Search results for ""author ming"
Stanford University Press Women and Writing in Modern China
Analyzing the protracted cultural debate in modern China over what and how women should write, this book focuses on two concepts of great importance in Chinese literary modernization—the new, liberated woman and the new, autonomous writing. Throughout the Ming and Qing dynasties, women's moral virtue, or de, developed as a physical ordeal that meant sacrifices in the areas of freedom of movement (seclusion in either the father's or husband's house) and the body (chastity, fidelity, widow suicide). While physical concepts of virtue existed for men, they were not canonized nearly as extensively as they were for women and did not constitute a marker of masculinity. Posed against de was cai, or literary talent, a male-gendered practice that contained a variable content of profound lyricism, deep intellectuality, and analytical skill. The debate that began at the beginning of the twentieth century over the roles of women and literature was grounded in these traditional views. The author argues that in many modernizing countries traditional constrictions of women became a focus of struggle, and improvements in the treatment of women were considered a sign of national health. In China, however, the traditional emphasis on female virtue and male talent led to protests by women writers against the virtuous woman. Their writings emphasized not the modernizing virtues of equality in love and marriage, nor the mother as educator of a generation of nation-builders, but unconventional relationships and the refusal to marry. Moreover, although national strength demanded a strong female body to represent it, much fiction by women presented the female body as an obstacle to fulfillment or as a form weakened by sickness or death. Rather than emerging as a personal indicator of national health, as the modernizing discourse demanded, the female body in Chinese women's fiction reflected the old, anti-modern meaning of moral virtue through physical ordeal, which must be effaced.
Stanford University Press Women and Property in China, 960-1949
Previous scholarship has presented a static picture of property inheritance in China, mainly because it has focused primarily on men, whose rights changed little throughout the Imperial and Republican periods. However, when our focus shifts to women, a very different and dynamic picture emerges. Drawing on newly available archival case records, this book demonstrates that women’s rights to property changed substantially from the Song through the Qing dynasties, and even more dramatically under the Republican Civil Code of 1929-30. The consolidation in law of patrilineal succession in the Ming and Qing dynasties curtailed women’s claims, but the adoption of the Civil Code and the gradual dismantling of patrilineal succession in the twentieth century greatly strengthened women’s rights to inherit property. Through an examination of the changes in women’s claims, the author argues that we can discern larger changes in property rights in general. Previous scholarship assumed that patrilineal succession and household division were but different sides of the same coin—sons divided their father’s property equally as his patrilineal heirs. The focus on women, however, reveals that patrilineal succession and household division were, in fact, two separate processual and conceptual complexes with their own distinct histories. While household division changed little, patrilineal succession changed greatly. Imperial and Republican laws of inheritance, finally, were based on two radically different property logics, the full implications of which cannot be truly appreciated unless the two are examined in tandem.
Stanford University Press Chinese Modernity and the Peasant Path: Semicolonialism in the Northern Yangzi Delta
This ambitious work traces a social history of semicolonialism in late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century China. It takes as its central concern the intertwining of two antagonistic forces: elite constructions of modernity shaped globally, and an alternate line of peasant resistance and development. Nantong county and the northern portion of the commercially advanced Yangzi Delta form its focal points. Lying in the hinterland of and connected in myriad ways with the treaty port of Shanghai, which in the late nineteenth century became the center of imperialist activity in China, the northern delta is an ideal locale for examining how the acquisition, transmission, and contestation of power may have changed during the extended moment of semicolonial encounter. The author’s specific project is to unravel the multiple strands of the semicolonial process and thereby the dominant and alternative histories it embodied. In emphasizing semicolonialism as a structural context shaping events, the book opens up a pivotal but silent area in the history of modern China. In confronting the development of capitalism as a historical phenomenon and suggesting that its consequences for land and labor on a global scale need greater theoretical and historical scrutiny, the book forces a new understanding of China’s modernity. The book is in two parts. The first delineates key long-term dynamics in the political, economic, and social history of the area from the late Ming dynasty to the Opium Wars. The second part begins with an examination of the rise of modernist urban power in the context of accelerating growth in the textile and cotton trades, focusing on such topics as economic restructuring under Shanghai’s impetus, new forms of economic and political organization, and contention as well as cooperation within the urban elite. Turning to the countryside, the book then examines the regearing of the rural economy to the needs of urban capital, local and global; outlines the emergence of modern landlordism and other rural “capitalisms”; analyzes class formation in the peasantry associated with changes in labor organization, tenurial arrangements, and the gendered division of labor; and traces the coalescence of a distinctive political discourse through which peasants contested certain development schemes and advanced alternative conceptions of community and nation.
Columbia University Press Sources of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600
A collection of seminal primary readings on the social, intellectual, and religious traditions of China, Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 1 has been widely used and praised for almost forty years as an authoritative resource for scholars and students and as a thorough and engaging introduction for general readers. Here at last is a completely revised and expanded edition of this classic sourcebook, compiled by noted China scholars Wm. Theodore de Bary and Irene Bloom. Updated to reflect recent scholarly developments, with extensive material on popular thought and religion, social roles, and women's education, this edition features new translations of more than half the works from the first edition, as well as many new selections. Arranged chronologically, this anthology is divided into four parts, beginning at the dawn of literate Chinese civilization with the Oracle-Bone inscriptions of the late Shang dynasty (1571-1045 B.C.E.) and continuing through the end of the Ming dynasty (C.E. 1644). Each chapter has an introduction that provides useful historical context and offers interpretive strategies for understanding the readings. The first part, The Chinese Tradition in Antiquity, considers the early development of Chinese civilization and includes selections from Confucius's Analects, the texts of Mencius and Laozi, as well as other key texts from the Confucian, Daoist, and Legalist schools. Part 2, The Making of a Classical Culture, focuses on Han China with readings from the Classic of Changes (I Jing), the Classic of Filiality, major Han syntheses, and the great historians of the Han dynasty. The development of Buddhism, from the earliest translations from Sanskrit to the central texts of the Chan school (which became Zen in Japan), is the subject of the third section of the book. Titled Later Daoism and Mahayana Buddhism in China, this part also covers the teachings of Wang Bi, Daoist religion, and texts of the major schools of Buddhist doctrine and practice. The final part, The Confucian Revival and Neo-Confucianism, details the revival of Confucian thought in the Tang, Song, and Ming periods, with historical documents that link philosophical thought to political, social, and educational developments in late imperial China. With annotations, a detailed chronology, glossary, and a new introduction by the editors, Sources of Chinese Tradition will continue to be a standard resource, guidebook, and introduction to Chinese civilization well into the twenty-first century.
