Search results for ""Author Albert"
HarperCollins Publishers Freedom
A profound rumination on the concept of freedom from the bestselling author of The Perfect Storm 'Sebastian Junger bears witness to a hard-won and an uncertain new world, framed in vital and brilliant prose: a true and honest accounting of everything that underlies the frantic performance of life’ Philip Hoare, author of Albert and the Whale Throughout history, humans have been driven by the quest for two cherished ideals: community and freedom. The two don’t coexist easily: we value individuality and self-reliance, yet are utterly dependent on community for our most basic needs. In this intricately crafted and thought-provoking book, Sebastian Junger examines this tension that lies at the heart of what it means to be human. For much of a year, Junger and three friends—a conflict photographer and two Afghan war vets—walked the railroad lines of the east coast. It was an experiment in personal autonomy, but also in interdependence. Dodging railroad cops, sleeping under bridges, cooking over fires and drinking from creeks and rivers, the four men forged a unique reliance on one another. In Freedom, Junger weaves his account of this journey together with primatology and boxing strategy, the role of women in resistance movements and apache renegrades, and the brutal reality of life on the Pennsylvania frontier. Written in exquisite, razor-sharp prose, the result is a powerful examination of the primary desire that defines us.
James Currey Faith, Power and Family: Christianity and Social Change in French Cameroon
Finalist for the 2019 Albert J. Raboteau Prize for Best Book in Africana Religions An innovative study of Christianity and society in Cameroon that illuminates the history of faith and cultural transformation among societies living under French rule 1914 to 1939. Between the two World Wars, the radical innovations of African Catholic and Protestant evangelists repurposed Christianity to challenge local and foreign governments operating in the French-administered League of Nations Mandate of Cameroon. Walker-Said explores how African believers transformed foreign missionary societies into profoundly local religious institutions with indigenous ecclesiastical hierarchies and devotional social and charitable networks,devising novel authority structures to control resources and govern cultural and social life. She analyses how African Christian religious leaders transformed social and labour relations, contesting forced labour and authoritarian decentralized governance as threats to family stability and community integrity. Inspired by Catholic and Protestant doctrines on conjugal complementarity and social equilibrium, as well as by local spiritual and charismatic movements, African Christians re-evaluated and renovated family and community authority structures to address the devastating changes colonialism wrought in the private sphere. The history of these reform-minded believers reveals howfamily intimacies and kinship ties constituted the force of community resistance to oppression and also demonstrates the relevance of faith in the midst of a tumultuous series of forces arising out of the colonial situation peculiar to Cameroon.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Dryden Interviews
These interviews were conducted by Windy Dryden with different counsellors and psychotherapists on a variety of topics. The interviewees and subjects include Albert Ellis, Jill Sinclair, Arnold Lazarus, Patricia Milner, Brian Thorne and John Cobb.
Astra Publishing House The Perfect Split
Each read-aloud book in the Mouse Math series focuses on a single, basic math concept and features adorable mice, Albert and Wanda, who live in a People House. Entertaining fiction stories capture kids’ imaginations as the mice learn about numbers, shapes, sizes and more. Over 3 million copies sold worldwide! Melty's has games! Pizza! Prizes! Albert and Leo promise to split everything evenly, from the food to the tickets to the prizes. But some things just can't be split. When it comes to one special prize--winner takes all! Every Mouse Math title includes back matter activities that support and extend reading comprehension and math skills, plus free online activities. (Math concept: Equal to, less than, greater than). Beautifully illustrated with stunning pictures and cute characters
University of Nebraska Press Uncivil War: Intellectuals and Identity Politics during the Decolonization of Algeria, Second Edition
Uncivil War is a provocative study of the intellectuals who confronted the loss of France’s most prized overseas possession: colonial Algeria. Tracing the intellectual history of one of the most violent and pivotal wars of European decolonization, James D. Le Sueur illustrates how key figures such as Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Germaine Tillion, Jacques Soustelle, Raymond Aron, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Albert Memmi, Frantz Fanon, Mouloud Feraoun, Jean Amrouche, and Pierre Bourdieu agonized over the “Algerian question.” As Le Sueur argues, these individuals and others forged new notions of the nation and nationalism, giving rise to a politics of identity that continues to influence debate around the world. This edition features an important new chapter on the intellectual responses to the recent torture debates in France, the civil war in Algeria, and terrorism since September 11.
Medieval Institute Publications Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Northern Europe, 1080-1350: A Sourcebook
This sourcebook is designed to introduce students to the everyday lives of the Jews who lived in the German Empire, northern France and England from the 11th to the mid-14th centuries. The volume consists of translations of primary sources written by or about medieval Jews, each source accompanied by an introduction that provides historical context. Through the sources, students can become familiar with the spaces that Jews frequented, their daily practices and rituals and their thinking. The subject matter ranges from culinary preferences and even details of sexual lives, to garments, objects and communal buildings. The documents testify to how Jews enacted their Sabbath and holidays, celebrated their weddings, births and other lifecycle events, and mourned their dead. Some of the sources focus on the relationships they had with their Christian neighbours, the local authorities and the Church, while others shed light on their economic activities and professions. With contributions by members of the "Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe" research team: Neta Bodner, Nureet Dermer, Aviya Doron, Miri Fenton, Etelle Kalaora, Albert Kohn, Andreas Lehnertz, Adi Namia-Cohen, Hannah Teddy Schachter and Amit Shafran.
