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Con qu suean los nios
Sandy apenas es una fobia. Como dice Lacan [?], es un inicio de fobia. Es un esbozo. Hubiera podido ser una fobia y luego, antes de fulgurar, desaparece, se apaga. Para emplear otra metáfora, es una fobia que no cristalizó. Podemos preguntarnos por qué. No hay que buscar la razón quizás en el hecho de que tiene a Anneliese, esa madre sustituta, siguiéndola de cerca? En cuanto una pesadilla la despierta y le da por llorar antes de volverse a dormir, [?] está ahí y empieza a anotar, día a día, todos los hechos.JACQUES-ALAIN MILLERSu experiencia clínica obligó a Freud a cambiar sus tesis iniciales sobre los sueños de los niños. Juanito y el Hombre de los lobos demostraron que constituyen hitos fundamentales en la compleja temporalidad de la relación del sujeto con el inconsciente. La última enseñanza de Lacan, con su puesta en valor del inconsciente real, nos permiten situar mejor qué está en juego en ese fulgor que emana del misterio del cuerpo hablante.
Penguin Books Ltd Circus of Mirrors
A Cabaret dancer falls in love as political tensions rise and the city becomes increasingly dangerous not only for herself, but also for her lover . . .Perfect for fans of Cabaret and The Whalebone Theatre''Julie Owen Moylan writes about mid-20th century women like no-one else'' Laura Price''Sexy, electrically stylish, and beautiful - a gorgeous story about sisterhood, and a glamorous, evocative passport to a period we all long to get lost in'' Daisy Buchanan----BERLIN, 1926: After the death of their parents, sisters Leni and Annette only have each other. Desperate, but dreaming of better days, Leni finds work at a notorious cabaret: the Babylon Circus. From the dancer's barely-there costumes, to the glimmering mirrors that cover the walls, the Babylon Circus is where reality and fantasy merge. For Leni, it's an overwhelming new world, and she's happiest hiding in the shado
Peeters Publishers Le Chant Liturgique Juif Ethiopien. Analyse Musicale D'une Tradition Orale
En quoi consiste l'etude approfondie d'un systeme musical oral? Quelles sont les difficultes et les problematiques generalement rencontrees lorsque la tradition abordee est, au depart, totalement etrangere a l'analyste? Quelles sont les methodologies disponibles ou imaginables pour surmonter ces ecueils? Quels peuvent etre les enjeux, les limites et le bilan d'une systematique musicale? En prenant pour objet d'etude les chants liturgiques juifs ethiopiens, cet ouvrage tente de repondre a ces interrogations par le biais d'une description heuristique detaillee. Plutot qu'une methode, il est le temoin d'un apprentissage accompli pendant de nombreuses annees en Israel et en Ethiopie. Au dela de l'interet qu'il peut susciter aupres des specialistes a l'egard d'un patrimoine meconnu en voie d'extinction, il est accessible a tout lecteur desireux d'en savoir plus sur l'ethnomusicologie comme sur ce judaisme ethiopien si fascinant.
Peeters Publishers Les Ottomans en Egypte: Historiens et Conquerants au XVIe Siecle
Ce livre montre, a la lumiere d'une documentation turque, arabe et italienne, dans quelles conditions les Ottomans, victorieux des Mamlouks en 1517, installerent leur domination en Egypte. La reduction du pays au rang de province favorisa le renouvellement des elites et la regulation de la violence politique. Les nouveaux maitres assumaient l'heritage mamlouk, et leurs historiens demarquaient les chroniques de l'ancien regime; mais ils avaient a justifier la guerre de conquete menee contre un vieux centre de la civilisation arabo-islamique. L'impact de la provincialisation sur l'ecriture de l'histoire en arabe et en turc, l'identite des elites, le travail de legitimation du pouvoir sont mis ici en lumiere par un mouvement de va-et-vient entre histoire et historiographie. Une attention particuliere est portee a la chronique magnifique et oubliee redigee en turc dans les annees 1540 par 'Abdussamed Diyarbekri, dont on peut lire des extraits en edition bilingue.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Desert Air Force in World War II: Air Power in the Western Desert, 1940 1942
This is a comprehensive reference to the structure, operation, aircraft and men of the 1st Tactical Air Force, or Desert Air Force as it became known. It was formed in North Africa to support the 8th Army and included squadrons from the RAF, SAAF, RAAF and eventually the USAAF. The book includes descriptions of many notable defensive and offensive campaigns, the many types of aircraft used, weapons and the airfields that played host to these events. The five main sections of the book include a general historical introduction and overview, operations, operational groups, aircrew training and technical details of each aircraft type. Lengthy annexes cover personnel, the squadrons in World War II, accuracy of attacks, orders of battle for each wartime year, maps of airfield locations and numbers of enemy aircraft downed.
Peeters Publishers Tables Et Index De La Revue Des Etudes Juives, Tomes CXXXIX a CLVIII (1980-1999)
Comprend, pour les quarante livraisons parues entre 1980 et 1999, des tables par annees, des tables des auteurs, les theses routenues recemment, des auteurs dont les livres ont ete recenses, un index thematique, un index des manuscrits, ainsi que des tables et un index des illustrations. Une breve introduction en facilite le maniement et dresse un historique rapide de ces vingt ans de la Revue, dont les point forts sont demeures dans le periode l'Antiquite tardive, le moyen age et les temps modernes consideres du point de vue de l'histoire des litteratures juives comme de celui de l'histoire materielle et sociale des juifs, avec de tres riches rubriques bibliographiques qui couvrent aussi la periode contemporaine.
Ohio University Press Paths toward the Nation: Islam, Community, and Early Nationalist Mobilization in Eritrea, 1941–1961
In the early and mid-1940s, during the period of British wartime occupation, community and religious leaders in the former Italian colony of Eritrea engaged in a course of intellectual and political debate that marked the beginnings of a genuine national consciousness across the region. During the late 1940s and 1950s, the scope of these concerns slowly expanded as the nascent nationalist movement brought together Muslim activists with the increasingly disaffected community of Eritrean Christians. The Eritrean Muslim League emerged as the first genuine proindependence organization in the country to challenge both the Ethiopian government’s calls for annexation and international plans to partition Eritrea between Sudan and Ethiopia. The league and its supporters also contributed to the expansion of Eritrea’s civil society, formulating the first substantial arguments about what made Eritrea an inherently separate national entity. These concepts were essential to the later transition from peaceful political protest to armed rebellion against Ethiopian occupation. Paths toward the Nation is the first study to focus exclusively on Eritrea’s nationalist movement before the start of the armed struggle in 1961.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planning Telecommunication Networks
The ever-growing number of new telecommunications technologies, along with the rapid growth of data networks and cable television systems has created a demand for sound network planning. In one concise volume, this book offers professionals in telecommunications and networking and graduate students an introduction to the theory underlying the interdisciplinary field of network planning, a critical aspect of network management that integrates planning telecommunications and data networks. In PLANNING TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS you will learn about the mathematical theory behind network planning, including an accessible treatment of linear programming and graph algorithms. Other featured topics cover: Reliability theory for network planning Recent software advances in databases, expert systems, object-oriented programming, data mining and data visualization Latest developments in new optimization techniques such as tabu search, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and neural networks Complete with homework problems, this text offers you a broad overview of network planning to begin your exploration of this emerging field. Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available upon request from the Wiley Makerting Department.