Stanford University Press Chinese Hegemony: Grand Strategy and International Institutions in East Asian History
Chinese Hegemony: Grand Strategy and International Institutions in East Asian History joins a rapidly growing body of important literature that combines history and International Relations theory to create new perspectives on East Asian political and strategic behavior. The book explores the strategic and institutional dynamics of international relations in East Asian history when imperial China was the undisputed regional hegemon, focusing in depth on two central aspects of Chinese hegemony at the time: the grand strategies China and its neighbors adopted in their strategic interactions, and the international institutions they engaged in to maintain regional order—including but not limited to the tribute system. Feng Zhang draws on both Chinese and Western intellectual traditions to develop a relational theory of grand strategy and fundamental institutions in regional relations. The theory is evaluated with three case studies of Sino-Korean, Sino-Japanese, and Sino-Mongol relations during China's early Ming dynasty—when a type of Confucian expressive strategy was an essential feature of regional relations. He then explores the policy implications of this relational model for understanding and analyzing contemporary China's rise and the changing East Asian order. The book suggests some historical lessons for understanding contemporary Chinese foreign policy and considers the possibility of a more relational and cooperative Chinese strategy in the future.
Duke University Press The War on Sex
The past fifty years are conventionally understood to have witnessed an uninterrupted expansion of sexual rights and liberties in the United States. This state-of-the-art collection tells a different story: while progress has been made in marriage equality, reproductive rights, access to birth control, and other areas, government and civil society are waging a war on stigmatized sex by means of law, surveillance, and social control. The contributors document the history and operation of sex offender registries and the criminalization of HIV, as well as highly punitive measures against sex work that do more to harm women than to combat human trafficking. They reveal that sex crimes are punished more harshly than other crimes, while new legal and administrative regulations drastically restrict who is permitted to have sex. By examining how the ever-intensifying war on sex affects both privileged and marginalized communities, the essays collected here show why sexual liberation is indispensable to social justice and human rights. Contributors. Alexis Agathocleous, Elizabeth Bernstein, J. Wallace Borchert, Mary Anne Case, Owen Daniel-McCarter, Scott De Orio, David M. Halperin, Amber Hollibaugh, Trevor Hoppe, Hans Tao-Ming Huang, Regina Kunzel, Roger N. Lancaster, Judith Levine, Laura Mansnerus, Erica R. Meiners, R. Noll, Melissa Petro, Carol Queen, Penelope Saunders, Sean Strub, Maurice Tomlinson, Gregory Tomso
Duke University Press The War on Sex
The past fifty years are conventionally understood to have witnessed an uninterrupted expansion of sexual rights and liberties in the United States. This state-of-the-art collection tells a different story: while progress has been made in marriage equality, reproductive rights, access to birth control, and other areas, government and civil society are waging a war on stigmatized sex by means of law, surveillance, and social control. The contributors document the history and operation of sex offender registries and the criminalization of HIV, as well as highly punitive measures against sex work that do more to harm women than to combat human trafficking. They reveal that sex crimes are punished more harshly than other crimes, while new legal and administrative regulations drastically restrict who is permitted to have sex. By examining how the ever-intensifying war on sex affects both privileged and marginalized communities, the essays collected here show why sexual liberation is indispensable to social justice and human rights. Contributors. Alexis Agathocleous, Elizabeth Bernstein, J. Wallace Borchert, Mary Anne Case, Owen Daniel-McCarter, Scott De Orio, David M. Halperin, Amber Hollibaugh, Trevor Hoppe, Hans Tao-Ming Huang, Regina Kunzel, Roger N. Lancaster, Judith Levine, Laura Mansnerus, Erica R. Meiners, R. Noll, Melissa Petro, Carol Queen, Penelope Saunders, Sean Strub, Maurice Tomlinson, Gregory Tomso
Stanford University Press China in a Polycentric World: Essays in Chinese Comparative Literature
This collection provides a critical reexamination of the development and current status of comparative literature studies that engage the literary practices of both China and the West. In so doing, it attempts to refashion literary methodologies and cultural theories in Chinese studies and reread several noncanonical texts in ways that cut across disciplines, genders, and modernities. Eschewing conventional taxonomies such as the study of literary influences and parallels, this volume shifts the emphasis from Chinese-Western comparativism to a critical rereading of Chinese or China-related texts using a variety of new critical approaches. Essays that draw on literary history, comparative poetics, modernist aesthetics, feminist studies, gender theory, and postcolonial discourse exemplify how multifaceted approaches can enrich our understanding of this field. The essays are grouped in three parts: studies of disciplines, institutions, and canon formation; gender, sexuality, and the body; and technology, modernity, and aesthetics. They cover a range of subjects, including the challenge of East-West comparative literature, the impact of literary theory on Sinological research, canon formation in traditional Chinese poetry, gender and sexuality in Ming drama, contemporary Chinese fiction and television drama, the problem of translation, the influence of science fiction, and the “cult of poetry” in post-Mao China. The introductory chapter traces the rise of the Chinese school of comparative literature and addresses the issues facing Western scholars of Chinese-Western comparative literature. A concluding chapter summarizes recent remappings of the geocultural world and outlines future possibilities for comparative literature.
Stanford University Press Culture and State in Chinese History: Conventions, Accommodations, and Critiques
Many observers of late imperial China have noted the relatively small size of the state in comparison to the geographic size and large population of China and have advanced various theories to account for the ability of the state to maintain itself in power. One of the more enduring explanations has been that the Chinese state, despite its limited material capacities, possessed strong ideological powers and was able to influence cultural norms in ways that elicited allegiance and responded to the desire for order. The fourteen papers in this volume re-examine the assumptions of how state power functioned, particularly the assumption of a sharp divide between state and society. The general conclusion is that the state was only one actor—albeit a powerful one—in a culture that elites and commoners could shape, either in cooperation with the state or in competition with it. The temporal range of the papers extends from the twelfth to the twentieth century, though most of the papers deal with the Ming and Qing dynasties. The book is in four parts. Part I deals with philosophical, historiographical, and literary debates and their relation to the late imperial state; Part II with the multiple roles of officials, elites, specialists, and commoners in constructing norms of religious beliefs and practices. Part III presents criticisms by late imperial intellectuals of both state policies and social conventions, and examines official efforts to incorporate and utilize elite commitments to Confucian views of political and cultural order. Part IV discusses ways in which the twentieth-century Chinese political order emerged from a trajectory defined in part by the intersection of late imperial practices with Western categories of knowledge.
