Search results for ""author george""
Five Leaves Publications Don't Blame the Blacks
Lafcadio & Co Ltd. Slogans Galore!: Gaelic Words in English
Lodima Press Ticetown
Open Gate Press Exploring the Unconscious
Cornerstone Star Wars The Eye of Darkness The High Republic
George Mann is a Sunday Times bestselling novelist, comics writer and screenwriter. He's the creator of the Wychwood supernatural mystery series as well as the popular Newbury & Hobbes and Tales of the Ghost. He's written comics, novels and audio dramas for properties such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Judge Dredd, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Dragon Age.Mann lives near Grantham, England, with his wife, children and two noisy dogs. He loves mythology and folklore, Kate Bush and chocolate. He is constantly surrounded by tottering piles of comics and books.
Imprint Academic Seeing: Beyond Dreaming to Religious Experiences of Light
Directory of Social Change Managing Your Inbox
Inbox management can be the bane of your working life. If you are not careful, it can quickly become your main task and push aside the truly valuable work that you do. But it doesn't have to be that way. To be effective at work, communication channels must be circumscribed to avoid them overwhelming your whole working day. This book will show you how to manage your inbox effectively. It offers techniques and tools that will help you immediately take control of your communications priorities and make your inbox work for you (not the other way round!). It explores the links between productivity and well-being and helps you build habits that could last a lifetime. If you have an overflowing inbox that dominates your daily to-do list and feels out of control, then this book is for you. What does it cover? Why manage your inbox? Pressing the reset when emails get out of control How to manage your inbox How to take positive control Best email practice.
Directory of Social Change Managing Your Inbox
Inbox management can be the bane of your working life. If you are not careful, it can quickly become your main task and push aside the truly valuable work that you do. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC All the Best Lines
An informal history of the movies told through some of cinema's best-loved scenes, from the early days of Hollywood to the present day.
Nova Science Publishers Inc FDA Foreign Offices & Imported Food Safety: An Examination
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Writing Online: Rhetoric for the Digital Age
"Contrary to the old adage about finding new names for old things, Writing Online: Rhetoric for the Digital Age gives new life and new meaning to old names. The book and its companion website transform ancient rhetoric as a process of oral composition—invention, arrangement, memory, style, and delivery—into a digital rhetoric, a dynamic process of writing for the World Wide Web: dynamic because it shows not only how to write in a Web-based medium but, more importantly, how to learn and adapt to a medium that is constantly evolving and changing. Unlike conventional books that provide specific solutions to specific problems, Writing Online reenacts the process of solving Web-based writing problems, explaining everything from how to create a simple web page to how to develop a sophisticated content management system and everything in between: HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and much more. As a digital rhetoric, moreover, Writing Online recreates the ancient processes of oral composition for a digital era. Digital invention becomes a push-pull process of transmitting information via searches, alerts, news aggregators, and read-write algorithms. Digital arrangement becomes a question-and-answer process inviting multiple responses via intuitive navigation systems and dynamic patterns of organization. Digital memory transforms the ancient memory palace into a dynamic, programmable content management system. Digital style provides computer-based tools to enhance writers’ word choice, argumentative structures, and feedback. Digital delivery resituates speakers and writers in onscreen environments that balance functionality and aesthetics for optimum responsiveness and usability." —James P. Zappen, Professor, Department of Communication and Media, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cattle: Domestication, Diseases & the Environment
Nova Science Publishers Inc Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry: A Model Multi-Elemental Technique For Modern Analytical Laboratory
Nova Science Publishers Inc Microbial Conversions of Raw Glycerol
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Capital Crimes
Crime tops the headlines, leads the evening news, and is a focus of every election. But what causes crime? Is there a more rational way to address it than by law-and-order crusades? In this treatment, George Winslow offers to take on every aspect of the topic, from the streets to the suites, placing the issue in the context of a larger political economy. From the Burmese heroin trade to homicide, from the capital flight that has generated crime in the inner cities to corporate money-laundering schemes, the study demonstrates how economic forces and elite interests have shaped both the world of crime and society's response to it. Based on research and interviews, the book seeks to present a comprehensive alternative to a "lock 'em up" approach that has produced a gargantuan prison-industrial complex.
