Search results for ""Vandenhoeck Ruprecht""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Underground Protestantism in Sixteenth Century Spain: A Much Ignored Side of Spanish History
Frances Luttikhuizen chronicles the arrival, reception, and suppression of Protestant thought in sixteenth century Spain-referred to at that time as 'Lutheranism'. It opens with several chapters describing the socio-political-religious context that prevailed in Spain at the beginning of the sixteenth century and the growing trend to use the vernacular for parts of the Mass, as well as for catechizing the populace. Special attention is given to the forerunners, that is, the early alumbrado-deixados, the role of Cardinal Cisneros, and the impact of Erasmus and Juan de Valdes, etc. The use of archival material provides new details regarding the historical framework and the spread of evangelical thought in sixteenth century Spain. These dispatches and trial records greatly enrich the main body of the work, which deals with the arrival and confiscation of evangelical literature, the attitude of Charles V and Philip II towards religious dissidents, and the severe persecution of the underground evangelical circles at Seville and Valladolid. Special attention is given to the many women involved in the movement. The recurrent mention of the discovery and confiscation of prohibited literature shows how books played an important role in the development of the movements. The final chapters focus on the exiles and their contributions, the persecution of foreigners, and the years up to the abolition of the Inquisition. The work concludes with the efforts made in the nineteenth century to rediscover the history of the persecuted sixteenth century Spanish Protestants and their writings.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Council of Trent
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Jerome Zanchi (151690) and the Analysis of Reformed Scholastic Christology
This is a study in the Christology of Jerome Zanchi (1516-90), a leading 16th century reformed scholastic theologian. The study as a whole is bound together by doctrinal topics, themes and trajectories important to the 16th century Christological debates as well as by philosophical issues and arguments. In the first chapter, Stefan Lindholm situates Zanchi in the contemporary research into reformed scholasticism. Lindholm gives an account of what he calls analytic Christology and why it is relevant to the present study. In the second chapter, he contextualizes Zanchis Christology, historically and theologically. He discusses the sources and context of Zanchis Christology and characterize it as catholic, scholastic and reformed.In the second part, on the hypostatic union, Lindholm evaluates Zanchis view of the virgin birth The process of hominization in the third chapter. In the fourth chapter, he analyses Zanchis uses of the part-whole and soul-body similes for the hypostatic union. What emerges is a rather ambiguous view of the hypostatic union. At the end of this chapter, Lindholm offers further correctives to Zanchis assumed metaphysical framework in order to better accommodate the sort of claims Zanchi wants to make about the hypostatic union. The central theme in the debate between the Lutherans and the reformed theologians, the communication of properties, is treated in the third part. Chapter five deals with Zanchis controversy with Martin Chemnitz notion of the majestic genus (genus maiestaticum). In the sixth chapter Lindholm discusses the most heated issue in the debate about the communication of properties: ubiquity. He shows that Zanchi tends to argue against a sort of generalized version of ubiquity but it is not clear that Chemnitz actually ascribed to that position which weakens the force of Zanchis arguments. Finally, Lindholm looks at two scholastic arguments found in Chemnitz for multi-location and reconstruct a possible Zanchian response to them. In a postscript, Lindholm suggests some trajectories for future research.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Preparing for Death, Remembering the Dead
