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Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd Roberte Ce Soir
Harvard University Press On Animals, Volume II: Books 6–11
Occasionally zany zoological lore.Aelian (Claudius Aelianus), a Roman born ca. AD 170 at Praeneste, was a pupil of the rhetorician Pausanias of Caesarea, and taught and practiced rhetoric. Expert in Attic Greek, he became a serious scholar and studied history under the patronage of the Roman empress Julia Domna. He apparently spent all his life in Italy where he died after AD 230.Aelian’s On the Characteristics of Animals, in 17 books, is a collection of facts and beliefs concerning the habits of animals drawn from Greek authors and some personal observation. Fact, fancy, legend, stories, and gossip all play their part in a narrative that is meant to entertain. If there is any ethical motive, it is that the virtues of untaught yet reasoning animals can be a lesson to thoughtless and selfish mankind. The Loeb Classical Library edition of this work is in three volumes.The Historical Miscellany (LCL 486) is of similar nature. In 14 books, it consists mainly of historical and biographical anecdotes and retellings of legendary events. Some of Aelian’s material is drawn from authors whose works are lost.Aelian’s Letters—portraying the affairs and country ways of a series of fictitious writers—offer engaging vignettes of rural life. These are available in LCL 383.
Penguin Books Ltd The Complete English Poems
No poet has been more wilfully contradictory than John Donne, whose works forge unforgettable connections between extremes of passion and mental energy. From satire to tender elegy, from sacred devotion to lust, he conveys an astonishing range of emotions and poetic moods. Constant in his work, however, is an intensity of feeling and expression and complexity of argument that is as evident in religious meditations such as 'Good Friday 1613. Riding Westward' as it is in secular love poems such as 'The Sun Rising' or 'The Flea'. 'The intricacy and subtlety of his imagination are the length and depth of the furrow made by his passion,' wrote Yeats, pinpointing the unique genius of a poet who combined ardour and intellect in equal measure.
Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream ABC's of Being the Best Me
Penguin Books Ltd Parzival
Composed in the early thirteenth century, Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival is the re-creation and completion of the story left unfinished by its initiator Chrétien de Troyes. It follows Parzival from his boyhood and career as a knight in the court of King Arthur to his ultimate achievement as King of the Temple of the Grail, which Wolfram describes as a life-giving Stone. As a knight serving the German nobility in the imperial Hohenstauffen period, the author was uniquely placed to describe the zest and colour of his hero's world, with dazzling depictions of courtly luxury, jousting and adventure. Yet this is not simply a tale of chivalry, but an epic quest for spiritual education, as Parzival must conquer his ignorance and pride and learn humility before he can finally win the Holy Grail.
Penguin Random House Group Daughters of Bronze
Peeters Publishers Le quartier des prêtres dans le temple d'Amon à Karnak
Le quartier des prêtres est un quartier résidentiel situé dans le sanctuaire d’Amon à Karnak, à l’est du lac Sacré. Au cours du premier millénaire avant notre ère, il a été presque continuellement occupé par des prêtres le temps de leur service cultuel. Un programme de recherche lancé en 2001 par le Centre franco-égyptien d’étude des temples de Karnak (Cfeetk) complète et révise les résultats de fouilles de sauvetage menées dans ce secteur dans les années 1970, jusqu’alors partiellement publiés. L’histoire et l’évolution de ce quartier, ainsi que l’identité, la culture matérielle, la vie quotidienne et le régime alimentaire de ses habitants, ont été établis au moyen d’une collaboration pluridisciplinaire pendant de nouvelles fouilles et des missions d’études du matériel. Cette recherche explore la manière dont cet habitat s’intègre dans le contexte plus large du temple, en particulier son environnement religieux et architectural direct sur la rive sud du lac Sacré qui jadis abritait de grands secteurs économiques et peut-être artisanaux. L’étude de ces annexes offre un témoignage unique et éloquent des activités quotidiennes au sein du temple d’Amon à Karnak et de la vie des serviteurs des dieux égyptiens. The Priests’ Quarter is a housing quarter located within the sanctuary of Amun in Karnak, to the east of the Sacred Lake. For almost all of the first millennium BC, it was occupied by priests performing their cultic service. A research programme initiated in 2001 by the Centre franco-égyptien d’étude des Temples de Karnak (Cfeetk) completes and revises the results of rescue excavations led in this area in the 1970s, which had so far never been fully published. The history and evolution of this quarter, as well as the identity, material culture, daily life and diet of its inhabitants, have been established through a multidisciplinary collaboration during excavation and post-excavation studies. This research explores how this settlement fits into the larger context of the temple, particularly its direct religious and architectural environment on the southern bank on the Sacred Lake where once stood large economic and possibly artisanal sectors. The study of these temple annexes offers a unique and eloquent testimony on the day-to-day activities within the temple of Amun in Karnak itself and the life of ancient Egyptian priests in general.
