Search results for ""Author Antonio""
Emerald Publishing Limited Wellness, Social Policy and Public Health: Bridging Human Flourishing with Equity
A self-help buzzword, a sociological concept, and a target for political institutions; 'wellness' can be interpreted in different ways. It is viewed as a heterogeneous set of activities aimed at increasing both physical and mental individual well-being, including maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, being physically active and taking care of mental health. From a sociological perspective, ‘wellness’ can raise problematic issues; the pursuit of wellness activities is inherently affected by social and economic factors and social determinants, and the individual nature of the pursuit of wellness means it is not strongly related to community empowerment, the production of social capital and social cohesion. Wellness, Social Policy and Public Health: Bridging Human Flourishing with Equity considers wellness as an ecosystem instead of an activity to be carried out by an individual. Case studies explore current welfare policy and its relationship with wellness activities, demonstrating that individual flourishing related to wellness is activated only in a context of solid welfare infrastructures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Health and the Gamification of Life: How Apps Can Promote a Positive Medicalization
This book analyses the role of technology in the realm of health. Health apps can promote medicalization and the idea that health is an individual matter, rather than a political and social one. The authors base their arguments around three theoretical frameworks. Quantification: the growing importance in our society of markers, rankings, and scores, which thanks to digital devices is fueled by the ease with which it is now possible to collect data. Gamification: a powerful trend in digital society, using playful features to transform what are seen as dull tasks into competitive and appealing ones. Gamified self-tracking seemingly increases our productivity without oppressing us with apparent self-governance. Finally, Medicalization: a growing social phenomenon of the transformation of a 'normal' condition into something pathological. Several health apps presuppose a conception of the user as an individualized subject divorced from any social determinants of health. The authors investigate the possibility of people sharing their most private states leading to new forms of algorithmic surveillance. Alongside this negative vision of medicalization the authors recover the now-rare concept of positive medicalization, looking at how apps can work as positive self-help devices though promoting a medical framework. A selection of digital programs related to fitness in the workplace are also presented and discussed.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The End of Sovereignty
This book brings together Antonio Negri’s critical writings on the nature and form of the modern state. The central theme that runs through these writings is our need to be done with the sovereign state – that is, with the particular form of political power that the capitalist organization of bourgeois society has imposed upon us. Negri seeks to show how the sovereign bourgeois state built in the course of modernity has now become a weapon in the hands of a declining ruling class, a class sometimes exhausted in its institutional expressions and sometimes frenetic, zombie-like and parafascist. In arguing that the despotic power of the state should be abolished, Negri distances himself from some other left-wing thinkers who, erroneously in his view, have come to see the state as an unavoidable institution rather than as a place of power that, once conquered, should be transformed and ultimately dissolved, since it represents the central moment in the organization of force against living labour and free citizenship. In Negri’s view, the call for the abolition of the state remains vital and active today, as a concrete utopia that is expressed in every thought and act of liberation. The articles brought together in this volume range from Negri’s analysis of the first great transformation of the capitalist state in the twentieth century, a phenomenon precipitated by the triumph of Keynesianism, to his more recent work on how the form of sovereignty changed from being a figure of transcendent and local command to being a dispositif of immanent and global control. Like its companion volumes, this new collection of essays by Negri will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in radical politics and in the key social and political struggles of our time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Spinoza: Then and Now, Essays, Volume 3
This third and final volume of the series of writings by Antonio Negri examines how Spinoza’s thought constitutes a radical break with past ideas and an essential tool for envisaging a form of politics beyond capitalism. Negri shows how Spinoza’s ideas have facilitated radical renewal from their beginnings to the present day. It was the democratic freedoms and spirit of solidarity fostered in The Netherlands of the 17th century that allowed Spinoza to develop a radically new form of thought, redefining notions of the state and outlining a republican alternative to absolutist monarchy. In our own era, Negri argues that the rediscovery of Spinoza was critical in reinvigorating political theory. Instead of acquiescing to the economic order of capitalism and abandoning the class struggle, Spinoza’s ideas enable us to reconstruct a revolutionary perspective. His treatment of concepts such as multitude, necessity, and liberty have given us new ways of looking critically at our present, revealing that power must always be seen as a question of antagonism and class struggle. The writings that make up this volume – some written from prison as Negri fought for his own freedom – provide an important account of the enduring relevance of Spinoza’s thought. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy and political theory, as well anyone interested in radical politics today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marx and Foucault: Essays, Volume 1
This the first of a new three-part series in which Antonio Negri, a leading political thinker of our time, explores key ideas that have animated radical thought and examines some of the social and economic forces that are shaping our world today. In this first volume Negri shows how the thinking of Marx and Foucault were brought together to create an original theoretical synthesis - particularly in the context of Italy from May ’68 onwards. At around that time, the structures of industry and production began to change radically, with the emergence of new producer-subjects and new fields of capitalist value creation. New concepts and theories were developed by Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari and others to help make sense of these and related developments - concepts such as biopower and biopolitics, subjectivation and subsumption, public and common, power and potentiality. These concepts and theories are examined by Negri within the broader context of the development of European philosophical discourse in the twentieth century. Marx and Foucault provides a unique account of the development of radical thought in the late 20th and early 21st centuries and will be a key text for anyone interested in radical politics today.
