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Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Geotechnisch-markscheiderische Untersuchung, Bewertung und Sanierung von altbergbaulichen Anlagen ?Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises Altbergbau
Seit dem frühen Mittelalter werden in weiten Bereichen des mitteleuropäischen Raums Bodenschätzen abgebaut. Dabei entstanden zahlreiche tages- und oberflächennahe Hohlräume, aber auch Halden, Kippen und Restlöcher. Die Standfestigkeit der untertägigen Grubenbaue sowie der Tagebaurestlöcher, Kippen und Halden im Locker- und Festgestein unterliegen in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit grundlegenden geomechanische und hydrogeologische Veränderungen. Bei Versagen der Standfestigkeit sind Tagesbrüche und Einsenkungen an der Tagesoberfläche, Böschungsrutschungen, Felsstürze und Steinschläge typische Schadensbilder, die lokal katastrophale Größenordnungen annehmen. Standorte des Altbergbaus können daher, je nach Nutzung der Tagesoberfläche, ein hohes Risikopotential für Menschen und Sachwerte aufweisen. Die systematische, fachgerechte Untersuchung und Bewertung der zahlreichen Altbergbaurelikte mit ihren Schadensbildern sowie die Bewertung der möglichen Risikopotentiale bilden die Grundlage für eine effiziente Sanierung. Diese Problemstellungen gewinnen durch die zunehmend intensivere Nutzung der Tagesoberfläche stetig an Bedeutung. Aber auch der gravierende Rückgang der Bergbautätigkeiten in Europa wirft verstärkt die Frage auf, welches Risikopotential für die Tagesoberfläche von in Stilllegung befindlichen oder noch stillzulegenden bergbaulichen Betrieben ausgeht bzw. ausgehen wird. Die Empfehlungen unterstützen Ingenieure, Fachunternehmen und Behörden bei der Planung, Durchführung und der Dokumentation von Untersuchungen, Bewertungen und Sanierungsmaßnahmen von untertägigen Anlagen, Tagebaurestlöchern, Halden und Kippen des Altbergbaus im Locker- und Festgesteinsbereich.
Casemate Publishers Limits of Empire: Rome'S Borders
The borders of the Roman Empire were frontiers that were often wild and dangerous. The expansion of the empire after the Punic Wars saw the Roman Republic become the dominant force in the Mediterranean as it first took Carthaginian territories in Gaul, Spain and north Africa and then moved into Greece with purpose, subjugating the area and creating two provinces, Achaea and Macedonia. The growth of the territories under Roman control continued through the rise of Julius Caesar - who conquered the rest of Gaul - and the establishment of the empire: each of the emperors could point to territories annexed and lands won.By AD 117 and the accession of Hadrian, the empire had reached its peak. It held sway from Britain to Morocco, from Spain to the Black Sea. And its wealth was coveted by those outside its borders. Just as today those from poorer countries try to make their way into Europe or North America, so those outside the empire wanted to make their way into the Promised Land – for trade, for improvement of their lives or for plunder. Thus the Roman borders became a mix - just as our borders are today - of defensive bulwark against enemies, but also control areas where import and export taxes were levied, and entrance was controlled. Some of these borders were hard: the early equivalents of the Inner German Border or Trump’s Wall - Hadrian's Wall and the line between the Rhine and Danube. Others, such as these two great rivers, were natural borders that the Romans policed with their navy.This book examines these frontiers of the empire, looking at the way they were constructed and manned and how that changed over the years. It looks at the physical barriers - from the walls in Britain to the Fossatum Africae in the desert. It looks at the traders and the prices that were paid for the traffic of goods. It looks at the way that civil settlements - vici - grew up around the forts and fortlets and what life was like for soldiers, sailors and civilians.As well as artefacts of the period, the book provides a guidebook to top Roman museums and a gazetteer of visitable sites
Amberley Publishing Celtic Queen: The World of Cartimandua
Queens Cartimandua and Boudica were both Celtic noblewomen, recorded by classical writers as part of a tradition of women who showed particular courage, ambition and political skill, and who were just as formidable in war as their husbands. They took on the status of Celtic goddesses and were central players in the struggle against the Roman annexation of Britain. Boudica led the rebellion against the Romans but her reputation may be largely symbolic. Using historical and archaeological evidence, Celtic Queen uncovers the arguably more impressive story of Queen Cartimandua, the independent ruler of the powerful Brigante tribe whose territory was the single largest Celtic kingdom in Britain. Cartimandua’s leadership in battle and political influence were probably much greater than Boudica’s. Unlike Boudica, wife of King Prasutagus of the Iceni tribe, Cartimandua was the regent of the Brigante tribe in her own right. Her tribe prospered in the new Imperial world because she cooperated with the invaders and she held her position as queen until AD69. Cartimandua's territory was considerable, covering most of modern Cheshire, South and North Yorkshire, Lancashire, North Humberside, Cumbria, County Durham and Tyne and Wear. But she was seen as a shameless adulteress after an open affair with her husband’s armour bearer. Such sexual liberation was normal for powerful Celtic women but it scandalised Roman society. With many references to popular Celtic culture, their gods, beliefs, art and symbolism, as well as living conditions and the hillforts that would have been Cartimandua’s headquarters, Celtic Queen offers an insight into the life of this fascinating woman and the Romano/Celtic world in which she lived.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet France
Lonely Planet''s local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the trip of a lifetime to France.Discover popular and off the beaten track experiences from people-watching in one of Bordeaux''s atmospheric cafe-filled squares to cycling through one of the world''s most famous vineyards in La Voie des Vignes, and paragliding over Lake Annecy.Build a trip to remember with Lonely Planet''s France Travel Guide: Our classic guidebook format provides you with the most comprehensive level of information for planning multi-week trips Updated with an all new structure and design so you can navigate France and connect experiences together with ease Create your perfect trip with exciting itineraries for extended journeys combined with suggested day trips, walking tours, and activities to match your passions Get fresh takes on must-visit sights fr
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Martin Luthers Theologie: Eine Vergegenwärtigung
"[Das] Buch Bayers stellt im besten Sinne eine Vergegenwärtigung der Theologie Luthers dar, die man auch im Blick auf die sprachliche Gestaltung sehr gern liest. Die Darstellung fasst - das ist die Eigenart dieses literarischen Genus - die Theologie Luthers ebenso zusammen wie die daran gebildete des Verfassers, die eben bei Luther das hört und dazu anleitet, das zu hören, was menschliches Leben begründet und befreit: die promissio. Es leitet dazu an, bereits gemachte Leseerfahrungen mit Luthers Texten unter Perspektiven zu bündeln und es erschließt sein Werk so, dass der Leser und die Leserin Lust bekommt zur eigenen Lektüre und zur eigenen Erfahrung mit diesem existenzerschließenden Werk Luthers."Notger Slenczka in zeitzeichen 1/2004, S. 64ff."Insgesamt ein spannendes wie erhellendes Leseerlebnis und dies sicher auch für Nicht-Theologen."Marcus Meier auf "Die Lektüre von 'Martin Luthers Theologie' wirkt anregend, besonders durch Bayers gekonnte Auswahl von Originaltexten Luthers, die er kommentiert, ja geradezu meditiert. Er zeigt: Luther ist ein theologischer Klassiker von allerhöchster Aktualität und - zumindest im Dialog mit der römisch-katholischen Kirche der Gegenwart - von größter ökumenischer Reichweite und Bedeutung."Annemarie C. Mayer in Theologische Quartalschrift 186, 2006, S. 70f."Oswald Bayer gelingt es in gewohnter Weise, gewichtige theologische Themen so vorzustellen, daß der Leser neugierig wird, tiefer zu graben und weiter zu forschen. Es ist sein Verdienst, mit diesem Werk die Bedeutung der Theologie Luthers für unsere Gegenwart stilistisch glänzend und für alle theologisch interessierten Christen gut lesbar erschlossen zu haben, nicht ohne hier und da auch zu markieren, wo die Grenzen solcher Gegenwartsbedeutung Luthers liegen."Armin Wenz in Lutherische Beiträge 10 (2005), S. 253-255