Death and dying were not in the main focus of the denominational conflicts of the 16th century. However, pious literature covered these topics again and again, not only before the Reformation, but after it as well. Here, certain denominational differences are clearly visible. Partly, these differences consist in the use of genres: For example, funeral sermons are an often used genre among Lutherans, while they are much rarer in the Reformed tradition. Similar differences can be observed concerning epitaphs. In Roman Catholic areas, funeral sermons and epitaphs are common in the 16th century, too; but their religious function is often a different from the one in Lutheranism. Beyond such interdenominational differences, there are also interesting continuities and connections which the contributors of the volume analyze. For example, there is a certain continuity between 16th century Lutheran funeral sermons and the late medieval tradition of ars moriendi.The volume contains papers presented at the Second RefoRC Conference in Oslo in 2012, and is characterized by a multiconfessional and multidisciplinary approach, with contributions from Church History, Art History, Archaeology, History of Literature and Cultural History. Within a field of research dominated by specialized contributions (e.g. on ars moriendi traditions or on specific traditions of funeral monuments and funeral sermons), the broad approach of this volume may further stimulate to comparative and cross-confessional reflection.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Shifting Patterns of Reformed Tradition
The thirteen essays in this volume were all originally presented at international conferences or in public lectures.They address three main areas of inquiry, all of which, in one way or another, are of key importance in early modern historical discourse and theological thinking: (1) the theological diversity and debates within the Reformed tradition in the sixteenth century and beyond; (2) Peter Martyr Vermiglis noteworthy contribution to Reformed ecclesiology and biblical exegesis; and (3) the later development and enrichment of Reformed thought on both sides of the Atlantic. They show that the Reformed tradition was neither monolithic, nor monochrome, nor immutable, but evolved in different, if interrelated, patterns and directions. The thirteen essays in this volume were all originally presented at international conferences or in public lectures.They address three main areas of inquiry, all of which, in one way or another, are of key importance in early modern historical discourse and theological thinking: (1) the theological diversity and debates within the Reformed tradition in the sixteenth century and beyond; (2) Peter Martyr Vermiglis noteworthy contribution to Reformed ecclesiology and biblical exegesis; and (3) the later development and enrichment of Reformed thought on both sides of the Atlantic. They show that the Reformed tradition was neither monolithic, nor monochrome, nor immutable, but evolved in different, if interrelated, patterns and directions.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Anthropological Reformations -- Anthropology in the Era of Reformation
The aim of the volume is to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion about the establishment and debates on anthropological concepts and their changes in the age of Reformation: How do anthropological concepts touch theological questions such as the freedom of will or the human likeness to God? In which ways is there a reflection on emotions? How is scientific knowledge received by theologians? How is contemporary thought on the conditio humana presented in literature and poetry? The volume combines selected papers of relevant experts with the research work of young graduate or postgraduate scholars. It tries to encourage a transdisciplinary, international discussion focused on exemplary case studies as well as systematic points of view. Thanks to the outstanding commitment of all participants of the conference we are able to present the results of this discussion, a rich and comprehensive spectrum of research work, which will encourage further research.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Refo500 Academic Studies (R5AS): Zacharias Ursinus (1534-1583) als Schriftausleger
Zacharias Ursinus is widely known as the main author of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). In this thesis Wagner-Peterson analyses for the first time the late period of Zacharias Ursinus' theology on the basis of his lecture on Isaiah. The author focusses on the methodology, the hermeneutics and theology implicated in this lecture. The results are compared to 16th century commentaries and theological concepts. A comparative study of Ursinus' earlier writings illustrates a development of his theological concept. Wagner-Peterson thus offers important new insights into exegesis and theology in the period of confessionalism. The older Ursinus appears as a reformed theological teacher, whose intention was to school his students in a life of continuous study of scriptural doctrine. The study of and the obedience to biblical doctrine was essential for Ursinus as a school for living and dying according to God's providential will.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Kreuz - Gestalt, Wirkung, Deutung