Medieval Institute Publications Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Northern Europe, 1080-1350: A Sourcebook
This sourcebook is designed to introduce students to the everyday lives of the Jews who lived in the German Empire, northern France and England from the 11th to the mid-14th centuries. The volume consists of translations of primary sources written by or about medieval Jews, each source accompanied by an introduction that provides historical context. Through the sources, students can become familiar with the spaces that Jews frequented, their daily practices and rituals and their thinking. The subject matter ranges from culinary preferences and even details of sexual lives, to garments, objects and communal buildings. The documents testify to how Jews enacted their Sabbath and holidays, celebrated their weddings, births and other lifecycle events, and mourned their dead. Some of the sources focus on the relationships they had with their Christian neighbours, the local authorities and the Church, while others shed light on their economic activities and professions. With contributions by members of the "Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe" research team: Neta Bodner, Nureet Dermer, Aviya Doron, Miri Fenton, Etelle Kalaora, Albert Kohn, Andreas Lehnertz, Adi Namia-Cohen, Hannah Teddy Schachter and Amit Shafran.
Random House USA Inc Trailblazers: J.K. Rowling: Behind the Magic
Bring history home and meet some of the world's greatest game changers! Get inspired by the true story of the author of Harry Potter--the bestselling book series of all time! This biography series is for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.On July 22, 2008, J. K. Rowling shattered world records. With 8.3 million books sold in the US alone within a day of its release, the last installment in the Harry Potter series seemed like a thing of magic. From a childhood spent telling stories to writing the first Harry Potter book in cafés while her baby slept, J. K. Rowling's life is a tale of imagination and dedication. Find out how this girl who loved fantasy blazed a trail in children's books!Trailblazers is a biography series that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. Get inspired by more Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, Beyoncé, and Simone Biles. What kind of trail will you blaze?
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Reluctant Assassin (WARP Book 1)
The Matrix meets Oliver Twist, WARP: The Reluctant Assassin is the first of a major new series by Eoin Colfer, the bestselling author of Artemis Fowl.It all began with the FBI and WARP (Witness Anonymous Relocation Programme). Hiding witnesses in the past to protect the future - until now . . .Riley is a Victorian orphan, hurtled into the twenty-first century and on the run from his evil master . . .Albert Garrick, the terrifying assassin-for-hire pursuing Riley through time, along with . . .Chevie Savano, the FBI's youngest and most impulsive special agent.As Garrick relentlessly hunts them down, Riley and Chevie face a desperate race to stay alive and stop Garrick from returning to his own time - armed with knowledge and power that could change the world forever.Colfer has the ability to make you laugh twice over: first in sheer subversive joy at the inventiveness of the writing, and again at the energy of the humour - Sunday TimesReaders mourning the end of the Artemis Fowl series can take heart: this first book in the time-bending WARP series is an all-out blast. - Publishers Weekly
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Battleship Bismarck: A Design and Operational History
This new book on _Bismarck_ offers a forensic analysis of the design, operation and loss of Germany's greatest battleship and draws on survivors' accounts and the authors" combined decades of experience in naval architecture and command at sea. Their investigation into every aspect of this battleship has taken fifty-six years of painstaking research, during which time they conducted extensive interviews and corresponded with the ship's designers and the survivors of the battle of the Denmark Strait and Bismarck's final battle. Albert Schnarke, for instance, the former gunnery officer of _Tirpitz_, _Bismarck_'s sister ship, aided the authors greatly by translating and supplying manuscript materials from those who had participated in the design and operations. Survivors of _Bismarck_'s engagements contributed to this comprehensive study including D B H Wildish, RN, damage control officer aboard HMS _Prince of Wales_, who located photographs of battle damage to his ship. After the wreck of _Bismarck_ was discovered in June 1989, the authors served as technical consultants to Dr Robert Ballard, who led three trips to the site. Film maker and explorer James Cameron has contributed a chapter, which gives the reader a comprehensive overview of his deep-sea explorations on _Bismarck_ and it is illustrated with his team's remarkable photographs of the wreck. The result of nearly six decades of research and collaboration, this new work is an engrossing and encyclopaedic account of the events surrounding one of the most epic naval battles of World War Two. And _Battleship Bismarck_ finally resolves some of the major questions around her career, not least the most profound one of all: Who sank the _Bismarck,_ the British or the Germans?'
Gallup Press Living Your Strengths
Even in a country as religious as the U.S., many people feel disengaged from their faith communities. More than half report that they really don't get the opportunity in their congregation to do what they do best. People just feel disconnected. Maybe it's because those faith communities make unwitting missteps: Pastors ask shy people to be Greeters, or recruit innately disorganized people to coordinate church events. The problem is simply this: Too many people's talents are going unappreciated. But it doesn't have to be this way. Living Your Strengths shows readers how to use their innate gifts to enrich their faith communities. The book --- written by onetime pastors Albert Winseman and Curt Liesveld, and Donald O. Clifton, co-author of the national bestseller Now, Discover Your Strengths --- shows people how to identify and affirm their talents, and how to use them for growth and service. Most importantly, Living Your Strengths helps people discover their true calling.
