die Autoren ein Panorama, bunt und vielfältig. Da geht es um Philosophie, Beweise, große und kleine Probleme, fundamentale Konzepte, Teilgebiete, Forschungspraxis, Anwendungen der Mathematik. Und um Geschichten aus der Geschichte. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die wissen und darüber nachdenken wollen, was Mathematik ist, insbesondere auch an Studierende der Mathematik. Es begleitet eine Vorlesung, die an der Freien Universität Berlin jährlich vor allem für Lehramtsstudierende angeboten wird.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religion im Dialog: Klasse 9/10
â Religion im Dialogâ bedeutet, Begegnungen anzuregen. Wie? Das neue Lehrwerk für den Religionsunterricht verfolgt einen konfessionell-kooperativen Ansatz, der immer wieder auch den Dialog zu anderen Religionen und Weltanschauungen sucht. So wird der Vielfalt der Schülerschaft und der Realität des Religionsunterrichts optimal Rechnung getragen. â Religion im Dialogâ bezieht durchgängig evangelische und katholische Perspektiven bei Materialien und Aufgaben ein. Gleichzeitig werden andere religiöse sowie verschiedene weltanschauliche Perspektiven eingebracht. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf gelebter Religion. Damit entstehen Lernarrangements, die dazu einladen, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen und sich auszutauschen. So können die Schülerinnen und Schüler sehen, wie verschieden sie sind und wo sie vielleicht auch etwas verbindet. Konkret zeichnet sich "Religion im Dialog" durch vielfältige anregende Materialien und offen formulierte, anwendungsbezogene und methodisch abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben aus. Das Buch ermöglicht vernetzendes Lernen durch entsprechende Verweise bei Aufgaben und Materialien. Ziel ist, den Schülerinnen und Schülern ein möglichst eigenständiges Arbeiten zu ermöglichen. Das Lehrwerk besteht aus sieben Kapiteln: 1. Freiheit und Verantwortung, 2. Glaube ohne Zweifel?!, 3. Alles vergeben durch Christus?, 4. Der Tod â Anfang oder Ende?, 5. Wie politisch darf die Kirche sein?, 6. Verantwortung der Religionen, 7. Was gibt meinem Leben Sinn? Der Band wird durch einen Methodenanhang abgerundet. Auf unserer Contentplattform finden Sie die digitale Version unserer Schulbücher:
Harrassowitz Tall Munbaqa-Ekalte IV, Die Bronzezeitliche Keramik
Aschendorff Verlag Orientierungssuche: Zur Bedeutung Von Kirche Und Glauben 1945-1950
Kohlhammer Das Fischereirecht in Baden-Wurttemberg
New Directions Publishing Corporation Ann Craven: Twelve Moons
Penguin Books Ltd Letters to a Young Poet
'What matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.'A hugely influential collection for writers and artists of all kinds, Rilke's profound and lyrical letters to a young friend advise on writing, love, sex, suffering and the nature of advice itself.One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
Taschen GmbH Goya
Taschen GmbH Goya
From court portraits for the Spanish royals to horrific scenes of conflict and suffering, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) made a mark as one of Spain’s most revered and controversial artists. A master of form and light, his influence reverberates down the centuries, inspiring and fascinating artists from the Romantic Eugène Delacroix to Britart enfants terribles, the Chapman brothers. Born in Fuendetodos, Spain, in 1746, Goya was apprenticed to the Spanish royal family in 1774, where he produced etchings and tapestry cartoons for grand palaces and royal residences across the country. He was also patronized by the aristocracy, painting commissioned portraits of the rich and powerful with his increasingly fluid and expressive style. Later, after a bout of illness, the artist moved towards darker etchings and drawings, introducing a nightmarish realm of witches, ghosts, and fantastical creatures. It was, however, with his horrific depictions of conflict that Goya achieved enduring impact. Executed between 1810 and 1820, The Disasters of War was inspired by atrocities committed during the Spanish struggle for independence from the French and penetrated the very heart of human cruelty and sadism. The bleak tones, agitated brushstrokes, and aggressive use of Baroque-like light and dark contrasts recalled Velázquez and Rembrandt, but Goya’s subject matter was unprecedented in its brutality and honesty. In this introductory book from TASCHEN Basic Art 2.0 we set out to explore the full arc of Goya’s remarkable career, from elegant court painter to deathly seer of suffering and grotesquerie. Along the way, we encounter such famed portraits as Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga, the dazzling Naked Maja, and The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid, one of the most heart-stopping images of war in the history of art.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Mesopotamien. Hydrogeographie. A V 4: 1: 2 Mio.
