Search results for ""cabi publishing""
CABI Publishing Olympic Games: A Social Science Perspective
This 2nd edition of a highly successful book (published in 2000) provides a comprehensive, critical analysis of the Olympic Games using a multi-disciplinary social science approach. This revised edition contains much new data relating to the Sydney 2000 Games and their aftermath; and preparations for Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008 Games. The book is broad-ranging and independent in its coverage, and includes the use of drugs, sex testing, accusations of power abuse among members of the IOC, the Games as a stage for political protest, media-related controversies, economic costs and benefits of the Games and historical conflicts between organizers and host communities.
CABI Publishing Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment
This book presents current knowledge of seed fate in both natural and human-disturbed landscapes, from various regions of the world. Habitats considered range from mountain and arid deserts in the temperate zone, to savanna and lowland rainforests in tropical regions of the world. Particular attention is paid to plant diversity conservation when seed removal is affected by factors such as hunting, habitat fragmentation or intensive logging. Contributors include leading scientists involved in research on seed ecology and on animal-plant relationships from the perspective of both primary and secondary seed dispersal, and predation.
CABI Publishing Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control
This book has been developed from the keynote addresses delivered at the third IOBC International Symposium (co-organized with CILBA) that was held in Montpellier in October 2002, to address recent developments in genetics and evolutionary biology as applied to biological control. Chapters are organized around the following themes: Genetic structure of pest and natural enemy populations Molecular diagnostic tools in biological control Tracing the origin of pests and natural enemies Predicting evolutionary change in pests and natural enemies Compatibility of transgenic crops and natural enemies Genetic manipulation of natural enemies. The authors identify new issues for each of the major approaches in applied biological control. These include the (1) use of molecular genetics to trace the origin of target pests in classical biological control, (2) potential of mass-reared, transgenic agents in augmentative biological control, and (3) compatibility of transgenic crops and natural enemies in conservational biological control.
CABI Publishing Good Statistical Practice for Natural Resources Research
This book provides a practical approach to applying statistics to a wide variety of studies or projects. It will help bring together the biophysical and socioeconomic aspects, that are increasingly seen as integral to successful natural resources management. The topics covered include types of study in NRM, planning, data management and analysis. The book has been written for advanced students and professionals in all disciplines in agriculture, forestry, rural development, environmental and related sciences.
CABI Publishing Principles of Plant Health and Quarantine
There is a growing awareness that an understanding of international plant health agreements and protocol is essential in the increasingly free-trade environment of today, and that administrative methods of plant pest control are important in crop production. However, there has been no recent book, which introduces students and practitioners to the subject of plant health and quarantine. This book fills this gap.
CABI Publishing Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition: Laboratory Methods and Research Applications
The use of stable isotopes in nutritional studies is now widespread, and the technique is becoming increasingly popular. Practical applications are numerous and include:calcium and iron absorption studiesstudies looking at the impacts of diet, physical activity, aging, and medical therapy and supplementation on nutrient metabolismthe measurement of energy cost of pregnancystudies on the causes of growth faltering in infantsinvestigations into childhood and adult obesity.This book is designed as a laboratory handbook of methods used to perform stable isotope studies in humans. It covers basic principles, dosage information, sample preparation procedures, analytical instrumentation, and necessary mathematical methods and provides the fundamentals to enable researchers to evaluate and establish stable isotope methods in their own laboratories.
CABI Publishing Poultry Behaviour and Welfare
This authoritative textbook provides an introduction and guide to poultry behaviour and welfare. It describes the origin and biology of the various species of bird that are of agricultural importance, as well as giving a succinct overview of their key behaviour patterns. There is careful discussion of the many factors that influence their welfare, and detailed consideration of the ways in which legislation and commercial interests interact in an attempt to satisfy the many needs involved. The final chapters discuss possible future developments within the subject. The book is in part an update of a previous work, Poultry Production Systems: Behaviour, Management and Welfare (CABI, 1992), completely rewritten and with much new material added.
CABI Publishing Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology
This comprehensive research book represents the first complete integration of current knowledge in this area. It addresses issues associated with poultry breeding particularly by examining quantitative and molecular genetics and the uses of transgenic technology. A special section covers the important area of disease resistance and transmission.
CABI Publishing Ecology of Soil Decomposition
Decomposition is an ecological process that recycles dead tissues, mainly from primary production, into nutrients in the soil. The Ecology of Soil Decomposition describes trophic interactions between species that carry out the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. Key topics addressed feature functional groups, spatial stratification and succession patterns over time, involving bacteria, protists, fungi and micro-invertebrates. Emphasis is placed on the role of species diversity in functional groups.
