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Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Critical Reception of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises
Changing critical views of Hemingway's great novel of the Lost Generation, from publication to the present. In the eight decades since its publication, Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, like a Rorschach blot, has measured not only critics' opinions of Hemingway but also the critical temper of the times. An initial reviewer saw thebook as a satire on American expatriates, an unflattering portrait of wastrels and a nymphomaniac wandering Europe. Other critics of the time saw it as a reflection of post-First World War malaise, inscribing for history the LostGeneration - those critics, that is, who took it as a serious literary effort and did not simply dismiss it as pornographic, as Hemingway's own parents did. Since then the novel has been interpreted, variously, as a study of an impotent man's existential dilemma, re-read as a modern-day version of the Fisher King myth, attacked by feminist critics as the macho diatribe of a misogynist, and, most recently, seen as a study of gender roles and the performanceof masculinity. There is no other book that surveys the entire span of The Sun Also Rises criticism, documents the fashionable waves in which criticism has traveled, and points out how each age interprets the novel to suititself, reflecting the cultural concerns of the moment. Peter Hays is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of California, Davis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds and Confusión de Confusiones
"The market never ceases to befuddle and beguile. These twovenerable works are fixtures on the short lists for most valuablebooks on the securities markets, and investors continue to cherishthem." -From the Introduction by Martin S. Fridson ManagingDirector, Merrill Lynch & Co. Author of InvestmentIllusions Exploring the sometimes hilarious, sometimes devastating impact ofcrowd behavior and trading trickery on the financial markets, thisbook brilliantly combines two all-time investment classics.Extraordinary Popular Delusions and Confusión de Confusionestake us from Tulipmania in 1634-when tulips actually traded at ahigher price than gold-to the South Sea "bubble" of 1720, andbeyond. Securities analyst and author Martin Fridson guides you ona quirky, entertaining, and intriguing journey back throughtime. Chosen by the Financial Times as Two of the Ten Best Books EverWritten on Investment Critical Praise . . . "This is the most important book ever written about crowdpsychology and, by extension, about financial markets. A seriousstudent of the markets and even anyone interested in the extremesof human behavior should read this book!" -Ron Insana, CNBC "In combining 'Extraordinary' with 'Confusion,' the result is notextraordinary confusion. Instead, with clarity, the book sears intomodern investor minds the dangers of following the crowd." -GregHeberlein, The Seattle Times "You will see between its staid lines (written in ye olde Englishand as ponderable as Buddha's navel) that, despite what the mediasays, nothing really important has changed in the financial marketsin centuries." -Kenneth L. Fisher, Forbes
University of Texas Press Bridging: How Gloria Anzaldúa's Life and Work Transformed Our Own
The inspirational writings of cultural theorist and social justice activist Gloria Anzaldúa have empowered generations of women and men throughout the world. Charting the multiplicity of Anzaldúa's impact within and beyond academic disciplines, community trenches, and international borders, Bridging presents more than thirty reflections on her work and her life, examining vibrant facets in surprising new ways and inviting readers to engage with these intimate, heartfelt contributions.Bridging is divided into five sections: The New Mestizas: "transitions and transformations"; Exposing the Wounds: "You gave me permission to fly in the dark"; Border Crossings: Inner Struggles, Outer Change; Bridging Theories: Intellectual Activism with/in Borders; and "Todas somos nos/otras": Toward a "politics of openness." Contributors, who include Norma Elia Cantú, Elisa Facio, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Aída Hurtado, Andrea Lunsford, Denise Segura, Gloria Steinem, and Mohammad Tamdgidi, represent a broad range of generations, professions, academic disciplines, and national backgrounds. Critically engaging with Anzaldúa's theories and building on her work, they use virtual diaries, transformational theory, poetry, empirical research, autobiographical narrative, and other genres to creatively explore and boldly enact future directions for Anzaldúan studies.A book whose form and content reflect Anzaldúa's diverse audience, Bridging perpetuates Anzaldúa's spirit through groundbreaking praxis and visionary insights into culture, gender, sexuality, religion, aesthetics, and politics. This is a collection whose span is as broad and dazzling as Anzaldúa herself.
University of Pennsylvania Press Sustainable Lifeways: Cultural Persistence in an Ever-Changing Environment
Sustainable Lifeways addresses forces of conservatism and innovation in societies dependent on the exploitation of aquatic and other wild resources, agriculture, and specialized pastoralism. The volume gathers specialists working in four areas of the world with significant archaeological and paleoenvironmental databases: West Asia, the American Southwest, East Africa, and Andean South America, and contributing to research in three broad time scales: long term (spanning millennia), medium term (archaeological time, spanning centuries or a few thousand years), and recent (ethnohistoric or ethnographic, spanning years or decades). By bringing an archaeological eye to an examination of human response to unpredictable environmental conditions, informed by an understanding of contemporary traditional peoples, the contributors to this volume develop a more detailed picture of how societies perceive environmental risk, how they alter their behavior in the face of changing conditions, and under what challenges the most rapid and far-reaching changes in adaptation have taken place. Sustainable Lifeways enhances our understanding of both the forces of conservatism and innovation which may have been in play in major transitions in the past, such as the development of complex society, and the expansions of early empires. Studies present examples of cattle herders in East Africa, hunter-gatherers and pastoralists in the Levant, South American fisher/farmers, and farmer/hunters of the U.S. Southwest. PMIRC, volume 3
Oxford University Press Readerful Independent Library: Oxford Reading Level 8: Shackleton · Adventure Awaits
All aboard for the first Shackleton adventure! Shackleton loves to travel the world, but it can get lonely. Then he meets some new friends, Fisher and Dundee. They have no time to waste - there's a meteor heading straight for Fisher's family in New Zealand! Shackleton sets sail immediately, sure that he'll think of a plan to stop the meteor by the time they arrive ... This book is from Readerful's Independent Library. It is for children aged 7 to 8 to read without support. Readerful is a reading library specially designed to motivate children to read more. The series offers contemporary, inclusive books for children from 4 to 11 years, including: Books for Sharing: picture books to be read aloud by an adult for inspiring reading sessions Independent Library: fiction, graphic texts, character mini-series and non-fiction for children to read independently Rise: fully decodable books for older struggling readers to read independently. How Readerful works: - Read aloud the Books for Sharing for magical reading sessions that motivate children to read more. - Then encourage children to choose a book to read by themselves, from Readerful's Independent Library or from Rise. You'll find links between the books' topics, vocabulary, characters and authors - all designed to keep children reading, boost their vocabulary and develop their knowledge of the world around them.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tale of Little Pig Robinson: The original and authorized edition
The setting of Little Pig Robinson is based on various English seaside towns where she spent holidays when she was young. It tells the charming story of an adventurous pig who sets off on an incredible voyage aboard the 'Pound of Candles'.The Tale of Little Pig Robinson is number nineteen in Beatrix Potter's series of twenty-three little books, the titles of which are as follows:1. The Tale of Peter Rabbit 2. The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3. The Tailor of Gloucester4. The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5. The Tale of Two Bad Mice6. The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7. The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8. The Tale of Tom Kitten9. The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10. The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11. The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12. The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13. The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse14. The Tale of Mr. Tod15. The Tale of Pigling Bland16. The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17. The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18. The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20. The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21. The Story of Miss Moppet22. Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes23. Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes
Scarecrow Press Take Hold Upon the Future: Letters on Writers and Writing, 1938-1946
An uninhibited human document, this book reveals the inner workings of two very different minds struggling to meet the high standards of authorship they had set for themselves. Each served as a mentor to the other. Everson, known later as Brother Antoninus, a poet of the Beat Generation, comments trenchantly on Powell's novels (not published until the late 1970s) and Powell persuades Everson to reconsider words and images in his poems and give them titles. The letters include many insights on music as the two writers grow and develop emotionally and intellectually. Robinson Jeffers is the leitmotif for the book: Powell had written the first critical study of the poet and Jeffer's poems inspired Everson. Other writers appear-M.F.K. Fisher, Theodore Dreiser, Robert Duncan, Kenneth Rexroth, Henry Miller, and Archibald MacLeish, to name a few. Also sculptors Gordon Newell and Clayton James; painters Morris Graves amd Dillwyn Parrish; publishers James Laughlin and Ward Richie. Everson's draft board sent him to a conscientious objectors camp i Oregon, where he founded The Fine Arts at Waldport. The enforced separation of his internment, 1943-46, led to the dissolution of his marriage. Powell's unprecedented leap from junior librarian at UCLA to university librarian took place during these years, and his progress as a writer of columns, book reviews, and books is revealed.