Editions Heimdal Des Ailes Dans Les Jambes: Les MéMoires De Guerre D’André Courval
Trois évasions (Cherbourg, Carteret et Jersey), deux crashs, des blessures, une désertion, une fuite de 7 000 kilomètres à travers l’Afrique pour retrouver le combat : la guerre d’André Courval dans les Forces aériennes françaises libres est une perpétuelle aventure. Racontées par l’intéressé, les six années de guerre de ses Mémoires constituent un témoignage rare d’un personnel non-officier des Forces Françaises Libres ayant servi dans une arme technique mal connue : le bombardement aérien. Précédée d’une partie comprenant son apprentissage et son service militaire, l’occupation, la fuite par Jersey puis l’arrivée en Angleterre et son engagement dans les Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres sont particulièrement documentés. La guerre d’André Courval en Afrique saharienne est liée à l’épopée de Leclerc (Koufra, Fezzan, Lybie…) Les deux hommes se sont croisés à plusieurs reprises. Présent dès septembre 1940 à Odiham, André Courval nom de guerre Saillard, fut un pionnier du GRB1 puis du groupe Bretagne sur Blenheim puis Marauder. Sa guerre en Afrique noire, au Tchad, en Tunisie, en Syrie est celle des héros méconnus dont il nous raconte les exploits quotidiens si utiles à l’affirmation de la France Libre. Elle précède la reconquête du territoire national préparée en Algérie, partie d’Italie et achevée de la Provence à l’Alsace. Agrémenté de dessins originaux de la main d’André Courval qui illustrent son épopée et de photos et documents ayant appartenu à l’auteur, cette édition est une édition critique richement annotée. Elle est présentée, commentée et comparée à celles de deux autres volontaires de Carteret qui ont connu avec lui le risque de fuir la France occupée et gagné, à prix de sang, l’honneur de se battre pour sa libération. Elle a été préparée par Christian Kermoal, docteur en histoire, chercheur associé au laboratoire Tempora de l’Université Rennes 2. C’est un hommage à tous ces hommes libres devenus des guerriers.
Cornell University Press Children of Rus': Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation
In Children of Rus', Faith Hillis recovers an all but forgotten chapter in the history of the tsarist empire and its southwestern borderlands. The right bank, or west side, of the Dnieper River—which today is located at the heart of the independent state of Ukraine—was one of the Russian empire’s last territorial acquisitions, annexed only in the late eighteenth century. Yet over the course of the long nineteenth century, this newly acquired region nearly a thousand miles from Moscow and St. Petersburg generated a powerful Russian nationalist movement. Claiming to restore the ancient customs of the East Slavs, the southwest’s Russian nationalists sought to empower the ordinary Orthodox residents of the borderlands and to diminish the influence of their non-Orthodox minorities.Right-bank Ukraine would seem unlikely terrain to nourish a Russian nationalist imagination. It was among the empire’s most diverse corners, with few of its residents speaking Russian as their native language or identifying with the culture of the Great Russian interior. Nevertheless, as Hillis shows, by the late nineteenth century, Russian nationalists had established a strong foothold in the southwest’s culture and educated society; in the first decade of the twentieth, they secured a leading role in local mass politics. By 1910, with help from sympathetic officials in St. Petersburg, right-bank activists expanded their sights beyond the borderlands, hoping to spread their nationalizing agenda across the empire.Exploring why and how the empire’s southwestern borderlands produced its most organized and politically successful Russian nationalist movement, Hillis puts forth a bold new interpretation of state-society relations under tsarism as she reconstructs the role that a peripheral region played in attempting to define the essential characteristics of the Russian people and their state.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms
Solving complex optimization problems with parallel metaheuristics Parallel Metaheuristics brings together an international group of experts in parallelism and metaheuristics to provide a much-needed synthesis of these two fields. Readers discover how metaheuristic techniques can provide useful and practical solutions for a wide range of problems and application domains, with an emphasis on the fields of telecommunications and bioinformatics. This volume fills a long-existing gap, allowing researchers and practitioners to develop efficient metaheuristic algorithms to find solutions. The book is divided into three parts: * Part One: Introduction to Metaheuristics and Parallelism, including an Introduction to Metaheuristic Techniques, Measuring the Performance of Parallel Metaheuristics, New Technologies in Parallelism, and a head-to-head discussion on Metaheuristics and Parallelism * Part Two: Parallel Metaheuristic Models, including Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Parallel Genetic Programming, Parallel Evolution Strategies, Parallel Ant Colony Algorithms, Parallel Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, Parallel Scatter Search, Parallel Variable Neighborhood Search, Parallel Simulated Annealing, Parallel Tabu Search, Parallel GRASP, Parallel Hybrid Metaheuristics, Parallel Multi-Objective Optimization, and Parallel Heterogeneous Metaheuristics * Part Three: Theory and Applications, including Theory of Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Parallel Metaheuristics Applications, Parallel Metaheuristics in Telecommunications, and a final chapter on Bioinformatics and Parallel Metaheuristics Each self-contained chapter begins with clear overviews and introductions that bring the reader up to speed, describes basic techniques, and ends with a reference list for further study. Packed with numerous tables and figures to illustrate the complex theory and processes, this comprehensive volume also includes numerous practical real-world optimization problems and their solutions. This is essential reading for students and researchers in computer science, mathematics, and engineering who deal with parallelism, metaheuristics, and optimization in general.
Facet Publishing Information Literacy in the Workplace
This book explains how information literacy (IL) is essential to the contemporary workplace and is fundamental to competent, ethical and evidence-based practice. In today’s information-driven workplace, information professionals must know when research evidence or relevant legal, business, personal or other information is required, how to find it, how to critique it and how to integrate it into their knowledge base. To fail to do so may result in defective and unethical practice which could have devastating consequences for clients or employers. There is an ethical requirement for information professionals to meet best practice standards to achieve the best outcome possible for the client. This demands highly focused and complex information searching, assessment and critiquing skills. Using a range of new perspectives, Information Literacy in the Workplace demonstrates several aspects of IL’s presence and role in the contemporary workplace, including IL’s role in assuring competent practice, its value to employers as a return on investment, and its function as an ethical safeguard in the duty and responsibilities professionals have to clients, students and employers. Chapters are contributed by a range of international experts, including Christine Bruce, Bonnie Cheuk and Annemaree Lloyd, with a foreword from Jane Secker. Content covered includes: examination of the value and impact of IL in the workplace how IL is experienced remotely, beyond workplace boundaries IL’s role in professional development organizational learning and knowledge creation developing information professional competencies how to unlock and create value using IL in the workplace. This book will be useful for librarians and LIS students in understanding how information literacy is experienced by the professions they support and academics teaching professional courses. It will also be of interest to professionals (e.g. medical, social care, legal and business based) and their employers in showing that IL is essential to best practice and key to ethical practice.