Astra Publishing House A Mousy Mess
Each read-aloud book in the Mouse Math series focuses on a single, basic math concept and features adorable mice, Albert and Wanda, who live in a People House. Entertaining fiction stories capture kids’ imaginations as the mice learn about numbers, shapes, sizes and more. Over 3 million copies sold worldwide!While the cat's away, the mice will visit the playroom! But when all the toys come tumbling down, can Albert sort them back into the right bins before the People come home? Every Mouse Math title includes back matter activities that support and extend reading comprehension and math skills, plus free online activities. (Math concept: Sorting)
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) History and Legacy of Isotype
Christopher Burke is a design historian and Associate Professor in the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading, UK. He is Research Fellow on the project Isotype: Origin, Development, and Legacy', based at the University of Vienna, Austria, and he co-curated the exhibition Isotype: International Picture Language' at the Victoria and Albert Museum, UK. He co-edited Otto Neurath's autobiography, From Hieroglyphics to Isotype (2010), and the collection Isotype: Design and Contexts 1925 1971 (2013).Günther Sandner is a political scientist and historian. He is FWF Research Fellow at the Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna, Austria, where he leads the project Isotype: Origin, Development, and Legacy'. He has written numerous essays on the topics of Isotype and logical empiricism and is the author of Otto Neurath, a biography, published in 2014.
University of Wisconsin Press Exodus and Its Aftermath: Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Interior
During World War II, some two million Jewish refugees relocated from the western regions of the USSR to the Soviet interior. Citizens in the Central Asian territories were at best indifferent—and at worst openly hostile—toward these migrants. Unpopular policies dictated that residents house refugees and share their limited food and essentials with these unwelcome strangers. When the local population began targeting the newcomers, Soviet authorities saw the antisemitic violence as discontentment with the political system itself and came down hard against it. Local authorities, however, were less concerned with the discrimination, focusing instead on absorbing large numbers of displaced people while also managing regional resentment during the most difficult years of the war. Despite the lack of harmonious integration, party officials spread the myth that they had successfully assimilated over ten million evacuees. Albert Kaganovitch reconstructs the conditions that gave rise to this upsurge in antisemitic sentiment and provides new statistical data on the number of Jewish refugees who lived in the Urals, Siberia, and Middle Volga areas. The book’s insights into the regional distribution and concentration of these ÉmigrÉs offer a behind-the-scenes look at the largest and most intensive Jewish migration in history.
Running Press,U.S. On The Shoulders Of Giants
World-renowned physicist and bestselling author Stephen Hawking presents a revolutionary look at the momentous discoveries that changed our perception of the world with this first-ever compilation of seven classic works on physics and astronomy. His choice of landmark writings by some of the world's great thinkers traces the brilliant evolution of modern science and shows how each figure built upon the genius of his predecessors. On the Shoulders of Giants includes, in their entirety, On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres by Nicolaus Copernicus Principia by Sir Isaac Newton The Principle of Relativity by Albert Einstein Dialogues Concerning Two Sciences by Galileo Galilei with Alfonso De Salvio plus Mystery of the Cosmos, Harmony of the World, and Rudolphine Tables by Johannes Kepler. It also includes five critical essays and a biography of each featured physicist, written by Hawking himself.
Peeters Publishers A Thirteenth-century Textbook of Mystical Theology at the University of Paris: The "Mystical Theology" of Dionysius the Aeropagite in Rriugena's Latin Translation with the Scholia Translated by Anastasius the Librarian and Excerpts from Eri
The luminaries of late thirteenth-century Europe took great interest in the mysterious fifth-century author known as Dionysius the Areopagite. They typically read Dionysius not in the original Greek, but in a Latin edition prepared sometime in the middle of the thirteenth century. This edition, which appeared first in Paris and later circulated all over Western Europe, was no mere translation. In addition to the famous translation made by Eriugena in the ninth century, it contained translations of scholia on the Dionysian texts made by Anastasius the Librarian, alternative readings provided by Anastasius and other Latin readers, as well as excerpts from Eriugena's own theological masterwork, the A"PeriphyseonA". University scholars such as Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas thus learned Dionysian mystical theology not only from his text, but from the seven-hundred year interpretive tradition that literally surrounded it on the page.
Faber Music Ltd The Wright PianoForte Tutor
The Wright PianoForte Tutor by Albert H. Oswald is the ‘Wright’ way to learn the piano. With introductory notes from Wilhem Backhaus and Horatio Nicholls, this classic piano tutor introduces the learner to the rudiments of music, finger exercises and scales, and provides a wealth of repertoire in a variety of styles.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Radio Frequency Principles and Applications: The Generation, Propagation, and Reception of Signals and Noise
Now, in a single convenient volume, you can have all the information you need on real-world applications of electromagnetic theory, including the prediction, analysis, and measurement of electromagnetic fields and their effects. RADIO FREQUENCY PRINCIPLES and APPLICATIONS will guide you from the basics of electromagnetic theory to the full range of new and vital applications.Author Albert A. Smith, Jr. provides a wealth of practical information in an accessible style, without using obtuse theory or requiring complex mathematical derivations.This exceptionally "readable" text ties together the various related topics in a logical development, and the material flows from the fundamentals of electromagnetic fields to areas of practical application. The numerous figures provide helpful illustrations, and the appendicies offer additional mathematical details.This book will be of particular use to engineers working in the many diverse fields relating to the application of electromagnetic concepts, including engineers involved in RF technology, EMC, radio wave propagation, antennas, radio frequency environments, wireless communications, microwaves, and space systems.Professors: To request an examination copy simply e-mail by:IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.