Stanford University Press When Half Is Whole: Multiethnic Asian American Identities
"I listen and gather people's stories. Then I write them down in a way that I hope will communicate something to others, so that seeing these stories will give readers something of value. I tell myself that this isn't going to be done unless I do it, just because of who I am. It's a way of making my mark, leaving something behind . . . not that I'm planning on going anywhere right now." So explains Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu in this touching, introspective, and insightful examination of mixed race Asian American experiences. The son of an Irish American father and Japanese mother, Murphy-Shigematsu uses his personal journey of identity exploration and discovery of his diverse roots to illuminate the journeys of others. Throughout the book, his reflections are interspersed among portraits of persons of biracial and mixed ethnicity and accounts of their efforts to answer a seemingly simple question: Who am I? Here we meet Norma, raised in postwar Japan, the daughter of a Japanese woman and an American serviceman, who struggled to make sense of her ethnic heritage and national belonging. Wei Ming, born in Australia and raised in the San Francisco of the 1970s and 1980s, grapples as well with issues of identity, in her case both ethnic and sexual. We also encounter Rudy, a "Mexipino"; Marshall, a "Jewish, adopted Korean"; Mitzi, a "Blackinawan"; and other extraordinary people who find how connecting to all parts of themselves also connects them to others. With its attention on people who have been regarded as "half" this or "half" that throughout their lives, these stories make vivid the process of becoming whole.
Stanford University Press When Half Is Whole: Multiethnic Asian American Identities
"I listen and gather people's stories. Then I write them down in a way that I hope will communicate something to others, so that seeing these stories will give readers something of value. I tell myself that this isn't going to be done unless I do it, just because of who I am. It's a way of making my mark, leaving something behind . . . not that I'm planning on going anywhere right now." So explains Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu in this touching, introspective, and insightful examination of mixed race Asian American experiences. The son of an Irish American father and Japanese mother, Murphy-Shigematsu uses his personal journey of identity exploration and discovery of his diverse roots to illuminate the journeys of others. Throughout the book, his reflections are interspersed among portraits of persons of biracial and mixed ethnicity and accounts of their efforts to answer a seemingly simple question: Who am I? Here we meet Norma, raised in postwar Japan, the daughter of a Japanese woman and an American serviceman, who struggled to make sense of her ethnic heritage and national belonging. Wei Ming, born in Australia and raised in the San Francisco of the 1970s and 1980s, grapples as well with issues of identity, in her case both ethnic and sexual. We also encounter Rudy, a "Mexipino"; Marshall, a "Jewish, adopted Korean"; Mitzi, a "Blackinawan"; and other extraordinary people who find how connecting to all parts of themselves also connects them to others. With its attention on people who have been regarded as "half" this or "half" that throughout their lives, these stories make vivid the process of becoming whole.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical Approaches to Method Validation and Essential Instrument Qualification
Practical approaches to ensure that analytical methods and instruments meet GMP standards and requirements Complementing the authors' first book, Analytical Method Validation and Instrument Performance Verification, this new volume provides coverage of more advanced topics, focusing on additional and supplemental methods, instruments, and electronic systems that are used in pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and clinical testing. Readers will gain new and valuable insights that enable them to avoid common pitfalls in order to seamlessly conduct analytical method validation as well as instrument operation qualification and performance verification. Part 1, Method Validation, begins with an overview of the book's risk-based approach to phase appropriate validation and instrument qualification; it then focuses on the strategies and requirements for early phase drug development, including validation of specific techniques and functions such as process analytical technology, cleaning validation, and validation of laboratory information management systems Part 2, Instrument Performance Verification, explores the underlying principles and techniques for verifying instrument performance—coverage includes analytical instruments that are increasingly important to the pharmaceutical industry, such as NIR spectrometers and particle size analyzers—and offers readers a variety of alternative approaches for the successful verification of instrument performance based on the needs of their labs At the end of each chapter, the authors examine important practical problems and share their solutions. All the methods covered in this book follow Good Analytical Practices (GAP) to ensure that reliable data are generated in compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). Analysts, scientists, engineers, technologists, and technical managers should turn to this book to ensure that analytical methods and instruments are accurate and meet GMP standards and requirements.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mass Spectrometry in Drug Metabolism and Disposition: Basic Principles and Applications
This book examines the background, industrial context, process, analytical methodology, and technology of metabolite identification. It emphasizes the applications of metabolite identification in drug research. While primarily a textbook, the book also functions as a comprehensive reference to those in the industry. The authors have worked closely together and combine complementary backgrounds to bring technical and cultural awareness to this very important endeavor while serving to address needs within academia and industry It also contains a variety of problem sets following specific sections in the text.
