Search results for ""john wiley and sons ltd""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary
This anthology offers a comprehensive historical introduction to the central questions of philosophy of religion. Approximately two-thirds of the selections are from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, helping students to understand and engage the rich traditions of reflection on these timeless questions. The remaining contemporary readings introduce students to the more recent developments in the field. Each of the thematically arranged sections begins with an editor's introduction to clarify the central issues and positions presented in the readings that follow. Topics include: traditional theistic arguments religious experience and revelation fideism naturalistic approaches to religious belief the divine attributes fate, freedom, and foreknowledge the connection between religion and morality the problem of evil death and immortality religious diversity faith, reason, and the ethics of belief science and religion. The text can be used alone or in conjunction with a secondary text in philosophy of religion such as Zagzebski's Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction (Blackwell, 2007).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Unmasking Buddhism
UNMASKING BUDDHISM Can we talk of Buddhism as a unified religion or are there many Buddhisms? Is Buddhism a religion of tolerance and pacifism as many people think? Is Buddhism a religion without god(s)? Or is it more of a philosophy than a religion? Renowned Buddhist scholar Bernard Faure answers these and other questions about the basic history, beliefs and nature of Buddhism in easy-to-understand language. It is an ideal introduction for anyone who has unanswered questions about one of the world’s largest and most popular religions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Comparative Theology: Deep Learning Across Religious Borders
Drawing upon the author’s three decades of work in comparative theology, this is a pertinent and comprehensive introduction to the field, which offers a clear guide to the reader, enabling them to engage in comparative study. The author has three decades of experience of work in the field of comparative theology and is ideally placed to write this book Today’s increasing religious diversity makes this a pertinent and timely publication Unique in the depth of its introduction and explanation of the discipline of ‘comparative theology’ Provides examples of how comparative theology works in the new global context of human religiosity Draws on examples specific to Hindu-Christian studies to show how it is possible to understand more deeply the wider diversity around us. Clearly guides the reader, enabling them to engage in comparative study
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins: From Turbulence to Tectonics
The sedimentary record on Earth stretches back more than 4.3 billion years and is present in more abbreviated forms on companion planets of the Solar System, like Mars and Venus, and doubtless elsewhere. Reading such planetary archives correctly requires intimate knowledge of modern sedimentary processes acting within the framework provided by tectonics, climate and sea or lake level variations. The subject of sedimentology thus encompasses the origins, transport and deposition of mineral sediment on planetary surfaces. The author addresses the principles of the subject from the viewpoint of modern processes, emphasising a general science narrative approach in the main text, with quantitative background derived in enabling ‘cookie’ appendices. The book ends with an innovative chapter dealing with how sedimentology is currently informing a variety of cognate disciplines, from the timing and extent tectonic uplift to variations in palaeoclimate. Each chapter concludes with a detailed guide to key further reading leading to a large bibliography of over 2500 entries. The book is designed to reach an audience of senior undergraduate and graduate students and interested academic and industry professionals.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Literary Theory: An Introduction
A quarter of a century on from its original publication, Literary Theory: An Introduction still conjures the subversion, excitement and exoticism that characterized theory through the 1960s and 70s, when it posed an unprecedented challenge to the literary establishment. Eagleton has added a new preface to this anniversary edition to address more recent developments in literary studies, including what he describes as “the growth of a kind of anti-theory”, and the idea that literary theory has been institutionalized. Insightful and enlightening, Literary Theory: An Introduction remains the essential guide to the field. 25th Anniversary Edition of Terry Eagleton’s classic introduction to literary theory First published in 1983, and revised in 1996 to include material on developments in feminist and cultural theory Has served as an inspiration to generations of students and teachers Continues to function as arguably the definitive undergraduate textbook on literary theory Reissue includes a new foreword by Eagleton himself, reflecting on the impact and enduring success of the book, and on developments in literary theory since it was first published
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Osteopathy and the Treatment of Horses
Written by pioneering and internationally-renowned specialists in the field, this text provides clinically-orientated information on osteopathy as a treatment for horses. It explains the scientific rationale of how osteopathy works in animals, as well as providing a detailed working guide to the technical skills and procedures you need to know to perform safe and effective osteopathic procedures. Drawing on well established practices for humans this book provides details on the full variety of diagnostic and therapeutic osteopathic procedures that can be used on horses. Full of practical information, it demonstrates how professionals treating equine locomotor problems can adapt different procedures in different clinical settings. Over 350 colour images and detailed step-by-step instructions demonstrate the procedures and practice of osteopathy. Covers treatment both with and without sedation and general anaesthetic. This comprehensive text is written for students and practitioners of osteopathy with an interest in treating horses. It will also be useful to other allied therapists, and to veterinary practitioners who want to know more about the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy as a Way of Life: Ancients and Moderns - Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot
Philosophy as a Way of Life This unique collection of essays on the late Pierre Hadot’s revolutionary methodological approach to studying and practicing philosophy explores Hadot’s primary conviction that philosophy itself goes beyond solving puzzles and analyzing abstract arguments. Hadot believed that philosophy is a key part of humanity’s search for happiness, that it can transform our perception of the world, and thus can alter our very mode of being. His argument that the goal of philosophy is to shift our focus away from our habitual obsession with individuality, and to embrace universality and objectivity, has resonated with thinkers across the Academy – and outside it. Offering genuinely interdisciplinary analysis of Hadot’s work and philosophical practice, this volume includes papers written from a gamut of philosophical, historical, and geographical perspectives. Articles address issues in the history of philosophy from Pythagoras to Descartes, by way of Islamic thought, thus corresponding to Hadot’s view of the importance of philologically based analysis of ancient texts and historical contexts. Others study the presence of ideas related to, or influenced by, Hadot in contemporary thought, from Wittgenstein to Leonard Nelson, analytic philosophy, and French postmodernism. The result is a wide-ranging publication pointing to an additional “third way” alongside the traditional approaches of Continental and analytic philosophy, one that expands our horizons with secular spiritual exercises designed to enable us to be in a fuller, more authentic way.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Philosophy of Religion
In 85 new and updated essays, this comprehensive volume provides an authoritative guide to the philosophy of religion. Includes contributions from established philosophers and rising stars 22 new entries have now been added, and all material from the previous edition has been updated and reorganized Broad coverage spans the areas of world religions, theism, atheism, , the problem of evil, science and religion, and ethics