Karl-Alber-Verlag Wohnen ALS Weltverhaltnis: Eugen Fink Uber Den Menschen Und Die Physis
Bohlau Verlag Die Familien-Fideikommissbibliothek des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen 1835-1918: Metamorphosen einer Sammlung
North Point Press The Book of Images: Poems / Revised Bilingual Edition
Gabler Praxishandbuch Investor Relations: Das Standardwerk der Finanzkommunikation
Das Standardwerk der Investor Relations beleuchtet in der 2., überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage praxisnah die aktuellen rechtlichen Entwicklungen sowie Themen der Finanzmarktkrise. Es zeigt, wie IR-Verantwortliche auf die neuen Herausforderungen der internationalen Finanzmärkte reagieren müssen und welche Instrumente die Investor Relations dafür bieten.
De Gruyter Schule Oberhuber: Der Künstler, Rektor, Ausstellungsmacher und sein Programm
Schule Oswald Oberhuber im Porträt Die Publikation erschließt die vielschichtige Praxis von Oswald Oberhuber (1931–2020), die von den 1970er- bis 1990er-Jahren die Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Wien und einen bis heute relevanten kunstpolitischen Diskurs prägte, erstmals in ihrer Programmatik. Ausgehend von der Ausstellung Schule Oberhuber (Universitätsgalerie im Heiligenkreuzerhof, 2022), wird Oberhubers Kritik am konservativen Nachkriegskanon und den institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen von Kunst thematisiert. Das Buch verortet Oberhubers künstlerische Position im internationalen Kontext und verdeutlicht sein kulturpolitisches, reformorientiertes Verständnis von Kunstvermittlung. Dass die Auseinandersetzung mit der von Oberhuber initiierten Kunstsammlung und dem Universitätsarchiv bis heute lohnenswert ist, zeigen Werke zeitgenössischer Künstler:innen und Studierender. Internationale Situierung des Künstlers und Einblick in Geschichte und Bedeutung der Universitätskunstsammlung Dokumentation der Ausstellung Schule Oberhuber (2022) Mit Beiträgen von Bazon Brock, Julienne Lorz, Oswald Oberhuber, Thomas Trummer u. a.
Taschen GmbH Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings
Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. In paintings such as Sunflowers, The Starry Night, and Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, we recognize an artist uniquely dexterous in the representation of texture and mood, light and place. Yet in his lifetime, van Gogh battled not only the disinterest of his contemporary audience but also devastating bouts of mental illness. His episodes of depression and anxiety would eventually claim his life, when, in 1890, he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh offers a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings, alongside writings and essays, charting the life and work of a master who continues to tower over art to this day.
Taschen GmbH Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings
Vincent van Gogh’s story is one of the most tragic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and History
Historiographical approaches to international investment law scholarship are becoming ever more important. This insightful book combines perspectives from a range of expert international law scholars who explore ways in which using a broad variety of historical methods and historical research can lead to a better understanding of international investment law.International Investment Law and History critically analyses the use of historical argument in international investment law. It examines the vital roles that historical arguments play in interpreting investment treaties, resolving investor-state disputes, and justifying or criticising the current system of investment protection.This book is the first in-depth study on the methodological challenges and benefits of historical analysis in international investment law. As such, it is a vital tool for scholars and practitioners in the field who wish to understand ways in which to use historical research and analysis to improve and redefine international investment law.Contributors include: M. Boase, H. Bray, Y. Chernykh, J. Ho, R. Hofmann, J. Kammerhofer, A. Kulick, K. Miles, M. Pinchis-Paulsen, S.W. Schill, T. St. John, C.J. Tams, J. Yackee
Apple Academic Press Inc. Pathways to Modern Physical Chemistry: An Engineering Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications
Pathways to Modern Physical Chemistry: An Engineering Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications focuses on recent trends and takes a systematic and practical look at theoretical aspects of materials chemistry. The book describes the characterization and analysis methods for materials and explains physical transport mechanisms in various materials. Not only does this book summarize the classical theories of materials chemistry, but it also exhibits their engineering applications in response to the current key issues. Recent trends in several areas are explored, including polymer science, textile engineering, and chemical engineering science, which have important application to practice.