CABI Publishing Crocodiles: Biology, Husbandry and Diseases
This book is a comprehensive reference work on the biology, management and health of crocodiles, alligators and gharials. It is applicable to both farmed and captive animals.The introductory chapter describes crocodilian anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and behaviour. One chapter is devoted to important aspects of crocodile farming, namely nutrition; incubation of eggs; rearing; breeding; slaughter; and welfare. Subsequent chapters cover transmissible, nontransmissible and organ diseases, and diseases of eggs and hatchlings.
CABI Publishing Biology of Seeds: Recent Research Advances
This book presents edited and revised papers from the seventh International Workshop on Seeds, held in Salamanca, Spain, in May 2002. The key topics addressed include seed development, germination and dormancy, as well as desiccation, seed ecology and seed biotechnology.
CABI Publishing Disease-related Malnutrition: An Evidence-based Approach to Treatment
Disease-related malnutrition is a global public health problem. The consequences of disease-related malnutrition are numerous, and include shorter survival rates, lower functional capacity, longer hospital stays, greater complication rates, and higher prescription rates. Nutritional support, in the form of oral nutritional supplements or tube feeding, has proven to lead to an improvement in patient outcome. This book is unique in that it draws together the results of numerous different studies that demonstrate the benefits of nutritional support and provides an evidence base for it. It also discusses the causes, consequences, and prevalence of disease-related malnutrition, and provides insights into the best possible use of enteral nutritional support.
CABI Publishing Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics
Intellectual property (IP) and patents involving animals is an ever-changing field. The purpose of this book is to review the role that intellectual property plays in the development of modern animal breeding and genetics. It includes discussion of the history of animal patenting,common forms of intellectual property,economic issues related to patent protection and the funding of research, ethical issues, and the consequences of intellectual property in the modern animal genetics market place.
CABI Publishing Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology
There are currently many controversial socioeconomic issues concerned with the development and implementation of agricultural biotechnology. This book presents selected revised and edited papers from the fourth and fifth meetings of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Italy in 2000 and 2001.
CABI Publishing Macrocyclic Lactones in Antiparasitic Therapy
Macrocyclic lactones are chemical compounds that represent the main treatment for parasitic diseases of animals, not only for helminth infections, but also a number of major ectoparasitic infestations.There has been no comprehensive book on this subject for more than a decade and this book fills this gap and provides detailed coverage of the basic science of these drugs and their mode of action, as well as their clinical use in farm and companion animals and in humans.
CABI Publishing Apples: Botany, Production and Uses
This book provides a comprehensive reference work, summarising our knowledge of apples and their production worldwide. It includes 24 chapters written by international authorities from the USA, Canada, Europe and New Zealand. The main subjects addressed include taxonomy and production statistics, plant materials, apple physiology, orchard and tree management, crop protection (including organic production), harvesting and handling and utilization. The book will be of significant interest to those working in horticulture and botany.
CABI Publishing Mites of Greenhouses: Identification, Biology and Control
Mites are among the most important arthropods in greenhouses, both as pests causing economic injury to greenhouse crops, and as natural enemies used in the biological control of pest insects and other mites. Because of their minute size, mites are much less well known than insects.This book describes the biology, identification and control of such mites and the topics covered include an introduction to the Acari, illustrated keys to orders, families and selected species, the control of pest mites, and the role of beneficial mites in biological control. The book will be of interest to those working in entomology, crop protection and horticulture.
CABI Publishing Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 2
This is the second of three volumes of Keys to the Trematoda, a series on the systematics and identification of the Class Trematoda. The book presents the taxa in the Order Echinostomida and some of those in the Order Plagiorchiida, with keys for their identification at the superfamily, family, subfamily and generic levels. The keys are based on critical examination of specimens by subject experts, and generic diagnoses are accompanied by illustrations of important morphological characters. This volume includes seven echinostomidan superfamilies (the echinostomatoids, haploporoids, haplosplanchnoids, heronimoids, microscaphidioids, paramphistomatoids and pronocephaloids) and two plagiorchiidan superfamilies (the allocreadioids and lepocreadioids).The first volume covered the Subclass Aspidogastrea and Order Strigeida, while the third volume, due to be published in early 2006, will cover the remaining members of the Plagiorchiida.