David & Charles Mood Crystals: A Hands-on Guide to Managing Your Emotional Wellbeing with Crystals
Embrace the transformative journey of Mood Crystals and find balance, clarity, and inner peace. In this unique book, explore the profound themes of emotional intelligence and crystal guidance. Unlock the power of crystals as they become your teachers, showing you how to maintain, enhance, and alter your moods through their energetic signatures. Tap into practical exercises and deep practices that will evolve your emotional wellbeing, from courageous moments to reduced anxiety and heightened compassion. Inside Mood Crystals, you will learn: How to engage with the right stones at the right time, controlling and regulating your frame of mind. Powerful practices like meditations, journaling, and conscious crystal dreaming to unlock the stones' power. Discover patterns and record experiences as crystals help you on your journey. Explore 50 emotional states and engage in practical rituals to balance these emotions. Authored by certified experts Christel Alberez and Nerissa Alberts, who possess over a decade of experience in Crystal Resonance Therapy™, this book is a transformative guide to cultivating emotional intelligence and consciously practicing with crystals. Get ready to awaken your senses and embark on a crystal-infused adventure.
Quercus Publishing Tell Me Everything
'Glorious, hilarious and life affirming . . . I absolutely loved it' - EMMA HUGHES, author of No Such Thing As Perfect Would you entrust your life choices to someone hell-bent on avoiding theirs?Natasha has everything under control, at least that's what her clients think. As a therapist, she has all the answers but when it comes to her personal life, she seriously needs to start taking her own advice.Still living with her ex-girlfriend, Natasha's messy love life is made up of dates and one-night stands. After all, why would you commit to one person, when there is an endless stream of people waiting for you to swipe right? Besides, people always leave.But when Margot arrives on the scene, everything changes. Flailing between mending long broken relationships and starting new ones, Natasha's walking the line between self-actualisation and self-destruction... With denial no longer an option, it is time for Natasha to take control of her own happiness.~*~ PRAISE FOR TELL ME EVERYTHING ~*~'A captivating read from a truly exciting talent' - JUSTIN MYERS, author of The Fake-Up'Truly joyful and uplifting . . . this is a big-hearted story about what really matters in life: friends, family and love' - LUCY DIAMOND, author of Anything Could Happen'I loved this. . . It reminded me in tone of Steven Rowley's writing. It's clever, uplifting, and funny, but also balances heavier topics like emotional trauma and commitment issues. It was a very bright, lovely read' - EMILY AUSTIN, author of Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead'Tell Me Everything is a book that reads like a crush, all summer and exuberance with a tight, intelligent kernel of anxiety at its core' - MIKAELLA CLEMENTS & ONJULI DATTA, authors of The View Was Exhausting'Hilarious, tender and romantic . . . with characters you'll wish were real and an ending that will leave you fully uplifted' - CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN, author of The Staycation'It's sweet, sexy, funny and full of adorable characters . . . The kind of book that makes you feel like everything's going to be alright!' - MATT CAIN, author of The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle'Laura Kay's writing is so warm and open-hearted, but also has a dry wit that makes you snort with delighted recognition' - LILY LINDON, author of Double Booked
International Monographs in Prehistory The Dutch Hunebedden: Megalithic Tombs of the Funnel Beaker Culture
Hunebedden are the megalithic tombs of the Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture in the Netherlands. Jan Albert Bakker is one of the few archaeologists in Holland to have excavated a Dutch megalithic tomb, and here he not only draws on and presents the knowledge acquired through excavations, but gives also an overview of the history of Dutch megalithic tomb investigations and an abundantly illustrated compendium of data on all the known megalithic tombs in Holland.
Pan Macmillan I Kissed Shara Wheeler
Casey McQuiston’s I Kissed Shara Wheeler is about breaking the rules, getting messy, and finding love in unexpected places. Perfect for fans of Heartstopper, this is the debut YA queer rom-com from the bestselling author of Red, White and Royal Blue.'A razor-sharp, intensely compassionate, subversive, sweet, electrifyingly romantic knockout of a book' – Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs the Homo Sapiens AgendaA month before graduating, the principal’s perfect daughter, prom queen Shara Wheeler, kisses Chloe Green – and vanishes.On a furious hunt for answers, Chloe discovers she’s not the only one Shara kissed. There’s also Smith, Shara’s long-time sweetheart, and Rory, Shara’s bad-boy neighbour with a crush.Thrown into an unlikely alliance, Chloe, Smith and Rory follow Shara’s trail of annoyingly cryptic clues, and Chloe starts to suspect that there might be more to this small town – and to Shara – than she thought . . .This edition includes brand new bonus content, giving behind-the-scenes insight into Casey's creative process.
Batsford Ltd London Buildings Colouring Book
This exquisite colouring book, a design object in its own right, contains 45 stylish line illustrations of London's most iconic buildings, created by influential design duo Robin Farquhar and Hannah Dipper of People Will Always Need Plates. These outstanding graphic illustrations, with their clean lines, are just waiting for a touch of colour to bring them to life and make your own. Whether you've got a spare 10 minutes on your commute to work or a few lazy hours on a Sunday, you can paint the town red, yellow, blue, or any other colours you want! This fabulous collection covers a range of architectural styles, from Sir Christopher Wren's 1675 Greenwich Royal Observatory to Richard Rogers' 2000 Montevetro development, taking in the glorious 19th-century Victoria and Albert Museum, 1920s modernist masterpieces such as the Isokon Building and 1960s concrete brutalist icons like the National Theatre. Buildings of all types are included, from art galleries to gas holders to tower blocks. The authors have included some of the images for which they are best known, such as those of the Trellick Tower and the Barbican, but the book also contains a selection of new images. Each is accompanied by succinct text that sums up why the authors love the buildings they depict. Includes a foreword by design expert Max Fraser.