Springer International Publishing AG Handbook of Signal Processing Systems
In this new edition of the Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, many of the chapters from the previous editions have been updated, and several new chapters have been added. The new contributions include chapters on signal processing methods for light field displays, throughput analysis of dataflow graphs, modeling for reconfigurable signal processing systems, fast Fourier transform architectures, deep neural networks, programmable architectures for histogram of oriented gradients processing, high dynamic range video coding, system-on-chip architectures for data analytics, analysis of finite word-length effects in fixed-point systems, and models of architecture. There are more than 700 tables and illustrations; in this edition over 300 are in color. This new edition of the handbook is organized in three parts. Part I motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-the art methods for design and implementation of signal processing systems; Part II discusses architectures for implementing these applications; and Part III focuses on compilers, as well as models of computation and their associated design tools and methodologies.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligence - Theories and Applications
Intelligence allows people to understand events and to shape their surrounding environment. This book delves deeper into the theories and applications of intelligence, showing it is a multifaceted concept —defined and explained differently by prestigious experts of various disciplines in their own research. The book provides interdisciplinary connections of intelligence as it relates to a variety of clearly outlined subject areas, and should lead to a deep understanding of the phenomenon as it pertains to practical applications in different domains. Contributors in this volume present results from evolutionary biology, mathematics, artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology, cultural studies, economy, political sciences and philosophy. Individual scientific models are integrated in an interdisciplinary concept of wisdom. This volume will help enhance the common understanding of intelligence for fellow researchers and scientists alike.
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Eine Analyse zu Kinderbibeln in der Aufklärungszeit
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Sophisten in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung
Der Forschung geläufig ist die Rede von einer ersten (5./4. Jh. v. Chr.) und der sog. Zweiten Sophistik (2. Jh. n. Chr). Aber auch die Literatur des Hellenismus und der frühen Kaiserzeit kennt zahlreiche Sophisten. Der Sophist, verstanden als (schlechter) Lehrer und Redner, Gegenspieler des Philosophen oder Vertreter der griechischen Bildung, bildet deshalb den Dreh-und Angelpunkt der Beiträge, die Schlaglichter auf Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung werfen. Sophisten wirken im Gymnasion, im Museion in Alexandreia, in Tempeln in Rom oder privaten Schulen in Ägypten und Judäa. Der vorliegende Band diskutiert neben diesen Orten die Methoden der Bildungsvermittlung und die soziale Herkunft der Lehrer. Weitere wichtige Aspekte sind die Konkurrenz als strukturierendes Element des Lebens eines Sophisten und das Bankett als Ort der Bildungsvermittlung. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie pagane und jüdische Denker, Platoniker und Stoiker Bildung als Weg zum richtigen Welt- und Gottesverständnis verstehen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Handbuch des Bodenschutzes: Bodenökologie und -belastung / Vorbeugende und abwehrende Schutzmaßnahmen
Umfassendes Handbuch über die Eigenschaften und Funktionen von Böden, deren Veränderungen durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Erosion, Be- und Entwässerung, Düngung, Überbelastung durch Metalle, Säuren, Salze, organische Verbindungen, Radionuklide, Sickerwasser u. a.; Schutz und Sanierungsmethoden; zahlreiche Tabellen und Schwarz-Weiß-Zeichnungen sowie Farbaufnahmen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and General International Law: Radiating Effects?
This book questions whether investment law influences the wider field of general international law, and more specifically, whether approaches adopted by tribunals in investment arbitrations have radiated, or should radiate, into other fields of international law.To answer this question, the book engages in a detailed analysis of pronouncements by investment tribunals on state responsibility, the law of treaties, and general principles of dispute resolution, and evaluates their impact beyond the narrow field of investment law. The perspectives provided in the book highlight how rules of general international law are concretised, specified, and at times moulded in investment arbitration practice. By doing so, the book enhances our understanding of the relationship between general international law and one its most dynamic sub-disciplines.Combining conceptual and practical perspectives, and offering a detailed analysis of the pertinent case law, the book is a plea for a fuller engagement directed at both general international lawyers and international investment lawyers. It will help investment lawyers better understand the role of general international law in their field of practice. General international lawyers will benefit from paying close attention to how investment lawyers apply and interpret rules of general international law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and the Global Financial Architecture