Das Kreuz ist das Zeichen des Christentums. Es verweist auf Leiden, Sterben und Auferstehung Jesu Christi. Aber es ist nicht nur Zeichen, das auf etwas anderes verweist, sondern es hat auch eine eigene Gestalt und Formgebung. In Interviews und Erfahrungsberichten sucht Hans-GÃ"nter Heimbrock nach den alltäglichen, persönlichen Begegnungen mit Kreuzesdarstellungen. Ãberlegungen zur Hermeneutik des Kreuzes vervollständigen den praktisch-theologischen Blick auf das zentrale Symbol des christlichen Glaubens. So entsteht ein völlig neuer Zugang zur Gestalt des Kreuzes.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Melanchthon and Calvin on Confession and Communion: Early Modern Protestant Penitential and Eucharistic Piety
Melanchthon and Calvin were late medieval people, stemming from a world of order and unity, and at the same time they fully lived in the early modern world, in which everything was changing. In this new world they committedly, enthusiastically, and restlessly sought to introduce some order, in theory as well as practice. The sixteenth-century church was governed by multiple coercive constructions and systems. Did the two Reformers really succeed in disconnecting themselves from them, and to what extent did they connect to, for example, the existing forms of eucharistic piety? The established church had come under serious criticism, and people were massively turning their backs on the less than attractive ecclesiastical practices -- something connecting that era to ours. In these highly turbulent and suspenseful 1520s, when it was not yet clear whether the ten-year-old evangelical movement in Germany was still viable, Melanchthon tried to introduce at least some order into the chaos by means of a confession accompanied by a church order. As it turned out, the new doctrine on Christian freedom and justification by faith alone was easily interpreted in a one-sided manner. Through a careful analysis of the sources, Herman A. Speelman examines Melanchthons church visitations in 1527 and Calvins five attempts to shape the modernisation of ecclesiastical life. In addition to the gospel, also penance and the preaching of the law received a place in the Protestant liturgy and spirituality .Melanchthons and Calvins contributions were not only to have an enormous impact on the theological evolutions in the evangelical movement in Europe, but they also proved to be of eminent importance for the way in which the new doctrine was given meaning in practice. Their instructions continue to be highly influential in large parts of Europe today.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformatorische Prägungen: Studien zur Theologie Martin Luthers und zur Reformationszeit
Der Bonner Reformationshistoriker Karl-Heinz zur Mëhlen widmet sich in den hier versammelten Beiträgen Martin Luther und der Reformation. Behandelt werden z.B. die Stellung Luthers zu den Kirchenvätern, Themen der Theologie Luthers und der Reformationszeit, die Christologie, Anthropologie und Eschatologie sowie semiotische Fragen der Sakramentslehre. Zudem widmet sich der Band dem kontroverstheologischen Dialog in der Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Im Zusammenhang der vom Autor und dem katholischen Theologen Klaus Ganzer edierten Akten der deutschen Reichsreligionsgespräche von Hagenau, Worms und Regensburg 1540/41 werden neueste Forschungsergebnisse u.a. zu deren Chancen und Grenzen vor dem Konzil von Trient (1545-1563) präsentiert. Ein Beitrag zur Lutherdekade 2017 beschließt den Band.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Martin Luther in Motion Pictures: History of a Metamorphosis