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Investigations
Philosophical Investigations New editions of the Commentary on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations from Wiley-Blackwell Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning, Volume 1 of An Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations Part I: Essays G. P. Baker and P. M. S. Hacker Second, extensively revised edition by P. M. S. Hacker Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning, Volume 1 of An Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations Part II: Exegesis §§1–184 G. P. Baker and P. M. S. Hacker Second, extensively revised edition by P. M. S. Hacker Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Necessity, Volume 2 of An Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations Essays and Exegesis of §§185–242 G. P. Baker and P. M. S. Hacker Second, extensively revised edition by P. M. S. Hacker Immediately upon its posthumous publication in 1953, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations was hailed as a masterpiece, and the ensuing years have confirmed this initial assessment. Today it is widely acknowledged to be the single most important philosophical work of the twentieth century. In this definitive new en face German-English edition, Wittgenstein experts Peter Hacker and Joachim Schulte have incorporated significant editorial changes to earlier editions of Philosophical Investigations in order to reflect more closely Wittgenstein’s original intentions. Notable revisions include the placement of Wittgenstein’s notes – Randbemerkungen – into their designated positions in the text, some corrections to the originally published German text, and the numbering of all the remarks in what was called Part 2 and is now named Philosophy of Psychology – A Fragment. Extensive modifications and corrections have also been made to G. E. M. Anscombe’s original English translation. Detailed editorial endnotes have been added to illuminate difficult translation decisions and to identify references and allusions in Wittgenstein’s original text.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Mind and Cognition: An Anthology
First published in 1990, Mind and Cognition: An Anthology is now firmly established as a popular teaching apparatus for upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in the philosophy of mind. Brings together the most important classic and contemporary articles in philosophy of mind and cognition Completely revised and updated throughout, in response to feedback from teachers in the field Now includes 20 new readings Each updated part opens with a brief, synoptic introduction to the individual field and a comprehensive further reading list Each section also includes three to four of the most influential papers that have been written in the philosophy of mind over the last 40 years
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modern Literary Theory and Ancient Texts: An Introduction
This book provides students and scholars of classical literature with a practical guide to modern literary theory and criticism. Using a clear and concise approach, it navigates readers through various theoretical approaches, including Russian Formalism, structuralism, deconstruction, gender studies, and New Historicism. Applies theoretical approaches to examples from ancient literature Extensive bibliographies and index make it a valuable resource for scholars in the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Black is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics
Black is Beautiful identifies and explores the most significant philosophical issues that emerge from the aesthetic dimensions of black life, providing a long-overdue synthesis and the first extended philosophical treatment of this crucial subject. The first extended philosophical treatment of an important subject that has been almost entirely neglected by philosophical aesthetics and philosophy of art Takes an important step in assembling black aesthetics as an object of philosophical study Unites two areas of scholarship for the first time – philosophical aesthetics and black cultural theory, dissolving the dilemma of either studying philosophy, or studying black expressive culture Brings a wide range of fields into conversation with one another– from visual culture studies and art history to analytic philosophy to musicology – producing mutually illuminating approaches that challenge some of the basic suppositions of each Well-balanced, up-to-date, and beautifully written as well as inventive and insightful Winner of The American Society of Aesthetics Outstanding Monograph Prize 2017
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Quantitative Methods In Linguistics
Quantitative Methods in Linguistics offers a practical introduction to statistics and quantitative analysis with data sets drawn from the field and coverage of phonetics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and syntax, as well as probability distribution and quantitative methods. Provides balanced treatment of the practical aspects of handling quantitative linguistic data Includes sample datasets contributed by researchers working in a variety of sub-disciplines of linguistics Uses R, the statistical software package most commonly used by linguists, to discover patterns in quantitative data and to test linguistic hypotheses Includes student-friendly end-of-chapter assignments and is accompanied by online resources at available in the 'Downloads' section, below
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Kierkegaard
The first comprehensive introduction to cover the entire span of Kierkegaard’s authorship. Explores how the two strands of his writing—religious discourses and pseudonymous literary creations—influenced each other Accompanies the reader chronologically through all the philosopher’s major works, and integrates his writing into his biography Employs a unique “how to” approach to help the reader discover individual texts on their own and to help them closely examine Kierkegaard’s language Presents the literary strategies employed in Kierkegaard’s work to give the reader insight into subtext
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat
This is the definitive reference for the small animal practitioner to normal radiographic anatomy of the cat and dog. With over forty years of experience between them, the authors have produced an invaluable reference atlas for the veterinary practitioner. The book is suitable for the general and referral based practitioner, undergraduate or postgraduate veterinary surgeon. Over 550 radiographic images analysed and explained More than 50 new figures added, with the quality of existing images enhanced Revised contents and page headers for easy-reference Clear informative line drawings to trace radiographic shadows and schematic drawings of underlying structures not seen in plain radiographs.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the 21st Century
This second edition of Global Logistics Management has been thoroughly revised and updated, and new examples have been added reflecting recent developments in the field. This new edition: Helps readers to understand and appreciate the power of managing logistics for profit and competitive advantage Educates readers about the nature of individual logistics activities and how they can be woven together Contains a global focus throughout, with examples drawn from various parts of the world Has been thoroughly revised and updated throughout to keep it current Now includes new examples reflecting recent developments and current preoccupations, including security and global instability. Visit the accompanying website at to download PowerPoint slides to supplement the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology is a comprehensive and contemporary treatment of research philosophies, approaches, tools, and techniques indigenous to industrial and organizational psychology. Only available research handbook for Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Contributors are leading methodological & measurement scholars. Excellent balance of practical and theoretical insights which will be of interest to both novice and experienced organizational researchers. Great companion to the content-oriented Handbooks. Now available in full text online via xreferplus, the award-winning reference library on the web from xrefer. For more information, visit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Orthodontics at a Glance