Archipelago Books Tristano Dies: A Life
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Learning and Knowing in Practice-based Studies
Why is it that so many aspects of organizations are now spoken of as practices? How can organizations be studied within a practice-based approach? How can workable knowledge about them be produced? The authors answer these questions theoretically and through empirical examples. They provide an overview on practice-based studies illustrating their main topics, research methods, and the theoretical reflections that support a non-rationalist and non-cognitivist view of organizations. The book addresses the principal features of practice-based theorizing and its key concepts, then concludes with methodological reflections on the practice-based approach.Written for a university public already in possession of basic notions in organizational studies and intending to conduct analysis of organizing as a social practice, it will also prove essential for master and PhD students as well as organizational scholars designing research within Practice-Based Studies. Including a lively and wide-ranging debate conducted at international level, the book will be of interest to practitioners curious about a view of work as a practical activity that develops within ecology of social, economic and material relationships.Contents: Introduction Part I: Practice-based Theorizing 1. Practice-Based Theorizing on Learning and Knowing in Organizations: An Introduction' 2. Knowing in Practice: Aesthetic Understanding and Tacit Knowledge 3. Knowing as Desiring. Mythic Knowledge and the Knowledge Journey in Communities of Practitioners 4. Situated Knowledge and Situated Action: What do Practice-Based Studies Promise? 5. Through the Practice Lens: Where Is the Bandwagon of Practice-Based Studies Heading? Part II: Key Concepts 6. Sensible Knowledge and Practice-Based Learning 7. Knowing in a System of Fragmented Knowledge 8. Learning in a Constellation of Interconnected Practices: Canon or Dissonance? 9. Aesthetics in the Study of Organizational Life 10. The Passion for Knowing 11. Practice? It's a Matter of Taste! Part III: Methodological Insights for a Practice-based Approach 12. When Will He Say: 'Today the Plates are Soft'?: Management of Ambiguity and Situated Decision-Making 13. Do You Do Beautiful Things?: Aesthetics and Art in Qualitative Methods of Organization Studies 14. Organizational Artifacts and the Aesthetic Approach 15. The Critical Power of the Practice Lens
Fordham University Press Cybertheology: Thinking Christianity in the Era of the Internet
Because the Internet has changed and is changing the ways in which we think and act, it must also be changing the ways in which we think Christianity and its theology. Cybertheology is the first book to explore this process from a Catholic point of view. Drawing on the theoretical work of authors such as Marshall McLuhan, Peter Levy, and Teilhard de Chardin, it questions how technologies redefine not only the ways in which we do things but also our being and therefore the way we perceive reality, the world, others, and God. “Does the digital revolution affect faith in any sense?” Spadaro asks. His answer is an emphatic Yes. But how, then, are we to live well in the age of the Internet? Spadaro delves deeply into various dimensions of the impact of the Net on the Church and its organization, on our understanding of revelation, grace, liturgy, the sacraments, and other classical theological themes. He rightly points out that the digital environment is not merely an external instrument that facilitates human communication or a purely virtual world, but part of the daily experience of many people, a new “anthropological space” that is reshaping the way we think, know, and express ourselves. Naturally, this calls for a new understanding of faith so that it makes sense to people who live and work in the digital media environment. In developing the notion of cybertheology, Spadaro seeks to propose an intelligence of faith (intellectus fidei) in the era of the Internet. The book’s chapters include reflections on man the decoder and the search engines of God, networked existence and the mystical body, hacker ethics and Christian vision, sacraments and “virtual presence,” and the theological challenges of collective intelligence.
