Search results for ""schiffer""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jagdeschwader 53: A History of the “Pik As” Geschwader Volume 3: January 1944 - May 1945
This third and final part of the narrative starts with the bitter fighting over Italy, where the Geschwaderstab together with I. and III./JG 53 had to face overwhelming odds in their struggle over both the front lines at Cassino and Anzio/Nettuno bridghead, and over northern Italy. I./JG 53 was later moved to Romania in order to protect the vital oilfields and refineries around Ploesti and later saw further action in Hungary, where it was to take part in the fierce fighting on the southeastern part of the Russian Front in the fall of 1944 and early 1945, eventually retreating into Czechoslovakia and Austria before it was finally disbanded in April 1945 – its remnants amalgamated into II./JG 52. II./JG 53, withdrew from Italy in October 1943, and was the first Gruppe of the Geschwader to be employed on home defense operations, being stationed near Vienna from October 1943 to March 1944 before moving to southwestern Germany, and was the only Gruppe of JG 53 to see action against the Allied invasion forces in the summer of 1944. III./JG 53 also returned from Italy in June 1944 and after a short period of rest and refit was active in the defense of the Reich. When the Allies launched Operation Market Garden both II. and III./JG 53 were called upon to take part in defensive actions. Autumn of 1944 also saw the addition of a fourth Gruppe to the Geschwader with Stab, II., III., IV./JG 53 based along the southwestern sector of the Western Front. For the remainder of the war the Geschwader – minus I. Gruppe – stayed in the southwest where it fought on until the end, retreating deep into southern Germany where the majority of the Gruppen and Staffen were finally disbanded a few days before VE-Day. This final volume of the epic saga of JG 53 concludes with a list of the officers in command of the Geschwader, its Gruppen and Staffeln, a listing of all known victories claimed by JG 53, strength returns, and other appendices.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Esso® Collectibles Handbook: Memorabilia from Standard Oil of New Jersey
Here is the first book written about collectibles from the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, including Esso, Humble, and affiliate companies. To complete this authoritative guide, the author enlisted help from other collectors and included photographs of their prized collections. The result contains photographs and comments about some items so rare that the only ones known are reproduced here for the first time-this may be the only time you will ever see them. Also photographs of common items are here with comments on their origins. Globes, pumps, cans, signs, map racks, banners, lighters, ashtrays, buttons, toys, knives, and credit cards all will bring back memories. Gas and oil memorabilia collectors and all those with an affection for Esso and Standard Oil Company of New Jersey memorabilia will want this valuable reference work.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Victorian Staffordshire Figures 1835-1875, Book One: Portraits, Naval & Military, Theatrical & Literary Characters
The collecting of Staffordshire figures, a particularly English folk art, has expanded from its origins to include much of the English speaking world. This work, in two books, details and illustrates the range and depth of figures made by the potters. Over 2,900 figures are illustrated in Book One and Book Two, virtually all in the brilliant color which was imperative for the beauty and simplicity of the figures to be fully appreciated. Many of these figures have never before been recorded. A history of the figures, together with many sources and relevant bibliographical details, are included, along with a guide to current prices. Victorian Staffordshire Figures 1835-1875, Book One is the definitive work on Portrait figures, and also includes Naval and Military, and Theatrical and Literary Characters (including Opera, Ballet, and Circus).