Chronicle Books On Wings of Words
An inspiring and kid-accessible biography of one of the world's most famous poets. Emily Dickinson, who famously wrote "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul," is brought to life in this moving story. In a small New England town lives Emily Dickinson, a girl in love with small things—a flower petal, a bird, a ray of light, a word. In those small things, her brilliant imagination can see the wide world—and in her words, she takes wing. From celebrated children's author Jennifer Berne comes a lyrical and lovely account of the life of Emily Dickinson: her courage, her faith, and her gift to the world. With Dickinson's own inimitable poetry woven throughout, this lyrical biography is not just a tale of prodigious talent, but also of the power we have to transform ourselves and to reach one another when we speak from the soul. • Fantastic educational opportunity to share Emily Dickinson's story and poetry with young readers • An inspirational real-life story that will appeal to children and adults alike. • Jennifer Berne is the author of critically acclaimed children's biographies of Albert Einstein and Jacques Cousteau. Fans who enjoyed Emily Writes: Emily Dickinson and her Poetic Beginnings, Emily and Carlo, and Uncle Emily will love On Wings of Words. • Books for kids ages 6–9 • Poetry for children • Biographies for children
Trinity University Press,U.S. The Kronkosky Foundation Story: Creating Profound Good through Community Philanthropy
The Kronkosky Foundation Story provides a broad review of the twenty-five-year history of the Albert and Bessie Mae Kronkosky Charitable Foundation. Albert and Bessie Mae Kronkosky were committed to creating a legacy of “profound good” through charitable giving across four Texas counties that were dear to their hearts. The private foundation, formed in 1995 with a mission focused on health and human services (especially for children and the elderly), arts, and culture, has had a significant impact on San Antonio and the surrounding area. The book recounts the Kronkosky family’s history and how they came into the wealth that eventually led to the foundation’s creation. The nonprofit organization’s story is one of exemplary management and wide-ranging positive impact on a community, and an examination of how local giving has changed in recent decades. The Kronkosky Charitable Foundation exists in perpetuity, and their story stands as a testament to philanthropic commitment to a community.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The King's Birthday Suit
Incredibly clever and funny - Picture Book Snob Just brilliant - Rascals and Rainbows Young readers will love this hilarious twist on a classic tale - GCBG Blog ------------------------------------------------------- King Albert-Horatio-Otto the Third had SO many clothes it was simply absurd … So when two seemingly well-meaning fabric merchants promise to make an outfit of only the very BEST and most special cloth, King Albert-Horatio-Otto the Third simply cannot resist. He MUST have these new clothes! Surely, the unquestionably charitable and not-at-all-suspicious-looking tailors are genuine, and the King won't end up looking red-cheeked … ? This funny and timely retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's classic fable 'The Emperor's New Clothes' will not only make children laugh, but also encourage them to think and speak up for what they believe.
Faber & Faber War Horse
I want you to do yourself proud, Joey. You go and drive those Germans back where they've come from, and then come home to me. At the outbreak of World War one, Joey, young Albert's beloved horse, is sold to the cavalry and shipped to France. Caught up in enemy fire, fate takes Joey on an extraordinary odyssey, serving on both sides before finding himself alone in no man's land. But Albert cannot forget Joey and, still not old enough to enlist, he embarks on a treacherous mission to find him and bring him home. Nick Stafford's adaptation for the stage of the celebrated novel by the Children's Laureate (2003-05) Michael Morpurgo leads us on a gripping journey through history. War Horse premiered at the National Theatre, London, in October 2007.
Fly on the Wall Press New Gillion Street
Straight-laced and content with the comforts of his home on politically-neutral Neo-Yuthea, Albert Smith leads a quiet and unremarkable life. His days are filled with sipping tea with his beloved wife and tending to his cherished garden-a picture of tranquillity in an otherwise chaotic universe. Little does he know that destiny has extraordinary plans in store for him. When Mr. Zand, an agent of extra-terrestrial chaos, launches his mayoral campaign, the once peaceful colony faces uncertain and unsettling times. Striking deaths attributed to mysterious forest creatures, forced arranged marriages, and a looming threat of suppressing secret garden meetings propel the community toward the edge of turmoil. In the face of this encroaching darkness, Albert and his neighbours must band together to resist oppression and fight for their freedom before their world collapses.
Harvard University Press The Falling Sky Words of a Yanomami Shaman
Anthropologist Bruce Albert captures the poetic voice of Davi Kopenawa, shaman and spokesman for the Yanomami of the Brazilian Amazon, in this unique reading experience—a coming-of-age story, historical account, and shamanic philosophy, but most of all an impassioned plea to respect native rights and preserve the Amazon rainforest.