The global crises of the early 21st century have tested the international financial architecture. In seeking to ensure stability, governments have regulated financial and capital markets. This in turn has implicated international investment law, which investors have invoked as a shield against debt restructuring, bail-ins or bail-outs. This book explores whether investment law should protect against such regulatory measures, including where these have the support of multilateral institutions. It considers where the line should be drawn between legitimate regulation and undue interference with investor rights and, equally importantly, who draws it. Across the diverse chapters herein, expert international scholars assess the key challenges facing decision makers, analyze arbitral and treaty practice and evaluate ways towards a balanced system of investment protection in the financial sector. In doing so, they offer a detailed analysis of the interaction between investment protection and financial regulation in fields such as sovereign debt restructuring and bank rescue measures. Combining high-level analysis with a detailed assessment of controversial legal issues, this book will provide guidance for both academics and legal practitioners working in international economic law, international arbitration, investment law, international banking and financial law.Contributors include: A. Asteriti, P. Athanassiou, C.N. Brower, A. De Luca, A. Goetz-Charlier, A. Gourgourinis, R. Hofmann, H. Kupelyants, Y. Li, M. Mendelson, M.W. Müller, M
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and Development: Bridging the Gap
International investment law has often been seen as an obstacle to sustainable development. While the connections between investment and development are plain, for a long time there has been relatively little scholarship exploring them. Combining critical reflection and detailed analysis, this book addresses the relationship between contemporary investment law and development.The book is organized around two competing visions of investment and development - as working either harmoniously or in conflict with one another. The expert contributors reflect on both of these views and analyse the social dimensions of development and its impact on investment law. Coverage includes in-depth discussion on such issues as human rights, poverty reduction, labor standards, and indigenous peoples.Students and scholars of international investment law will benefit from the informed analysis of the links between investment and development. This book will also be of use to practitioners and experts of development law who are looking for an up-to-date perspective of the field.Contributors: W. Ben Hamida, C. Binder, J. Bonnitcha, M.-C. Cordonier Segger, D.A. Desierto, M.G. Desta, I. Feichtner, M.W. Gehring, A.R. Hippolyte, R. Hofmann, K. Magraw, K.Nadakavukaren Schefer, V. Prislan, Y. Radi, A. Saldarriaga, S.W. Schill, M. Sornarajah, C.J. Tams, C. Tan, R. Zandvliet
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Kulturwissenschaftliche und religionspädagogische Perspektiven
V&R unipress GmbH Bildung noch immer ein wertvoller Begriff?!
Logos Verlag Berlin Rezepte Schreiben Ist Leicht, Aber ... -- Psychosomatisches Kranksein. Ein Anderes Lesebuch Fur Den Hausarzt
Theologischer Verlag Heinrich Bullinger. Werke: 2. Abteilung: Briefwechsel. Band 12: Briefe Des Jahres 1542
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria
A guide to state-of-the-art molecular tools for monitoring and managing the toxigenicity of cyanobacteria Runaway eutrophication and climate change has made the monitoring and management of toxigenic organisms in the world’s bodies of water more urgent than ever. In order to influence public policy regarding the detection and quantification of those organisms, it is incumbent upon scientists to raise the awareness of policy makers concerning the increased occurrence of toxigenic cyanobacteria and the threats they pose. As molecular methods can handle many samples in short time and help identify toxigenic organisms, they are reliable, cost-effective tools available for tracking toxigenic cyanobacteria worldwide. This volume arms scientists with the tools they need to track toxigenicity in surface waters and food supplies and, hopefully, to develop new techniques for managing the spread of toxic cyanobacteria. This handbook offers the first comprehensive treatment of molecular tools for monitoring toxigenic cyanobacteria. Growing out of the findings of the landmark European Cooperation in Science and Technology Cyanobacteria project (CYANOCOST), it provides detailed, practical coverage of the full array of available molecular tools and protocols, from water sampling, nucleic acid extraction, and downstream analysis—including PCR and qPCR based methods—to genotyping (DGGE), diagnostic microarrays, and community characterization using next-gen sequencing techniques. Offers an overview of the latest trends in the field, while providing a foundation for understanding and applying the tools and techniques described Provides detailed coverage of the full range of molecular tools currently available, with expert guidance on the analysis and interpretation of results Includes step-by-step guidance on standard operational procedures, including molecular tests used in environmental monitoring, with individual chapters devoted to each procedure Complements the published Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis from the CyanoCOST project This handbook is an indispensable working resource for scientists, lab technicians, and water management professionals and an excellent text/reference for graduate students and supervisors who use molecular tools. It will also be of great value to environmental health and protection officials and policy makers.