Liverpool University Press Religious Truth: Towards a Jewish Theology of Religions
Truth informs much of the self-understanding of religious believers. Accordingly, understanding what we mean by ‘truth’ is a key challenge to interreligious collaboration. The contributors to this volume, all leading scholars, consider what is meant by truth in classical and contemporary Jewish thought, and explore how making the notion of truth more nuanced can enable interfaith dialogue. Their essays take a range of approaches: some focus on philosophy proper, others on the intersection with the history of ideas, while others engage with the history of Jewish mysticism and thought. Together they open up the notion of truth in Jewish religious discourse and suggest ways in which upholding a notion of one’s religion as true may be reconciled with an appreciation of other faiths. By combining philosophical and theological thinking with concrete case studies, and discussion of precedents and textual resources within Judaism, the volume proposes new interpretations of the concept of truth, going beyond traditional exclusivist uses of the term. A key aim is to help Jews seeking dialogue with other religions to do so while remaining true to their own faith tradition: in pursuit of this, the volume concludes with suggestions of how the ideas presented can be applied in practice. CONTRIBUTORS: Cass Fisher, Jerome Yehuda Gellman, Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Avraham Yizhak (Arthur) Green, Stanislaw Krajewski, Tamar Ross
John Wiley & Sons Inc Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds and Confusión de Confusiones
"The market never ceases to befuddle and beguile. These twovenerable works are fixtures on the short lists for most valuablebooks on the securities markets, and investors continue to cherishthem." -From the Introduction by Martin S. Fridson ManagingDirector, Merrill Lynch & Co. Author of InvestmentIllusions Exploring the sometimes hilarious, sometimes devastating impact ofcrowd behavior and trading trickery on the financial markets, thisbook brilliantly combines two all-time investment classics.Extraordinary Popular Delusions and Confusión de Confusionestake us from Tulipmania in 1634-when tulips actually traded at ahigher price than gold-to the South Sea "bubble" of 1720, andbeyond. Securities analyst and author Martin Fridson guides you ona quirky, entertaining, and intriguing journey back throughtime. Chosen by the Financial Times as Two of the Ten Best Books EverWritten on Investment Critical Praise . . . "This is the most important book ever written about crowdpsychology and, by extension, about financial markets. A seriousstudent of the markets and even anyone interested in the extremesof human behavior should read this book!" -Ron Insana, CNBC "In combining 'Extraordinary' with 'Confusion,' the result is notextraordinary confusion. Instead, with clarity, the book sears intomodern investor minds the dangers of following the crowd." -GregHeberlein, The Seattle Times "You will see between its staid lines (written in ye olde Englishand as ponderable as Buddha's navel) that, despite what the mediasays, nothing really important has changed in the financial marketsin centuries." -Kenneth L. Fisher, Forbes
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Diversity in the East–Central European Borderlan – Memories, Cityscapes, People
Built on up-to-date field material, this edited volume suggests an anthropological approach to the palimpsest-like milieus of Wroclaw, Lviv, Chernivtsi, and Chişinău. In these East-Central European borderline cities, the legacies of Nazism, Marxism-Leninism, and violent ethno-nationalism have been revisited in recent decades in search of profound moral reckoning and in response to the challenges posed by the (post-)transitional period. Present shapes and contents of these urban settings derive from combinations of fragmented material environments, cultural continuities and political ruptures, present-day heritage industries and collective memories about the contentious past, expressive architectural forms and less conspicuous meaning-making activities of human actors. In other words, they evolve from perpetual tensions between choices of the past and the burden of the past. A novel feature of this book is its multi-level approach to the analysis of engagements with the lost diversity in historical urban milieus full of post-war voids and ruptures. In particular, the collected studies test the possibility of combining the theoretical propositions of Memory Studies with broader conceptualizations of borderlands, cosmopolitan sociality, urban mythologies, and hybridity. The volumes contributors are Eleonora Narvselius, Bo Larsson, Natalia Otrishchenko, Anastasia Felcher, Juliet D. Golden, Hana Cervinkova, Pawel Czajkowski, Alexandr Voronovici, Barbara Pabjan, Nadiia Bureiko, Teodor Lucian Moga, and Gaelle Fisher.
Milkweed Editions Scared Violent Like Horses: Poems
Selected by Victoria Chang as winner of the Jake Adam York Prize, John McCarthy’s Scared Violent Like Horses is a deeply personal examination of violent masculinity, driven by a yearning for more compassionate ways of being. McCarthy’s flyover country is populated by a family strangled by silence: a father drunk and mute in the passenger seat, a mother sinking into bed like a dish at the bottom of a sink, and a boy whose friends play punch-for-punch for fun. He shows us a boy struggling to understand pain carried down through generations and how quickly abandonment becomes a silent kind of violence; “how we deny each other, daily, so many chances to care,” and how “we didn’t know how to talk about loss, / so we made each other lose.” Constant throughout is the brutality of the Midwestern landscape that, like the people who inhabit it, turns out to be beautiful in its vulnerability: sedgegrass littered with plastic bags floating like ghosts, dilapidated houses with abandoned Fisher Price toys in the yard, and silos of dirt and rust under a sky that struggles to remember the ground below. With arresting lyricism and humility, Scared Violent Like Horses attends to the insecurities that hide at the heart of what’s been turned harsh, offering a smoldering but redemptive and tender view of the lost, looked over, and forgotten.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Constable's Skies: Paintings and Sketches by John Constable
John Constable is one of the greatest painters of the English weather. His depictions of the sky are essential components of all his landscape paintings, from famous works such as The Hay Wain and Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows to his numerous cloud studies painted on Hampstead Heath, culminating in paintings in which the landscape beneath the ever-changing sky is completely absent. Constable kept a weather diary and was endlessly fascinated by the sky. In a letter written in 1821 to friend John Fisher, Bishop of Salisbury, Constable commented, ‘That landscape painter who does not make his skies a very material part of his composition, neglects to avail himself of one of his greatest aids ... It will be difficult to name a class of landscape in which the sky is not the key note, the standard of scale, and the chief organ of sentiment.’ Written by Mark Evans, a leading authority on the work of John Constable, Constable’s Skies captures the artist’s fascination with the sky and brings together his depictions of the English weather from throughout his career. It will appeal to a broad readership of museum visitors and art lovers, as well as practising landscape painters keen to learn new skills by studying the work of one of the most enduringly popular English artists of all time.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse: The original and authorized edition
Do you ever feel that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? Well, so did Johnny Town-Mouse and Timmy Willie. One was a town mouse and one was a country mouse, and when they end up in each other's worlds they soon discover that they were much happier where they started!The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse is number 13 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books, the titles of which are as follows:1 The Tale of Peter Rabbit2 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3 The Tailor of Gloucester4 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5 The Tale of Two Bad Mice6 The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7 The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8 The Tale of Tom Kitten9 The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10 The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11 The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12 The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13 The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse 14 The Tale of Mr. Tod15 The Tale of Pigling Bland16 The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17 The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18 The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19 The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20 The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21 The Story of Miss Moppet22 Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes23 Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tale of Ginger & Pickles: The original and authorized edition