The University Press of Kentucky Burgoo, Barbecue, and Bourbon: A Kentucky Culinary Trinity
Burgoo, barbecue, and bourbon have long been acknowledged as a trinity of good taste in Kentucky. Known as the gumbo of the Bluegrass, burgoo is a savory stew that includes meat - usually smoked - from at least one "bird of the air," at least one "beast of the field," and as many vegetables as the cook wants to add. Often you'll find this dish paired with one of the Commonwealth's other favorite exports, bourbon, and the state's distinctive barbecue.Award-winning author and chef Albert W. A. Schmid serves up a feast for readers in Burgoo, Barbecue, and Bourbon, sharing recipes and lore surrounding these storied culinary traditions. He introduces readers to new and forgotten versions of favorite regional dishes from the time of Daniel Boone to today and uncovers many lost recipes, such as Mush Biscuits, Kentucky Tombstone Pudding, and the Original Kentucky Whiskey Cake. He also highlights classic bourbon drinks that pair well with burgoo and barbecue, including Moon Glow, Bourbaree, and the Hot Tom and Jerry. Featuring cuisine from the early American frontier to the present day, this entertaining book is filled with fascinating tidbits and innovative recipes for the modern cook.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Epochs and Styles: Selected Writings on the New Testament, Greek Language and Greek Culture in the Post-Classical Era
This book contains essays by Albert Wifstrand, most of which have previously only been published in Swedish. The author brings his range of learning and insight to bear on fundamental questions regarding the Greek of the New Testament. By bringing a full range of stylistic, grammatical and socio-historical data into consideration, Wifstrand finds a place for the language of the New Testament within the evolution of post-classical Greek. This includes full appreciation of the so-called classicistic renaissance in language and culture in the early Empire and its influence on the development of later Greek. Wifstrand's firm grasp of the full history of the Greek language and culture from classical to Byzantine times allows him to offer original insights into the difference between Greek and modern prose style. In the course of his discussions, he also offers insightful analysis of how the Greeks viewed the Romans, the ancient views of the child, and how ancient cosmology was related to their conception of the entire universe. Writers that he treats in detail include the New Testament authors of Luke and Acts, the Epistles of James and Peter, Melito, and Galen, among others.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Modern Spanish Women as Agents of Change: Essays in Honor of Maryellen Bieder
This volume brings together cutting-edge research on modern Spanish women as writers, activists, and embodiments of cultural change, and simultaneously honors Maryellen Bieder’s invaluable scholarly contribution to the field. The essays are innovative in their consideration of lesser-known women writers, focus on women as political activists, and use of post-colonialism, queer theory, and spatial theory to examine the period from the Enlightenment until World War II. The contributors study women as agents and representations of social change in a variety of genres, including short stories, novels, plays, personal letters, and journalistic pieces. Canonical authors such as Emilia Pardo Bazán, Leopoldo Alas “Clarín,” and Carmen de Burgos are considered alongside lesser known writers and activists such as María Rosa Gálvez, Sofía Tartilán, and Caterina Albert i Paradís. The critical analyses are situated within their specific socio-historical context, and shed new light on nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Spanish literature, history, and culture. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Walker Books Ltd When the World Tips Over
An explosive new novel brimming with love, secrets, and enchantment by Jandy Nelson, the New York Times bestselling author of I'll Give You the Sun.I am fervently in love with this brave, funny, tender, exuberant beating heart of a book. Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens AgendaWelcome to Paradise Springs, Northern California a hot, dusty, half-magical, wine-country town where there are so many grapes fermenting at one time, you get drunk from breathing the air; where devil winds blow so hard they whip your sense away. A town where every fairy tale you''ve ever read could be set ... and home to the family Falls.When a strange, enigmatic, rainbow-haired girl shows up in their fantastical hometown, it sends the lives of Fall brothers Wynton and Miles and their sister Dizzy into tumult. With road trips, rivalries, family curses, love stories within love stories within love
Random House USA Inc Trailblazers: J.K. Rowling: Behind the Magic
Bring history home and meet some of the world's greatest game changers! Get inspired by the true story of the author of Harry Potter--the bestselling book series of all time! This biography series is for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.On July 22, 2008, J. K. Rowling shattered world records. With 8.3 million books sold in the US alone within a day of its release, the last installment in the Harry Potter series seemed like a thing of magic. From a childhood spent telling stories to writing the first Harry Potter book in cafés while her baby slept, J. K. Rowling's life is a tale of imagination and dedication. Find out how this girl who loved fantasy blazed a trail in children's books!Trailblazers is a biography series that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. Get inspired by more Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, Beyoncé, and Simone Biles. What kind of trail will you blaze?
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Book of Days
A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message Hello Everybody! Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith's world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she's reading, the graves of beloved heroes - William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus. Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith's unique aesthetic in images that chart
Faber & Faber Exiles: Three Island Journeys
A luminous exploration of exile - the people who have experienced it, and the places they inhabit - from the award-winning travel writer and author of The Immeasurable World and The Moor. 'Breathtakingly good . . . Exiles is completely sui generis.'EDMUND DE WAAL'Atkins spins a marvellous tapestry of colourful tales, beautifully weaving history and travel accounts.'ANDREA WULF, author of The Invention of Nature'A volume for our times.'SARA WHEELER, THE SPECTATORThis is the story of three unheralded nineteenth-century dissidents, whose lives were profoundly shaped by the winds of empire, nationalism and autocracy that continue to blow strongly today: Louise Michel, a leader of the radical socialist government known as the Paris Commune; Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo, an enemy of British colonialism in Zululand; and Lev Shternberg, a militant campaigner against Russian tsarism.In Exiles, William Atkins travels to their islands of banishment - Michel's New Caledonia in the South Pacific, Dinuzulu's St Helena in the South Atlantic, and Shternberg's Sakhalin off the Siberian coast - in a bid to understand how exile shaped them and the people among whom they were exiled. In doing so he illuminates the solidarities that emerged between the exiled subject, on the one hand, and the colonised subject, on the other. Rendering these figures and the places they were forced to occupy in shimmering detail, Atkins reveals deeply human truths about displacement, colonialism and what it means to have and to lose a home.Occupying the fertile zone where history, biography and travel writing meet, Exiles is a masterpiece of imaginative empathy.'A fascinating study of exile and its effects.'OBSERVER'[Atkins] is humane, humble, and empathetic . . . beautiful and moving.'ILYA KAMINSKY, author of Deaf Republic and Dancing in Odessa'An incredible, brilliant act of retrieval.'PHILIP HOARE, author of Albert & the Whale'Thrilling.' FINANCIAL TIMES'A finely crafted and lyrical meditation.' TLS'Gracefully written . . . Brilliant.' THE ECONOMIST'Rarely has a book been more timely.' HISTORY TODAY***Read The Moor and The Immeasureable World for more award-winning writing from William Atkins
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga Antología poética
En la presente Antología se recoge toda la obra poética de Nacho Albert Bordallo, poeta fallecido en Malaga en el año 2017, dicha obra fue premiada en su mayoría, como uno de los mejores ejemplos de su gran dominio del lenguaje, y su sensibilidad, especial y apasionante.