University of California Press The Culture Broker: Franklin D. Murphy and the Transformation of Los Angeles
Franklin Murphy? It's not a name that is widely known; even during his lifetime the public knew little of him. But for nearly thirty years, Murphy was the dominant figure in the cultural development of Los Angeles. Behind the scenes, Murphy used his role as confidant, family friend, and advisor to the founders and scions of some of America's greatest fortunes - Ahmanson, Rockefeller, Ford, Mellon, and Annenberg - to direct the largesse of the wealthy into cultural institutions of his choosing. In this first full biography of Franklin D. Murphy (1916-994), Margaret Leslie Davis delivers the compelling story of how Murphy, as chancellor of UCLA and later as chief executive of the "Times Mirror" media empire, was able to influence academia, the media, and cultural foundations to reshape a fundamentally provincial city."The Culture Broker" brings to light the influence of L.A.'s powerful families and chronicles the mixed motives behind large public endeavors. Channeling more than one billion dollars into the city's arts and educational infrastructure, Franklin Murphy elevated Los Angeles to a vibrant world-class city positioned for its role in the new era of global trade and cross-cultural arts.
Princeton University Press Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany
When Hitler assumed power in 1933, he and other Nazis had firm ideas on what they called a racially pure "community of the people." They quickly took steps against those whom they wanted to isolate, deport, or destroy. In these essays informed by the latest research, leading scholars offer rich histories of the people branded as "social outsiders" in Nazi Germany: Communists, Jews, "Gypsies," foreign workers, prostitutes, criminals, homosexuals, and the homeless, unemployed, and chronically ill. Although many works have concentrated exclusively on the relationship between Jews and the Third Reich, this collection also includes often-overlooked victims of Nazism while reintegrating the Holocaust into its wider social context. The Nazis knew what attitudes and values they shared with many other Germans, and most of their targets were individuals and groups long regarded as outsiders, nuisances, or "problem cases." The identification, the treatment, and even the pace of their persecution of political opponents and social outsiders illustrated that the Nazis attuned their law-and-order policies to German society, history, and traditions. Hitler's personal convictions, Nazi ideology, and what he deemed to be the wishes and hopes of many people, came together in deciding where it would be politically most advantageous to begin. The first essay explores the political strategies used by the Third Reich to gain support for its ideologies and programs, and each following essay concentrates on one group of outsiders. Together the contributions debate the motivations behind the purges. For example, was the persecution of Jews the direct result of intense, widespread anti-Semitism, or was it part of a more encompassing and arbitrary persecution of "unwanted populations" that intensified with the war? The collection overall offers a nuanced portrayal of German citizens, showing that many supported the Third Reich while some tried to resist, and that the war radicalized social thinking on nearly everyone's part. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Frank Bajohr, Omer Bartov, Doris L. Bergen, Richard J. Evans, Henry Friedlander, Geoffrey J. Giles, Marion A. Kaplan, Sybil H. Milton, Alan E. Steinweis, Annette F. Timm, and Nikolaus Wachsmann.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Euromaidan′s Effect on Civil Society – Why and How Ukrainian Social Capital Increased after the Revolution of Dignity
Sophie Falsini presents a fascinating analysis of the current state and future prospects of Ukrainian civil society in light of the 20132014 events. Since then, the country has been shaken by both socio-political disorders and a deep humanitarian emergency, also exacerbated by the crisis of internally displaced people. Yet, it is under these same premises that civil society emerged as a main societal actor in post-Euromaidan politics, development, and reform. Through its war relief work and the endeavors to lead Ukraine towards democratization, civil society has, to a considerable degree, offset the lack of an efficient state administration and activated vital components of Ukrainian social capital. In respect to these achievements, Falsini explores the way and the extent to which the events occurring in Ukraine since late 2013 -- the Euromaidan revolution, the annexation of Crimea, and the war in the East -- have contributed to the growth of social capital as well as to the resulting change in the shape and in the structure of civil society in the country. Through a multidimensional approach, combining theoretical interpretation with empirical analysis, the study examines Ukraines transformed civil society in terms of its social relations, societal networks and resources, and collective action. Based on the theory of social capital after Lin Nan, the empirical analysis revolves around the case studies of 12 civil society organizations active in providing help to internally displaced people. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Kiev, Dnipro, and Kharkiv aiming to confirm or discard the thesis of a post-Euromaidan civil society powered by increased levels of social capital. The collected data show that the 20132014 events did indeed contribute to the reshaping of the structure of Ukrainian civil society as they reversed peoples preference for informal and cross-level networks, mistrust towards the system, and disappointment with public institutions. Compared to the past, Ukraines civil society 2.0 saw the rise of grassroots and voluntary movements which triggered social mobilization, and a long-term investment of resources for the benefit of the public good. These developments have significantly contributed to an increase of the level of social capital in post-Euromaidan Ukraine.
Edition Axel Menges Opus 87: Egon Eiermann, Haus Eiermann, Baden- Baden
Even though he had made a name for himself in the 1930s with his Berlin single-family homes, Eiermann later on found it difficult to accept commissions for this building type when, during the period of the 'economic miracle', he was approached by numerous people interested to get a design by him. Only the Hardenberg House in Baden-Baden satisfied him, but above all his own house, which he also built in Baden-Baden in 195962. This house in particular, built after his success with the German Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels Worlds Fair and at the same time as the Berlin Gedächtniskirche and the German Embassy in Washington, was to become one of the main works of his post-war creative output. As a builder in his own right, he was able here to uncompromisingly realise his ideal image of living for himself and his family in architecture. Eiermann himself tried to explain the house, which only crystallised in a longer planning genesis, primarily from the functional side: main house and annexe, the latter for garage, studio and guest apartment, the elongated main house in bulkhead construction under a flat sloping roof. In fact, the house is convincing in its sophisticated functionality. But it does not stop there. The complex group of buildings on a steep hillside site with its stagelike terraces, the staged interplay of views from the inside to the outside and, at night, also from the outside to the inside, is an extremely artificial structure even from its basic disposition. The Eiermanntypical façade, with its exterior walkway and white linkage as well as the corrugated Eternit roof provide a ponderous contrast. Together with echoes of traditional Japanese houses and gardens, but above all with the adoption of motifs from sailing- ship building give this house an unmistakable character. Since 2020, the house has new owners, on whose behalf the Stuttgart architects 'no where' (Henning Volpp and Karl Amann) have undertaken an extremely careful renovation. Eiermann's estate, which is kept at saai, the Archive for Architecture and Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), provided the historical drawings and photographs for this volume. The photographs were primarily taken by Horstheinz Neuendorff, an architectural photographer who was on friendly terms with the architect. Since the early sixties, Neuendorff had been commissioned by Eiermann to capture his new buildings in black-and-white photographs of a high artistic standard. Color photographs of the current condition were newly made by Olaf Becker from Munich. Gerhard Kabierske is an art historian specialising in architectural history and monument preservation. 19932020 he worked at the saai in Karlsruhe where he was responsible, among other things, for the Eiermann archive.