Feature film has done more than any other medium to shape the image of Martin Luther held by the common public in the 20th century. Luther films have always - apart from the very earliest - been ambitious undertakings, staffed by personnel that includes leading representatives of theology and expert consultants in ecclesiastical history. Nonetheless the Luther film has been largely bypassed by traditional Luther scholarship. The status of the historic figure as a national myth in Germany and a Church founder in America required a cinematic concept that was closely linked with theological issues as well as the self-image of the Lutheran Church. The present study is chiefly concerned with working out the interests brought to bear on each film project by their initiators and the impact each has made on the image of Luther in film in its historical context.In no other medium can the history of the change in the Lutheran mindset during the past century be as clearly read as in film. This mass medium does show how scholarship, whether in respect to psychology or the interpretation of the Reformation as a media reformation, was popularized. Moreover, the film fairly consistently sticks to the positive image of the hero. Whereas the view of Luther in German films increasingly emphasized the nationalist element until 1927, since 1953 the Anglo-American tradition has placed the emphasis on the element of liberation from conventional thinking, and from the authorities of the Middle Ages as well as on new beginnings. That was the image that became the basis for all later filmic representation. Therefore it is legitimate to speak of an Americanization of Luther in film. Some main aspects of Luther's image can be seen in both the European and the American traditions. Moreover, viewer response to the Luther film has shown itself to be an indicator of the degree of secularisation in a society. It also shows whether and if so, how strongly, links to a particular religious affiliation are perceived at a given time.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG La Samarie La Diaspora Et LAchevement de la Torah Territorialites Et Internationalites Dans LHexateuque Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis 284
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Yavneh I The Excavation Of The Temple Hill Repository Pit And The Cult Stands Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis Series Archaeologica 30
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG How Prophecy Works
There is a longstanding scholarly debate on the nature of prophecy in ancient Israel. Until now, no study has based itself on the semantics of the Hebrew lexeme for "prophet". This investigation by William L. Kelly discusses the nature and function of prophecy in the corpus of the Hebrew book of Jeremiah. It analyses all occurrences of the lexeme in Jeremiah and performs a close reading of three primary texts, Jeremiah 1.4-19, 23.9-40 and 27.1-28.17. The result is a detailed explanation of how prophecy works, and what it meant to call someone by that name in ancient Israel. Combining the results of the semantic analysis and close readings, the study reaches conclusions for six main areas of study: (1) the function and nature of prophecy; (2) dreams and visions; (3) being sent; (4) prophets, priests and cult; (5) salvation and doom; and (6) legitimacy and authority. I then situate these findings in two current debates, one on the definition of the lexeme; and one on cultic prophecy. This study contributes to critical scholarship on prophecy in the ancient world, on the book of Jeremiah, and on prophets in ancient Israel. It is the first major study to analyse the lexeme; based on its semantic associations. It adds to a growing consensus which understands prophecy as a form of divination. Contrary to some trends in Jeremiah scholarship, this work demonstrates the importance of a close reading of the Masoretic (Hebrew) text. This study uses a method of a general nature which can be applied to other texts. Thus there are significant implications for further research on prophecy and prophetic literature.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Verflochtene Identitaten
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sunlight and Shade in the First Cities A Sensory Archaeology of Early Iraq Mundus Orientis 1
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Philo von Alexandrien: Denkender Glaube Eine Einführung
Text in German. Philo of Alexandria was the first Middle Platonic thinker whose writings have largely survived. Otto Kaiser introduces the reader to his life, work and writings based on the extant manuscripts. Philo of Alexandria is one of the most important figures in the history of Hellenic culture. His writings are an essential source of information on Hellenic and Stoic philosophy, much of which was subsequently lost. His importance to the history of theology rests on the fact that he was the first author to write about the Pentateuch based on the writings of the Greek philosophers available to him. His works also reflect his knowledge of the thoughts of the empirical scientists of his time. Otto Kaiser introduces the reader to the life, work and writings of Philo based on the extant works of Philo as well as of many other ancient writers.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Der Buddha Und Der andere Zur Religiosen Differenzreflexion Und Narrativen Darstellung Des anderen Im MajjhimaNikaya 9 Critical Studies in ReligionReligionswissenschaft Csrrw