CABI Publishing Nutrition and Immune Function
This book provides a review of the roles of specific nutrients in maintaining the immune response and host protection against infection. It also considers the influence of various factors, such as exercise and ageing, on the interaction between nutrition and immune function. The main emphasis is on humans, but comparative mammalian data are also presented.The contents include methods for studying nutrient-immune function interactions, the impact of undernutrition on immune function and infection, the influences of fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidant vitamins, and various minerals on immunity, immunological effects of changes throughout the life cycle, and public health policy implications.
CABI Publishing Rural Aquaculture
Aquaculture for both finfish and shellfish is expanding rapidly throughout the world. It is regarded as having the potential to provide a valuable source of protein in less developed countries and to be integrated into the farming systems and livelihoods of the rural poor.This book addresses key issues in aquaculture and rural development, with case studies drawn from several countries in South and South-East Asia. Papers included cover topics ranging from production and technical issues (such as pond culture and rice field fisheries) to social aspects and research and development methodology. The book has been developed from a meeting of the Asian Fisheries Society. It is aimed at all concerned with aquaculture and rural development.
CABI Publishing Nitrate and Man: Toxic, Harmless or Beneficial?
Nitrate is ubiquitous. It is present in water, soil, plants and food, and is also a normal human metabolite. The main external sources of nitrate are vegetables and drinking water. This book examines the relationship between nitrates and human health. During the last 50 years or so, nitrate has been feared as the source of the rare condition called methaemoglobinaemia, or "blue baby syndrome", for young infants. Nitrate has also been implicated with causing cancer, through increased formation of carcinogenic compounds. Both claims are based on dubious evidence. This book sets out research results to disprove these assumptions, and goes on to explore the beneficial effects of nitrate in preventing infections, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is essential reading for researchers in medicine, and those in agriculture and food industries.
CABI Publishing Weaner Pig: Nutrition and Management
Weaning represents a significant challenge to every young piglet and the success of the process is crucial to the lifetime performance of the animal. The transition from a liquid diet to one that is usually based on dry food ingredients is accompanied by major changes in digestive physiology, immune status and social and physical environments. Successful weaning is, therefore, the key to effective growth, feed efficiency and the subsequent development of the pig. This book has been developed from a British Society of Animal Science occasional meeting, held in September 2000. The Weaner Pig: Nutrition and Management brings together all the scientific disciplines involved in the pre and post-weaning biology of the piglet, concentrating on:Growth/developmentNutritionImmunology/healthEthologyThe physical environment
CABI Publishing Nutrition, Immunity and Infection
Infectious diseases are an important cause of malnutrition. Recurrent infections increase the risk of malnutrition while poor nutritional status results in lowered immune status and predisposes to infectious disease thus propagating the vicious cycle of infection and malnutrition. The nutrition-infection-immunity axis is crucial for both developed and developing countries and is now a central feature of many nutrition and infectious disease courses. Bringing together nutrition and immunology, Nutrition, Immunity and Infections covers the topic in an accessible format for all students of nutrition, medicine and public health. Through his work at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the FAO's Food and Nutrition Division and his current post at the University of Southampton, Professor Shetty has built a reputation to match his wealth of experience in the relationship between nutrition and susceptibility to infection.
CABI Publishing Recreational and Environmental Markets for Forest Enterprises
It is now increasingly recognized that forests have multiple functions, and can provide opportunities for leisure, recreation and tourism, and other environmental benefits, as well as timber. In general, such "public goods" are assumed not to be marketable. However, this book challenges this assumption, and shows how these issues can be tackled from an economics and marketing perspective.The work is based on an EU-funded project, conducted from four university or research centres: Hamburg (Germany), Padua (Italy), Vienna (Austria) and Wageningen (The Netherlands). Many case studies and original surveys are presented from these countries, which provide practical solutions to market these forest enterprises. These empirical data are then related to economic models concerning public goods. This book is relevant to those studying or involved in marketing in the forest tourism, recreation and leisure industries.
CABI Publishing Poultry Feedstuffs: Supply, Composition and Nutritive Value
This book presents the proceedings of the 26th Poultry Science Symposium, held in Peebles, Scotland, UK. Papers have been edited, revised and updated since the Symposium.
CABI Publishing Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights: Economic, Institutional and Implementation Issues in Biotechnology
This book presents the perspectives of policy-makers and economists on a highly topical subject. Plant breeding patents, the ownership of biological innovation and associated intellectual property rights (IPR) are the subject of increased attention worldwide. They are particularly relevant in the field of agricultural biotechnology, but until recently evoked little policy analysis. IPRs are particularly relevant in the field of agricultural biotechnology. They are issues affecting public and private sector organizations and companies, and are significant for developing as well as developed countries.