Edinburgh University Press The North Caucasus Borderland: Between Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire, 1555-1605
The wars and relationship between the Ottoman and Russian Empires have shaped the history of the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Historians who ask when and where the rivalry between these two empires began have turned their gaze to the Balkans or Eastern Europe to find an answer. But while the bigger wars and conflicts took place in the area between modern-day Ukraine and Turkey, the origin of the rivalry lies further east in the North Caucasus, which in the mid-16th century became the first borderland between the two imperial powers. This book analyses the hitherto poorly understood boundary region between the Ottoman Empire and the Tsardom of Muscovy from the Muscovites' annexation of the nearby Khanate of Astrakhan in 1556 to their expulsion from the region by the Ottomans and their allies in 1605. Drawing on a wide array of Ottoman and Muscovite primary sources, it addresses the story of imperial entanglements from multiple perspectives, analysing the actions of both empires and considering the motivations of the peoples caught in between.
Little Tiger Press Group Bad United Just For Kicks
All Hoof the Unicorn wants to do is be part of a football team but his club never appreciated his talents and kicked him out. Then he spots an advert for BAD UNITED and he feels a tingling in his hooves. A chance to be part of a team again! A chance to play the game he loves! And a chance to show off his skillsHoof is thrilled to find his new teammates are more than up for the challenge. Led by enthusiastic mermaid coach Serena Winmer, the team consists of: Bones, their skeleton captain who sometimes struggles to keep her head; Rex, the ROARsome dinosaur defender; cheetah striker Bolt brings the thunder; Tinkerball dazzles with her magic fairy moves and Annette guards the goal with her life (and eight spider legs). All deemed not good enough to play for their teams (who decides what's good anyway?!), BAD UNITED combine strength, skill, speed and stench to show everyone what they've gotThe first book in a super and silly graphic novel series, perfect for fans of
Yale University Press Possession: The Curious History of Private Collectors from Antiquity to the Present
A riveting account of private art collectors' passion from Roman times to the present Whether it's the discovery of $1.6 billion in Nazi-looted art or the news that Syrian rebels are looting UNESCO archaeological sites to buy arms, art crime commands headlines. Erin Thompson, America's only professor of art crime, explores the dark history of looting, smuggling, and forgery that lies at the heart of many private art collections and many of the world's most renowned museums. Enlivened by fascinating personalities and scandalous events, Possession shows how collecting antiquities has been a way of creating identity, informed by a desire to annex the past while providing an illicit thrill along the way. Thompson's accounts of history's most infamous collectors—from the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who stole a life-sized nude Greek statue for his bedroom, to Queen Christina of Sweden, who habitually pilfered small antiquities from her fellow aristocrats, to Sir William Hamilton, who forced his mistress to enact poses from his collection of Greek vases—are as mesmerizing as they are revealing.
IRH Press USA Inc. The Laws of Justice: How We Can Solve World Conflicts and Bring Peace
How can we resolve conflicts in this world? Why is that we continue to live in a world of turmoil, when we all wish to live in a world of peace and harmony? Just in recent years, we ve faced issues that jeopardize international peace and security, including the rise of ISIS, Syrian civil war and refugee crisis, break-off of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Russia s annexation of Crimea, China s military expansion, and North Korea s nuclear development. In hopes of offering solutions to global crises, thereby bringing peace, security, and happiness to all people, Ryuho Okawa, Global Visionary who has readers in over 100 countries wrote The Laws of Justice. This book shows what global justice is from a comprehensive perspective of the Supreme God. Becoming aware of this view will let us embrace differences in beliefs, recognize other people s divine nature, and love and forgive one another. It will also become the key to solving the issues we face, whether they re religious, political, societal, economic, or academic, and help the world become a better and safer world for all of us living today."
Arnoldsche Fashion: Out of Order: Disruption as a Principle
Is fashion that is out of order and doesn't seem to follow any obvious rules truly accidental? Or has dissonance in fashion always been a guiding principle? Can coincidence therefore be predictable and controllable? A publication which defies all boundaries of categorisation has been created out of the workings of fashion that almost inevitably has to be out of order, so as to increase its attractive power and generate attention with its interruptions of the ordinary. The contributions, on the border between art and fashion and residing within the realms of literary theory, design theory, cultural history and technology, demonstrate in manifold ways processes, images and ideas that are striving for innovation and transgressing established parameters. The publication is dedicated to the constructive side of the development of fashion, whereby the theme of Out of Order is combined with the concept of dissonance as a creative formula. If one starts from the premise that fashion is no longer fashion when it can be generalised, categorised, repeated and described, then the process of dissonance constitutes the significant impulse for everything new. With contributions from: Pamela Church Gibson, Annette Geiger, Judith Gerdsen, Hanna Heilmann on Vibskov & Emenius, Iris Maria vom Hof in conversation with Oliver Sieber, Verena Kuni, Isabell Lizardi & Matt Johnson, Thomas Oláh, Andrea Sick, Bitten Stetter & Daniel Späi, Terre Thaemlitz, Barbara Vinken, Harry Walter and Gundula Wolter.
Greenhill Books Brandenburger: Wartime Photographs of Wilhelm Walther
In March 1940, Oberleutnant Wilhelm Walther transferred from Aufkl rungs-Abteilung 5, an armoured reconnaissance unit, to Bau-Lehr-Bataillon z.b.V. 800 - forerunner of what would soon be known as the Brandenburger'. Two months later, he led a commando action in the Netherlands and became the first of his unit to be awarded the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross). By May 1944, Walther was an Oberstleutnant and an experienced regimental commander in what had evolved as the Division Brandenburg'. He would eventually join Obersturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny's SS-Jagdverb nde as Chief of Staff, before seeing out the last days of the war with the short-lived Schutzkorps Alpenland. More than 200 images, together with the original German captions and English translations, portray the life and times of this career officer, from the German annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938, to operations in Russia, Greece and the Balkans during 1941-44. In comparison with other units of the Second World War, relatively little has been published about Germany's commando forces. This is hardly surprising, considering the paucity of source material available and the air of mystery and intrigue still surrounding this specialist formation. This unique collection of rare images was sourced from the photograph album of Wilhelm Walther and is sure to appeal to all with an interest in the war in the West and on the Eastern Front, as well as to militaria collectors, modellers and re-enactment groups.