Peeters Publishers Die Assyrer Und Das Westland: Studien Zur Historischen Geographie Und Herrschaftspraxis in Der Levante Im 1. Jt. V. U. Z.
Mit dem Beginn der assyrischen Expansion im 8. Jh. v. u. Z. endete schrittweise die politische Unabhangigkeit der Levante. Die Frage, wie die Expansion erfolgte und wie die Assyrer dieses Territorium organisiert und verwaltet haben, steht im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit. Wichtige Aspekte dieser Thematik sind u. a., welche Grenzen die unabhangigen oder annektierten politischen Einheiten hatten, was die Assyrer von den vorhandenen Strukturen ubernahmen und was sie veranderten, welche konkrete Massnahmen einer Annexion folgten. Anhand der Analyse der assyrischen Herrschaftspraxis wird eine neue Interpretation des assyrischen Einflusses in der Region sowie der Rolle des assyrischen Reiches in der Geschichte der Weltreiche geboten. Ausgangspunkt und Grundlage der Arbeit bildet die neuassyrische Toponymie der Levante und ein wesentlicher Teil derselben besteht aus 53 historischen Karten, die die historisch-geographischen Informationen graphisch darstellen: lokalisierbare Ortsnamen (3 Karten), die assyrischen Vorstellungen der Levante (8 Karten), lokalisierbare Gewasser- und Bergnamen (1 Karte), Tribut und Bevolkerungspolitik (5 Karten), assyrische Denkmaler in der Levante (1 Karte), die Westfeldzuge (30 Karten) und die politische Geographie der Levante (5 Karten).
Peeters Publishers A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 2
Linear B is the earliest form of writing used for Greek; it is a syllabic script which belongs to the second half of the second millennium BC and precedes the earliest alphabetic texts by at least four hundred years.The tablets written in this script offer crucial information about the economy, administration, religion, institutions, etc. of the Mycenaean period. But who wrote these texts? What types of texts were they? How can we read them, understand them and interpret them? What do they teach us about the history, economy, religion, society, geography, technology, and language of the Mycenaean period?This Companion aims at answering these and other questions in a series of chapters written by internationally recognised specialists in the subject, who not only summarise the results of current research but also try to explain the problems which arise from the study of the texts and the methods which can be used to solve them.No Mycenologist can currently cover with authority all the field and the Companion is aimed both at the beginner who needs an introduction to the whole area and to advanced scholars (archaeologists, historians, classicists) who require an up-to-date account which can serve as a standard reference tool.Reactions to the first volume:"All Aegenists need to have this book." (John G. Younger, American Journal of Archaeology)"Un excellent instrument, à tous les niveaux." (Francisco Aura Jorro, L'Antiquité Classique)"We are awash with companions of varying composition and quality. Arguably, many are superfluous; this one is not... The companion under review seeks to make Linear B more accessible to students and interested scholars. It is far more complete, authoritative and up-to-date than any." (Dimitri Nakassis, The Classical Review)"The best reference work for the content of the Linear B texts, their language, their value, and the historical contexts that produced them; very useful for students." (Angelos Chaniotis, Ancient Crete: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide)
Peeters Publishers Joos Balbian En De Steen Der Wijzen: De Alchemistische Nalatenschap Van Een Zestiende-eeuwse Arts
Joos Balbian (Aalst, 1453 - Gouda, 1616), bankier en arts van beroep, hield zich uit liefhebberij intensief bezig met de alchemie. In de loop van de jaren bracht hij een grote en veeltalige verzameling prozateksten, gedichten, recepten en afbeeldingen op dit gebied bijeen, waaruit hij twee in 1599 gedrukte bundeltjes samenstelde. Dit boek bevat een inleiding over Balbians leven en de alchemie van zijn tijd, gevolgd door een bloemlezing uit zijn alchemistische collecties.
