Search results for ""author scott""
University of Illinois Press Return to the City of Joseph: Modern Mormonism's Contest for the Soul of Nauvoo
In the mid-twentieth century, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) returned to Nauvoo, Illinois, home to the thriving religious community led by Joseph Smith before his murder in 1844. The quiet farm town became a major Mormon heritage site visited annually by tens of thousands of people. Yet Nauvoo's dramatic restoration proved fraught with conflicts. Scott C. Esplin's social history looks at how Nauvoo's different groups have sparred over heritage and historical memory. The Latter-day Saint project brought it into conflict with the Community of Christ, the Midwestern branch of Mormonism that had kept a foothold in the town and a claim on its Smith-related sites. Non-Mormon locals, meanwhile, sought to maintain the historic place of ancestors who had settled in Nauvoo after the Latter-day Saints' departure. Examining the recent and present-day struggles to define the town, Esplin probes the values of the local groups while placing Nauvoo at the center of Mormonism's attempt to carve a role for itself within the greater narrative of American history.
Columbia University Press The United States–South Korea Alliance: Why It May Fail and Why It Must Not
The alliance between the United States and South Korea has endured through seven decades of shifting regional and geopolitical security contexts. Yet it now faces challenges from within. Domestic political turmoil, including deepening political polarization and rising nationalism in both countries, has cast doubt on the alliance’s viability—with critical implications for the balance of power in East Asia.Scott A. Snyder provides an authoritative overview of the internal and external pressures on the U.S.–South Korea alliance and explores its future prospects. He argues that nationalist leaders’ accession to power could put past successes at risk and endanger the national security objectives of both countries. In the United States, “America first” nationalism favors self-interest over cooperation and portrays allies as burdens or even free riders. “Korea first” sentiments, in both progressive and conservative forms, present the U.S. military presence in South Korea as an obstacle to Korean reconciliation or a shackle on South Korea’s freedom of action. Snyder also examines North Korea’s attempts to influence South Korean domestic politics and how China’s growing strength has affected the dynamics of the alliance. He considers scenarios in which the U.S.–South Korea relationship weakens or crumbles, emphasizing the consequences for the region and the world. Drawing on this analysis, Snyder offers timely recommendations for stakeholders in both countries on how to preserve and strengthen the alliance.
The University of Chicago Press Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge through Cultures and Time
Throughout recorded history, the exchange of scientific knowledge across cultures has been crucial in shaping human civilization. For instance, without the Greek and Roman works that were translated into Arabic and later reintroduced into Europe, the Renaissance as we know it would not have occured. Yet, until now, the enormous importance of translation to the history of science has remained largely unexamined. In this innovative work, Scott L. Montgomery explores the diverse roles that translation has played in the development of Western science from antiquity to the present. Beginning with an in-depth consideration of astronomy, he presents case histories of science in translation from a variety of disciplines and cultural contexts, both Western and non-Western (such as the origin and evolution of modern science in Japan). Montgomery highlights key historical and philosophical issues, including the instability of the scientific text, what is lost and gained in the process of translating science, and the impossibility of a truly universal technical language.
The University of Chicago Press Black Men Can't Shoot
The myth of the natural black athlete is widespread, though it's usually talked about only when a sports commentator or celebrity embarrasses himself by bringing it up in public. Those gaffes are swiftly decried as racist, but apart from their link to the long history of ugly racial stereotypes about black people - especially men - they are also harmful because they obscure very real, hard-fought accomplishments. As Black Men Can't Shoot demonstrates, such successes on the basketball court don't happen just because of natural gifts - instead, they grow out of the long, tough, and unpredictable process of becoming a known player. Scott N. Brooks spent four years coaching summer league basketball in Philadelphia. And what he saw, heard, and felt working with the young black men on his team tells us much about how some kids are able to make the extraordinary journey from the ghetto to the NCAA. He tells the story of two young men, Jermaine and Ray, following them through their high school years and chronicling their breakthroughs and frustrations on the court as well as their troubles at home. Black Men Can't Shoot is a moving coming-of-age story that counters the belief that basketball only exploits kids and lures them into following empty dreams-and shows us that by playing ball, some of these young black men have already begun their education even before they get to college.