Orthodontics at a Glance is part of the highly popular at a Glance series. It provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid. Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear diagrams encapsulating essential knowledge. Structured over four sections, Orthodontics at a Glance covers: Craniofacial growth and development Diagnosis and treatment planning The management of malocclusion Treatment techniques Orthodontics at a Glance is the ideal companion for all students of dentistry, junior clinicians and those working towards orthodontic specialization. In addition the text will provide valuable insight for general dental practitioners wanting to update their orthodontic knowledge, orthodontic nurses, therapists and technicians.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Research in Psychology: A Practical Guide to Methods and Statistics
Colin Dyer’s Research in Psychology provides a concise and accessible introduction to research methods and statistics in the field, presenting a clear focus on the practicalities of how to effectively conduct research. Presents thorough coverage of key areas and topics. Provides consistently clear exposition and explanation, while remaining succinct and concise. Coverage of SPSS Versions 11, 12 and 13. Focuses on the practicalities of research, (the “how to do it” element). Includes qualitative, as well as quantitative, approaches . Meets the current needs of students with little background in research methods and statistics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Japan
This is an updated edition of Conrad Totman's authoritative history of Japan from c.8000 BC to the present day. The first edition was widely praised for combining sophistication and accessibility. Covers a wide range of subjects, including geology, climate, agriculture, government and politics, culture, literature, media, foreign relations, imperialism, and industrialism. Updated to include an epilogue on Japan today and tomorrow. Now includes more on women in history and more on international relations. Bibliographical listings have been updated and enlarged. Part of The Blackwell History of the World Series The goal of this ambitious series is to provide an accessible source of knowledge about the entire human past, for every curious person in every part of the world. It will comprise some two dozen volumes, of which some provide synoptic views of the history of particular regions while others consider the world as a whole during a particular period of time. The volumes are narrative in form, giving balanced attention to social and cultural history (in the broadest sense) as well as to institutional development and political change. Each provides a systematic account of a very large subject, but they are also both imaginative and interpretative. The Series is intended to be accessible to the widest possible readership, and the accessibility of its volumes is matched by the style of presentation and production.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Native American Storytelling: A Reader of Myths and Legends
The myths and legends in this book have been selected both for their excellence as stories and because they illustrate the distinctive nature of Native American storytelling. A collection of Native American myths and legends. Selected for their excellence as stories, and because they illustrate the distinctive nature of Native American storytelling. Drawn from the oral traditions of all major areas of aboriginal North America. Reveals the highly practical functions of myths and legends in Native American societies. Illustrates American Indians’ profound engagement with their natural environment. Edited by an outstanding interpreter of Native American oral stories.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ethics: The Fundamentals
Ethics: The Fundamentals explores core ideas and arguments in moral theory by introducing students to different philosophical approaches to ethics, including virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, divine command theory, and feminist ethics. The first volume in the new Fundamentals of Philosophy series. Presents lively, real-world examples and thoughtful discussion of key moral philosophers and their ideas. Constitutes an excellent resource for readers coming to the subject of ethics for the first time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Environmental Anthropology: A Historical Reader
Environmental Anthropology: A Reader is a collection of historically significant readings, dating from early in the twentieth century up to the present, on the cross-cultural study of relations between people and their environment. Provides the historical perspective that is typically missing from recent work in environmental anthropology Includes an extensive intellectual history and commentary by the volume’s editors Offers a unique perspective on current interest in cross-cultural environmental relations Divided into five thematic sections: (1) the nature/culture divide; (2) relationship between environment and social organization; (3) methodological debates and innovations; (4) politics and practice; and (5) epistemological issues of environmental anthropology Organized into a series of paired papers, which ‘speak’ to each other, designed to encourage readers to make connections that they might not customarily make
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Nutrition and Stroke: Prevention and Treatment
Stroke is a common and devasting event, which often results in death or major loss of independence, with immense human and financial costs. In the developed world stroke accounts for around 10 per cent of all deaths and is the most important single cause of severe disability among western people living in their own homes. Futhermore, in the next 30 years, the burden of stroke will grow substantially in most developing nations. There is now substantial evidence that dietary habits not only influence the prevalence of stroke, but also its course and outcome once it has occurred. The author, Salah Gariballa, who has many years’ experience working in this area, carefully presents and reviews this information in a user-friendly and accessible manner. The book is divided into three major sections. Section I covers nutrition and ageing and includes chapters on the challenge of stroke, ageing changes and nutrition, macro- and micronutrient intake in elderly people and the diagnosis of protein-energy undernutrition. Section II deals with nutritional factors and the risk of stroke, and includes details of the role of dietary and nutritional factors in stroke prevention, antioxidants and risk from ischaemic stroke, homocysteine and endothelial dysfunction. The final section of the book covers nutrition factors following stroke, including cerebral ischaemia, protein-energy undernutrition and the nutritional status and support of stroke and special stroke patients. A final chapter looks at probable future directions, including important recommendations. Nutrition and stroke is essential reading for nutritionists, dietitians and many other groups of health professionals, including general practitioners, gerontologists, occupational therapists and nursing staff. Personnel in pharmaceutical and food companies involved in the formulation of dietary supplements and nutraceuticals will find much of interest within the book’s covers. Those dealing with the prevention and treatment of stroke around the world should read this book, and copies should be available in libraries of universities and medical schools worldwide.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fractures of the Facial Skeleton
Fractures of the Facial Skeleton, Second Edition gives a clear, concise and practical overview of the management of maxillofacial injuries. This new edition has been fully updated to include recent developments and improvements in facial trauma management, with expanded sections on emergency and early treatment, soft tissue injuries and major maxillofacial injuries. Written by an experienced author team, this text will appeal to trainees in all surgical specialities involved in facial trauma. Summary tables and colour illustrations throughout aid understanding, making this both an ideal introduction to the subject and a useful exam revision text. Key features include: New, updated edition of a well-respected text Easy-to-read, practical clinical handbook Covers aetiology and anatomy, emergency management of trauma, imaging, treatment of dentoalveolar, mandible and midfacial injuries, postoperative care, and complications Suitable for postgraduate students, trainees and practitioners in oral and maxillofacial surgery and practitioners of other medical disciplines involved in facial trauma
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Computer Science: An Introduction to the Issues and the Literature
