Search results for ""Author Brick"
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Comfort Joy From the Album Comfort and Joy PianoVocalGuitar Sheet
Inter-Varsity Press Borderlands: Navigating The Adventures Of Spiritual Growth
The borderlands of change can be disorienting. We can feel adrift. We may enter them by intention, aspiring to growth, or be thrust into them by illness, relationship breakdown, financial crisis or bereavement. Whatever, they will always form challenging territory. Scripture, though, offers rich resources for navigating such landscapes. The Great Fifty Days from Easter to Pentecost form a unique map for the adventure of spiritual growth. Tracking Jesus’ disciples through these days, this book is for anyone undergoing transition or who seeks to grow in their faith. Poetic and passionate in language, frank and authentic about the challenge of change, it aims to inspire and stir appetite for spiritual formation. Combining insights from literature, psychology and art, it offers scriptural keys that can help and enrich any borderland season of life. Be equipped for a transforming journey into all the fullness of life that Jesus promises.
Otago University Press James Courage Diaries
Orion Publishing Co The Great Escape
The famous story of mass escape from a WWII German PoW camp that inspired the classic film.One of the most famous true stories from the last war, The GREAT ESCAPE tells how more than six hundred men in a German prisoner-of-war camp worked together to achieve an extraordinary break-out. Every night for a year they dug tunnels, and those who weren't digging forged passports, drew maps, faked weapons and tailored German uniforms and civilian clothes to wear once they had escaped. All of this was conducted under the very noses of their prison guards. When the right night came, the actual escape itself was timed to the split second - but of course, not everything went according to plan...
Orion Publishing Co Reach for the Sky
The bestselling story of Britain's most courageous and most famous flyer, the Second World War hero Sir Douglas Bader.In 1931, at the age of 21, Douglas Bader was the golden boy of the RAF. Excelling in everything he did he represented the Royal Air Force in aerobatics displays, played rugby for Harlequins, and was tipped to be the next England fly half. But one afternoon in December all his ambitions came to an abrupt end when he crashed his plane doing a particularly difficult and illegal aerobatic trick. His injuries were so bad that surgeons were forced to amputate both his legs to save his life. Douglas Bader did not fly again until the outbreak of the Second World War, when his undoubted skill in the air was enough to convince a desperate air force to give him his own squadron. The rest of his story is the stuff of legend. Flying Hurricanes in the Battle of Britain he led his squadron to kill after kill, keeping them all going with his unstoppable banter. Shot down in occupied France, his German captors had to confiscate his tin legs in order to stop him trying to escape. Bader faced it all, disability, leadership and capture, with the same charm, charisma and determination that was an inspiration to all around him.
CABI Publishing Demystifying Theories in Tourism Research
It often seems that there is more confusion than consensus regarding tourism theory. Does tourism have theories it can truly own, or does it just borrow from other academic disciplines? It can be difficult to understand the theories and conceptual frameworks available, and how to apply these ideas to a research endeavour. This book reviews theoretical perspectives on tourism from planning and management, through marketing and host communities to the tourism consumers themselves. Covering issues such as tour guiding, rural tourism development and destination image, it provides a complete guide to the industry. Including pedagogical features throughout, this book is an accessible approach to a controversial subject.