University of Minnesota Press Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State
New EditionIn the ten years since the initial publication of Insurgencies, Antonio Negri's reputation as one of the world's foremost political philosophers has grown dramatically. An invigorating appraisal of revolutionary thought, Insurgencies is both the precursor to and the historical basis for Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt's masterwork, Empire.At the center of this book is the conflict between "constituent power," the democratic force of revolutionary innovation, and "constituted power," the fixed power of formal constitutions and central authority. This conflict, Negri argues, defines the drama of modern rebellions. Now with a foreword by Michael Hardt, Insurgencies leads to a new notion of how power and action must be understood if we are to achieve a democratic future.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cancer Epigenetics: Biomolecular Therapeutics in Human Cancer
Cancer Epigenetics: Biomolecular Therapeutics in Human Cancer is the only resource to focus on biomolecular approaches to cancer therapy. Its presentation of the latest research in cancer biology reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the field and aims to facilitate collaboration between the basic, translational, and clinical sciences.
Columbia University Press Factory of Strategy: Thirty-Three Lessons on Lenin
Factory of Strategy is the last of Antonio Negri's major political works to be translated into English. Rigorous and accessible, it is both a systematic inquiry into the development of Lenin's thought and an encapsulation of a critical shift in Negri's theoretical trajectory. Lenin is the only prominent politician of the modern era to seriously question the "withering away" and "extinction" of the state, and like Marx, he recognized the link between capitalism and modern sovereignty and the need to destroy capitalism and reconfigure the state. Negri refrains from portraying Lenin as a ferocious dictator enforcing the proletariat's reappropriation of wealth, nor does he depict him as a mere military tool of a vanguard opposed to the Ancien Regime. Negri instead champions Leninism's ability to adapt to different working-class configurations in Russia, China, Latin America, and elsewhere. He argues that Lenin developed a new political figuration in and beyond modernity and an effective organization capable of absorbing different historical conditions. He ultimately urges readers to recognize the universal application of Leninism today and its potential to institutionally-not anarchically-dismantle centralized power.
Columbia University Press Twentieth-Century Italian Drama: An Anthology
This work explores the best of contemporary Italian theatre, from Luigi Pirandello to Massimo Bontempelli. It covers the period from the end of the 19th century to the aftermath of World War II, and includes a number of translations of plays never before published in English.
P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Editions Scientifiques Internationales Milieux Économiques Et Intégration Européenne Au Xxe Siècle: La Crise Des Années 1970 - de la Conférence de la Haye À La Veille de la Relance Des Années 1980
Africa Book Centre Ltd The King of Ketu
Ediciones Kalandraka Catalunya De la cuna a la luna: Limoen
Lars Muller Publishers Frescos: In the Rooms of Palladio Malcontenta 1557-1575
During the Renaissance, the contest to decide the order of rank among the fine arts, architecture, painting, and sculpture was an issue that also occupied the famous architect Andrea Palladio. He was convinced that architecture spoke for itself and did not require any ornamentation through painting. Nevertheless, frescos adorn the walls and ceilings of many of his villas. At the Villa Malcontenta, for example, one of Venice's best-known fresco painters of the day, Giovanni Battista Zelotti, was com- missioned to design the interior. In Frescos, Antonio Foscari analyzes this fresco cycle, one that not only represents an outstanding example of trompe l'oeil based on architectural structures - and which is closely modeled on Palladio's ideals - but also sheds light on formative events within the family that commissioned Palladio. This publication contains a wealth of historical documents as well as photographs of the frescos by Matthias Schaller.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Measuring and Managing Liquidity Risk
A fully up-to-date, cutting-edge guide to the measurement and management of liquidity risk Written for front and middle office risk management and quantitative practitioners, this book provides the ground-level knowledge, tools, and techniques for effective liquidity risk management. Highly practical, though thoroughly grounded in theory, the book begins with the basics of liquidity risks and, using examples pulled from the recent financial crisis, how they manifest themselves in financial institutions. The book then goes on to look at tools which can be used to measure liquidity risk, discussing risk monitoring and the different models used, notably financial variables models, credit variables models, and behavioural variables models, and then at managing these risks. As well as looking at the tools necessary for effective measurement and management, the book also looks at and discusses current regulation and the implication of new Basel regulations on management procedures and tools.