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The International Collectors' Book of Cigarette Packs
From humble beginnings in the late 1800s, the popularity of cigarettes grew into the twentieth century, until they became far and away the favorite way to enjoy the pleasures of tobacco. To capitalize on the rising demand, new brands were introduced around the world, and every one had a distinctive, attractive pack. Most were executed in rich colors and with graphics designed to catch the eye and capture the imagination of the potential consumer. Today these miniature works of advertising art have attracted a large, international audience of admirers and collectors. This new book presents hundreds of cigarette packs from every corner of the globe, in full color, with vital information about manufacture and price that will be invaluable to the collector. The images themselves represent a fascinating visual history of more than one hundred years of cigarette manufacture.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Armored Rarities 1935-1945
Coverage of a variety of unusual, experimental and one-off German armored projects.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Flak Towers: in Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna 1940-1950
Detailed coverage of the massive concrete towers used as anti-aircraft bastions, some of which still stand today.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Israeli Air Force 1947-1960: An Illustrated History
The writing of this book, the first in-depth and fully detailed research about the early years of the Chel Ha’avir – from the light-plane days to the supersonic fighters received roughly ten years later – is the culmination of a long research period by the author. Research that was made harder by the tight – but understandable and respected – security measures involving Israel’s Forces. An exceptional source of information has been the help provided by many Chel Ha’Avir veterans who fought in the early days during 1948/1949, and those who helped establish a viable air force in 1949-1956 in spite of tight budgets, obsolescent equipment and lack of experience, and also those who fought in Sinai in late 1956, establishing the seeds for its future role as the airborne shield of Israel. As the reader will discover, the beginnings were extremely hard, and the Chel Ha’Avir had to face unfriendly attitudes from both the United States and the United Kingdom, which took place while many people – civilian and military – were dying in the newborn Hebrew state. But in observing that official policies do not always reflect the citizenship’s feelings, most of the colorful band of foreign volunteers that helped the Chel Ha’avir – and the other defense forces – to resist, fight back and win, came from those countries. These foreign volunteers, mostly with combat experience in World War II, provided a core in which many highly talented young Israelis learned fast. One thing was certain, then and now; Israel exists because of the resolute people that live in this small country, both civilian and military, but above all because of the Chel Ha’avir which in the following years would be proclaimed the most combat experienced air force in the world.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Waffen-SS Commanders: The Army, Corps and Division Leaders of a Legend-Augsberger to Kreutz
The units of the Waffen-SS were some of the most successful and influential combat formations produced by any country in this century. Their abilities and accomplishments, in both defense and offense, remain legendary. Finally, the commanders of these elite units are examined here in detail. In this book, the second of a two volume set, sixty-one biographies reveal the lives of the most senior Waffen-SS commanders. Details are provided for education, as well as pre-Third Reich era service in military and civil posts, and includes promotions, assignments and decorations. The 1933-1945 era, the most detailed, reveals all their commands and related data similar to their earlier service. Officially documented recollections of the combat actions that resulted in bestowal of their highest awards (Knight's Cross and German Cross in Gold) are finally discussed. Heavily documented, their individual stories continue until their eventual fates are revealed. Beginning with the only two brothers to command a Waffen-SS corps, the study ends with a pair of officers whose units fought in the final defense of Berlin during 1945. The text detail emulates the initial volume, exhaustively examining the lives of all individuals with full biographical information to include higher award recommendations for the Knight's Cross and German Cross. With a foreword by Knight's Cross with Oakleaves and Swords holder Otto Baum, significant material was provided by numerous Waffen-SS veterans. Profusely illustrated with more than 470 previously unpublished or rare photos and war-time documents, eight Order of Battle charts are also included. A full Feldpost listing Order of Battle for the armed formations at the end of 1940 is also included. Also included is an addendum to Volume 1 that adds both text and photographic material uncovered during the concluding research. Supplementary tactical symbols are also illustrated and explained, expanding the coverage of those detailed in the initial work.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Care Bears® Collectibles: An Unauthorized Handbook & Price Guide