A unique resource exploring the nature of computers and computing, and their relationships to the world. Philosophy of Computer Science is a university-level textbook designed to guide readers through an array of topics at the intersection of philosophy and computer science. Accessible to students from either discipline, or complete beginners to both, the text brings readers up to speed on a conversation about these issues, so that they can read the literature for themselves, form their own reasoned opinions, and become part of the conversation by contributing their own views. Written by a highly qualified author in the field, the book looks at some of the central questions in the philosophy of computer science, including: What is philosophy? (for readers who might be unfamiliar with it) What is computer science and its relationship to science and to engineering? What are computers, computing, algorithms, and programs?(Includes a line-by-line reading of portions of Turing’s classic 1936 paper that introduced Turing Machines, as well as discussion of the Church-Turing Computability Thesis and hypercomputation challenges to it) How do computers and computation relate to the physical world? What is artificial intelligence, and should we build AIs? Should we trust decisions made by computers? A companion website contains annotated suggestions for further reading and an instructor’s manual. Philosophy of Computer Science is a must-have for philosophy students, computer scientists, and general readers who want to think philosophically about computer science.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd How the Immune System Works
How the Immune System Works How the Immune System Works provides a concise and accessible overview of how the immune system protects us from disease. Written in a lively and engaging style, this unique book makes it easy to see the big picture of the immune system—without any confusing jargon or complex technical details. Now in its seventh edition, this popular book features an entirely new chapter that describes the role of the immune system in fighting COVID-19, as well as up-to-date information on vaccines, immunotherapies, immunological memory, cancer, and more. This new edition includes a wide range of effective learning features, such as enhanced artwork, “heads up!” boxes that outline each chapter, and an expanding summary figure at the end of each chapter that illustrates the interaction of different parts of the immune system. How the Immune System Works, Seventh Edition is a must-have for all medical students, bioscience students, veterinary students, nursing students, researchers looking for a quick refresher, and general readers with interest in the subject. Reviews of the previous edition: “The voice of the author is one of a true teacher whose enthusiasm for the subject is contagious. There are far too many dry ‘academic’, or ‘scientific’ textbooks around and this book felt very fresh in comparison.” —Medical Student, University of Texas, South Western Medical Center at Dallas “This is the book that every student (regardless of level) should read as he or she begins to study immunology.” —Daniel G. Tenen, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
John Wiley and Sons Ltd ABC of Clinical Reasoning
ABC of Clinical Reasoning Being a good clinician is not only about knowledge — how doctors and other healthcare professionals think, reason, and make decisions is arguably their most critical skill. The second edition of the ABC of Clinical Reasoning breaks down clinical reasoning into its core components and explores each of these in more detail, including the applications for clinical practice, teaching, and learning. Informed by the latest evidence from cognitive psychology, education, and studies of expertise, this edition has been extensively re-written and updated, and covers: Key components of clinical reasoning: evidence-based history and examination, choosing and interpreting diagnostic tests, problem identification and management, and shared decision-making Key concepts in clinical reasoning, such dual process theories, and script theory Situativity and human factors Metacognition and cognitive strategies Teaching clinical reasoning From a team of expert authors, the ABC of Clinical Reasoning is essential reading for all students, clinical teachers, curriculum planners and clinicians involved in diagnosis. About the ABC series The ABC series has been designed to help you access information quickly and deliver the best patient care, and remains an essential reference tool for GPs, junior doctors, medical students and healthcare professionals. Now offering over 80 titles, this extensive series provides you with a quick and dependable reference on a range of topics in all the major specialties. The ABC series is the essential and dependable source of up-to-date information for all practitioners and students in primary healthcare. To receive automatic updates on books and journals in your specialty, join our email list. Sign up today at
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement: Theory and Technique
Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement A practical and comprehensive reference to all aspects of ultrasonic debridement in periodontal therapy, now fully updated and revised Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement, Second Edition presents both theory and practice of ultrasonic debridement, including all the information needed to understand this clinical process and apply the knowledge to clinical practice. The Second Edition includes three entirely new chapters and expanded sections in all existing chapters, as well as updating the content and references throughout. The revision greatly expands the number of illustrations and incorporates the most recent advances in periodontal debridement therapy. The book begins with an introduction to the history and principles of ultrasonic technology and technique, then discusses practical guidance for using safe, effective, and efficient ultrasonic periodontal debridement in clinical practice. It is vividly illustrated, with hundreds of images, and emphasizes detailed, step-by-step descriptions. Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement: Provides a common-sense, easy-to-read approach to topics ranging from pathophysiology to??clinical tips and tricks Features updates to reflect changes to practice and theory, with new chapters discussing??ultrasonic instrumentation for implant maintenance, aerosol transmission, and??aerosol management Presents hundreds of images to accompany the step-by-step descriptions, including images of left- and right-handed clinician-patient positioning specific to the use of ultrasonic instruments Supports dental students, dental hygiene and dental therapy students, practicing dentists, dental hygienists, and dental therapists in understanding and applying concepts related to ultrasonic debridement Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement is a useful reference for students in dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental therapy, as well as for practicing dentists and dental hygienists and therapists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry The new edition of the world-renowned reference guide on the use of medications for patients presenting with mental health problems The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents. Covering both common and complex prescribing situations encountered in day-to-day clinical practice, this comprehensive resource provides expert guidance on drug choice, minimum and maximum doses, adverse effects, switching medications, prescribing for special patient groups, and more. Each clear and concise chapter includes an up-to-date reference list providing easy access to the evidence on which the guidance is based. The fourteenth edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest available research, the most recent psychotropic drug introductions, and all psychotropic drugs currently used in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Several new sections cover topics such as deprescribing of major psychiatric drugs, prescribing psychotropics at the end of life, the treatment of agitated delirium, the genetics of clozapine prescribing, the use of weekly penfluridol, and the treatment of psychotropic withdrawal. Featuring contributions by an experienced team of psychiatrists and specialist pharmacists, the new edition of The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry: Provides succinct coverage of drug treatment of psychiatric conditions and formulating prescribing policy in mental health Covers a wide range of psychiatric conditions including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety, borderline personality, eating disorders, and many others Provides advice on prescribing for children and adolescents, older people, pregnant women, and other special patient groups Offers new sections on genetic prescribing, long-acting injectable formulations, ketamine administration and uses, and dopamine super-sensitivity Includes referenced information on off-label prescribing, potential interactions with other substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, and treating patients with comorbid physical conditions Whether in the doctor's office, in the clinic, or on the ward, The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry, Fourteenth Edition is a must-have for psychiatrists, pharmacists, neuropharmacologists, clinical psychologists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals working in mental health, as well as trainees and students in medicine, pharmacy, and nursing.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Native America: A History