Ginger and Pickles (a terrier and a ginger cat) kept a very popular shop. Their customers loved to buy their provisions there, but they were less keen to pay for them and ran up a gret deal of credit, making poor Ginger and Pickles lives very difficult indeed.The Tale of Ginger and Pickles is number 18 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books, the titles of which are as follows:1 The Tale of Peter Rabbit2 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3 The Tailor of Gloucester4 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5 The Tale of Two Bad Mice6 The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7 The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8 The Tale of Tom Kitten9 The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10 The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11 The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12 The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13 The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse 14 The Tale of Mr. Tod15 The Tale of Pigling Bland16 The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17 The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18 The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19 The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20 The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21 The Story of Miss Moppet22 Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes23 Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc VaR Methodology for Non-Gaussian Finance
With the impact of the recent financial crises, more attention must be given to new models in finance rejecting “Black-Scholes-Samuelson” assumptions leading to what is called non-Gaussian finance. With the growing importance of Solvency II, Basel II and III regulatory rules for insurance companies and banks, value at risk (VaR) – one of the most popular risk indicator techniques plays a fundamental role in defining appropriate levels of equities. The aim of this book is to show how new VaR techniques can be built more appropriately for a crisis situation.VaR methodology for non-Gaussian finance looks at the importance of VaR in standard international rules for banks and insurance companies; gives the first non-Gaussian extensions of VaR and applies several basic statistical theories to extend classical results of VaR techniques such as the NP approximation, the Cornish-Fisher approximation, extreme and a Pareto distribution. Several non-Gaussian models using Copula methodology, Lévy processes along with particular attention to models with jumps such as the Merton model are presented; as are the consideration of time homogeneous and non-homogeneous Markov and semi-Markov processes and for each of these models. Contents 1. Use of Value-at-Risk (VaR) Techniques for Solvency II, Basel II and III.2. Classical Value-at-Risk (VaR) Methods.3. VaR Extensions from Gaussian Finance to Non-Gaussian Finance.4. New VaR Methods of Non-Gaussian Finance.5. Non-Gaussian Finance: Semi-Markov Models.
And Other Stories This Is How We Come Back Stronger: Feminist Writers On Turning Crisis Into Change
Feminist writers come together to respond to the crisis of 2020 in this unique collection of essays, interviews, and fiction. Spring 2020. When everything changed. As life around the world retreated behind closed doors, gender inequalities and systemic racism were brought to new and shocking prominence. Womxn of all backgrounds and experiences were disproportionately affected by the crisis. Essential debate and action was, for a time, silenced. Then we re-emerged in protest and started to rethink our fight for equality. So, what happens now? Challenging, inspiring and fiercely optimistic, This Is How We Come Back Stronger is an intersectional feminist collection for our times. Published on the one-year anniversary of lockdown, writers from both sides of the Atlantic reflect on what matters most in these difficult days, and what the future can hold for us all. 20% of every sale will be donated to charities Women's Aid and Imkaan in the fight to end domestic abuse and support survivors. Featuring contributions from Akasha Hull, Amelia Abraham, Catherine Cho, Dorothy Koomson, Fatima Bhutto, Fox Fisher, Francesca Martinez, Gina Miller, Helen Lederer, Jenny Sealey, Jess Phillips, Jessica Moor, Jude Kelly, Juli Delgado Lopera, Juliet Jacques, Kate Mosse, Kerry Hudson, Kuchenga, Laura Bates, Lauren Bravo, Layla F. Saad, Lindsey Dryden, Lisa Taddeo, Melissa Cummings-Quarry and Natalie A. Carter, Michelle Tea, Mireille Cassandra Harper, Molly Case, Radhika Sanghani, Rosanna Amaka, Sara Collins, Sarah Eagle Heart, Shaz, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Sophie Williams, Stella Duffy, Virgie Tovar, Yomi Adegoke
Allen & Unwin Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: The evidence-based 7 step recovery program
Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis is an established and successful program of treatment. Once a diagnosis of MS meant inevitable decline and disability. Now thousands of people around the world are living healthy, active lives on the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis recovery program.Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis explains the nature of MS and outlines an evidence-based 7 step program for recovery. Professor George Jelinek devised the program from an exhaustive analysis of medical research when he was first diagnosed with MS in 1999. It has been refined through major ongoing international clinical studies under Professor Jelinek's leadership, examining the lifestyles of several thousand people with MS world-wide and their health outcomes.Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis is invaluable for anyone recently diagnosed with MS, living with MS for years, or with a family member with MS. It makes an ideal resource for doctors treating people with MS.'I would have no hesitation in recommending Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis to my patients, but also to my friends and colleagues.' Professor Gavin Giovannoni, MBBCh, PhD, FCP (S.A., Neurol.) , FRCP, FRCPath, Chair of Neurology, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry'Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis combines hard scientific evidence with practical advice and compassion. It will be of benefit to nearly everybody affected by MS and I heartily recommend it.' Dr Peter Fisher FRCP , Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and Director of Research, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
University of Minnesota Press The City, the River, the Bridge: Before and after the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
On August 1, 2007, just after 6:00 p.m., during the evening rush hour in Minneapolis, the 1,900-foot-long, eight-lane I-35W bridge buckled and crashed into the Mississippi River. The unimaginable had happened right on the doorstep of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. Many of the first responders were from the University, persevering in the midst of chaos and disbelief. In the ensuing weeks, research and engineering teams from the University reviewed the wreckage, searched for causes, and began planning for the future.The City, the River, the Bridge represents another set of responses to the disaster. Stemming from a 2008 University of Minnesota symposium on the bridge collapse and the building of a new bridge, it addresses the ramifications of the disaster from the perspectives of history, engineering, architecture, water science, community-based journalism, and geography. Contributors examine the factors that led to the collapse, the lessons learned from the disaster and the response, the policy and planning changes that have occurred or are likely to occur, and the impact on the city and the Mississippi River. The City, the River, the Bridge demonstrates the University's commitment to issues that concern the community and shares insights on public questions of city building, infrastructure, and design policy.Contributors: John O. Anfinson; Roberto Ballarini; Heather Dorsey; Thomas Fisher; Minmao Liao; Judith A. Martin; Roger Miller; Mark Pedelty; Deborah L. Swackhamer; Melissa Thompson.