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religion in Der Verrechtlichten Gesellschaft Rechtskonflikte Und Offentliche Kontroversen Um Religion ALS Grenzarbeiten Am Religiosen Feld Critical Studies in ReligionReligionswissenschaft Csrrw
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kirche und Synagoge: Ein lutherisches Votum
The authors of this volume follow the tracks of the darker side of the Reformation and study the relationship with Judaism based on Lutheran theology and on a sense of "dignity of difference" (Jonathan Sacks).To the present day Luther's antisemitic polemics have proved to be a burden to the Lutheran Churches. In the media his writings have not been repelled but rather taken up. That is reason enough for members of the Protestant-Lutheran Churches to break with some of the basics of their own church and seek solutions for facing this problem. The authors of this collection point out the positive consideration given modern Judaism in Protestant teachings as a near cousin to its own foundations, particularly at the point at which it would appear to be most difficult to sustain: in dogmatics.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Influences And Traditions Underlying The Vision Of Daniel 7214 The Research History Form The End Of The 19Th Century To The Present Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis 177
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Ein prosopographischer Kommentar
Die Geschichts- und Bibelwissenschaft verzeichnet in den letzten Jahren ein verstärktes Interesse an biographischen Studien. Sie machen deutlich, dass Gesellschaft, Kultur und Religion nur dann zu verstehen sind, wenn man die sie tragenden Persönlichkeiten kennt mitsamt ihren konkreten Geschichten, Erfahrungen und Lebensprofilen. Die Geschichtsschreibung erwähnt bevorzugt die fÃ"hrenden Persönlichkeiten, denen als Prominente eine erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit zukommt, denn sie verkörpern etwas Besonderes. Auch das Neue Testament kennt eine Reihe solcher Persönlichkeiten der Zeitgeschichte. Ihren Namen, ihren Geschichten und den Spuren, die sie in der Welt der ersten Christen hinterlassen haben, ist Rainer Metzner nachgegangen und hat auch auf auÃerbiblische Quellen zurÃ"ckgegriffen.In seiner Prosopographie begegnen Kaiser, Senatoren, Ritter und städtische Ratsherren, fÃ"hrende Persönlichkeiten der römischen Reichsaristokratie, wie auch Könige, LandesfÃ"rsten und Hohepriester. Bei Metzner begegnen dem Leser aber auch Sozialbanditen, Zeichenpropheten und Magier, die sich in den GeschichtsbÃ"chern einen Namen gemacht haben.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Der Mensch zwischen Destruktivität und Konstruktivität
Die Umwelt des Paulus verwendet die Begriffe "sarx" und "soma" beinahe synonym, um dadurch den Menschen in seiner Materialität in Gegensatz zur immateriellen Seele zu beschreiben.Der Begriff "soma" beschreibt bei Paulus hingegen den Menschen als sterblich und inaktiv, wie etwa aus seinem Gebrauch fÃ"r "Leiche" oder "Sklave" ersichtlich ist. Die negative Semantik von "soma" bei Paulus entspricht der Kultur seiner Zeit. Nur die Dynamik der Erlösung, in deren Mittelpunkt der Tod und die Auferstehung Christi stehen, ermöglicht ein neues Verständnis von "soma", das zur Konstruktivität bestimmt wird."Sarx" dagegen ist bei Paulus aktiv. Im Griechischen wird der Begriff wenig verwendet und bezeichnet nur den muskulösen Teil des Körpers oder den Leib als Ganzes. Als Bezeichnung fÃ"r den aktiven Menschen wird "sarx" als Sitz der Affekte verstanden. MaÃgebend ist hier Gal 5, wo "sarx" dem Geist Gottes gegenÃ"bersteht und verantwortlich fÃ"r Affekte, Aggression, Konflikte ist.Die Kernfrage des ethischen Diskurses der Antike lautet, wie sich das destruktive Potential im Menschen Ã"berwinden lieÃe. Die Destruktivität kann nach Paulus nicht durch das Gesetz Ã"berwunden werden. Konstruktivität zeigt sich in der Wirkung des Geistes auf das sterbliche und inaktive "soma" in der Eschatologie, der Ekklesiologie und der Ethik.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Fiktive Selbstauslegung Des Paulus Intertextuelle Studien Zur Intention Und Rezeption Der Pastoralbriefe Novum Testamentum Et Orbis AntiquusStudien Zur Umwelt Des Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sozialgeschichtliche Exegese Entwicklung Geschichte Und Methodik Einer Neutestamentlichen Forschungsrichtung 42 Novum Testamentum Et Orbis AntiquusStudien Zur Umwelt Des Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Der Judische Phokylides Formgeschichtliche Zugange Zu PseudoPhokylides Und Vergleich Mit Der Neutestamentlichen Paranese 23 Novum TestamentumStudien Zur Umwelt Des NT