The University of Chicago Press Planet of the Bugs: Evolution and the Rise of Insects
Dinosaurs, however toothy, did not rule the earth - and neither do humans. But what were and are the true potentates of our planet? Insects, says Scott Richard Shaw - millions and millions of insects. Starting in the shallow oceans of ancient earth and ending in the far reaches of outer space - where, Shaw proposes, insect-like aliens might have achieved similar preeminence - Planet of the Bugs spins a sweeping account of insects' evolution from humble arthropod ancestors into the bugs we know and love (or fear and hate) today. Leaving no stone unturned, Shaw explores how evolutionary innovations such as small body size, wings, metamorphosis, and parasitic behavior have enabled insects to disperse widely, occupy increasingly narrow niches, and survive global catastrophes in their rise to global dominance. Through buggy tales at turns bizarre and comical - from caddisflies that construct portable houses or weave silken aquatic nets to trap floating debris, to parasitic wasp larvae that develop in the blood of host insects and, by storing waste products in their rear ends, are able to postpone defecation until after they emerge - he not only unearths how changes in our planet's geology, flora, and fauna contributed to insects' success, but also how, in return, insects came to shape terrestrial ecosystems and amplify biodiversity. Indeed, in his visits to modern earth's hyperdiverse rain forests to highlight the current insect extinction crisis, Shaw reaffirms just how critical these tiny beings are to planetary health and human survival. In this age of honeybee die-offs and bedbugs hitching rides in the spines of library books, Planet of the Bugs charms with humor, affection, and insight into the world's six-legged creatures, revealing an essential importance that resonates across time and space.
IVP Academic 1 Corinthians
IVP Academic 2 Corinthians
Harvard Business Review Press Silver Lining: Your Guide to Innovating in a Downturn
Experts agree: The turbulence triggered by the economic shock of 2008 constitutes the "new normal." Unfortunately, too many managers have become paralyzed by it, capable only of slashing costs indiscriminately. Though examining spending during recessions makes sense, the smartest executives do much more. As Scott Anthony reveals in The Silver Lining, these leaders continue innovating--by stopping ineffective initiatives, changing key business processes, and starting more productive behaviors. Result? Their companies emerge from downturns stronger than ever. Providing a wealth of ideas, tools, and examples from diverse industries, Anthony explains how to safeguard your company's profitability during even the toughest recessions. You'll discover how to: -Prune your innovation and business portfolio to liberate resources for more promising initiatives - Adopt a radical new market-segmentation scheme that helps you re-feature your offerings to reduce costs while delivering new value to customers - Reinvent your innovation process to drive fresh growth - Mitigate innovation risks by conducting strategic experiments and forging alliances with customers and other external entities - Appeal to increasingly value-conscious customers to fend off low-cost attackers In today's brutal economic climate, executives must pare costs to the bone while planting and nurturing seeds for tomorrow's growth. The Silver Lining explains how to master this seemingly impossible challenge.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession
Brings a deep understanding of the scriptural roots of the Church's teaching and a new verve and freshness of language to the subject of confession.
Orange Books International The Great Gatsby
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Divine Conflict and the Divine Warrior: Listening to Romans and Other Jewish Voices
In this study, Scott C. Ryan situates Paul's letter to the Romans as one voice among a number of Jewish voices that frame God as a divine warrior. He first investigates motifs related to divine conflict in Exodus 14-15, Amos, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel 7-12, along with 1 Enoch, Psalms of Solomon, Wisdom of Solomon, the War Scroll, and 4 Ezra. The author then places Romans in dialogue with the works of Paul's predecessors and near contemporaries. When Romans and these Jewish texts are placed alongside one another, Paul emerges as a writer who participates in Jewish divine conflict traditions. The apostle maintains Israel's eschatological hope in a warring deity even as he modifies that image in light of God's action in the Christ-event.