The University of Chicago Press The Short Chronicle
Jeanne de Jussie (1503 - 61) experienced the Protestant Reformation from within the walls of the Convent of Saint Clare in Geneva. In her impassioned and engaging "Short Chronicle", she offers a singular account of the Reformation, reporting not only on the larger clashes between Protestants and Catholics but also on events in her convent - devious city councilmen who lied to trusting nuns, lecherous soldiers who tried to kiss them, and iconoclastic intruders who smashed statues and burned paintings. Throughout her tale, Jussie highlights women's roles on both sides of the conflict, from the Reformed women who came to her convent in an attempt to convert the nuns to the Catholic women who ransacked the shop of a Reformed apothecary. Above all, she stresses the Poor Clares' faithfulness and the good men and women who came to them in their time of need, ending her story with the nuns' arduous journey by foot from Reformed Geneva to Catholic Annecy. First published in French in 1611, Jussie's "Short Chronicle" is translated here for an English-speaking audience for the first time, providing a fresh perspective on struggles for religious and political power in sixteenth-century Geneva and a rare glimpse at early modern monastic life.
Peeters Publishers Coptica - Gnostica - Manichaica: Melanges Offerts a Wolf-Peter Funk
Le 5 decembre 2001, nous lancions le projet de la publication d'une "Festschrift" destinee a honorer notre collegue et ami Wolf-Peter Funk. La parution de ce volume etait alors annoncee pour le 30 decembre 2003, date du 60e anniversaire du dedicataire. Mais diverses raisons, au premier rang desquelles figure la generosite avec laquelle on a repondu a notre invitation, ont fait que ces melanges paraissent avec deux annees de retard. Mais a quelque chose malheur est bon: les lecteurs apprecieront la richesse, la haute tenue scientifique et la diversite de ces quarante-sept contributions qui, redigees en francais, en anglais ou en allemand par cinquante auteurs provenant de treize pays, temoignent eloquemment de l'estime et de l'amitie dont jouit Wolf-Peter Funk.Les editeurs de ce volume ont voulu l'ouvrir aux domaines auxquels s'est particulierement consacre Wolf-Peter Funk: la philologie et la linguistique coptes, les etudes gnostiques et manicheennes. Les contributions qui composent cet hommage illustrent par ailleurs assez bien ce qu'a ete l'activite scientifique et universitaire de Wolf-Peter Funk depuis son arrivee a l'Universite Laval a l'ete 1986. S'il y a poursuivi des travaux entrepris a Berlin, il s'est de plus en plus engage, a partir de ce moment, dans l'edition et l'interpretation des textes de Nag Hammadi en meme temps qu'il ouvrait un vaste chantier manicheen en devenant l'editeur des manuscrits manicheens des Musees d'Etat de Berlin et en s'associant a l'equipe australienne chargee de la publication des fouilles de l'oasis de Dakhleh (Kellis).
Peeters Publishers Le Vetement Lapon. Formes, Fonctions, Evolution
Porte sur un immense territoire, le vetement lapon oscille entre unite et diversite, le jeu des evolutions internes, des emprunts, des influences de toutes sortes produisant une infinite de variantes locales. Cet echeveau a ete demele pas a pas par l'auteur, au cours de plusieurs annees d'enquetes de terrain dans toute la Laponie. Trente cartes de repartition synthetisent cet effort de recherche. Entre un sud conservateur oA' se maintiennent les traces d'un ancien systeme symbolique qui etait passe inapercu jusqu'ici, et un nord evolutionniste laissant libre cours aux modes les plus audacieuses, le lecteur trouvera ici un exemple fascinant de la maniere dont le vetement se constitue comme fait social total. Chaque partie de l'ouvrage est precedee d'un appareil conceptuel et methodologique qui vise a en faire un outil de travail pour les chercheurs qui, sur d'autres terrains, rencontrent le vetement comme objet anthropologique.
Editorial Lumen Los últimos testigos
La gran narradora Cynthia Ozick plasma con absoluta maestría el enrarecido clima de América y Europa en la antesala de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.La amenaza nazi se cierne sobre el horizonte de Europa. Estamos en los fascinantes, peligrosos y turbulentos años treinta. La familia Mitwisser abandona Alemania para exiliarse en Nueva York, donde Rose Meadows acude a la llamada de un anuncio que solicita una ayudante para el señor Mitwisser, el enigmático patriarca, un oscuro erudito especializado en una remota secta judía. Su esposa, Elsa, había sido una reputada física pero vive ahora recluida en una habitación. Una hija de dieciséis años, la misteriosa y exquisita Anneliese, gobierna la casa. Rose entra así en un mundo de incertidumbres, silencios y secretos, la geografía del destierro, un país hechizado por la ambigua figura de otro personaje inquietante: James A'Bair, el benefactor de la familia, hijo de un exitoso autor de libros para niños que se enriqueció con la fabulación de
University of Virginia Press Unbounded Practice: Women and Landscape Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century
Women have practiced as landscape architects for over a century, since the founding of the practice as a profession in the United States in the 1890s. They came to landscape architecture as gardeners, garden designers, horticulturalists, and fine artists. They simultaneously shaped the profession while reflecting contemporary practice. It is all the more surprising, then, that the history of women in American landscape design has received relatively little attention. Thaisa Way corrects this oversight in ""Unbounded Practice: Women and Landscape Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century"". Describing design practice in landscape architecture during the first half of the twentieth century, the book serves as a narrative both of women - such as Beatrix Jones Farrand, Marian Cruger Coffin, Annette Hoyt Flanders, Ellen Biddle Shipman, Martha Brookes Hutcheson, and Marjorie Sewell Cautley - and of the practice as it became a profession.
Canelo A Woman Undefeated: A captivating and emotional Irish saga
Only she can save herself…Maggie is sixteen years old and barely keeping her family alive in the throes of the Irish famine. As her mother is on her deathbed, Maggie is pressed to accept a proposal from their neighbour, Jack. With few options beyond marry or starve, Maggie weds Jack and they travel from their home in County Mayo across the sea to seek a better life in north west England.In their new village, food is plentiful and work is available, but Maggie must endure different hardships. As a wife, and before long a mother, Maggie is tested in more ways than one, and it is her dignity and strength that will see her through when all hope seems lost. A gripping historical novel about Irish emigration for fans of Geraldine O'Neill, Anna Jacobs, and AnneMarie Brear.
Pagès Editors, S.L. Per comprendre la Catalunya Nord De la identitat desnaturalitzada a lesperança de futur
Aquest llibre va destinat als lectors que volen entendre el que és Catalunya Nord, és a dir les terres catalanes annexades per l'Estat francès en 1659. Més de 350 anys de separació política de la resta de Catalunya han creat unes problemàtiques i unes mentalitats distintes de les que hi ha al sud de la frontera. A través de la seva experiència personal l'autor ens mostra com, malgrat unes aparences de descatalanització, continua un sentiment de catalanitat que insensiblement va atenuant la frontera, tant sobre el terreny com dins les mentalitats. És una descripció sense concessions d'una realitat de vegades bastant dura però és també un llibre d'esperança.
The Baptistery with its near-perfectly preserved mosaic floor is undoubtedly the most famous of the monuments at Butrint. In this splendidly illustrated book, Mitchell analyses the narratives of salvation and rebirth inherent in its iconography and proposes interpretations for the ritual use of the building and its annexe. The study highlights the contextual relationships of the mosaics with the schools and artisans of the east Mediterranean and the ecclesiastic patronage of the commissioning, providing important insights for the rich body of mosaics found throughout Butrint. In English and Albanian.