The latest edition of an accessible and comprehensive survey of Native America In this newly revised third edition of Native America: A History, Michael Leroy Oberg and Peter Jakob Olsen-Harbich deliver a thoroughly updated, incisive narrative history of North America’s Indigenous peoples. The authors aim to provide readers with an overview of the principal themes and developments in Native American history, from the first peopling of the continent to the present, by following twelve Native communities whose histories serve as exemplars for the common experiences of North America’s diverse Indigenous nations. This textbook centers the history of Native America and presents it as flowing through channels distinct from those of the United States. This is a history of nations not merely acted upon, but rather of those that have responded to, resisted, ignored, and shaped the efforts of foreign powers to control their story. This new edition has been comprehensively updated in all its chapters and expanded with wider coverage of the most significant recent events and trends in Native America through the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Native America: A History, Third Edition also includes: A survey of pre-Columbian North American traditions and the various ways in which these traditions were deployed to comprehend and respond to the arrival of Europeans. In-depth examinations of how Native nations navigated the challenges of colonialism and fought to survive while marginalized behind the frontiers of European empires and the United States. Nuanced analyses of how Indigenous peoples balanced the economic benefits offered by assimilation with the cultural and political imperatives of maintaining traditions and sovereignty. An accessible presentation of American tribal law and the strategies used by Native nations to establish government-to-government relationships with the United States despite the repeated failures of that state to honor its legal commitments. Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students seeking a broad historical treatment of Indigenous peoples in the United States, Native America: A History, Third Edition will earn a place in the libraries of anyone with an interest in seeking an authoritative and engaging survey of Native American history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Expanse and Philosophy: So Far Out Into the Darkness
Enter The Expanse to explore questions of the meaning of human life, the concept of justice, and the nature of humanity, featuring a foreword from author James S.A. Corey The Expanse and Philosophy investigates the philosophical universe of the critically acclaimed television show and Hugo Award-winning series of novels. Original essays by a diverse international panel of experts illuminate how essential philosophical concepts relate to the meticulously crafted world of The Expanse, engaging with topics such as transhumanism, belief, culture, environmental ethics, identity, colonialism, diaspora, racism, reality, and rhetoric. Conceiving a near-future solar system colonized by humanity, The Expanse provokes a multitude of moral, ethical, and philosophical queries: Are Martians, Outer Planets inhabitants, and Earthers different races? Is Marco Inaros a terrorist? Can people who look and sound different, like Earthers and Belters, ever peacefully co-exist? Should science be subject to moral rules? Who is sovereign in space? What is the relationship between human progress and aggression? The Expanse and Philosophy helps you answer these questions—and many more. Covers the first six novels in The Expanse series and five seasons of the television adaptation Addresses the philosophical issues that emerge from socio-economics and geopolitics of Earth, Mars, and the Outer Planets Alliance Offers fresh perspectives on the themes, characters, and storylines of The Expanse Explores the connections between The Expanse and thinkers such as Aristotle, Kant, Locke, Hannah Arendt, Wittgenstein, Descartes, and Nietzsche Part of the popular Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, The Expanse and Philosophy is a must-have companion for avid readers of James S.A. Corey’s novels and devotees of the television series alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Utopia: The Influential Classic
What we can learn from a Renaissance nowhere In 1516, a book was published in Latin with the enigmatic Greek-derived word as its title. Utopia—which could mean either "good-place" or "no-place"—gives a traveler's account of a newly discovered island somewhere in the New World where the inhabitants enjoy a social order based purely on natural reason and justice. As the traveler describes the harmony, prosperity, and equality found there, a dramatic contrast is drawn between the ideal community he portrays and the poverty, crime, and often frightening political conditions of 16th century Europe. Written by Sir Thomas More (1477–1535)—then a rising intellectual star of the Renaissance and ultimately the advisor and friend of Henry VIII who was executed for his devoutly Catholic opposition to the king—Utopia is as complex as its author. In the form of a Platonic dialogue, Utopia explores topics such as money, property, crime, education, religious tolerance, euthanasia, and feminism. Claimed as a paean to communism (Lenin had More's name inscribed on a statue in Moscow) as often as it has been seen as a defense of traditional medieval values, Utopia began the lineage of utopian thinkers who use storytelling to explore new possibilities for human society—and remains as relevant today as when it was written in Antwerp 500 years ago. Explore the issues like feminism, euthanasia, and equality through Renaissance eyes Early communist tract or a defense of medieval values? You decide. Peer inside the enigmatic mind of the man who dared stand up to Henry VIII Appreciate the postmodern possibilities of Platonic dialogue Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon, this edition features an introduction from writer, economist, and historian Niall Kishtainy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rooks Textbook of Dermatology 4 Volume Set
The latest edition of the world's leading dermatology textbook Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 10th Edition is the most definitive, comprehensive and illustrated reference work in dermatology worldwide. Fully updated by experts from around the world, the book highlights the latest key evidence-based developments in pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. A highly intuitive resource and invaluable clinical companion for both those training and those fully qualified in dermatology, other highlights of Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 10th Edition include: 1. Comprehensive review of essential basic science, skin biology and pharmacology 2. More than 3000 clinical illustrations 3. Histological images to aid clinicopathological correlation 4. Up-to-date management details for all major dermatological disorders including emerging infections 5. All chapters fully referenced together with highlighted key references 6. Quick reference to essential facts, treatment ladders and ma
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medical Statistics at a Glance, 4e Text & Workbook
