Search results for ""author peter prinz"
Kompass Karten GmbH Schwarzwald Mittlerer Kinzigtal wanderfhrer Tourkarte Wandelgids met overzichtskaart
Stark Verlag GmbH STARK AbiturTraining Deutsch Gedichte analysieren und interpretieren
Aladin Verlag Die Konferenz der Vgel
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Die Praxis Der Forderungsvollstreckung
Shaker Verlag Grundlagen der Pistolentechnik Analysen Markt Ausblick
mediaKern GmbH Das Buch zur Konfirmation
Silberburg Verlag Heidelberg in den 50erJahren
Gmeiner Verlag Langeooger Serientester Inselkrimi
Gmeiner Verlag Borkumer Rache
Gmeiner Verlag Oldenburger Kohlkönig
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Körperarbeit in der Psychotherapie
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Feinfhlige Herausforderung Bindung in Familie Kita Kinderheim und Jugendhilfe
Transcript Verlag Kunst Raum Religion
Transcript Verlag Superhelden im Film
Uni-Med Verlag AG Narkolepsie Hypersomnie und Tagesmüdigkeit
Gerstenberg Verlag Nicky Vera
Gerstenberg Verlag Der Punkt Kunst kann jeder
Taschen GmbH New Deal Photography. USA 1935–1943
“Through these travels and the photographs, I got to love the United States more than I could have in any other way.” — Jack Delano Amid the ravages of the Great Depression, the United States Farm Security Administration (FSA) was first founded in 1935 to address the country’s rural poverty. Its efforts focused on improving the lives of sharecroppers, tenants, and very poor landowning farmers, with resettlement and collectivization programs, as well as modernized farming methods. In a parallel documentation program, the FSA hired a number of photographers and writers to record the lives of the rural poor and “introduce America to Americans.” This book records the full reach of the FSA program from 1935 to 1943, honoring its vigor and commitment across subjects, states, and stylistic preferences. The photographs are arranged into four broad regional sections but otherwise allowed to speak for themselves—to provide individual impressions as much as they cumulatively build an indelible survey of a nation. The images are both color and black-and-white, and span the complete spetrum of American rural life. They show us convicts, cotton workers, kids, and relocated workers on the road. We see subjects victim to the elements of nature as much as to the vagaries of the global economic market. We find the work of such perceptive, sensitive photographers as Marion Post Wolcott, Jack Delano, Russell Lee, Walker Evans, Ben Shahn, and Dorothea Lange, and read their own testimonies to the FSA project and their encounters with their subjects, including Lange’s worn, weather-beaten and iconic Migrant Mother. What unites all of the pictures is a commitment to the individuality and dignity of each subject, as much as to the witness they bear to this particular period of the American past. The subjects are entrenched in the hardships of their historical lot as much as they are caught in universal cycles of growing, playing, eating, aging, and dying. Yet they face the viewer with what is utterly their own: a unique, irreplaceable, often unforgettable presence.
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Cafés in Braunschweig
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Sämtliche Werke
Verlag an der Ruhr GmbH Klassenlehrer in der Sekundarstufe I
Vogel Business Media Elementare Regelungstechnik Allgemeingltige Darstellung ohne hhere Mathematik
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Zwerghamster Das RundumSorglosPaket fr kleine Nachtschwrmer
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH 1900
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Der Desinformator
Reise Know-How Rump GmbH Reise KnowHow CityTrip New York
Wartberg Verlag Wir vom Jahrgang 1946 Kindheit und Jugend
Eos Verlag U. Druck Lebensorientierung am MarkusEvangelium
Schirmer /Mosel Verlag Gm Theorie der Fotografie V. 19952022
Kommunal-u.Schul-Verlag Handbuch Digitale Teilhabe und Barrierefreiheit
UTB GmbH Einfhrung Psychotraumatologie
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Heimische Wildstauden im Garten Attraktiv und naturnah gestalten
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Teichpflege leicht gemacht
Fleischer EFV Verlag Umsatzsteuer 90 praktische Flle des Steuerrechts
Bassermann, Edition Kindersegen
Boyens Buchverlag Holsteinische Schweiz Im Verlauf der Schwentine Bilderreise durch eine einzigartige deutsche Seen und Flusslandschaft
Werner Verlag Architektenrecht
Dietz Verlag J.H.W. Nachf Doppelter Geschichtsbruch
Dietz Verlag J.H.W. Nachf Mit anderen Augen
Vde Verlag GmbH DreiphasenLeistungstransformatoren Magnetisierungserscheinungen Harmonische Betriebsvorgnge Stell und Stromrichtertransformatoren
Ueberreuter, Carl Verlag Wien und der Tod
Ueberreuter, Carl Verlag Im Wechsel
Stadler Verlagsges. Mbh Imperia Konstanz