Getty Trust Publications Artists and Their Books, Books and Their Artists
Ever innovative and predictably diverse in their physical formats, artists' books occupy a creative space between the familiar four-cornered object and challenging works of art that effectively question every preconception of what a book can be. Many artists specialize in producing self-contained art projects in the form of books, like Ken Campbell and Susan King, or they establish small presses, like Simon Cutts and Erica Van Horn's Coracle Press or Harry and Sandra Reese's Turkey Press. Countless others who are primarily known as sculptors, painters, or performance artists carry on a parallel practice in artists' books, including Anselm Kiefer, Annette Messager, Ed Ruscha, and Richard Tuttle. Artists and Their Books / Books and Their Artists includes eighty important examples selected from the Getty Research Institute's Special Collections of more than six thousand editions and unique artists' books. This elegant catalogue also presents precursors to the artist's book, such as Joris Hoefnagel's sixteenth-century calligraphy masterpiece; single-sheet episodes from Albrecht DuIA rer's Life of Mary, designed to be either broadsides or a book; early illustrated scientific works; and avant-garde publications. Twentieth-century works reveal the impact of artists' books on Pop art, Fluxus, Conceptual, feminist art, and postmodernism. The selection of books by an international range of artists who have chosen to work with texts and images on paper provokes new inquiry into the nature of art and books in contemporary culture.
Springer Emerging Applications of Novel Nanoparticles
Chapter 1. 2D nanomaterials for Adsorption of Wastewater Pollutants.- Chapter 2. UNVEILING THE POWER OF NANOMATERIALS IN THE AREA OF FORENSICS.- Chapter 3. Buckypapers: Applications in Composite Materials.- Chapter 4. Nanoparticles for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.- Chapter 5. Ti3C2Tx MXene based nanostructured materials for emerging applications.- Chapter 6. Molybdenum Disulfide: A 2D material.- Chapter 7. Surface Functionalization of 2D MOs for Enhanced Biocompatibility and Biomedical Applications.- Chapter 8. Application of a novel Nanotherapeutic strategy in Ayurvedic treatment.- Chapter 9. Biosynthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs): Toxicity Evaluation and Applications for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Hyperthermia.- Chapter 10. Effect of annealing temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties of CdZnTe thin films.- Chapter 11. Two-dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets based Optoelectronic Devices.- Chapter 12. Pho
New York University Press Virtue: Nomos XXXIV
In the United States, there exists increasing uneasiness about the predominance of self-interest in both public and private life, growing fear about the fragmentation and privatization of American society, mounting concerns about the effects of institutionsranging from families to schools to the mediaon the character of young people, and a renewed tendency to believe that without certain traditional virtues neither public leaders nor public policies are likely to succeed. In this thirty-fourth volume in The American Society of Legal and Political Philosophy, a distinguished group of international scholars from a range of disciplines examines what is meant by virtue, analyzing various historical and analytical meanings of virtue, notions of liberal virtue, civic virtue, and judicial virtue, and the nature of secular and theological virtue. The contributors include: Jean Baechler (University of Paris-Sorbonne), Annette C. Baier (University of Pittsburgh), Ronald Beiner (University of Toronto), Christopher J. Berry (University of Glasgow), J. Budziszweski (University of Texas), Charles Larmore (Columbia University), David Luban (University of Maryland), Stephen Macedo (Harvard University), Michael J. Perry (Northwestern University), Terry Pinkard (Georgetown University), Jonathan Riley (Tulane University), George Sher (University of Vermont), Judith N. Shklar (Harvard University), Rogers M. Smith (Yale University), David A. Strauss (University of Chicago), and Joan C. Williams (American University).
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands
The unfolding crisis in Ukraine has brought the world to the brink of a new Cold War. As Russia and Ukraine tussle for Crimea and the eastern regions, relations between Putin and the West have reached an all-time low. How did we get here? Richard Sakwa here unpicks the context of conflicted Ukrainian identity and of Russo-Ukrainian relations and traces the path to the recent disturbances through the events which have forced Ukraine, a country internally divided between East and West, to choose between closer union with Europe or its historic ties with Russia. In providing the first full account of the ongoing crisis, Sakwa analyses the origins and significance of the Euromaidan Protests, examines the controversial Russian military intervention and annexation of Crimea, reveals the extent of the catastrophe of the MH17 disaster and looks at possible ways forward following the October 2014 parliamentary elections. In doing so, he explains the origins, developments and global significance of the internal and external battle for Ukraine.With all eyes focused on the region, Sakwa unravels the myths and misunderstandings of the situation, providing an essential and highly readable account of the struggle for Europe's contested borderlands.
Greenhill Books An Eagle's Odyssey: My Decade as a Pilot in Hitler's Luftwaffe
_ I realised that this brief but abortive sortie was to be the final mission of my Luftwaffe flying career.'_ Johannes Kaufmann's career was an exciting one. He may have been an ordinary Luftwaffe pilot, but he served during an extraordinary time, with distinction. Serving for a decade through both peacetime and wartime, his memoir sheds light on the immense pressures of the job. In this never-before-seen translation of a rare account of life in the Luftwaffe, Kaufmann takes the reader through his time in service, from his involvement in the annexation of the Rhineland, the attack on Poland, fighting against American heavy bombers in the Defence of the Reich campaign. He also covers his role in the battles of Arnhem, the Ardennes, and the D-Day landings, detailing the intricacies of military tactics, flying fighter planes and the challenges of war. His graphic descriptions of being hopelessly lost in thick cloud above the Alps, and of following a line of telegraph poles half-buried in deep snow while searching for a place to land on the Stalingrad front are proof that the enemy was not the only danger he had to face during his long flying career. Kaufmann saw out the war from the early beginnings of German expansion right through to surrender to the British in 1945\. _An Eagle's Odyssey_ is a compelling and enlightening read, Kaufmann's account offers a rarely heard perspective on one of the core experiences of the Second World War.
Princeton University Press Culture on the Margins: The Black Spiritual and the Rise of American Cultural Interpretation
In Culture on the Margins, Jon Cruz recounts the "discovery" of black music by white elites in the nineteenth century, boldly revealing how the episode shaped modern approaches to studying racial and ethnic cultures. Slave owners had long heard black song making as meaningless "noise." Abolitionists began to attribute social and political meaning to the music, inspired, as many were, by Frederick Douglass's invitation to hear slaves' songs as testimonies to their inner, subjective worlds. This interpretive shift--which Cruz calls "ethnosympathy"--marks the beginning of a mainstream American interest in the country's cultural margins. In tracing the emergence of a new interpretive framework for black music, Cruz shows how the concept of "cultural authenticity" is constantly redefined by critics for a variety of purposes--from easing anxieties arising from contested social relations to furthering debates about modern ethics and egalitarianism. In focusing on the spiritual aspect of black music, abolitionists, for example, pivoted toward an idealized religious singing subject at the expense of absorbing the more socially and politically elaborate issues presented in the slave narratives and other black writings. By the end of the century, Cruz maintains, modern social science also annexed much of this cultural turn. The result was a fully modern tension-ridden interest in culture on the racial margins of American society that has long had the effect of divorcing black culture from politics.