Mango Media Marketing Mess to Brand Success: 30 Challenges to Transform Your Organization's Brand (and Your Own) (Brand Marketing)
Marketing Manager’s Guide to Successful Brand Marketing“Scott Miller offers tangible insights and practical steps to make sure your product finds the right customer...” ―Donald Miller, author of Marketing Made Simple, and Building a StoryBrand.2021 OWL Award Shortlist in Sales & Marketing#1 Bestseller in Auctions & Small BusinessIn Scott Miller’s newest Mess to Success guide, the FranklinCovey senior advisor and Wall Street Journal bestselling author reveals 30 career obstacles that you may encounter in your brand marketing, and how to transform them into company-wide gains.Every success story begins with a journey. Featuring thirty chapters with lessons such as “A Name is Not a Lead” and “Hire People Smarter Than You,” Marketing Mess to Brand Success shares a career worth of valuable lessons learned. Fast-track your career and success with the mentality of bruising hard, but healing fast. Whether you’re starting a new company, a brand manager figuring out the best direct marketing strategy or brand positioning for a niche market, or trying to land your first job as a marketing manager, this book is designed to prepare you for many of the inevitable challenges you will encounter.Avoid marketing messes and square up to successes. Each chapter features real life lessons that teach you the importance of brand marketing in business development. By being focused and aligned with the right areas of an organization, you can ensure career relevance and company-wide gains.Learn how to: Navigate a nebulous digital marketing environment Maximize time and investments with sales marketing strategies Build and model consistent brand standards Become an expert in brand marketing and take your company to the next level If you enjoyed Management Mess to Leadership Success, or brand marketing books like This Is Marketing, Marketing Made Simple, or Building a StoryBrand, then you need to add Marketing Mess to Brand Success to your business bookshelf.
Rowman & Littlefield Wolf Empire: An Intimate Portrait of a Species
From award-winning photographer Scott Ian Barry comes Wolf Empire--the most comprehensive and stunning visual record of wolves ever published in black-and-white photography. In this world of fur and teeth, texture and shape, light and shadow, Barry creates a highly intimate look at wolves and their often mystifying way of life. Each high-quality photograph is accompanied by a narrative in which Barry relates the circumstances that led to the taking of the photo, or some unique personal observation about wolf behavior gathered from his more than thirty years of experience as a wildlife photographer. His great reverence for these magnificent animals comes through in frame after frame of wolves in varying degrees of harmony and aggression, excitement and tranquility, cooperation and solitude--all part of their experience and essential to their survival. Barry's photographs show wolves for the individuals they are, a species as diverse as humans.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021!.For more than 25 years, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine has been the leading textbook on imaging diagnosis of brain and spine disorders. The Fifth Edition continues this tradition of excellence with thorough coverage of recent trends and changes in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of CNS diseases, and how those changes relate to MRI findings. It remains a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference for all who have an interest in neuroradiology – trainees to experts in the field, basic science researchers, and clinicians.Key Features: Shows how to generate state-of-the-art images and define diagnoses from crucial clinical/pathologic MR imaging correlations for neurologic, neurosurgical, and psychiatric diseases spanning fetal CNS anomalies to disorders of the aging brain. Explains new imaging methodology (hardware- and software-based) in a variety of clinical settings. Discusses emerging, clinically relevant research in well-established neurologic disorders such as stroke and brain tumors, as well as developing clinical applications in non-traditional areas, including neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders and fetal anomalies. Analyzes the detail of clinically important imaging findings; defines the role of MRI findings in the clinical setting of neurologic disease; illustrates the pathologic basis for MRI findings; and explores the use of emerging MRI methods as new contributions to diagnosis and treatment. Emphasizes that the diagnosis of neurologic disease must still be grounded in evidence and based on “the known” – neuropathology, genetics, clinical history, and proven imaging findings – rather than on new techniques often used solely because they are novel. Presents the combined knowledge and expertise of renowned neuroradiologists, innovative MRI physicists, and experienced leading clinical neurospecialists from all over the world. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tombstone: Relive the Gunfight at the OK Corral
The “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” has made Tombstone, Arizona, the most famous Wild West town in America. A century and a quarter after the Earp brothers and "Doc" Holliday faced off against the Clanton and McLaury brothers, their story continues to captivate and polarize. Tombstone includes a detailed account of the famous street fight as well as 100 colorful photos of the western town—historic Allen Street, Tombstone Courthouse State Park, Boot Hill Cemetery, early public buildings and churches, and more. Combined with informative captions, these images tell the many stories of this iconic town. Experience a taste of the Wild West. Experience Tombstone.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bread
Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things. Bread is an object that is always in process of becoming something else: flower to grain, grain to dough, dough to loaf, loaf to crumb. Bread is also often a figure or vehicle of social cohesion: from the homely image of “breaking bread together” to the mysteries of the Eucharist. But bread also commonly figures in social conflict — sometimes literally, in the “bread riots” that punctuate European history, and sometimes figuratively, in the ways bread operates as ethnic, religious or class signifier. Drawing on a wide range of sources, from the scriptures to modern pop culture, Bread tells the story of how this ancient and everyday object serves as a symbol for both social communion and social exclusion. Object Lessons is published in partnership with an essay series in The Atlantic.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Brand Asset Management: Driving Profitable Growth Through Your Brands
"Most companies do a poor job of managing their brands. Scott Davis vividly illustrates well-managed and poorly managed brand programs and provides the best methodology I have seen for improving your brand asset management." -- Phil Kotler, S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Running Press,U.S. Fart Dictionary
The one and only Fart Dictionary is a hilarious, illustrated collection of fart definitions for every occasion, covering a wide range of topics.Whether it's politics, poetry, karaoke, Mardi Gras, Food Network, Jane Austen, love, war, ghosts, family, sports, fashion, Shakespeare, or vegetables, there's a fart in this book for everyone. Examples include "apple fart: a fart that keeps the doctor away," "boomerang fart: a fart which has somehow returned to haunt you," and many, many more. So, readers, the next time you fart, or bear witness to one, take note of your surroundings, purpose, or social inconvenience. Label it, as in this unique volume.Featuring whimsical artwork and all wrapped up in a classy little package, Fart Dictionary is a perfect gag gift and certain to be a hit with anyone who has ever laughed at the sound of breaking wind.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Con Queen of Hollywood: The Hunt for an Evil Genius
“This book is as engrossing as anything by Agatha Christie, as unsettling as a novel by Stephen King, and reported with a vigorous empathy that leaves Truman Capote in the dust. Scott Johnson’s courage, his relentless quest for the truth behind a set of brilliantly obscured cruelties, and his examination of the very fabric of psychopathy ultimately lead him to question how the appalling lies spat out by the Con Queen relate to the daily untruths required of us all. His narrative is further deepened by breathtakingly honest reportage about himself and his family, which led him to this radical investigation of a deformed mind. I cannot remember the last time I read anything with such breathless fascination.”—Andrew SolomonThe spellbinding tale of an epic international manhunt for a psychopathic con artist who exploited the dreams of creators to steal dozens of identities and millions of dollars.Blending years of deep reporting with distinctive, powerful prose, Scott C. Johnson’s unique true crime narrative recounts the tale of the brilliantly cunning imposter who carved a path of financial and emotional destruction across the world. Gifted with a diabolical flair for impersonation, manipulation, and deception, the Con Queen used their skill with accents and deft psychological insight to sweep through the entertainment industry. Johnson traces the origins of this mastermind and follows the years-long investigation of a singularly determined private detective who helped deliver them to the FBI. Described by one victim as a “crazy, evil genius,” the Con Queen enacted one of the most elaborate scams ever to hit Hollywood—the perfect criminal, committing the perfect crime for our time. But for what purpose? And with what motive? Johnson’s unparalleled access to sources—including exclusive interviews with victims and never-before-heard recordings of the Con Queen—brought global attention to the scam, spurred law enforcement to act, and led Johnson himself to venture in search of the Con Queen. Journeying from Los Angeles to the United Kingdom to Jakarta, Johnson eventually came face-to-face with one of the most disturbing criminal minds in recent history, only to realize what chasing the Con Queen revealed about himself and his own troubled family history.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Treasure Island
A map, a ship and a crew of good men - or are they? Jim Hawkins and his friends are hoping to find pirate treasure, but the pirates have not forgotten their captain's hidden gold. Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English). 1,200 headwords, 3,497 words
MP-TAM Texas A&M University Intimate Modernism Fort Worth Circle Artists in the 1940s
Artspace critic Dave Hickey once identified the Fort Worth Circle as ""Texas' first indigenous group of consciously cosmopolitan and irrefutably modern artists."" Their work, he wrote, ""represents the fruit of a special time in the culture of the western United States."" This book chronicles the Circle's distinctive output during the 1940s.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Shaping the Postwar Landscape
The latest contribution to the Cultural Landscape Foundation's well-known reference project, Pioneers of American Landscape Design. The present collection features profiles of seventy-two important figures, including landscape architects, architects, planners, artists, horticulturists, and educators.
