Search results for ""Author Alfred""
Les Belles Lettres Pline l'Ancien, Histoire Naturelle: Livre I
Universitatsverlag Winter Robert Musils Roman 'der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften' Und Seine Kunstlerische Rezeption in Dem 1951 Entstandenen Illustrationszyklus Von Ernst Gassenmeier (1913-1952)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Bildverarbeitung: Band II des Standardwerks Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung
Im Buch „Bildverarbeitung“ finden Sie Grundlagen für Studium und Praxis über die Verarbeitung von digitalen Bildern. Beide Bände des Standardwerks Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung setzen bewusst den Fokus auf Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Das erfolgreiche didaktische Konzept wurde aktualisiert und ergänzt.Der zweite Band des Standardwerks Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung führt den Leser durch die Themen der Bildverarbeitung. Der Fokus liegt auf der anschaulichen Erklärung der Grundlagen der Bildverarbeitung. Profitieren Sie von dem kostenlosen Online-Service mit Beispiel-Software und Bildverarbeitungswerkzeugen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Diagnose-Schock: Krebs: Hilfe für die Seele - Konkrete Unterstützung - Für Betroffene und Angehörige
Diagnose-Schock: KrebsDiagnose Krebs: Über 500.000 Menschen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz erhalten jährlich die Diagnose Krebs. Die medizinischen Fragestellungen haben dann Priorität, oft wird aber die psychologische Betreuung der Patienten auch im Verlauf der Behandlung zu wenig berücksichtigt. Studien zeigen zudem, dass die Partner Krebsbetroffener häufig noch stärker belastet sind als die Patienten. Hilfe für die Seele Dieses Buch bietet praktische Unterstützung für beide Seiten: Patienten und ihre Partner, Freunde, Begleiter. Ziele des Buches: - Sorgen und Hilflosigkeit vermindern- Ihre Lebensqualität verbessern - Selbsthilfe und Selbststeuerung anregen- Sie unterstützen, mit der Erkrankung umzugehen und für sich selbst zu sorgen- Sie unterstützen, Ihren eigenen Weg zu finden- Ihnen in schwierigen Situationen Möglichkeiten aufzeigen- Sie unterstützen, wichtige Dinge nicht zu verpassen.Als klinisch tätige Psychoonkologen zeigen die Autoren vielfach erprobte Hilfestellungen auf. Leserinnen und Leser erhalten kurze, gut lesbare Erklärungen und Anleitungen, die die Ressource Menschlichkeit nutzen. Geschrieben ist das Buch für Betroffene und Angehörige sowie für medizinische und psychosoziale Fachleute in Klinik, Praxis und Reha, die mit Krebsbetroffenen arbeiten. Der praktische Ratgeber für Betroffene und Angehörige: In der Krise lesbar und bezogen auf den ganzen Menschen
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Alfred Adler Studienausgabe.
Adler untersuchte bereits in seinen frÃ"hen Schriften die große Bedeutung von sozialen EinflÃ"ssen auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Menschen. Dies veranlasste ihn, auch nach seiner Trennung von Freud zahlreiche Erziehungsfragen zu thematisieren und in seinen Veröffentlichungen zu behandeln. Der Band 4 der Alfred Adler Studienausgabe enthält die bedeutendsten dieser Schriften.Die kommentierten und mit editorischen Vorbemerkungen versehenen Texte Adlers behandeln unter anderem: die pädagogische Bedeutung der Beziehungserfahrungen von Kinder in den ersten Lebensjahren; pädagogische EinflÃ"sse auf die Entwicklung von SelbstwertgefÃ"hl und Selbstwertregulation; die Bedeutung emotionaler Faktoren fÃ"r die Ausbildung von kognitiven Fähigkeiten und das Zustandekommen schulischer Leistungen; die Entfaltung von GemeinschaftsgefÃ"hl als Gegenbewegung zum Streben nach Macht und Ãberlegenheit; Möglichkeiten der Prophylaxe von Entwicklungs- und Erziehungsschwierigkeiten und deren Bearbeitung in Prozessen der Erziehungsberatung. Adler war Ã"berzeugt, dass die nachhaltige Verbesserung erzieherischer Gegebenheiten an den Erfolg von weitreichenden ReformbemÃ"hungen gebunden ist, die der Dynamik unbewusster Prozesse Rechnung tragen. Deshalb verdeutlichen die vorliegenden Schriften auch Adlers Bedeutung fÃ"r die Entstehung tiefenpsychologischer Ansätze in der Pädagogik sowie die Schwerpunkte seines Einflusses auf die Reformpädagogik des frÃ"hen 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese beziehen sich vor allem auf die Bereiche der Familienerziehung, der Schulpädagogik, der Ausbildung von Pädagogen und der Konzeptualisierung sowie Institutionalisierung von Erziehungsberatung und sind bis heute von Relevanz. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele lassen Adlers Theorie und seine Art des Arbeitens lebendig werden.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Precast Concrete Structures, (Package: Print + ePDF)
Building with precast concrete elements is one of the most innovative forms of construction. This book serves as an introduction to this topic, including examples, and thus supplies all the information necessary for conceptual and detailed design.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to English Mappae Mundi of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