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Interkulturelle Theologie Und Multikulturelle Gemeinde Im Matthausevangelium Zum Verhaltnis Von Juden Und Heidenchristen Im Ersten Evangelium 22 Novum Testamentum Et Orbis Antiquus
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Entstehung Der Paulusbriefsammlung 10 Novum Testamentum Et Orbis Antiquus
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Gemeinde ALS Brief Christi Die Kommunikative Funktion Der Metapher Bei Paulus Am Beispiel Von 2 Kor 25 197 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Volk Und Gemeinde Im Wandel Eine Untersuchung Zu Jesaja 5666 191 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen T
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Der Romerbrief ALS Gratwanderung Eine Untersuchung Zur Abfassungsproblematik 194 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Deuteronomistic History Hypothesis A Reassessment Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis No 92
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Ceremonial Execution And Public Rewards Some Historical Scenes On New Kingdom Private Stelae Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis No 75
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments: Der Weg Gottes im Alten Testament vom Herrn seines Volkes zum Herrn der ganzen Welt
Jahwe, der Gott Israels, war von Anfang bis zum Ende seiner sich im Alten Testament spiegelnden Geschichte der einzige Gott seines Volkes. Otto Kaiser verfolgt den Weg des Glaubens an Jahwe als den einzigen Gott Israels von seinen Anfängen bis zu seinem apokalyptischen Ausklang. Er zeigt auf, dass der Glaube Israels an seinen Gott so lebendig war, dass er in der Lage war, alle Ãnderungen der geschichtlichen Situation aufzunehmen und auf diese Weise den Herrschaftsbereich Gottes fortlaufend zu erweitern, bis er schließlich als der einzige Gott zum Herrn des Himmels, der Erde und der Unterwelt, der Lebenden und der Toten geworden war. Abschließend beantwortet Kaiser die Frage nach der Gegenwartsbedeutung dieser Botschaft und dem Verhältnis zwischen Christentum und Judentum.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hebrew Bible / Old Testament -- The History of Its Interpretation: Part 1/2: The Middle Ages
24 scholars -- Jewish, Protestant, Roman Catholic - from North America, Israel, and various European countries, contribute to this rich volume on medieval interpretation and exegesis of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (5th through 12th centuries). Geographically, they cover most of the world as it was known in these times: from Syria to Spain, from Rome to the Rhine and the Seine. The volume also contains supplements to the previous volume, on Ben Sira and the Wisdom of Solomon. The indexes (names, topics, references to biblical sources and a broad body of literature beyond) are the key to the wealth of information provided. Undoubtedly, this volume will meet the high expectations set by the reviewers of the first volume (I/1) of the series: Definitive reference work (Religious Studies Review) The foremost account of Jewish and Christian biblical interpretation (Expository Times)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments: Studien zur Handlungsorientierung einer frÃ"hchristlichen Gemeinde in paganer Umwelt
Was he a model figure or not? Heiko Wojtkowiak deals with the question of the relationship between Paul's strict ethical mandates toward the congregation of the Philippians and Christ's own actions. His intention is to illuminate the relationship between paraklesis and Christ's saving action as stated in Paul's letter to the Philippians. To approach this diputed question, he looks at the role Christ is given in the epistle as a moral model and particularly illuminates the Christian Psalm (Phil. 2.6-11) and its role in the epistle. From this ethical vantage point Wojtkowiak make the case that with his letter Paul was addressing a concrete conflict there, a crisis prompted by experiences of suffering within this Gentile Christian congregation.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Septuaginta. Band 4,3: Ruth