Yale University Press After Many Springs: Regionalism, Modernism, and the Midwest
After Many Springs is the title of a Thomas Hart Benton painting that evokes nostalgia for a fertile, creative time gone by. This bold new book––taking the name of this work by Benton––examines the intersections between Regionalist and Modernist paintings, photography, and film during the Great Depression, a period when the two approaches to art making were perhaps at their zenith. It is commonly believed that Regionalist artists Benton, John Steuart Curry, and Grant Wood reacted to the economic and social devastation of their era by harking back in tranquil bucolic paintings to a departed utopia. However, this volume compares their work to that of photographers such as Dorothea Lange and Ben Shahn and filmmakers such as Josef von Sternberg—all of whom documented the desolation of the Depression—and finds surprising commonalities. The book also notes intriguing connections between Regionalist artists and Modernists Jackson Pollock and Philip Guston, countering prevailing assumptions that Regionalism was an anathema to these New York School painters and showing their shared fascination with the Midwest.Distributed for the Des Moines Art CenterExhibition Schedule:Des Moines Art Center (January 30 – May 17, 2009)
University of Texas Press Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 6: Ethnology
In 1981, UT Press began to issue supplemental volumes to the classic sixteen-volume work, Handbook of Middle American Indians. These supplements are intended to update scholarship in various areas and to cover topics of current interest. Supplements devoted to Archaeology, Linguistics, Literatures, Ethnohistory, and Epigraphy have appeared to date. In this Ethnology supplement, anthropologists who have carried out long-term fieldwork among indigenous people review the ethnographic literature in the various regions of Middle America and discuss the theoretical and methodological orientations that have framed the work of areal scholars over the last several decades. They examine how research agendas have developed in relationship to broader interests in the field and the ways in which the anthropology of the region has responded to the sociopolitical and economic policies of Mexico and Guatemala. Most importantly, they focus on the changing conditions of life of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. This volume thus offers a comprehensive picture of both the indigenous populations and developments in the anthropology of the region over the last thirty years.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Starfish
Paraclete Press Keller's Heart
Aladdin Paperbacks A Log's Life
Alfred Music Good Morning Beautiful
The History Press Ltd People of the Long Barrows: Life, Death and Burial in the Earlier Neolithic
Human remains can answer all sorts of questions about our ancestors - what sort of diet they ate, what age they lived to, what sort of living conditions they experienced and how they died. The Neolithic is the earliest period from which significant numbers of human burials survive in Britain. This book looks at the history of the study of such burials and how new scientific techniques have massively expanded what we know about our Neolithic ancestors. As well as the treatment of the dead, issues such as health and subsistence are considered, along with evidence of conflict and also the extent to which the people of Neolithic Britain can be considered a distinct population. This is the only book specifically dedicated to human remains from the Neolithic and fills an important gap left by other books on the period.
Random House USA Inc Ten Magic Butterflies
Cambridge University Press Management of Multiple Pregnancies: A Practical Guide
Multiple pregnancies are associated with higher risks for both mother and babies. Women with multiple pregnancies have an increased risk of miscarriage, anemia, hypertensive disorders, haemorrhage, and postnatal illness. These pregnancies are more likely to need an operative delivery, and maternal mortality is generally 2.5 times that of singleton births. Fetuses are at increased risk for anatomic and genetic anomalies, growth abnormalities, prematurity, and several physiological problems related to monochorionicity. This book provides a much needed, up-to-date guide to the management of multiple pregnancies. Presented with a uniform approach to all chapters, information is easily navigable, evidence-based, and highly practical. Heavily illustrated, particularly with ultrasound images – the cornerstone of management of multiple pregnancies - this book will appeal to obstetricians and specialists in maternal-fetal medicine, midwives and ultrasonographers and will improve outcomes for mothers and babies.
Brookes Publishing Co An Activity-Based Approach to Early Intervention: The Definitive Guide to ABI
Early childhood professionals—learn the nuts and bolts of activity-based intervention (ABI), the trusted, child-directed approach for young children birth to 5. With the fourth edition of this classic textbook and professional guide—now expanded by 30%!—you'll discover how to embed learning opportunities in everyday activities to help children acquire and generalize functional skills and reach their developmental goals. You'll get a comprehensive introduction to the benefits, challenges, and foundations of ABI, and you'll find in-depth guidance on how to apply this popular approach with children in center- and home-based programs. Case stories, examples, and sample forms throughout clarify important points and procedures. Updated with practical new information on ABI training, implementation, and more, this book is a keystone of professional preparation for early interventionists and special educators. Implement ABI in multiple settings with diverse groups of young children, including kids with disabilities and those at risk Create multiple and varied learning opportunities within young children's natural routines and interactions Seamlessly link screening, assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluation Develop individualized IFSP and IEP goals Observe children before and after intervention to determine next steps Understand and address the challenges of establishing evidence-based practices Work as a team with other professionals and families WHAT'S NEW: New chapters on conducting high-quality child observations, applying ABI in centers and in homes, and using ABI with children who have significant disabilities Expanded information on key topics, including training paraprofessionals on ABI and keeping families involved Updated course companion website with PowerPoint slides, study questions, and application activities
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Excavation of the Abri Pataud, Les Eyzies (Dordogne): Volume 3
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Beaks!