First full collection on the seven most significant English mappae mundi from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Mappae mundi (maps of the world), beautiful objects in themselves, offer huge insights into how medieval scholars conceived the world and their place within it. They are a fusion of "real" geographical locations with fantastical, geographic, historical, legendary and theological material. Their production reached its height in England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, with such well-known examples as the Hereford map, the maps of Matthew Paris, and the Vercelli map. This volume provides a comprehensive Companion to the seven most significant English mappae mundi. It begins with a survey of the maps' materials, types, shapes, sources, contents, conventions,idiosyncrasies, commissioners and users, moving on to locate the maps' creation and use in the realms of medieval rhetoric, Victorine memory theory and clerical pedagogy. It also establishes the shared history of map and book making, and demonstrates how pre-and post-Conquest monastic libraries in Britain fostered and fed their complementary relationship. A chapter is then devoted to each individual map. An annotated bibliography of multilingual resourcescompletes the volume. DAN TERKLA is Emeritus Professor of English at Illinois Wesleyan University; NICK MILLEA is Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. Contributors: Nathalie Bouloux, Michelle Brown. Daniel Connolly, Helen Davies, Gregory Heyworth, Alfred Hiatt, Marcia Kupfer, Nick Millea, Asa Simon Mittman, Dan Terkla, Chet Van Duzer.
Pearson Education Limited Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools: Pearson New International Edition
Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, is known to professors, students, and developers worldwide as the "Dragon Book," . Every chapter has been revised to reflect developments in software engineering, programming languages, and computer architecture that have occurred since 1986, when the last edition published. The authors, recognising that few readers will ever go on to construct a compiler, retain their focus on the broader set of problems faced in software design and software development.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems
Learn about the analytical tools used to characterize particulate drug delivery systems with this comprehensive overview Edited by a leading expert in the field, Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems provides a complete description of the analytical techniques used to characterize particulate drug systems on the micro- and nanoscale. The book offers readers a full understanding of the basic physicochemical characteristics, material properties and differences between micro- and nanosystems. It explains how and why greater experience and more reliable measurement techniques are required as particle size shrinks, and the measured phenomena grow weaker. Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems deals with a wide variety of topics relevant to chemical and solid-state analysis of drug delivery systems, including drug release, permeation, cell interaction, and safety. It is a complete resource for those interested in the development and manufacture of new medicines, the drug development process, and the translation of those drugs into life-enriching and lifesaving medicines. Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems covers all of the following topics: An introduction to the analytical tools applied to determine particle size, morphology, and shape Common chemical approaches to drug system characterization A description of solid-state characterization of drug systems Drug release and permeation studies Toxicity and safety issues The interaction of drug particles with cells Perfect for pharmaceutical chemists and engineers, as well as all other industry professionals and researchers who deal with drug delivery systems on a regular basis, Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems also belongs on bookshelves of interested students and faculty who interact with this topic.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Philosophical Occasions: 1912-1951: 1912-1951
An essential resource for students of Wittgenstein, this collection contains faithful, in some cases expanded and corrected, versions of many important pieces never before available in a single volume, including Notes for the 'Philosophical Lecture', published here for the first time. Fifteen selections, with bi-lingual versions of those originally written in German, span the development of Wittgenstein's thought, his range of interests, and his methods of philosophical investigation. Short introductions, an index, and an updated version of Georg Henrik von Wright's The Wittgenstein Papers situate the selections within the broader context of the Wittgenstein corpus and the history of its publication.