Harvard University Press The Hermaphrodite
Antonio Beccadelli (1394–1471), known as Panormita from his native town of Palermo, was appointed court poet to Duke Filippo Maria Visconti (1429), crowned poet laureate by Emperor Sigismund (1432), and ended his days as panegyrist to King Alfonso V of Aragon and Naples, where he founded the first of the Renaissance Academies. The Hermaphrodite, his first work (1425–26), dedicated to Cosimo de' Medici, won him praise and condemnation. Beccadelli was a pioneer in revitalizing the Latin epigram for its powers of abuse and louche eroticism. Its open celebration of vice, particularly sodomy, earned it public burnings, threats of excommunication, banishment to the closed sections of libraries, and a devoted following. Likened to a "precious jewel in a dunghill," The Hermaphrodite combined the comic realism of Italian popular verse with the language of Martial to explore the underside of the early Renaissance.
Penguin Books Ltd Pereira Maintains: A Testimony
'Subtle, skillful, and clear. It's so clear, in fact, that you can see a very long way down, into the heart of a flawed but valiant human being, into the sickness of a nation, into the depths of political evil. It's the most impressive novel I've read for years, and one of the very few that feels truly necessary' - Philip PullmanIn the sweltering summer of 1938, with Lisbon in the grip of Portugal's dictatorship of António Salazar, a journalist is coming to terms with the rise of fascism around him and its insidious impact on his work. Consumed by the passing of his wife and the child he never had, Pereira lives a quiet and lonely existence. One day, the young and charismatic Monteiro Rossi enters his life, changing everything. A man who once shied away from criticizing Portugal's authoritarian regime finds himself unable to stay quiet any longer, resulting in his political awakening and a devastating act of rebellion. Tabucchi's celebrated masterpiece is an ode to courage and solidarity in the face of political oppression.'A stunningly good novel, and it goes on getting better in one's head after one has stopped reading it - it works as an experience - something that has happened to one, which is of course the proof of great writing' Diana Athill
Oxford University Press Cassese's International Criminal Law
The third edition of Cassese's International Criminal Law provides a clear account of the main substantive and procedural aspects of international criminal law. Adopting a combination of the classic common law and more theoretical approaches to the subject, it discusses: · the historical evolution of international criminal law; · the legal definition of the so-called core crimes (war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide) plus aggression, torture and terrorism; · the forms and modes of criminal responsibility; and · the main issues related to the prosecution and punishment of international crimes at the national and international level, including amnesties, statutes of limitations and immunities. Cassese guides the reader through a vast array of cases and materials from a number of jurisdictions, providing thought-provoking analysis that brings the political and human contexts to the fore. The International Criminal Court and all the other modern international criminal courts are fully covered, both as regards their structure, functioning and proceedings and as far as their case law is concerned. Online Resource Centre Case materials: Key international documents and foreign legislation relating to chapters of the textbook Your questions answered: responses to questions from international law students Web links: Links to web sites relating to topics within the text
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Hacking práctico de redes wifi y radiofrecuencia
El objetivo de este libro es introducir a los lectores en el mundo de la seguridad y el hacking, concretamente en el ámbito de las redes nalámbricas, que están presentes no sólo en domicilios o entornos corporativos, sino en gran cantidad de lugares públicos, con lo que constituyen un canal de comunicación ampliamente utilizado a la vez quevulnerable.En primer lugar se describen todos los aspectos teóricos relacionados con las redes Wifi, tales como protocolos, estándares, algoritmos de cifrado, así como los legales, para posteriormente abordar aspectostécnicos relacionados con la seguridad de las diferentes tipos de redes inalámbricas, el equipo de laboratorio necesario y las herramientas que se han de utilizar.Se trata de un contenido eminentemente práctico, que permitirá al lector iniciarse desde cero en este apasionante mundo, comenzando por instalarla distribución Kali Linux que se utilizará para la labor de pentesting, para a continuación aprender a manipular co
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Hacking y seguridad de páginas Web
El objetivo de este libro es introducir al lector en el mundo del Pentesting Web o Hacking de Páginas y Aplicaciones Web. En él podrá conocer las diferentes técnicas de ataque de manera guiada contra aplicaciones Web, así como las contramedidas cuya implementación es recomendable para proteger sus recursos de este tipo de ataques.Las páginas y aplicaciones Web son una de las tecnologías dentro del mundo IT con un mayor crecimiento a lo largo del tiempo. La famosa tendencia de llevar todos los servicios al mundo Web. Se ha pasado de un pequeño número de portales Web disponibles en el pasado, a una presencia totalde todo tipo de empresas en Internet, siendo, a día de hoy, uno de los medios de comunicación capaz de brindar servicios más efectivos entre empresas y clientes. Por ello este libro se centra en la seguridad de este tipo de aplicaciones Web y el modo de mejorar los niveles de seguridad. Donde la mejor manera de entender su seguridad es saber cómo se realizan los ataques y