The University of Chicago Press Edge of Irony: Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire
Among the brilliant writers and thinkers who emerged from the multicultural and multilingual world of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were Joseph Roth, Robert Musil, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. For them, the trauma of World War I included the sudden loss of the geographical entity into which they had been born: in 1918, the empire was dissolved overnight, leaving Austria a small, fragile republic that would last only twenty years before being annexed by Hitler's Third Reich. In this major reconsideration of European modernism, Marjorie Perloff identifies and explores the aesthetic world that emerged from the rubble of Vienna and other former Habsburg territories--an "Austro-Modernism" that produced a major body of drama, fiction, poetry, and autobiography. Perloff explores works ranging from Karl Kraus's drama The Last Days of Mankind and Elias Canetti's memoir The Tongue Set Free to Ludwig Wittgenstein's notebooks and Paul Celan's lyric poetry. Throughout, she shows that Austro-Modernist literature is characterized less by the formal and technical inventions of a modernism familiar to us in the work of Joyce and Pound, Dada and Futurism, than by a radical irony beneath a seemingly conventional surface, an acute sense of exile, and a sensibility more erotic and quixotic than that of its German contemporaries. Skeptical and disillusioned, Austro-Modernism prefers to ask questions rather than formulate answers.
Headline Publishing Group Death to the Emperor: The thrilling new Eagles of the Empire novel - Macro and Cato return!
AD 60. Britannia. The Boudica Revolt begins . . .Macro and Cato - heroes of the Roman Empire - face a ruthless enemy set on revenge The Roman Empire's hold on the province of Britannia is fragile. The tribes implacably opposed to Rome have grown cunning in their attacks on the legions. Even amongst those who have sworn loyalty, dissent simmers. In distant Rome, Nero is blind to the danger.As hostilities create mayhem in the west, Governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus gathers a vast army, with Prefect Cato in command. A hero of countless battles, Cato wants his loyal comrade Centurion Macro by his side. But the Governor leaves Macro behind, in charge of the veteran reserves in Camulodunum. Suetonius dismisses concerns that the poorly fortified colony will be vulnerable to attack when only a skeleton force remains. With the military distracted, slow-burning anger amongst the tribespeople bursts into flames. The king of the Iceni is dead and a proud kingdom is set for plundering and annexation. But the widow is Queen Boudica, a woman with a warrior's heart. If Boudica calls for death to the emperor, a bloodbath will follow.Macro and Cato each face deadly battles against enemies who would rather die than succumb to Roman rule. The future of Britannia hangs in the balance.'Scarrow . . . has the gift of combining wide knowledge of the period with a page-turning narrative' Sunday TimesSIMON SCARROW: 5 MILLION BOOKS SOLD WORLDWIDE!
University of Illinois Press Asian American Poetry: THE NEXT GENERATION
This book is the first in English to consider women's movements and feminist discourses in twentieth-century Taiwan. Doris T. Chang examines the way in which Taiwanese women in the twentieth century selectively appropriated Western feminist theories to meet their needs in a modernizing Confucian culture. She illustrates the rise and fall of women's movements against the historical backdrop of the island's contested national identities, first vis-à-vis imperial Japan (1895-1945) and later with postwar China (1945-2000). In particular, during periods of soft authoritarianism in the Japanese colonial era and late twentieth century, autonomous women's movements emerged and operated within the political perimeters set by the authoritarian regimes. Women strove to replace the "Good Wife, Wise Mother" ideal with an individualist feminism that meshed social, political, and economic gender equity with the prevailing Confucian family ideology. However, during periods of hard authoritarianism from the 1930s to the 1960s, the autonomous movements collapsed. The particular brand of Taiwanese feminism developed from numerous outside influences, including interactions among an East Asian sociopolitical milieu, various strands of Western feminism, and Marxist-Leninist women's liberation programs in Soviet Russia. Chinese communism appears not to have played a significant role, due to the Chinese Nationalists' restriction of communication with the mainland during their rule on post-World War II Taiwan. Notably, this study compares the perspectives of Madame Chiang Kai-shek, whose husband led as the president of the Republic of China on Taiwan from 1949 to 1975, and Hsiu-lien Annette Lu, Taiwan's vice president from 2000 to 2008. Delving into period sources such as the highly influential feminist monthly magazine Awakening as well as interviews with feminist leaders, Chang provides a comprehensive historical and cross-cultural analysis of the struggle for gender equality in Taiwan.
Peeters Publishers Le Vocabulaire De La Metallurgie Et La Nomenclature Des Objets En Metal Dans Les Textes De Mari: Materiaux Pour Le Dictionnaire De Babylonien De Paris Tome III
L'ouvrage d'I. Arkhipov sur Le vocabulaire de la metallurgie et la nomenclature des objets en metal dans les textes de Mari constitue le troisieme volume de la serie des Materiaux pour le Dictionnaire de Babylonien de Paris. Apres des etudes portant sur le vocabulaire des habits et textiles (MDBP I) et sur la vaisselle de luxe (MDBP II), cet ouvrage s'interesse aux techniques et produits de la metallurgie et de l'orfevrerie. Peu d'objets ont ete retrouves lors des fouilles, mais de nombreux documents administratifs et lettres donnent des descriptions souvent tres precises de leur forme, de leur fabrication ou de leur emploi. Une premiere partie etudie le vocabulaire akkadien et ses eventuelles notations ideographiques, a partir du corpus entier des archives de Mari. Les mots y sont classes en douze categories. La seconde partie donne l'edition de nombreux textes administratifs en ordre chronologique. Pas moins de 645 textes sont edites: 114 sont entierement nouveaux, 531 constituent la reprise de textes deja publies (essentiellement dans ARM XXV), collationnes et parfois completes par des joints. L'ensemble est suivi de diverses annexes. L'ouvrage montre le haut niveau technologique atteint par les ateliers syriens a cette epoque ancienne. Ces temoignages ecrits, issus de l'administration du palais de Mari, sont desormais a la disposition de toutes les personnes interessees: philologues, archeologues, historiens des techniques, etc.
Peeters Publishers Science, dialectique et éthique chez Aristote: Essais d'épistémologie aristotélicienne
Les quatorze articles traduits dans ce volume constituent la première présentation d'ensemble d'une ¿uvre importante dans le domaine de l'histoire de la philosophie ancienne. Ils s'étendent sur plus de vingt ans et portent tous sur ce que l'on pourrait appeler, au sens le plus large du terme, l' «épistémologie aristotélicienne», en prenant «épistémologie» en son sens français et non au sens que ce terme a dans le monde universitaire anglophone. Les textes ont été rangés dans un ordre à la fois systématique et pédagogique, et non dans un ordre chronologique, parce que, malgré d'inévitables changements de détails, les positions adoptées par Robert Bolton sont restées fondamentalement les mêmes. Il est remarquable que, alors que Bolton semblait isolé dans les années 1970-1980, ses thèses soient aujourd'hui au moins mieux comprises et même, sans doute, plus largement partagées. Le mérite le plus immédiat de l'approche boltonienne d'Aristote, c'est de définir exactement la place de l'épistémologie aristotélicienne. Ce qui fournit un élément important pour en cerner la nature. Ce faisant Bolton applique à l'Aristotélisme lui-même l'un des traits qu'il cru déceler dans la méthode d'Aristote: d'abord saisir un élément de l'essence de la chose que l'on veut connaître, comme premier pas vers la saisie de cette essence.