From the moment American Greetings introduced the Care Bears® in 1982, they had a firm bear hug on the hearts of both children and adults. The delightful bears wore their feelings on their bellies: happiness, joy, love, celebration, and hope. And when you wanted to send a thought to a special someone, they were the perfect courier. Care Bears found their way into a variety of products from greeting cards to plush toys, figurines, books, and bedsheets, spawning a host of enthusiastic collectors around the world. Now, for the first time, a wonderful collection of these Care Bear objects and those of their Care Bear Cousinsr has been gathered into a book for collectors. Illustrated with more than 520 color photos showing the variety of Care Bears and their current market values, it provides a convenient guide as these creations show up in the collectibles marketplace.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Blohm & Voss Bv 222
Covers the design and usage of the Blohm & Voss Bv 222.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jagdeschwader 53: A History of the “Pik As” Geschwader Volume 2: May 1942 - January 1944
This third and final part of the narrative starts with the bitter fighting over Italy, where the Geschwaderstab together with I. and III./JG 53 had to face overwhelming odds in their struggle over both the front lines at Cassino and Anzio/Nettuno bridghead, and over northern Italy. I./JG 53 was later moved to Romania in order to protect the vital oilfields and refineries around Ploesti and later saw further action in Hungary, where it was to take part in the fierce fighting on the southeastern part of the Russian Front in the fall of 1944 and early 1945, eventually retreating into Czechoslovakia and Austria before it was finally disbanded in April 1945 – its remnants amalgamated into II./JG 52. II./JG 53, withdrew from Italy in October 1943, and was the first Gruppe of the Geschwader to be employed on home defense operations, being stationed near Vienna from October 1943 to March 1944 before moving to southwestern Germany, and was the only Gruppe of JG 53 to see action against the Allied invasion forces in the summer of 1944. III./JG 53 also returned from Italy in June 1944 and after a short period of rest and refit was active in the defense of the Reich. When the Allies launched Operation Market Garden both II. and III./JG 53 were called upon to take part in defensive actions. Autumn of 1944 also saw the addition of a fourth Gruppe to the Geschwader with Stab, II., III., IV./JG 53 based along the southwestern sector of the Western Front. For the remainder of the war the Geschwader – minus I. Gruppe – stayed in the southwest where it fought on until the end, retreating deep into southern Germany where the majority of the Gruppen and Staffen were finally disbanded a few days before VE-Day. This final volume of the epic saga of JG 53 concludes with a list of the officers in command of the Geschwader, its Gruppen and Staffeln, a listing of all known victories claimed by JG 53, strength returns, and other appendices.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Military Motorcycles in the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht 1934-1945
This volume of photographs provides a documentation of the many motorcycle riders and their various cycles between 1934 and 1945, including requisitioned machines.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Underground Military Command Bunkers of Zossen, Germany
The little known command bunker complex south of Berlin as used by the Germans (WWII) and by the Russians.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sinclair® Collectibles
Petroleum collectibles are among the most popular antiques today, and Sinclair is one of the most fondly remembered of all the gasoline marketers. In this beautiful book the authors have told the story of Sinclair Oil, tracing its history through pictures of various marketing items, now highly collectible. Included are over 350 color photographs of early and rare Sinclair pump globes, colorful and interesting Sinclair signs, Sinclair cans emblazoned with "Dino," Sinclair's beloved mascot dinosaur, fabulously restored gas pumps, old station photos, toys, trinkets, and hundreds of other items. A value guide for each item is included, along with insights which will help the collector appreciate the historical value of these unique collectibles.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Movado History
Movado is one of the world's most recognized watch brands. This lavishly illustrated book, certain to delight collectors, presents the evolution of Movado from its roots in the Jura Mountains in 1881 through more than a century of tradition and technological advancement. Over the years, Movado earned a reputation for pioneering the art of the wristwatches, high precision movements, and watches with complications, as well as water-resistant watches. Through 250 color illustrations, the book presents the most compelling designs introduced by Movado, many of which have become coveted collectors' items commanding high prices at worldwide auctions. Movado watches have been favored gifts for heads of state because they possess and reflect the best in precision technology.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Panzertruppen: The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germany’s Tank Force • 1943-1945/Formations • Organizations • Tactics Combat Reports • Unit Strengths • Statistics