Peeters Publishers Une Autre Russie. Fetes et Rites Traditionnels du Peuple Russe
Une autre Russie? Ce pays demeure mysterieux et imprevisible, comme les derniers evenements le prouvent sans cesse. Fonde sur une investigation profonde de la culture populaire russe, l'ouvrage de Nadia Stange-Zhirovova revele, a travers ou au-dela de ce que d'aucuns appelleraient une religion de la nature sacralisee - paganisme animiste ou pantheiste -, une experience ancestrale, voire immemoriale, de hierophanies oA' le sacre demeure comme suspendu entre le stereotype normatif et la souple incarnation du mystere. L'auteur, Maitre de conferences a l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles, a d'abord passe vingt annees de sa vie en Russie. Grace a sa double appartenance, elle peut donc poser aussi un regard d'occidentale sur le monde paysan rythme par les fetes et les gestes rituels perpetues par la tradition orale. Elle donne un tableau synthetique de la realite rurale sous de multiples facettes en faisant appel aux donnees ethnographiques et linguistiques, aux oeuvres folkloriques et litteraires anciennes et modernes. L'approche phenomenologique pluridisciplinaire debouchant sur une etonnante variete d'eclairages nous fait decouvrir des aspects peu connus de l'heritage culturel du peuple russe. Ainsi l'univers des moujiks, fideles aux patiences, aux stupeurs ou aux retards de la conscience moyenne, devoile sa beaute et sa creativite originales.
University of Washington Press Offspring of Empire: The Koch'ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945
According to conventional interpretations, the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910 destroyed a budding native capitalist economy on the peninsula and blocked the development of a Korean capitalist class until 1945. In this expansive and provocative study, now available in paperback, Carter J. Eckert challenges the standard view and argues that Japanese imperialism, while politically oppressive, was also the catalyst and cradle of modern Korean industrial development. Ancient ties to China were replaced by new ones to Japan - ties that have continued to shape the South Korean political economy down to the present day. Eckert explores a wide range of themes, including the roots of capitalist development in Korea, the origins of the modern business elite, the nature of Japanese colonial policy and the Japanese colonial state, the relationship between the colonial government and the Korean economic elite, and the nature of Korean collaboration. He conveys a clear sense of the human complexity, archival richness, and intellectual challenge of the historical period. His documentation is thorough; his arguments are compelling and often strikingly innovative.
Pluto Press Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel
After decades of occupation and creeping annexation, the situation on the ground in Palestine/Israel can only be described as a system of apartheid. Peace efforts have failed because of one, inconvenient truth: the Israeli maximum on offer does not meet the Palestinian minimum, or the standards of international law. But while the situation on the ground is bleak, Ben White argues that there are widening cracks in Israel's traditional pillars of support. Opposition to Israeli policies and even critiques of Zionism are growing in Jewish communities, as well as amongst Western progressives. The election of Donald Trump has served as a catalyst for these processes, including the transformation of Israel from a partisan issue into one that divides the US establishment. Meanwhile, the Palestinian-led boycott campaign is gathering momentum, prompting a desperate backlash by Israel and its allies. With sharp analysis, Ben White says now is the time to plot a course that avoids the mistakes of the past - a way forward beyond apartheid in Palestine. The solution is not partition and ethnic separation, but equality and self-determination - for all.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Voysey's Birds and Animals
Charles Francis Annesley Voysey (1857–1941) is, with William Morris, one of the most enduringly popular designers of the Arts & Crafts Movement. A practising architect, Voysey also designed a broad range of applied arts objects, from furniture, ceramics, and metalwork to wallpaper, carpets, tiles, and fabrics. His pattern designs, created from the 1880s to the early 1930s, are among his best-known works today. His wallpaper and textile designs are characterized by simple, stylized, rhythmic patterns that base their motifs on forms found in the natural world. Plants abound, but so too do birds and animals, represented as silhouettes or in soft pastel shades. This elegant, accessibly priced volume offers a wealth of colourful designs by Voysey in which birds and animals are the principal motifs. Written by Karen Livingstone, a published expert on Voysey and the Arts & Crafts Movement, this book brings together not only completed patterns but also working drawings in pencil and watercolour. Voysey's Birds and Animals will both inform and delight, appealing to a broad readership of museum visitors and lovers of art and design.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics 'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Written by one of the world’s leading experts on modern Russia, Putin’s Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts into which Russia has plunged since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president. From the First and Second Chechen Wars to the military incursion into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, and the eventual full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mark Galeotti has created a vivid insight into the inner workings of the Kremlin. Updated for this paperback edition to include both the aborted coup of June 2023 and a clear overview of how and why the Russian military has struggled in Ukraine, this is a thought-provoking history of how Putin and his wars have inexorably shaped Russia in the 21st century.
Yale University Press Rival Power: Russia in Southeast Europe
A nuanced and comprehensive study of the political dynamics between Russia and key countries in Southeast Europe Is Russia threatening to disrupt more than two decades’ of E.U. and U.S. efforts to promote stability in post-communist Southeast Europe? Politicians and commentators in the West say, “yes.” With rising global anxiety over Russia’s political policies and objectives, Dimitar Bechev provides the only in-depth look at this volatile region. Deftly unpacking the nature and extent of Russian influence in the Balkans, Greece, and Turkey, Bechev argues that both sides are driven by pragmatism and opportunism rather than historical loyalties. Russia is seeking to assert its role in Europe’s security architecture, establish alternative routes for its gas exports—including the contested Southern Gas Corridor—and score points against the West. Yet, leaders in these areas are allowing Russia to reinsert itself to serve their own goals. This urgently needed guide analyzes the responses of regional NATO members, particularly regarding the annexation of Crimea and the Putin-Erdogan rift over Syria.
Tuttle Publishing Korea at War: Conflicts That Shaped the World
An engaging history covering a century of conflict on the Korean PeninsulaKorea at War recounts how two separate nations emerged on the Korean peninsula as the result of devastating conflicts involving provocative personalities and superpower intrigues. The topics covered in this fascinating book include: The brutal years of Japanese colonial rule which began with Japan's annexation of Korea and ended with its defeat in World War II—and which still dominate Japanese-Korean relations today The division of the country into a totalitarian North and a prosperous, democratic South North Korea's invasion of the South, motivated by Stalin, which led to the bloody Korean War—a conflict that is still not settled to this day The irascible General Douglas MacArthur, who was relieved of his command by President Truman when he disobeyed a direct order and attempted to expand the war into China The rise of the Kim regime in North Korea and the continuing threat of nuclear war today Historian Michael J. Seth explores these and other themes including the complete story of North Korea—a nation and a people who for three generations have lived under the world's most repressive regime. He also discusses how South Korea has made the incredible leap from one of the world's poorest nations to one its richest and most dynamic.Korea at War is the story of two nations with a shared past that could hardly be more different today. With over 50 color photographs and maps, this book is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand contemporary Asian politics and current affairs.
Harvard University Press Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union
Co-winner of the Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust ResearchThe forgotten story of 200,000 Polish Jews who escaped the Holocaust as refugees stranded in remote corners of the USSR.Between 1940 and 1946, about 200,000 Jewish refugees from Poland lived and toiled in the harsh Soviet interior. They endured hard labor, bitter cold, and extreme deprivation. But out of reach of the Nazis, they escaped the fate of millions of their coreligionists in the Holocaust.Survival on the Margins is the first comprehensive account in English of their experiences. The refugees fled Poland after the German invasion in 1939 and settled in the Soviet territories newly annexed under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Facing hardship, and trusting little in Stalin, most spurned the offer of Soviet citizenship and were deported to labor camps in unoccupied areas of the east. They were on their own, in a forbidding wilderness thousands of miles from home. But they inadvertently escaped Hitler’s 1941 advance into the Soviet Union. While war raged and Europe’s Jews faced genocide, the refugees were permitted to leave their settlements after the Soviet government agreed to an amnesty. Most spent the remainder of the war coping with hunger and disease in Soviet Central Asia. When they were finally allowed to return to Poland in 1946, they encountered the devastation of the Holocaust, and many stopped talking about their own ordeals, their stories eventually subsumed within the central Holocaust narrative.Drawing on untapped memoirs and testimonies of the survivors, Eliyana Adler rescues these important stories of determination and suffering on behalf of new generations.