CABI Publishing Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences
Knowledge of insect movement, particularly of flight, is crucial to our understanding of the great ecological and evolutionary success of insects. The last 20 years have seen many advances in this subject area. New fields have arisen, such as metapopulation theory, and dramatic developments have taken place in methods of studying movement, as a result of new techniques in molecular biology and radar monitoring. There have also been advances in our knowledge of flight-related physiology and behaviour. This book, which is based on the main papers presented at the Royal Entomological Society's 20th Symposium held in September 1999, brings us up to date with these developments. It contains chapters on: - flight mechanisms - foraging movements - migration - the evolution of movement strategies - the interactions between dispersal rates, population structure and gene flow - the effects of climate change on geographical distribution It is essential reading for entomologists, and of interest to those researching animal behaviour, physiology, ecology and genetics.
CABI Publishing Leisure Education, Community Development and Populations with Special Needs
This book is a result of an output of a Commission of the World Leisure and Recreation Association (WLRA) to examine the role of leisure and education for leisure activities among people with special needs living in the community, and requiring social or health services outside hospital. It provides a conceptual and practical framework for understanding the role of leisure education for community development with a special emphasis on special populations. It will also serve the reader as a foundation for developing models and programmes for leisure education within community settings.
CABI Publishing Cultural Attractions and European Tourism
Cultural tourism has been identified as one of the most important of the global tourism markets. Europe hosts a vast treasure house of cultural attractions and the level of competition between cities, regions and nations to attract cultural tourists is increasing. This book reviews the cultural tourism market in Europe, based on recent surveys. It analyses the way in which cultural attractions are produced for and used by cultural tourists and pays attention to specific types of cultural attractions including museums, art galleries, monuments and heritage attractions and the management, marketing and cultural issues surrounding them.
CABI Publishing Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems
The purpose of this book is to review and assess our current understanding of invertebrates in terrestrial and terrestrially-dominated (i.e. lower-order stream) ecosystems. It emphasises the centrality of the activity of invertebrates, which influence ecosystem function far out of proportion to their physical mass in a wide range of situations, particularly at the interface between land and air (litter/soil), water and land (sediments) and in tree canopies and root/soil systems. Consisting of 16 chapters by authors from the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, the book is essential reading for ecologists and invertebrate biologists.
CABI Publishing Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions
This book discusses the importance of mountain regions, and the precariousness of mountain tourism in the context of ecosystem and cultural conservation. It includes case studies of mountain tourism existing alongside environmental sustainability and community well being. The text presents an integrated approach to mountain-based tourism, balancing the needs of local communities, tourists and environmental conservation.
CABI Publishing Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 1: Development, Nutrition and Reproduction
A detailed account of the embryology, growth and metamorphosis of mosquitoes, the nutrition of larvae and adults, and egg production by the adult females. Physiological adaptations of larvae to their aquatic environment are also described. Written in a manner to be comprehensible to any informed biologist, the book has received glowing reviews.
CABI Publishing Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops
Comprehensive information on diseases of the most important tropical fruit cropsChapters are devoted to a single or, in some cases, a related group of host plantsThe history, distribution, importance, symptoms, aetiology, epidemiology and management of diseases of each crop are described in detailThis book offers a comprehensive review of diseases of important tropical and some subtropical fruit crops. The history, distribution, importance, etiology, epidemiology and control of diseases of each host crop are covered, along with brief summaries on the taxonomy, origins and characteristics of each host. Additional information is given on the biology and pathology of the causal agents and on new advances that change or otherwise enhance our understanding of the nature and cause of these diseases. Plant pathologists, plantation and nursery managers, lecturers and those who are involved in tropical agriculture and horticulture will find this an essential reference.
CABI Publishing Farm Animal Metabolism and Nutrition
This book presents specially commissioned reviews of key topics in farm animal metabolism and nutrition, where major advances have recently been made or which continue to represent issues of significance for students and researchers. - Advanced level textbook, no other advanced text in this area with such broad scope - First class contributors, including leading researchers from Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia
CABI Publishing Mites: Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour
There are over 40 000 named species of mite, and if estimates for unnamed species are included, then up to 1 million may grace the planet. By comparison, there are approximately 40 000 species of vertebrates, half of them fish, alive today. Mites are predators, parasites, herbivores and detritivores. They live in the dark depths of the ocean, in the lungs of birds, on the leaves of rainforest plants, and in human clothes and bedding. They are vectors of disease, vital players in soil formation, and important agents of biological control. Despite the grand diversity of mites, these small arthropods are often overlooked, and even trained biologists can be unaware of their significance. This books aims to fill the gap in our understanding of these intriguing creatures. It surveys life cycles, feeding behaviour, reproductive biology and host-associations of mites, without requiring prior knowledge of their morphology or taxonomy. The text is richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs. Topics covered include evolution of mites and other arachnids, mites in soil and water, mites on plants and animals, sperm transfer and reproduction, and mites as models of ecological and evolutionary theories.