This companion volume presents how the Panzertruppen fought during their defensive struggle with details on the units, organizations, types of Panzers, and tactics.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd SS Uniforms, Insignia and Accoutrements: A Study in Photographs
This new work explores in detailed color the complex subject of Allgemeine and Waffen-SS uniforms, insignia, and accoutrements. Hundreds of authentic items are extensively photographed in close-up to enable the reader to examine and study.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Camel Drivers: The 17th Aero Squadron in World War I
The 17th Aero Squadron flew Sopwith Camels under British command along the Western Front during the summer of 1918. This definitive work on the 17th Aero Squadron in World War I is drawn from a wide range of official and personal sources, including original squadron records (found in an attic!), numerous interviews, letters written home, and half a dozen diaries – including one kept by a German pilot flying in opposition.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 54 3-D Scroll Saw Patterns
Since the publication of A Scroll Saw Christmas woodworkers have been clamoring for more three-dimensional patterns to use on the scroll saw. Now here it is. 54 new patterns to transform into wonderful creations. The marvelous thing about these is that they look great even as they come off the saw...and with a little hand carving and a touch of paint they come to life. Frank includes a short step-by-step guide, illustrated with color photographs, to introduce the use of the scroll saw for 3-D work . There is also a color gallery with examples of many cut items, showing them in various states of finish, rough and carved, natural and painted. You could expect to pay many times the cost of this book for the patterns alone. This wonderful volume has all you need for a pleasurable and profitable 3-D experience.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd F6F Hellcat: Grumman’s Ace Maker in World War II
The Grumman F6F Hellcat formed the backbone of America’s carrier-based fighter force as the Allies pressed the war toward Japan. Powered by a massive and reliable Pratt & Whitney radial engine, the Hellcat racked up an incredible 19:1 kill ratio against its foes in WWII, and 305 aviators earned ace status while flying the Hellcat. Such famed US naval aces as David McCampbell, Cecil Harris, Eugene Valencia, and Alex Vraciu all flew the Hellcat. In addition to its wing-mounted .50-caliber machine guns, the F6F was equipped to carry bombs as well, allowing pilots to deliver up to 2,000 pounds of bombs on targets. By the time that Hellcat production ended in November 1945, 12,275 examples had rolled off Grumman’s Bethpage, Long Island, assembly line. Through carefully researched photos, many never before published, the history and details of this iconic aircraft are revealed. Part of the Legends of Warfare series.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Ford M8 and M20: The US Army’s Standard Armored Car of WWII
Developed to provide the US military with a fast-moving reconnaissance vehicle sufficiently armed to knock out WWII-era armored vehicles. The M8 Armored Car and its sibling, the M20 Armored Utility Vehicles, were the most widely used armored vehicles built by Ford. These vehicles saw use with the US Army as well as Allied nations during WWII and well into the 1960s. This book chronicles the development and use of the vehicle from concept to combat. Through dozens of archival photos, many never before published, as well as detailed photographs of some of the finest existent examples of these vehicles, this iconic tank is explored, and its history is explained.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Women For Victory Vol 2: The Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)
The second volume of the Women for Victory series records the history and uniforms of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), the first American servicewomen's organization in World War II to enlist female noncombatant volunteers for service with the United States Army, and to employ them in other than medical capacities. This unique, in-depth study reveals many rarely known facts about this vanguard female wartime organization. Authentic uniform attire, also worn by the successor organization the Women’s Army Corps, is presented in color photographs, never before documented with this depth of completeness and detail. With over 1,170 personal and archival illustrations, this reference work is an unparalleled and indispensable source for scholars of feminine and military history, veterans, collectors, costume designers, re-enactors and others interested in the history and dress of American women in wartime service.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Black and Field Gray Uniforms of Himmler’s SS: Allgemeine-SS • SS-Verfügungstruppe • SS-Totenkopfverbände • Waffen-SS Vol. 2: Waffen-SS M-40/41, M-42, M-43, M-44 Uniforms, Panzer Uniforms, Tropical Uniforms