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas The Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.
Jimmy Carter has been called America's greatest ex-president, a man who lost the White House after one term but went on to become a respected spokesman for peace and human rights. The authors re-examine the world events that shaped Carter's presidency, from Koreagate and the Cuban boatlift to the Camp David accords and the Iran hostage crisis.
Post Hill Press Rediscovering America: How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story about Who We Are
Skyhorse Publishing Balls: The Life of Eddie Trascher, Gentleman Gangster
The true story of the man who scammed the mob and informed the FBI for over two decades.Eddie Trascher had balls. Born in the bayou of Louisiana, Eddie learned about gambling at the side of his stepfather. Starting his career in 1950s Vegas, he moved to pre-Castro Cuba and became adept at running a casino and stealing from the mobsters who owned it. He was a regular fixture at Rat Pack–era Vegas—stealing chips from the craps table, running gambling out of his bar, and hanging around with a wild assortment of gangsters, conmen, thieves, and celebrities.By the time he moved to Clearwater, Florida, after a stint running a Los Angeles hotel for the Chicago Outfit, Eddie was the biggest bookmaker in the state. But the FBI made him an offer he couldn’t refuse: “Help us get the Mafia and we’ll let you keep bookmaking.” For the next twenty years, Eddie became the Bureau and later the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s eyes and ears as they investigated organized crime in Florida. From the famous Donnie Brasco case to the new guard of the Tampa Mafia, Eddie was in the middle of it all. Eventually, he gave up the booking to become a professor, teaching law enforcement everything there was to know about bookmaking and running the scams.Balls is the story of the quintessential gangster, a man who didn’t make money for anyone but himself. Instead of working for the Mafia bosses, Eddie stole from right under their noses. And he lived to tell the story.
Ignatius Press Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Genesis
Ignatius Press Gospel of Mark: Commentary, Notes & Study Questions
Ignatius Press Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament
Stone Arch Books The Case of the Clown Carnival
Stone Arch Books Secret of the Haunted Cave
Stone Arch Books The Secret of the Flying Saucer
Alfred Music Secret Agent Sugar Plum: Conductor Score
Simon & Schuster Camping Chaos
Stone Arch Books The Ghost of the Bermuda Triangle
Stone Arch Books The Case of the Cheese Thief
Stone Arch Books The Incredible Rockhead
Simon & Schuster Mystery Map
In Mystery Map, nine-year-old Frank and eight-year-old Joe Hardy get their hands on a piece of a treasure map. But they’ll need to work with their friends and hunt down the rest of the map in order to have a chance at finding the treasure. Let the sleuthing begin!
Simon & Schuster Leviathan
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Late Antique Literature
Noted scholars in the field explore the rich variety of late antique literature With contributions from leading scholars in the field, A Companion to Late Antique Literature presents a broad review of late antique literature. The late antique period encompasses a significant transitional era in literary history from the mid-third century to the early seventh century. The Companion covers notable Greek and Latin texts of the period and provides a varied overview of literature written in six other late antique languages. Comprehensive in scope, this important volume presents new research, methodologies, and significant debates in the field. The Companion explores the histories, forms, features, audiences, and uses of the literature of the period. This authoritative text: Provides an inclusive overview of late antique literature Offers the widest survey to date of the literary traditions and forms of the period, including those in several languages other than Greek and Latin Presents the most current research and new methodologies in the field Contains contributions from an international group of contributors Written for students and scholars of late antiquity, this comprehensive volume provides an authoritative review of the literature from the era.