Peeters Publishers Martyrius (Sahdona). Oeuvres Spirituelles, IV. Lettres a Des Amis Solitaires, Maximes Sapientiales: V.
Peeters Publishers Martyrius (Sahdona). Oeuvres Spirituelles, II. Livre De La Perfection, 2e Partie (ch. 1-7): T.
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres Bronzi sudarabici di periodo pre-islamico
Gregorian & Biblical Press Concetto Di Comunicazione Saggi Di Lessiocologia Filosofica E Teologia Sul Tema Di Comunicare in Tommaso dAquino 274 Analecta Gregoriana
El Acantilado Concierto del No Mundo
Delta Publicaciones Introduccin al clculo I
McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España S.L. Dreamweaver MX iniciacin y referencia
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Iniciación y Referencia forma parte de una nueva filosofía de libros que aúnan en un solo volumen un curso de aprendizaje y una guía de consulta rápida. A lo largo de 20 capítulos y 3 apéndices se explica todo lo que tiene que saber sobre el manejo de Dreamweaver MX y todas sus posibilidades. Comenzando por explicar las bases y el entorno de trabajo de Dreamweaver MX y cómo planificar un sitio Web, este libro le enseñará posteriormente a trabajar con los distintos componentes de los documentos Dreamweaver (texto, imágenes, multimedia, vínculos, código, HTML, tablas, marcos, formularios y capas). También aprenderá a integrar Javascript, a organizar los activos de un sitio, a gestionar los elementos de biblioteca, a utilizar plantillas, y a personalizar Dreamweaver. Y, en la segunda parte del libro, encontrará una práctica guía de referencia rápida de etiquetas HTML, hojas de estilo CSS y eventos. Además, cómo apoyo al libro, cuenta con un Centro de Recursos en
Acantilado Me llamo VilaMatas como todo el mundo
El misterio de la casa roja
Este libro, ameno y desenfadado, ofrece en realidad a los lectores bajo su aparente ligereza un sólido enigma de lógica y deducción.Raymond ChandlerMark Ablett, propietario de una magnífica residencia en la campiña inglesa, organiza en su casa un animado encuentro. Entre los variopintos invitados ;una viuda y su casadera hija, un militar retirado, una voluntariosa actriz; se cuentan también Anthony Gillingham y su amigo Bill Beverley, a quienes dos inesperados acontecimientos empujarán a ejercer circunstancialmente de Watson y Holmes: el misterioso asesinato del hermano de su anfitrión ;llegado hace poco desde Australia y considerado como la oveja negra de la familia; y la no menos inexplicable ausencia de este último tras el crimen...El misterio de la Casa Roja (1922), única incursión en la ficción detectivesca del autor de Winnie the Pooh, es considerada como una de las mejores y más imaginativas novelas de cuarto cerrado en la historia del género.
NubeOcho Que es ese ruido
A sweet, creative rendering of a young child's imagination. ~BooklistGRRRRRRRRRR!! What is that noise? Is it a hungry, ferocious lion from the savannah? Or a fire-breathing dragon from a far-off land?Mysterious noises haunt this little boy. With every passing page, the anticipation will grow: what's the cause of this big GROWL? A lion? A mean, ugly ogre? A ten-eyed creature from outer space? Or perhaps something else, something unexpected?Stay for the final surprise in this intriguing tale for the smallest ones of the house by A.H. Benjamin and Merel Eyckerman.