Stanford University Press Friendship
For the past half century, Maurice Blanchot has been an extraordinarily influential figure on the French literary and cultural scene. He is arguably the key figure after Sartre in exploring the relation between literature and philosophy. This collection of 29 critical essays and reviews on art, politics, literature, and philosophy documents the wide range of Blanchot's interests, from the enigmatic paintings in the Lascaux caves to the atomic era. Essays are devoted to works of fiction (Louis-René des Forêts, Pierre Klossowski, Roger Laporte, Marguerite Duras), to autobiographies or testimonies (Michel Leiris, Robert Antelme, André Gorz, Franz Kafka), or to authors who are more than ever contemporary (Jean Paulhan, Albert Camus). Several essays focus on questions of Judaism, as expressed in the works of Edmond Jabès, Emmanuel Levinas, and Martin Buber. Among the other topics covered are André Malraux's "imaginary museum," the Pléiade Encyclopedia project of Raymond Queneau, paperback publishing, the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Benjamin's "Task of the Translator," Marx and communism, writings on the Holocaust, and the difference between art and writing. The book concludes with an eloquent invocation to friendship on the occasion of the death of Georges Bataille.
Paperblanks Asterix the Gaul (The Adventures of Asterix) Mini Lined Hardback Journal (Elastic Band Closure)
The Adventures of Asterix, our series in partnership with Les Éditions Albert René, channels the spirit of Asterix the Gaul from the celebrated comic book series. In these stories, Asterix, along with his friend Obelix and canine companion Dogmatix, ventures to lands near and far with unwavering ingenuity and just a little bit of magic potion.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC World War I Tales: The War Game
From the bestselling author of Horrible Histories, named 'the outstanding children's non-fiction author of the 20th century' by Books For Keeps _______________ Ideal for readers aged 7+ Stories of the First World War from the bestselling Terry Deary, author of the hugely successful Horrible Histories. Flanders, 1914. The German and British soldiers in the trenches make an unofficial Christmas truce, with carols and a football match. But the officers aren't happy... A veteran soldier and a young recruit are 'celebrating' Christmas in the trenches of Flanders in 1914. They hear the enemy sing carols and watch them place Christmas Trees in the trenches opposite. They begin to shout greetings across no-man's land and end up playing an international football match. The match is hard-fought but with moments of generosity and sportsmanship on both sides. They see the 'enemy' as vulnerable humans and the officers are furious. Further unofficial truces are banned and the war goes on with bullets instead of footballs. But it's a memory that stays with young Albert long after the war. A moving and fascinating look at a very human moment of the Great War, by the master historical storyteller. Book Band: Grey Quizzed for Accelerated Reader _______________ ‘Bubbling with wit, language play and robust dialogue....just the right mix of ingredients to trigger young readers' interest in all things historical’ - Books For Keeps
Amberley Publishing The Royal Marines and the War at Sea 1939-45
In The Royal Marines and the War at Sea 1939–45 military and naval historian Martin Watts records how marines fought at sea, their relationship with the Royal Navy, and the overall contribution they made to victory in the Second World War. Combining personal narrative with strategical, tactical and technical analysis, this book is centred on the career of the author’s great-uncle, Colour Sergeant Albert ‘Nobby’ Elliott, who saw active service in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Arctic and Indian Oceans. He was Mentioned in Despatches at the Second Battle of Sirte, took part in Operation Torch, and was a gun layer in HMS Jamaicawhen she took part in the sinking of the German battleship Scharnhorston Boxing Day 1943. Nobby finished the war recovering Allied prisoners of war from the south-west Pacific, and was present at the surrender of Japanese forces while on board HMS Glory.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company LSD — The Wonder Child: The Golden Age of Psychedelic Research in the 1950s
A detailed history of the blossoming of psychedelic research in the 1950s• Explores the different groups--from research labs to the military--who were seeking how best to utilize LSD and other promising psychedelics like mescaline • Reintroduces forgotten scientists like Robert Hyde and Rosalind Heywood • Looks at the CIA’s notorious top-secret mind-control program MKUltra • Reveals how intellectuals, philosophers, artists, and mystics of the 1950s used LSD to bring ancient rites into the modern ageExploring the initial stages of psychedelic study in Europe and America, Thomas Hatsis offers a full history of the psychedelic-fueled revolution in healing and consciousness expansion that blossomed in the 1950s--the first “golden age” of psychedelic research. Revealing LSD as a “wonder child” rather than Albert Hofmann’s infamous “problem child,” the author focuses on the extensive studies with LSD that took place in the ’50s. He explores the different groups--from research labs to the military to bohemian art circles--who were seeking how best to utilize LSD and other promising psychedelics like mescaline. Sharing the details of many primary source medical reports, the author examines how doctors saw LSD as a tool to gain access to the minds of schizophrenics and thus better understand the causes of mental illness.The author also looks at how the CIA believed LSD could be turned into a powerful mind-control weapon, including a full account of the notorious top-secret program MKUltra. Reintroducing forgotten scientists like Robert Hyde, the first American to take LSD, and parapsychologist Rosalind Heywood, who believed LSD and mescaline opened doors to mystical and psychic abilities, the author also discusses how the infl uences of Central American mushroom ceremonies and peyote rites crossbred with experimental Western mysticism during the 1950s, turning LSD from a possible madness mimicker or mind weapon into a sacramental medicine. Finally, he explores how philosophers, parapsychologists, and mystics sought to use LSD to usher in a new age of human awareness.