AltaMira Press,U.S. The Archaeology and Pottery of Nazca, Peru: Alfred Kroeber's 1926 Expedition
When Alfred Kroeber left Lima, Peru for the ruins of the Nazca region in July 1926, he could have had no inkling of the importance of what he would uncover. Nor would he have guessed that his excavation report would not appear until the end of the century, completed by Donald Collier and Patrick Carmichael after Kroeber's death in 1960. Kroeber's report contains what is still the only complete analysis and seriation of the beautiful painted pottery of Nazca, complete with over 400 photographs and drawings of objects uncovered in the excavations, some in full color. His report is also notable for its rare discussion of Nazca architecture, its description of cloth, hair bundles and other artifact groups, its accurate analysis of Nazca human remains, and even for one of the earliest descriptions and photographs of the famous Nazca lines. With careful editing by Collier and Carmichael, Kroeber's work is far ahead of its time methodologically and is still an important source document for contemporary archaeology and art history of South America. A final chapter by Katharina J. Schreiber puts Kroeber's work in the context of contemporary Nazca studies, including a reassessment of the sites discovered in the 1926 expedition. Important for both professional and avocational anthropologists, archaeologists, art historians, and those interested in the history of anthropology. Published in cooperation with The Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois
Pearson Education Limited Level 2: Simply Suspense
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves. Find out more at
Princeton University Press The Forces of Economic Growth: A Time Series Perspective
In economics, the emergence of New Growth Theory in recent decades has directed attention to an old and important problem: what are the forces of economic growth and how can public policy enhance them? This book examines major forces of growth--including spillover effects and externalities, education and formation of human capital, knowledge creation through deliberate research efforts, and public infrastructure investment. Unique in emphasizing the importance of different forces for particular stages of development, it offers wide-ranging policy implications in the process. The authors critically examine recently developed endogenous growth models, study the dynamic implications of modified models, and test the models empirically with modern time series methods that avoid the perils of heterogeneity in cross-country studies. Their empirical analyses, undertaken with newly constructed time series data for the United States and some core countries of the Euro zone, show that models containing scale effects, such as the R&D model and the human capital model, are compatible with time series evidence only after considerable modifications and nonlinearities are introduced. They also explore the relationship between growth and inequality, with particular focus on technological change and income disparity. The Forces of Economic Growth represents a comprehensive and up-to-date empirical time series perspective on the New Growth Theory.
Teachers' College Press Distance Learning in Higher Education: A Programmatic Approach to Planning, Design, Instruction, Evaluation, and Accreditation
This useful resource describes best practices for designing online programs and courses. Translating research on the learning characteristics of adult university students and their experiences with online learning into practical guidelines, the authors address topics such as: program and course planning, design and delivery; multicultural and gender issues; program evaluation; student evaluation of online teaching, and institutional and program accreditation.The text includes resources, such as online course materials and assessment tasks that are culturally responsive and implement the strategies presented in the book. Providing a roadmap for those wishing to design and implement a distance learning program, this up-to-date volume explains how to facilitate and moderate interactions using a constructivist approach, presents strategies that respond to race- and gender-related challenges, provides a model for evaluating distance education programs, identifies strategies that promote valid and reliable evaluations of online teaching, and addresses institution and distance education program accreditation issues.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume I: 1819–1822
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the man and thinker, will be fully revealed for the first time in this new edition of his journals and notebooks. The old image of the ideal nineteenth-century gentleman, created by editorial omissions of his spontaneous thoughts, is replaced by the picture of Emerson as he really was. His frank and often bitter criticisms of men and society, his “nihilizing,” his anguish at the death of his first wife, his bleak struggles with depression and loneliness, his sardonic views of woman, his earthy humor, his ideas of the Negro, of religion, of God—these and other expressions of his private thought and feeling, formerly deleted or subdued, are here restored. Restored also is the full evidence needed for studies of his habits of composition, the development of his style, and the sources of his ideas. Cancelled passages are reproduced, misreadings are corrected, and hitherto unpublished manuscripts are now printed. The text comes as close to a literal transcription as is feasible. A full apparatus of annotation, identification of quotations, and textual notes is supplied. Reproduced in this volume are twelve facsimile manuscript pages, many with Emerson’s marginal drawings.The first volume includes some of the “Wide Worlds,” journals begun while Emerson was at Harvard, and four contemporary notebooks, mostly unpublished. In these storehouses of quotation, juvenile verse, themes, and stories are the first versions of Emerson’s “Valedictory Poem,” Bowdoin Prize Essays, and first published work. Together they give a faithful picture of Emerson’s apprenticeship as an artist and reveal the extent of his hidden and frustrated ambition—to become a writer.