Peeters Publishers Die «Beschreibung der Zeiten» von Mor Michael dem Großen (1126-1199). Eine Studie zu ihrem historischen und historiographiegeschichtlichen Kontext
100 Jahre nach Edition und Übersetzung der Chronik Michaels des Großen (1126-1199) durch Jean-Baptiste Chabot erscheint mit «Die 'Beschreibung der Zeiten' von Mor Michael dem Großen (1126-1199): Eine Studie zu ihrem historischen und historiographiegeschichtlichen Kontext» nun eine längst fällige Revision des Werkes. Das Ergebnis ist eine Neubewertung und eine Differenzierung der syrisch-orthodoxen Historiographiegeschichte insgesamt. Michael bedenkt mit großem Ernst die Möglichkeiten historischer und chronologischer Erkenntnis und erweitert durch seine formalen Innovationen die ihm vorgegebenen Grenzen. Er verbindet formale Elemente der eusebianischen Chronik und der Kirchengeschichte mithilfe von schriftlichen und graphischen Mitteln zu einer monumentalen Schau von Vielfalt und Endlichkeit der weltlichen Reiche. Er findet so historische Begründungen und formalen Ausdruck für innerweltlichen Wandel und Kontingenz. Im Kontext einer gefährdeten Welt nach der Eroberung von Edessa 1144 und 1146 unterzieht seine Weltchronik historische und religiöse Grundannahmen syrisch-orthodoxer Identität einer Totalinventur. Auf der Basis einer historisch-kulturellen und einer religiösen Verortung wird die Gegenwart als christliche Autarkie annehmbar.
Peeters Publishers La Chaine Sur L'Exode. Edition Integrale IV. Fonds Catenique Ancien (Exode 15,22 - 40,32)
La derniere partie du recit de l'Exode, apres le passage de la Mer Rouge, a moins pour objet les peripeties des quarante annees d'errance au desert que la constitution d'Israel comme peuple veritable, avec les deux piliers majeurs que sont la Loi et le Temple, celui-ci annonce par la tente qui abrite l'arche d'Alliance et par les prescriptions liturgiques qui s'y rattachent. Apres Philon, les commentaires chretiens ne sont pas nombreux et ont ete produit surtout par les allegoristes: Origene, Didyme, Gregoire de Nysse, et surtout Cyrille d'Alexandrie. Ce sont eux qui constituent l'essentiel de la chaine. Les antiochiens, notamment Eusebe d'Emese, sont beaucoup plus rarement nommes et sont en tout cas plus concis. Pour cette section de la chaine, la tradition primaire est perdue; on doit se contenter de la tradition derivee (le type III de la classification Karo-Lietzmann), oA' rien ne distingue de prime abord les citations litterales des citations remaniees, et qui a laisse se perdre bien des attributions. Les notes attirent l'attention de l'usager sur cette difficulte. Les fragments, devenus accidentellement anonymes, meritent une particuliere attention. La preparation de ce volume a permis d'augmenter le nombre de fragments connus, qui avaient echappe aux collections precedentes, notamment pour Philon, pour Diodore de Tarse, pour Severien de Gabala et pour Severe d'Antioche.
Faithlife Corporation The Theology of Benedict XVI
God's rottweiler or shepherd of the faithful? There's no doubt about Benedict XVI's theological legacy. He's been at the center of every major theological controversy in the Catholic Church over the last fifty years. But he remains a polarizing figure, misunderstood by supporters and opponents alike. A deeper understanding of Benedict's theology reveals a man dedicated to the life and faith of the church. In this collection of essays, prominent Protestant theologians examine and commend the work of the Pope Emeritus. Katherine Sonderegger, Kevin Vanhoozer, and Carl Trueman-among others-present a full picture of Benedict's theology, particularly his understanding of the relationship between faith and reason and his pursuit of truth for the church. The global Christian faith can learn from Benedict's insight into the modern church and his desire to safeguard the future of the church by leaning on the wisdom of the ancient church. Contributors: Tim Perry Ben Myers Katherine Sonderegger Gregg R. Allison Kevin J. Vanhoozer R. Lucas Stamps Christopher R. J. Holmes Fred Sanders Carl R. Trueman David Ney Peter J. Leithart Joey Royal Annette Brownlee Preston D. S. Parsons Jonathan Warren P. (Pagán)
University of Texas Press The Mexican American Experience in Texas – Citizenship, Segregation, and the Struggle for Equality
A historical overview of Mexican Americans' social and economic experiences in Texas For hundreds of years, Mexican Americans in Texas have fought against political oppression and exclusion--in courtrooms, in schools, at the ballot box, and beyond. Through a detailed exploration of this long battle for equality, this book illuminates critical moments of both struggle and triumph in the Mexican American experience. Martha Menchaca begins with the Spanish settlement of Texas, exploring how Mexican Americans' racial heritage limited their incorporation into society after the territory's annexation. She then illustrates their political struggles in the nineteenth century as they tried to assert their legal rights of citizenship and retain possession of their land, and goes on to explore their fight, in the twentieth century, against educational segregation, jury exclusion, and housing covenants. It was only in 1967, she shows, that the collective pressure placed on the state government by Mexican American and African American activists led to the beginning of desegregation. Menchaca concludes with a look at the crucial roles that Mexican Americans have played in national politics, education, philanthropy, and culture, while acknowledging the important work remaining to be done in the struggle for equality.
Unnamed Press The Paper Man
Michael was only 15 when a mysterious accident changed his life forever. He was rebuilt out of paper by his father, and ten years later he is still trapped in the paper version of his teenage body. To escape his stagnant life at home, he runs away to the city by the sea, which promises art and adventure. Instead, Michael discovers the city is tearing at the seams. With rumors swirling that a militarized north will annex the city, newcomer Michael has more to worry about than the unpredictable seaside weather. After being rescued from a rainstorm by Maiko, an unemployed fur model, Michael's cruel high school sweetheart Mischa suddenly reappears. Michael becomes torn between loyalty to Maiko and Mischa's decadent underground art world. But when he finds himself drawn to the city's most notorious artist, David Doppelmann, Michael begins another dangerous transformation, one that will either lead to uncovering his true self, or destroy him and everyone he cares about. Part fable, part surrealistic journey, Gallagher Lawson's impressive debut is a gripping narrative about the nature of artistic identity and its tenuous relationship to the greater good, Lawson has created a visionary, allegorical novel of our time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Russia's War Against Ukraine
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, giving rise to the deadliest conflict on European soil since the Second World War. How could this happen in twenty-first-century Europe? Why did Putin decide to escalate Russia’s war against Ukraine, a war which began with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014? In this timely book, Gwendolyn Sasse analyses the background to this war and examines the factors that led to Putin’s fateful decision. She retraces the history of Ukraine’s struggle for independence from Russia and shows how democratic developments in Ukraine had become a risk for Russia’s political system. She also shows that ambiguous Western policy towards Russia encouraged elites in the Kremlin to think that they had more room for action than they did. The result is a brilliant analysis of the background to the war, a concise account of the course of the war itself and a timely reflection on what its consequences will be – for Ukraine, for Russia and for the West. An indispensable book for anyone who wants to understand the most dangerous conflict of our time.