"Wohin du gehst, will ich auch gehen" - die biblische Geschichte zweier Frauen, die im Buch Ruth berichtet wird, hat eine vielfältige Wirkungsgeschichte bis in die heutige Zeit. Diese kritische Ausgabe des Septuagintatextes des Buches Ruth berëcksichtigt alle griechischen Handschriften, die bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts geschrieben wurden, deren Tochterëbersetzungen und die Zitate aus dem Buch Ruth bei den Kirchenvätern. Die Textgeschichte wird in der Einleitung ausfëhrlich dargestellt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Septuaginta Band 92 Maccabaeorum Liber II Septuaginta Maccabaeorum Liber II
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Septuaginta Book 161 Ezechiel Mit Einem Nachtrag Von D Fraenkel Band 161 Ezechiel Septuaginta Ezechiel Mit Einem Nachtrag Von D Fraenkel
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Septuaginta: Band 12,2: Sapientia Jesu filii Sirach
Die Herausgabe der großen kritischen Edition des ältesten erreichbaren Septuaginta-Textes ist Ziel des 1908 gegründeten Septuaginta-Unternehmens der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Anspruch und Aufgabe einer solchen Edition ist die auf möglichste Vollständigkeit angelegte Erfassung und transmissionsgeschichtliche Auswertung der handschriftlichen Überlieferung, angefangen mit den griechischen vorchristlichen Papyri (3./2. Jh. v. Chr.) bis hin zu den Minuskelhandschriften des 16. Jh. n. Chr., sodann der lateinischen, koptischen, syrischen, äthiopischen und armenischen Tochterübersetzungen, ferner der Septuaginta-Zitate bei den griechischen und lateinischen Kirchenschriftstellern unter Einschluss der sog. Catenenüberlieferung und schließlich aller Druckausgaben der Septuaginta vom 16. bis zum 20. Jh.Mit dem erstmaligen Erscheinen der vollständigen kritischen Edition des Buches Sapientia Iesu Filii Sirach wird die Göttinger Editio critica maior der Septuaginta fortgesetzt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Judaistik Und Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Standorte Grenzen Beziehungen 226 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Prophetie ALS Theologie Die So Spricht JahweFormeln Und Das Grundverstandnis Alttestamentlicher Prophetie 207 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Die hebräische Vorlage der ursprÃ"nglichen Septuaginta als älteste Textform der KönigsbÃ"cher
Die redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der biblischen KönigsbÃ"cher fÃ"hrt zu interessanten Ergebnissen: Die ursprÃ"ngliche Septuaginta lässt sich in 1-2 Könige dank einiger Textzeugen ziemlich gut abgrenzen. Da sie ihre hebräische Vorlage nahezu wörtlich Ã"bersetzt, kann diese annähernd genau rekonstruiert werden. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass sie eine ursprÃ"nglichere Textgestalt darstellt als die im masoretischen Text bewahrte Form. Schenker verfolgt die gelegten Spuren und schafft es, die komplexe Redaktionsgeschichte der beiden KönigebÃ"cher einleuchtend und anschaulich zu skizzieren.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Ihre Beziehungen im Spiegel der Archäologie und der Literatur des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt
Dieser Band stellt die zentrale Bedeutung der Phönizier als Vermittler zwischen Altem Orient und Okzident heraus. Die Beiträge widmen sich exemplarischen Feldern der phönizischen Sprache, Topographie, Ikonographie und Religionsgeschichte und beleuchten das Verhältnis zwischen "Israeliten" und "Phöniziern" im 1. Jahrtausend v.Chr., wie es sich aus archäologischen, historischen und literarischen Zeugnissen rekonstruieren lässt. Dabei verdeutlichen sowohl die Studien zur phönizischen Philologie, Bildwelt und Geschichte als auch die Untersuchungen einschlägiger alttestamentlicher Texte zur phönizischen Metropole Tyros sowie der Beitrag zur Religion der "Philister" die Problematik der Bestimmung von kulturellen und religiösen Identitäten, interkulturellen Verflechtungen und lokalen Besonderheiten in der Antike.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Die Qedeschen der Hebräischen Bibel und das Motiv der Hurerei
Als "Tempeldirnen" und "Lustknaben" sind sie in BibelÃ"bersetzungen zu finden. Aber gab es sie wirklich, die sogenannten Tempelprostituierten? FÃ"r den Alten Orient wird dies schon lange in Zweifel gezogen. Das Alte Testament jedoch soll Kultprostitution bezeugen, und zwar als Tätigkeit der Qedeschen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich dieser alttestamentlichen Gruppe in detaillierten Exegesen zu sämtlichen Belegen Ã"ber das Qedeschen-Wesen und kommt zu dem Ergebnis: Die Vorstellung von Kultprostitution speist sich aus einem Forschungsmythos. Die alttestamentlichen Qedeschen erscheinen als Kultpersonal aus der Anfangszeit Judas, die mit Opferriten und der Verehrung Ascheras in Verbindung gestanden haben, jedoch nicht als Kultprostituierte i.e.S. bezeichnet werden können.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kommentare zur Apokryphen Literatur: EinfÃ"hrung und Ãbersetzung