Editorial Trotta, S.A. La política perdida
Este libro postula una tesis inquietante: la pérdida de la política. No se trata del relato de una desilusión existencial ni de una constatación que apele a la simple imperfección o corrupción de la clase dirigente. Se trata, más bien, de un cuestionamiento radical sobre la posibilidad de una política y un ejercicio del poder no degenerativos.Según Revelli, el naufragio de la política moderna se explica, ante todo, por su pretensión de extirpar el Mal en términos absolutos. Este objetivo lleva al Estado a convertirse en Leviatán, un Dios secularizado que hace del uso de la violencia y de la concentración del poder males necesarios para alcanzar un buen fin: la seguridad y el bien común. El siglo xx ha sido testigo del horror al que puede conducir esta concepción de la política. El siglo xxi no ha disipado el peligro. La proliferación de tecnologías destructivas, la mutación antropológica producida por la atomización social y el agravamiento de las desigualdades propician nuevas form
Verso Books The State and Revolution: The Marxist Theory of the State and the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution
Lenin's booklet The State and Revolution struck the world of Marxist theory like a lightning bolt. Written in the months running up to the October Revolution of 1917, Lenin turned the traditional socialist concept of the state on its head, arguing for the need to smash the organs of the bourgeois state to create a 'semi-state' of soviets, or workers' councils, in which ordinary people would take on the functions of the state machine in a new and radically democratic manner. This new edition includes a substantial introduction by renowned theorist Antonio Negri, who argues for the continued relevance of these ideas.
Fulcrum Publishing The Eagle and the Rainbow: Timeless Tales from Mexico
In this collection of hard-to-find Mexican folktales, brilliant, robust illustrations highlight each of the indigenous cultures of Mexico. Brave Aztec warriors, artistic Tarascans, feet endurance runners of the Tarahumaras, and many other intriguing legends bring ancient Mexico alive.
Exile Editions A Friday in August
Written in a baroque, multilayered style tinted with both lyricism and humor, this is the story of Fabrizio Notte, a filmmaker who makes documentaries on hit men. Invited to show his latest piece at a film festival in his home town of Montréal, he receives mixed reviews and begins to question himself. The trip serves as a pretext for an existential pilgrimage towards love and belonging, ultimately leading him back through time, through the vast, moving landscape that is memory, to his first love and ultimately, to himself.
Peter Lang AG Antropología y traducción en la Orden de Predicadores
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services: From Evaluation to Monitoring
The main objective of the book is to present state-of-the-art research results and experience reports in the area of quality monitoring for customer experience management, addressing topics which are currently important, such as service-aware future Internet architecture for Quality of Experience (QoE) management on multimedia applications. In recent years, multimedia applications and services have experienced a sudden growth. Today, video display is not limited to the traditional areas of movies and television on TV sets, but these applications are accessed in different environments, with different devices and under different conditions. In addition, the continuous emergence of new services, along with increasing competition, is forcing network operators and service providers to focus all their efforts on customer satisfaction, although determining the QoE is not a trivial task. This book addresses the QoE for improving customer perception when using added value services offered by service providers, from evaluation to monitoring and other management processes.
Archipelago Books Nest In The Bones: Stories by Antonio Benedetto
Taylor & Francis Ltd Equations of Mathematical Diffraction Theory
Equations of Mathematical Diffraction Theory focuses on the comparative analysis and development of efficient analytical methods for solving equations of mathematical diffraction theory. Following an overview of some general properties of integral and differential operators in the context of the linear theory of diffraction processes, the authors provide estimates of the operator norms for various ranges of the wave number variation, and then examine the spectral properties of these operators. They also present a new analytical method for constructing asymptotic solutions of boundary integral equations in mathematical diffraction theory for the high-frequency case.Clearly demonstrating the close connection between heuristic and rigorous methods in mathematical diffraction theory, this valuable book provides you with the differential and integral equations that can easily be used in practical applications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Nonlinear Dynamos
Nonlinear dynamo theory is central to understanding the magnetic structures of planets, stars and galaxies. In chapters contributed by some of the leading scientists in the field, this text explores some of the recent advances in the field. Both kinetic and dynamic approaches to the subject are considered, including fast dynamos, topological methods in dynamo theory, physics of the solar cycle and the fundamentals of mean field dynamo. Advances in Nonlinear Dynamos is ideal for graduate students and researchers in theoretical astrophysics and applied mathematics, particularly those interested in cosmic magnetism and related topics, such as turbulence, convection, and more general nonlinear physics.