Hauser & Wirth Philip Guston - Nixon Drawings 1971 & 1975
Lexington Books Black Bodies and Transhuman Realities: Scientifically Modifying the Black Body in Posthuman Literature and Culture
Black Bodies and Transhuman Realities: Scientifically Modifying the Black Body in Posthuman Literature and Culture makes a series of valuable contributions to ongoing dialogues surrounding posthuman blackness and Afro-transhumanism. The collection explores the Black body (self) in the context of transhuman realities from a variety of literary and artistic perspectives. These points of view convey the cultural, political, social, and historical implications that frame the space of Black embodiment, functioning as sites of potentiality and pointing toward the possibility of a transcendental Black subjectivity. In this book, many questions concerning the transformation of the Black body are presented as parallels to philosophical and religious inquiries that have traditionally been addressed from a hegemonic viewpoint. The chapters demonstrate how literature, based on its historical and social contexts, contributes to broader thought about Black transcendence of subjectivity in a posthuman framework, exploring interpretations of the “old” and visions of the “new” human.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Corporate Finance
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This Advanced Introduction presents the modern theories of corporate finance. Its focus on core concepts offers useful managerial insights, bolstered by recent empirical evidence, to provide a richer understanding of critical corporate financial policy decisions.Key features include: A modern approach to corporate financial theory and evidence Key research presented in a structured manner Concepts explained in an intuitive, example-filled manner that does not require a strong mathematics background Detailed references for those wishing further reading on particular topics. Within business programs, the book offers an insightful introduction for courses on corporate finance, but also can be employed as a supplementary text in broader business courses. Experienced managers in financial functions will find the book a useful review and update of material developed since earning their degrees. Given the increasing use of cross-functional teams within the business community, the book provides a richer understanding of corporate financial policy choices for managers across a broad array of business functions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Corporate Finance
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This Advanced Introduction presents the modern theories of corporate finance. Its focus on core concepts offers useful managerial insights, bolstered by recent empirical evidence, to provide a richer understanding of critical corporate financial policy decisions.Key features include: A modern approach to corporate financial theory and evidence Key research presented in a structured manner Concepts explained in an intuitive, example-filled manner that does not require a strong mathematics background Detailed references for those wishing further reading on particular topics. Within business programs, the book offers an insightful introduction for courses on corporate finance, but also can be employed as a supplementary text in broader business courses. Experienced managers in financial functions will find the book a useful review and update of material developed since earning their degrees. Given the increasing use of cross-functional teams within the business community, the book provides a richer understanding of corporate financial policy choices for managers across a broad array of business functions.
Moody Publishers Does the Jewish Bible Point to Jesus
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Baby, Unplugged: One Mother's Search for Balance, Reason, and Sanity in the Digital Age
Drava Verlag Sieben Leben
O'Reilly Media Linux Desktop Pocket Guide
While Mac OS X garners all the praise from pundits, and Windows XP attracts all the viruses, Linux is quietly being installed on millions of desktops every year. For programmers and system administrators, business users, and educators, desktop Linux is a breath of fresh air and a needed alternative to other operating systems. The "Linux Desktop Pocket Guide" is your introduction to using Linux on five of the most popular distributions: Fedora, Gentoo, Mandriva, SUSE, and Ubuntu. Despite what you may have heard, using Linux is not all that hard. Firefox and Konqueror can handle all your web browsing needs; GAIM and Kopete allow you to chat with your friends on the AOL, MSN, and Yahoo! networks; and the email programs. Evolution and Kontact provide the same functionality as Microsoft Outlook, with none of the cost. All of these programs run within the beautiful, feature-packed, and easy-to-use GNOME or KDE desktop environments. No operating system truly "just works," and Linux is no exception. Although Linux is capable of running on most any computing hardware that Microsoft Windows can use, you sometimes need to tweak it just a little to make it work the way you really want. To help you with this task, "Linux Desktop Pocket Guide" covers essential topics, such as configuring your video card, screen resolution, sound, and wireless networking. And laptop users are not left out - an entire section is devoted to the laptop issues of battery life, sleep, and hibernate modes.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Plays Well with Others
In the vein of Where’d You Go, Bernadette and Fleishman Is in Trouble, a wickedly funny and incisive debut novel following a mother trapped in the rat race of NYC parenting as her life unravels.Funny, relatable fiction for anyone who thinks they''re above the fray but still want to read all about it.—PeopleHeavenly hilarity for readers.—Good HousekeepingIt takes a village...just not this one. Annie Lewin is at the end of her rope. She’s a mother of three young children, her workaholic husband is never around, and the vicious competition for spots in New York City’s kindergartens is heating up. A New York Times journalist-turned-parenting-advice-columnist for an internet start-up, Annie can’t help but judge the insanity of it all—even as she finds herself going to impossible lengths to secu
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. One Night in the Coral Sea
Fonthill Media LLc Winston-Salem Through Time
Winston-Salem Through Time will present in archival photographs and descriptive captions the effects of the Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, Prohibition, the Great Depression and Cold War period upon thge Twin City. Our readers will compare the old with new photographs showing the natural evolvement of the Moravian Salem and Industrial Winston forward to the merged two cities of today.