New Island Books The New Frontier: Reflections From the Irish Border
The New Frontier is a landmark publication of writing from the Irish Border, composed of non-fiction, fiction and poetry – it is a chorus of voices from some of the island’s greatest writers, that conveys in its multiplicity the true meaning of our border. At a time when the division of our shared island has once again become an international concern, the Border now a threshold between Europe and the United Kingdom, The New Frontier seeks to explore the meaning of this partition in the 21st century for those people that inhabit that divide. This collection of writing ultimately poses the question: What does it mean to be Irish, Northern Irish, or British in the modern age, and what does it mean to live on a threshold between a kingdom and a republic? The New Frontier will undoubtedly become a key cultural and literary touchstone. This anthology considers the border, and our historical divisions, through literature, by inviting writers from border areas to respond imaginatively and instinctively. By writing the land, writing the body, writing the lived experiences of this complex and misunderstood part of Ireland, The New Frontier looks to reclaim the border region from decades of misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Featuring writing from: Conor O’Callaghan, Darran Anderson, Garrett Carr, Luke Cassidy, Nidhi Zak, Kerri ní Dochartaigh, Michael Hughes, Séamas O’Reilly, Pat McCabe, Lias Saoudi, Maureen Boyle, Emily Cooper, Dean Fee, Jill Crawford, Annemarie ní Chuirrean, Peter Hollywood, John Kelly, Michelle Gallen, Marcel Krueger, Eoghan Walls, Orla McAlinden, Bronagh McAtasney, Mícheál McCann, Jess McKinney and Maria McManus
McGill-Queen's University Press La guerre d'indépendance des Canadas: Démocratie, républicanismes et libéralismes en Amérique du Nord
Longtemps considérée comme une rébellion mineure, la tentative de révolution de 1837 a en réalité secoué l’ensemble de l’Amérique du Nord, menaçant de renvoyer le pouvoir britannique hors du continent, mais également d’inaugurer une expérience républicaine différente. La révolution a échoué, mais les idées qu’elle a véhiculées - tant progressistes qu’élitistes - résonnent encore aujourd’hui.L’auteur se penche sur les réseaux des patriotes canadiens en exil aux États-Unis en s’appuyant sur des sources canadiennes et étasuniennes. En sollicitant le soutien de leurs « frères » au sud de la frontière, les rebelles ont poussé les autorités des États-Unis à coopérer activement avec l’Empire britannique, dans un dénigrement surprenant de leurs racines révolutionnaires et antibritanniques. Initialement favorables à l’annexion des Canadas aux États-Unis, les patriotes ont dû repenser leur avenir en dehors d’une république qui affichait ses faiblesses. Ils ont envisagé de fonder leur propre république à « deux étoiles », avec l’espoir de régénérer la démocratisation en Amérique et de teinter la transition au capitalisme moderne de morale, de responsabilité sociale et de bienveillance envers les travailleurs manuels. Le livre explore cette guerre singulière en se penchant sur un large éventail d’acteurs, de faits et de questions historiques, comme le nationalisme, les rapports de force politiques ou encore les idéaux des « droits égaux » et du « laissez-nous faire ».En proposant un regard novateur et informé sur un évènement que nous pensions bien connaître, La guerre d’indépendance des Canadas suscitera la discussion pendant de nombreuses années.
Oneworld Publications Goodbye Eastern Europe: An Intimate History of a Divided Land
An epic history of the ‘other’ Europe, a place of conflict and coexistence, of faith and folklore. ‘Do not rush to bid farewell to eastern Europe until reading this book. Meticulously researched and beautifully written, this very personal story of the place that one can’t find on the map pays tribute to the origins of the experiences, cultures and ideas that continue to shape political and ideological battles of the modern world.’ Serhii Plokhy Eastern Europe is more than the sum total of its annexations, invasions and independence declarations. From the Baltics to the Balkans, from Prague to Kiev, the area exuded a tragicomic character like no other. This is a paean for a disappearing world of movable borders, sacred groves and syncretism. And an invitation to not forget. *** A SPECTATOR BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 ‘An insightful chronicle… distilling more than a decade of research, [Mikanowski] carefully argues that if something marks out Europe’s eastern half, it is not homogeneity but wild, glorious diversity.’ —Economist ‘A lively and sweeping history.’ —Washington Post ‘Goodbye Eastern Europe is a thematic history of a divided half-continent, a goulash of imperial histories, shifting frontiers and heartbreaking family stories, spiced with myth and poet-martyrs, and deeply satisfying on the palate… vital and informed.’ —TLS
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Causality, Correlation And Artificial Intelligence For Rational Decision Making
Causality has been a subject of study for a long time. Often causality is confused with correlation. Human intuition has evolved such that it has learned to identify causality through correlation. In this book, four main themes are considered and these are causality, correlation, artificial intelligence and decision making. A correlation machine is defined and built using multi-layer perceptron network, principal component analysis, Gaussian Mixture models, genetic algorithms, expectation maximization technique, simulated annealing and particle swarm optimization. Furthermore, a causal machine is defined and built using multi-layer perceptron, radial basis function, Bayesian statistics and Hybrid Monte Carlo methods. Both these machines are used to build a Granger non-linear causality model. In addition, the Neyman-Rubin, Pearl and Granger causal models are studied and are unified. The automatic relevance determination is also applied to extend Granger causality framework to the non-linear domain. The concept of rational decision making is studied, and the theory of flexibly-bounded rationality is used to extend the theory of bounded rationality within the principle of the indivisibility of rationality. The theory of the marginalization of irrationality for decision making is also introduced to deal with satisficing within irrational conditions. The methods proposed are applied in biomedical engineering, condition monitoring and for modelling interstate conflict.