Columbia University Press Prison Notebooks: Volume 1
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) is widely celebrated as the most original political thinker in Western Marxism and an all-around outstanding intellectual figure. Arrested and imprisoned by the Italian Fascist regime in 1926, Gramsci died before fully regaining his freedom. Nevertheless, in his prison notebooks, he recorded thousands of brilliant reflections on an extraordinary range of subjects, establishing an enduring intellectual legacy. Columbia University Press's multivolume Prison Notebooks is the only complete critical edition of Antonio Gramsci's seminal writings in English. The notebooks' integral text gives readers direct access not only to Gramsci's influential ideas but also to the intellectual workshop where those ideas were forged. Extensive notes guide readers through Gramsci's extraordinary series of reflections on an encyclopedic range of topics. Volume 1 opens with an introduction to Gramsci's project, describing the circumstances surrounding the composition of his notebooks and examining his method of inquiry and critical analysis. It is accompanied by a detailed chronology of the author's life. An unparalleled translation of notebooks 1 and 2 follows, which laid the foundations for Gramsci's later writings. Most intriguing are his earliest formulations of the concepts of hegemony, civil society, and passive revolution.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Magic Thief: Home
Columbia University Press Prison Notebooks: Volume 3
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) is widely celebrated as the most original political thinker in Western Marxism and an all-around outstanding intellectual figure. Arrested and imprisoned by the Italian Fascist regime in 1926, Gramsci died before fully regaining his freedom. Nevertheless, in his prison notebooks, he recorded thousands of brilliant reflections on an extraordinary range of subjects, establishing an enduring intellectual legacy. Columbia University Press's multivolume Prison Notebooks is the only complete critical edition of Antonio Gramsci's seminal writings in English. The notebooks' integral text gives readers direct access not only to Gramsci's influential ideas but also to the intellectual workshop where those ideas were forged. Extensive notes guide readers through Gramsci's extraordinary series of reflections on an encyclopedic range of topics. Volume 3 contains notebooks 6, 7, and 8, in which Gramsci develops his concepts of hegemony, civil society, and the state; reflects extensively on the Renaissance, the Reformation, and Machiavelli's political philosophy; and offers a trenchant critique of the cultural and political practices of fascism. A detailed analysis of positivism and idealism brings Gramsci's philosophy of praxis and conception of historical materialism into sharp relief. Also included are the author's extensive observations on articles and books read during his imprisonment.
Mondadori Electa Real Pizza: Secrets of the Neapolitan Tradition
Featuring the recipes and techniques of eleven legendary Neapolitan pizza makers, this book reveals how to make authentic Neapolitan pizza at home. Wood-fired oven baking and fresh ingredients, such as San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, and extra virgin olive oil distinguish Neapolitan pizza from other pies. Chefs Enzo De Angelis and Antonio Sorrentino guide readers down narrow streets into the neighbourhoods of Naples, to hear the stories of the families who, generation after generation, were the creators of this culinary legend known and appreciated all over the world. Like Ciro Oliva, the owner of the pizzeria Da Concettina ai Tre Santi, carries on his family s tradition of pay-it-forward pizza, where customers pay for pizza for the hungry. Or the story of Luigi Condurro, a sixth-generation pizza maker whose family invented the Cosacca pizza as a gift to Czar Nicholas II on his visit to Naples. Enriched with anecdotes by the most revered pizza makers, this unique cookbook includes forty delicious, authentic recipes, including Pizza Capricciosa with mozzarella, ham, mushrooms, and black olives; Pizza Port Alba with mussels, clams, shrimp, and tomatoes; and Pizza Pear with smoked mozzarella di bufala, gorgonzola cheese, slices of pork, and pear. Complete with a practical dough tutorial for the home cook, this book is a must-have for Neapolitan pizza aficionados and novices everywhere.