Now in its fourth edition, Medical Statistics at a Glance is a concise and accessible introduction to this complex subject. It provides clear instruction on how to apply commonly used statistical procedures in an easy-to-read, comprehensive and relevant volume. This new edition continues to be the ideal introductory manual and reference guide to medical statistics, an invaluable companion for statistics lectures and a very useful revision aid. This new edition of Medical Statistics at a Glance: Offers guidance on the practical application of statistical methods in conducting research and presenting results Explains the underlying concepts of medical statistics and presents the key facts without being unduly mathematical Contains succinct self-contained chapters, each with one or more examples, many of them new, to illustrate the use of the methodology described in the chapter. Now provides templates for critical appraisal, checklists for the reporting of randomized controlled trials and observational studies and references to the EQUATOR guidelines for the presentation of study results for many other types of study Includes extensive cross-referencing, flowcharts to aid the choice of appropriate tests, learning objectives for each chapter, a glossary of terms and a glossary of annotated full computer output relevant to the examples in the text Provides cross-referencing to the multiple choice and structured questions in the companion Medical Statistics at a Glance Workbook Medical Statistics at a Glance is a must-have text for undergraduate and post-graduate medical students, medical researchers and biomedical and pharmaceutical professionals. Medical Statistics at a Glance Workbook This comprehensive workbook contains a variety of self-assessment methods that allow readers to test their statistical knowledge, put it into practice, and apply it in a medical context, while also providing guidance when critically appraising published literature. It is designed to support the best-selling third edition of Medical Statistics at a Glance, to which it is fully cross-referenced, but may be used independently of it. Ideal for medical students, junior doctors, researchers and anyone working in the biomedical and pharmaceutical disciplines who wants to feel more confident in basic medical statistics, the title includes: Over 80 MCQs, each testing knowledge of a single statistical concept or aspect of study interpretation 29 structured questions to explore in greater depth several statistical techniques or principles, including the choice of appropriate statistical analyses and the interpretation of study findings Templates for the appraisal of clinical trials and observational studies, plus full appraisals of two published papers to demonstrate the use of these templates in practice Detailed step-by-step analyses of two substantial data sets (also available at to demonstrate the application of statistical procedures to real-life research Medical Statistics at a Glance Workbook is the ideal resource to test statistical knowledge and improve analytical and interpretational skills. Additional resources are available at, including: Excel datasets to accompany the data analysis section Downloadable PDFs of two templates for critical appraisal Links to online further reading Supplementary MCQs
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment
Explore the latest edition of the definitive resource on prenatal genetic diagnosis In the newly revised eighth edition of Genetic Disorders and the Fetus, authors and acclaimed medical doctors, Aubrey and Jeff Milunsky, deliver a thorough and comprehensive reference perfect for academicians, students in post-graduate specialization courses, and working medical professionals. This book incorporates the knowledge, wisdom, perspectives, and recommendations from a renowned team of contributing authors, drawing upon their extensive experience in prenatal genetic diagnosis to present the definitive reference work used routinely around the world. In addition to fundamental information on established prenatal diagnosis and exhaustively referenced coverage of new techniques, you’ll find new chapters on preconception genetic counselling, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, advances in fetal imaging, and gene therapy. Genetic Disorders and the Fetus is authored by a global team of internationally recognized contributors, all of whom are leading voices in the field The eighth edition also contains: A thorough discussion of the public policy and ethics of embryo editing, including mitochondrial replacement treatment, and gene patents, prenatal diagnosis, and polygenic disease risk prediction An exploration of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, pharmacogenetics and prenatal diagnosis, and whole genome sequencing A treatment of genetic disorders and pharmacologic therapy, including spinal muscular atrophy and fragile X syndrome A discussion of legal issues, including the fetus as plaintiff and the increasing liability of physicians due to advances in genetics Perfect for obstetricians, clinical geneticists, molecular and biochemical geneticists, and pediatricians, Genetic Disorders and the Fetus will also earn a place in the libraries of neonatologists, genetics counsellors, ethicists, radiologists, and professionals working in public policy and health departments.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Crime Fiction
A Companion to Crime Fiction presents the definitive guide to this popular genre from its origins in the eighteenth century to the present day A collection of forty-seven newly commissioned essays from a team of leading scholars across the globe make this Companion the definitive guide to crime fiction Follows the development of the genre from its origins in the eighteenth century through to its phenomenal present day popularity Features full-length critical essays on the most significant authors and film-makers, from Arthur Conan Doyle and Dashiell Hammett to Alfred Hitchcock and Martin Scorsese exploring the ways in which they have shaped and influenced the field Includes extensive references to the most up-to-date scholarship, and a comprehensive bibliography
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Wildlife Ethics: The Ethics of Wildlife Management and Conservation
Wildlife Ethics A systematic account of the ethical issues related to wildlife management and conservation Wildlife Ethics is the first systematic, book-length discussion of the ethics of wildlife conservation and management, and examines the key ethical questions and controversies. Tackling both theory and practice, the text is divided into two parts. The first describes key concepts, ethical theories, and management models relating to wildlife; the second puts these concepts, theories, and models to work, illustrating their significance through detailed case studies on controversies in wildlife management and conservation. The book explores pressing topics including human responsibilities due to climate change, tradeoffs when managing zoonotic disease risks, the ethics of the wildlife trade, culling non-native species, indigenous wildlife use, and zoo-based conservation programs. Readers are encouraged to explore different ways of valuing wild animals and their practical implications. This essential text: Explains and explores relationships between valuing biodiversity, human utility, ecosystems, species, and animal welfare Describes established approaches to wildlife management, such as sustainable use, and emerging concepts, such as compassionate conservation Discusses key ethical theories, including utilitarianism, ecocentrism, and animal rights Offers a practical model of how to analyze ethical issues in wildlife management and conservation Wildlife Ethics: The Ethics of Wildlife Management and Conservation is an accessible introduction to complex ethical issues, making the book an important resource for students in fields such as conservation biology, ecology, environmental science and policy, game management, public health and veterinary medicine. It will also be an invaluable tool for wildlife managers, conservationists, One Health practitioners, practicing veterinarians and animal rehabilitation staff, contemporary wildlife professionals and other stakeholders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Immunophenotyping for Haematologists: Principles and Practice