Der weithin bekannte erste christliche Roman verdankt seinen Namen der historischen Gestalt des Klemens, dem bedeutenden römischen Bischof am Ende des 1. Jahrhunderts. Dieser Klemens ist die fiktive Erzählerfigur des in mehreren Stufen seit dem ausgehenden 2. Jahrhundert entstandenen griechischen Prosawerks, dessen Handlung um 40 n. Chr. spielt. Die christliche Adaption der paganen Literaturform des Romans dient missionarischen und erbaulichen Zwecken: Im ersten Teil, einem Entwicklungsroman, sucht der aus römischem Adel stammende Klemens nach dem Sinn des Lebens und findet ihn durch die Begegnung mit dem Apostel Petrus, im zweiten Teil, einem Familienroman, wird Klemens dank der Hilfe des Petrus mit seinen verschollenen Eltern und Geschwistern vereint. Das Werk ist seit dem 4. Jahrhundert in zwei Rezensionen Ã"berliefert, den "Rekognitionen", die nur in lateinischer Sprache erhalten sind, und den "Homilien". Diese "Homilien", die wegen darin aufbewahrter umfangreicher judenchristlicher Traditionen von besonderer Bedeutung sind, werden hier erstmals in vollständiger deutscher Ãbersetzung vorgelegt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Written for Our Discipline and Use: The Construction of Christian and Jewish Identities in Late Ancient Bible Interpretation
Patristic and rabbinic biblical interpretations are significant contributions to the identity construction of late antique Christian and Jewish groups. The contributions in this conference volume illuminate the reception of biblical texts, themes and figures in patristic and rabbinic writings from the 2nd to the 8th century. They reveal processes of mutual demarcation, which are sometimes extremely polemical, sometimes only implicit and indirectly accessible. The correct interpretation of Scripture is claimed for one's own "we", while at the same time distinguishing it from the "others". Nevertheless, similarities and mutual positive references are clearly recognizable. Especially the often so polemical Christian interpretation is from the beginning rooted in the Jewish tradition and based on it. But also the rabbinic interpretation shows traces of the controversy with Christianity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG An 'Open-Ended Distinctiveness': The Contemporary Relevance of Wolfhart Pannenberg's Participatory Ecclesiology and Ecumenism for World Christianity
Insofar as the twentieth century has often been referred to as 'the ecumenical century', the twenty-first seems poised to become known as 'the century of World Christianity'. Into this situation, the present study seeks to show the ongoing relevance of Wolfhart Pannenberg's ecclesiological and ecumenical proposals and, in doing so, finds that his eschatologically-oriented and historically-rooted emphasis upon an 'open-ended distinctiveness' is exactly the kind of corrective that the emerging theological paradigm of World Christianity needs if it wants not only to stay contextually 'open-ended', but remain 'distinctively' Christian in outlook and character as well. Towards that end, the book begins with the story of ecclesiology's definitional expansion (from the time of the Reformation to now) before tracing the biographical and ideational roots of Pannenberg's overall programme. The study then proceeds by outlining the main contours of Pannenberg's ecclesiology and ecumenism, especially as such pertain to World Christianity. In this regard, several facets of Pannenberg's thought are highlighted for consideration, including his understanding of 'the church as sign of the kingdom', his doctrine of 'participation in Christ', his reassertion of the church's missionary task, his (underdeveloped) 'personalist' and 'social' thought-structures, his (ironically relevant) 'Constantinianism', his (directly relevant yet abstract) notion of 'creative love', and his views concerning contextualization and the ecumenical potential of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381. While much that is here developed serves as a healthy corrective for an emerging theological paradigm that is still maturing, some surprising critical insights arise that also flow the other way.