Dalkey Archive Press Commission of Tears
António Lobo Antunes’s twenty-fifth novel, Commission of Tears (2011, Comissão das Lágrimas) is set during the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002). Angola attained official independence on November 11, 1975 and, while the stage was set for transition, a combination of ethnic tensions and international pressures rendered Angola’s hard-won victory problematic. As with many post-colonial states, Angola was left with both economic and social difficulties which translated into a power struggle between the three predominant liberation movements. The People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), formed in December of 1956 as an offshoot of the Angolan Communist Party, had as its support base the Ambundu people and was largely supported by other African countries, Cuba, and the Soviet Union.In this novel, Lobo Antunes delves into this traumatic period of Angola's history through the fragmented memories and dreams of a broken woman. The author drew from the story of the commander of the female battalion MPLA (Popular movement for the liberation of Angola) who was tortured and killed following the state coup of May 1977. It is said that while they tortured her she did not stop singing. This is the story of Cristina, admitted in to a psychiatric clinic in Lisbon. In her torrent of memories, dialogues and traumatic episodes, Cristina remembers her early childhood in Africa, at the time when everything inside her head was intertwined with her father´s voice, who was a former Black priest and became one of the torturers of the “Commission of Tears.” Cristina’s white mother, a cabaret dancer imported from Lisbon to entertain Portuguese farmers in Angola, marries the Black ex-priest because she finds herself pregnant with Cristina by her the man who exploits her, the cabaret manager. The long, twisting narrative weaves together the three voices of daughter, father, and mother as they recall the terrors of their life in Angola, and their own suffering. Their personal tragedies, scarred by racism and abuse, mirror those of the country that is being torn asunder around them.
Dalkey Archive Press The Splendor of Portugal
"The Splendor of Portugal"'s four narrators are members of a once well-to-do family whose plantation was lost in the Angolan War of Independence; the matriarch of this unhappiest of clans and her three adult children speak in a nightmarish, remorseless gush to give us the details of their grotesque family life. Like a character out of Faulkner's decayed south, the mother clings to the hope that her children will come back, save her from destitution, and restore the family's imagined former glory. The children, for their part, haven't seen each other in years, and in their isolation are tormented by feverish memories of Angola. The vitriol and self-hatred of the characters know no bounds, for they are at once victims and culprits, guilty of atrocities committed in the name of colonialism as well as the cruel humiliations and betrayals of their own kin. Antunes again proves that he is the foremost stylist of his generation, a fearless investigator into the worst excesses of the human animal.
Shantarin Message
Message, one of the greatest poems in the whole of Portuguese literature, was Fernando Pessoa's only book written in Portuguese to be published during his lifetime. It is out of an atmosphere of general European decline, and with unwavering focus on his own country in particular, that Pessoa orchestrates his Message: a telling of the great events and protagonists behind the genesis of Portugal, of the golden age of maritime discovery and of subsequent national entropy, all of it predictive and flowing towards the future construction of a new and different empire: the Fifth Empire, which, in the author's vision, would be a matrix of spirituality, messianism and millenarianism. Edited by António Apolinário Lourenço. Translation by Martin Earl and illustrations by Fatinha Ramos.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Biblical Scholarship in Louvain in the 'Golden' Sixteenth Century
Antonio Gerace dealt with the development of biblical scholarship in Louvain by analysing with seven authors who worked in the first part of the Sixteenth century and who are strictly linked to the Louvain milieu. In chronological order, they include Nicholas Tacitus Zegers (c.1495-1559), John Henten (1499-1566), Cornelius Jansenius of Ghent', Adam Sasbout, John Hessels (1522-1566), Thomas Stapleton, and Francis Lucas 'of Bruges'. Each author offered key-contributions that can effectively show the development of Catholic biblical scholarship in that period. This can be divided into three main thematic areas: 1) Text-criticism of the Latin Vulgate; 2) Exegesis of the Scriptures; and 3) Preaching of the Bible. Somehow, these three areas represent the 'study flow' of the Scriptures: the emendation of the Vulgate, aimed at restoring the text to a hypothetical 'original', and the philological approach to the Greek and Hebrew sources allowing for a better comprehension of the Bible. Such comprehension becomes the basis of commentaries made with the intention of explaining the meaning of the Scriptures to the faithful in the light of the Tradition. Furthermore, the Church needed to preach the Scriptures and their contents to the Catholic flock in order to safeguard them from any 'heretical' influence. Therefore, several homiletic works appeared so that priests could prepare their sermons appropriately. Therefore, Gerace divided his work into three parts, each devoted to one of the three research areas, following the 'study-flow' of the Scriptures.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Preparation & Properties of Monomers, Polymers & Composite Materials