Milkweed Editions The Trouble with Jeremy Chance
Set in New England just as troops are returning from World War I, this is a classic American coming-of-age story. Curious and impulsive, 12-year-old Jeremy is always getting into trouble. This time, after an argument with his father, Jeremy decides to run away to Boston to meet his older brother's troop ship. Jeremy's adventures—and misadventures—provide plenty of opportunities for him to use his common sense and determination, from his train trip through rural New Hampshire to his wide-eyed explorations of Boston upon his arrival there.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents
The romance of war in its most thrilling form is exemplified in this narrative of the adventures of "The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents." Much has been published upon the subject of espionage, and the memoirs and secret histories of the courts of Europe give us instances of men and women who have gained favor and money, if not honor and glory, by selling back-stairs gossip concerning their fellow creatures; but the aim of the present work has been rather to relate the big exploits of those who faced great personal danger and risked their lives for the sake of flag and country.
Dodo Press The Portent and Other Stories Dodo Press
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Radical Acts
Drawing on activist campaign literature and materials, broadcast media, and new oral history interviews, Severs reconstructs and discusses the overlooked world of radical AIDS activism in England. This book provides one of the first detailed histories of the radical HIV/AIDS movement in England, following ACT UP's travels from New York to London via prominent queer intellectuals, and reconstructing the vibrant theatrical campaigns staged by ACT UP groups across England. Radical Acts explores expressions of activism that were far more common than demonstrations and marches. Manifestations of a political commitment to ameliorating the injustices facing people living with HIV permeated most aspects of everyday life. These forms of everyday activism' played out in workplaces, universities and church halls across England, as well as through networks that stretched across Europe and North America. This book breaks new ground by studying the radical alongside the everyday, pr
W F Howes Ltd The Voice of Anfield: My Fifty Years with Liverpool FC
Brewers Publications Principles of Brewing Science: A Study of Serious Brewing Issues
The science and mystique of what makes truly great beer is explored with logic and order. The long-awaited second edition of the George Fix classic looks at ways in which fundamental science impacts brewing. This comprehensive and highly technical study bridges the gap between professional brewing texts and standard texts on chemistry, biochemistry and thermodynamics. Recent major developments in brewing science have been significant, especially in the most crucial determinants of beer flavour quality -- fermentation and oxidation. Dr Fix pays special attention to basic chemical pathways used by bacteria and wild yeast, chemical changes that occur during malting, and the application of gas laws to carbonation and dispensation. This is a book no brewer should be without.
Pindar Press Studies in English Bible Illustration, Volume I
George Henderson's work on English biblical illumination has thrown new light on the sources of some of the most celebrated Anglo-Saxon and Norman illustrated manuscripts and helped to place the astonishing creativity and skill of the artists who worked on these manuscripts within the developing tradition of Bible illumination in the Middle Ages. These two volumes make available Professor Henderson's studies published over twenty years. In the first volume, he traces the links with late-antique pictorial sources, and compares the innovations in interpreting the Bible text with contemporary developments in other artistic media. He also deals with those works of art from the Anglo-Saxon period known from historical sources but now lost, and with the influence that the art of this early period exerted on a later period, the seventeenth century, and its religious disputes. The second volume of Professor Henderson's studies deals mainly with the celebrated Anglo-French illuminated Apocalypses of the thirteenth century. The principal manuscripts are all covered, and the iconographic programmes are examined in detail. Two articles draw attention to newly-discovered fragments of other Apocalypse manuscripts. The volume also includes a number of the author's studies on medieval English seals, where the iconography is often of considerable art-historical importance.
Liberty Fund Inc Observations Upon Liberal Education
Goose Lane Editions Anything but the Moon
George Sipos is acutely aware that life, in its strangeness and beauty, will always elude whatever he can say about it. Exploring northern British Columbia, the mountains, harsh winters and human isolation, the tension between the humble recognition that words are inadequate and the insistent urge to capture what he sees and feels gives Anything but the Moon its blend of quiet reverence and meditative urgency. Anything but the Moon is George Sipos's first collection, but his poetry is richly mature. Exploring how alien nature can feel and yet how familiar it is as well, Sipos writes lush lyric poems about driving his truck or listening to the sounds of a henhouse, reflecting upon how everyday experiences slip through our fingers, never to be fully understood or completely articulated. Revealing a doubleness of sight, Sipos shows a fine-grained attention to the sensuous details of what he sees and experiences, yet simultaneously maintains a broader, philosophical view of the mysterious whole. Even as he celebrates place and the difficulties and preciousness of human relationships, he portrays the sense of something vanishing. The result is a collection of highly reverent and contemplative poems which demand that readers slow down, look and think.
