Search results for ""author jean""
MP-SMM Society for Mining An Introduction to CutOff Grade Estimation
Jean-Michel Rendu, an internationally recognized expert in the management, estimation, and public reporting of mineral resources, provides practical insights. As a manager in major mining companies, a consultant, and an educator, Rendu has acquired considerable experience in all aspects of mining engineering, experience that was incorporated into this publication.
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida The Ghosts of Modernity
Ediciones Larousse (MX) La Cigarra Y La Hormiga
Ediciones Larousse (MX) El Cuervo Y El Zorro
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Der Schiffbruch der Fregatte Medusa
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Hegel Et La Vie
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Platonisme Et Interpretation de Platon a l'Epoque Moderne
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, Correspondance: Tome XI: Lettres DCCCLXVII-DCCCCLI: Index General
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, Correspondance: Tome IX: Lettres DCCVII-DCCCIII (Septembre 45 - Aout 45 Avant J.-C.)
Les Belles Lettres Vitruve, de l'Architecture: Livre IX
Les Belles Lettres Quintilien, Institution Oratoire: Tome V: Livres VIII Et IX
Les Belles Lettres Quintilien, Institution Oratoire: Tome II: Livres II-III
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, Aratea. Fragments Poetiques
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, Correspondance: Tome VII: Lettres CCCCLXXVIII-DLXXXVI (Avril 46 -Fevrier 45 Avant J.-C.)
Les Belles Lettres Porphyre, de l'Abstinence: Tome I: Introduction: Livre I
Hachette Texto
John Wiley & Sons Inc Catalyst Engineering Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
This book gives a comprehensive explanation of what governs the breakage of extruded materials, and what techniques are used to measure it. The breakage during impact aka collision is explained using basic laws of nature allowing readers to determine the handling severity of catalyst manufacturing equipment and the severity of entire plants. This information can then be used to improve on the architecture of existing plants and how to design grass-roots plants. The book begins with a summary of particle forming techniques in the particle technology industry. It covers extrusion technology in more detail since extrusion is one of the workhorses for particle manufacture. A section is also dedicated on how to describe transport and chemical reaction in such particulates for of course their final use. It presents the fundamentals of the study of breakage by relating basic laws in different fields (mechanics and physics) and this leads to two novel dimensionless groups that govern breakage. These topics are then apply these topics to R&D scale-up and manufacturing and shows how this approach is directly applicable.
Faber Music Ltd 68 Preludes
Splitter Verlag Samurai Legenden. Band 8
Editions L'Harmattan De la ville non pense la ville panse Rflexions et critiques gographiques sur Libreville
Librairie generale francaise Fables
James Currey Competing Catholicisms
Explores the impact of Jesuit missions on the development of Christianity in postcolonial French Africa.
Fitzcarraldo Editions The Son of Man
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ready-to-Use Self Esteem Activities for Young Children
This remarkable resource provides over 220 illustrated activities to help young children feel good about themselves ... develop friendships ... celebrate diversity ... and accept changes! For easy use, all activities include a specific purpose, materials and step-by-step directions and are organized into six sections: Wonderful Me ... Friends, Friends, Friends ... Feelings & Emotions ... Same & Different ... Changes ... Parent Pack.
Dartmouth College Press Discourse on the Sciences and Arts First Discourse and Polemics
Dramatist's Play Service The Sea Gull
University of Nebraska Press Ways of Knowing: Experience, Knowledge, and Power among the Dene Tha
This innovative study reveals the creative world of a Native community. Once seminomadic hunters and gatherers who traveled by horse wagon, canoe, and dog sled, the Dene Tha of northern Canada today live in government-built homes in the settlement of Chateh. Their lives are a distinct blend of old and new, in which traditional forms of social control, healing, and praying entwine with services supplied by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a nursing station, and a Roman Catholic church. Many older cultural beliefs and practices remain: ghosts linger, reincarnating and sometimes causing deaths; past and future are interpreted through the Prophet Dance; “animal helpers” become lifelong companions and sources of power; and personal visions and experiences are considered the roots of true knowledge. Why and how are such striking beliefs and practices still vital to the Dene Tha? Drawing on extensive fieldwork at Chateh, anthropologist Jean-Guy Goulet delineates the interconnections between the strands of meaning and experience with which the Dene Tha constitute and creatively engage their world. Goulet’s insights into the Dene Tha’s ways of knowing were gained through directly experiencing their lifeway rather than through formal instruction. This experiential perspective makes his study especially illuminating, providing an intimate glimpse of a remarkable and enduring Native community.
Columbia University Press A Spark in the Smokestacks: Environmental Organizing in Beijing Middle-Class Communities
Environmental organizing in Beijing emerged in an unlikely place in the 2000s: new gated residential communities. After rapid population growth and housing construction led to a ballooning trash problem and overflowing landfills, many first-time homeowners found their new neighborhoods facing an unappetizing prospect—waste incinerator projects slated for their backyards.Delving into the online and offline conversations of communities affected by the proposed incinerators, A Spark in the Smokestacks demonstrates how a rising middle class acquires the capacity for organizing in an authoritarian context. Jean Yen-chun Lin examines how urban residents create civic life through everyday associational activities—learning to defend property rights, fostering participation, and mobilizing to address housing-related grievances. She shows that homeowners cultivated petitioning skills, informational networks, and community leadership, which they would later deploy against incinerator projects. To interact with government agencies, they developed citizen science–based tactics, a middle-class alternative to disruptive protests. Homeowners drew on their professional connections, expertise, and fundraising capabilities to produce reports that boosted their legitimacy in city-level dialogue. Although only one of the three incinerator projects Lin follows was ultimately canceled, some communities established durable organizations that went on to tackle other environmental problems.Drawing on interviews, participant observation, and ethnography, A Spark in the Smokestacks casts urban Chinese communities as “schools of democracy,” in which residents learn civic skills and build capacity for collective organizing. Through compelling case studies of local activism, this book sheds new light on the formation of civil society and social movements more broadly.