Oxford University Press Inc Ukraine and the Art of Strategy
One of the most serious crises since the end of the Cold War began with Russia's seizure and annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and subsequent 'secret' war in Eastern Ukraine. As more territory was taken from Eastern Ukraine, Western countries countered with economic sanctions directed against Russia. While the conflict did not escalate to the levels originally feared, over time, it became apparent that President Putin had failed to affect the regime change intended in Ukraine, and Russia's economy had been damaged. In Ukraine and the Art of Strategy, Sir Lawrence Freedman provides an account of the origins and course of the Russia-Ukraine conflict through the lens of the theory and practice of strategy. That is, he explores Putin's near, medium, and long-term strategies when he decided to initiate the conflict. How successful has he been? In contrast to many who see Putin as a master operator who has resuscitated a supine Russia against all odds, Freedman is less impressed with his strategic acumen in terms of the long-term fallout. By exploring concepts such as coercive diplomacy, limited war, escalation and information operations, Freedman brings the story up to the present, where a low-level conflict between Ukrainian and breakaway rebel forces in the east grinds on, and illuminates the external challenges faced by the governments' involved. Freedman's application of his unique strategic perspective to this supremely important conflict has the potential to reshape our understanding of it, and his analysis of the likely outcomes will force readers to reconsider the idea that Vladimir Putin is unmatched as a strategic mastermind.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Rome's Great Eastern War: Lucullus, Pompey and the Conquest of the East, 74-62 BC
Despite Rome's conquest of the Mediterranean, by the turn of the first century BC, Rome's influence barely stretched into the East. In the century since Rome's defeat of the Seleucid Empire in the 180s BC, the East was dominated by the rise of new empires: Parthia, Armenia and Pontus, each vying to recreate the glories of the Persian Empire. By the 80s BC, the Pontic Empire of Mithridates had grown so bold that it invaded and annexed the whole of Rome's eastern empire and occupied Greece itself. As Rome emerged from the devastating effects of the First Civil War, a new breed of general emerged, eager to re-assert Roman military dominance and carve out a fresh empire in the east, treading in the footsteps of Alexander. This work analyses the military campaigns and battles between a revitalized Rome and the various powers of the eastern Mediterranean hinterland, which ultimately heralded a new phase in Roman imperial expansion and reshaped the ancient East.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine after Maidan – Revisiting Domestic and Regional Security
When public protests first began in Ukraine at the end of 2013, the failed promise of the Orange Revolution was still fresh in the minds of many Ukrainians. However, unlike in the aftermath of 2004/2005, the political and military crises ignited by the Euromaidan brought profound changes not only for Ukraine, but also for neighboring states and Europe more generally. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, along with the outbreak of fighting in the Donets Basin, has resulted in a profound shift in how domestic and regional security is perceived. More broadly, these events have also called into question the durability of the post-Cold War world order, which had been based upon peaceful coexistence between states, the integrity of sovereign borders, and an acceptance of the legitimacy of international law. While the effects of the Euromaidan have already been analyzed in terms of Ukrainian politics and relations between Ukraine, Russia, and the EU, what has not yet taken place is a sustained analysis of how its legacies have reverberated throughout the post-communist region and wider Europe (and how these altered international perceptions have, in turn, affected the subsequent course of Ukraines domestic politics). Writing from a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds, this volumes contributors seek to address these lacunae. Among other topics, they focus on Russias dissatisfaction with the post-Cold War international order, examine issues of ontological insecurity in an increasingly networked world, assess the limits of Western leverage, evaluate Ukrainian public opinion concerning NATO and the EU, consider the broader security implications of the Euromaidan for Eastern Europe, explore the role of migration and demographic factors for Ukrainian security, and assess how contentious pasts are being utilized as tools of statecraft by both Ukrainian actors and outside forces.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Community Design Regulation: An Article by Article Commentary
Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on Community designs (CDR) protects the appearance of a design against counterfeiting and piracy, be it registered or unregistered. The right is applicable throughout the European Union. The registered design will be obtained in a single procedure from the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante. This commentary gives a detailed article-by-article analysis of the provision of the Regulation and its enforcement in each Member State of the European Union. Wherever feasible, the commentary provides an account of specific bibliography, gives a historical overview, shows the main features and principles underlying the provision, and analyses each paragraph with due regard to the case law of the European courts and the supreme courts of the Member States. The book is divided into five parts: Commentary Measures under Enforcement Directive 2004/48/EC Litigation in EU Member States Annexes Table of cases
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Robots Of Gotham, The
After long years of war, the United States has sued for peace, yielding to a brutal coalition of nations ruled by fascist machines. One quarter of the country is under foreign occupation. Manhattan has been annexed by a weird robot monarchy, and in Tennessee, a permanent peace is being delicately negotiated between the battered remnants of the U.S. government and an envoy of implacable machines. Canadian businessman Barry Simcoe arrives in occupied Chicago days before his hotel is attacked by a rogue war machine. In the aftermath, he meets a dedicated Russian medic with the occupying army, and 19 Black Winter, a badly damaged robot. Together they stumble on a machine conspiracy to unleash a horrific plague - and learn that the fabled American resistance is not as extinct as everyone believes. Simcoe races against time to prevent the extermination of all life on the continent . . . and uncover a secret that America’s machine conquerors are desperate to keep hidden.
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) Wives Like Us
'Outrageously Jilly Cooperesque' Sunday Times Style *Take a grand English country house, one (heartbroken) American divorcee, three rich wives, two tycoons, and one (bereaved) butler; put them all into the blender and out comes the impossibly funny Wives Like Us.Welcome to the rose-strewn county of Oxfordshire and the Cotswold villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom, recently annexed by a glittering new breed of female: the Country Princess.Following a ghastly row about a missing suite of diamonds, Tata Hawkins has flounced out of Monkton Bottom Manor with her daughter, Minty, and Executive Butler Ian Palmer in tow, decamping to the Old Coach House to teach her husband, Bryan, a lesson.But things don't go to plan: Bryan disappears to Venice with a bikini designer; Selby Fairfax, the glamorous American divorcee who has inherited the beautiful estate next door, refuses Tata
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Post-Euromaidan Ukraine: Domestic Power Struggles and War of National Survival in 20142022
Ukraine is a misfit among post-communist states, being neither a respectable, stable democracy nor an autocracy. Nor does it sit well as a patronal political system, like other post-Soviet regimes, since the Euromaidan Revolution. This study examines the presidencies of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelenskyy focusing on their common tendency to subordinate the legal system and use it as a political instrument. It finds that this pattern of power struggle concentrated in the president's office was, contrary to the theory of patronal politics, more dominant than clientelism. The second theme of this book is each president's handling of relations-largely meaning the war-with Russia, in the wake of the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and culminating in the invasion of 2022, as the key challenge to the nation's survival. One way or another, unable to reform itself or to withstand the Russian assault, post-Euromaidan Ukraine will have come to an end.