Rowman & Littlefield Quality Public Management: What It Is and How It Can Be Improved and Advanced
George Beam's Quality Public Management shows how public sector organizations can be managed to maximize performance and citizen satisfaction. Beam builds on the theories and practices of W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, and Armand V. Feigenbaum, and presents a form of management that overcomes the limitations of TQM, privatization, competition, and 'running government like a business'. Quality Public Management demonstrates how the principles of Quality management can be successfully implemented in all major aspects of public organizations such as Processes (recruitment, training, compensation, promotion, budget and policy making, and procurement), Structures (teams, partnerships, and networks), and Personnel (line workers, middle management, and executive officers). Beam's well-organized and carefully argued book will be of interest to Public Administration professionals, students, and concerned citizens alike. A Burnham Publishers book
New York University Press The Barbarization of Warfare
The images from Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad have been a grim reminder of warfare's undiminished capacity for brutality and indiscriminate excess. What happened in Abu Ghraib has happened before: the World War II, and more recent wars and insurgencies in Algeria, Congo, Angola, Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, and many others, all bear witness to the ever-present human capacity to commit barbaric acts if circumstances allow. What drives people to mistreat, humiliate, and torment others? In an age when real time war, violence, and torture are becoming addictive forms of entertainment, it is now more critical than ever to deepen our understanding of the extraordinary distortions of the human psyche and spirit that occur in wartime. Eight distinguished scholars explore, in this first collective effort, the effects of the barbarization of warfare on our cultures and societies. Contributors: Joanna Bourke, Niall Ferguson, Jay Winter, Richard Overy, David Anderson, Hew Strachan, Paul Rogers, Kathleen Taylor, Marilyn Young, Paul Rogers, Anthony Dworkin, Amir Weiner, Mary Habeck, and David Simpson.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Paving with Pervious Concrete
Pervious concrete offers an exciting and economical alternative to traditional paving materials. Avoiding runoff and water pollution, these pavements let water pass through. Architects aiming for green projects, paving contractors looking for new markets, and homeowners planning do-it-yourself slabs gain information needed to use pervious concrete in sidewalks, bike paths, driveways, parking lots, roads, and more. Learn the hydrologic and structural design, selection of materials, placing and testing methods. Read arguments against the material as well, including their problems and defects. A glossary, reference section, and index make this an informative guide.
Penguin Putnam Inc Doctor Dealer
Dr. James Kauffman and his wife, April, were the perfect couple: a respected endocrinologist and a beautiful radio host. But under the surface lurked a world of drugs, sex, and biker gangs. A world Dr. Kauffman would kill to keep secret.In May 2012, April Kauffman, a well-known local radio personality and staunch advocate of military veterans rights, was found shot to death in the bedroom of the home she shared with her husband, Dr. James Kauffman. Six years later, in the fall of 2018, Freddy Augello, a leader of the notorious motorcycle gang the Pagans, went on trial for drug dealing and murder. He was charged with arranging the death of April Kauffman in exchange for $50,000 from her husband, who, in addition to practicing medicine, was one of the area’s most prolific drug traffickers. Told by two accomplished reporters and authors with exclusive insights and details provided by two principal players, this is the story about one man''s
Orion Publishing Co The Sea and Summer
Francis Conway is Swill - one of the 90% in the year 2041 who must subsist on the inadequate charities of the state. A young boy growing. Life, already difficult, is rapidly becoming impossible for Francis and others like him, as government corruption, official blindness and nature have conspired to turn Swill homes into watery tombs. And now the young boy must find a way to escape the approaching tide of disaster.THE SEA AND SUMMER, published in the US as THE DROWNING TOWERS, is George Turner's masterful exploration of the effects of climate change in the not-too-distant future. Comparable to J.G. Ballard's THE DROWNED WORLD, it was shortlisted for the NEBULA AWARD and won the ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD.
Pearson Education Limited Animal Farm
Old Major, the boar, dreams of farms run by animals for animals, with liberty and equality for all. When the animals of Manor Farm, led by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, drive out Farmer Jones and set up Animal Farm, the dream seems to be coming true. But as the pigs become more powerful Old Major's vision turns horribly sour.