Kalandraka De la cuna a la luna: Zapato
Nordica Libros El Coloquio de Los Perros
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Explainable AI with Python
This book provides a full presentation of the current concepts and available techniques to make “machine learning” systems more explainable. The approaches presented can be applied to almost all the current “machine learning” models: linear and logistic regression, deep learning neural networks, natural language processing and image recognition, among the others.Progress in Machine Learning is increasing the use of artificial agents to perform critical tasks previously handled by humans (healthcare, legal and finance, among others). While the principles that guide the design of these agents are understood, most of the current deep-learning models are "opaque" to human understanding. Explainable AI with Python fills the current gap in literature on this emerging topic by taking both a theoretical and a practical perspective, making the reader quickly capable of working with tools and code for Explainable AI.Beginning with examples of what Explainable AI (XAI) is and why it is needed in the field, the book details different approaches to XAI depending on specific context and need. Hands-on work on interpretable models with specific examples leveraging Python are then presented, showing how intrinsic interpretable models can be interpreted and how to produce “human understandable” explanations. Model-agnostic methods for XAI are shown to produce explanations without relying on ML models internals that are “opaque.” Using examples from Computer Vision, the authors then look at explainable models for Deep Learning and prospective methods for the future. Taking a practical perspective, the authors demonstrate how to effectively use ML and XAI in science. The final chapter explains Adversarial Machine Learning and how to do XAI with adversarial examples.
University of Toronto Press The First Voyage around the World, 1519-1522: An Account of Magellan's Expedition
On 10 August 1519, five ships departed from Seville for what was to become the first circumnavigation of the globe. Linked by fame to the name of its captain, Magellan, much of the expedition is known through the travelogue of one of the few crew members who returned to Spain, Antonio Pigafetta. A narrative and cartographic record of the journey (including 23 hand-drawn watercolour charts) from Patagonia to Indonesia, from the Philippines to the Cape of Good Hope, Pigafetta's The First Voyage around the World is a classic of discovery and exploration literature. This volume is based on the critical edition by Antonio Canova. It includes an extensive introduction to the work and generous annotations by Theodore J. Cachey Jr who discusses the marvelous elements of the story through allusions to Magellan's travels made by writers as diverse as Shakespeare and Gabriel García Márquez. However, Cachey is careful to point out that Pigafetta's book is far from just a marvel-filled travel narrative. The First Voyage around the World is also a remarkably accurate ethnographic and geographical account of the circumnavigation, and one that has earned its reputation among modern historiographers and students of the early contacts between Europe and the East Indies. Expertly presented and handsomely illustrated, this edition of Pigafetta's classic travelogue is sure to enlighten new readers and invigorate the imagination as the story has done since it first appeared.
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Mecánica de fluidos
Esta obra ha sido galardonada con uno de los Premios de la Fundación General de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid como mejor libro de texto universitario y también con el Premio José Morillo y Farfán 2006 por su caracter docente. Presenta una introducción a la mecánica de fluidos, destinada fundamentalmente a estudiantes de ingeniería. Se han intercalado abundantes ejemplos y problemas de manera que el lector pueda comprender mejor las consideraciones teóricas y al mismo tiempo ver las aplicaciones de interés. La mayor parte de estos ejercicios han sido propuestos como examen en la E.T.S.I. Industriales de la UPM. Se ha utilizado un estilo directo, claro y lo más simple posible, tratando de conservar el rigor, para que el lector pueda estudiar y comprender de forma fidedigna los aspectos más importantes y fundamentales de la Mecánica de Fluidos y sus aplicaciones.
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) No hay problema 5
Método EOSEdad/Nivel: 5 de PrimariaCuadernos de trabajo cuyo objetivo es la Resolución de Problemas Aritméticos atendiendo a su dificultad por su estructura semántica..De una manera muy didáctica se enseña al niño estrategias para afrontar y resolver los problemas aritméticos propios del currículo de ese curso. En este cuaderno aparecen fundamentalmente problemas de cambio, de comparación, de igualación, de partición comparación, de cuotición comparación, de multiplicación razón, de división razón y de razonamiento transitivo 2.