John Wiley & Sons Inc General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines: Principles and Practice
General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines Introducing a new theory for electrical machines Air-gap magnetic field modulation phenomena have been widely observed in electrical machines. This book serves as the first English-language overview of these phenomena, as well as developing systematically for the first time a general theory by which to understand and research them. This theory not only serves to unify analysis of disparate electrical machines, from conventional DC machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines to unconventional flux-switching permanent magnet machines, Vernier machines, doubly-fed brushless machines etc., but also paves the way towards the creation of new electrical machine topologies. General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines includes both overviews of key concepts in electrical machine engineering and in-depth specialized analysis of the novel theory itself. It works through the applications of the developed theory before proceeding to both qualitative analysis of the theory’s operating principles and quantitative analysis of its parameters. Readers will also find: The collective experience of four award-winning authors with long records of international scholarship on this subject Three separate chapters covering the principal applications of the theory, with detailed examples Discussion of potential innovations made possible by this theory General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines is an essential introduction to this theory for postgraduates, researchers, and electrical engineers.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Mind Virus
In the tradition of M. T. Anderson’s Feed and Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies, The Mind Virus is the thrilling conclusion to the Unplugged series, which Kass Morgan, New York Times bestselling author of The 100, called “chilling and addictive.”Skylar Cruz has managed to shut down the body market that her sister Jude opened, and to create a door to allow App World citizens reentry into the Real World. But as tensions between the newly mingling people escalate, she’s not sure if it was the right decision after all. Still reeling from Kit’s betrayal, she’s not sure of anything anymore.And for those who are still in the App World, a new danger looms. A virus, set in motion by Jude’s actions, is killing off the bodies of those who remained plugged in—and no one knows how to stop it.It’s up to Skylar to once again save the worlds—and only time will tell who will be standing alongside her in the end.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Nonsense! the Curious Story of Edward Gorey
A beautifully illustrated and lyrical picture-book biography of eccentric and beloved writer and artist Edward Gorey In this lyrical biography of one of literature’s most creepily creative authors and illustrators, kids will learn about the inspiration behind a generation of creators, from Lemony Snicket to Tim Burton. Known for, among other things, wearing a large fur coat wherever he went, storyteller Edward Gorey was respected for both his brilliance and his eccentricity. As a child, he taught himself to read and skipped several grades before landing at Harvard (after a brief stint in the army). Then he built a name for himself as a popular book illustrator. After that, he went on to publish well over one hundred of his own books, stories that mingled sweetness and innocence, danger and darkness, all mixed with his own brand of silliness. Illustrated with Gorey-like humor and inspiration by Chloe Bristol, this stunning picture book biography about this beloved creator is the first for children.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Library of Legends: A Novel
“The Library of Legends is a gorgeous, poetic journey threaded with mist and magic about a group from a Chinese university who take to the road to escape the Japanese invasion of 1937 – only to discover that danger stalks them from within. Janie Chang pens pure enchantment!” —Kate Quinn, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Alice Network and The HuntressFrom the author of Three Souls and Dragon Springs Road comes a captivating historical novel—the third in a loosely-connected trilogy—in which a young woman travels across China with a convoy of student refugees, fleeing the hostilities of a brutal war with Japan.“Myths are the darkest and brightest incarnations of who we are…”China, 1937: When Japanese bombs begin falling on the city of Nanking, nineteen-year-old Hu Lian and her classmates at Minghua University are ordered to flee. Lian and a convoy of more than a hundred students, faculty, and staff must walk a thousand miles to the safety of China’s western provinces, a journey marred by hunger, cold, and the constant threat of aerial attack. And it is not just the student refugees who are at risk: Lian and her classmates have been entrusted with a priceless treasure, a 500-year-old collection of myths and folklore known as the Library of Legends. Her family’s past has made Lian wary of forming attachments, but the students’ common duty to safeguard the Library of Legends forms unexpected bonds. Lian finds friendship and a cautious romance with the handsome and wealthy Liu Shaoming. But after one classmate is murdered and another arrested, Lian realizes she must escape from the convoy before a family secret puts her in danger. Accompanied by Shao and the enigmatic maidservant Sparrow, Lian makes her way to Shanghai, hoping to reunite with her mother. On the journey, Lian learns of the connection between her two companions and a tale from the Library of Legends, The Willow Star and the Prince. Learning Shao and Sparrow’s true identities compels Lian to confront her feelings for Shao. But there are broader consequences too, for as the ancient books travel across China, they awaken immortals and guardian spirits to embark on an exodus of their own, one that changes the country’s fate forever.Based on true events, rich in Chinese history and lore, The Library of Legends is both an illuminating exploration of China’s recent past and an evocative tale of love, sacrifice, and the extraordinary power of storytelling.
University of Nebraska Press Rachilde and French Women's Authorship: From Decadence to Modernism
Under the assumed name Rachilde, Marguerite Eymery (1860–1953) wrote over sixty works of fiction, drama, poetry, memoir, and criticism, including Monsieur Vénus, one of the most famous examples of decadent fiction. She was closely associated with the literary journal Mercure de France, inspired parts of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, and mingled with all the literary lights of the day. Yet for all that, very little has been written about her. Melanie C. Hawthorne corrects this oversight and counters the traditional approach to Rachilde by persuasively portraying this "eccentric" as patently representative of the French women writers of her time and of the social and literary issues they faced. Seen in this light, Rachilde's writing clearly illustrates important questions in feminist literary theory as well as significant features of turn-of-the-century French society. Hawthorne arranges her approach to Rachilde around several defining events in the author's life, including the controversial publication of Monsieur Vénus, with its presentation of sex reversals. Weaving back and forth in time, she is able to depict these moments in relation to Rachilde's life, work, and times and to illuminate nineteenth-century publishing practices and rivalries, including authorial manipulations of the market for sexually suggestive literature. The most complete and accurate account yet written of this emblematic author, Hawthorne's work is also the first to situate Rachilde in the broader social contexts and literary currents of her time and of our own.