Baker Publishing Group The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater
It promises beauty but steals life instead. Will the ghosts of Barlowe Theater entomb them all? Barlowe Theater stole the life of Greta Mercy's eldest brother during its construction. Now in 1915, the completed theater appears every bit as deadly. When Greta's younger brother goes missing after breaking into the building, Greta engages the assistance of a local police officer to help her unveil the already ghostly secrets of the theater. But when help comes from an unlikely source, Greta decides that to save her family she must uncover the evil that haunts the theater and put its threat to rest. Decades later, Kit Boyd's best friend vanishes during a ghost walk at the Barlowe Theater, and old stories of mysterious disappearances and ghoulish happenings are revived. Then television ghost-hunting host and skeptic Evan Fisher joins Kit in the quest to identify the truth behind the theater's history. Kit reluctantly agrees to work with him in hopes of finding her missing friend. As the theater's curse unravels Kit's life, she is determined to put an end to the evil that has marked the theater and their hometown for the last century. Jaime Jo Wright's Books Will Mesmerize You With . . . "Intoxicating menace, eerie elegance, and satisfying suspense."--Booklist starred review "A twisting, fast-moving plot loaded with secrets."--Publishers Weekly "A delightfully creepy tale where nothing is quite as it seems."--Library Journal
Princeton University Press Fortune Tellers: The Story of America's First Economic Forecasters
The period leading up to the Great Depression witnessed the rise of the economic forecasters, pioneers who sought to use the tools of science to predict the future, with the aim of profiting from their forecasts. This book chronicles the lives and careers of the men who defined this first wave of economic fortune tellers, men such as Roger Babson, Irving Fisher, John Moody, C. J. Bullock, and Warren Persons. They competed to sell their distinctive methods of prediction to investors and businesses, and thrived in the boom years that followed World War I. Yet, almost to a man, they failed to predict the devastating crash of 1929. Walter Friedman paints vivid portraits of entrepreneurs who shared a belief that the rational world of numbers and reason could tame--or at least foresee--the irrational gyrations of the market. Despite their failures, this first generation of economic forecasters helped to make the prediction of economic trends a central economic activity, and shed light on the mechanics of financial markets by providing a range of statistics and information about individual firms. They also raised questions that are still relevant today. What is science and what is merely guesswork in forecasting? What motivates people to buy forecasts? Does the act of forecasting set in motion unforeseen events that can counteract the forecast made? Masterful and compelling, Fortune Tellers highlights the risk and uncertainty that are inherent to capitalism itself.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Europe Incorporated: The New Challenge
'Gianni Montezemolo has produced an outstanding book on the strategic implications of the emergence of greater Europe for global companies. Based on his many years of experience as a senior executive of major international companies, Montezemolo makes a convincing case as to why greater Europe is destined to be the next economic super power. His hands-on experience makes him uniquely qualified, not only about the need for developing a strategic vision for Europe, but also about the key managerial issues facing companies operating in greater Europe. This book is a "must read" for the CEOs of major corporations throughout the world.' Professor Michael Yoshino, Harvard Business School 'Europe Incorporated: The New Challenge offers fresh, clear insights into where Europe is heading and what to do about it. Anyone with an interest in the Europe of tomorrow will profit from reading these pages.' George Fisher, Chairman and CEO, Kodak 'Global businesses pay a lot of attention to shifts in economic power. The author's view of the coming European millennium challenges traditional perceptions and offers compelling reading.' Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, CEO, Nestlé 'Europe Incorporated: The New Challenge addresses a key issue for most CEOs: how to take advantage of the profit opportunities that greater Europe provides. The development of the single market enhanced by the euro, and the opening of Eastern Europe requires major structural changes even in companies that have so far been quite successful.' Antony Burgmans, Chairman, Unilever
Pan Macmillan Christmas in the Snow
With glamorous locations and heart-breaking twists, Christmas in the Snow by Karen Swan is all you need for a truly decadent Christmas holiday. The perfect gift – even if it's just to yourself.No secret stays buried forever . . .In London, the snow is falling and Christmas is just around the corner – but Allegra Fisher barely has time to notice. She's pitching for the biggest deal of her career and can't afford to fail. And when she meets attractive stranger, Sam Kemp, on the plane to the meeting, she can't afford to lose her focus either. She learned to shut off her emotions long ago and only her sister and best friend Isobel knows why. But when Allegra finds herself up against Sam for the bid, their passion quickly turns sour.In Zermatt in the Swiss Alps, a long-lost mountain hut is discovered in the snow after sixty years and the last person expecting to become involved is Allegra – she hasn't even heard of the woman they found inside. But it soon becomes clear the two women are linked and, as she and Iz travel out to make sense of the mystery, hearts thaw and dark secrets are uncovered, long buried by the snow.'Hide indoors with a glass of wine and lose yourself in this.' – HeatEscape with more of Karen Swan's captivating novels: Christmas at Tiffany's and Midnight in the Snow.
McGraw-Hill Education Capital Allocation: Principles, Strategies, and Processes for Creating Long-Term Shareholder Value
Generate double-digit returns and seize the competitive edge with smart, savvy capital allocationThe strategic deployment of capital is one of the most effective ways to create long-term value. But how much do you know about what your organization spends capital on or the timing of that capital deployment? This kind of knowledge can make the difference between organizational success and failure. Capital Allocation provides the tools, processes, strategies, and insights you need to add more value to your company. Examining the various alternatives at your disposal regarding the deployment of excess capital, David Giroux, Chief Investment Officer for Equities and Multi-Asset at T. Rowe Price, covers the entire gamut of capital allocation issues, including optimizing capital structure, capital allocation alternatives, M&A, and special situations.Giroux uses academic research, personal experience, and uncomplicated mathematics to illuminate the principles, strategies, and processes that can create long-term shareholder wealth. He provides case studies from Kodak, Comcast, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danaher, GE, and others showing how capital allocation has—and hasn’t—worked in real-life situations. And he shows how to use capital allocation to head off possible activist investors.Some textbooks touch on the concept of capital allocation, but none examines the subject as practically or thoroughly as this book. Capital Allocation offers everything you need to know for deploying capital wisely to outperform your competitors over the long term.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tale Of Peter Rabbit: Birthday Edition
Celebrate our beloved furry friend, Peter Rabbit, with this beautiful birthday edition of the classic tale.This birthday edition has been re-originated to match Beatrix Potter's first published work with a celebratory new cover.A must have first book for every little reader.Peter Rabbit loves the yummy vegetables he finds in Mr McGregor's garden, the only problem is: Mr McGregor doesn't want Peter to get his paws on his crops!Since appearing in 1902 in the first of Beatrix Potter's well-loved tales, this mischievous little rabbit has hopped into the heart of generations of book lovers.Beatrix Potter is one of the world's best-loved children's authors, and has created a vast collection of stories based on her other iconic characters, including Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mr. Jeremy Fisher and Tom Kitten.Her humorous and lively tales are a natural part of childhood, and are the perfect nursery books for all little ones.Today Beatrix Potter's original 23 tales are still published by Frederick Warne, alongside a wide range of other formats including baby books, activity books and gift and sound books.The Tale of Peter Rabbit is number one in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books.Check out the rest of the titles:The World of Peter Rabbit: The Complete Collection 1-23The Complete Adventures of Peter RabbitThe Tale of Peter Rabbit Picture Book
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on New Product Development
New products are the major driver of revenue growth in today's dynamic business environment. In this Handbook, the world's foremost experts on new product development bring together the latest thinking on this vitally important topic. These thought-leading authors organize knowledge into useful and insightful frameworks, covering all aspects of new product development: companies, collaborators, customers, context, markets, and performance. The contributors delve into a broad range of topics, covering each one deeply and comprehensively. Careful attention to the development of these topics make it a fantastic single-source reference for state-of-the-art knowledge on new product development, including comprehensive sets of questions and discussion topics to inspire future research.Managers will benefit from the Handbook by expanding their knowledge of new product development, and for researchers, the book provides a comprehensive look at the current research, as well as offering opportunities to continue expanding on this body of knowledge.Contributors include: A.M. Baker, B.L. Bayus, S. Bharadwaj, D. Boyd, R.J. Calantone, G. Challagalla, D. Chandrasekaran, G. Colarelli O'Connor, R.G. Cooper, C.A. Di Benedetto, N. Donthu, E. Fang, G.J. Fisher, N.Z. Foutz, N. Franke, E. Genc, J. Goldenberg, P.N. Golder, D.A. Griffith, E. Keko, V. Kuppuswamy, D. Mitra, C. Moorman, C.P. Moreau, H. Nguyen, J.C. Prabhu, G.J. Prevo, N. Ramani, V.R. Rao, S.M. Shugan, R. Srinivasan, S. Stremersch, G.J. Tellis, L.H. Vincent, E. von Hippel, S. Wies, G. Yalcinkaya, E. Yin
Amber Books Ltd Abandoned Industrial Places: Factories, laboratories, mills and mines that the world left behind
The decaying remnants of obselete industries and defunct commerce – whether coal mines, shipyards, factories, shopping centres, power plants, warehouses or mills – lie scattered in desolate locations throughout the world. These left-over structures still hold memories of the life that was once there. Transience was built in from the start. When a mine was worked out, it was abandoned; sometimes its machinery was removed to another mine, but often it was easier to equip the new place with more up-to-date equipment. Abandoned Industrial Places explores the discarded detritus of our modern mechanized age. Discover the grand Ore Dock in Marquette, USA, squatting isolated in the waters of Lake Superior; or the abandoned Caspian Sea oil rigs and drilling gear in Azerbaijan; or the enormous, gaping pit of the 1200m (3900ft) wide Mirny diamond mine in Sakha Republic, Russia; or the 700m (765yd) high wall of latticed steel towers of the Duga radar in Chernobyl, Ukraine; or the Domino Sugar Refinery, Brooklyn, New York – formerly the world’s largest sugar refinery when built in 1882; or the still contaminated Fisher Body Plant 21 in Detroit, USA, a place where General Motors created some of their great marques for almost a hundred years. Filled with more than 200 memorable photographs from every part of the planet, Abandoned Industrial Places provides a strange and often spooky insight into the life and workings of industries long since ceased.