Verlag Peter Lang L'Escroquerie À l'Assurance Privée: Etude Pénale Et Criminologique
Springer International Publishing AG Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus
This book offers a rigorous and self-contained presentation of stochastic integration and stochastic calculus within the general framework of continuous semimartingales. The main tools of stochastic calculus, including Itô’s formula, the optional stopping theorem and Girsanov’s theorem, are treated in detail alongside many illustrative examples. The book also contains an introduction to Markov processes, with applications to solutions of stochastic differential equations and to connections between Brownian motion and partial differential equations. The theory of local times of semimartingales is discussed in the last chapter.Since its invention by Itô, stochastic calculus has proven to be one of the most important techniques of modern probability theory, and has been used in the most recent theoretical advances as well as in applications to other fields such as mathematical finance. Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus provides a strong theoretical background to the reader interested in such developments.Beginning graduate or advanced undergraduate students will benefit from this detailed approach to an essential area of probability theory. The emphasis is on concise and efficient presentation, without any concession to mathematical rigor. The material has been taught by the author for several years in graduate courses at two of the most prestigious French universities. The fact that proofs are given with full details makes the book particularly suitable for self-study. The numerous exercises help the reader to get acquainted with the tools of stochastic calculus.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Ladybird Readers Level 1 - Topsy and Tim - Go to London (ELT Graded Reader)
Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, favourite characters, modern stories and non-fiction. Written by experts, it uses proven methods to help children learn English and grasp key grammar and vocabulary points. Perfect for learning English in school or at home Develops reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills Features much-loved characters and authors such as Peter Rabbit, Peppa Pig, Roald Dahl and Eric Carle Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR) Language activities in every book provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests Features free online resources including audio, answer keys, lesson plans and tips for parents Topsy and Tim: Go to London, a Level 1 Reader, is Pre-A1 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Starters exams. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present tense and some simple adjectives.Topsy and Tim are going to London with Mommy and Dad. They see the Tower of London and go on a boat. London is great!Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Ladybird Readers Level 1 - Topsy and Tim - Go to the Farm (ELT Graded Reader)
Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, favourite characters, modern stories and non-fiction. Written by experts, it uses proven methods to help children learn English and grasp key grammar and vocabulary points. Perfect for learning English in school or at home Develops reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills Features much-loved characters and authors such as Peter Rabbit, Peppa Pig, Roald Dahl and Eric Carle Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR) Language activities in every book provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests Features free online resources including audio, answer keys, lesson plans and tips for parents Topsy and Tim Go to the Farm, a Level 1 Reader, is Pre-A1 in the CEFR framework and includes practice for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 Starters tests. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present tense and some simple adjectives.Topsy and Tim like going to the farm. They help the farmer, get some eggs, see the animals, and give a calf some milk.Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.
Damiani Srl Jean Pigozzi ME CO The Selfies 1972 2017
Euskaltzaindia Euskal literaturaren antologia Erdi Arotik Errenazimendura
Monte Carmelo San Bernardo y el espritu cisterciense
En esta obra, el gran conocedor de san Bernardo, que fue D. Jean Leclercq, nos hace una síntesis admirable sobre la figura del santo pasando revista a los diversos aspectos de su vida y de su obra. Dios le prodigó extraordinariamente, por lo que brilló en las áreas más diversas (teólogo y literato, artista y músico, hombre de biblia y filósofo, poeta en la Iglesia y liturgo). Pero uno de los dones más insignes que recibió fue su cualidad de escritor en la que resplandece su verdadera grandeza por la que fue maestro espiritual y doctor de la Iglesia.
Ediciones Encuentro, S.A. Aprender a vivir y a pensar
LO EDITAMOS SIN CONTRATO Los especialistas, si se quedan cada uno en su valle, se aíslan, se ignora, se conocen mal unos a otros. Pero si sube cada uno a su cima entonces perciben que habitan una misma tierra y que su trabajo está emparentado. Nuestra época sufre por una división excesiva de las tareas humanas, en particular por la oposición tan fastidiosa entre el pensamiento y la acción. Las reflexiones que componen esta pequeña obra tienen por objeto ayudar al hombre moderno a lograr la unidad.(De la Invitación del autor)
Norma Editorial, S.A. Inside Moebius 2
Ediciones Akal La Guerra Fra Iniciacin a la historia Spanish Edition
Ediciones Ctedra Los Muchachos Terribles
Editorial Anagrama, S.A. Al piano Panorama de narrativas Spanish Edition
Ediciones Sígueme, S.A. El evangelio de Juan 112
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Iniciación a la astronomía
Esta obra complementa el libro del mismo autor, El Cielo a Simple Vista y con Prismáticos. Menciona las próximas posiciones planetarias, los eclipses observables y otras muchas informaciones útiles. Responde a las eternas preguntas: Cuál es la edad de la Tierra? Puede el Sol llegar a apagarse? Qué es el Big Bang? Es el Universo finito? Estamos solos en este Universo?
Splitter Verlag Murena 5 6 Die schwarze Gttin Das Blut der Bestien
Prolibris Verlag Havelwasser Brandenburg Krimi
Dr Ludwig Reichert Le Verbe Avestique
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Nachträglichkeit
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Suite Flute Solo