John Wiley & Sons Inc When: The Art of Perfect Timing
An elegant and counterintuitive guide to achieving perfect timing Timing is everything. Whether we are making strategic business decisions or the smallest personal choice, we must decide not only what to do, but when to do it. Act too early—or too late—and the results can be disastrous. Based on a 20-year investigation into more than 2,000 timing issues and errors, When presents a single and practical approach for dealing with timing in life and business. Good timing, Albert argues, is not just a matter of luck, intuition, or past experience—all of which may be unreliable—but a skill. He describes that skill and details the tools and methods needed to conduct a successful timing analysis. The book is the first to offer an efficient and comprehensive way to think through any timing issue Filled with dozens of lively stories illustrating good and bad timing in all walks of life—business, warfare, medicine, sports, entertainment and the arts Written by Stuart Albert, one of the foremost timing experts in the world and developer of the first practical, research-based method for turning the skill of timing into a competitive advantage Engaging and counterintuitive, When will show everyone, regardless of the work they do, or the life they live, that "it's all in the timing."
Penguin Books Ltd The Plague
The Plague is Albert Camus's world-renowned fable of fear and courageThe townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr Rieux, resist the terror.An immediate triumph when it was published in 1947, The Plague is in part an allegory of France's suffering under the Nazi occupation, and a story of bravery and determination against the precariousness of human existence.'A matchless fable of fear, courage and cowardice' Independent'Magnificent'The TimesAlbert Camus was born in Algeria in 1913. He studied philosophy in Algiers and then worked in Paris as a journalist. He was one of the intellectual leaders of the Resistance movement and, after the War, established his international reputation as a writer. His books include The Plague, The Just and The Fall, and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. Camus was killed in a road accident in 1960.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Pragmatism: An Introduction
In this comprehensive introduction, Albert Spencer presents a new story of the origins and development of American pragmatism, from its emergence through the interaction of European and Indigenous American cultures to its contemporary status as a diverse, vibrant, and contested global philosophy. Spencer explores the intellectual legacies of American pragmatism’s founders, Peirce and James, but also those of newly canonical figures such as Addams, Anzaldúa, Cordova, DuBois, and others crucial to its development. He presents the diversity of pragmatisms, old and new, by weaving together familiar and unfamiliar authors through shared themes, such as fallibilism, meliorism, pluralism, verification, and hope. Throughout, Spencer reveals American pragmatism's engagement with the consequences of US political hegemony, as versions of pragmatism arise in response to both the tragic legacies and the complicated benefits of colonialism. American Pragmatism is an indispensable guide for undergraduate students taking courses in pragmatism or American philosophy, for scholars wishing to develop their understanding of this thriving philosophical tradition, or for curious readers interested in the genealogy of American thought.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Christmas Poems
Christmas Poems is a pleasing and diverse selection of classic holiday poems that goes all the way back to an eclogue of Virgil, moves along to a wide range of authors such as Chaucer, Herbert, Longfellow, Dickinson, Paul Dunbar, Rilke, Yeats, William Carlos Williams, Robert Frost, E. E. Cummings, Kenneth Patchen, Thomas Merton, Wallace Stevens, Marie Ponsot, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Frank O’Hara, Denise Levertov, and Bernadette Mayer. Beautifully designed, this New Directions gem (originally published in the 1940s and reissued in the 1970s) rings with the deep sentiments of the season and just the right splash of holiday cheer. Christmas Poems comes with French flaps and is the perfect size for a stocking stuffer. Christmas Poems was originally edited by Albert M. Hayes and New Directions founder and publisher James Laughlin as A Wreath of Christmas Poems, and published as part of the "Poets of the Year" series in 1942. The collection was updated and revised in 1972, and selections for this newly revised 2008 edition have been chosen by the editorial staff at New Directions.
Vintage Publishing Hide My Eyes
A VINTAGE MURDER MYSTERY Agatha Christie called her ‘a shining light’. Have you discovered Margery Allingham, the 'true queen' of the classic murder mystery?In Hide My Eyes, private detective Albert Campion finds himself hunting down a serial killer. A spate of murders leaves him and his friend and colleague Inspector Luke, with only two baffling clues: a left-hand glove and a lizard-skin lettercase. However, a chain of strange events leads them to an odd museum of curiosities hidden in a quiet London neighbourhood where more is going on than meets the eye.As urbane as Lord Wimsey…as ingenious as Poirot… Meet one of crime fiction’s Great Detectives, Mr Albert Campion.
Gallic Books The Tumbling Girl
The first in a sharp, witty series of Victorian mystery novels, The Tumbling Girl sees an unlikely duo team up to solve a grisly spate of murders. 1876, Victorian London. Minnie Ward, the feisty scriptwriter for the Variety Palace Music Hall, is devastated when her best friend is found brutally murdered. She enlists the help of private detective Albert Easterbrook, who already has his hands full trying to catch the notorious Hairpin Killer. But Minnie can't help getting involved in the investigation, and as the bodies begin to pile up, Albert's burgeoning feelings for his amateur partner start to interfere... A dazzling debut for fans of Sarah Waters and Elizabeth Macneal, and shows like Miss Scarlet and the Duke.