Cengage Learning, Inc Computer Security and Penetration Testing
Delivering up-to-the-minute coverage, COMPUTER SECURITY AND PENETRATION TESTING, Second Edition offers readers of all backgrounds and experience levels a well-researched and engaging introduction to the fascinating realm of network security. Spotlighting the latest threats and vulnerabilities, this cutting-edge text is packed with real-world examples that showcase today's most important and relevant security topics. It addresses how and why people attack computers and networks--equipping readers with the knowledge and techniques to successfully combat hackers. This edition also includes new emphasis on ethics and legal issues. The world of information security is changing every day ��� readers are provided with a clear differentiation between hacking myths and hacking facts. Straightforward in its approach, this comprehensive resource teaches the skills needed to go from hoping a system is secure to knowing that it is.
Arnoldsche Franz Josef Altenburg: Clay and Form
In his unique works Franz Josef Altenburg realised in clay the process of reduction and simplification that he had been pursuing systematically throughout his career. Combining the texture of the material with the order of his creations, the result is major series ranging from his Houses, Stairs, Pedestals, and Backdrops to his Blocks, Towers, Scaffolds, Containers, and Frames. With his expert mastery of handling and design techniques evident throughout the six decades of his oeuvre, Altenburg elevated ceramics into the realm of fine art. This book documents and analyses the artist, his work, and the site of his creativity in texts by art experts and a writer and offers for the very first time a comprehensive overview of his works, as well as an extensive illustrated biography with a list of exhibitions. Text in English and German.
Fordham University Press Spiritualities of Social Engagement: Walter Rauschenbusch and Dorothy Day
This volume considers two authors who represent different but complementary responses to social injustice and human degradation. The writings of Walter Rauschenbusch and Dorothy Day respond to an American situation that arose out of the Industrial Revolution and reflect especially—but not exclusively—urban life on the East Coast of the United States during the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries. Although these two authors differ greatly, they both reacted to the extreme social inequality and strife that occurred between 1890 and the beginning of World War II. They shared a total commitment to the cause of social justice, their Christian faith, and an active engagement in the quest for a just social order. But the different ways they reacted to the situation generated different spiritualities. Rauschenbusch was a pastor, writer, historian, and seminary professor. Day was a journalist who became an organizer. The strategic differences between them, however, grew out of a common sustained reaction against the massive deprivation that surrounded them. There is no spiritual rivalry here. They complement each other and reinforce the Christian humanitarian motivation that drives them. Their work brings the social dimension of Christian spirituality to the surface in a way that had not been emphasized in the same focused way before them. They are part of an awakening to the degree to which the social order lies in the hands of the people who support it. Both Rauschenbusch and Day are examples of an explicit recognition of the social dimension of Christian spirituality and a radical acting-out of that response in two distinctly different ways.