Headline Publishing Group The Asylum: The beautiful and haunting gothic thriller, perfect for fans of The Familiars
Perfect for fans of The Familiars and The Glass House, this is the intoxicating story of one woman's fight for freedom in Victorian England. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'Outstanding gothic psychological thriller!' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'Fantastic character and fantastic story. Buy this book' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'Beautifully written and incredibly addictive' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'I can’t stop thinking about it' ___________WHO IS MAUD LOVELL AND WHERE HAS SHE COME FROM? Maud has been at Angelton Lunatic Asylum for 5 years.She has no memory of her past or how she came to be here.They say she is violent and unstable, hysterical and untrustworthy.But when she's hypnotised, the memories come flooding back. And now it's time for revenge.Welcome to Angelton Lunatic Asylum. Once you're in, it's murder getting out . . . ___________PRAISE FOR THE ASYLUM:'Haunting and mesmerising' – Essie Fox, author of The Last Days of Leda Grey'Vivid, disturbing and visceral, The Asylum is this year's must-read!' – Ruby Speechley, author of A Mother Like You'This twisty rollercoaster story made me desperate for Maud's salvation and yearn for her revenge. Utterly compelling' – Kerry Fisher, author of The Woman I Was Before'Evocative, menacing and darkly sinister. A brilliantly executed gothic thriller that will leave you breathless' – Jane Isaac, international bestselling crime fiction author'A historic novel that seethes with claustrophobia, trauma and thoughts of revenge. What a sophisticated and gripping tale' – Fiona Mitchell, author of The Swap
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or the Roly-Poly Pudding: The original and authorized edition
The first farm that Beatrix Potter owned, Hill Top, was an old house with thick walls and many hiding places for rats and mice. In The Tale of Samuel Whiskers this farmhouse is Tom Kitten's home and the story tells what happens when Tom accidently comes upon the rat Samuel Whiskers living in a secret hideout behind the attic walls.The Tale of Samuel Whiskers is number 16 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books, the titles of which are as follows:1 The Tale of Peter Rabbit2 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3 The Tailor of Gloucester4 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5 The Tale of Two Bad Mice6 The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7 The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8 The Tale of Tom Kitten9 The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10 The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11 The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12 The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13 The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse 14 The Tale of Mr. Tod15 The Tale of Pigling Bland16 The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17 The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18 The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19 The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20 The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21 The Story of Miss Moppet22 Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes23 Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tale of Tom Kitten: The original and authorized edition
The Tale of Tom Kitten is set in the cottage garden Beatrix created herself at Hill Top, the farm she owned near the village of Sawrey. Tom and his sisters look so smart in their new clothes. When their mother sends them outside while she waits for her visitors, she couldn't possibly guess what kind of mess they are going to get themselves into!The Tale of Tom Kitten is number eight in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books, the titles of which are as follows:1 The Tale of Peter Rabbit2 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3 The Tailor of Gloucester4 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5 The Tale of Two Bad Mice6 The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7 The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8 The Tale of Tom Kitten9 The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10 The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11 The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12 The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13 The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse 14 The Tale of Mr. Tod15 The Tale of Pigling Bland16 The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17 The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18 The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19 The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20 The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21 The Story of Miss Moppet22 Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes23 Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Theory and Methods in Applied Health Research: Questions, Methods and Choices
This Handbook expertly instructs the reader on how to conduct applied health research across a number of disciplines. Particularly aimed at postgraduate health researchers and students of applied health research, it presents and explains a wide range of research designs and other contemporary issues in applied health research. Focusing on learning outcomes, it takes the reader from underpinning epistemological, ontological and methodological considerations through to the key features of highlighted research designs and how to apply these in practice. In so doing, the experienced group of authors guides the reader in the choice of design for their own studies. They both examine the underpinning paradigmatic questions that guide important design choices and also explore the practical considerations that have to be taken into account when conducting research in this field. This book covers a range of designs from different traditions and also points readers to the key literatures in their areas of interest. Master's students across a range of disciplines will find this book invaluable and it will also be an essential reference tool for PhD students and new researchers in applied health research. Contributors include: F. Ahmed, H. Aveyard, S. Baines, A. Bingley, S. Brearley, G. Chatzidamianos, M. Collins, A. Dodd, M. Edwards, N. Fisher, I. Fletcher, T. Gatrell, A. Grinyer, E. Halliday, C. Murray, R.J. Parker, G. Perez Algorta, N. Preston, S. Reilly, J. Simpson, C. Thomas, S. Varey, C. Walshe, D. Wilde
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Emissions Trading and WTO Law: A Global Analysis
The legal arrangements applying to the economic and commercial aspects of managing natural resources have traditionally been unrelated to those applying to the management of ecosystems and the protection of the environment. However, the interface between what have increasingly been described as economic law and environmental law has become an issue of both practical and theoretical importance at all levels of the legal system. Dr Felicity Deane's global analysis of the relationship between emissions trading law and the law of the World Trade Organization is both timely and important. She skillfully reviews the range of complex legal issues. The result is a significant contribution to the legal literature.'- Douglas Fisher, Queensland University of Technology, AustraliaEmissions trading is an economic legal framework designed to address the global environmental crisis of climate change. This book analyses the broader impacts of these frameworks - particularly the relationship between emissions trading schemes and the WTO.Felicity Deane focuses primarily on the rules of the WTO as a tool to demonstrate where the boundaries exist for acceptable interface with international trade. She explores the meaning of goods and products, services, subsidies and border adjustments within the context of the WTO rules and considers the impacts of these definitions on emissions trading frameworks.Academics and students with an interest in the WTO and the convergence of trade and environment will find this an insightful book. The points raised will also be useful to legal professionals, economists and policymakers involved in emissions trading practices.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the International Penal System