Acantilado Hormigas salvajes y suicidas
A mediados de diciembre de 2007 Gustavo Braudel y su hija Albertine, a quienes ya conocemos por anteriores obras de A. G. Porta, participan en la operación hsys (Hormigas Salvajes y Suicidas), según se desprende del relato que ésta ofrecerá al coronel Francisco Resano: A veces una no sabe, querido coronel, por qué echa de menos una época que en su momento no le pareció mejor que cualquier otra,pero a la que, sin embargo, le tiene un aprecio especial, posiblemente debido a las circunstancias que concurrieron en ella, a las personas que me rodeaban y, tal vez, a que pronto vayan a cumplirse cinco años y todavía no haya podido pasar página. Entonces le prometí un informe de la operación [?] en la que participaron el inspector de policía José Blaya y el también policía Lalo Lucena, ambos jubilados, sinque durante este tiempo haya conseguido escribir una sola palabra. La impresionante trama de personajes, construida minuciosamente con un profundo sentido narrativo, y el estilo depur
S R Agency a+u 632 05:23 - Point Supreme
Edition Tintenfaß WinniedaPooh in Singlish
Kamphausen Media GmbH In die Tiefe des Seins Realisieren Sie Ihre wahre Natur durch die Praxis der Prsenz
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Die Sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte Davids: Neue Einsichten Und Anfragen
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Avicenne: Livre Des Directives Et Remarques Kitab Al-'isarat Wal-Tanbihat
Penguin Adult Singapore Sapphire
Pebble Books Sojourner Truth
Prh Grupo Editorial Dile Al Diablo Escrito Está I Talk Back to the Devil
Tin House Books Low Down: Junk, Jazz, and Other Fairy Tales from Childhood
University of Pennsylvania Press The Maikop Treasure
The Maikop Treasure consists of more than 300 objects ranging in date from the Bronze Age through the Medieval period, currently held in four institutions—the Staatliche Museen, the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Berlin, the Penn Museum in Philadelphia, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Originally assembled in the 1890s by a wealthy employee of Tsar Nicholas II, these objects have no single provenance but were dug from various sites in the general region of the eastern Pontic. Publication was supported by a grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
Helion & Company The Oder Front 1945, Volume 1: General Gotthard Heinrici, Heeresgruppe Weichsel and Germany's Final Defense in the East, 20 March-3 May 1945
Post Hill Press Color n Postcards Karma
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Lion Heart: A Scarlet Novel
Aladdin Paperbacks Now We Are Six
Rockridge Press How to Be a Social Justice Advocate: Create Positive Change in Your Home, Community, and World
Skyhorse Publishing The Night Before Christmas
"Stirring words . . . [a] cherished Christmas classic." -The New York State Library
Penzler Publishers The Yards
Kane/Miller Book Publishers Breath of the Dragon: Volume 3
WingSpread Publishers God's Pursuit Of Man
WingSpread Publishers Size Of The Soul, The
WingSpread Publishers I Talk Back To The Devil
Moody Publishers Pursuit Of God, The
Rowman & Littlefield Curmudgeon's Book of Skillet Cooking: More Than 101 Easy Recipes For Jackleg Cooks, One-Armed Chefs, And Practical Housewives
Frying and sautéing steaks, fish, and other foods in a skillet may seem to be a simple procedure, but there are enough variations and subtleties to make it interesting. It’s a hands-on, special kind of cooking in which success often depends more on technique, skill, and tender-loving care than on a complicated recipe with a long list of ingredients. In The Curmudgeon’s Book of Skillet Cooking, A. D. Livingston demonstrates that if you enjoy good eating and take pleasure in your cooking, a skillet may be the only pan you need. With chapters on:* Skilletmanship * Beef and pork * Burgers * Poultry and fowl * Venison and game * Fish and shellfish * Exotic meats * Skillet vegetables * Skillet breads * Breakfasts * Skillet gravyFeaturing more than 101 delicious recipes—with complete, easy-to-follow cooking instructions for such treats as Sumac Trout, Cross Creek Crackling Bread, Versatile Venison Burgers, Steaks Cognac, and Sopchoppy Pancakes—The Curmudgeon’s Book of Skillet Cooking is ideal for both indoor and outdoor chefs.
Amazon Publishing The Poison Garden
“[A] sharply written and taut psychological thriller…” —Seattle Times A woman’s idyllic life becomes a deceptive hall of mirrors in a thriller of exquisitely constructed psychological suspense by A. J. Banner, bestselling author of The Good Neighbor. Elise Watters seems to have it all—a blissful marriage, a gorgeous Victorian home surrounded by lush gardens, and a dream job running her late mother’s herbal boutique. But on the eve of her first wedding anniversary, Elise makes a shocking discovery that turns her life upside down and casts doubt on everything she thought she knew—about her marriage, her friends, and even herself. As she treads into dangerous territory, Elise is forced to wonder: Is her whole future at stake? Or is paranoia getting the best of her? If she is to believe what she sees, Elise has every reason to fear for her life…