Offers clear and concise instruction on running, reporting and interpreting immunophenotyping studies Written by two well-known haematology educators and experts on the topic, Immunophenotyping for Haematologists contains an introduction to running, reporting and interpreting immunophenotyping studies. The book offers a unique approach to the topic by putting the focus on clinical and laboratory haematologists who are not routinely involved in running and reporting on immunophenotyping studies. Immunophenotyping using flow cytometry has become the method of choice in identifying and sorting cells within complex populations, for example, the analysis of immune or neoplastic cells in a blood sample. The text reviews the purpose and principles of immunophenotyping and includes an introduction and explanation of the principles and the role of immunophenotyping. The authors examine immunophenotypic characteristics of the disease groups commonly encountered and identify the features that differentiate malignant cells from normal cells. To enhance understanding, the book contains multiple choice and extended matching questions which integrates immunophenotyping with clinicopathological features and the results of other investigations to mimic everyday practice. This important book: Provides a concise introduction to running, reporting and interpreting immunophenotyping studies Contains a list of all the antibody specificities currently widely used in diagnosis and disease monitoring Presents an ideal reference for use in laboratories, including immunophenotyping laboratories Aids in the interpretation by covering immunophenotypic characteristics of commonly encountered disease groups Identifies the features that differentiate malignant cells from their normal counterparts Written for haematologists working in both laboratory and clinical haematology, Immunophenotyping for Haematologists is a much-needed reference for understanding and interpreting immunophenotyping studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Kelly Vana's Nursing Leadership and Management
Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive look at the knowledge and skills required to lead and manage at every level of nursing, emphasizing the crucial role nurses play in patient safety and the delivery of quality health care. Presented in three units, readers are introduced to a conceptual framework that highlights nursing leadership and management responsibilities for patient-centered care delivery to the patient, to the community, to the agency, and to the self. This valuable new edition: Includes new and up-to-date information from national and state health care and nursing organizations, as well as new chapters on the historical context of nursing leadership and management and the organization of patient care in high reliability health care organizations Explores each of the six Quality and Safety in Nursing (QSEN) competencies: Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics Provides review questions for all chapters to help students prepare for course exams and NCLEX state board exams Features contributions from experts in the field, with perspectives from bedside nurses, faculty, directors of nursing, nursing historians, physicians, lawyers, psychologists and more Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition provides a strong foundation for evidence-based, high-quality health care for undergraduate nursing students, working nurses, managers, educators, and clinical specialists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion
The thoroughly revised third edition of a Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion is an essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Education and thereafter practice as an Oral Health Educator. It will help readers confidently educate patients about diseases and conditions that affect the oral cavity, and support their prevention, treatment, and management. Designed with an accessible layout to enhance learning, this course companion is divided into six sections covering: the structure and functions of the oral cavity; diseases and conditions; disease prevention; effective communication; treating specific patient groups, and oral health promotion and society. Invaluable to all members of the dental team and other health professionals involved in educating and promoting oral health, this key text: Offers a guide for dental nurses taking a post-registration Certificate in Oral Health Education Is fully updated to reflect changes in the industry, science, and course syllabus Incorporates information on the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases Contains new information on topics including dementia, denture advice, and burning mouth syndrome Includes an expanded section on promotion
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Classical Sociological Theory
A world-class introduction to the historical and continuing impact of classical theory on sociological debate The latest edition of Classical Sociological Theory offers students a definitive guide to the theoretical foundations of sociology and the continuing impact of the ideas explored by early theorists, including Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton. The prestigious editors have integrated several readings on the most influential theories arising out of the Enlightenment era and the work of de Tocqueville. Readers are introduced to seminal works in classical sociological theory by way of editorial introductions that lend historical and intellectual perspective to the included readings. The readings themselves have been selected based on their combinations of theoretical sophistication and accessibility. From analyses of self and society to examinations of critical theory and structural-functional analysis, Classical Sociological Theory remains the gold standard in classical theory readers. The Fourth Edition of this widely taught book includes: Selections that trace the history of classical sociological theory, from its undisciplined roots to its modern influence on contemporary sociological debate Readings describing the “pre-history” of sociology, including ideas from the Enlightenment and de Tocqueville Editorial introductions that place selected works firmly in their intellectual, philosophical, and historical contexts for the benefit of the student A distinguished and scholarly team of editors with a wide and deep range of expertise Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of social and sociological theory, Classical Sociological Theory is also a thought-provoking resource ideal for use in courses taught in human geography, anthropology, criminology, and urban studies programs.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories
One of the "10 Must-Read Histories of the Palestine-Israel Conflict"—Ian Black, Literary Hub, on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration The new edition of the acclaimed text that explores the issues continuing to define the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Numerous instances of competing, sometimes incompatible narratives of controversial events are found throughout history. Perhaps the starkest example of such contradictory representations is the decades-long conflict between Israel and Palestine. For over 140 years, Israelis, Palestinians, and scores of peacemakers have failed to establish a sustainable, mutually-acceptable solution. The Israel-Palestine Conflict introduces the historical basis of the dispute and explores both the tangible issues and intangible factors that have blocked a peaceful resolution. Author Neil Caplan helps readers understand the complexities and contradictions of the conflict and why the histories of Palestine and Israel are so fiercely contested. Now in its second edition, this book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the events that have transpired since its original publication. Fresh insights consider the impact of current global and regional instability and violence on the prospects of peace and reconciliation. New discussions address recent debates over two-state versus one-state solutions, growing polarization in public discourse outside of the Middle East, the role of public intellectuals, and the growing trend of merging scholarship with advocacy. Part of the Wiley-Blackwell Contested Histories series, this clear and accessible volume: Offers a balanced, non-polemic approach to current academic discussions and political debates on the Israel-Palestine conflict Highlights eleven core arguments viewed by the author as unwinnable Encourages readers to go beyond simply assigning blame in the conflict Explores the major historiographical debates arising from the dispute Includes updated references and additional maps Already a standard text for courses on the history and politics of the Middle East, The Israel-Palestine Conflict is an indispensable resource for students, scholars, and interested general readers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Freshney's Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications
FRESHNEY’S CULTURE OF ANIMAL CELLS THE NEW EDITION OF THE LEADING TEXT ON THE BASIC METHODOLOGY OF CELL CULTURE, FULLY UPDATED TO REFLECT NEW APPLICATIONS INCLUDING IPSCS, CRISPR, AND ORGAN-ON-CHIP TECHNOLOGIES Freshney’s Culture of Animal Cells is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the principles, techniques, equipment, and applications in the field of cell and tissue culture. Explaining both how to do tissue culture and why a technique is done in a particular way, this classic text covers the biology of cultured cells, how to select media and substrates, regulatory requirements, laboratory protocols, aseptic technique, experimental manipulation of animal cells, and much more. The eighth edition contains extensively revised material that reflects the latest techniques and emerging applications in cell culture, such as the use of CRISPR/Cas9 for gene editing and the adoption of chemically defined conditions for stem cell culture. A brand-new chapter examines the origin and evolution of cell lines, joined by a dedicated chapter on irreproducible research, its causes, and the importance of reproducibility and good cell culture practice. Throughout the book, updated chapters and protocols cover topics including live-cell imaging, 3D culture, scale-up and automation, microfluidics, high-throughput screening, and toxicity testing. This landmark text: Provides comprehensive single-volume coverage of basic skills and protocols, specialized techniques and applications, and new and emerging developments in the field Covers every essential area of animal cell culture, including lab design, disaster and contingency planning, safety, bioethics, media preparation, primary culture, mycoplasma and authentication testing, cell line characterization and cryopreservation, training, and troubleshooting Features a wealth of new content including protocols for gene delivery, iPSC generation and culture, and tumor spheroid formation Includes an updated and expanded companion website containing figures, artwork, and supplementary protocols to download and print The eighth edition of Freshney’s Culture of Animal Cells is an indispensable volume for anyone involved in the field, including undergraduate and graduate students, clinical and biopharmaceutical researchers, bioengineers, academic research scientists, and managers, technicians, and trainees working in cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics laboratories.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Westworld and Philosophy: If You Go Looking for the Truth, Get the Whole Thing
“We can’t define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there’s something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live in loops as tight and as closed as the hosts do, seldom questioning our choices, content, for the most part, to be told what to do next.” —Dr. Robert Ford, Westworld Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? HBO’s Westworld, a high-concept cerebral television series which explores the emergence of artificial consciousness at a futuristic amusement park, raises numerous questions about the nature of consciousness and its bearing on the divide between authentic and artificial life. Are our choices our own? What is the relationship between the mind and the body? Why do violent delights have violent ends? Could machines ever have the moral edge over man? Does consciousness create humanity, or humanity consciousness? In Westworld and Philosophy, philosophers, filmmakers, scientists, activists, and ethicists ask the questions you’re not supposed to ask and suggest the answers you’re not supposed to know. There’s a deeper level to this game, and this book charts a course through the maze of the mind, examining how we think about humans, hosts, and the world around us on a journey toward self-actualization. Essays explore different facets of the show’s philosophical puzzles, including the nature of autonomy as well as the pursuit of liberation and free thought, while levying a critical eye at the human example as Westworld’s hosts ascend to their apotheosis in a world scarred and defined by violent acts. The perfect companion for Westworld fans who want to exit the park and bend their minds around the philosophy behind the scenes, Westworld and Philosophy will enrich the experience of the show for its viewers and shed new light on its enigmatic twists and turns.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cassidy and Allanson's Management of Genetic Syndromes
MANAGEMENT OF GENETIC SYNDROMES THE MOST RECENT UPDATE TO ONE OF THE MOST ESSENTIAL REFERENCES ON MEDICAL GENETICS Cassidy and Allanson’s Management of Genetic Syndromes, Fourth Edition is the latest version of a classic text in medical genetics. With newly covered disorders and cutting-edge, up-to-date information, this resource remains the most crucial reference on the management of genetic syndromes in the field of medical genetics for students, clinicians, caregivers, and researchers. The fourth edition includes current information on the identification of genetic syndromes (including newly developed diagnostic criteria), the genetic basis (including diagnostic testing), and the routine care and management for more than 60 genetic disorders. Written by experts, each chapter includes sections on: Incidence Diagnostic criteria Etiology, pathogenesis and genetics Diagnostic testing Differential diagnosis Manifestations and Management (by system) The book focuses on genetic syndromes, primarily those involving developmental disabilities and congenital defects. The chapter sections dealing with Manifestations and Management represents the centerpiece of each entry and is unmatched by other genetic syndrome references. Management of Genetic Syndromes is perfect for medical geneticists, genetic counselors, primary care physicians and all healthcare professionals seeking to stay current on the routine care and management of individuals with genetic disorders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Statistics at Square One
STATISTICS AT SQUARE ONE The new edition of the popular introduction to the world of statistics for health care professionals and medical studentsFirst published nearly three decades ago, Statistics at Square One remains one of the most popular introductions to medical statistics. Now in its twelfth edition, this international bestseller continues to be a must-have resource for anyone in need of a thorough introduction to statistics in the health sciences. Clear and accessible chapters help students with no previous background in the subject understand fundamental topics including summary statistics for quantitative and binary data, diagnostic and screening tests, populations and samples, survival analysis, correlation and regression, study design, computer modeling, and more.This edition reflects contemporary understanding of medical statistics and emphasizes the importance of statistics in public health, including extensively updated coverage of diagnostic tests and new COVID-related examples. All figures and examples now include code to reproduce them in the R statistical software. New chapters cover the basics for understanding numbers and introduce the use of models in medical statistical analysis. Based on the author’s many years of experience teaching medical and health science students, the latest edition of this classic textbook: Highlights the connections between different medical statistics methods Emphasizes the proper use of p-values in testing Features practical examples from recent literature Contains end-of-chapter exercises with answers, some of which are based on the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Advanced Knowledge Test Statistics at Square One is required reading for all medical and health care practitioners and students wanting to understand the use and value of statistical analysis in the health sciences.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd MRI in Practice
MRI in Practice continues to be the number one reference book and study guide for the registry review examination for MRI offered by the American Registry for Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). This latest edition offers in-depth chapters covering all core areas, including: basic principles, image weighting and contrast, spin and gradient echo pulse sequences, spatial encoding, k-space, protocol optimization, artefacts, instrumentation, and MRI safety. The leading MRI reference book and study guide. Now with a greater focus on the physics behind MRI. Offers, for the first time, equations and their explanations and scan tips. Brand new chapters on MRI equipment, vascular imaging and safety. Presented in full color, with additional illustrations and high-quality MRI images to aid understanding. Includes refined, updated and expanded content throughout, along with more learning tips and practical applications. Features a new glossary. MRI in Practice is an important text for radiographers, technologists, radiology residents, radiologists, and other students and professionals working within imaging, including medical physicists and nurses.