Swedenborg Foundation THE WORSHIP AND LOVE OF GOD
McGill-Queen's University Press Across Greenland's Ice Cap: The Remarkable Swiss Scientific Expedition of 1912
As polar exploration reached its zenith, and in the same month that Captain Robert Falcon Scott perished in Antarctica, four young scientists from Zurich took ship for Greenland. Though they had little previous experience of arctic travel, their ambition was to achieve the first west-to-east crossing of the northern hemisphere’s largest ice cap, making scientific observations along the way.Few outside Switzerland have heard of this expedition or its leader, the meteorologist Alfred de Quervain, in spite of its success. In thirty-one days in the summer of 1912, the party sledded across 640 kilometres of untracked snow and ice. Nobody died or fell into a crevasse, although there were some near misses. The voyage was more than a well-executed feat of arctic travel: de Quervain and his colleagues collected data still used today by scientists researching the effects of climate change on Greenland’s ice cap. De Quervain’s popular account of his adventures, published in German in 1914, is both a minor classic of exploration literature and a sympathetic portrayal of life in Greenland’s remote coastal settlements in the early twentieth century.Published to coincide with the expedition’s 110th anniversary, Across Greenland’s Ice Cap includes the explorer’s original text, translated into English by his daughter and son-in-law; a historical and biographical introduction by Martin Hood; reflections on the journey’s scientific legacy by the geographers Andreas Vieli and Martin Lüthi; and a treasure trove of hand-tinted lantern slides reproduced in full colour.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Die Bedeutung Der Rezeptionsliteratur Fuer Bildung Und Kultur Der Fruehen Neuzeit (1400-1750) IV: Beitraege Zur Vierten Arbeitstagung in Palermo (April 2015)
Emerald Publishing Limited Perspectives on Cross-Cultural, Ethnographic, Brand Image, Storytelling, Unconscious Needs, and Hospitality Guest Research
Volume 3 examines how research tools affect theory advances in culture and tourism research. Using visual narrative art to explicate unconscious thinking that shapes trip plans and visits, building tree diagrams of streams of antecedent conditions associating with extreme behavior (e.g., road rage, chronic casino gambling), and research methods that go beyond quantitative/qualitative taxonomies are examples of the unique themes covered in this volume. The papers focus on how to gain meaning from data to thus look at how streams of antecedent conditions result in tourism behavior.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Food Science and Technology
This reference gives food science professionals a working understanding of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and its role in maximizing food potential. It explains the technical aspects of NIRS, including: basic principles; characteristics of the NIR spectra; instrumentation; sampling techniques; and chemometrics. The book details applications of NIRS in agricultural and marine products, foodstuffs and processed foods, engineering and process monitoring, and food safety and disease diagnosis.
Holy Trinity Publications Healing Humanity: Confronting Our Moral Crisis
Western societies today are coming unmoored in the face of earth-shaking ethical and cultural paradigm shift. At its core is the question of what it means to be human and how we are meant to live. The old answers are no longer accepted; a dizzying array of options are offered in their stead. Underpinning this smorgasbord of lifestyles is a thicket of unquestioned assumptions, such as the separation of gender from biological sex, which not so long ago would have been universally rejected as radical notions.In the spring of 2019, a group of Orthodox Christian scholars drawn from a wide variety of academic disciplines met together to offer responses to the moral crisis our generation faces, elaborating upon its various forms and facilitating a fuller understanding of some of its theological and philosophical foundations. In doing so they offer support to all those who question the claims that are so forcefully insisted upon today – a clarity that will aid them in standing up and resisting trends that have already shown to be the cause of great suffering and unhappiness.Among the contributors to this volume are NY Times bestselling author Rod Dreher, Frederica Matthewes-Green, Dr David Bradshaw, Fr Chad Hatfield, and Fr Peter Heers. Collectively, these scholars remind us that it is only through our participation in the life of Christ, God who became man, that we can find the healing of our humanity through the restoration in us of His image, in which we were formed at the beginning of time.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Pediatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Treatment
The heavily revised second edition of this essential textbook describes how to utilize a range of surgical techniques applicable to pediatrics. Chapters contain flowcharts to facilitate rapid assessment and decision-making. In addition, learning objectives and review questions are contained within each chapter to reinforce the key points covered. Topics covered include routinely encountered adolescent problems and neoplasms in children. Pediatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Treatment concisely describes how to apply a range of diagnostic and treatment techniques that are applicable to the pediatric patient in a variety of surgical scenarios for a range of diseases. Furthermore, it is an ideal resource for trainees and active practitioners taking board examinations.