Drawing on the expertise and experience of contributors from a wide range of academic, professional and judicial backgrounds, the Research Handbook on the International Penal System critically analyses the laws, policies and practices that govern detention, punishment and the enforcement of sentences in the international criminal justice context. Comprehensive and innovative, it examines the operation of the international penal system, covering pertinent issues such as non-custodial sanctions, monitoring of conditions of detention, the protection of prisoners under international law and the transfer of prisoners. These aspects are presented in a logical order, linking up with the chronological sequence of the international criminal justice process. Far-reaching, this Handbook also explores broader normative questions related to contemporary human rights law, transitional and restorative justice and victim redress, before exploring contemporary and alternative mechanisms for punishing and overseeing punishment, and possible avenues for development.This up-to-date assessment will provide valuable insights for researchers and students of international criminal law and justice, comparative penal law, penology, prisoners' rights and transitional and restorative justice. Its recommendations for development will also interest international and national officials working in criminal law and justice.Contributors: D. Abels, K. Ambos, O. Bekou, S. D Ascoli, T.A. Doherty, M.A. Drumbl, S.A. Fisher, B. Holá, A. Jones, N. Kiefer, C. McCarthy, L. McGregor, R. Mulgrew, J.C. Nemitz, M.M. Penrose, G. Sluiter, S. Snacken, A. Trotter, H. van der Wilt, J. van Wijk, D. van Zyl Smit, R. Young
John Wiley & Sons Inc Money Without Boundaries: How Blockchain Will Facilitate the Denationalization of Money
Discover how blockchain will facilitate a new currency that will transcend space and time Largely inspired by The Denationalization of Money by Fredrich Hayek, Money Without Boundaries’ ideological foundation is also inspired by economists and thought leaders like Milton Friedman and Irving Fisher, advancements in capital markets over the past 50 years, and the convergence of old and new technologies. Author Thomas J. Anderson explains how blockchain acts as the filter and the glue, making it all possible. Compared with other currencies, blockchain-managed money markets are more straightforward and transparent. It is easier to monitor, understand, and assess the quality of their "full-faith and credit." Money Without Boundaries shows how not only money, but also the process of borrowing and lending, will evolve to be conducted in a 100% trusted, secure, transparent, open architecture environment. Anderson begins with a history of money and discusses the rise of cryptocurrency, concluding with a comparison of decentralized money markets to all other alternatives. Money without Boundaries: • Demonstrates how blockchain technology allows full transparency • Explains how blockchain makes it possible for money to be fully commoditized • Explains how this fully market-based, decentralized, self-regulating system has vast implications throughout the global financial system • Shows how everyone will benefit when they have the opportunity to compete on “full faith in credit” If you are interested in cryptocurrency, money, monetary theory, or understanding how the applied uses of blockchain technology will change your everyday life, this is essential reading.
University of Minnesota Press Sex before Sex: Figuring the Act in Early Modern England
What is sex exactly? Does everyone agree on a definition? And does that definition hold when considering literary production in other times and places? Sex before Sex makes clear that we cannot simply transfer our contemporary notions of what constitutes a sex act into the past and expect them to be true for the people who were then reading literature and watching plays. The contributors confront how our current critical assumptions about definitions of sex restrict our understanding of representations of sexuality in early modern England. Drawing attention to overlooked forms of sexual activity in early modern culture, from anilingus and interspecies sex to “chin-chucking” and convivial drinking, Sex before Sex offers a multifaceted view of what sex looked like before the term entered history. Through incisive interpretations of a wide range of literary texts, including Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, Paradise Lost, the figure of Lucretia, and pornographic poetry, this collection queries what might constitute sex in the absence of a widely accepted definition and how a historicized concept of sex affects the kinds of arguments that can be made about early modern sexualities.Contributors: Holly Dugan, George Washington U; Will Fisher, CUNY–Lehman College; Stephen Guy-Bray, U of British Columbia; Melissa J. Jones, Eastern Michigan U; Thomas H. Luxon, Dartmouth College; Nicholas F. Radel, Furman U; Kathryn Schwarz, Vanderbilt U; Christine Varnado, U of Buffalo–SUNY.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Stories Trainers Tell: 55 Ready-to-Use Stories to Make Training Stick
Make challenging concepts more memorable, even unforgettable! "Stories Trainers Tell is full of fun, entertaining, and useful stories that help bring any training alive. Use it and watch people smile and learn!" --Ken Blanchard, coauthor, The One Minute Manager® and Whale Done!(TM) Telling stories is a powerful way to make a point, especially when the stories are compelling, well-constructed, and poignant. This book captures thought-provoking stories contributed by trainers, nationally known speakers, consultants, business leaders, educators, and professional storytellers that help make challenging ideas and abstract concepts stick. The stories are organized around major organizational development and training themes, such as leadership, diversity, teamwork, performance and coaching, and customer service. Accompanying each story are tips, debriefing questions, key points, and a follow-up activity to maximize its impact and learning potential. Includes a free CD-ROM with narrative readings of each story! Contributors include: Merrill Anderson, Jean Barbazette, Joe Barnes, Paula Bartholome, Chip Bell, Geoff Bellman, William Austin Boone, Sharon L. Bowman, Karen D. L. Byrson, Chris Clarke-Epstein, Hortencia Delgadillo, Larry English, Marcy Fisher, Suzann Gardner, Joan Gillman, Steve Hanamura, Lunell Haught, Sandra Hoskins, Katherine M. Hudson, David Hutchens, Joan Lloyd, Kate Lutz, Robert McIlree, Maureen G. Mulvaney, Kathy A. Nielsen, Clare Novak, Julie O'Mara, Laura V. Page, Jonathan M. Preston, John Renesch, Shelley R. Robbins, Marcia Ruben, Sheriene Saadati, Edward E. Scannell, L.G. Shanklin-Flowers, Bob Shaver, Doug Stevenson, Ed Tate, Sivasailam 'Thiagi' Thiagarajan, and David Zach.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on New Product Development
New products are the major driver of revenue growth in today's dynamic business environment. In this Handbook, the world's foremost experts on new product development bring together the latest thinking on this vitally important topic. These thought-leading authors organize knowledge into useful and insightful frameworks, covering all aspects of new product development: companies, collaborators, customers, context, markets, and performance. The contributors delve into a broad range of topics, covering each one deeply and comprehensively. Careful attention to the development of these topics make it a fantastic single-source reference for state-of-the-art knowledge on new product development, including comprehensive sets of questions and discussion topics to inspire future research.Managers will benefit from the Handbook by expanding their knowledge of new product development, and for researchers, the book provides a comprehensive look at the current research, as well as offering opportunities to continue expanding on this body of knowledge.Contributors include: A.M. Baker, B.L. Bayus, S. Bharadwaj, D. Boyd, R.J. Calantone, G. Challagalla, D. Chandrasekaran, G. Colarelli O'Connor, R.G. Cooper, C.A. Di Benedetto, N. Donthu, E. Fang, G.J. Fisher, N.Z. Foutz, N. Franke, E. Genc, J. Goldenberg, P.N. Golder, D.A. Griffith, E. Keko, V. Kuppuswamy, D. Mitra, C. Moorman, C.P. Moreau, H. Nguyen, J.C. Prabhu, G.J. Prevo, N. Ramani, V.R. Rao, S.M. Shugan, R. Srinivasan, S. Stremersch, G.J. Tellis, L.H. Vincent, E. von Hippel, S. Wies, G. Yalcinkaya, E. Yin
Little, Brown Book Group Homeward Bound: The Life of Paul Simon
To have been alive during the last sixty years is to have lived with the music of Paul Simon. The boy from Queens scored his first hit record in 1957, just months after Elvis Presley ignited the rock era. As the songwriting half of Simon & Garfunkel, his work helped define the youth movement of the '60s. On his own in the '70s, Simon made radio-dominating hits. He kicked off the '80s by reuniting with Garfunkel to perform for half a million New Yorkers in Central Park. Five years later, Simon's album "Graceland" sold millions and spurred an international political controversy. And it doesn't stop there.The grandchild of Jewish immigrants from Hungary, the nearly 75-year-old singer-songwriter has not only sold more than 100 million records, won 15 Grammy awards and been installed into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame twice, but has also animated the meaning and flexibility of personal and cultural identity in a rapidly shrinking world.Simon has also lived one of the most vibrant lives of modern times; a story replete with tales of Carrie Fisher, Leonard Bernstein, Bob Dylan, Woody Allen, Shelley Duvall, Nelson Mandela, the Grateful Dead, drugs, depression, marriage, divorce, and more. A life story with the scope and power of an epic novel, Carlin's Homeward Bound is the first major biography of one of the most influential popular artists in American history.