adakia Verlag UG Runtergerockt
Nova Science Publishers Inc Traffic Sign Conspicuity: Selected Analyses
Rowman & Littlefield Red Sapphire: The Woman Who Beat the Blacklist
In 1950, facing artistic and legal persecution by Senator Joe McCarthy because of her listing on Louis Budenz’s list of 400 concealed communists, single mother Hannah Weinstein fled to Europe. There, she built a television studio and established her own production company, Sapphire Films, then surreptitiously hired scores of such blacklisted writers as Waldo Salt, Ian McClellan, Adrian Scott, and Ring Lardner Jr., and “Trojan-horsed” more than three hundred half-hours of programming back to the United States, making a fortune in the process. Before she became one of the more powerful independent production forces in 1950s British television, Hannah Weinstein had a distinguished career as a journalist, publicist, and left-wing political activist. She worked for the New York Herald Tribune from 1927, then began a career in politics when she joined Fiorello H. La Guardia’s New York mayoral campaign in 1937. She also organized the press side of the presidential campaigns of Franklin D. Roosevelt and later (in 1948) of Henry Wallace where she established her own production company, Sapphire Films. With the exception of a French producer, no other woman on the continent was creating television content at this time, and Weinstein was the only one who was head of her own studio. Using declassified FBI and CIA files, interviews, and the personal papers of blacklisted writers and other sources, Red Sapphire will show that for the better part of a decade, Weinstein was a leader in the left’s battle with the right to shape popular culture during the Cold War . . . a battle that she eventually won.
Globe Pequot Press Polly Pry: The Woman Who Wrote the West
In 1900, the young and beautiful Leonel Ross Campbell became the first female reporter to work for the Denver Post. As the journalist known as Polly Pry, she ruffled feathers when she worked to free a convicted cannibal and when she battled the powerful Telluride miners’ union. She was nearly murdered more than once. And a younger female colleague once said, “Polly Pry did not just report the news, she made it!” If only that young reporter had known how true her words were. Polly Pry got her start not just writing the news but inventing it. In spite of herself, however, Campbell would become a respected journalist and activist later in her career. She would establish herself as a champion for rights of the under served in the early twentieth century, taking up the causes of women, children, laborers, victims and soldiers of war, and prisoners. And she wrote some of the most sensational stories that westerners had ever read, all while keeping the truth behind her success a secret from her colleagues and closest friends and family.