Originally one of the paramilitary groups that arose in Germany's turbulent 1920s , the SS grew from its original protection activities into the"Death's Head" troops and the Verfugungstruppe, and later during WWII, the Waffen-SS. During its evolution, the SS changed from its black uniform into a variety of uniforms that eventually resembled those of the German army, in various types of fabric, and predominately field-gray, so often seen in period photographs and movies. In volume 2, Lorenzo Silvestri presents many different Waffen-SS uniforms with numerous full-color photos to display how the clothing appeared. In addition, numerous detail images are used to clearly expose key features of the uniforms and equipment. The text explains important details about the creation, manufacturing, and wear of each item. Period photos illustrate the wear of each item presented in the books. The two volumes present the various helmets, caps, trousers, tunics and jackets in nearly 900 pages with over 1,400 color, pre-WWII and WWII images.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Bing & Grohdahl™ Figurines
Explore the broad range of beautiful, high-quality porcelain figurines manufactured by the Bing & Grondahl Porcelain Manufactory, of Copenhagen, Denmark, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, collectors worldwide appreciate the sculptors’ and decorators’ skills, as reflected in their charming figurines. More than 700 animal and human figurines are shown, along with date marks, shop signs, plates, dishes, bowls, and vases. Approximately 1,000 Bing & Grondahl figurines have been identified and described. The figurines are cataloged in numerical order with identification of the sculptor, size, price, and a guide to rarity Ideal for novice collectors, figurine addicts, and dealers, this book provides insight to the huge range of high quality porcelain figurines available — both new (current production of Bing & Grondahl pieces by Royal Copenhagen) and vintage. It appeals especially to specialized collector-owners of dogs, cats, fauns, fish, etc.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Rockabilly/Psychobilly: An Art Anthology
A visual road trip from Route 66 to Route 666, this rockin’ collection of more than 600 artworks presents the unapologetically fun and undeniably cool spirit of rockabilly and psychobilly. The 55 artists featured here represent a global subculture and are some of today’s best lowbrow and cartoon artists, the de facto styles of the genre. Whether you’re burning for nostalgia or learning more about the phenomenon, this massive collection is a study of some of the main themes of modern rockabilly culture: respect the past, be proudly defiant, and stay true to what you like. Here you’ll see a broad range of stylistic influence from the 1930s to the 1990s as well as other sub-pop cultures like jazz, ska, surf, burlesque, punk, and horror adorning album art, show posters, comics, pin-ups, and more. Complete with a playlist curated by the artists, this is a must-have volume of art by artists who are finding success despite being outsiders.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Medieval Cooking in Today's Kitchen
This cookbook contains 78 recipes for delicious drinks, hearty breads, soups and hors d’oeuvres, robust entrées, and rich desserts that originate from the folkloric foundations of individual cultures throughout Europe and the English Isles in the Middle Ages. These ancient and exotic foods, libations, and flavors take you through history in a festive time machine—your own kitchen! Each recipe has been researched, translated, prepared by time-honored cooking traditions, and is suitable for modern chefs everywhere. Caws Wedi Pobi “Welsh Rarebit” and sweet and spicy Chawetty Tarts, and rare dishes like Pompys “Medieval Meatballs in Sweet Sauce,” Rissoles Meat Tarts, and roasted Aberdeenshire Pheasant are sure to find great favor with your guests. With simple and fun-to-make recipes, this book includes historical information, preparation suggestions, and a thorough resource guide that takes you and your guests on a culinary journey into the past when our ancestors ruled the ancient world.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd From the Platform: Subway Graffiti, 1983-1989: Subway Graffiti, 1983-1989
See the New York City transit system at a time the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has tried hard to forget. In the early '80s, graffiti writer Paul Cavalieri, who writes "CAVS," was drawn to the colorful tags on trains. He started learning train schedules so he could snap works by many writers of the time. This is a compilation of subway graffiti from 1983 to 1989, when the MTA announced that its fleet was entirely graffiti-free. More than 325 color photos capture everything from motion-bombed train interiors riddled with pilot marker tags to epic works covering whole exteriors, top to bottom. Artists tell their tales of adventure throughout and reminisce about working on live third rails, navigating the complex subway system to find their works, and witnessing graffiti's gradual disappearance from the trains. This book presents a nostalgic look at 1980s New York City and the street artists that gave it soul.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Wildfowl Canes and Walking Sticks with Power
Create beautiful, lifelike wildfowl cane handles with power tools. Over 145 clear color photographs illustrate each step, from carving the blank and setting the eyes to texturing feathers and painting the completed handle. Every tool necessary is described and displayed in detail. Patterns are provided for fifteen cane handle projects: including the American Flamingo, Bald Eagle, Brown Pelican, Cardinal, Cooper's Hawk, Great Blue Heron, Horned Puffin, Leghorn, two Mallards, Red Breasted Merganser, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Sandhill Crane, Tundra Swan and the Wood Duck. Instructions appear for procuring, sizing, and fastening shafts to the finished handles. This book will be a challenge to the novice and a joy to the expert carver