De Gruyter Wendepunkte im Bauen: Von der seriellen zur digitalen Architektur
Wendepunkte im Bauen begleitet die Ausstellung in der Pinakothek der Moderne in München von März bis Juni 2010. Das Buch beinhaltet: • Aufsätze u.a. zur Geschichte des Systembaus in Deutschland, über Industrialisierung und Digitalisierung des Bauens und über den Einsatz von Computern in der Planung • Ausführlicher Katalogteil mit Fotos von Modellen/gebauten Beispielen und Plänen zu Projekten (August von Voit | Glaspalast, Jean Prouvè | Maison tropicale, Richard Buckminster Fuller | Dymaxion House, Konrad Wachsmann | United States Air Force Hangar, Frank O. Gehry | Vitra Design Museum, Thomas Herzog, Hanns Jörg Schrade | Design Center, Foster and Partners | Überdachung des Great Court des British Museum, UNStudio - van Berkel & Bos | Mercedes-Benz Museum • Gedanken zeitgenössischer Architekten zu Bedeutung und Wirkung von Wachsmanns „Wendepunkt im Bauen“ "
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Grundlagen der Baubetriebslehre 1: Baubetriebswirtschaft
Die Autoren geben einen umfassenden, leichtverständlichen Einblick in alle Themenbereiche des Baubetriebs und der Bauwirtschaft. Dabei beschreiben sie u.a. auch Ausschreibungen nach VOB, VOL und VOF sowie die Kalkulation und deren Ablauf. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und berücksichtigt die VOB 2009.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Operations Research: Eine Einführung
Das vorliegende Buch liefert eine Einführung in das Gebiet des Operations Research und ist primär für Studenten nicht-mathematischer Fachrichtungen, insbesondere für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler gedacht. Es werden jedoch auch Mathematiker angesprochen, die sich einen einführenden methodischen Überblick über das Gesamtgebiet verschaffen wollen. Dem Praktiker werden die Ausführungen helfen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des praktischen Einsatzes von OR-Verfahren zu beurteilen. Durch die anschauliche, leicht verständliche und durch viele Grafiken unterstützte Darstellung soll der mathematisch weniger geübte Leser angesprochen werden. Dabei wird nicht nur die Lineare Optimierung (einschließlich der Sensitivitätsanalyse und der Ganzzahligen Optimierung) behandelt. Es wird ebenfalls eine Einführung in die Nichtlineare Optimierung und in die Dynamische Optimierung gegeben. Die dargestellten Verfahren werden ausführlich in jedem Schritt erläutert.
Birkhauser Flat Roof Construction Manual: Materials, Design, Applications
often described as the "fifth façade", the flat roof is extremely popular with architects. Its essential task is to shelter the space beneath it from the elements. Beyond this, the use of flat roofs may be optimized by integrating them as green roofs, roof terraces, circulation areas, and even productive solar roofs. In practice, however, their correct and professional realization is a highly exacting task: in addition to providing the planner with basic rules of construction and design, the Flat Roof Manual also supplies an overview of the use and construction types as well as the standard assemblies for flat roofs. Together with the most important standards and bodies of regulations, construction drawings of the principal connection points round out the volume.
John Wiley & Sons Inc LTE for Public Safety
The aim of the book is to educate government agencies, operators, vendors and other regulatory institutions how LTE can be deployed to serve public safety market and offer regulatory / public safety features. It is written in such a way that it can be understood by both technical and non-technical personnel with just introductory knowledge in wireless communication. Some sections and chapters about public safety services offered by LTE network are intended to be understood by anyone with no knowledge in wireless communication.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Partial Discharges (PD): Detection, Identification and Localization
PARTIAL DISCHARGES (PD) — DETECTION, IDENTIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION Explore state-of-the-art partial discharge measurement techniques In Partial Discharges (PD) — Detection, Identification and Localization, a team of distinguished electrical engineers delivers a comprehensive treatment of the behavior, modeling, measurement, monitoring, localization, and evaluation of partial discharges. It includes coverage of all major advancements in the field that have occurred over the last few decades. It also discusses partial discharge phenomena, detection methods, and strategies for analyzing and processing collected data. Mechanisms of insulation failure are explored, as is the denoising of partial discharge measurement data and the localization of partial discharge in large, high-voltage equipment. Non-electric principles and procedures are discussed, and the book offers a variety of tables, figures, and photographs to illustrate the concepts discussed within. Partial Discharges(PD) also provides: A thorough introduction to the physical behavior of partial discharges, including their causes and classification Comprehensive modeling of partial discharge behavior, including classical and dipole discharges Practical discussions of the measurement of partial discharges, including the electrical method, partial discharge decoupling, and pre- and post-processing of partial discharges In-depth examinations of the monitoring of partial discharge behavior, including methods and realization Perfect for electrical engineers engaged in electrical power engineering, Partial Discharges (PD) will also earn a place in the libraries of research and development specialists employed in the manufacturing, quality testing and operation of electrical systems.