Penguin Publishing Group Copy Cap Murder 4 Hat Shop Mystery
The New York Times bestselling author of At the Drop of a Hat returns to her London hat shop with a fresh tale of milliners and murder.For Scarlett Parker, part of the fun of living in London is celebrating the British holidays, and she’s excited to share her first Bonfire Night with her cousin Vivian Tremont. Invited to a posh party by their friend Harrison Wentworth, Scarlett and Viv decide to promote their hat shop, Mim’s Whims, by donning a few of their more outrageous creations. The hats prove to be quite the conversation starters as the girls mix and mingle with the guests—never suspecting that one of them is a killer. It’s a cold, clear night, perfect for the British tradition of tossing a straw stuffed effigy of Guy Fawkes, traitor to the crown, onto the bonfire. But instead of a straw man, they realize in the heat of the moment that the would-be Guy Fawkes is actually Harrison’s of
John Wiley & Sons Inc Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
A Business Week, New York Times Business, and USA Today Bestseller"Ambitious and readable . . . an engaging introduction to the oddsmakers, whom Bernstein regards as true humanists helping to release mankind from the choke holds of superstition and fatalism."—The New York Times"An extraordinarily entertaining and informative book."—The Wall Street Journal"A lively panoramic book . . . Against the Gods sets up an ambitious premise and then delivers on it."—Business Week"Deserves to be, and surely will be, widely read."—The Economist"[A] challenging book, one that may change forever the way people think about the world."—Worth"No one else could have written a book of such central importance with so much charm and excitement."—Robert Heilbroner author, The Worldly Philosophers"With his wonderful knowledge of the history and current manifestations of risk, Peter Bernstein brings us Against the Gods. Nothing like it will come out of the financial world this year or ever. I speak carefully: no one should miss it."—John Kenneth Galbraith Professor of Economics Emeritus, Harvard UniversityIn this unique exploration of the role of risk in our society, Peter Bernstein argues that the notion of bringing risk under control is one of the central ideas that distinguishes modern times from the distant past. Against the Gods chronicles the remarkable intellectual adventure that liberated humanity from oracles and soothsayers by means of the powerful tools of risk management that are available to us today."An extremely readable history of risk."—Barron's"Fascinating . . . this challenging volume will help you understand the uncertainties that every investor must face."—Money"A singular achievement."—Times Literary Supplement"There's a growing market for savants who can render the recondite intelligibly-witness Stephen Jay Gould (natural history), Oliver Sacks (disease), Richard Dawkins (heredity), James Gleick (physics), Paul Krugman (economics)-and Bernstein would mingle well in their company."—The Australian
University of Texas Press Rethinking Urban Parks: Public Space and Cultural Diversity
Urban parks such as New York City's Central Park provide vital public spaces where city dwellers of all races and classes can mingle safely while enjoying a variety of recreations. By coming together in these relaxed settings, different groups become comfortable with each other, thereby strengthening their communities and the democratic fabric of society. But just the opposite happens when, by design or in ignorance, parks are made inhospitable to certain groups of people. This pathfinding book argues that cultural diversity should be a key goal in designing and maintaining urban parks. Using case studies of New York City's Prospect Park, Orchard Beach in Pelham Bay Park, and Jacob Riis Park in the Gateway National Recreation Area, as well as New York's Ellis Island Bridge Proposal and Philadelphia's Independence National Historical Park, the authors identify specific ways to promote, maintain, and manage cultural diversity in urban parks. They also uncover the factors that can limit park use, including historical interpretive materials that ignore the contributions of different ethnic groups, high entrance or access fees, park usage rules that restrict ethnic activities, and park "restorations" that focus only on historical or aesthetic values. With the wealth of data in this book, urban planners, park professionals, and all concerned citizens will have the tools to create and maintain public parks that serve the needs and interests of all the public.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
Reviews the fundamental concepts behind the theory and computation of electromagnetic fields The book is divided in two parts. The first part covers both fundamental theories (such as vector analysis, Maxwell’s equations, boundary condition, and transmission line theory) and advanced topics (such as wave transformation, addition theorems, and fields in layered media) in order to benefit students at all levels. The second part of the book covers the major computational methods for numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields for engineering applications. These methods include the three fundamental approaches for numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields: the finite difference method (the finite difference time-domain method in particular), the finite element method, and the integral equation-based moment method. The second part also examines fast algorithms for solving integral equations and hybrid techniques that combine different numerical methods to seek more efficient solutions of complicated electromagnetic problems. Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Second Edition: Provides the foundation necessary for graduate students to learn and understand more advanced topics Discusses electromagnetic analysis in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates Covers computational electromagnetics in both frequency and time domains Includes new and updated homework problems and examples Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Second Edition is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate level electrical engineering students. This book can also be used as a reference for professional engineers interested in learning about analysis and computation skills.
Random House USA Inc The Man with the Compound Eyes: A Novel
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Geotechnical Engineering Design
An accessible, clear, concise, and contemporary course in geotechnical engineering design. covers the major in geotechnical engineering packed with self-test problems and projects with an on-line detailed solutions manual presents the state-of-the-art field practice covers both Eurocode 7 and ASTM standards (for the US)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic Science and Engineering
Ceramics are in many ways the most challenging of engineering materials. This book introduces readers to the hierarchy of structures in ceramic materials, especially to the relationship between structure, at its many levels, and physical properties.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments
Written by a multidisciplinary group of soil and environmental scientists, Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments provides the scientific community with a critical qualitative and quantitative review of the fundamentals of the processes of pollutants in soil environments. The book covers pollutants' speciation, mobility, bioavailability and toxicity, and impacts on development of innovative restoration strategies. In addition, the development of innovative remediation strategies for polluted soils is covered.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics
A new edition of the leading textbook on the finite element method, incorporating major advancements and further applications in the field of electromagnetics The finite element method (FEM) is a powerful simulation technique used to solve boundary-value problems in a variety of engineering circumstances. It has been widely used for analysis of electromagnetic fields in antennas, radar scattering, RF and microwave engineering, high-speed/high-frequency circuits, wireless communication, electromagnetic compatibility, photonics, remote sensing, biomedical engineering, and space exploration. The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics, Third Edition explains the method’s processes and techniques in careful, meticulous prose and covers not only essential finite element method theory, but also its latest developments and applications—giving engineers a methodical way to quickly master this very powerful numerical technique for solving practical, often complicated, electromagnetic problems. Featuring over thirty percent new material, the third edition of this essential and comprehensive text now includes: A wider range of applications, including antennas, phased arrays, electric machines, high-frequency circuits, and crystal photonics The finite element analysis of wave propagation, scattering, and radiation in periodic structures The time-domain finite element method for analysis of wideband antennas and transient electromagnetic phenomena Novel domain decomposition techniques for parallel computation and efficient simulation of large-scale problems, such as phased-array antennas and photonic crystals Along with a great many examples, The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics is an ideal book for engineering students as well as for professionals in the field.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Everyday Tao