CABI Publishing Modelling Soil-Biosphere Interactions
Soils interact with the biological environment in a number of ways. Our understanding of these interactions can often be enhanced by computer modelling. The primary function of this book is to introduce basic modelling skills and to show how even complex problems in the relationship between soil and the biosphere can be solved using modelling packages. The author presents numerous examples using ModelMaker, an easily learnt software package. Only basic mathematical skills are expected of the reader. A demo of ModelMaker is available on CD from Cherwell Scientific
CABI Publishing Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research
This book discusses methods in the field and laboartory for grassland and animal production research.
CABI Publishing Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease
Antioxidants play an important role in the progression of major human degenerative diseases and conditions. This book covers antioxidants and their mechanisms of action; their role in a whole array of conditions including coronary heart disease, malignant disease, diabetes, cataracts, respiratory disease, cystic fibrosis, cognitive functions, and aging; their indicators for oxidative stress; and consumer issues. The majority of chapters have been developed from papers presented at the 6th World Congress in Clinical Nutrition, held in Banff, Canada, July 1997.
CABI Publishing Egg Nutrition and Biotechnology
Major research is now directed at improving the nutritional quality of eggs, and at using eggs in other products. Due to the decline in the consumption of eggs in the past few decades, researchers from many disciplines have been lead to look at the egg beyond its traditional food value, and to focus on economically viable biomedical, nutraceutical and ovo-biotechnologies. Written by international experts, this book is based on proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Egg Nutrition and Newly Emerging Ovo-Biotechnologies, held in Banff, Canada, in April 1998. It includes 39 chapters, covering food fats and health, egg consumption, egg lipids and nutrition, ovo-technologies, and food food safety.
CABI Publishing Electronic Information Distribution in Tourism and Hospitality
Electronic information distribution has become undeniably important in the hospitality and tourism sectors. Using a combination of narrative, analysis and case studies, this text traces the origins of electronic distribution in tourism and places current developments in context, while also looking at developing technologies and assessing their potential effect on the industry of the future. It is written from a managerial (rather than a technical) perspective, and takes an international approach with worldwide analysis and case studies encompassing Europe and the USA as well as the global marketplace. These include discussions of the distribution strategies of companies such as SABRE, Group Accor, Holiday Inn, Utell International, Best Western, as well as examinations of developing systems such as TIS, Gulliver, TravelWeb, Microsoft Expedia, Degriftour, Imminus and THG. Developments in all sectors of the tourism and hospitality industries are explored, but particular emphasis is placed on the accommodation product, illustrating its information distribution through each of the different systems.
CABI Publishing Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberation: A New Institutional Economics Perspective
‘Pro poor’ economic growth is widely recognised as an important means for reducing poverty in developing countries. With the majority of the world’s poor living in rural areas, agricultural intensification, with higher land and labour productivity from increased integration in input and output markets, is one way to expand income and livelihood opportunities for rural people. This book uses a new institutional economics perspective to review the effects of market liberalisation on service provision to smallholder farmers. In many parts of the world, particularly in Sub-saharan Africa, the private sector has failed to fill the gaps left by the collapse of state supported input and credit supply systems. Using case studies from Ghana, Tanzania and Pakistan, the book investigates the difficulties facing the private sector in supplying inputs and credit and the conditions required for sustainable private sector investment to the benefit of rural people. The analysis has important lessons for donor and government policy makers and for companies wishing to make commercial investments. It is invaluable for researchers, academics and development agencies concerned with rural and agricultural economics and development.
CABI Publishing Ecotourism in the Less Developed World
Ecotourism is the result of increasing interest amongst consumers in developed countries in exploring the natural world as an alternative to more conventional holidays, along with a desire to reduce the environmental and cultural impact of their activities. It is, therefore, a relatively new sector of the tourism industry. This book is unique in defining, describing and analysing ecotourism in the less developed countries and its effects, in all parts of the world. The first three chapters set the broader industry context and geographical scope of the book. This is followed by country case studies on Costa Rica, Kenya, Nepal and Thailand and a chapter on the Caribbean and South Pacific. In the final chapter, the common themes and patterns which emerge are discussed with regard to strategies for future developments. This book is essential reading for lecturers, advanced students and researchers in tourism and for those actively involved in ecotourism in less developed countries. It will also be valuable to other tourism industry staff, geographers, development economists and government and regional policy makers.