Ebury Publishing The 1619 Project: A New American Origin Story
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A dramatic expansion of a groundbreaking work of journalism, The 1619 Project: A New American Origin Story offers a profoundly revealing vision of the American past and present.ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The Washington Post, NPR, Esquire, Marie Claire, Electric Lit, Ms. magazine, Kirkus Reviews, BooklistIn late August 1619, a ship arrived in the British colony of Virginia bearing a cargo of twenty to thirty enslaved people from Africa. Their arrival led to the barbaric and unprecedented system of American chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years. This is sometimes referred to as the country's original sin, but it is more than that: It is the source of so much that still defines the United States.The New York Times Magazine's award-winning "1619 Project" issue reframed our understanding of American history by placing slavery and its continuing legacy at the center of our national narrative. This new book substantially expands on that work, weaving together eighteen essays that explore the legacy of slavery in present-day America with thirty-six poems and works of fiction that illuminate key moments of oppression, struggle, and resistance. The essays show how the inheritance of 1619 reaches into every part of contemporary American society, from politics, music, diet, traffic, and citizenship to capitalism, religion, and our democracy itself.This is a book that speaks directly to our current moment, contextualizing the systems of race and caste within which we operate today. It reveals long-glossed-over truths around our nation's founding and construction-and the way that the legacy of slavery did not end with emancipation, but continues to shape contemporary American life.Featuring contributions from: Leslie Alexander Michelle Alexander Carol Anderson Joshua Bennett Reginald Dwayne Betts Jamelle Bouie Anthea Butler Matthew Desmond Rita Dove Camille Dungy Cornelius Eady Eve L. Ewing Nikky Finney Vievee Francis Yaa Gyasi Forrest Hamer Terrance Hayes Kimberly Annece Henderson Jeneen Interlandi Honorée Fanonne Jeffers Barry Jenkins Tyehimba Jess Martha S. Jones Robert Jones, Jr. A. Van Jordan Ibram X. Kendi Eddie Kendricks Yusef Komunyakaa Kevin Kruse Kiese Laymon Trymaine Lee Jasmine Mans Terry McMillan Tiya Miles Wesley Morris Khalil Gibran Muhammad Lynn Nottage ZZ Packer Gregory Pardlo Darryl Pinckney Claudia Rankine Jason Reynolds Dorothy Roberts Sonia Sanchez Tim Seibles Evie Shockley Clint Smith Danez Smith Patricia Smith Tracy K. Smith Bryan Stevenson Nafissa Thompson-Spires Natasha Trethewey Linda Villarosa Jesmyn Ward
Ediciones Espuela de Plata La campaña de Rusia
El autor del presente libro, Philippe Paul de Ségur, nació y murió en París (1780-1873). Su vida y su obra se hallan estrechamente ligadas al mundo napoleónico. De orígenes aristocráticos, perteneció a una familia muy distinguida de militares, diplomáticos y hombres de letras.Tras participar en la campaña de Rusia, extraordinario fue el éxito que obtuvo con la publicación de su Histoire de Napoléon et de la Grande-Armée pendant l?année 1812, aparecida en 1824, que adquirió un pronto y prolongado reconocimiento. Sólo en tres años se publicaron diez ediciones. Al tiempo que fuera de Francia, conoció también un gran impacto con numerosas traducciones a otras lenguas que le convirtieron en un autor reconocido universalmente.En el momento de su aparición, el libro del conde de Ségur presentaba todos los requisitos necesarios para convertirse en un éxito seguro: la amenidad de su lectura, la intensidad dramática del relato, la magnitud del acontecimiento, la grandiosidad de su protag
University of California Press The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1760
In all of the South Asian subcontinent, Bengal was the region most receptive to the Islamic faith. This area today is home to the world's second-largest Muslim ethnic population. How and why did such a large Muslim population emerge there? And how does such a religious conversion take place? Richard Eaton uses archaeological evidence, monuments, narrative histories, poetry, and Mughal administrative documents to trace the long historical encounter between Islamic and Indic civilizations. Moving from the year 1204, when Persianized Turks from North India annexed the former Hindu states of the lower Ganges delta, to 1760, when the British East India Company rose to political dominance there, Eaton explores these moving frontiers, focusing especially on agrarian growth and religious change.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Resistance Heroines in Nazi- and Russian-Occupied Austria: Anschluss and After
Austria's Anschluss - its 'annexation' - saw no gunfire, no blood-curdling screams of Stukas overhead or the rumble of heavy artillery when German troops marched in on 12 March 1938\. It was no 'Blitzkrieg': on the contrary, some Austrians even welcomed the 'invaders' and the opportunity to unite the ethnic German peoples under the rule of Austria's most infamous son, Adolf Hitler. Austria's wealth of natural and mineral resources were especially useful to support the Third Reich's aggression in Europe. The Nazis were keen to exploit these assets and many Austrians benefited from increased employment. However, any initial euphoria was soon replaced by fear and anxiety as the brutal reality of the new regime became apparent. Here is the remarkable story of Herti Bryan who, as a young child, witnessed the totalitarian nightmare of Hitler's dream for world domination. Standing up for what she believed to be right, Herti acted courageously to frustrate the occupying Nazis. In addition to Herti's story, we learn of the experiences of Milly Keller and Hilde Schubert who shared contempt for the Nazi occupiers. The three girls vividly describe their different experiences during the war, although there is a striking similarity in the even greater terror they were subjected to under the Russian 'liberators'. In this volume the lives of Herti, Milly and Hilde come together to reveal an astonishing picture of life in occupied Austria. Drawing on unimaginable fortitude, these girls defied domination and fought fearlessly, risking their own lives, to carry out their moral obligation to humanity. This is their story, in their own words and told for the first time.
The University of Chicago Press Hawai'i: Eight Hundred Years of Political and Economic Change
Relative to the other habited places on our planet, Hawai'i has a very short history. The Hawaiian archipelago was the last major land area on the planet to be settled, with Polynesians making the long voyage just under a millennium ago. Our understanding of the social, political, and economic changes that have unfolded since has been limited until recently by how little we knew about the first five centuries of settlement. Building on new archaeological and historical research, Sumner La Croix assembles here the economic history of Hawai'i from the first Polynesian settlements in 1200 through US colonization, the formation of statehood, and to the present day. He shows how the political and economic institutions that emerged and evolved in Hawai'i during its three centuries of global isolation allowed an economically and culturally rich society to emerge, flourish, and ultimately survive annexation and colonization by the United States. The story of a small, open economy struggling to adapt its institutions to changes in the global economy, Hawai'i offers broadly instructive conclusions about economic evolution and development, political institutions, and native Hawaiian rights.
Chicago Review Press William Walker's Wars: How One Man's Private American Army Tried to Conquer Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras
In the decade before the onset of the Civil War, groups of Americans engaged in a series of longshot—and illegal—forays into Mexico, Cuba, and other Central American countries in hopes of taking them over. These efforts became known as filibustering, and their goal was to seize territory to create new independent fiefdoms, which would ultimately be annexed by the still-growing United States. Most failed miserably. William Walker was the outlier. Short, slender, and soft-spoken with no military background—he trained as a doctor before becoming a lawyer and then a newspaper editor—Walker was an unlikely leader of rough-hewn men and adventurers. But in 1856 he managed to install himself as president of Nicaragua. Neighboring governments saw Walker as a risk to the region and worked together to drive him out—efforts aided, incongruously, by the United States’ original tycoon, Cornelius Vanderbilt.William Walker’s Wars is a story of greedy dreams and ambitions, the fate of nations and personal fortunes, and the dark side of Manifest Destiny, for among Walker’s many goals was to build his own empire based on slavery. This little-remembered story from US history is a cautionary tale for all who dream of empire.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Putin’s War on Ukraine: Russia’s Campaign for Global Counter-Revolution
Eight years after annexing Crimea, Russia embarked on a full-scale invasion of neighbouring Ukraine in February 2022. For Vladimir Putin, this was a legacy-defining mission—to restore Russia’s sphere of influence and undo Ukraine’s surprisingly resilient democratic experiment. Yet Putin’s aspirations were swiftly eviscerated, as the conflict degenerated into a bloody war of attrition and the Russian economy faced crippling sanctions. How can we make sense of his decision to invade? This book argues that Putin’s policy of global counter-revolution is driven not by systemic factors, such as preventing NATO expansion, but domestic ones: the desire to unite Russians around common principles and consolidate his personal brand of authoritarianism. This objective has inspired military interventions in Crimea, Donbas and Syria, and now all-out war against Kyiv. Samuel Ramani explores why Putin opted for regime change in Ukraine, rather than a smaller-scale intervention in Donbas, and considers the impact on his own regime’s legitimacy. How has Russia’s long-term political and foreign policy trajectory shifted? And how will the international response reshape the world order?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Durkheim and After: The Durkheimian Tradition, 1893-2020
Émile Durkheim’s major works are among the founding texts of the discipline of sociology, but his importance lies also in his immense legacy and subsequent influence upon others. In this book, Philip Smith examines not only Durkheim’s original ideas, but also reveals how he inspired more than a century of theoretical innovations, identifying the key paths, bridges, and dead ends – as well as the tensions and resolutions – in what has been a remarkably complex intellectual history. Beginning with an overview of the key elements of Durkheim’s mature masterpieces, Smith also examines his lesser known essays, commentaries and lectures. He goes on to analyse his immediate influence on the Année Sociologique group, before tracing the international impact of Durkheim upon modern anthropology, sociology, and social and cultural theory. Smith shows that many leading social thinkers, from Marcel Mauss to Mary Douglas and Randall Collins, have been carriers for the multiple pathways mapped out in Durkheim’s original thought.This book will be essential reading for any student or scholar seeking to understand this fundamental impact on areas ranging from social theory and anthropology to religious studies and beyond.