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality Strategy for Research and Development
Provides a clear, useful framework and methods for R&D, including robust technology development, product planning, and product design and development management Quality Strategy for Research and Development integrates the Japanese and Western perspectives on Quality Function Deployment (QFD), updates the strategy of Robust Engineering (RE), and relates their unique frameworks to current, widely adopted philosophies of quality assurance. Featuring real-world case studies, more than thirty tables, and over seventy figures, this essential guide identifies key issues and proposes improvements in the current R&D paradigm. It offers in-depth coverage of technology development, product planning, and product design and development management. Quality Strategy for Research and Development: Updates the conventional approaches to QFD and RE, and provides the implementation model of combining them into a corporate operating system Identifies key issues in the current practice of R&D, and provides solutions for improving design quality and R&D productivity Includes the case studies of designing a functional circuit, magnetic component, measurement system, and machining equipment Offers the integration models of QFD and other breakthrough strategies including DFX (Design For eXcellence), DFSS (Design For Six Sigma), and Blue Ocean Strategy Written for R&D executives, managers, engineers, and quality practitioners, Quality Strategy for Research and Development is also an ideal text for professors and students of industrial and systems engineering, technology management, and business administration.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals and Applications
Understanding Artificial Intelligence Provides students across majors with a clear and accessible overview of new artificial intelligence technologies and applications Artificial intelligence (AI) is broadly defined as computers programmed to simulate the cognitive functions of the human mind. In combination with the Neural Network (NN), Big Data (BD), and the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence has transformed everyday life: self-driving cars, delivery drones, digital assistants, facial recognition devices, autonomous vacuum cleaners, and mobile navigation apps all rely on AI to perform tasks. With the rise of artificial intelligence, the job market of the near future will be radically different???many jobs will disappear, yet new jobs and opportunities will emerge. Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals and Applications covers the fundamental concepts and key technologies of AI while exploring its impact on the future of work. Requiring no previous background in artificial intelligence, this easy-to-understand textbook addresses AI challenges in healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, agriculture, government, and smart city development. Each chapter includes simple computer laboratories to teach students how to develop artificial intelligence applications and integrate software and hardware for robotic development. In addition, this text: Focuses on artificial intelligence applications in different industries and sectors Traces the history of neural networks and explains popular neural network architectures Covers AI technologies, such as Machine Vision (MV), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Describes various artificial intelligence computational platforms, including Google Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) and Kneron Neural Processing Unit (NPU) Highlights the development of new artificial intelligence hardware and architectures Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals and Applications is an excellent textbook for undergraduates in business, humanities, the arts, science, healthcare, engineering, and many other disciplines. It is also an invaluable guide for working professionals wanting to learn about the ways AI is changing their particular field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Packaging Science and Technology
Must-have reference on electronic packaging technology! The electronics industry is shifting towards system packaging technology due to the need for higher chip circuit density without increasing production costs. Electronic packaging, or circuit integration, is seen as a necessary strategy to achieve a performance growth of electronic circuitry in next-generation electronics. With the implementation of novel materials with specific and tunable electrical and magnetic properties, electronic packaging is highly attractive as a solution to achieve denser levels of circuit integration. The first part of the book gives an overview of electronic packaging and provides the reader with the fundamentals of the most important packaging techniques such as wire bonding, tap automatic bonding, flip chip solder joint bonding, microbump bonding, and low temperature direct Cu-to-Cu bonding. Part two consists of concepts of electronic circuit design and its role in low power devices, biomedical devices, and circuit integration. The last part of the book contains topics based on the science of electronic packaging and the reliability of packaging technology.
Yale University Press The People Shall Govern!: Medu Art Ensemble and the Anti-Apartheid Poster, 1979-1985
A revelatory and informative presentation of the anti-apartheid posters created by Medu Art Ensemble Formed in the late 1970s, Medu Art Ensemble forcefully articulated a call to end the apartheid system’s racial segregation and violent injustice through posters that combined revolutionary imagery with bold slogans. Advocating for decolonization and majority (nonwhite) rule in South Africa and neighboring countries, Medu members were persecuted by the South African Defense Force and operated in exile across the border in Botswana.The People Shall Govern! features nearly all the surviving posters that Medu created between 1979 and 1985. These objects are exceedingly rare, as they were originally smuggled into South Africa and mounted in public places, where they were regularly confiscated or torn down on sight. Offering new insight into the conceptual framework of Medu’s working practice and featuring a beautiful silkscreened cover, this volume examines the continuing relevance and impact of its poster production.Distributed for the Art Institute of Chicago
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fair Lending Compliance: Intelligence and Implications for Credit Risk Management
Praise for Fair Lending ComplianceIntelligence and Implications for Credit Risk Management "Brilliant and informative. An in-depth look at innovative approaches to credit risk management written by industry practitioners. This publication will serve as an essential reference text for those who wish to make credit accessible to underserved consumers. It is comprehensive and clearly written." --The Honorable Rodney E. Hood "Abrahams and Zhang's timely treatise is a must-read for all those interested in the critical role of credit in the economy. They ably explore the intersection of credit access and credit risk, suggesting a hybrid approach of human judgment and computer models as the necessary path to balanced and fair lending. In an environment of rapidly changing consumer demographics, as well as regulatory reform initiatives, this book suggests new analytical models by which to provide credit to ensure compliance and to manage enterprise risk." --Frank A. Hirsch Jr., Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP Financial Services Attorney and former general counsel for Centura Banks, Inc. "This book tackles head on the market failures that our current risk management systems need to address. Not only do Abrahams and Zhang adeptly articulate why we can and should improve our systems, they provide the analytic evidence, and the steps toward implementations. Fair Lending Compliance fills a much-needed gap in the field. If implemented systematically, this thought leadership will lead to improvements in fair lending practices for all Americans." --Alyssa Stewart Lee, Deputy Director, Urban Markets Initiative The Brookings Institution "[Fair Lending Compliance]...provides a unique blend of qualitative and quantitative guidance to two kinds of financial institutions: those that just need a little help in staying on the right side of complex fair housing regulations; and those that aspire to industry leadership in profitably and responsibly serving the unmet credit needs of diverse businesses and consumers in America's emerging domestic markets." --Michael A. Stegman, PhD, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Duncan MacRae '09 and Rebecca Kyle MacRae Professor of Public Policy Emeritus, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Picture Perfect #5: All Together Now