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sailor Jerry's Tattoo Stencils II
American tattoo master Sailor Jerry Collins of Hawaii is renowned for his exceptional tattoo designs that seamlessly blend the elegance of Asian motifs with the iconic imagery of American tattoos. Despite the widespread admiration for his work, the majority of Sailor Jerry’s creations have remained under the control of a select group of collectors, accessible only through museum exhibitions, art galleries, or limited-edition self-published books. Now, however, enthusiasts and art lovers alike can revel in a significant portion of Sailor Jerry’s stencils, the latest addition to the world of tattoo collectibles. This extensive collection encompasses the entirety of his illustrious tattoo career, spanning from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Within its pages lies the foundational linework of countless stunning designs that have become synonymous with Sailor Jerry’s artistry: captivating pinups, delicate roses, enchanting bluebirds, heartfelt hearts, dynamic banners, and, of course, his notorious military and political cartoons. Each of these stencils was meticulously handcrafted by the master himself, using celluloid, vinyl, or acetate sheets, specifically for his thriving tattoo trade in downtown Honolulu. In essence, these stencils are permanent tattoos etched into plastic, enduring as timeless artifacts. Many bear the subtle remnants of charcoal dust from their last usage, an organic testament to their rich history. Furthermore, every stencil is proudly signed by Jerry, featuring one of his distinct and recognizable signatures. A true rarity in its own right, this remarkable book stands alone as a comprehensive workbook for aspiring artists, providing valuable insights into Sailor Jerry’s techniques and an array of designs to ignite their creativity. Additionally, it serves as an indispensable catalog for aficionados of folk art history, chronicling Sailor Jerry’s profound impact on the evolution of tattoo culture. For those seeking to assess the worth of these invaluable stencils, the book includes an appraisal of their value, accompanied by detailed descriptions and explanations of their intended uses. Furthermore, a comprehensive glossary of tattoo terminology awaits, ensuring a thorough understanding of the art form.
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Collecting Laurel and Hardy
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Stars Cards and Stones
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. The Squarzi Archive
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Maritime Firefighting
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. KindKids Super Awesome Sticker Activity Book
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Interior Designers at Home
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. The Boats of Summer Volume 1
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Funky Florals
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Evolution of the Pedal Car -Vol .1: and other riding toys 1884-1970s
Child-size vehicles have been made as toys since the advent of a horseless carriage. Filled with images, descriptions, dimensions, and original values of toy vehicles, this book will delight adults who remember and children who dream. Original catalog pages from 1884 through 1974 give specific information today's enthusiasts want. 114 color photos show great old styles and recent styles. A wonderful reference and wish list.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Power Carving Santas with Tom Wolfe
After the big Christmas flight, while elves are busy updating the naughty and nice list or planning next year's product lines, what does Santa do with his spare time? Tom Wolfe has come up with a variety of pastimes the jolly old elf might pick up on his days off. Some of Santa's activities have been set into motion, combining Santa and a whirligig. Over 260 color photographs and easy to follow instructions take the carver through all the necessary steps to carve a Santa you can be proud of. In the carving project presented, Santa has kicked off the boots, pulled up his favorite chair, and is channel surfing with his TV remote. This project has its challenges. Using power tools, Tom guides the reader clearly and concisely through each carving step, creating Santa, his chair, and his "surf board" from a single block of butternut. Tom knows these single piece carvings are more difficult, but he is quick to remind that they are also the ones serious carvers win contests with. Sixteen patterns for six projects and a color gallery complete this book. These projects will provide a challenge to the beginner and will be a delight for the more advanced power carver.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Camel Cigarette Collectibles: The Early Years, 1913-1963