Classiques Garnier Nouvelles
Harrassowitz Bishops and Jews in the Medieval Latin West: Bischofe Und Juden Im Lateinischen Mittelalter
De Gruyter Physik Für Mediziner, Biologen, Pharmazeuten
Fordham University Press Grace and Gratitude: Spirituality in Martin Luther
Martin Luther (1483–1546) is a classic Christian author who spearheaded the Reformation and whose witness has relevance for life in the present-day world. Grace and Gratitude presents two texts that represent his spirituality. Because Luther wrote so much in so many different genres, the choice of only two texts provides a limited taste of his spirituality. But they open up a specific, central, and distinctive mark of his conception of the structure of Christian life. The name of the theme, justification by grace through faith, often spontaneously correlates with Luther’s name and his theology. The phrase points to a key theological doctrine that centered his thinking; it lay so deeply ingrained in his outlook that it sometimes explicitly but always tacitly shaped all his early theological views and bestowed a distinctive character to his ethics and spirituality. The two texts are chosen to illustrate how the conviction represented by the phrase draws its authority from scripture, especially Paul, and was discursively analyzed in an early foundational work on Christian life, The Freedom of a Christian. These texts do not represent all there is to say about spirituality in Luther’s thought by any means, and this part should not be taken for the whole. But the coupling of these texts penetrates deeply into what may be called Luther’s Christian spirituality of gratitude.
Aperture This Is Mars
This Is Mars offers a thrilling visual experience of the surface of the red planet. The multi-award-winning French editor and designer Xavier Barral has chosen and composed photographic frames, drawn from the comprehensive photographic map of Mars made by the U.S. observation satellite MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), to revel in the wonder of Mars. What Yann Arthus-Bertrand did with a light aircraft for The Earth from the Air , Barral does for Mars—by scouring tens of thousands of gigabytes of satellite photographs available from NASA, seeking out the most distinct images of the planet’s surface. The result is visionary—a great science book, a unique artist’s book, and a stunning object. The photographs are accompanied by an introduction from research scientist Alfred S. McEwen, principle investigator of the HiRISE telescope; an essay by astrophysicist Francis Rocard, who explains the story of Mars’s origins and its evolution; and a timeline by geophysicist Nicolas Mangold, who demystifies some of Mars’s geological history. Now available as a mid-sized, accessibly priced edition, This Is Mars will excite lovers of great photobooks, and everyone curious about the universe and beyond.
Aperture This is Mars
This Is Mars offers a previously unseen vision of the red planet. Located somewhere between art and science, the book brings together for the first time a series of panoramic images recently sent back by the U.S. observation satellite MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter). Since its arrival in orbit in 2006, MRO and its HiRISE telescope have been mapping Mars’s surface in a series of exceptionally detailed images that reveal all the beauty of this legendary planet. Each image presents a six-kilometer-wide zone in which the planet’s geography and its geological and mineralogical textures are revealed. Conceived as a visual atlas, the book takes the reader on a fantastic voyage—plummeting into the breathtaking depths of the Velles Marineris canyons; floating over the black dunes of Noachis Terra; and soaring to the highest peak in our solar system, the Olympus Mons volcano. The search for traces of water also uncovers vast stretches of carbonic ice at the planet’s poles. Seamlessly compiled by French publisher, designer, and editor Xavier Barral, these extraordinary images are accompanied by an introduction by research scientist Alfred S. McEwen, principle investigator on the HiRISE telescope; an essay by astrophysicist Francis Rocard, who explains the story of Mars’s origins and its evolution; and a timeline by geophysicist Nicolas Mangold, who unveils geological secrets of this fascinating planet.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Achieving Investment Excellence: A Practical Guide for Trustees of Pension Funds, Endowments and Foundations
Crucial methods, tactics and tools for successful pension fund management Achieving Investment Excellence offers trustees and asset managers a comprehensive handbook for improving the quality of their investments. With a stated goal of substantially and sustainably improving annual returns, this book clarifies and demystifies important concepts surrounding trustee duties and responsibilities, investment strategies, analysis, evaluation and much more. Low interest rates are making the high cost of future pension payouts fraught with tension, even as the time and knowledge required to manage these funds appropriately increases — it is no wonder that pensions are increasingly seen as a financial liability. Now more than ever, it is critical that trustees understand exactly what contributes to investment success — and what detracts from it. This book details the roles, the tools and the strategies that make pension funds pay off. Understand the role of pension funds and the fiduciary duty of trustees Learn the tools and kills you need to build profound and lasting investment excellence Analyse, diagnose and improve investment quality of funds using concrete tools and instruments Study illustrative examples that demonstrate critical implementation and execution advice Packed with expert insight, crucial tools and real-life examples, this book is an important resource for those tasked with governing these. Achieving Investment Excellence provides the expert insight, clear guidance and key wisdom you need to manage these funds successfully.