University of Toronto Press Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity
After the Anschluss (annexation) in 1938, the Nazis forced Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resign and kept him imprisoned for seven years, until his rescue by the Allies in 1945. Schuschnigg’s privileged position within the concentration camp system allowed him to keep a diary and to write letters which were smuggled out to family members. Drawing on these records, Prison Elite paints a picture of a little-known aspect of concentration camp history: the life of a VIP prisoner. Schuschnigg, who was a devout Catholic, presents his memoirs as a "confession," expecting absolution for any political missteps and, more specifically, for his dictatorial regime in the 1930s. As Erika Rummel reveals in fascinating detail, his autobiographical writings are frequently unreliable. Prison Elite describes the strategies Schuschnigg used to survive his captivity emotionally and intellectually. Religion, memory of better days, friendship, books and music, and maintaining a sense of humour allowed him to cope. A comparison with the memoirs of fellow captives reveals these tactics to be universal. Studying Schuschnigg’s writing in the context of contemporary prison memoirs, Prison Elite provides unique insight into the life of a VIP prisoner.
University of Texas Press The Mexican American Experience in Texas: Citizenship, Segregation, and the Struggle for Equality
A historical overview of Mexican Americans' social and economic experiences in Texas For hundreds of years, Mexican Americans in Texas have fought against political oppression and exclusion—in courtrooms, in schools, at the ballot box, and beyond. Through a detailed exploration of this long battle for equality, this book illuminates critical moments of both struggle and triumph in the Mexican American experience. Martha Menchaca begins with the Spanish settlement of Texas, exploring how Mexican Americans’ racial heritage limited their incorporation into society after the territory’s annexation. She then illustrates their political struggles in the nineteenth century as they tried to assert their legal rights of citizenship and retain possession of their land, and goes on to explore their fight, in the twentieth century, against educational segregation, jury exclusion, and housing covenants. It was only in 1967, she shows, that the collective pressure placed on the state government by Mexican American and African American activists led to the beginning of desegregation. Menchaca concludes with a look at the crucial roles that Mexican Americans have played in national politics, education, philanthropy, and culture, while acknowledging the important work remaining to be done in the struggle for equality.
Duke University Press Formations of United States Colonialism
Bridging the multiple histories and present-day iterations of U.S. settler colonialism in North America and its overseas imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific, the essays in this groundbreaking volume underscore the United States as a fluctuating constellation of geopolitical entities marked by overlapping and variable practices of colonization. By rethinking the intertwined experiences of Native Americans, Puerto Ricans, Chamorros, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Samoans, and others subjected to U.S. imperial rule, the contributors consider how the diversity of settler claims, territorial annexations, overseas occupations, and circuits of slavery and labor—along with their attendant forms of jurisprudence, racialization, and militarism—both facilitate and delimit the conditions of colonial dispossession. Drawing on the insights of critical indigenous and ethnic studies, postcolonial theory, critical geography, ethnography, and social history, this volume emphasizes the significance of U.S. colonialisms as a vital analytic framework for understanding how and why the United States is what it is today. Contributors. Julian Aguon, Joanne Barker, Berenika Byszewski, Jennifer Nez Denetdale, Augusto Espiritu, Alyosha Goldstein, J. K?haulani Kauanui, Barbara Krauthamer, Lorena Oropeza, Vicente L. Rafael, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Lanny Thompson, Lisa Uperesa, Manu Vimalassery
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Fire Engineering
Structural Fire Engineering provides comprehensive and practical design guidance on the application of structural fire engineering to specialist structural engineers. The chapters provide an insight into the explanation of the structural fire engineering design process, its position within the regulatory system and guidance on the selection of appropriate partial factors for the fire limit state for variations in material properties and loading. The book places structural fire engineering design procedures within a context and framework which will be familiar to many readers. The information on standard methods of test and assessment and their function within the regulatory framework provides a broader perspective to the design standards. Structural Fire Engineering: provides a unique approach to practical design guidance highlights the Eurocode standards in the context of fire engineering design and conformity to the requirements of the regulations demonstrates the options for design through several worked examples incorporates over 80 illustrations to complement the text provides guidance on the UK National Annexes for Eurocodes Structural Fire Engineering is invaluable reading for practising structural engineers, fire safety engineers, structural fire engineers, students and those who teach advanced fire design.
Harvard University Press Disunion within the Union: The Uniate Church and the Partitions of Poland
Between 1772 and 1795, Russia, Prussia, and Austria concluded agreements to annex and eradicate the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania. With the partitioning of Poland, the dioceses of the Uniate Church (later known as the Greek Catholic Church) were fractured by the borders of three regional hegemons.Larry Wolff's deeply engaging account of these events delves into the politics of the Episcopal elite, the Vatican, and the three rulers behind the partitions: Catherine II of Russia, Frederick II of Prussia, and Joseph II of Austria. Wolff uses correspondence with bishops in the Uniate Church and ministerial communiqués to reveal the nature of state policy as it unfolded.Disunion within the Union adopts methodologies from the history of popular culture pioneered by Natalie Zemon Davis (The Return of Martin Guerre) and Carlo Ginzburg (The Cheese and the Worms) to explore religious experience on a popular level, especially questions of confessional identity and practices of piety. This detailed study of the responses of common Uniate parishioners, as well as of their bishops and hierarchs, to the pressure of the partitions paints a vivid portrait of conflict, accommodation, and survival in a church subject to the grand designs of the late eighteenth century’s premier absolutist powers.
The University of Chicago Press Good Fences, Bad Neighbors: Border Fixity and International Conflict
Border fixity - the proscription of foreign conquest and the annexation of homeland territory - has, since World War II, become a powerful norm in world politics. This development has been said to increase stability and peace in international relations. Yet, in a world in which it is unacceptable to challenge international borders by force, sociopolitically weak states remain a significant source of widespread conflict, war, and instability. In this book, Boaz Atzili argues that the process of state building has long been influenced by external territorial pressures and competition, with the absence of border fixity contributing to the evolution of strong states - and its presence to the survival of weak ones. What results from this norm, he argues, are conditions that make internal conflict and the spillover of interstate war more likely. Using a comparison of historical and contemporary case studies, Atzili sheds light on the relationship between state weakness and conflict. His argument that under some circumstances an international norm that was established to preserve the peace may actually create conditions that are ripe for war is sure to generate debate and shed light on the dynamics of continuing conflict in the twenty-first century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Durkheim and After: The Durkheimian Tradition, 1893-2020
Émile Durkheim’s major works are among the founding texts of the discipline of sociology, but his importance lies also in his immense legacy and subsequent influence upon others. In this book, Philip Smith examines not only Durkheim’s original ideas, but also reveals how he inspired more than a century of theoretical innovations, identifying the key paths, bridges, and dead ends – as well as the tensions and resolutions – in what has been a remarkably complex intellectual history. Beginning with an overview of the key elements of Durkheim’s mature masterpieces, Smith also examines his lesser known essays, commentaries and lectures. He goes on to analyse his immediate influence on the Année Sociologique group, before tracing the international impact of Durkheim upon modern anthropology, sociology, and social and cultural theory. Smith shows that many leading social thinkers, from Marcel Mauss to Mary Douglas and Randall Collins, have been carriers for the multiple pathways mapped out in Durkheim’s original thought.This book will be essential reading for any student or scholar seeking to understand this fundamental impact on areas ranging from social theory and anthropology to religious studies and beyond.