Forward Movement Publications Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Bugliest Bug
Zondervan Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethics
Beyond Integrity is neither excessively theoretical nor simplistic and dogmatic. Rather, it offers a balanced and pragmatic approach to a number of concrete ethical issues. Readings from a wide range of sources present competing perspectives on each issue, and real-life case studies further help the reader grapple with ethical dilemmas. The authors conclude each chapter with their own distinctly Christian commentary on the topic covered. This third edition has been revised to provide the most up-to-date introduction to the issues Christians face in today’s constantly changing business culture. Revisions include: • 30 new case studies • Numerous new readings • 50% substantially revised • Sidebars reflecting issues in the news and business press • Summaries and material for discussion With the goal of helping readers arrive at their own conclusions, this book provides a decision-making model. Beyond Integrity equips men and women to develop a biblically-based approach to the ethical challenges of twenty-first century business.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Scary School
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Betsy Red Hoodie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest: Coaching Secrets for Life and Work
leverage (lev'r ij) The power to act or influence. ditch (dich) Slang, to get rid of; discard. Finally, here is a powerful tool that will show you how to take full advantage of your strengths and most positive qualities, while at the same time discarding or getting around whatever gets in your way. Scott Blanchard and Madeleine Homan, co-founders of, share their groundbreaking program, honed by fourteen years of high-level executive coaching and consulting. They offer new perspectives on how to spend your precious and limited resources, time, emotions, passions, and energy to generate the best results. The three-part process begins with a twenty-five-question self-assessment, then moves on to the Three Perspectives -- major life queries that focus on how you are perceived, your own self-image, and self-imposed limitations. The final step, the Seven Leverage Points, offers fresh insight into the choices you make and how you conduct yourself in business and in life. You will find immediately applicable tools to appraise and manage your work environment and personal gifts. You will be guided to make tiny but crucial shifts in getting needs met and drawing boundaries. Leverage Your Best, Ditch The Rest eliminates the stupid stuff that distracts you and gets in your way. It shows you how to capitalize on what you've got going for you and how to invest in yourself like a hot new stock.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Mastering Medical Photography of the Head and Neck
With contributions from an esteemed otolaryngologist, talented photographer, and multidisciplinary specialists, Mastering Medical Photography of the Head and Neck demystifies the process of medical photography. The succinct text and high quality images serve as a practical primer for physicians without any prior photographic background to learn techniques specific to photography for facial surgery and otolaryngology. Understanding the basic techniques of photography for medical documentation is useful-for speaking at medical conferences, publishing in journals, and settling insurance claims. These situations typically require inclusion of well-defined anatomical images. Furthermore, head and neck photography is an educational tool to explain specific procedures to patients prior to undergoing surgery. Key Highlights Comprehensive coverage of standard external anatomy, with smaller sections on endoscopic photography and intraoperative photography Ancillary online content including more than 150 high quality photographs and 8 instructional videos supplement the text Sample comparative photographs illustrate the potential to create stellar results using several different camera systems Each photograph extensively annotated with relevant camera and lighting settings Recommendations provided for image archiving, organization, and processing Visually rich and practical, this step-by-step guide of medical photographic techniques is an essential tool for all physicians who treat diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat, and related head and neck structures.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Facts and Fictions in Mental Health
Written in a lively and entertaining style, Facts and Fictions in Mental Health examines common conceptions and misconceptions surrounding mental health and its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a misconception and is followed by a discussion of related findings from scientific research. A compilation of the authors' "Facts and Fictions" columns written for Scientific American Mind, with the addition of six new columns exclusive to this book Written in a lively and often entertaining style, accessible to both the undergraduate and the interested general reader Each chapter covers a different "fiction" and allows readers to gain a more balanced and accurate view of important topics in mental health The six new columns examine myths and misconceptions of considerable interest and relevance to undergraduates in abnormal psychology courses Introductory material and references are included throughout the book