St Martin's Press An Affair of Spies: A Novel
Nathan Silverman grew up in Berlin in the 1920s, the son of a homemaker and a theoretical physicist. His idyllic childhood was marred by increasing levels of antisemitism, and after his uncle is arrested on Kristallnacht, he leaves Germany for New York City with only his mother’s wedding ring to sell for survival. While attending Columbia in 1941, Nathan decides to enlist in the military. To his surprise, he is selected for a special assignment; he is trained as a spy, and ordered to report to the Manhattan Project. There he learns that the Allies are racing to develop a nuclear weapon before the Nazis, and a German theoretical physicist is hoping to defect. The physicist was a friend of his father's, and Nathan's mission is to return to Berlin and smuggle him out of Europe. Nathan will be accompanied by Dr. Allison Fisher, a brilliant young scientist; he travels to her lab at the University of Chicago for a crash course in nuclear physics, then they embark on their adventure. Nathan and Allison soon develop feelings for one another, but as their relationship deepens they move ever closer to their dangerous goal. Will they be able to escape Europe with the defector and start a new life together, or will they become two more casualties of war? An Affair of Spies is an action-packed tale of heroism and love in the face of unspeakable evil, author Ronald H. Balson's most thrilling novel yet.
Hodder & Stoughton The Life and Loves of a She Devil
'ONE OF OUR VERY BEST WRITERS' Sunday Times'A tour de force'The Times'Intoxicating'Daily Telegraph'Devilishly delightful'New York Times Book Review'Beautifully and compellingly written'Sunday Express'Audacious'Times Literary SupplementThe bestselling classic tale of a woman scorned, from a much-loved British author Ruth Patchett never thought of herself as particularly devilish.Rather the opposite in fact - simply a tall, not terribly attractive woman living a quiet life as a wife and mother in a respectable suburb. But when she discovers that her husband is having a passionate affair with the lovely romantic novelist Mary Fisher, she is so seized by envy that she becomes truly diabolic. Within weeks she has burnt down the family home, collected the insurance, made love to the local drunk and embarked on a course of destruction and revenge. A blackly comic satire of the war of the sexes, The Life and Loves of a She Devil is the fantasy of the wronged woman made real.PRAISE FOR FAY WELDON'She's a Queen of Words'Caitlin Moran'A national treasure'Literary Review'The literary equivalent of a stiff drink, a dip in the Atlantic in January, a pep talk by a mildly sadistic coach'New York Times'Times have changed and Weldon is one of the people who have changed them'The Times'One of the great lionesses of modern English literature'Harper's Bazaar'Fay Weldon's voice is as unmistakeable as her acerbic wit'Financial Times
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Public Speaking AND Responsibility in a Changing World
We live in an exciting, yet complicated information age. Our era calls for critical thinkers who are willing and able to communicate well toward the twin goals of human survival and career thriving on a connected globe. Thus, public speaking skills are important.Critical thinking and communication competencies are twin necessities for today's world. Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World serves as a springboard to help students excel in public speaking. Learners are asked to seriously consider using their rhetorical (speaking) skills in an artful and excellent manner, to be the ethical and positive connection they seek for the common good of society.Available in print and electronic formats, Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World: Is peppered with compelling and practical examples to help students relate solid theory and practice in the classroom to the real world All-in-one textbook, workbook, and manual with assignments Every chapter highlights six core themes: rhetorical excellence, a multi-cultural perspective, high ethics, satisfying careers, choice of community engagement responsibility for others and the environment, and the astute use of constantly merging presentation technologies Electronic code access to the video library of speeches, such as those delivered by Barbara Bush, Cesar Chavez, Al Gore, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth, and many others Excellent speech examples within chapter text provided from Mary Fisher, Robert Kennedy, Barack Obama, and many others
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Permutation Statistical Methods with R
This book takes a unique approach to explaining permutation statistics by integrating permutation statistical methods with a wide range of classical statistical methods and associated R programs. It opens by comparing and contrasting two models of statistical inference: the classical population model espoused by J. Neyman and E.S. Pearson and the permutation model first introduced by R.A. Fisher and E.J.G. Pitman. Numerous comparisons of permutation and classical statistical methods are presented, supplemented with a variety of R scripts for ease of computation. The text follows the general outline of an introductory textbook in statistics with chapters on central tendency and variability, one-sample tests, two-sample tests, matched-pairs tests, completely-randomized analysis of variance, randomized-blocks analysis of variance, simple linear regression and correlation, and the analysis of goodness of fit and contingency. Unlike classical statistical methods, permutation statistical methods do not rely on theoretical distributions, avoid the usual assumptions of normality and homogeneity, depend only on the observed data, and do not require random sampling. The methods are relatively new in that it took modern computing power to make them available to those working in mainstream research. Designed for an audience with a limited statistical background, the book can easily serve as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate courses in statistics, psychology, economics, political science or biology. No statistical training beyond a first course in statistics is required, but some knowledge of, or some interest in, the R programming language is assumed.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Theory and Methods in Applied Health Research: Questions, Methods and Choices
This Handbook expertly instructs the reader on how to conduct applied health research across a number of disciplines. Particularly aimed at postgraduate health researchers and students of applied health research, it presents and explains a wide range of research designs and other contemporary issues in applied health research. Focusing on learning outcomes, it takes the reader from underpinning epistemological, ontological and methodological considerations through to the key features of highlighted research designs and how to apply these in practice. In so doing, the experienced group of authors guides the reader in the choice of design for their own studies. They both examine the underpinning paradigmatic questions that guide important design choices and also explore the practical considerations that have to be taken into account when conducting research in this field. This book covers a range of designs from different traditions and also points readers to the key literatures in their areas of interest. Master's students across a range of disciplines will find this book invaluable and it will also be an essential reference tool for PhD students and new researchers in applied health research. Contributors include: F. Ahmed, H. Aveyard, S. Baines, A. Bingley, S. Brearley, G. Chatzidamianos, M. Collins, A. Dodd, M. Edwards, N. Fisher, I. Fletcher, T. Gatrell, A. Grinyer, E. Halliday, C. Murray, R.J. Parker, G. Perez Algorta, N. Preston, S. Reilly, J. Simpson, C. Thomas, S. Varey, C. Walshe, D. Wilde
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Water and the Law: Towards Sustainability