CABI Publishing Economics of Landscape and Wildlife Conservation
In recent years landscape and wildlife conservation has attracted increased attention from environmentalists and policy-makers. There have been policies within the European Union aimed at conserving wildlife and landscape in Europe for more than a decade and appraisal of these policies is opportune. A workshop was therefore held at the University of Hohenheim in September 1996 to examine critical issues associated with these policies. This workshop was one of a series, each focusing on a key theme as part of the EU Concerted Action, “Policy measures to control environmental impacts from agriculture”. This book presents a selection of revised papers from this workshop. The overall perspective is an economic one, with several chapters reviewing analytical methods, economic valuation of the benefits of agricultural landscapes and the costs and benefits of wildlife conservation. These are set in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy and environmental policies in the EU. The book represents important reading for agricultural and environmental economists, as well as those concerned with ecology and conservation.
CABI Publishing Comparative Avian Nutrition
Their natural beauty, exceptional variety and unique biology make birds (Aves) one of the most fascinating groups of animals. They are also of great importance to humans as food and as experimental subjects that have catalysed significant advances in many areas of biological research. Central to our ability to maintain and develop these resources is a thorough understanding of avian nutrition. This book presents, uniquely, all aspects of our current knowledge, drawn from such diverse disciplines as physiological ecology, poultry production, zoo biology and biomedical science. The physical and biochemical processes of digestion, the metabolic functions of nutrients and the diversity of evolutionary adaptations required to accommodate very different foodstuffs are examined in depth. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative nature of nutrition and the practical consequences for the dietary requirements of captive and wild avian populations throughout their life cycle. This book is key reading for advanced students of animal nutrition and poultry science and for research ornithologists. It will also be valuable for practising nutritionists working with farmed, pet, zoo or wild birds and represents an essential purchase for libraries of animal science, veterinary medicine and ornithology.
CABI Publishing Tylenchida: Parasites of Plants and Insects, 2nd Edition
The increasing use of integrated crop management, often requiring a reduction in the reliance upon chemical control, means that the need to rapidly identify pest nematodes has never been greater. This second edition of this standard reference work familiar to all plant nematologists is therefore even more useful than its predecessor published in 1986.The in-depth description of the life histories of the genera of the Tylenchida have been retained and brought up-to-date through the inclusion of all the research carried out between the publication of the last edition and this new edition. This expanded edition includes detailed diagnoses of well over 200 genera and familial and ordinal groups, and is well-illustrated with drawings of type or representative species. These, together with comprehensive lists of species and genera and their synonymies provide the foundation for the status and validation of each taxon within the Tylenchida. A considerable amount of information is provided regarding the biology, ecology and pathogenicity of these parasites.
CABI Publishing Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability: A Geographical Perspective
This book consists of selected and revised papers from a conference held in North Carolina that brought together rural geographers from Canada, UK and USA, plus one representative from New Zealand. The papers included in the book are those that focus on agricultural restructuring and sustainability. This subject is of considerable current interest at a time when rural areas in developed market economies are undergoing considerable change. The chapters in the book examine, at various spatial scales, the broad processes and structural changes that are common to all rural systems in developed countries. Different geographical contexts are used to illustrate the uneven development of these processes and the implications for sustainable agriculture and rural systems. Authors provide both literature reviews and original research. The book is aimed at not only rural geographers but also agricultural economists, rural sociologists and policy-makers concerned with rural studies.
CABI Publishing Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement
This book discusses various plant adpatations and techniques for crop improvement.
CABI Publishing Turkey in the European Union: Implications for Agriculture, Food and Structural Policy
The European Union will begin accession negotiations with Turkey in October 2005. Agriculture, foodand rural issues will play a major role in the negotiations, raising questions about the consequences ofEU membership for Turkey's agricultural sector and rural population. This book presents acomprehensive description of Turkey's agricultural, food and rural sectors. Focusing on institutionalarrangements, performance and economic prospects. Topics dealt with include agricultural production,prices and policies, agricultural trade, environmental issues, animal and plant health, and conditions inrural areas. The book explores the possible consequences of accession, both for Turkey and for theEuropean Union.