MIT Press Ltd Cyber Republic
How to make liberal democracies more inclusive and the digital economy more equitable: a guide for the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution.Around the world, liberal democracies are in crisis. Citizens have lost faith in their government; right-wing nationalist movements frame the political debate. At the same time, economic inequality is increasing dramatically; digital technologies have created a new class of super-rich entrepreneurs. Automation threatens to transform the free economy into a zero-sum game in which capital wins and labor loses. But is this digital dystopia inevitable? In Cyber Republic, George Zarkadakis presents an alternative, outlining a plan for using technology to make liberal democracies more inclusive and the digital economy more equitable. Cyber Republic is no less than a guide for the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution.Zarkadakis, an expert on technology and management, explains how artificial intelligence, together with intelli
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial 1984 (novela gráfica) / 1984 (Graphic Novel)
Adarsh Books Animal Farm
Prakash Books 1984
Springer International Publishing AG More Math Into LaTeX
For over two decades, this comprehensive manual has been the standard introduction and complete reference for writing articles and books containing mathematical formulas. If the reader requires a streamlined approach to learning LaTeX for composing everyday documents, Grätzer’s © 2014 Practical LaTeX may also be a good choice.In this carefully revised fifth edition, the Short Course has been brought up to date and reflects a modern and practical approach to LaTeX usage. New chapters have been added on illustrations and how to use LaTeX on an iPad.Key features: An example-based, visual approach and a gentle introduction with the Short Course A detailed exposition of multiline math formulas with a Visual Guide A unified approach to TeX, LaTeX, and the AMS enhancements A quick introduction to creating presentations with formulas From earlier reviews:Grätzer’s book is a solution. —European Mathematical Society NewsletterThere are several LaTeX guides, but this one wins hands down for the elegance of its approach and breadth of coverage.—, Best of 2000, Editor’s choiceA novice reader will be able to learn the most essential features of LaTeX sufficient to begin typesetting papers within a few hours of time… An experienced TeX user, on the other hand, will find a systematic and detailed discussion of LaTeX features.—Report on Mathematical PhysicsA very helpful and useful tool for all scientists and engineers. —Review of Astronomical Tools
Editions du Chene Post Truth: A love letter to Los Angeles through the lens of a pastel postmodernism
George Byrne’s photography depicts the gritty urbanism of Los Angeles in sublime otherworldliness. Arriving a decade ago, the Australian artist was immediately enthralled by the sprawling cityscape of L.A., mesmerised by the way the sunlight transformed it, into two-dimensional, almost painterly abstractions. In his Post Truth series (2015–22), Byrne reassembles his photos of the urban landscape into striking, ascetic collages of colour and geometric fragments, creating a postmodernist oasis in the metropolis. By masterfully harnessing the malleability of the photographic medium, the photographer situates his work in the space between real and imagined. Byrne’s compositions evoke associations with Miami Beach’s Art Deco, the Memphis Group’s designs, as well as the painting of David Hockney or Ed Ruscha, and at the same time tap into the aesthetics of today’s visual culture played out on Instagram.
Gallimard 1984
Kilnamanagh The Imperial Roman Economy
This book is the first coherent quantified assessment of the economy of the Roman Empire. George Maher argues inventively and rigorously for a much higher level of growth and prosperity than has hitherto been imagined, and also explains why, nonetheless, the Roman Empire did not achieve the transition which began in Georgian Britain. This book will have an enormous impact on Roman history and be required reading for all teachers and students in the field. It will also interest and provoke historians of the medieval and early modern periods into wondering why their economies failed to match the Roman level. Part of the problem in assessing the Roman economy is that we do not have much in the way of numerical data, but Roman historians, who rarely have much statistical expertise, have not always recognised the potential of the data we do have. Dr Maher's reassessment of the economy of the Roman Empire has to use the same data as everyone else, but he is able to draw strikingly novel conclusions in two ways: first, by more statistically sophisticated use of a few crucial datasets and, second, by correlating and drawing a coherent picture across the whole economy. On grain yields, firstly, instead of getting bogged down in details of individual cases, George Maher shows how there is a remarkably consistent pattern from which outliers can be excluded, showing yields were much higher than normally assumed. He then demonstrates that high yields are in fact necessary to explain the exceptional urbanization of the Empire. Urbanization at this level in turn, as George Maher shows, has implications for consumption and commerce. He takes this further to show how high levels of trade imply high levels of sophistication in economic practices and mentality. In one of his most methodologically novel chapters, George Maher develops a new and simpler way of assessing average life expectancy and argues for a life expectancy almost double the traditional view. This book, Dr George Maher's doctoral thesis, is the theoretical underpinning of his book Pugnare: Economic Success and Failure.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Jardine
Eat Out Award–winning chef George Jardine offers some of the recipes that have drawn guests for almost a decade to his fabulous eatery on the Jordan Wine Estate in Stellenbosch. In the pages of Jardine: Cooking with an Accent, George has looked back over his award-studded time as a chef in South Africa and compiled a collection of recipes that defines his style as a chef. Whether it’s mushrooms gathered in a local forest, guavas from the tree in the garden, or fish caught in our oceans, Jardine is filled with recipes that explore the culinary bounty of Mzansi. This stunning volume, photographed beautifully by Russel Wasserfall, serves as both an exploration into the skill of a talented chef and a memoir for visitors to his restaurant.