Austin Macauley Publishers Three Bridges Black
Random House Publishing Group The Cartiers
B (Ediciones B) El planeta vacío Empty Planet
Francke-Buch GmbH Alles ist mglich Wie ich den Mut fand meinen Trumen zu folgen
John Wiley & Sons Inc Home SOS: Gender, Violence, and Survival in Crisis Ordinary Cambodia
Drawing on 15 years of fieldwork and over 300 interviews, Home SOS argues that the home is central to the violence and gendered contingency of existence in crisis ordinary Cambodia. Provides an original book-length study which brings domestic violence and forced eviction into twin view Offers relational insights between different violences to build an integrated understanding of women’s experiences of home life Mobilises the crisis ordinary as a critical pedagogy and imaginary through which to understand everyday gendered politics of survival Positions domestic violence and forced eviction as manifestations of intimate war against women’s homes and bodies located inside and outside of the traditional purview of war Reaffirms and reprioritises the home as a political entity which is foundational to the concerns of human geography
Random House Children's Books Katie Ledecky A Little Golden Book Biography
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Gender and Entrepreneurship: A Multilevel Theory and Analysis
Amanda Elam proposes and tests an alternative view of entrepreneurship based on contemporary sociological theory. The resulting cross-national theory of gender and entrepreneurship specifies the context from which individuals initiate the creation of new businesses.This book examines three distinct contributions to the study of entrepreneurship. Firstly, it contributes to both sociological and institutional theories of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur. Secondly, it presents a cross-national comparative framework for the multilevel analysis of entrepreneurship. Finally, this book produces a key multilevel finding with regard to the importance of national gender beliefs for the likelihood of business creation among both men and women. Gender and Entrepreneurship will be an invaluable tool for researchers and policymakers interested in testing assumptions about the importance and influence of key national factors on rates of entrepreneurial activity.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc 365 Mary
Rowman & Littlefield Blonde Rattlesnake: Burmah Adams, Tom White, and the 1933 Crime Spree that Terrorized Los Angeles
Nineteen-year-old Burmah Adams, a hairdresser and former Santa Ana High School student, spent her honeymoon on a crime spree. She and her husband of less than one week, White, an ex-con, robbed at least twenty people in and around downtown L.A. at gunpoint over an eight-week period. But the worst of their crimes was the shooting of a popular elementary school teacher, Cora Withington, and a former publisher, Crombie Allen, who was teaching her how to drive his new car. A few days later, a watchful pair of patrolmen in a Westlake neighborhood called their detective colleagues at the Los Angeles Police Department; they had spotted a car that looked like one the duo had stolen days before. Two of these detectives dressed as mechanics and kept an eye on the apartment building until Burmah and Thomas appeared one afternoon. As police swarmed the building, Burmah tried to hurl herself out of a third–story window, while Thomas shot at officers and was immediately gunned down and killed. Blond Rattlesnake reveals the events that brought Adams and White together and details the crime spree they committed in the sweltering hot days and nights of Los Angeles in the height of the Great Depression. It describes the terror of citizens in their path and the outrage they directed at the female half of the duo. Politicians exploited Burmah’s incarceration and trial for their own purposes as the press battled for scoops about the “Blonde Rattlesnake” and created sensation while trying to make sense of her crimes.
WW Norton & Co The Great Escape
They were American and British air force officers in a German prison camp. With only their bare hands and the crudest of homemade tools, they sank shafts, forged passports, faked weapons, and tailored German uniforms and civilian clothes. They developed a fantastic security system to protect themselves from German surveillance. It was a split-second operation as delicate and as deadly as a time bomb. It demanded the concentrated devotion and vigilance of more than six hundred men—every one of them, every minute, every hour, every day and night for more than a year. Made into the classic 1963 war film of the same name starring Steve McQueen, James Garner, and Richard Attenborough.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Home SOS: Gender, Violence, and Survival in Crisis Ordinary Cambodia
Drawing on 15 years of fieldwork and over 300 interviews, Home SOS argues that the home is central to the violence and gendered contingency of existence in crisis ordinary Cambodia. Provides an original book-length study which brings domestic violence and forced eviction into twin view Offers relational insights between different violences to build an integrated understanding of women’s experiences of home life Mobilises the crisis ordinary as a critical pedagogy and imaginary through which to understand everyday gendered politics of survival Positions domestic violence and forced eviction as manifestations of intimate war against women’s homes and bodies located inside and outside of the traditional purview of war Reaffirms and reprioritises the home as a political entity which is foundational to the concerns of human geography
C & T Publishing Just One Charm Pack Quilts: Bust Your Precut Stash with 18 Projects in 2 Colorways
Who can resist a perfectly coordinated and fun-filled fabric charm pack? Now make the most of your growing collection with projects designed for the charm pack lover in mind. Time to clear out your charm pack stash! Sew 18 vibrant projects that only need one charm pack each.
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Cartiers