Reaktion Books Ukraine: A Nation on the Borderland
The Euromaidan uprising in Kiev, followed by radical regime change, the annexation of the Crimea and the war in Eastern Ukraine, have shattered European security. The Western response to Russian aggression has been uncertain and hesitant in handling the unfamiliar yet large nation of Ukraine, a country with a complicated past, and one whose history is little known in the rest of Europe. In Ukraine: A Nation on the Borderland, Karl Schloegel presents a picture of a country which lies on Europe's borderland and in Russia's shadow. In recent years, Ukraine has been faced, along with Western Europe, with the political conundrum resulting from Russia's actions and the ongoing Information War. As well as exploring this present-day confrontation, Schloegel provides detailed, fascinating historical portraits of a panoply of Ukraine's major cities: Lviv, Odessa, Czernowitz, Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Yalta - cities whose often troubled and war-torn histories are as varied as the nationalities and cultures which have made them what they are today, survivors with very particular identities and aspirations. Schloegel feels the pulse of life in these cities, analysing their more recent pasts and their challenges for the future.
British Museum Press Nero: the man behind the myth
One of the best known figures from Roman history, Nero (r. AD 54–68) is most often characterised as a tyrannical and ineffectual ruler, who fiddled while Rome burnt. Such a reputation has, however, been shaped by ancient literary sources written by his adversaries and enemies and, in light of new research, can be considered crudely reductive. This publication, and the exhibition it accompanies, redresses the balance and provides a more nuanced interpretation of Nero’s reign and Roman society of the time, reflecting on the traditional perceptions of his rule and revealing the challenges with which the young heir to Claudius’ empire had to contend. The period during which Nero ruled over Roman society was one of profound change. The extent of the empire at the time was vast, having grown significantly during the previous century through conquest and annexation, and peace and prosperity followed years of bloody war. The role of Nero’s mother Agrippina in his accession to the throne is well-documented, but her expectations of great influence once Nero was in post were not met and the role of women, and family more widely, is considered in detail in this book. In addition to familial conflict, Nero also had to confront the threat of rival powers and the assimilation of newly conquered territories, which provided him with the opportunity to prove himself as a strong military leader. Alongside military campaigns, he adopted ‘populist’ policies, was preoccupied with the beautification of the heart of his empire, which was subsequently devastated by fire, and enthusiastically engaged in theatre and entertainment. Nero’s rule was curtailed by military rebellion in AD 68 and the embattled emperor ultimately committed suicide. His death brought to an end the reign of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, and the subsequent vilification of his memory and the removal and desecration of his image are an enduring, but misleading, legacy.
British Museum Press Nero: the man behind the myth
One of the best known figures from Roman history, Nero (r. AD 54–68) is most often characterised as a tyrannical and ineffectual ruler, who fiddled while Rome burnt. Such a reputation has, however, been shaped by ancient literary sources written by his adversaries and enemies and, in light of new research, can be considered crudely reductive. This publication, and the exhibition it accompanies, redresses the balance and provides a more nuanced interpretation of Nero’s reign and Roman society of the time, reflecting on the traditional perceptions of his rule and revealing the challenges with which the young heir to Claudius’ empire had to contend. The period during which Nero ruled over Roman society was one of profound change. The extent of the empire at the time was vast, having grown significantly during the previous century through conquest and annexation, and peace and prosperity followed years of bloody war. The role of Nero’s mother Agrippina in his accession to the throne is well-documented, but her expectations of great influence once Nero was in post were not met and the role of women, and family more widely, is considered in detail in this book. In addition to familial conflict, Nero also had to confront the threat of rival powers and the assimilation of newly conquered territories, which provided him with the opportunity to prove himself as a strong military leader. Alongside military campaigns, he adopted ‘populist’ policies, was preoccupied with the beautification of the heart of his empire, which was subsequently devastated by fire, and enthusiastically engaged in theatre and entertainment. Nero’s rule was curtailed by military rebellion in AD 68 and the embattled emperor ultimately committed suicide. His death brought to an end the reign of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, and the subsequent vilification of his memory and the removal and desecration of his image are an enduring, but misleading, legacy.
APA Publications The Mini Rough Guide to Athens: Travel Guide with Free eBook
This mini pocket Athens travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Athens. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards.This Athens travel book covers: The Acropolis, Around the Acropolis, Monastiráki and Psyrrí, Omónia and environs, From Omónia to Sýndagma, Sýndagma Square and around.In this Athens guidebook, you will find:- Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Athens - Acropolis Museum, Benaki Museum Pireos Annexe, The Goulandris Museum of Contemporary Art, The National Archaeological Museum, The Acropolis, Plaka, The Athens Epidaurus Festival, Delphi, Nafplio, The Byzantine and Christian Museum- Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Athens introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Athens - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children's activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Athens and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Greek section - basic vocabulary and phrases from the local language- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Athens - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It's the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Athens without overwhelming you with too much information.
Mandel Vilar Press The City of Light
Indie Awards Silver Medal Winner (Children's Nonfiction) The Skipping Stone Magazine Honor Award (one of the best multicultural books for children in 2019)When legendary and beloved actor, singer and activist Theo Bikel wrote a short story, shortly before his passing in 2015, about his happy childhood as a Jewish boy in Vienna—confused by rising anti-Semitism, and ultimately forced to flee after the Nazi takeover—he never could have imagined that Jewish children in the US, at the start of 2020, would have to ask their parents the same questions he had asked his own parents: Why are we hated? Why must I be afraid to be who I am?In The City of Light , Theodore poignantly recounts moments from his childhood in Vienna— at first the happy memories of family, sweet cakes, and holidays; and then darker times, when he experienced and witnessed brutal and violent anti-Semitism as Nazi influence grew. Set in Vienna in 1937-38 during Nazi Germany’s annexation of Austria, a young Jewish boy witnesses Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass,” and elderly Jews being spat upon and forced to clean the sidewalks with their coats. Once at home in the city, he is ostracized and beaten. One night, the boy dreams that his favorite Jewish superhero, Judah Maccabee, has arrived to save Vienna’s Jews. But when he awakens, there has been no Maccabean rescue. Years pass and the boy, now an old man, returns to Vienna and finds its Jewish community and Temple have been restored. He looks for the eternal light in the Temple and can’t find it. Then suddenly it becomes clear to him: “The light was there all the time; it was in my own heart.” This special book, gentle and bittersweet in its tone, also includes a three-page Yiddish glossary, a recipe for Honey Cake from Bikel's grandmother, and sheet music of a little-known Hanukkah song "Little Candle Fires" with a link to a website where you can hear Theo singing it.Theodore Bikel’s The City of Light is receiving critical acclaim, loved by adults who have followed Bikel for decades, as well as young people struggling to make sense of the acts of hatred and bigotry they are now exposed to daily. Aimee Ginsburg Bikel, Theo’s widow and veteran journalist, has added a backstory, several glossaries, and an afterword about an event in Bikel’s life with stunning historic significance. Noah Phillips’ moving illustrations bring the story to life.