House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada The Return of History: Conflict, Migration, and Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century
In the 2016 CBC Massey Lectures, former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General and international relations specialist Jennifer Welsh delivers a timely, intelligent, and fascinating analysis of twenty-first-century geopolitics.In 1989, as the Berlin Wall crumbled and the Cold War dissipated, the American political commentator Francis Fukuyama wrote a famous essay, entitled “The End of History,” which argued that the demise of confrontation between Communism and capitalism, and the expansion of Western liberal democracy, signalled the endpoint of humanity’s sociocultural and political evolution, and the path toward a more peaceful world. But a quarter of a century after Fukuyama’s bold prediction, history has returned: arbitrary executions, attempts to annihilate ethnic and religious minorities, the starvation of besieged populations, invasion and annexation of territory, and the mass movement of refugees and displaced persons. It has also witnessed cracks and cleavages within Western liberal democracies as a result of deepening economic inequality.The Return of History argues that our own liberal democratic society was not inevitable, but that we must all, as individual citizens, take a more active role in its preservation and growth.
Whitefox Publishing Ltd The Gift Book 1: Eleanor
The North Atlantic, 14 April 1912. Amid the chaos of the sinking Titanic, a young Eleanor Annenberg meets the eyes of a stranger and is immediately captivated. As the ship buckles around them, she follows him down into the hold and finds him leaning over an open sarcophagus, surrounded by mutilated bodies. She catches but a glimpse of what lies within before she's sucked into a maelstrom of freezing brine and half-devoured corpses. Elle is pulled out of the water, but the stranger - and the secrets she stumbled upon - are lost. Unintentionally, however, he leaves her a gift; one so compelling that Elle embarks on a journey that pulls her into a world of ancient evils, vicious hunters and human prey to find the man who saved her that fateful night. From trench warfare at Cape Helles in 1915 to a shipwreck in the tropical shallows off the Honduran coast, from a lost mine beneath the towering Externsteine in a Germany on the verge of war to the gothic crypts of Highgate Cemetery in London, Elle gets closer to a truth she has sought for most of her life. But at what cost? Gifts, after all, are seldom free.
Everyman Russian Poets
Ever since Pushkin, Russian poets have been famous for their ability to combine private and public experience in lyric poetry of a comprehensiveness and intensity unmatched elsewhere. Ranging in extremes from the melting tenderness of unrequited love to the bitter comedy of political chaos, this collection of poems covering two centuries includes work by Lermontov, Tyutchev, Fet, Annensky,Mayakovsky, Bely, Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Brodsky and others less celebrated but no less extraordinary. The text is divided into six sections. Russian poets constantly reflect on their art, so the first section is appropriately entitled 'The Muse'. Their other great topic is Russia herself, explored in parts two and three. Part four presents the inner world, parts five and six traditional themes of love and mortality. Poetry has often been a matter of life and death in Russia, where Mandelstam was not the only poet to perish in the Gulag. The comfortable private domain familiar to many English and American writers barely exists in a country where political realities are exigent - one reason for the fierce intensity found in so many of these poems.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres I: Voyage En Turquie Et En Egypte, Voyage En Hollande, Voyage Dans L'Empire De Maroc, Suivi Du Voyage De Hafez, Voyage Dans Quelques Parties De La Basse-Saxe
On trouvera, dans ce premier volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) un ensemble de textes d'une grande variete, meme s'ils sont tous relatifs a l'une des activites favorites de leur auteur: le voyage, qu'il a pratique depuis ses plus jeunes annees. Ainsi, quand il effectue son periple en Turquie et en Egypte, il a deja derriere lui de nombreux voyages, mais c'est la premiere fois qu'il en donne un temoignage ecrit elabore et surtout, ce "Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte fait en l'annee 1784" sera le premier de ses nombreux livres publies. Encourage sans doute par le succes de cette publication, Potocki ne fera plus de grands voyages, desormais, sans en livrer de relation. Certaines ont malheureusement ete perdues (celles d'Espagne, de France, d'Angleterre); celles qui nous restent sont suffisamment riches pour qu'on puisse considerer leur auteur comme un maitre dans ce genre. Beaucoup d'elements permettent de distinguer nettement le "Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte" du "Voyage en Hollande fait pendant la Revolution de 1787", puis du "Voyage dans l'Empire de Maroc fait en l'annee 1791" et enfin, du "Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe"; sans parler bien sur du voyage fictif, invente par Potocki sur le modele du conte oriental, "Le voyage de Hafez", publie a la suite du texte du Maroc. mais ils portent tous la marque originale de cet ecrivain-voyageur, nanti d'une erudition vertigineuse et en meme temps ouvert a toutes les lecons de l'experience immediate du monde, curieux de tout, jamais engonce dans de quelconques certitudes ni dans aucun prejuge, dote d'une plume qui est a la fois aceree et legere. Son oeuvre immense d'historien, son theatre, ses ecrits politiques comme le genial "Manuscrit trouve a Saragose": tout est en germe ou en cours d'elaboration dans ces textes.Ce premier volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki a ete prepare par Francois Rosset, maitre d'enseignement et de recherche a l'Universite de Lausanne, avec la collaboration de Sabine Anduleit, Sadek Neimi, Boussif Ouasti, Wardy Poelstra et Ewa Siemieniec-Golas. Les textes ont ete etablis par Dominique Triaire, professeur a l'Universite Paul Valery Montpellier III.
CABI Publishing Key Questions in Biodiversity: A Study and Revision Guide
An understanding of biodiversity is an important requirement of a wide range of programmes of study including biology, zoology, wildlife conservation and environmental science. This book is a study and revision guide for students following such programmes in which biodiversity is an important component. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: 1. Principles of classification and taxonomy 2. Comparative anatomy and physiology 3. Protoctists, monerans, fungi, lichens and acellular organisms 4. 'Lower' plants and pteridophytes 5. Seed-bearing plants 6. Sponges, cnidarians, nematodes and minor animal phyla 7. Platyhelminths, annelids and molluscs 8. Arthropods and echinoderms 9. Fishes, amphibians and reptiles 10. Birds and mammals The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in animal and plant classification, the principles of comparative physiology, and the characteristics of, and diversity in, the major animal and plant taxa. The structure of the book allows the study of one topic area or group of taxa at a time, progressing through simple questions to those that are more demanding. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to identify organisms and biological structures from drawings or photographs.