Year after year Coca-Cola and Camel Cigarettes are at the top of the annual list of the most internationally recognized commercial names. This fact is a testimony to the great care that R.J. Reynolds, the man and the company, has paid to advertising from the very beginning. From the introduction of Camel Cigarettes in 1913 to the incarnation of Joe Camel in 1988, the advertisers have shown a genius for capturing the public's attention and establishing a brand name that is widely recognized, by smokers and non-smokers alike. This new book celebrates the first fifty years of Camel advertising and packaging. Over 450 color photographs capture the rich images used to promote Camel goods. From the handsome men of the teens and early 1920s, through the arrival of the beautiful women in the late-20s, it continues into the war years, and the 1950s and early 1960s as the cigarette industry underwent a revolution in marketing. The images are accompanied by useful captions and an informative text. An estimate of current market values is included to make this a truly useful book for collectors.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Figural Planters
If you love collecting and are looking for a new collectible, this book is for you! Pictured are hundreds of planters imported since the 1950s, mainly for use by the floral industry. From lovely ladies in brightly colored Christmas and Valentine dresses to little boys playing baseball, there is something for everyone in this book. A large section is devoted to baby vases, as well as nursery rhyme characters and loveable Raggedy Ann and Andys. The accumulation of several years of extensive searching by the author, the book does justice to the amazing variety and ingenious design of these planters. Separated into specific categories with many lovely examples of each type of vase illustrated, this book will take you on an extended journey into the world of imported figural planters.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Masterpieces of Costume Jewelry
This important references takes an in-depth journey through the phenomental ascent of costume jewelry through the 20th century. The costume jewelry designers are discussed individually and their work is displayed in hundreds of magnificent photographs of their masterpieces. Unsigned masterpieces are also included, proving that the makers of many top quality pieces are sometimes unknown. This volume continues the unfolding story of costume jewelry begun with Joanne Ball's very popular book Costume Jewelers, The Great Age of Design and both authors' The Art of Fashion Accessories.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chewing Tobacco Tin Tags: 1870-1930
Among the least known of collectibles, tobacco tags are truly part of our American history and culture. Most of these beautiful little pieces of art are over 100 years old and come in various sizes and shapes, many very colorful. They have been collected since the 1870s, and continue to be sought after today. This reference will be welcomed by collectors, old and new. With a listing of over 6000 tin tags described and priced, 2000 illustrated tags, plus the many other illustrated and related features, this new work will fill the void and bring hours of pleasure to tobacco tag fanciers.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Panzer I
Covers the use and design of the Panzer I armored fighting vehicle.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Panzer IV
Covers the use and design of the Panzer IV armored fighting vehicle.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Stangl and Pennsbury Birds: Identification and Price Guide
Brightly colored Stangl Pottery earthenware bird figurines were made in New Jersey from the 1940s into the 1970s. The very similar Pennsbury birds were hatched in Pennsylvania during the 1950s by former Stangl employees. Today both companies' wares are eagerly sought by collectors in all parts of the country. In this first book of its kind, Mike Schneider shows the entire Stangle Birds of America series plus 60 examples of Pennsbury birds in beautiful individual color photos. There is also a chapter on the little known but highly desirable Stangl animal figures. This user-friendly book, in which the Stangl birds are listed by the model number, also includes an alphabetically arranged name index for complete and easy cross referencing and close up photos of marks. A price guide based on the current market makes this beautiful volume an invaluable tool for collectors and dealers.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tail Code USAF: The Complete History of USAF Tactical Aircraft Tail Code Markings
This full color book is a fully comprehensive reference work on USAF tail code markings, and covers all major command untis; Pacific Air Forces, Alaskan Air Command, TAC, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, USAFE, Air Training Command, Air Forces Logistics Command, and Air Force Systems Command. The tail codes are listed alphabetically and are cross-referenced in a tail code summary for ease of use. The 300 photographs show the variety of aircraft in the USAF arsenal.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Realistic Faces with Power
Finally, a book for power carvers by a power carver! Learn to carve realistic facial features with confidence and ease. Follow the concisely illustrated, step-by-step directions for carving all of the features found on the human head. Award winning carver/teacher Frank C. Russell guides you through the intricacies of carving the human face. His presentation is structured to offer a wealth of information, methods, and techniques to the seasoned and the beginning wood carver alike. Disciplines and guidelines pertaining to facial layout and proportion, as well as close-up photographic sequences, are coupled with techniques using power carving tools never before shown in print. Ten projects and plans allow the carver ample opportunity to apply and master the methods presented.