Being one half of a BFF heart necklace is serious business-and in the Picture Perfect series, each story tackles a tough friendship challenge. Through the ups and downs of life in middle school, through braces and boy bands, family feuds and fashion disasters, your best bud is there. But what happens when friendship suddenly gets complicated? Tween readers will adore these sweet, accessible stories about the power of friendship. Gracie Hardwick has always wondered what it would be like to have siblings-which is why she is so excited to go skiing with her best friend, Mari, and Mari's big, boisterous family. It is sure to be an amazing weekend spent riding the chairlift, building snowmen, and drinking hot chocolate with Mari and her brothers. The thing about siblings, though, is that they are always around ...even when you need alone time with your BFF to talk about things like your secret crush. And Mari is too busy racing her brothers down the slopes, racing her brothers to the car, racing her brothers to see who can finish their dessert first to notice that Gracie really needs some one-on-one time. In fact, it sort of feels like Mari cares more about beating her brothers in the latest competition than hanging out with her friend. When everything in Mari's house is a high-stakes contest, how can Gracie compete for her best friend's attention?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Drug Metabolism in Drug Design and Development: Basic Concepts and Practice
The essentials of drug metabolism vital to developing new therapeutic entities Information on the metabolism and disposition of candidate drugs is a critical part of all aspects of the drug discovery and development process. Drug metabolism, as practiced in the pharmaceutical industry today, is a complex, multidisciplinary field that requires knowledge of sophisticated analytical technologies and expertise in mechanistic and kinetic enzymology, organic reaction mechanism, pharmacokinetic analysis, animal physiology, basic chemical toxicology, preclinical pharmacology, and molecular biology. With chapters contributed by experts in their specific areas, this reference covers: * Basic concepts of drug metabolism * The role of drug metabolism in the pharmaceutical industry * Analytical techniques in drug metabolism * Common experimental approaches and protocols Drug Metabolism in Drug Design and Development emphasizes practical considerations such as the data needed, the experiments and analytical methods typically employed, and the interpretation and application of data. Chapters highlight facts, common protocols, detailed experimental designs, applications, and limitations of techniques. This is a comprehensive, hands-on reference for drug metabolism researchers as well as other professionals involved in pre-clinical drug discovery and development.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Best American Short Stories 2022
A collection of the year’s best short stories, selected by Pulitzer Prize winner Andrew Sean Greer and series editor Heidi Pitlor.Andrew Sean Greer, “an exceptionally lovely writer, capable of mingling humor with sharp poignancy” (Washington Post), selects twenty stories out of thousands that represent the best examples of the form published the previous year.
The University of Chicago Press Manhood: A Journey from Childhood into the Fierce Order of Virility
"Not only one of the frankest of autobiographies, but also a brilliantly written book, Leiris' Manhood mingles memories, philosophic reflections, sexual revelation, meditations on bullfighting, and the life-long progress of self-discovery."—Washington Post Book World "Leiris writes to appall, and thereby to receive from his readers the gift of a strong emotion—the emotion needed to defend himself against the indignation and disgust he expects to arouse in his readers."—Susan Sontag, New York Review of Books
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization is a collection of readings that provides an unprecedented overview of this field that ranges from the field’s classical origins to today’s debates about the “magic” of the free market. Explores the foundations of the anthropology of development, a field newly animated by theories of globalization and transnationalism Framed by an encyclopedic introduction that will prove indispensable to students and experts alike Includes readings ranging from Weber and Marx and Engels to contemporary works on the politics of development knowledge, consumption, environment, gender, international NGO networks, the IMF, campaigns to reform the World Bank, the collapse of socialism, and the limits of “post-developmentalism” Fills a crucial gap in the literature by mingling historical, cultural, political, and economic perspectives on development and globalization Present a wide range of theoretical approaches and topics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planning and Management for a Changing Environment: A Handbook on Redesigning Postsecondary Institutions
An outstanding roster of higher education scholars and practitioners come together to offer latest expertise on strategic and operational planning with emphasis on the importance of contextual planning?that is planning based in the unique circumstances and environment of each individual institution--as the only planning approach that will yield successful results. The contributors include: Paul T. Brinkman, Ellen Earle Chaffee, Burton R. Clark, David William Cohen, Eric L. Dey, David D. Dill, Elaine El-Khawas, Rhonda Martin Epper, Peter T. Ewell, Ira Fink, Dorothy E. Finnegan, Fred J. Galloway, Harvey A. Goldstein, William H. Graves, Patricia J. Gumport, Raymond M. Haas, Terry W. Hartle, Robert G. Henshaw, Richard B. Heydinger, Sylvia Hurtado, Sarah Williams Jacobson, Dennis P. Jones, George Keller, R. Sam Larson, Bruce A. Loessin, Michael I. Luger, Theodore J. Marchese, Lisa A. Mets, James R. Mingle, Anthony W. Morgan, James L. Morrison, Anna Neumann, John L. Oberlin, Anne S. Parker, Marvin W. Peterson, Brian Pusser, Frans van Vught, and Ian Wilson.
The University of Chicago Press Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov
The former Poet Laureate of the United States, Nemerov gives us a lucid and precise twist on the commonplaces of everyday life. "Howard Nemerov is a witty, urbane, thoughtful poet, grounded in the classics, a master of the craft. It is refreshing to read his work..."--Minneapolis Tribune "The world causes in Nemerov a mingled revulsion and love, and a hopeless hope is the most attractive quality in his poems, which slowly turn obverse to reverse, seeing the permanence of change, the vices of virtue, the evanescence of solidities and the errors of truth."--Helen Vendler, New York Times Book Review
Stanford University Press Human, All Too Human II / Unpublished Fragments from the Period of Human, All Too Human II (Spring 1878–Fall 1879): Volume 4
Volume 4 of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche contains two works, Mixed Opinions and Maxims (1879) and The Wanderer and His Shadow (1880), originally published separately, then republished together in the 1886 edition of Nietzsche's works. They mingle aphorisms drawn from notebooks of 1875-79, years when worsening health forced Nietzsche toward an increasingly solitary existence. Like its predecessor, Human, All Too Human II is above all an act of resistance not only to the intellectual influences that Nietzsche felt called upon to critique, but to the basic physical facts of his daily life. It turns an increasingly sharply formulated genealogical method of analysis toward Nietzsche's persistent concerns—metaphysics, morality, religion, art, style, society, politics and culture. The notebook entries included here offer a window into the intellectual sources behind Nietzsche's evolution as a philosopher, the reading and self-reflection that nourished his lines of thought. The linking of notebook entries to specific published aphorisms, included in the notes, allows readers of Nietzsche in English to trace for the first time the intensive process of revision through which he transformed raw notebook material into the finely crafted sequences of aphoristic reflection that signal his distinctiveness as a philosophical stylist.