Renard Press Ltd England Your England
George Orwell set out 'to make political writing into an art', and to a wide extent this aim shaped the future of English literature - his descriptions of authoritarian regimes helped to form a new vocabulary that is fundamental to understanding totalitarianism. While 1984 and Animal Farm are amongst the most popular classic novels in the English language, this new series of Orwell's essays seeks to bring a wider selection of his writing on politics and literature to a new readership. Fearing that England was about to be wiped from the face of the earth by the Nazi bombers flying overhead, Orwell put pen to paper and set out to make a record of English culture. England Your England, the sixth in the Orwell's Essays series, is this record, and is an important tableau of the nation's history, and demonstrates a resolute refusal to bow to the threatening forces of Fascism.
De Coubertin Books Redmen: Liverpool FC, the Tobacco Years
Nick Hern Books The Man of Mode
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price The best comedy of manners written in England before Congreve, The Man of Mode was first staged in 1676 and contains all the classic ingredients of Restoration Comedy: adultery, intrigue, gossip - as well as the first and greatest of the Restoration fops, Sir Fopling Flutter. This edition, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is edited by Trevor Griffiths, presenting the complete text, uncluttered by footnotes, with a full introduction setting out the historical context.
Nick Hern Books The Recruiting Officer
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price A classic Restoration-era comedy about the sexual exploits of two officers, the womanising Plume and the cowardly Brazen, as they go about their task of recruiting soldiers in the town of Shrewsbury. George Farquhar's play The Recruiting Officer was first staged at Drury Lane in 1706. It was an immediate hit and went on to become one of the most frequently performed plays of the 18th century. This edition in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series is edited and introduced by Simon Trussler.
Nick Hern Books The Beaux Stratagem
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price George Farquhar's immortal comedy about two young gentlemen with a misguided plan to get enrich themselves at the expense of a series of young heiresses. A pair of London gentlemen, Archer and Aimwell, pose as a Lord and his servant in order to procure one handsome dowry to split between them. While Aimwell, the 'lord', works on the affections of Lady Bountiful's daughter Dorinda, his 'servant' Archer makes his bid for her son's wife. George Farquhar's play The Beaux Stratagem was first produced at the Theatre Royal, London, in 1707. This edition, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is edited and introduced by Simon Trussler.
Pan Macmillan Australia Air Fryer Express: 60 delicious recipes for dinners, snacks & school lunches
Linden Publishing Co Inc Here's to My Sweet Satan: How the Occult Haunted Music, Movies and Pop Culture, 1966-1980
Roaring Brook Press Aphrodite: Goddess of Love
In volume six of Olympians, graphic novel author/artist George O'Connor turns the spotlight on Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Look for the same thoroughly researched and wonderfully accessible comics storytelling as O'Connor tackles the story of the Aphrodite from her dramatic birth (emerging from sea-foam) to her role in the Trojan War. O'Connor has outdone himself with this volume: the story is riveting and the artwork is beyond compare. Greek mythology has never been so vivid!
American Society for Training & Development 10 Steps to Successful Change Management
Change is inevitable, and how we handle it determines a great deal of our success in life. Fortunately, 10 Steps to Successful Change Management can help you understand change and take proactive steps toward dealing with it. With this handy go-to resource as your guide, you can understand and evaluate change, and apply practical tools that will help you not only cope with the inevitable, but benefit from it.Do you look forward to change, or do you face it with a sense of impending doom?Change is inevitable, and how we handle it determines a great deal of our success in life. Yet many people dread change, viewing it as a threat to be overcome rather than an opportunity to learn and grow.Fortunately, 10 Steps to Successful Change Management can help you understand change and take proactive steps toward dealing with it—whether it comes from technology, organisational shifts, economic or global trends, or simply the passage of time. With this handy go-to resource as your guide, you can understand and evaluate change, and apply practical tools that will help you not only cope with the inevitable, but benefit from it.This book can serve as a step-by-step program for systematically building your change management strategy, or you can turn directly to whichever chapter will help solve the problem at hand today. Either way, you'll be provided with insights, case studies, tools, and techniques to put you ahead of the change curve. You'll learn how to:develop a change management team and create supportive alliancescommunicate your plans, take your vision from idea to action, and overcome challenges along the waymeasure your success, review lessons learned, and build a culture of constant improvement.With 10 Steps to Successful Change Management at your fingertips, you'll be prepared to understand what's happening, minimise the risk that goes with it, and take advantage of the opportunities that change can bring. Instead of dreading the possibility that changes will occur, you'll be assured of your ability to handle them—and to thrive and grow through the experience.