Water and the Law examines the critical relationship between law and the management of water resources in the context of ensuring environmental sustainability. It highlights the central importance of integrated water resources management and cooperation in achieving sustainability.The book considers two broad themes that are critical for life on Earth: how law can contribute to the sustainability of water itself and how the law s regulation of water can contribute to the sustainability of life both human life as well as that of other species in their natural environment. The expert contributors highlight that current approaches to water governance embrace integrated water resources management and appreciation of the holistic nature of the hydrological cycle. In addition to the recognition of the nature of water, there is also an apparent need for addressing water concerns in a cooperative manner.Capturing the complexities and challenges of protecting water as a resource on the one hand and utilizing it as a service on the other, this thought-provoking book will prove a valuable resource for researchers and students of both water law, and the nexus of environmental law with human rights.Contributors include: H. Alebachew, A. Bodart, T. Daya-Winterbottom, C. Dutra, D.E. Fisher, A. Foerster, E.B. Kasimbazi, G. Keremane, N. Lugaresi, V.G. Magalhães, J. McKay, A.R. Paterson, R. Pejan, S. Pollard, M. van Rijswick, M.D. dos Santos, J.C.L. da Silva, N. Soininen, I.U. Tappeiner, D. du Toit, P. Wouters, Z. Wu
University of Minnesota Press Sex before Sex: Figuring the Act in Early Modern England
What is sex exactly? Does everyone agree on a definition? And does that definition hold when considering literary production in other times and places? Sex before Sex makes clear that we cannot simply transfer our contemporary notions of what constitutes a sex act into the past and expect them to be true for the people who were then reading literature and watching plays. The contributors confront how our current critical assumptions about definitions of sex restrict our understanding of representations of sexuality in early modern England. Drawing attention to overlooked forms of sexual activity in early modern culture, from anilingus and interspecies sex to “chin-chucking” and convivial drinking, Sex before Sex offers a multifaceted view of what sex looked like before the term entered history. Through incisive interpretations of a wide range of literary texts, including Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, Paradise Lost, the figure of Lucretia, and pornographic poetry, this collection queries what might constitute sex in the absence of a widely accepted definition and how a historicized concept of sex affects the kinds of arguments that can be made about early modern sexualities.Contributors: Holly Dugan, George Washington U; Will Fisher, CUNY–Lehman College; Stephen Guy-Bray, U of British Columbia; Melissa J. Jones, Eastern Michigan U; Thomas H. Luxon, Dartmouth College; Nicholas F. Radel, Furman U; Kathryn Schwarz, Vanderbilt U; Christine Varnado, U of Buffalo–SUNY.
Columbia University Press The Lioness in Winter: Writing an Old Woman's Life
When she started working with the aged more than forty years ago, Ann Burack-Weiss began storing the knowledge and skills she thought would help when she got old herself. It was not until she hit her mid-seventies that she realized she had packed sneakers to climb Mount Everest, not anticipating the crevices and chasms that constitute the rocky terrain of old age. The professional gerontological and social work literature offered little help, so she turned to the late-life works of beloved women authors who had bravely climbed the mountain and sent back news from the summit. Maya Angelou, Colette, Simone de Beauvoir, Joan Didion, Marguerite Duras, M. F. K. Fisher, Doris Lessing, Mary Oliver, Adrienne Rich, May Sarton, and Florida Scott-Maxwell were among the many guides she turned to for inspiration. In The Lioness in Winter, Burack-Weiss blends an analysis of key writings from these and other famed women authors with her own wisdom to create an essential companion for older women and those who care for them. She fearlessly examines issues such as living with loss, finding comfort and joy in unexpected places, and facing disability and death. This book is filled with powerful passages from women who turned their experiences of aging into art, and Burack-Weiss ties their words to her own struggles and epiphanies, framing their collective observations with key insights from social work practice.
Baen Books Castaway Resolution
IT'S NOT PARANOIA IF THEY REALLY ARE OUT TO GET YOU The Kimei family and a second group of castaways, led by the redoubtable Sergeant Campbell, have finally joined forces, landing on the bizarre planet Lincoln, whose “continents” are actually huge floating coral colonies inhabited by even stranger lifeforms. They have survived crash-landings, venom-filled bites, disease, and even the destruction—and consumption!—of one of their floating island homes. They have learned to live, even to prosper, in this strange new place. Meanwhile, out among the stars, Lieutenant Susan Fisher pieces together the mystery of what happened to the starship Outward Initiative and begins to believe that, just possibly, some of the survivors have escaped to a mysterious and unsuspected star system. But Fisher’s preparations and the resourcefulness of the castaways may not be enough. Because the planet Lincoln is far from done with them yet. Praise for previous books in this series: “[F]ast-paced sci-fi espionage thriller . . . light in tone and hard on science . . .”—Publishers Weekly on Boundary “The whole crew from Flint and Spoor's Boundary are back. . . . Tensions run high throughout the Ceres mission . . . a fine choice for any collection.”—Publishers Weekly on Threshold “[P]aleontology, engineering, and space flight, puzzles in linguistics, biology, physics, and evolution further the story, as well as wacky humor, academic rivalries, and even some sweet romances.”—School Library Journal on Boundary
Penguin Random House Children's UK Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes: The original and authorized edition
You know the old woman who lived in a shoe?And had so many children she didn't know what to do?Beatrix Potter gathered material for a book of nursery rhymes for many years before Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes was eventually published in 1917. Charming characters like Old Mr. Pricklepin, Diggory Diggory Delvet and, of course, Appley Dapply are brought to life with funny rhymes and beautiful watercolour illustrations. Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes is number 22 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books, the titles of which are as follows:1 The Tale of Peter Rabbit2 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3 The Tailor of Gloucester4 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5 The Tale of Two Bad Mice6 The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7 The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8 The Tale of Tom Kitten9 The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10 The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11 The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12 The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13 The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse 14 The Tale of Mr. Tod15 The Tale of Pigling Bland16 The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17 The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18 The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19 The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20 The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21 The Story of Miss Moppet22 Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes23 Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes
Skyhorse Publishing The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing
Kirk Deeter of Field & Stream and Charlie Meyers of the Denver Post, crack open their notebooks and share expert advice on flies, casting, reading the water, and much more.The mission of The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing is to demystify and un-complicate the tricks and tips that make a great trout fisher. There are no complicated physics lessons here. Rather, conceived in the “take dead aim” spirit of Harvey Penick’s classic instructional on golf, The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing offers a simple, digestible primer on the basic elements of fly fishing: the cast, presentation, reading water, and selecting flies. The Table of Contents includes: Part One: The Cast: 45 Tips to Help You Cast Straighter, Longer, and More Accurately Part Two: Presentation: 60 Tips to Help you Place and Drift Your Flies So that Trout Will Want to Eat Them Part Three: Reading Water: 37 Tips to Help You Find Trout in a Rive and Effectively Cast to them Part Four: 43 Tips to Help You Select, Rig, and Fish the Right Fly at the Right Time in the Right Way Part Five: Miscellaneous: 65 Tips on Fighting Fish, Wading, Choosing Ger, and Everything Else That Matters In the end, this collection of 240 tips is one of the most insightful, plainly spoken, and entertaining works on this sport—one that will serve both novices and experts alike in helping them reflect and hone-in their approaches to fly fishing.