University of Illinois Press Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from around the World
Anthologies, awards, journals, and works in translation have sprung up to reflect science fiction's increasingly international scope. Yet scholars and students alike face a problem. Where does one begin to explore global SF in the absence of an established canon? Lingua Cosmica opens the door to some of the creators in the vanguard of international science fiction. Eleven experts offer innovative English-language scholarship on figures ranging from Cuban pioneer Daína Chaviano to Nigerian filmmaker Olatunde Osunsanmi to the Hugo Award-winning Chinese writer Liu Cixin. These essays invite readers to ponder the themes, formal elements, and unique cultural characteristics within the works of these irreplaceable—if too-little-known—artists. Dale Knickerbocker includes fantasists and genre-benders pushing SF along new evolutionary paths even as they draw on the traditions of their own literary cultures. Includes essays on Daína Chaviano (Cuba), Jacek Dukaj (Poland), Jean-Claude Dunyac (France), Andreas Eschbach (Germany), Angélica Gorodischer (Argentina), Sakyo Komatsu (Japan), Liu Cixin (China), Laurent McAllister (Yves Meynard and Jean-Louis Trudel, Francophone Canada), Olatunde Osunsanmi (Nigeria), Johanna Sinisalo (Finland), and Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Russia). Contributors: Alexis Brooks de Vita, Pawel Frelik, Yvonne Howell, Yolanda Molina-Gavilán, Vibeke Rützou Petersen, Amy J. Ransom, Hanna-Riikka Roine, Hanna Samola, Mingwei Song, Tatsumi Takayuki, Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo, and Natacha Vas-Deyres.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd WOW!: The visual encyclopedia of everything
No two pages look alike in this eye-popping children's encyclopedia. Exploring everything from amazing animals to art, this book is packed with fun facts for kids. With its unique visual approach, WOW! shows you a range of topics but presents them with a twist. Mingle with a bunch of snakes... on a ladder! Meet your mammal relatives in a photo album, or peek into a drawer full of prosthetic eyes to discover the science of genetics. An ice sculpture reveals the science behind states of matter, architectural marvels are displayed on a house of cards, and the story of space exploration is told through an astronaut's stamp collection. This comprehensive children's book covers technology, Earth, people, nature, history, science, the human body, and much more. With something new to discover on every page, WOW! will consistently entertain and inform. It's the ultimate children's reference book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization is a collection of readings that provides an unprecedented overview of this field that ranges from the field’s classical origins to today’s debates about the “magic” of the free market. Explores the foundations of the anthropology of development, a field newly animated by theories of globalization and transnationalism Framed by an encyclopedic introduction that will prove indispensable to students and experts alike Includes readings ranging from Weber and Marx and Engels to contemporary works on the politics of development knowledge, consumption, environment, gender, international NGO networks, the IMF, campaigns to reform the World Bank, the collapse of socialism, and the limits of “post-developmentalism” Fills a crucial gap in the literature by mingling historical, cultural, political, and economic perspectives on development and globalization Present a wide range of theoretical approaches and topics
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Webster's New World Crossword Puzzle Dictionary
Stumped by a seven-letter synonym for mingle that begins with c? Or how about an eight-letter type of flower that ends in th? Even the best crossword puzzlers are sometimes at a loss for words. Now you can clue yourself in simply by opening the right book: the Webster's New World® Crossword Puzzle Dictionary. It's packed with 300,000 clue and answer words, lists of subcategories, and helpful tables such as Shakespeare's plays and characters, books of the Bible, international currencies, and more. With lists arranged alphabetically and entries broken down by letter count, finding the right answer is straightforward and quick. This reference will help you solve the most common—and arcane—puzzles around.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires: Secrets at Thorncliff Manor
Welcome to Thorncliff Manor, where London's elite mix, mingle, and may even find their heart's desire ...There are thousands of things Christopher, Viscount Spencer, would rather do than hunt for a bride, especially since experience has taught him that women are not to be trusted. Then he finds the intriguing Lady Sarah scrambling around in Thorncliff's conservatory and he is instantly charmed by her passionate nature. But why is she so intent on avoiding him? Lady Sarah would make the perfect bride for a peer-if not for a tarnished past that she's hiding from the ton. A stay at Thorncliff Manor was meant to help her plan for her future, not fall in love. Yet Christopher's kisses are irresistible, his gallantry enticing. When her secret stands to be revealed, will the truth ruin their dreams of happiness?
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Braise: A Journey Through International Cuisine
Braising uses a moist heat technique, in which food and a small amount of liquid are placed in a closed container and cooked over a long period of time. A successful braise mingles the flavors of the food and the liquid, and results in rich, aromatic flavors. In "Braise", superstar chef Daniel Boulud has collected the world's best braised dishes. With inspiring recipes for all kinds of braises - from meat to fish to vegetables - from around the globe, including Thailand, Italy, Mexico, Turkey, Lebanon, France, Russia, China and many other places, Bouland brings the world of braising home with welcome simplicity and intense flavor. Whether its whipping up the familiar (Pot Roast) for a family dinner to preparing the exotic (Quiabebe from Brazil) for entertaining, Boulud's expert guidance and easy-to-follow recipes offer dishes full of variety and unparalled flavor. Braise will please cooks of every skill level and satisfy even the most discriminating palate.
Baker Publishing Group Transformation – Change The Marketplace and You Change the World
God loves us and has a unique blueprint for our life--but it's up to us to find it and live it out. Mingling contemporary stories and biblical anecdotes with practical advice, Silvoso shows how God intervenes in human affairs today to transform people and nations. He also shares five critical paradigms for transformation that are pivotal for change: Discipling Nations, Reclaiming the Marketplace, Looking at Work as Worship, Becoming Salt and Light, and Eliminating Poverty. In these pages, readers will find extraordinary stories about the power of God working through those who discovered their specific purpose. Then they'll be challenged to transform themselves and, by doing so, transform their families, schools, businesses, and nations. Silvoso encourages readers to aim high, knowing that God has entrusted them with great things. "God sees you as a nation transformer," says Silvoso. He has faith in you!