Verlag fur moderne Kunst GmbH Heaven Can Wait: Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Uber den nervosen Charakter (1912): Grundzüge einer vergleichenden Individualpsychologie und Psychotherapie. Kommentierte textkritische Ausgabe
Text in German. The annotated text-critical edition of this seminal work by Alfred Adler presents the original version from 1912. This makes the state of Adler's theory accessible after his separation from Freud, as he had developed it within the circle around Freud and at the same time against Freud. The variant apparatus documents all changes in the new editions of 1919, 1922 and 1928. This edition can be read like a workshop report from Adler's work on his theory development. The philosophical, psychological and medical-historical interdependencies become clear in the commentary section through the biographical and factual explanations of numerous authors and technical terms named or quoted by Adler. As a result, this edition can serve as a tool for exploring a branch that forms the origin of numerous psychotherapy concepts, with psychosomatic, psychoanalytic or socio-pedagogical ramifications that are still effective today.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Sea and Englishness in the Middle Ages: Maritime Narratives, Identity and Culture
Essays examining the way in which the sea has shaped medieval and later ideas of what it is to be English. Local and imperial, insular and expansive, both English yet British: geographically and culturally, the sea continues to shape changing models of Englishness. This volume traces the many literary origins of insular identity from local communities to the entire archipelago, laying open the continuities and disruptions in the sea's relationship with English identity in a British context. Ranging from the beginnings of insular literature to Victorian medievalisms, the subjects treated include King Arthur's struggle with muddy banks, the afterlife of Edgar's forged charters, Old English homilies and narratives of migration, Welsh and English ideas about Chester, Anglo-Norman views of the sea in the Vie de St Edmund and Waldef, post-Conquest cartography, The Book of Margery Kempe, the works of the Irish Stopford Brooke, and the making of an Anglo-British identity in Victorian Britain. SEBASTIAN SOBECKI is Professor of Medieval English Literature and Culture at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Contributors: Sebastian Sobecki, Winfried Rudolf, Fabienne Michelet, Catherine A.M. Clarke, Judith Weiss, Kathy Lavezzo, Alfred Hiatt, Jonathan Hsy, Chris Jones, Joanne Parker, David Wallace
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume II: Essays: First Series
Some of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s finest and most famous essays, such as “Self-Reliance,” “Compensation,” and “The Over-Soul,” appeared in his Essays of 1841, published when he was thirty-seven years old. Preceded by the slim volume Nature, it was his first full-length book.The present edition provides for the first time an authoritative text of the Essays, together with an introduction, notes, and supplementary material of great value for the study of Emerson’s creative processes. A list of hundreds of parallel passages in his earlier journals and lectures makes it possible to examine in detail how he drew upon those manuscripts (now published), especially the voluminous journals, as grist for the twelve essays. His subsequent alterations of the essays, particularly in the revised edition of 1847, give evidence of the evolution of his thought and style at this stage of his career. While the text incorporates his revisions, so as to represent his final intention, the earlier versions are given at the end of the book.Introduction and Notes by Joseph SlaterText Established by Alfred R. Ferguson and Jean Ferguson Carr
Cahiers d'art Cahiers d’Art N°1, 2015: Calder in France
Cambridge University Press Big Data over Networks
Utilising both key mathematical tools and state-of-the-art research results, this text explores the principles underpinning large-scale information processing over networks and examines the crucial interaction between big data and its associated communication, social and biological networks. Written by experts in the diverse fields of machine learning, optimisation, statistics, signal processing, networking, communications, sociology and biology, this book employs two complementary approaches: first analysing how the underlying network constrains the upper-layer of collaborative big data processing, and second, examining how big data processing may boost performance in various networks. Unifying the broad scope of the book is the rigorous mathematical treatment of the subjects, which is enriched by in-depth discussion of future directions and numerous open-ended problems that conclude each chapter. Readers will be able to master the fundamental principles for dealing with big data over large systems, making it essential reading for graduate students, scientific researchers and industry practitioners alike.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume XIII: 1852–1855
The journals printed in this volume, covering the years 1852 to 1855, find Emerson increasingly drawn to the issues and realities of the pragmatic, hard-working nineteenth century. His own situation as a middle-aged, property-owning New Englander with a large household to support gave him a strong sense of everyday financial necessity, and his wide reading for his projected book on the English impressed him deeply with the worldly success that had come to that unphilosophical people. The growing crisis over slavery at home, moreover, demanded the attention of every citizen, even one as reluctant to engage in social issues as Emerson.Emerson's extensive reading about the English, which ranged from Camden's Britannia through the diaries of Samuel Pepys and Thomas Moore to the latest issues of the London Times, convinced him that, despite its materialism, England was "the best of actual nations." The robust physical health of the English, their common sense, and their instinct for fair play insured that the future belonged to them and their transatlantic cousins, the Americans.Yet the facts of American political life often led Emerson to wonder whether his country had any future at all. So long as his fellow citizens were willing to countenance the evil of slavery, they could not play their proper role in the world, the pages of his journals indicate, Emerson, like an increasing number of other Americans, was coming to believe that the issue had to he resolved, whatever the cost.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume III: 1826–1832
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s life from 1826 to 1832 has a classic dramatic structure, beginning with his approbation to preach in October 1826, continuing with his courtship, his brief marriage to Ellen Tucker, and his misery after her death, and concluding with his departure from the ministry.The journals and notebooks of these years are far fewer than those in the preceding six years. Emerson noted down many ideas for sermons in his journals, but as time went on he wrote the sermons independently. Occasionally he wrote openly about family matters, but except for the passionate response to Ellen and her death the journals tell little about the impact upon him of other people and outside events. The pattern is consistent with the earlier journals: Emerson used them mainly to record his thought, to develop and express his ideas. His religious and intellectual interests were undergoing significant changes in orientation or emphasis. He was less concerned with the existence of God than with the nature and influence of Christ. He continued to reassert the truth of Christianity, but in his growing unorthodoxy he came to show less and less sympathy with the church, with forms and ritual, with convention. And he began to wonder whether it is not the worst part of the man that is the minister.During these years, Emerson read more in Madame de Staël, Wordsworth, Gérando, and Coleridge, less in Milton, the Augustans, Dugald Stewart, and Scott. In style, he moved from a rambling, bookish rhetoric to the tautness and the cadences that mark his later Essays.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Small Gas Engines
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Small Gas Engines
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection: 4: Alexius I to Michael VIII, 1081–1261
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume III: Essays: Second Series
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s second collection of essays appeared in 1844, when he was forty-one. It includes eight essays—“The Poet,” “Experience,” “Character,” “Manners,” “Gifts,” “Nature,” “Politics,” and “Nominalist and Realist”—and one address, the much misunderstood “New England Reformers.” Essays: Second Series has a lightness of tone and an irony absent from the earlier writings, but it is no less memorable: “a sermon to me,” Carlyle wrote, “a real word.”The present edition, drawing on the vast body of Emerson scholarship of the last forty years, incorporates all the textual changes Emerson made or demonstrably intended to make after 1844. It records variant wordings and recounts the development of the text before and after publication. A list of parallel passages makes it possible to trace Emerson’s extensive use of material from his journals, notebooks, and lectures. Endnotes provide information about people, events, and now-obscure terms. A brief historical introduction places the book in the context of the years during which it was written, the time of Brook Farm, The Dial, and the death of Emerson’s five year-old son.Historical Introduction and Notes by Joseph SlaterText Established by Alfred R. Ferguson and Jean Ferguson CarrTextual Introduction and Apparatus by Jean Ferguson Carr
Harvard University Press Transformations in American Legal History: II: Law, Ideology, and Methods: Essays in Honor of Morton J. Horwitz
Over the course of his career at Harvard, Morton Horwitz changed the questions legal historians ask. The Transformation of American Law, 1780–1860 (1977) disclosed the many ways that judge-made law favored commercial and property interests and remade law to promote economic growth. The Transformation of American Law, 1870–1960 (1992) continued that project, with a focus on ideas that reshaped law as we struggled for objective and neutral legal responses to our country’s crises. In more recent years he has written extensively on the legal realists and the Warren Court.Following an earlier festschrift volume by his former students, this volume includes essays by Horwitz’s colleagues at Harvard and those from across the academy, as well as his students. These essays assess specific themes in Horwitz’s work, from the antebellum era to the Warren Court, from jurisprudence to the influence of economics on judicial doctrine. The essays are, like Horwitz, provocative and original as they continue his transformation of American legal history.